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The Oshawa Times, 27 Nov 1959, p. 8

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§ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 27, 1959 Ajax Hydro Commission has donated a number of electrical appliances to Ajax high school GIFTS FOR AJAX HIGH SCHOOL to be used in the Home Econom- | pressing irons, ics department. They justude | electric frying pans, kettles, | is Marjorie Edge and school man of the commission. toasters and | principal James Rapsey. On the coffee percolator. On the left | right is Roger Conant, chair- Trinity WA Holds Meet By MRS. A. L. HOOEY BOWMANVILLE -- Group Five of Trinity WA met at the home of Mrs. E. Osborne Thursday. Mrs. W. H. Watson and Mrs. W. J. Jewell conducted the ser- tvice and Mrs. Jewell read the biography of Joseph Scriven, the hymn writer. \ : All members brought gifts for the bazaar which took place the following day. Mrs. Watson will be hostess for the December meeting in the form of a Christmas party and exchange of gifts. The committee will be Mrs. A. Allin, Mrs. Bagnell and Mrs. Wat- son. « HOCKEY MOTHERS' MEET The Hockey Mother's Associa- tion met in the Green Room at the Lions Centre with Mrs. Nich- olls presiding. The treasurer re- ported a balance of $267 to com- mence the season's activities. Two sets of good pads will be purchased for Atom players. The mothers of all atom players will be contacted to attend the Janu- ary meeting. . It was announced $25 had been sent to Mrs. MacLeod, wife of the hockey coach at Listowel, who was killed in the arena disaster. PERSONALS Paul Herbert, Maple, spent the weekend with his parents, Rev. and Mrs, Herbert. Mrs. P. Luxton has returned from a visit to Tweed. are prepared to stav in the pres- ent district and apply our taxes to the general support of its high schools. Warns Counties Council Must Have High School COBOURG (Staff) -- Unless United Counties council is pre- pared to finance a high school in the Clarke township area, the township will set up its own high school district in the same man- ner that the township of Cart- wright operates. This was the ultimatum made by a delegation of 10 members of the Clarke township high school led by Prof. C. B. Sissons, which "Failing that, we are prepared to implement the request of a petition which has been circu- lated and widely signed that a Clarke Township separate and 'The situation is this. Between/must be eaten in one of the 2 y 1951, when the county district class rooms. Assembly hall, gym- (form 3 Clarke Hew Sehoo] Dis was set up, and 1958 the enrol nasi feteria, an adequate Fit! = Cont 0 oa. a fie Towp- ment of the four high schools playing field -- such amenities| "Pp of Lartwright, increased as follows: Bowman-|of modern education are conspic. We are firmly convinced that ville 367 to 744 (102 per cent), uously wanting. the educational needs of the pres- Port Hope 297 to 529 73 per cent),| "But good teaching, good dis- ent, si iess of the future, are Orono 47 to 115 (144 per cent),|cipline and good school spirit not met by a policy of transport- Millbrook 56 to 85 (51 per cent).|have done much to overcome de-|ing our pupils to larger centres, Newcastle High School closed in pressing surroundings, as statis-|involving as this would long and 1954, its attend having de-|tics show. Within the next year|time - wasting bus trips, and the creased from 46 in 1951 to 24 in/something must be done to bring|serious interference with home and community ties and in- Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson, Oshawa, were guests of Mrs. O. Venning, Sunday. P. Johnson, Victoria College, Toronto, and E. Colwell spent the weekend with Mrs. B. Colwell. Rae Rundle, Napanee, is visit- ing Mrs. F. Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hooev and Cathryn spent Sunday with Mrs. B. A. Green, Barrie. FEWER APPLES CHATHAM, Ont. (CP) -- The apple crol in Kent County is about 20 per cent smaller than last year. Dry weather and high winds ere largely to blame, said Jim McGuigan of Cedar Springs, DUNBARTON DUNBARTON -- Mr. and Mrs. McMillan, Oshawa, visited ' the manse Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Bourne, Kingston road, - have returned from a vacation in Florida. Peter Greenshields is a pati- ent in Ajax Hospital. The Cookson family of Etobi- coke have moved into the house formerly occupied bv the Win- ters on White Side road and No. 2 Highway. The Vass family of Pickering | have moved into their home on White's road. Jack Cropley of Deep River visited Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Annis Wednesday. Annie Quackenbush, of Fort William, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Annis at the kend {fumbled a consonant since they | Speech Therapists Must Imitate Stuttering Types TORONTO (CP) -- Lessons in stuttering are part of the regular tuition in a University of Toronto course. Students who have hardly fects may be caused by jury to the vocal chords illness. Students learn to tackle problem at the school and hospital clinics. At present wooden buildings but by 1 school will have permanent structure, fo cated by another der the university's long - $52,000,000 expansion program. were toddlers are given ¢ coaching in the various types of stuttering. It's part of post-graduate stud- ies for a dinloma in speech na- thology and audiology. When this year's 16 students, all bachelor of arts graduates, receive their speech diplomas they will be ex- {pert in the six principal types of - §2EEE gv FRE. § ie £8 ior 2 fh i g E !stuttering. | As speech therapists they must 3 : |be able to demonstrate the varia- ARE YOU AN Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Torrie, of Kildonan drive, Bircheliffe and Joan Wilson of Guelph visited Mr. and Mrs. McClement and A. J. Thompson Sunday. Mr, Mrs. T. Dumond, Glendale drive, visited Mrs. Dumond's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horner, in Barrie Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry O'Connor had a birthday party in honor of Mrs. O'Connor's mother, Mrs. G. Howe, Sunday. Orville Hamilton is a patient in Sunnybrook Hospital. The On-We-Go Auxiliary of the United Church held its Novem- ber meeting at the manse Tues- day evening. The late of officers for the coming year was drawn up, following which Mrs. Olive Waters gave a demonstration in the use of cosmetics. The United Church bazaar will rooms Saturday. The WA, Sun- day school, and Young People (will have booths. | -- Good Hunting In Rockies ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE, Alta. (CP)--Sportsmen have had | tions to their patients, as one way | this defect. . of over i Seven of the students are due who fits into this picture ? to qualify at the end of this year in the two - year course, which earning from $3,000 to $5,000 and who sees no future in his present occupation, was initiated in 1958. GROWING DEMAND They then may help to over- come an increasing shortage of speech therapists in Toronto hos- pitals, where only nine of the 26 required posts are filled at pres- ent. Speech therapy helps both gr ren and adults, save Dr. S| ove. soy, from 23 10 35 -- o man who likes to meet people; School of Soeech Pathology and} a man of determination as well teadi purpose (pre- Audiology. Stuttering and stam- ne = ad nes of mering, he says, are the cause of an inferiority complex--not the result of one. Avart from defects at birth, such as a cleft palate, speech de- be held in the Sunday school three California hunters into the | Pinto Lake area, 90 miles north- jwest of here and each bagged an elk. Four hunters from Houston, | Tex., guided by Chester Sands of {Rocky Mountain House came {back with four goats, three sheep and an elk. A second party from Akron, Ohio, bagged four goats, three elk and a moose. ferably five years with present firm); there is on opportunity open that entails no travelling, offers o salory ond bonus, and rapid advancement. If you think you qualify, your non-committal inquiry for in- formation is invited in confidence, PLEASE STATE STREET ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER WRITE BOX 928, OSHAWA TIMES presented a brief to council Tues- day. Warden Garnet Rickard prom- ised the delegation that the brief would be studied by the special committee set up by council re- cently to study high school con- * ditions in Durham county. The brief states: "The committee of 14 represen- tative citizens of the Township of Clarke, including the reeve and _ deputy-reeve and the two Clarke members of the District High School Board, appointed by coun- cil to act on behalf of the coun- cil in the present high school situ- ation, having held two regular meetings and a conference with the consultative committee of the county council begs to report. "The current building program of the Durham County District High School Board fails to meet the present needs o fsecondary education in Clarke Township and should, we think, be regarded as :. merely an instalment. i . Family Fetes | Mrs. Ashton By MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN ENNISKILLEN -- Mrs. E, C. Ashton was the guest of honor sirat a family birthday party at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ira Travell, Oshawa. Among the 35 guests were Mrs. Ashton's great - granddaughter, J May and her youngest grand- daughter Janet Bragg, and her brother Allen Stainton. The table was centred with a decorated birthday cake for Mrs. Ashton, and her daughter, Mrs. S. Rodman. PERSONALS Mary Jones, Bowmanville, and Moary Griffin spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. E. Jones, Port Hope. Mrs. G. A. Scott, Oshawa, Louise and Marjorie McIntosh, Whitbv, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Irwin Sunday. -- Mr. and Mrs. E. Trewin, Doreen and Donald visited Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb visit- ed Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Oliver, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Lyon and family, Hampton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke, * Oshawa, visited A. Oke and Elsie ke . 'Mr. and Mrs. W. McNair, of Stouffville, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Thompson, and Lorne, Altona, visited Mr. and Mrs. E, McNair Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Switzer, Gates Mills, Ohio, and Nancy Wood, Guelph, were weekend 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett, and family, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Alldread, Tyrone, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Lamb visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Holroyd, Hamp- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gettins and girls, Caesarea, were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vice, Solina, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Brown, Kedron, Mr, and Mrs. Hoskin Smith, Hampton, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms at- tended the golden wedding anni- versary of Mr. and Mrs. H. Mahaffy at Purple Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hodgson, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Might, and Esther, Peterborough visited Mr. and Mrs. R. McGill. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferguson visit- ed Mrs. R. Bottrell, Newcastle. Mr, and Mrs. Allan Werry, and irls, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ross >c, Kedron, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Frank MeGill, ... Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. | R. McGill Sunday. Mrs. A. L. Wearn and Susan Visited Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wagg, Uxbridge. a Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp and! 1953. |the facilities of Clarke into line EDUCATED OUTSIDE with those of other townships. "In addition to those enrolled in| TUG OF WAR the Orono high school some 90| "It should be noted that the Clarke students were last year board on two occasions recom- being educated outside Clarke mended that a new school be built township. least of the Clarke . Darlington " :. town line. This decision, it may "The 120 students enrolled this : » year at the Orono high school | 2° ingetred, Yas Tiago on educa. occupy rented quarters in the| ond Et yo e Juest on} public school building for which | 725 Doty od pocome a tug-| the rental is $6500 a year. The|O War beiween municipal coun- lease expires on June 30, 1961, C11S: | The attitude of our committee and probably cannot be extend-|o, the division of the district |east and west, having consider- "In the meantime instruction is/ed the financial aspect present- carried on in the basement and|ed by the consultative commit- on the second floor, in three|tee, is that we see no advantage fairly adequate rooms, except |for ourselves or for others in the that one is in the basement, one division. small room and a science labora-| "If we are assured that the tory in the corner of another | need of a school in Clarke Town- small room used as a Grade 12|ship is recognized, and that the |county council will facilitate the class room. The library occupies | a cloak room six feet wide. Lunch financing of a suitable school, we one of the largest producers. TIMES BUREAUS RJAX John Mills Ajax 426 Rae Hopkins Ma. 3-7282 good hunting this year in the Rocky Mountain House area. The hunters meet guides in this town, 150 miles southwest of Ed- mondon, then strike out across the North Saskatchewan River and into the Big Horn Range of the Rockies. The heavily forested area abounds with big game. Guide B.C. Learned of Sylvan Lake and Isaiah Crawler of the Big Horn Indian Reserve guided AAA RRAARRRARAAARRARRAAS BEE 000C REDUCED TO CLEAR SAVE 20.00 TO 35.00 Si fluences. "From almost every point of view we helieve that the smaller school, where the principal and teachers can know their pupils and where the individual student can share more fully in the vari- ous school activities, is to be pre- ferred to the very large institu- tion. For the needs of Clarke, in our judgment, this is certainly the case." LUCKY GREEN presents the NERS OF 7% PLACE -THE -WORD - GAME SEVENTH GAME CLOSED NOV. 11th MR. H. D. LEACH 748 KING St,LONDON, ONT. ist PRIZE--MINK STOLE Bonus Prize--Diamond Ring "2nd PRIZE WINNERS who received LANDERS DEEP FRYERS Bonus Prize--3 pc. CARVING SET with 6 Steak Knives and Forks Miss Irene Gillerlain Mrs. W. Holl Miss H. Gold Mrs. Evelyn Flotman 64 Buell St, 196 Me. Park Ave, 101 Clarence St, 162 Monarch Park, Brockville, Ont. Hamilton, Ont. Port Colborne, Ont. Toronto, Ont. . ' Mrs. Hazelle Young Mrs. E. Doren D. Fetherston Mrs. H. Fulton Stitch N' Turn 11 Raleigh St, Apt. 5, _ 11 Loraine Gdns, 55 Cathcart St, 288 Westmoreland Ave, Black, Oak brown. 6 to Chatham, Ont. Islington, Ont. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Toronto, Ont, 11, half Mrs. J. M. Daly Billy MacDonold A. D. Adcock Mrs. F. Morfon sizes 703 Niagara Bivd,, 842 Portsmouth Ave. 170 Glengarry Ave., 349 Quebec Ave, Fort Erie, Ont. Kingston, Ont. Toronto 12, Ont, Toronto, Ont. Mrs. G. H. MacDonald Mr. A. F. Smart Pearl Barnhardf Mrs, Jean Natale 328 Brock St., 714 Bront St, 57 Roselawn Ave, 62 Charles St. E, Fort Erie, Ont. . London, Ont. Toronto, Ont. Toronto 5, Ont. Mrs. George Thomson Cecile deBellefeville Mrs. L. Barraclough Mrs. R. Y. Word 19 Emerick Ave, 397 Moria Goretti, 2531 Danforth Ave, 62 Duncannon Dry Fort Erie, Ont. Ottawa 2, Ont, Toronto 13, Ont. Toronto 7, Ont. John Ambrose Bell May Burford Mrs. Amy Benjamin E. Oliveri 19 Pretoria Rd., 152 Gloucester, Apt. 204, 51 Harvard Ave, 267 Homewood Ave, Galt, Ont. Ottawa, Ont. Toronto 3, Ont. Willowdale, Ont. Mrs. H. R. Eatock A. E. Robertson Mrs. Florence Bryant Dr. C. Reynolds 22 Waterloo Ave., RR # 5, 49 Maclean Ave, 333 Burnett Ave, Galt, Ont. Peterboro, Ont. Toronto 8, Ont. Willowdale, Ont. Miss B. Foot 16 Victoria Ave,, Galt, Ont. 2nd PRIZE WINNERS who received LANDERS DEEP FRYERS Pre Mrs. J. B. Davis E. A. Lavery William E. Barnes Jack Smith 58 Victoria Ave, 626 Amn St, 122 Waverley Rd, 553 Church St, Brockville, Ont. North Bay, Ont. Toronto 8, Ont. Toronto, Ont. Improve your game. Set automatically shoots out balls CHRISTMAS at different heights. Play table tennis by yourself for deseph Therion rs. M: Yamition George Liew 4. Wilson hours. Comes with 4.98 d d 196 Armour ing 2038 Malbrook Rd, 137 Colbeck St, 22 Lillian St, 2 paddles, 4 balls, and net .......s000s "0 Downsview, Ont, x " y & Howard G. Eby at % Eo ; ? (i Ny D 22 THE AMAZING NEW CELLULOSE FILLER eda V-\""/ lel add] [a CENTRE SIMPLY WON'T FALL OUT! iy ve fli /) Fill that woodwork Plug cutouts in doors ete. POLYFILLA will not shake loose, even on vibrat- ing surfaces, For cracks, holes, joins in ceilings and walls, No need to enlarge, cut back or wet the crack. Unique cellulose bond. Stays workable for ape proximately an hour. Takes nails and screws, Continental i" For that Gap behind the Sink Simply paint over the POLYFILLA when Fix that window pane JOLYFILLA makes an excel- t Swedish putty for glazing in wood or metal frames. There's nothing as good as Poured] J: Your first need in home decorating . POLYCELL DECORATING PRODUCTS LIMITED 850 CHURCH STREET » TORONTO + EM. 3-9341 Ask for POLYFILLA at your Paint or Hardware Store) EARLE GOODES' HARDWARE 245 KING ST. EAST SPECTACULAR CENTRE WIDE BATTERY OPERATED TABLE TENNIS SET Oakville, Ont. Toronto 9, Ont, Toronto 7, Onl. 7A Riverview Dr, Mrs. Wm. Boggs Mrs. R. Loyd Richard Bosom 627 St. Catherine St, 275 Salem Ave, 499 David St, Fort Henry Heights, Ont. Peterborough, Ont, Toronto, Ont. Welland, Ont. Mr. A. S. Walker 143 Randolph Rd, Mrs. S. Masales Mrs. F. Natale Mrs. Phyllis M. Walsh 46 Laird Dr, 391 Crawford St, 141 Niagara St, Leaside, Toronto, Ont. St. Catharines, Ont. Toronto 3, Ont. Welland, Ont. Mrs. Pat Ingrey 624 Colborne St, Mrs. J. R. Andrews Mrs. Alice Nown 35 Bellevve Ave., 87 Weoodmount Ave, London, Ont. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Toronto 6, Ont. Mrs, L. L. Farrer 1567 Pelissier St., Windsor, Ont. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 3-9312 ALL METAL TABLE CHAIR SET Two metal chairs and table, just like mom's. Practically indestructible VISIT SANTA CLAUS DODD & SOUTER PAINT & WALLPAPER 107 BYRON S. WHITBY PHONE MO 8-5231 Linda visited Mr. and Mrs. Allan SWAN'S IHA HARDWARE .~ Werry Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo,| Mary and Neil, visited D. Yeo. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Oshawa Sunday. Complete List of Prize Winners in all LOBLAW STORES IGEN EAE BONUS PRODUCTS YOU TOO MAY BE A WINNER! *|T'S EASY °IT'S FUN ® GET YOUR ENTRY BLANK JUST FILL IN 16 LETTERS FROM LOBLAWS CASHIER! FREE CANDY CANES DS "0 SE i 0 i | | RA 5.7513

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