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The Oshawa Times, 27 Nov 1959, p. 6

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I MR. AND MRS. BOGDEN STEZIK --Oshawa Times Photo. Well Known Oshawa Couple Feted On 25th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Bogden Stezik, mer Victoria Rutka, is the Bloor street west, were honored daughter of Mrs. George Rutka at a gala dinner and dance held|of Toronto and the late Mr. Rut- at the Ukrainian Labor Temple ka. Mr. Stezik is the son of Mr. on Saturday, November 21, on|George Stezik of Oshawa and the the occasion of their silver wed-|late Mrs. Stezik. ding anniversary. One hundred | The couple have three daugh- and fifty guests were present. ters, Sylvia (Mrs, George Val- The party was arranged by the| i 0)" Batty and Marlene, and brothers, sisters and children of oo" conc "Ronald and William all the anniversary pair who Were living in Oshawa. Also included gresenial with 3 Sliver lea Sexth|in their family 5 one grand- Mr. John Stezik and Mr. Stanley daughter, Susan Valentine. ) Starr making the presentation. During the party greetings Mr. and Mrs. Stezik who have|were received from Mrs. Stezik's fived in Oshawa since their sister, Mrs. Edward Reigle and youths were married at St.[Mr. Reigle of Sweden. Out of Gearge's Anglican Memorial town guests were present from Church, Oshawa, on November Toronto, Grimsby and Longford 1935. Mrs. Stezik, the for-'Mills. Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 27, 1959 Irene Gaspar, N At St. George's Ukrainian Ca- tholic Church recently Irene Gas- par and Nicholas Demkiw, both of Oshawa, exchanged nuptial VOWS. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gaspar, Yu- goslavia, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Pan- telejmon Demkiw of The Uk- raine. The Reverend Stephen Figul officiated. The wedding music was sung by the Church choir. Given in marriage by her un- cle, Mr. Paul Mravik, the bride wore a full-length gown of slipper satin. A scalloped neckline and I1ily-point sleeves styled the bo- |dice which was trimmed with | flower anpliques and seauins. A |pearl and sequin studded crown {held her short veil and she car- 'ried a cascade of red roses and white chrysanthemums. The maid-of-honor Miss Rose |Makish, was in blue. The brides- maids were Miss Mary Dorca Fully Choral Ceremony Unites icholas Demkiw and Miss Anka Petkousky in pink and Miss Jean Mazakousky and Miss Irene Kozy in blue. Their ballerina nylon and lace gowns were identically styled with scoop nécklines and fully gathered skiris over crinolines. All wore matching headdresses and white shirred gloves and carried bouquets of chrysanthe- mums in contrasting hues. The flower girl, little Miss | Annie Dorca, wore a short pink nylon dress with small Peter Pan collar and puff sleeves edg- ed with lace. Her ies were white and she carried a {nosegay of pink roses and white |chrysanthemums. Master Peter |Shurowsky was the ring bearer. | Mr. Stephen Petrash acted ag! |best man. Ushering were Messrs. Dmytro Wojinarowyez, Marian Mr. Robert Thomas Parker and 'his bride, the former Miss Georgina May Werry are pic- | tured following their marriage recently in Blackstock United Church. The bride is the elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mel- ville Werry of Nestleton and the bridegroom is the son of MARRIED IN BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parker i of Oshawa. The. couple will | live at RR 2, Nestleton. Photo by McKinley Studio. Yakymchuk, Yarowslaw Saduk and Myron Lytwyn. A reception was held in St. George's parish hall. The newly wedded pair will live in Oshawa. PERSONALS | GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES A birthday dinner was held on| | HARMONY WA | The December meeting of the Woman's Association of Har- | mony United Church was held in the church hall on Monday, No- {vember 23. It was in the form lof a potluck supper and Christ- |mas party. After supper some of the group participated in a hat making |contest which was won by Mrs. {Murray Chute. A period of carol | inging was interrupted by a | visit from "Mrs. Santa" who dis- |tributed the gifts. | The business meeting took [place with the president, Mrs. |George Jonah, | | various reports were read. The| nominating committee reported {that the slate of officers for 1960 was complete, with the exception presiding. The| in honor of Mrs. Barron's brother, Mr. Percy Williams, y who was celebrating his Blst parish hall. birthday. Among the guests were The president, Mrs. R. A.|Mr. and Mrs. Barron's daughter, Lloyd, presided. The secretary, Mrs. Douglas Pearse, and Mr. Mrs. Howard Vice, read her re-|Pearse, Whitby, and her sister, port and the treasurer's report Mrs. A. A. Walker and Mr. Walk- was read by Mrs. Raymond|er, Whitby. Gibbs. | Plans were made for refresh. The fall bazaar under the aus- ments to be served at the Christ. | pices of the 14th Scout Mothers' mas parties of A and B Cub/Auxiliary was held recently at Packs. Holy Trinity Anglican Church. : ¥ .. IMrs. G. N. Varnum, president Final arrangements were dis-| ¢ yp "oyecutive board of Scout cussed for the Christmas tea nr ' liar , |Mothers' Auxiliaries, opened the and bazaar to be held on Wednes. |, d M John Cald day, December 9, at 2.30 in Si.|22232" anc -uIs. Jom Lader, George's parish hall Centre| immediate past president, pour- street. led tea. The tea tables were taste- | fully decorated in the scout Tea was served by Mrs. John|troop's Kitchen and her committee, nue, jary held its November meeting| in St. George's Anglican Church lof a president, as follows: first vice - president, Mrs. Fred Proceeds From Bazaar Boost Legion Auxiliary Projects The Ladies' Auxiliary, Cana-| dian Legion, Branch, 43, held a uccessful bazaar on Tuesday evening, November 24. |R Mrs. Herbert Bathe, president, | - e Barker, introduced. her co-convener for| the bazaar, Mrs. Norman Me-| Evers, also Mrs, Charles Lamb, past president, who officially opened the bazaar. | In her remarks she spoke of the work being done by the Aux- iliary in caring for sick and need" veterans, giving scholar-| ships to local collegiates, also to the Legion Scholarship Fund, the Cancer and TB funds, and many others too numerous to mention. Farmer; second vice - president, Mrs. Norman Gemmell; secre- tarv, Mrs. John Falaise; treasur- er, Mrs. Charles Nicholls; corre-| sponding secretary, Mrs. Stew-| art Mackie. During the meeting [it was voted to turn the sum of 1$1500 over to the board of stew- Winner of cedar chest and con-| ards to be applied to the building tents, Mrs. B. Kennerley. |deb . |debt. . | Other prize winners were: Miss | Mrs. Harry Blakely, second| |Carolyn Rodgers, Mrs. William |yice . president of the Oshawa utherford, Mrs. V. Kernick, preshytefy Woman's Association, ave a brief talk on program a 8 Winner of flower centre piece planning in the Woman's Asso- {was Mrs. Charles Wilcox. | ciation. It was announced that winners| The evening closed with a may get their prizes next Tues- peautiful candlelight service con- day, December 1, after 7 p.m. jucted by Mrs. Frank Michael and next business meeting is on|and members of the WA. | Tuesdav evening, December 1 at | 7.30 p.m. 7TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. | The 7th Scout Mothers' Auxil- -- | SOCIAL NOTICES Thornton H&S Assn. The two bazaars held each year| help toward these projects. Mrs. Lamb was presented with| a gift in appreciation. Those in charge of booths were as follows: candy booth, Mrs. E.| Anderson; home cooking, Mrs. | Eric Jacklin; country store, Mrs. Frank Grant; touch and take, Mrs. M. Close; infants' wear,| Mrs. George V. Lee; aprons, Mrs. Daniel Guiltinan; novelties and socks, Mrs. Matthew Bell; fancy work, Mrs. Alyn Elliott; tea room, Mrs. Frank Davey. Tea cup reading: Mrs. M. May-| The engagement is announced Mrs. Robert Holdaway, nard, Mrs. Fred Rampling, and Miss|j io Mr Terwilk Hazel Waring. Pouring tea: 'Mrs, Charles| Lamb, Mrs. Dobson, Mrs. D. Bemis and Mrs. B. Brown. In charge of raffle and tickets, Mrs. Robert Williams. ENGAGEMENT The gement is of Dorothy Isobell Shaw, young- | est daughter of Mrs. Lola David- Robert Thornton Home and son and Mr. Eugene Shaw, both School Assoeiation was held re- of Oshawa, to Mr. Warren wil.cently wth Mrs. Allan Manson, liam Abbott, son of Mr. Clive|President, presiding, d'th i Abbott of Oshawa and the late| Mrs. A. Joynt rea e min. Mrs. Abbott. The marriage will| take place at Centre Street Unit-| ed Church on Friday, December| 11, 1959, at 7 p.m. ENGAGEMENT November Meeting The November meeting of Dr. the treasurer, Mrs. John West- ake. The room count was won by Mr. Michael Karpiak's room. Reports on the UNICEF col- lections made in the school area of Dy Mrs. Patrick Winacott indica- e ted another successful effort by _ the higher grade students to the Mrs, Amount of $54.90 which had been "7 ivrned in after Hallowe'en: | ne 4 Mrs. E. W. Coedy gave an |e. Waddie Js do we Place on temized report on the recent ni successful bazaar which is the ll ng in Albert Street United) "1v money raising project of the : Association each. year. daughter rwillegar and th egar, to Jui {ward Welsh, son of Mr. and Theodore Welsh, al of Donna Yvonne, Mrs. Archie Te: "MARY ANN This bonny young miss is Mary Zinn, one-year-old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grant, Kaiser Crescent. Ann, who celebrated her first birthday on September 15, is the granddaughter of Mrs. Mary | It was mentioned that there "would be an immunization clin- |ic held at the school on Satur- |day morning, November 28, from :|9 to 10 a.m. | It was announced that the Brocklin Lions' club wished to |show its film on the Antarctic |explorations of Dr. Fuch in the near future and hoped the gen- |eral public would be interested enough to avail themselves of /|this opportunity in and around |Oshawa districts. Mrs. Harold Parsons, social | convener, introduced the soloist, {Mr. Roy Hatter, who sang "My |Hero" and "Now Sleeps The |Crimson Petal." He was accom- |panid at the piano by Mrs. John Allen, | Mrs. Lloyd Courtice, vice- nresident of the Area Council of #|Ontario Federation of H-S, spoke Zon the objects of Home and {School with their true meanings. {She suggested that sound educa- {tion be offered a chance to be 'lahsorbed with more years in- cluded in the furthering of knowled7e and read a parable, {|""A Mother," to conclude her ad- | |dress. | Refreshments were served by |the mothers of grade 6 pupils. | Things My Mother Never Told Me " | How can a girl who's "well- | | stacked" know whether she's | really liked ? Why is going sii | steady actually unsafe? In December Reader's Digest a popular columnist, with ba s humor and wisdom, gives . and Mrs. William Grant, | i : or hy northern Ireland, | some cool tips about blue-jean and great-granddaughter of biology ...Get your December | Mr. Amos Bowerman, Oshawa. | Reader's Digest today -- 37 | | articles of lasting interest. | Clarence Hansel, Oshawa, and | Photo by Hornsby. utes followed by a report from colors of orange and green with centerpieces of chry- santhemums. The booths with CEREBRAL PALSY COUNCIL |>2" : The Oshawa and District Core.1Dme baking, ei Dovel bral Palsy Parent Council month-| . ly meeting was held in its school| Wiss Mae McMullen was en- om 2 Shue Isl) Osea o1 |tertained recently 3t_ ber home hy ' (on Simcoe street south at a sur- With Mrs. Delvert Arkless, presi-|prise party given by her school ent, presiding. ._|pals and who presented her with The highlight of the evening|a gift of stationery. Games and was the showing of moving pic-|a sing song were enjoyed and a re o Te Lite {Ehekatoo buffet lunch was served. anch by Mr. Fri a Salle, | who gave a commentary. Members of the Oshawa Pilot Mrs. Robert Campbell of Bow-|Club and their guests held a din- manville, and Mrs. Arkless were [oer jnesting Socently a the i a ables - Ts Charte u werk atknowledged ted rag bg hg from the Canadian Corps, The|dles in the club colors. Miss Lil- Silver Cross Women, The Pythian lian Beamish, president, presid- uni Cn IE ae Slag glu children of room 6, Newcastle chairman of public affairs, who School. The rummage sale and introduced Mrs. Ludmila Zed- recent card parties have also|nik who was born in Czechoslo- heen fingneial SuGessus. | vakia and is now a resident of rs. Arkless submit! a re- Oshawa and well known as an port on the general meeting of interpreter with the Oshawa po- ihe Outarlo Roderstion for the lice court staff for some time. erebra alsiel el a e|She has just returned from the Lord Simcoe Hotel, Toronto, on continent and spoke of conditions wT fact that the pert Gerpauys A Neston Jeriod he olowed. Mrs. Kenne meeting is so close to Christmas|thanked Mrs. Zednik. wan it was decided to dispense with| the December meeting. | You are invited by the Social Mrs. William Brown and Mrs. Department to send in any little Peter Boyko served refresh- items of interest. News of anni- ments. versAries and comings and go- ings are always very acceptable, TOMATO FRENCH DRESSING| and for which there is no charge. : : Please write or telephone RA In a pint jar combine 1 €an|s 3474 local 18. tomato soup, % cup salad oil, 1-3 cup vinega:, 1 teaspoon dry) FALSE FILLINGS mustard, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 clove| BRISTOL, England (CP) -- A garlic, (optional) 1 teaspoon GOV-|jentist here was fined hy a dental ernor Sauce. Cover and shake|council for claiming fees for fill- until ingredienis are well blend- (ings that were not necessary. He ed. Chill sevreal hours before|filled 16 teeth for a woman when serving. |only three fillings were required. Couple Honored On Anniversary Married in Sackville, New honor recently at a dance at the UAW hall. freshments served at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Carl Sloan, Masson street, when the honor- ed pair cut a 25th anniversary cake. Assisting the hostess in serving were Mrs. Ronald Beck, {Mrs. Edgar Sloan and Mrs, | Percy Hayes. Mrs. Mitton is the former Miss |Zona Cole, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James Cole -of Sackville, and. the bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Gartha Mitton of Sackville and is connected with the Millwork Building Supplies of North Oshawa. The couple have one other daughter, Mrs. The dance was followed by re- Ro Gerald Simpson of Oshawa and a grandson, Daniel Simpson. Many congratulatory messages and gifts were received. Among the guests present were: Mr. Wednesday evening, November|Brunswick, twenty five years/a@nd Mrs. Gordon Tripp, Ajax; 25, at the home of Mr, and Mrs.|ago, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mitton | MT. Russell Dodd, Whitby; Mr. George Barron, Broadview ave- RR 1, Oshawa, were guests of|? d Mrs. Roy Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. la darrison, Mr. and Mrs. Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Irvine, Mr. and Mrs. William |Dodwell, Mrs. Gerald Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sloan, Mr. |and Mrs. Howard Johnson, Mr. |and Mrs. Edgar Sloan, Miss Vir- ginia Warren, Mr. Leroy Cole, | Mr. Austin Smith, Mr. Keith | Wright, all of Oshawa. Ronald SNORING TEST LONDON (CP)--Husbands and |wives have been invited to join |in an experiment by doctors try- ing to find a cure for snoring. The idea is that one stays awake to record the other's snores. MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Dear Mary Haworth: I am an unhappilv marrieC woman, 39 years old. We have been married | eally husband and he's never really known me, I think, during these 20 years. I mean we've never felt really close to each other, as I think married should-- with deep tender devotion at times. It's never happened with us; we've never been able to get through to one another. . . . When we married, the only thing we had in common was our religious background and the fact that we thought we were in love. It is possible we both were run- ning away from our poor environ- ment and thought marriage was the only way out. BEFORE TOO LATE To me our marriage is a pre- tense. I hang on because of the children. My husband has done much excessive drinking in these vears, which often embarrassed me and the children; also he has gone out with other women. Realizing that we've never been really close, I tried not to con. demn him; but I am only human and can stand just so much, I think we both should try to set a good example and, while I don't consider myself perfect. I have always been a faithful wife. But I am miserable and feel that he is miserable and unhappy, too. We grow farther apart earh day, and I am afraid that eventually we will start hating one another. I'want us both to find some real happiness before it's too late. For his sake and mine, also for the sake of others, who might be saved from making the mistake 1 made, please answer soon. G.Y. DRAW A LARGER MAP Dear G.Y.: When you are mar- ried and can't find happiness in the husband-wife relationship, it is wise to accept the fact and, fig- uratively speaking, draw for your- Couple Married For 20 Years Now Face Incompatibility Don't break up the marriage. Just let it be. Turn the main stream of your interest and ex- pectations and energies in other directions. As vou cease to expect e--that It occurs to' me tha' maybe you've tried too hard (quite gal lantly) to breathe the beauty of true love into your marriage. And in making this strenuous effort, possibly you got your husband on the defensive -- so that uncon- sciously he was locking doors against you, emotionally, so as not to "surrender" to, or be "dominated" by, your "demands" (as he felt they were). INNER MEANING It takes a man with some ine trospective depths and a generous measure of healthy ego to bravely bare his innermost thoughts apd tenderest feelings to the wife he has to sive with daily, on a pro- saic level of reality. The immature man, of shallow mind and defective ego, just can't venture it. He doesn't know him- self sufficiently to make sense on the subject; and also, uses re- serve to cloak a fear of looking silly if he were to drop his guard ana speak from the heart, If there is a chance of helping such a man to mature into true self-givingness, it consists, para- doxically, in liking and accepting him, without needing or longing for a close intense relationship. My advice is to stay married and ease the tension by branching out into a larger pattern of per- sonal interests -- such as club work, church work and commun- ity service. Your personality should thrive on the change, and so too may your marriage, in time. WH. Mary Haworth counsels through her column, not by mail or personal interview. Write her in care of this newspaper. [self a larger map of life, within which to operate. Jean Kolodzie Entertains ORMTA With Travelogue Miss Jean Kolodzie, supervisor of music for the Oshawa Separ Pictured after their wedding recently at St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church are Mr. and Mrs. Albert David Dumais. The bride, the former Miss Frances Josephine Heffer- man, daughter of Mrs. Joseph Hefferman of Oshawa, and the late Mr. Hefferman, s a gradu- PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE IS WED ate of the School of Nursing of St. Mchael's Hospital, Toronto, and at present a member of the staff of the Oshawa Board of Health. The bridegroom is th eson of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Dumais of Penetangui- shene, Ontario. --Photo by Ireland ate Schools, entertained a large gathering of the members of the| Ontario Registered Music Teach- ers' Association at the home of Mrs. J. A. Marshall, Athol street east, on Wednesday evening, November 25. Miss Kolodzie with two of her frends went on a ten-week trip to England and Europe in the summer of 1958, She took her audience through a graphic ac- count of her tour through France, Belgium, Austria and Ewitzer- land ending with a visit to a number of her relatives behind the iron curtain in Poland. She illustrated her talk with a large number of colored slides includ- ing a close-up of Pope Pius in Vatican Suare and pictures tak- en of present day conditions in Poland. After a short business meeting Mrs. Alex Fisher, supervisor of school music in Ajax, spoke on the subject of the annual Ajax music festival. It is hoped to be able to expand this festival by adding instrumental classes. A committee was formed to look into the possibility of this. Mrs. O. Naylor reported on Unfair Criticism Too Often Levelled At Minister's Wife An impossible standard of per fection is demanded of a minis- ter's wife by too many parish- ioners, charges Claire Jones, a minister's wife. A preacher's wife is human, the writer pointed out, although many seem to feel she is a spe- cies apart. 'Because she is directly in- volved in her husband's work and, therefore, on constant view the wife of a minister is judged as a mother, homemaker and co-worker in a way that the wife of no other professional or busi- nessman is. What she says, what she does, how she dresses, the friends she chooses--all are ob- served and commented upon, and can have a great deal to do with ther husband's success or ure," Mrs. Jones declared. From her own experience when secretary of a large church she cited an instance where a mem- ber of the congregation resented the minister's wife being too pretty. "It just doesn't seem right," she complained. In another case, the minister, an unusually gifted and hard. |working man at the same church for seven years did not get an increase in his obviously inade- tentative plans being made for the ORMTA to sponsor a "young artists" recital in January. : Final plans were made for th students' recital to be held in ouate salary because his wife always so beautifully dress- the auditorium of McL Public Library on Saturday evening, November 28. favoured for Christmas giving! Within recent years, the term "mir- acle drugs" has become a part of the language. Are these drugs "miracles?" In the true meaning of the word -- no. They are intricate chemical formulas developed through scientific research and produced through the genius of the pharma- ceutical industry. They do, however, effect cures which a short time ago og have been termed "miracu- 5". 'COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S | PRESCRIPTION IS OUR PROFESSION" | Jury & Lovells | OSHAWA--BOWMANVILLE--WHITBY "We Send Medicines To Europe Postage Free" ) . ONLY... 3 MORE DAYS! MARTEN'S 52nd ANNIVERSARY FUR SALE! Take advantage of this outstanding offer now . « . and save -- QE -- 75 King St. East Oshawa Opposite Hotel Genosha YARDLEY Attractive gift boz of LOTUS COLOGNE ond LOTUS SOAP $90 Also available in romantic Red Roses From the Christmas of Yardley gifis at MITCHEL Drug Tax S ay L"S is 9 SIMCOE § > ELNA PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIAL SALE SINGER 5% TREADLE EATON: er 10° IAMS 10" SINGER o only ....... 39 P/WEIGHT 7.00 Huse is 5 GIN i 89" yn consoue. 110° Avromatic1 39 Week End Special 2 Only -- NEW Sew forward and re- ei Tl % psi) FPR 49 SEWING CENTRE RA 5-2591 CONSOLE SINGER PORTABLE PLANET PORTABLES OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE

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