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The Oshawa Times, 26 Nov 1959, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 26, 1959 § WEATHER FORECAST Continuing Cold I= |about 2,500,000 bushels of grain| were dumped into the harbor. About sundown each day around 400 ducks descend on the Contented Ducks In claimed about 500,000 bushels of grain, waterfront and waddle in for din- ner. They are perfectly safe--the| wreckage is within the city lim- WATCH FOR issued at 5 a.m.: west winds continued sweeping Southern Ontario and 5-10 abeve With Light Snow Winds light today, becoming northerly 10-20 Friday. Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On- tario, Georgian Bav, Haliburton regions, London, Toronto, Hamil- ton: Mostly cloudy and continu. ing cold today and Friday. A few snowflurries this morning. Occa- sional light snow tonight and Fri- day. Winds westerly 15-25, de- creasing to light this evening, be- coming northerly 10-20 Friday. Kirkland Lake, Sudbury, North Bay, Timmins - Kapuskasing re- gions: Mostly cloudy with a few TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts Synopsis: Cold west-to-north- across eastern sections of On- tario Wednesday night. Tempera- tures "are near the mid-20s in in Northern Ontario. Considera- ble cloudiness and scattered light snowflurries persisted through the night in many areas. Light snowfalls west and south of the Great Lakes are likely to affect southern portions of Ontario late today and Fridav but no great change in temperature is ex-|/dav partly cloudy. Continuing pected. ' Snowflurries near the cold. Winds diminishing gradu- lakes are expected to let up as ally today from northwest 20-30 winds diminish gradually during|this morning to light this even- the day. |ing, and northerly 15 Friday. Regional forecasts valid until] white River region: Partly midnight Friday. {cloudy today and Friday. A few scattered snowflurries today. Fri-| Port Arthur | PORT ARTHUR, Ont. (CP)-- Several hundred contented ducks at the Port lend truth to the old saying tha poison, in reverse. CITY AND DISTRICT | |dredge, Arthur waligitiont in and the ducks may be discour- one man's meat is another man's aged by its noise. When a section of a large grain|still remain from the United terminal collapsed on Sept. 23, Grain Growers Limited annex, and its removal is expected to] last through the winter. | in charge of the salvage opera-| tion, expects soon to have re-! its, and shooting is prohibited. But the freeloading may be coming to an end. A huge steam the McKellar, has moved Sensational News Release Tononuw's Times -- FROM -- Consumers' Gas Co. About 100,000 tons of debris Barnett-McQueen, the company | \ [ NO ACCIDENTS | Oshawa Police Department re- | ported no accidents this morning. | The last accident reported occur- red Tuesday night. SMALL FIRE [ Oshawa Fire Department ex- tinguished a small rubbish fire in the back yard of 97 Albert] i Vs Lake Erie region, Windsor: soattered snowflurries today. Mostly cloudy and continuing Continuing cold. Winds northerly cold today and Friday. Light|{g.99, snow beginning late this after- noon, ending 'Friday morning, except for an occasional flurry. St., at 4.30 p.m. Wednesday. There was one routine ambu- lance call, Tuesday. Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Friday STREETS CLOSED Windsor wii 2D The following streets will be [st. Thomas . |closed for construction today: | J.ondon Elizabeth street, closed from Wingham . Adelaide avenue west to Ridge-| Toronto ... way avenue; Orchard View| : Group Reviews = [Blvd., closed from Si street Alcoholism high pe A I ee evil Adorama: EDMONTON (CP)--The form-|Hamilton |avenue west from Sievenson road | ation of a new Canadian-United Muskoka . [west to Elizabeth street; Somer- |ville street, closed from Beatrice | Stgtes commission on alcoholism Killaloe ... [ SiR onder which will review the entire field Earlton .. street to Byng av } OSHAWA PUC | NEWS IN BRIEF lof alcoholism and its problems|Sudbury .. possible these rect a be par {was announced Wednesday by J.|North Bay .... | | 4 t of local traffic. Extreme The Oshawa Public Utilities|George Strachan, first vice-pres- Kapuskasing . ment conditions, such as Commission, at its meeting Wed-|ident of ie Now Anierican As-| White River .. {heavy rain may result in the | ) oD nesday night, decided to contin-|sociation of Alcoholism Programs|Moosonee ing of other streets. { lage bietay £3ke Jhile Je ue he c ri for the mainten-|and executive director of the closing of Be ys a. it into rout ance and service " eight Cana. | Slewhalism Foundation of Al- i ! 3 dian National trucks after the berta. little pieces. | commission takes over the opera-| Financed by a $1,000,000 grant, Soa ue. yuo tury 4 Tuesday. lion of the bus system. The bus|the commission will investigate thank Bucky Beaver for writing| After the meeting the CO went hs 3 : "|system garage has been doing|treatment, research and educa- the column for me last week. [to work er, 1957, and received his ser-| 1. "0 Le ome time {tion in alcoholism and set up You did such a good job Bucky| He talked to F-O Steffen about 8cant's hooks after a year and" : plans for the next 25 years. that I think we should give you|a sports parade in the near fu-|3 half in cadets. This is quite ex-| MAY ATTEND CONVENTION | The work of the 25-man com- the job, permanently. Any time|ture. Mr. Steffen savs that he|ceptional because it takes from| Authorization was given for the mission of eminent scientists and| you want me to do you a favor hopes to have a sports parade|two to three years for the aver-\manager, the superintendent of|laymen, under a scientific direc- I will : next Thursday. |age cadet to obtain the rank of|the waterworks department, the tor not yet named, will extend| With the exams still in progress, After talking to Mr. Steffen sergeant, if he does at all. |chairman, the commissioners and its work over a five-year period| at two of the high schools the F-L Gilbank put a training sylla-| Wayne's favorite hobbies are|their wives to attend the annu-land most of the work will be attendance was down a little. bus up on the bulletin board and|swimming, model building, | a1 convention of the Canadian|centred in a major American| Forty-three cadets on parade proceeded to make up a list of Cathy, Lynda, Marg, and Mary. section of the American Water-|university. out of about 35 on role is quite |the vifieoty and instructors for|I wonder if he could lend me one works Association in Buffalo! Chairman of the interim com- good. the cadets to take to the ristmas party? next April mission is H. David Archibald, During the first part of the The CO informed me that he Last summer Sgt. Ditmarr at-| . : executive director of the Alcohol- evening the LAC's held a meeting|Will look into the formation of a/tended summer camp at Clinton PLAN WINTER WORK lism Research Foundation of On- with the CO, F-L Gilbank. The|vearbook also. and next summer hopes to go to) The commission will endeavor igri, urpose of the meeting was to {Camp Borden and take the seven- (0 y ou wir § pro- tg fl LAC's make sugges-| CLEANUPS club held a meeting| Week, drill instructor's course. {gram to take advantage of the | NERVY THIEF tions and state their grievances. 1 f F-S Bohaker last| 1 Would like to thank Mrs. Gal-|SaVings provided by the federal| paar TON (CP)--This Hamil- at the home o onaker 'ast, ner f ki he birthday! government winter work scheme. | > : There were many good Sug- Sunday evening agher for making the birthday ton car burglar is no respecter of, gestions and few grievances which| By popular demand the NCO's cake. It was very good. TO PRESENT BUDGET |persons. A $100 radio was taken am happy to see. decided to have a squadron ~~ It was decided the commission | from a police car only a few feet Some of the suggestions were: |Christmas party. All cadets are Ch t T ] pei RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF--BONELESS POT ROAST «59° FRESH PORK HOCKS DEVON RINDLESS BACON LUCAS WIENERS CALIFORNIA LARGE CRISP CELERY 2 .. 29° FLORIDA YOUNG TENDER o 19° GREEN BEANS DISPLAY ELECTRONIC GUIDANCE AND GENERAL MOTORS MCTORAMA | ture exhibits at the sixth an- | display illustrates GM's re- | which opens at 1 p.m. Friday nual General Motors Motorama | search into automatic highway | will be open from 106 a.m. to 11 which opens at the automotive | control systems designed to re- | p.m. daily except Sunday, from building in Exhibition Park, | duce accidents which result | Nov. 27 to Dec. 12. Toronto, Friday afternoon. The ' from driver error. Motorama, --GM Photo Miniature automobiles and buses cruising around a circu- | lar expressway under electron- ic guidance rom a central control panel is one of the fea- AIR CADET NEWS Christmas Party Being Arranged By WINGLESS WILLIE |the training syllabus put up on First of all 1 would like to|the bulletin board. | noticed a couple of cadets whose shoes have never seen shoe polish in the last month. I hope next week that the polish and the shoes get acquainted. (AIR CADET OF THE WEEK Tuesday evening saw all the Senior NCO's crowded around a GHESBRRBRERBERE 85 STOVE OIL DELIVERY LANDER-STARK OIL LTD. 43 KING STREET WEST CALL OSHAWA - RA 5-3589 1-18. PKGS. 2 ne 79° |will provide a budget figure as|aWay from the central police sta- more sports parades, the making invited and expected to take a : \ soon as possible for the ecity| HOD: up of a list of officers and in-|friend (a girl friend). That in- council finance committee cov- structors for the cadets, having a/cludes me. ering the operation of the bus system during 1960. EXTENSION APPROVED Approval was given to the ex- tension of a watermain on Rol- eadet year hook, and a copy of Looking over the squadron I $168 662 [ Although the volume has slow- COMING EVENTS ed down appreciably contributions to the Greater Oshawa Com- ANNUAL bazaar of the Evelyn Good. SKIERS! Curle: Street Church, | Austrian Olympie .m. Many display of booths and tea room. Opened by Mrs. | ported and im ski equipment and sports cloth. Atkinson of Albert Street Church. 276a|ing on Thursday, November 26, through a 28, to 28th, at 20 Albert Street, davougn 100T the publication of the last 215b | ist to bring the total to $168,662.28 BAZAAR Cedardale School, Nov 2:30 to 5:30 tea room, home baking, rs! Hans Eder, former munity Chest continue to come skier, will present a in. L. W. McConkey, chest secre- "|tary, reported Wednesday after- noon that $383 had been received son St., off Ritson Rd. N., for a distance of 100 feet to a building being erected by Ideal Dairy Limited. CARRY BLIND FREE touch and take, knitting, sewing, white elephant booth, Bargains for Christmas, RUMMAGE = St AL - eee | CHU] Friday, EUCHRE - Scout Hall, Gibbon sud 27th, 1:30 p.m. | previously acknowledged follows: | Delta Gamma Fraternity 00 Beuna Vista, Friday, y p.m. Six prizes. Refreshments 276a | REGIMENTAL Band Pop Concert, Fri- | day, December 4th, 8 p.m. OCVI| Simcoe North. Tickets at Armouries and Henderson's Book Store. $1.00 for| series of three concerts or 50c ad-| mission at door HARMAN PARK BINGO, FRIDAY NIGHT ST. JOHN'S HALL Corner Bloor and Simcoe 20 games $6 ond $8. Share The Wealth 5--$40 Jackpots. OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REGISTERED MUSIC TEACHERS |Sunbeam Chapter No. 73 -- | Order of the Eastern Star Howard's Drapery Employees | Parkway Television : |John Skerry Walter Thorndyke | Meta Kellar |Jean E. Scott |Sandalwood Drive-In |Lee's Barber Shop McKenn's Supermarket White and Son Hardware Robert J. Allen 80.00 10.00 10.00 2.00 Po 2 Bonpope rans 28288882 presents STUDENTS IN RECITAL at the McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY AUDITORIUM NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M. ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Gomes $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $180 JACKPOT INCLUDED Door Prize $15 TRI 23228388 J. H. Gibbens |F. 8. Densham |Eric Althelmig Doris M. Gaskin Allan Irwin Keith McCrimmon Georgina Morriseey | Cora Bolhuis {Gary Ferguson | Gary Corner | Ruth Silver John Eyre George Lewders 88 8 SATURDAY, NOV. 28 | Silver collection 27 BINGO | AT THE AVALON | THURSDAY,NOV. 26th 8 P.M. 8 pm 6a OSHAWA SWEET ADELINES CHRISTMAS BAZAAR AND TEA At CRA. 100 Gibb St. Saturday, Nov. 28, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Door prizes. 276b EASTVIEW PARK NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOC. 20 regular games at $6 and $10. 6 jackpots at $40. | Also Share The Wealth 2 CIVIL SERVANTS RALLY YOU, THE PUBLIC, ARE INVITED TO U.AW. HALL, SUNDAY NOVEMBER 29TH AT 2.30 P.M. TO LEARN WHY CIVIL SERVANTS ARE SEEKING A WAGE INCREASE AND BARGAINING RIGHTS 276¢ Don McGregor Barry Jones Ardyth Epps Frances Snow Osh. Glass and Mirror Ltd. E. Sproule Mr. J. W. F. Roenigk Victor McLellan C. A. Statham Alex Nathan Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. Al Preston Jackson Sup, Ltd. Employ Nat. Union of Pub. Serv. --Employees Soroptimist Club of Oshawa Mrs. Clara Thorne "|Mrs. R. B. Reed |Mr. E. G. Tapping Oshawa Railway Bus Div --Employees Total to Date OBITUARIES | FUNERAL OF WILLIAM SEMOWONYK High Mass was sung by Rev . C. Pereyma in St. George's| Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church | at 10 am. Wednesday, Nov. 25, {for William Semoworyk who died |at the Oshawa General Hospital |iast Sunday in his 73rd year The pallbearers were Walter Churney, Joseph Dzugan, Mike Spore 888838883 Alexander 23888 B85 uBuuan 8a 88338 33323 Seen 41.50 $168,662.28 NOTICE The annual meeting of the Ontario Riding, Progressive Conservative Association will be held in the TOWN HALL, SUNDERLAND MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1959 8:00 P.M. J. L SWEETMAN President. PETER BRODIE Secretary-Treasurer 2760 first secretary in place of Kaln-/ Kawzenuk, John Kawecki, John Kuckma and Steve Romanicuk. Interment was in St. Gregory's Cemetery. | if When the commission takes over the operation of the Oshawa Andrew"s| The list of contributions not | hus system, it will, continue the 276a |practice of providing free trans- portation to registered blind per- sons living in Oshawa, | REQUEST LAID OVER A request from Garnet Wether- | = p for an extension of a water- ain into the buffer zone, on 'aunton Road. E., was held over r consideration next year. It |was felt that at that time there ay be some further discussion entry into the buffer zone, NO ACTION TAKEN No action was taken on a letter from the Hydro Electric Power |Commission of Ontario regard- ing a public speaking contest in the elementary and gs im of EMPLOYEES' DINNER The commission agreed make a grant, similar to last year, to the Employees' Club annual Christmas Dinner and dance which will be held on Fri- day, Dec. 18. ACCOUNTS PASSED Accounts for October in the amount of $628,060.96 were pass- ed for payment. ORDER ACKNOWLEDGED Acknowledgement of an order for six transit type buses was received from the General Mo- tors Coach Division. The buses, it is expected, will be delivered in June. 1 secondary .00/ schools during the winter term. to PAPER IS LIKE 200-PAGE BOOK It would take a 204 page book with 6 by 9 inches pages to hold the contents of the average U.S. daily newspaper. A few low cost words in an Oshawa Times Classified ad can bring buyers for the sports equipment, typewriter or other articles you want to sell. Dial RA 3-3492 to place your ad. FUNERAL OF MRS. ANNIE AMSBARY The memorial service for Mrs. Annie Amsbary, who died at the| Marnwood Nursing Home, Bow- manville, last Monday, was held| at the Armstrong" Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 25. The services were conducted by Rev. W. G. Dickson, minister of] Centre Street United Church. In- terment was in Oshawa Union| Cemetery l The pallbearers were six grand- sons, Frank Richardson, Robert Boyce, Bruce Manning, John, Reardon, Peter Robinson and Larry Donald, FIRE RED. BOSS LONDON (AP)--The Commun- ist party of Soviet Latvia fired | |its boss, Jan Eduardovich Kaln- berzins, Wednesda on charges of |"serious shortcomings in educa- {tion work among youth." Arvid Janovich Pelse was elected party CORRECTION Due to an unfortunate typographical error that occurred yesterday (Nov. 25th in the advertisement of Oshawa Discount House re Bride Dolls quoted at 59c¢. THIS SHOULD HAVE READ 3.99 An old problem solved by modern research TWENTY YBARS AGO, darning would be the only way to solve this problem. Today, thanks to the history-making development of nylon, the problem is almost non-existant. In the late thirties, research scientists at Du Pont of Canada's associate company, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Inc., put the finishing touches to this great discovery. Thus, the stage was set for the manufacture of long-wearing socks, fashion apparel, stronger tires, sturdier rope and countless other revolutionary nylon products that contribute so much to our ease of living today. Solving old product problems through research has been a Du Pont distinction for over a century. In Canada and the United States, the name Du Por* is identified with man's continuous search for knowledge and with exploration of the uncharted areas of science. This continuous research program has rapidly turned ideas into familiar consumer benefits ranging from weed killers to wonder fibres . . . providing proof that man's Isa D, Vessie, Manager, Finishes plant, Ajax, was born in Ottawa, grad. uated from Queen's University with o Chemical Engineering degree. Joined Research and Development Lab. in 1938. After various technical, production and sales assignments in several locations, he was named Assistant Works Mane ager, Ajax, in February, 1957. § months later, he assumed his present position as Works Manager, Whether it's nylon or paint the customer ultimately deter- mines the research goals by demanding something better for his money and by passing judgment. on what he gets. I don't believe the people at Ajax Works consider theme selves "research-minded"; I do know they are "customer- minded". In their daily work of producing enamels of high quality and with specific per formance characteristics they help ensure that the customer will benefit directly from Du Pont research. In the highly competitive paint business success in developing new and improved products and methods of manu- facture is the key to expanded business, greater job security and more jobs. This is a continuing objee- tive of the people at Ajax Works. The Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa area fis the home of two of the plants of Du Pont of Canada. Other plants are located at Maitland, North Bay, Sarnia, Kingston, Shawinigan. future progress is limited only by his own vision, ability and effort. DU PONT OF CANADA LIMITED CANADA Better Things for Better Living. .. Through Chemistrs CHEMICALS © EXPLOSIVES © FINISHES ® PACKAGING FILMS PLASTICS » PHOTO PRODUCTS e REFRIGERANTS 2 AEROSOL PROPELLENTS ¢ TEXTILE FIBRES

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