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The Oshawa Times, 27 Nov 1959, p. 7

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FREEZER STORAGE IMPROVES FLAVOR Like many other o! the good | in transparent film and placed things in life, the flavor of | jn plastic freezer bags which fruit cake improves with age. These cakes (one uniced, the | Wer® fastened securely after expelling excess air. If you other with butter icing) after 9 months storage in the home | have extra Chirstmas cake this freezer of Canada's Kitchen, | year, why not put some away were found to be as moist and | in your freezer? It makes won- tender as the day they were | derful eating anytime, especi- baked and the flavor had be- | ally when served unexpectedly come quite mellow. For freez- | during other seasons of the ing, the cakes were wrapped | year. TELLTALE STAINS CARLION, England (CP)--A|viously use books librarian from this Nottingham- stands. shire town says many readers ob- as teapot CHILD GUIDANCE Youngsters May Benefit From A Sense B. G. CLEVELAND MYERS Having heard and read so much about the harm to persons result- ing from a sense of guilt about their behavior in certain types of |P€ situations, you may suppose that no parent or child should ever feel guilty about anvthing he has said or done, even though he knew it was wrong. Believing this literally, you wouldn't want{ your child ever to feel sorry, "feel bad inside," feel a sense of guilt. You would never let yourself feel guilty for any wrong you knew you had done. NOT ASK FORGIVENESS You would not ask anybody to forgive you, no matter how sure vou were you had harmed him. You wouldn't use the words in that parent's prayer I once wrote for myself: "Give me the cour- age to confess my sins against my children and to ask of them for- giveness when I know that I have done them wrong." (A copy of this prayer may be had by send- ing a self - addressed, U.S. stamped envelope to me in care of this newspaper.) How could you ever earnestly pray to your Heavenly Father to forgive vou? Would you really really have any conscience left? The oft - accepted warnings about feelings of guilt seem to have started with psychiatric di- agnosis and treatment of persons mentally ill or ailing. There are rsons so overcome by a sense of guilt that they are unable to regain their emotional bearings without professional help. Often this excessive and continued feel- ing of guilt relates to insignificant matters, or to matters wholly be- yond their control. But for you and me and any other average person, a sensitive conscience makes us feel un- happy after we have done or said something we know is morally wrong. HOW ABOUT CHILD? As a rule, this is fortunate for our own self-guidance. But how is your child going to guide himself if he never feels guiltv after doing what he has learned from you to be wrong? Our hope in guiding our children when they are away from us is to guide them so well when they are | with us, in an atmosphere of fam- ily understanding and love, that they will feel comfortable when, |in our absence, they do about as {they would do when with us and |uncomfortable when they do |otherwise. Call this uncomfortable feeling a sense of guilt if you like; it has a very potent. place. PUNISHING CHILD When we punish a child for his wrong deeds, the punishment of ten consists of our anger toward him expressed by words, voice and gesture. Many experts ap- prove our angers at him, some saving they are good for both of us when the child knows we have them. Don't we want him to feel sorry and have a sense of guilt after doing what he has learned was wrong? He may get emotional relief from this sense of guilt after he has paid the penalty following apprehension or has voluntarily told us all about his misdeed when we didn't have the facts. In either event, he should know the matter is thereafter a closed book and that, emulating our Heavenly Father, we have forgiven him. PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q. How 'may one secure the Ninth Annual Survey of Chil dren's TV and Radio Programs? A. By sending tt cents to The National Association for Better Radio and Television, 882 Victoria Avenue, Los Angeles 5, Calif. CREOLE SAUCE In 2 tablespoons butter, cook % chopped onion, % cup diced cel- ery and 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper until tender. Stir in 1 can tomato soup and % tea- speon cayenne and heat to serv- ing temperature, Serve as is with omelets or add meat, seafood or hard-cooked| eggs and serve over rice or| noodles. Start Stocking Cupboards Now With Extras For Christmas Cheer "it, Mallabone \Like Mum to Sailors at least|beans; the family's favorite cas- those whose budgets bruise eas-!serole and several really good ily, like to begin their Christmas pork pies (tourtieres) would also be stored in the home freezer. Of course, not all foods for the festive season require freezer and plum puddings, which should be naval recruits, officer candidates made several weeks ahead of'and men wishing to transfer to Smart homemakers, shopping early. Some extend this fore-thought to include food shop- ping, and it's a good idea. No- body enjoys the prospect of hav- ing to cut down on food purchases in January in order to make up for going overboard in Decem- ber! Those of you who have home freezers have no doubt discover- ed the merits of stocking up with holiday foods well ahead of time. Besides spreading the extra ex- penditures over a longer period, this practice can save you a lot of last minute work and worry. A peek into home freezers across the land right now would no doubt disclose many a Christ- make out a list of the foods you're mas corner heaved with goodies. | For example, there might be a Christmas cake, plum ' pudding| and the sauce to go with it, short- bread and all sorts of cookies. mince pies, butter tarts and| homemade rolls, tea biscuits or all ready for the turkey stuffing: cranberry sauce and relish and applesauce; a tray or two or| hors d'oeuvres, nuts, crisp po-| tato chips and crackers still iy their sealed boxes or other air- tight containers. For hurry-up| holiday meals a big batch of | black enamel to each quart of spaghelli sauce and one of baked storage. Christmas cakes time for best flavor, will keep very well in air-tight wrappings or containers. Canned and bottled foods such as ham, chicken, sea- food, juices, fruits, vegetables, pickles and the specialties you like to have on hand for parties, may be bought now and tucked away in a special spot in the back of your kitchen cupboard. So, why not sit down immed- iately with paper and pencil and going to want for Christmas? If you pick up a few items on each shopping trip between now and the big day it will save you many last-minute, extra steps and at the muffins; a bag of bread crumbs 2 ith SOWETO uary. HOUSEHOLD HINT To prevent white enamel from turning yellow, add one tsp. off; "my o1ang she joined the naval white enamel paint. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 27, 1959 7 Determined to see as much of Britain as possible, she spent many weekends hitch-hiking. pe, Schad nd VICTORIA (CP)--To the Royal form," she said. "Drivers in Eng- |Canadian Navy she's Lieut, land would ordinarily never pick Mavis Mallabone, but to the sail- UP a Woman, but they knew we ors she's like a mother. were perhaps 'broke' and trying Lieut. Mallabone is the person- to get back to base. nel selection officer at HMCS "As soon as they found I was . Naden here. She interviews new a Canadian they were just vellous, We received all sorts of invitations to have meals and stay with them for holidays." AID STUDENTS {other branches of the RCN, and conducts aptitude tests. Do men resent unburdening "Sometimes," she said in an interview, "but although they may be suspicious at first they soon react normally once they to describ dev find they have a sympathetic|in the arts and sciences. di Then I b just an- at McGill University have sched- * other mother." WELL TRAINED 1 Slim, dark-haired and 36 years of age, Lient. Mallabone came well equipped for her unusual career. After graduating from the {University of Alberta with a | DID YOU KNOW That you con get TRILAN CARPET from Nu-Way Rug and Carpet Sales for $5.50 square yard. NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES 174 Mery St. RA 5-0433 gree in education, she took psy- chology courses at Acadia Uni- versity. Before joining the Canadian navy the native of Canmore} Alta., was a member of the wom-| en's naval service in England. A] desire to travel had taken her| there, and to lengthen her stay! [remen's branch. and completed her service as a petty officer. REATER gIGGER VALUES! | qe LECTION A 8-3 Start Se SISTER.) /.\"'/.\ 4X 9 to 9 . ED, oo, 4 : Christmas Shop Today ONLY 23 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS! LE SHOP TONIGHT WE'RE OPEN TIL 9 P.M. NO MONEY DOWN purchased. ; be you! BUY NOW! NO MONEY DOWN! - On December 22nd, Draw Tickets from Cherney's 3 stores will be Draw which will take place December 23rd. There will be - ... FIRST PAYi.ENT NEXT FEBRUARY In addition, you will receive one Free Ticket for each and every dollar's worth of merchandise gathered up for a Giant eleven winners , , . one could Enjoy \ Chet Liberal Terms Call In! Pick Up Your Free Draw Ticket . . . $1,500 In Prizes If you have not been in to Cherney's, in downtown Oshawa, to take advantage of their Pre-Christmas Sale Prices, why not do so tonight. Cherney's are open until 9 p.m. for your shopping convenience. Be sure you pick up your FREE ticket in Cherney's draw. One FREE ticket can be yours for the asking, with each and every visit to the store, up until December 22nd, (No purchase necessary) and the ticket you pick up to- night could be the winner of one of the many valuable prizes shown at the right. $1500 WORTH OF MERCHANDISE % 3569.00 Electrohome HI-Fi Set. . . 329.95 McClary Electric Range %* 179.00 Moffat Washer . . . 179.00 Westinghouse Hi-Fi Radio Phonograph * 158.00 Brinton "Sar-U-Khan" Rug . . . 79.95 Sklar Swivel Rocker % 79.00 Swing King Chair . . . 69.00 Serta Perfect Sleeper "Smooth Top" Mattress % 59.50 Harding Axm. Carpet . .. 39.95 Hoover Floor Polisher . . . 13.50 Congoleum Rug ONE OF CANADA'S GREAT STORES FO THE HC themselves to a woman? MONTREAL (CP) -- Prof ve ES PS SC SE

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