37=Mole Help Wanted 44--For Rent ufo font SEER Sik | téquited, = need only a Pennyworth's won West. 2684 RIENCED truck driver Jared |p, by oil company. Write Box 924, Osh- awa Times. 22 AT ACTIVE six gory NOUEY EB Ad cas . Ht Jaws fof a Ay: a Abs 1 gi ent month. Aj J 5. Mek He McEvoy, | 1, reverse charges. ONE or two furnighed ed YOUNG MAN Well established firm oper- ating throughout U.S.A. and Canada has opening in Office for high-grade young man to do puiside contact interview work along investioation lines. No selling or collecting, no evernight travel. Permanent job. Salary with bonus and car allowance. Useless ta re- ply unless you have the fol- fowi qualifications: age 22-29, at least junior matric- ulation, use of car and some nowledge of typing. Write ta: P.O. BOX 31 OSHAWA 38--Male or Female Help Wanted For Flower Shop With some experience in floral arrangement. Write Box 815 Oshawa Times rd 268e LEARN TO OPERATE TOOL ROOM MACHINES Home or practical training. nd for free information Write direct $o:-- Head Office STANDARD ENGINEERI} INSTITUTE 1655 Bloor St Name Address Toronto. 267 n LL: eh peat CE tiled = rooms, 1 or heated, ground flopr. Phong RA 3 wei| buligaiow, fone |44--For Rent Woks GROUND flopr flat, thres front sii fy pHvate, or pi Tay Senverignies Phone RA fi: Albert Stree. AF e room| STK Ji| double |43=-Reel. don For Sele BY prick B Jey ve . Apply East, awa, Real Estate For Sole nel i house, large four-piece bath, ywmanville, $3000 sca th. o 3183, FE EE EE foams or hd ows, 'sont Ly + ag Fr Cejisa BOOM with si a | men, Rear Soul F Gat. Ea 5, of Ul five-roamn » ater months. BA 5-3131. = 22a THREE rooms, modern Sens, Rye bathreom, he: v4 ang LF ig "bath, Joighed ow Suit rs or two hi best an $65 monthly. 32 Mc- Laughlin Blvd. RA $6333, yoom apartment, Drew Street. CE! ALLY 3 Yi three NTL op , abet 3 vacant mow. RA 37344 room hou use 139 Apert able tenani Rom far rent. Apply Phone RA 35-6662. ne So in Simcoe Manor. Furnished or ua- furnished. New stove and refrigerator. Available December 1. Phone BA 5-452. TWD large, warm rooms, completely self-contained PRL 272% A bungalow, six breadiopm, en [A op Fi rie fu Ehong M ANTRACTIVE, self - contained i four - apartment, kitchen, room, tie ving Sona and bal , ences Dee. Huet ly. Kenly 3 fam Sire! East. 260f #5 couple. 374 Ping ¥ ranch ms, furnished for light ¢luding electric refrigerator, OE os hot water, use of Washing machine. Central to downtown centre. Suit working couple. §15 weekly. Phone RA 5 x | heat, hydro ingluded, $85 monthly. BA 85365, 36 Bing Avenue. cd 1, furnished bed- d-giiing room, with cooking facilities, table for lads or tleman, ear space, cen tral, 185 Centre Streel. 2908 THREE unfurnished "Tams, "modern cupboards snd sink, heat, lghts and water supplied, dry storage space. Ab- staipers. Phope RA 8-1388 270 ONE furnished room for single gentle- |man, close to Shopping Centre. 63 | Grenfell Street 2701 ROOM -- board if desired, for two gentlemen or ladies, & block from Shopping ghd 7 ustainery. All con veniencés. RA 8 2708 ONE furnished double room and ane single room for ladies or gentlemen in ¢lean home, use of Kitchen. 104 Athol|g Sireet East. RA 8-0764 2ile |8T REET level annex apartment, fhree rooms, bath, recreation, elgetric soye | Entively private. Suit couple. Apply 8 {John Street. RA 3-4494, RA 55574. A |ONE furnished roam with refrigerator |and cupboards. private entrance. Close to Duplate. Suitable for gouple or bachelor. Apply 5582 Howard Street FOUR - room apartment, Tights, Lai and water, share bath. Bus stop at door. Garage available. Reasonable rent. Ap- 272d| ply 360 Ritson Read South. RA 8-1472. 41--Room and Board ROOMS ho with running water. Close to downtown. 174 Church Strest. | Room and board for one o riwo ah oF single room, single beds. 64 Charles Strept. 2014 ROOM and board, one single room and ons to shave. single beds. Close to| hospital and bus stop. Apply 20 Jones Avenue, 2604 | ROOM aad board for gentleman, Sond | meals and lunches. Close to SGM, Phone RA §-0097, A ROOM and board for ut share, single beds, home Phone RA 38-6382 ROOM and board fer ta Jounin. rx East. RA 3-7814 eh a "two gentlemen to share, He breakfast, all conveniences. RA , to privileges. atieman, clase Elgin Ftreet soo and board for gentleman, good and single beds, close to all Souths plants. Phone RA 3-3101 without hoard, soma |Al $0 bachelor Quiet and clean. North. 5- THREE - room apartment, all conven-| 2714 contained apartment 1a apart- electrically suite, | SELF Iment building, RA 3-9207. ienges, heavy duly wiring, $50 month Park Road Sou 2008 OLEAN a three-Foom apart |msemt, all eonvenlemces, private en- trance stove and rvefrigerator. Ei) |Simcoe North. RA 56624. HOUSE -- i) Stev enson Road. All con: Ap- y 262 A Street ; 267¢ - room brigk bungalow with ga- heated. On 267 ph rage, newly decorated, all RA 5-a188 Hillcroft Street. THREE - room _apariment, share bath, 3 Falrhank For more information, call RA § 5-238 2871 TWO + room a "for ent, five minutes corners. Phone RA 8-8324. 't| chen SPECIAL, new self . contained apart ment, in apartment building, good lo- ion, TV outlet, range, vefrigerator, plenty of parking, immediate ROOM and beard. On one to share. ules §. plan ne e room and Phone RA Hott Five possession, adults ealy, RA 38316 #7 TWO rooms and Kitchen, unfinished, middle-aged sauple, ahstainers, private BOARD and room for tl privileges. Phone RA 5.7643. BOOM and beard home for single home © BOOM and In clean three willing to share. laundry done. RA 5-1753. manufact 43 _Wented to Re E BEF ae i [A jog | located central, fn businesy buniaing on and a heavy wiring. RA 5-0184. 2671 FOUR - Joon apartment, heated, TV antenna, er, $75. Apply 281 awa Blvd, Nesth. FOUR-rogm apartment, conve iences, laundry, separate entrance, hot PO woud ante heating. RA 3-309, 165 Verdun would | Road. ARTMENT -- Three rooms and bath, $65. RA 5-4277. shopping 2 |entrance. Available December A 5-9881 276i | sons, at 77 Onlario Sin equipped. | - Simcoe Street? 2708 including heat, Hghts, water. Apply 630 Osh- Funes, round yy ch - bus stop, en electrically | Ni $75. BA NE - hed equipped, centrally located, -699() three - room apart- self-contained, 2 1 cal COMFORTABLE ment ai ath, ONE furnighed ght 2a en, 3 ox immediate possession. R. im brick veneer , 2 id Satake. All conve! ness, ee ol land Avenue, two blo: : nt : Yello Apply 34 Mill Street. SINGLE furpistied pedrdom for busl- A clients. $2,500 tokes 100-acre farm near Blackstock; House ingul brick, furnace, hydro, good arn, hip reef.' Full price, 10,600. Trout stream pn property. Annon end Ceek, Regltors, Pi " ryin Nes- bitt, Blackstock 44 JT. man, quiet home, breakfast Dotioal. '38 Colborne Street West. m upfurnished basement rivals bath an gatrance. Monash Ave, 2601 or cio puiltin payrds snd and sink, - ib Py bt 7091. MODERN four - rapip ap! FLD ant bath: including TV aerial, QF, stove and dryer. Phone HA 391 lg - ropm house, central loc He: Sl oil 20% ONE oF twa "housekeeping T0QmE, Elesn a le with refrigerator, NGM. RA 6-680. FIVE - ropm house, north "end, -- and washer. Schools close by, oil heat. Available Dgceinber 7. Phone RA 5-3903 Roky dels -ropm apartment, private en- FOUR - trance sud bathroom, parking, close to F000! for one art wo English. Ting per. you se; BENT - ar bis ~ Rew slx-Fooin on Scuges Street. 3 hi ag all RA 85181 LARGE furnish room for entleman, cooking puivildges, 1601. 317 Glidden Avenue. FOUR - roam house, self - Apply 4889 Wilson Road Nosth, ROOMS for elderly lady. Bond Street East. EXCELLENT location, near school, seven - room house, on two floors, $95 monthly, Interested please phone RA 5-1457. $70 ROOM in arivate none, very central, spring mattress; sult gentlgman 102 Elgin Siveet Bam SMALL apartment with sink and eup- boards in kitchen. Private bathreom, Apply 48 Buakirk Avenue ™0 large umfurpished rooms, Eas range and private bath, $55. Apply £5 Simcoe South UNFURNISHED gle "iy gti 71h Apply 74 if or Jiraished two bu # 71 | TWO adults. $80. RA 8-0368. FURNISHED bedroom, large, clean, quiet, central, close to hospital Ught g if desired. RA 8-5 3. - voam, unfurnished ap; h - sink ia Kiches, Private bath. | dy or Decgmber Tq * Plane RA i nd 2671 * SINGLE room, private kitchen, wash. ing machine, ga if desired, very central, quiet ho RA 58150. 267¢ ROOM for one or two gentlemen, two ninutes from downtown and north GM. All conveniences. Apply 204 Bond Streei East. | SIX - soom brick hous heating with oll, hardwood floors | throughout, fireplace, laundry tubs, garage, conveanlent to hos; ital and col- Phong , hot water | legiate. Rent, $110 per month, RA S27 after 4 pm. $35, completely private apartment, own enfrance and toilet, near Simcoe: King. Suitable for couple. MO 8-3596. 268 1] room apartment, private bath and entrance, two minutes from {HREE - rooms, sink. Suit tw. RA §- S4sd Sher 5. ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, able in private home. 82 Park North § - 7 pm. RA $8671. SEVEN - room house plus annex, in- sulated, oil heated, garage, yard has spruce trees, willow an maple tree avail. Road posses- | 5-46! bus and ping centre. Phone §-6611 2684 FURNISHED bed-siting room with kitchenette, lady or girl. Central lgeation. RA 5-4856. 2681 IN BROOKLIN, th m, he pated apartment, - heavy duty, hot water, Private bath and entrance. Oliver Jor summer shade, sion, RA 3-3086 00M furnished apartment, private bath and entrance, TV outlet. Call RA 268¢ ONE three room apartment, also one four room apartment in Bowmanville, immediate possession. RA 5-3229. 2688 FOUR - room apartment, seli-contain- ed; on Simcoe North. RA 5-3933. 270f NEW "threes bedroom bungalow, § som- pletely decorated throughout, also garage, $160 Per "menth. RA 5-613. 268¢ ONE two-room Tusished Hosriment Ome light 2: "room apartment, unfurnished, private bath, built-in cupboards. Adults only. Available December 8. Apply ") Elena Street. 267¢ TWO furnished rooms, stove, cupboards, sink in vate bath, washing Yaciities. bus stp. RA 5-9685. IN apartment house, four-room apart: ment, newly built, self-contained, three- piece bath, stove and frig, laundry room, parking area. Reasonabie. Apply 23 Gibb Street, Apt. 1, Simcoe Street entrance, refrigerator, kitchen, pri- Close to 2604 § with private entvance. 87 7 Afbert Street. 2686 ROOM -- suitable for one or two girls. RA 5-8440 2681 ONE nice furnished roam for genile- man, cooking privileges. Apply Clarke Street 3 FARMHOUSE -- six reams, Jarge | chen, hydro and telephone, Sum fram Manchester, very low a furnished -- OL 5-36 ONE yoom, washing facilities, parking space. Apply 63 Greta Bireet. LARGE single room, suit Seatlemns Xd lady, eaoking privileges. Apply 66 W TeR Avenue. THREE 1 Re reems, very Brivale bath and 48 yy awn, Street. ES - room apartment, #68 | dre: +A LOVELY alr - sun apartment, BA ariment, two or three foi Ss oe i |45---Reol Estate For Sole Ry a ry , 8 Cou Poel SE hy Ak ar hy W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE $995. DOWN N.H.A. ranch - style home. Carries $6800 pe pur month: Full price §11,600 NORTH OSHAWA Solid brick two-storey home, with double garage and large parking lot. Garage ond lo plone rents for $30.00 monthly. Home carries for $80.00 monthly. 4 SERVICE LOTS en Ritsen Rd, §., gach 60 x 90 ft, good lacation. Very reasonable. RA 5-883) DREAM HOMES Open For Inspection daily from 2.00 te 9.00 p.m. BEAU VALLEY built by N, KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Exclusive Agents Schofield Insurance Assoc. Howe & Millen Realtors Ristow & Olsen Realtors Exclusive Agents REAL ESTATE BROKER 400 acres -- suitoble for tobacco, . pavardaiing stream: 3 sets of buildings, goed fo- cation. Price $46,000. Terms. 100 geres -- frontage en twe qyements, 7-reom frame ouse; bankbern 32 x 85. Price enly $21,000. Terms. 100 acres with beautiful stream -- buildings in poor repair, very nice bush, This is o very scenic farm. Call us fer information: 100 acres, with 7-reom brick house, small barn, 25,000 Christmas trees. A good in- vestment at $9,500. Terms, 34 acres with small stream, some bush. Priced gt anly $100.00 per acre, 20 acres with cottage, mostly bush -- B0 rods river front- age. Owner's must sell. Give us an offer, New 3 acres witha five-room bun- galow, bath, furnace, small barn. Price only $5,000. Terms, 2)2 acre with small barn-- some fruit trees Price $1,500, 2 geres with 5-reom fully modern brick bungalow, more acres available. Price $12,- 500. Very ! down pay- ment, Twe-bedreom bungalow at Maple Grove -- one year old, bath, large lot, Price $9,500 -- down $500, 189 SCUGOG 81.7 BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-3644 v T large unfurnished feos. Private en- trance and parking, Reasonable rent, Phone RA 28-5360, Et MODERN four-room spartment, frig, stove, washer, dryer and heated, Chil- n_ welcome. $75. RA 80064. fie [+ room house, Simeoe Street North, -|ail heated, all Jonvinieness, large yard, 5 | glase to school amd bus. OLiver 5-33g0. No toll gharge. 714 FURNISHED single rooms. 74 Oshawa Blvd. South. RA 8-085: 2. TWO reom furnished apartment, eon- venignces, private, central. Phone RA" 3 Mf conditioned furnished suitable for two or one, .|Very eemtral. All conveniences, HH age. Phone RA 3-3395 after § p.m. 3711 i . yoam brick bungalow, Whithy Pickering tawnitn pe, Smmed iate pos- session. P hone MO § 270c hy OR cluded, heavy nished, child 'welcon monthly, RA a come, FURNISHED room In quist home, close to Shopping Centre. Gentleman 240 Burk Street. RA 3-9661. 44--For Rent LARGE, bright four - room apartment, stove and refrigerator, RA 5-3800. 270f , sink, and sto close to hospital) and downtown, suitable for two girls. RA §-3228 2681 DESIRABLE apartment, self - contain- ed, three yooms and bath, unfurnished, heavy wiring, heat and down- h adults only $60. Avatable Jan. 1. i #417 s. ROOMS t bath, m: Hotel. y the week, tiled shower and service, RA 3-4641, Genosha TWO b . November 1, stove and frigidaire, heated. 108 Craydos Road, Whitby, TWO furnished rooms, close to dows town, $16 weekly. Phone RA 5-9870. FOUR - room apartment, heat, water and stove. Abstainers. No children. RA 5-2488 met later than 7 p.m SPOTLESS three-bedroom, cosy frame house; large modern kitchen, oak floors, tiled bathroom, storms, fenced ya clean gravel drive. Westmore- land Avenus, RA 3.4250, Lease, $85 monthly 8671 MODERN, three - bedroom bungalow, close to South GM, available immed- lately, MOhawk 8-4968 after § p.m, 267( LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee is less then o va- , cancy. Only screened and re- liable tenants Lloyd Realty (Qshowa) Ltd 101 Simece St, Nerth RA 8.5123 LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S FIRST RENTAL AGENCY Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd 101 Simcoe St. North RA 8-5123 PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS Of SAGUENAY AVENUE (PARK RD. & KING ST. DISTRICT) Juiet residential street. Children welcome. New 2-bedroom Apartments. Stoves, 'frigs, T.V. outlet, drapes, parking, ete. Rents from $95 Menthly Others from $85, PHONE RA 5.7272 WHITBY CLASSIFIED PLASTERER .. Patching a speelalty, SEPTIC tanks ne ob too small. MO $5351 POR RENT 4-room unfurnished ap. cleaned the way, pew tanks Installed, |Ward, 204 Chestnut West, sanitary (0 Walter Phone MO ment, third floor, private bai, | Shi | #2963. Tyate by 8.5708. POR RENT V-room house, close to centre of youn, id 3 mORthlY, Call W. J. t, MO 272 i 1st MO APARTMENTS for rent--one bedroom | and bachelor, nicely d in quiet OFFICES for veal, central, with i mg faciliti For informati ny RA 3-9635, FOUR-ROOM basement "apartment, Heat and hydro imcluded. Children welcome. Varcoe's Road. RA bt" o po Ag iil) THREE rooms ay i Maring refrigerator and stove, L. Hollinger, RA 3-224 after § p.m. RA y 904 TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and kitchen with vefvigerator, built-in eup- hoards and sink. Apply 887 Ritson Read South. 270f SIX ropm brick house, oil heated, ne ly decorated, hardwood and tile floo! TV antenna, garage, residential dis triet, immediate possession, RA i, FIVE-ROOM brick house. Pessession November 30th. No objection te child ren. $80 monthly. Central. 2 blocks from school, 263 Windy Arey. 3 LL LARGE three . room apartment, ye- frigerator and stove, private bath and entrance, downtown, vacant December 1, adults only. RA 5-3358 ar 30 Simcoe Street North, Apt. 3. 2674 LARGE ished room range, frig, Use of ih Machine, Apply 248 Toronta Avenue. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, -- stove. Private entrance Also single room apartment. Apply 9% Centre Street. th + t 272f [borne Street West. SINGLE and double roo r em men with cooking privileges. Apply 138 Celina Street SINGLE furnished bedroom for busi- ness man in quiet home. Apply 38 Ol rooms, refrigerator and FURNISHED private bath, stove, Slectric 'frig, cup- boards, automatic laundry, TV hook- up, hot water. Couple preferred Grierson Street after 6. 1 THREE bedroom "bungalow, $80. Thickson's Road North ATiantle 4,5100 phone gellect. 270¢ Nerf | COMFORTABLE, clean room for gen- 0 stove, private bathroom, young couple, ne children, $35 monthly, Apply 1313 904 | Cedar Street, RA 5-8355 n CHILDREN welcome -- four rooms, frigerator stove, laundry Facilities, $75. Phone RA 8-004. 2001 THREE room self-contained apart ment, of floor, garage, petral, RA FOUR . room unfurnished Ly lights, heat and. water, Couple only. Private entrance. Apply 203 King Street | West, 10 am. to 8 p.m, w HOUSE, aw, five rooms, semple 0 children. Ritson Bou area, 881 Meyers Street, RA 83-1720. 370f THREE, fous and fivereom apart: ments, fully id. RA 56343, 3700 BROOKLIN -- or CAE or reat, room brick -- on Lo JE street, and a half, Sentral heating, Th ediste , A. Heron, OL 35-3171. 200¢ Jonata entrance, adu wi SE treet, Phone RA 35-6881 ROOM and board jar Ey . privileges. RA 5-704! ONE lovely room 3% private bath and entrance, in private home, for gentle: man. RA 3-7070. TWO flats, one three rooms, one four rodms, private bathrooms, bullt-ln eup- boards, sinks in kitchens. Apply 112 Louisa Street. 268 THREE and -rodm | pleasant location, stove, refrigerator, {nondey and parking provided, MoO bd he six percent, $800 down . RENT 3-room apartment with Six-ropm, year-old Excellent condition, central Broker, 8-4703. G 218 Brock Street South bungalow. bath, Newell [in Port Whitby, RA 5-3000, included heat. Reasonable vent, ia MO FoR RENT - --3-bedroom modern ranch. 1b | style builtin oven, modern FOR RENT -- Seven.room od brick house and garage, warm and able December MO 3714 after |Street, 2715 FOR RENT -- Furnished apartment, comfortable, 630 p.m CHRISTMAS trees for sale by St John's Anglican Men's Club, on sale at Silvey Grill, 1628 Breck Street] South. Free delivery FOR R RENT "Heated apar rtment, , two attractively furnished rooms, ting room and kitchen beards, eleetrieity and trance, Apply Whitby HOUSE and Bungalow wanied. G dam, ments W Alvuies Realtor 1, Oshawa ACME shoe repair, South In Whitby fs business FOR RENT apartme ver ness 00 ores 805 Green § LIVE FOTLIRY also feathers wanted. Highest market prices paid. Jake Parker, M0 8.3644, collect, ROOM and board for gentlemen, Dutch home. 1001 betweeri West View Heights, MOhawk 8-5383, ™ -- radio, work guarantecd viee 2458 Lo1s's Friday ivér $3134, Brooklin Road, 6th coupessior ALEX D WENRY General Contractor, Repairs, Alterations, Cement, Carpen-| ty. RA 5-454 | central water om Private Palace Sset, 104 a st, now open for --new two - bedroom mt all located. bus. ved, 395 per w onth, MO 2-976 in ve, Whitby. 2681 | "phonograpt repairs. All| Teunissen TV se 2. c.6 i Monda pointment pons to OL Winchester bed-sit-| FOR built in oup-|bath, heated, separate entrance, Plone} 'frig and stove supplied. Also|MO 3.4379. 271b on- Fox SALE -- 30 Studebaker, 865, mi | woman wants |€ Cullough Drive. {TF you ; Bove a , ofl heat. Avail ist, Apply Watson Port Whitby. BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS Two bedroom apartment, electrically equipped, best location. Apply 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt. 8. RA 8-8676 bedroom, four-piece bathroom, living room with dining area, stove and re- frigerator, plenty of cupboard space, |Eround | floor, private entrance, central. MO 3. 7 private RENT -- Three rooms, the day or ironing. MO 35-3040. 928 Mec- 270f n't buy, Wilde tal Sales, 'Mohawk aa C.IL. 'DODD & SOUTER FOR PAINT PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE 107 Byron Street South MO 8-5231 ,SRAVEL & FILL $7 pe oy Grave co For Delivery 1 a ERIC BRANTON MO 8-2660 s housecleaning by | 1 ATTRACTIVE Completely furnished three ond V2 rooms, two-piece bath, built - in cupboards, heavy duty stove, TV, near Shopping Centre, ne children 209 Grenfell St. RA 5.3667 271 AVAILABLE DEC. 1 MODERN 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS at |S GIBBONS ST Adults on over 12. Appl St, with childrer 2] Gibbons 271¢ | Upper duplex, large L.shaped living room, dining cree, bed- room, kitehen, "bathreom end | s of cupboards, TV anten reason RA 8.5913 | | a tleman, in nice home, near NGM, stares, hospital and bus. Apply 18 §5-2659, Elgin of Street Bast. RA § Hi |FOUR - room FATE sink in Kitch len, $68, heat, lights included, Phone RA 8-062 266 [TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and y |kitehen, built-in cupboards, sink, wash: ing facilities, antenna. Apply 306 Mar quetie Avenue (Park | Road South). 2604 NEWLY decorated semi - detached 3 artment, centrally Teaated, immedi. possession. Phone Brooklin, OLiver 5-3184, : 260 SCHOFIELD Insurance Assoc, Ltd. RENTAL SERVICE Why worry, we will rent your property, to religble tenants. We have a Yaiting list. Call today-- DAYTIME~--RA 3.2263 Howe « RA 5.7732; efter hours RA Salesman: 6. BLYEVEN PHONE MA 3-5300 271¢ LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS REDUCED TO SELL IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $600 DOWN $800 Five-room home with garage, brand-new forced air oil fur- nace, new kitchen cupboards ond sink recently installed. Located just off King St. Don't miss this one! Dial Bill Millar at RA 8-5123 or RA 5-2557, $12,500 FULL PRICE FOR THIS Nice comfortable 4-year-ald home in East end of city, with finished recreation room and all conveniences, Carries for $72.00 per menth, in- terest, principal end taxes, with ene 514 % mortgage for the balance. For full particu- lars, call bieyd Corson, gt RA 8 145729 or RA 3.2537 efter CUSTOM BUILT HOMES BY T. A. WILSON Now is the time to get that new home you have always wanted in the Rosslond Rd, ond Gibbons St, area. Month. ly peyments begin at $73.90, These homes will be the lost built this year at the 6% N.H.A, mortgage rate. For more information, gall end gk for Dick Yeung at RA 8:5123. After 6 pm. or weekend, coll RA 3.7183, Lieyd Realty Ltd. Realtors 101 Simcoe St. N RA §-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 272a Millen 67 King St. E. RA 5-7732 North End Very large living room/din- ing room combination, ultra- modern kichen with room for table and chairs, 2-pe. tiled washroom as well as full bath, three lovely bedrgoms with ample closet space. Paved drive, car port, and large basement for rec-reom. All this for $18,500, For Rrticulan call Mrs: Brown, -3867. Fernhill Blvd. Large tri-level heme in a nice grea, eonsisting eof living 'room, dining reem, modern kitchen, four large bedropms, and twe bathrooms, Beauti- fully decorated and lgnd- scoped. Close to schools and bus. Substantial down pay- ment required. Call Charles Smith, RA 8-8254, East End 1Va-starey brick home with ettagched garage In a better area. Full-size living and din- ing room, nice modern kit- chen, three la bedrooms, ond four-piece oy Asking price $16,850, Call Cherles Smith, RA 8-8254. Immediate Possession Ronch-style three - bedroom home: Large dining erea separate from kitchen, tiled bathroom with vanity, kit- chen cupboards finished in mahogany, Let fully lend- scaped, Owner being trans- ferred. Centect Don Howe, 3.9692 272 ----------------p pe. + Teg 45--Real Estate For Sale EIGHT room bungalow, private beach $8500 price, four bedrooms, kit chen, large 23 by 11° 6" livingroom with watural fireplace, two ng rogms, -plece bathroom. large attested verandah. all furnished, dou. arage, Idea! for swimming and amas? big erufts After § RA L] oy Avenue LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM ITS BEAUTIFUL AND IT COULD BE YQURS BEFORE CHRISTMAS EXECUTIVE HOME in a quiet residential area. Situated on a large, completely lond- scaped lot. Double garage and walkout basement. Extra large living room with natural fireplace. Finish this home to suit your own taste in tile colors, flooring and fixtures. Selling below construction costs to the man with a sub- stantial down payment. For gRpain iment to see same call AE -5123 end ask for Lloyd Bolahood, - Lioyd Realty Ltd Realtors Simcoe St RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER a70f A A. J. SCHATZ REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE WHITBY, MO 8-3337 THE VERY BEST IN NEW HOMES PETER FEDDEMA [Effet FOUR i Sous three-y. fe, Waste, 30, Realiors, NEW country residence, features two fireplaces, built-in stove and oven. onli driye, lk, wi windows, » many EL Gt i 14 ACRES land for try shawa, ny Frese "pores rine Tan, lent terns 800 1 3-9635, Joseph Bosco BF aa conven bus, W Orehard To ah No NEW, six on paved chocls, husks ah ne NEW six AL Whithy, hardwood and fi tile floors, Ted bathroom and kitchen, completely maders, for tio ell MO A-418% further Informa! piler | 6 p.m. TERRIFIC Duy-- uy -- $2000 "helow v market value for fast sple, nice bungalow with huge ear garage pt 206 Avenue, Whith: we By bdivision, o Home. IATRé s, bath Locat street. 9 Sofreder Bowm ppv Joo Brick Fancy ie fot, landscaped, six ed on guiel resident; ick Avenue Phong 3514 WELL furnished "bos nding | MEADOWCREST SUBDIVISION N.H.A. RESALE 3 bedroom ranch type brick bungalow. Full price $11,878 --Only $1,500 down. 3% FERGUSON AVENUE OL §-4485 You won't go astray with N. H. A. We have home of distinction in the better areas of Whitby --still with 6% mortgages, Contact G. Newell, Broker, 216 Brock St. S., Whitby -- __Mo i 4703, ED. DISNEY REALTOR -- INSURANCE 82 Simcoe St, §, RA 3-2333 EXECUTIVE HOME PLUS INCOME Exceptional value in an ex- ecutive home, very centrally located, Modern in every way, this beautiful residence with 7 very spacious rooms, natural fireplace, breadloem covered floors end equipped with all the medern gonveni- ences which meke life se wonderful has to be sold for e song. $3,000 down pay ment; open for offer, Call Art Weinbe RA 3.2333 or evenings A 3-7244, A Ea at as a ---- 46--Real Estate Wanted PRUDENTIAL Trust Co. Lid, , of To PoRio has a few select lients for Li game and other properties in Oshawa. Pleas eontact our representative, Mr. Leschingky "Sim Lash" for Sladen 3% Caine i Prudential Trust ¥oy Mim FARM is sold -- Wil $15,000 for home in good ofl rite Box 822 Oshawa Times. 47 --Automobiles for Sale 1851 CADILLAC, exceptional ith Fully automatie. $300. Phone MO fos 04, t+ 'Sh CHEVROLET Deluxe, Pawtystide ™m Ty ator cellent black fleeting exiras, $335 cash, Apply Albert, 272a LR. TONTIAC, & Tow mile rl one py XI ele Fernie ht '8 MONARCH Richelieu Phaeton ™ dor hardiop, ty tone black and white. adi dded au Lt Ash te, Only § "ies, radio, pa a a by Seaway Motors, Whi '§Y FORD Fairlane | . twq tone bd and white, automatie, eustom padio. Many extras, really sharp car, Only $1396, Seaway Motors, Whitby, 2061 | $88 Ded, $100 OF DOL wy i Siri fa 1 el vy poe hone CIR Rd fect EPEC Acronis Tut Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, November 21, 1959 adi 1 A re 48--Automobiles Wanted 53 FORD customline four door, black, Tale, Bester. existe: extras; ee Hira FEES EES $ \ PAID FOF TOR. Good, glean som, Trade up or down, off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, §. RA 3.9421 5 EEL inde two tone, ay 2604 Tires like wil] only #1 fon ATvLOwE. su i, V0 be seen Srttonds | ona, 461 Park Road § South, RA 8-60; ors, 4 VORD custom IN green a and white overdrive, Ty wot CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST, W. 58 PONTIAC deluxe ¢ matic transmission, whitewall radio, front and rear speaker, in running condition, $800 or {oer T7 Kingscourt Apts., Ajax. STUDEBAKER "sports Ty EE U AE DEW tw wi ah co "mon, doi wher fie: "el dp 3.3405, os, Ux rages air 8 om tors mm. ALLSTATE Auto Insuranee. Save up ah per cent. ns 10 Pay, personal service at your home, call R. 52802. BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST--OSHAWA (Just Eest of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. 5-5574 SEEIT!! TRY IT!! THE NEW 60 VOLVO At WILBAK MOTORS 137 KING ST. W, RA 32 MERCEDES BENZ DKW. FIAT Authorized Sales & Service ANDY NAGY"S BODY SHOP 408 King §t, St, Ww. R RA 3 7132 WHEN TO BUY? IS NOW-~ FROM WHOM TO|% BUY IS WELLMAN'S MOTORS '57 BUICK Hardtop, sharp '65 BUICK Hardtop, fully equipped. '57 CHEV. Sedan, very gleon '56 CHEV. goach; @ beouty. '85 Chey. coach, low mile- '51 DESOTO Hardtop, winter= '55 real bar- '56 ing value 3 '56 NTIAC 4 doer Hard- top V8, radio, 1 59 RAMBLER 4 door super, demonstrator, new guers antee. 1960 HILLMAN AND 60 RAMBLER NOW ON DISPLAY FREE DEMONSTRATION NQ OBLIGATION WELLMAN NONQUON RD. RA 3-443] OPEN TILL 9 PM Ized, FORD coach, gain. FORD coach, outstand- 271e 1960 STUDEBAKER LARK Twe-daor Sedan Delivered Fully Equipped at $2485.00 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LIMITED . 334 RITSON RD, SOUTH DIAL RA 3-346 '$8 STUDRBAKER hardtop, two lone ~|ecoral and white, spotless or mec enically perfect. A true sports , only $1195, Seaway Motors, OLDSMOBILE, two - tone blue. Phone RA 8-0773, 370¢ '84 FORD sedan delivery, A-1 condi tion, mew tires. radio, low mileage, never used commercially. Best offer. MO 8.4566, LLY 2 EVROLET Joach, §ood motor od Rig best offer. aA Oc % LAKESHORE Auto 48--Automobiles Wanted _ WILL pay $200 cash for best car offer, Phone RA 5-3973. 272b "Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highes prices paid, RA §1161 or RA 5.1183, BUYING OR SELLING. SEE MACKIE MOTORS RR. 4, KING ST, E. AT CRESTON PARK EEE SUBDIVISION OPEN HOUSE - RE; low mileage, one owner, od. for cath sale, Phone Dunparion. enous motor Al. Tory treet West, Bowmanyille. i We urgently reed 10 cars weekly for out of town dealer RA 5-5743 blue, Pp ran or scuisie EE ra ie fused for your ear -- immediate cash, 4 pald off, Seaway Motors, Whitby. i§8 PONTIAC hardiop, one owner, iwo- tone paint, fender mirrors, radio and whitewalls. One of the sharpest cars of the lot, $1295. Seaway Motors Ltd. Dundas. Street West MO 8-333: 50 GOOD CARS WANTED IMMEDIATELY TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. E., OSHAWA 46--Reol Estote Wonted 46--Real Estate Wonted Solid clay brigk Several models Stone front Hardwood trim Natural finish Fully decorated Divided basement Ceramic bath with vanity Highest location Good streets Sidewalks Close to buses LOW DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS LOCATION East Limits of Whitby on the North side of No, 2 Hwy Call Bill Schatzmann evenings MO 8.3253 A. J. SCHATZ WE LIST PHQTO CO-OP If you have property to sell, you of that responsibility, know-how, IS YOUR HOME FOR SALE? let us sell it for you and relieve We have the prospects and the Real Estate is our full-time profession. WILSON REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5- REAL ESTATE -- MORTGAGE LOANS 6588 49--Autemobile Repairs 1271 SIMCOE NORTH Speciolists in Ford Service ond ports, Wheel alignment, wheel balgnee with latest type equipment, Newest typs electronic tune-up sauipment. BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD. PHONE RA 3-4675 50--Articles for Sale Fionn "21 BABY erib, small; baby S31 Yor "Drum "Host. B , size 1214, four years old, good eondh tion, $70, BA 5.3100, 30-80 MARLIN rifls, like new, Phone RA 8-030. WALNUT Duncan table, seats six, $20, Be, hr STAKE body for ruck, 13° x 714. i -8627. LADY'S winter coal, new, black with white 3-2195 LRT ORGANS $129.08 end Up. Free ree home demonstration. Phong RA le TRAIN, electric Lionel and p for quick sale; alse gh fame and kitehen chrome ot R i i © , $30; rs 1150. 2718 BOY'S two-wheel sidewalk alge, large all steel erib, commode ghar and stroller. RA GOOD used Spanish Slewart guitar, $30 electro-voice microphone and stand, $40; Phone 11} h LECTRIO Turkey plek erkel somputing Hi ty, wn in Pood condition 'arms _OLiver 5-3088, LOVELY. mall' a reed or 54 father gag $250. New ia Piano and Ritson North, VOR R CHRISTMAS} home Sccorsting inside and out. Dominion Store, 48 Bond sirest West, Oshawa, Oshawa WASHING machine, GH Fit fT SE WH pay highest prices In the of used Jurnitare, Frit tase' For hid axim man's bicys $200 FOR your old frig. on new proof Frigidaire refrigerator. Kelly Appliances, Heintzman upright grand, Howes ig Ta mhinishd: tone, 0. goed at oe ars Al" 23 SANDRA STREET wesy b GATOR TRAILERS LARSON BOATS PETERBOROUGH BOATS SEVINRUDE MOTORS USED BOATS & MOTORS Trade-ing accepted, Finance. Terms, Open avenings and weekends, MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD, 4 BROQKLIN, PH; OL 5-364) FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT' $15.40 ¢ week per family of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and freezer, No down payment. . For appointment, no oblige- tien)=--phone RA 5.3709. COLONIAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS. RA 8-8571 134 Simeoe St. $. Oshawe DOMESTIC FIRE ALARM $7.95 Installed $1,00 extra Clorobromomethane extinguishers from $5.98 As used by U.S. airforee and fire depts. Underwriter's laboratories listed FREE CHRISTMAS BONUS Fire ean kill while you sleep Te safe guard our customers we give FIRE ALARM AND EXTINGUISHER guarantee : Buy COLONIAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS PRODUCTS