Ueoneens Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 8, 1959 7 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES IN CENTURY-OLD TRADITION Old English Plum Pudding Crown Of The Christmas Meal There's an old English super- stition which goes like this: '"Who- ever eats a plum pudding on each of the 12 days between Christmas and Epiphany, making a wish on the first mouthful each day, will be blessed by luck and fulfillment during the next 12 months. But bad luck attends the greedy who nibble plum puddings before the Christmas feast." And, without this fair warning, it would take a strong will to resist an early sam- pling of the magnificent pudding, the crown of the Christmas meal! Made with raisins and currants md nutmeats, with cinnamon, putrneg and cloves, plum pud- fing is the Christmas confection which best honors the abundance and happiness of the season. For centuries, the pudding has graced the family table on Christmas| Day and, when set aflame, has| enchanted young and old alike. CHRISTMAS PLUM PUDDING 1 cups seedless raisins 1 cups dried currants 3% cup chopped nutmeats 1 cup sifted flour, divided 2 eggs, beaten % cup finely chopped suet Y cup pineapple juice 1 3% teaspoon baking soda % teaspoon cloves % teaspoon allspice % teaspoon cinnamon % teaspoon nutmeg % teaspoon salt Combine raisins, currants, nut- and fruit juice. Combine remain mixture. Add floured fruit mix well. Pour into greased 1% to 12 servings. HARD SAUCE SNOWMEN gether to form snowmen. Decor- 3% cup light molasses 3% cup buttermilk iy with whole cloves and bits of candied cherries. cup. packaged bread crumbs meats and 3% cup flour. Combine eggs, molasses, buttermilk, suef ing flour, crumbs, baking soda, spices and salt and add to egg and quart mold. Cover and set on rack in deep kettle. Add boiling] water to about once inch below cover of mold. Cover. Steam con- {tinually 1% to 2 hours. Makes 10 Cream one-third cup butter or margarine and two cups confec- tioner's powdered sugar, Add one teaspoon vanilla. Form into balls of 3 different sizes and put to-|2 King Street WMS Christmas Meeting The Christmas meeting of the WMS of King Street United Church was held recently with Mrs. Lawrence Allen presiding. The president, Mrs. Norman Wirshching was absent on ac- count of the death of her brother. Two minutes silence was fol- lowed by a tribute to the late Mrs. Mervin Bury by Mrs. Wil- fred Harris who offered prayer. Mrs. Duncan MacMillan gave the secretary's report and Mrs. Stan- ley Gomme reported for the nom- ination committee. Mrs. W. C. Skuce reported an increased allo- cation for next year which was ac- cepted by the group. Mrs. W. R. Short reported 23 hospital and 95 home calls. Mrs. Clarence Young reported six get- well cards and one sympathy card sent. The meeting was in charge of the Ann Crozier group with Mrs. Oscar Morrison leading. Mrs. Frank Michael presented the worship service. Mrs, Howard Brown introduce the speaker, Mrs. M. C. Fisher of Newcastle, president of the Presbyterial WMS, who brought a Christmas message. Mrs. Stanley Gomme and Mrs, |John Hare accompanied at the piano bv Mrs. Clarence Scott sang a duet "Christmas Bells", The Ann Crozier group served refreshments. ' Northminster WA ' Hears Talk 'By Mrs. Z. Zednik At the December meeting of ithe WA of Northminster United | 7 |Church Mrs. Zdenek Zednik, an interpreter at the Oshawa Mag- : |istrate's Court, gave an interest. " |camp in Germany. ing address on Germany, Mrs. Zednik was born Czechoslovakia but during the war was interned in a refugee After the : |war she migrated to Canada and ; |after 12 years is now a natural- ized Canadian. She returned to Li (Germany recently for a visit and was amazed to see the changes that have taken place since the war. The factories, apartment houses and buildings that are ris- ing up from the rubble is hard to believe. She concluded her address by asking the members to send any used clothing they could to the poor people of Ger- many and it would be very much appreciated. Miss Loreen Stanton sang two solos and was accompanied at the piano by Miss Helen De y omige. Both were from. Brook- lin. The speaker and the soloist and her accompanist were thank- ed by Mrs. Frank Bennett, lead- er of the Amity group, Mrs. George Jewell, president, presided for the business portion of the program. This being the final meeting of the year, dona- : |tions to Simcoe Hall, CGIT, Tyro WEDDING PRINCIPALS Married recently at the mew Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Kendalwood road, were Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Kemperle. The bride, the former Miss Helia (Sade Zori) Heghesan, is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Stef- an Heghesan of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kemperle of Ajax, --Photo by D. Anthony Florian Group, and a student minister were approved. A substantial cheque was also approved to the official board. Mrs, John Pickering was pre- sented with the life membership to the WMS. Mrs. R. B. Galbraith and Mrs, E. 8. Dafoe were in charge of the worship service. FOR FLUFFIER CAKES Baking powder is used in cakes, June Ann Bickle Becomes Bride | Of John V. Barbara The marriage of June Ann Bickle and John Vincent Bar- bara, both of Oshawa was sol- emnized in St. Gregory's Roman Catholie Church on Saturday white accessories. ushered. Micallef, Elizabeth street. west, they wore white feather hats and Mr, Frank Barbara was best man and Mr. Wilfred Prescott A reception was held at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph) Mr. and Mrs. Barbara are mak- ing their home at 41 Brock street cookies and biscuits because of its leavening power. Although bak- ing powder never "spoils" in the normal sense of the word, it does lose its ability to leaven if air or moisture is allowed to seep into |the tin. For this reason care must {be taken to ensure that the lid of the tin is tightly screwed on after use, and that the tin itself is stored in a dry place. morning by the Very Reverend Dean Paul Dwyer. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. R. C. Bickle, Highland Grove, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Barbara Sr, of Malta G.C, Mr, Joseph Marmara gave the bride in marriage. She wore a thr-e-quarter length gown with a bodice of lace, beaded with pearls, styled with a small collar and lily-point sleeves. The skirt was compesed of tiers of lace and pleated nylon net over satin, Her pearl-studded crown held a fin- gertip veil and she carried red roses and whyte chrysanthemums, Miss Frances Marmara was maid of honor in a blue nylon gown, and the other attendant was Mrs. Wilfred Prescott in| TAKES LONGER loss of moisture due to thawing, fresh meat. Cooking frozen meat, to avoid takes about one-third longer than HUYCK' Hair Styling Studio Welcomes BEN ABRAMOFF FOR CHRISTMAS FUR GIFTS visit FASHION VILLAGE "Fur Salon" 26 Simcoe St. §. blue jersey and taffeta. Their full-skirted dresses had scoop necklines and short sleeves and! (Hair Stylist) TO THEIR STAFF For that new coiffure hair style during the yuletide season, Ben invites you and all his friends to visit him at this new location, 8%: SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE RA 3-2912 = "A GRACE LUTHERAN GUILD Women's Guild of Grace Luther- Kartechner as pianist, A visitor was welcomed. During the business meeting talent and bazaar money was given also a donation in place of the usual gifts exchanged at this season. It was decided to forego the January meeting ang to meet in a group at a local restaurant for supper after which a social eve- ning will be spent at the home of Mrs, R. P. MacKenzie, The pastor conducted the elec- tion of officers as follows: President, Mrs. Victor Hart- wig; vice - president, Mrs. Selby Grant; secreiary, Miss Margot: Knox; treasurer, Mrs, John Stef- en. A vote of thanks was given the retiring officers and Mrs. Behm thanked the members for their fine co-operation during her three years in office. A social hour with refresh. ments followed. The table was decorated in the Christmas theme with a small favor at each place and a record oi Christmas carols was played, CHALLENGER GROUP The meeting of the Challenger Group was held in the board room at Albert Street United Church with the president, Mrs, Clayton Lee, presiding. Mrs. Fred Coleman was in charge of the devotional and the topic was "The Goldea Rule". Prayer by Mrs. Henry Hogarth brought the devotiona: to a close, "Thoughts for the day" were read by Mrs. Alec Maracle. Minutes of the lasi meeting were read. Treasurer and sick committee gave their reports. Birthday greetings were sung for Mrs, Clavion Lee and Mrs. Arthur Walker. The members were reminded of the Christmas party to be held at the home of Mrs. H. Bathe, 78 Harmony road south and the Cap- sule Sister banquet, December 30, ST. PAUL'S EVE. GROUP The regular meeting of the evening group of St, Paul's Pres- byterian Church was held at the home of Mrs. Mervin Cairns, Mrs. Derek Allan presided in the absence of the president, and opened with a reading from Isiah followed by prayer. It was decided after a thorough discussion that the group be known henceforth as Calvin Evening Group of St. Paul's Pres- byterian Church. This group is for all women interested in an even- n ing group and a cordial invitation is extended to any member or friend of St, Paul's. Mrs. Donald Monroe brought an invitation from the evening guild to its Christmas pot luck supper on December 15 at 6.30 p.m, For further details contact a Guild member, The Bible study for the evening was the Christmas story from St. Luke Chapter 2VV 1-14. The next regular meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Perry on January 7, 1960. QUEEN ELIZABETH H-S8 ASSN. The members of Coronation (East Whitby) Home and School Associativn were guests at the Christmas meeting of the Queen Elizabeth Home 'and School As- sociation which was held recent- ly with the president, Mrs. Doug- las Branton, presiding. Mr, Richard Moses, radio and visual aids chairman, was in charge of the program which con- The regular meeting of the|s sisted of two films, one being and sound, and ages 10 to 12, which a discussion period followed, Christmas carol singing was en- joyed with Mr. J. Cs . MacMil- lan at the piano. Miss Doreen Laughlin led the carole 9 Dos Mrs. David Hutcheon gave a re- port on the night of ecards to be held February It was decided that a Christ- mas treat be given to the pupils convened by Mrs, G. W. Pent- land, Leadership training course will commence on Wednesday, Janu- ary 18 from 8 p.m. to 9.30 p.m This course will run for six weeks, Oshawa and District Home and School Council will be held Jan- uary 26 at the E. A. Lovell School. The topic will be "Citizen- ship". Next meeting will be held Jan- vary 5, Mrs. Keith Taggart, relig- jous Education Chairman, will be in charge of the program. Room prize was won bv Mrs. Richard Moses, Grades 7-8. ALL DOUBLES' CLUB The annual Christmas dinner meeting of St, George's All Dou- bles Club was held in the Parish Hall on Saturday, December 5. The tables were bright and gay in their festive decorations, After grace was said by the Reverend Peter Trant a turkey supper was enjoyed by the members and their friends. A sing-song of Christmas carols led by Mr. Edward Jeffery with Mr. Alan Reesor at the piano followed the dinner. After a message by the Rever- end Clinton Cross in which he mentioned new members had been contacted through the sec- tor plans, the president, Mrs, Wil liam Murray, extended thanks to the committee in charge of the dinner and program. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Davis, Mr. and Mrs, Ed- ward Jeffery and Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Campbell. The program consisted of round and square dancing and several amusing games. The winners were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Chamber- lain and Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander with Mr, William Mur- ray's team winning the relay. Amusing gifts were distributed from the tree by Mr, and Mrs, William Murray. FRIENDLY COUPLES The Friendly Couple's Club of Albert Street United Church and the Kedron Couple's Club had a joint meeting on Saturday even- ing in Albert Street Church Hall. The worship service was led by the Reverend and Mrs. S. C, H. Atkinson and Mr, and Mrs, Bor- den Slack. Members of the Kedron Club presented the program. Mrs. Douglas Love sang a solo, ace: pie panied by Mrs. Ross Lee. A qt tot consisting of Messrs. pr Frances, Murry Mountjoy, Ron- ald Werry and Bill Werry de- lighted with their singing. Mrs. Stanley Ogle gave a reading. A cake, to be served later in the evening, was mixed and put in the oven to bake by men from both clubs. Mr. Philip Snowden read the recipe. Messrs. Eric Jacklin, Donald Mountjoy, Mal- colm Barnett, E. L Parks and Bert Hutchens added the ingred- ients. Refreshments were served by the committee in charge, Th Christmas family supper for members of the Friendly Cou- ples Club is to be on December 19 in the church hall and a New Year's dance on New Year's Eve will be held in Storie Park Club house. SAVE CUTS Keeping sharp knives separate from the regular flatware will| save accidental cuts. SUPER TITLE 9 VITAMINS, 12 MINERALS; In each daily tablet to help increase your body's resistance to infections. 072'5...4.98 © 36's...2.89 uPPLY TABLETS "for children 5 to 12 years REXALL SUPER PLENAMINS JUNIOR o 144's,,,5.79 ATIONALLY ADVERTISED - 072s...3.59 AT OU (Rexalt] DRUG STORE © 36's...1.99 PRESCRIPTION Rexall! CHEMISTS CITY WIDE FRE 8 KING S¥--% PHONE RA 3-2245 OSHAWA E DELIVERY 530 SIMCOE ST.S. PHONE RA 5-354 STORES IN Tel V VN NAAT SN NTs VTE fs of - SVAN TB "HAVING A PICTURE TAKEN IS FUN" Daughters of Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Hilyer, Cordova road, are Dale Elizabeth and Wendy Lee, The picture was taken for Dale's first birthday on Novem- ber 5 and Wendy was two years old on August 24. They are the granddaughters of Mr, and Mrs. Woman, 47, Bears Her 26th Child ST. DAVID de FALARDEAY, (CP)--Mrs. Lucien Sav. at 47, has given birth to her 26th 21 VITAMINS MINERALS & TRACE J.' V. Burridge, Courtice, and ; Mr. and Mrs, Howard Hilyer, ELEMENTS Bobcaygeon, --Photo by Horsnby Works on Smells To Be Introduced I ERSONALS In New Movie By DOROTHY ROE NEW YORK (AP) -- Learn to smell and you have a future, says Selma Weidenfeld of New Bruns- wick, N.J. Selma, an attractive young wife and mother, has been working her nose overtime ever since graduation from William and Mary College in Williamsburg, Va., and now is acknowledged a top expert in the new science of aromatics, or, in the language of the movies, "the smellies." For the last year or so, Selma has been ccncentrating on creat- ing the right smells for the first "smelly" movie, Behind the Great Wall, a documentary film on China. Audiences will not only see and hear the story, but they also will smell it, SMELLS IMPORTANT "This is the greatest advance in movies since Garbo talked," she says. "Everybody remembers some certain smell connected with a certain time and place in the past --the smell of fresh bread bak- ing in your grandmother's kitchen, the smell of the first lilacs of spring, the smell of fresh « turned earth in your mother's garden, the smell of cof- fee and bacon in the morning. Smells are an important part of memory and emotion. And if a story is to be realistic, you must not only see and hear it, but you also must smell it." The new movie, the first of many to come, has a smell track in addition to the sound and vis- jon track, Audiences will see, -lhear and smell the Chinese waterfront scenes, the forests and the temples. PERFUME EXPERT Until the advent of smell mov- les, Selma was a specialist in perfumes for her company. Her trained nose could identify the in- gredients of almost any smell, and her trained brain could "Ba ure out how to reproduce it. In the new movie, some 'Ba scents accompany the action-- the mingled smells of tobacco smoke, perfume and packed hu- manity in a night club, the smell of a river, the smell of a tiger, the smell of a man's leather boots, the smell of incense, sand- " Receiving early a-rivals at the C, D. Russell, ists International were entertain- ed at dinner and a party by their honorary member, Mrs. G. D. Conant at her home last Tuesday. During the evening Mr. John Weiss gave examples of up-to-date hair styling and Miss monstrated exclusive cosmetics tion on the care of the complexion. Christmas Capers eponsored the Evening Chapter of the Wom- en's Auxiliary, Oshcwa General Hospital, tomorrow night will be the honorary vice-president, Mrs, G. D, Conant; president, Mrs. chairman, Mrs, Gordon Curley and convener, Mrs, T. H, Greer. Oshawa members of Soroptim- Christmas orchestra of Oshawa Public |8chools, under the direction of) Mr. Barnett Taylor, will enter- tain at the annual meeting of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association on Monday after. noon. be stationed for the next four by|years. Mrs. G. D. Conant, a regional vice-president of the Ontario As- sociation of Canadian Clubs, at- tended the executive meeting in Hamilton recently. PARAMETTL PARAMETTLS PARAMETTLS An instrumental group from the Lillian Hiscock of Toronto de- and gave a talk and demonstra You are invited by the Social Department to send in any little] items of interest. News of anni- versaries and comings and goings are always very acceptable, and for which there is no Chupa. Please write or telephone RA 8-3474, local 18. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Wirsch- ing, Roxborough avenue, return- ed on Sunday from Detroit after attending the funeral of Mrs, Wirsching's brother, the late Mr. Russell Clemens. On Saturday evening . Miss Helen Roszel and Mrs. Fred Per- ry were guests of Miss Mae Me- Mullen, Simcoe street south. Mrs. James McConnell, Wil liam street east, has received word that her som, Cpl. Robert McConnell RCAF with Mrs. Mec- Connell and family arrived in Paris, France, on Saturday, en route to Marville where he will tr alwood, tea and hay. Shedully te formulated for bablest assistance in the house. Place it over the back of a sofa and settle the baby there for a quiet play HOUSEHOLD HINT The baby's car seat can be of DRUGS Regular City-Wide Deliveries | 28 King St. E. RA 3-4621 for the finest in draperies, curtains, window shades and venetion blinds. ' Ward's s i Solve your Christmas decorating problems . with custom styled ready - to - hang drap- eries from Wards. Over 50 patterns and plain cloths. All the latest decorator colors and i best of all, you will be surprised at the Low Low Prices. | FREE DRAPERY TRACK WITH EVERY' PAIR THIS WEEK ONLY Fully qualified interior decorcter to help you-at any time. ARD'S SIMCOE AT ATHOL DIAL RA 5-115 "Decorating Oshawa Windows Since 1919" ELNA § UP TO 129 Brand He in ment end display models. inst SUPER PLANA AUTOMATIC PORTABLE REG. $369--XMAS SALE $269-~SAVE $100 ' FREE LESSONS AND LIFETIME GUARANTEE ; Elna Planet Reg. $150 Eina Planet Jr. Portables SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SALE Save $51 SPECIAL Jr. Consoles "9 vw COME AND SEE THEM TODAY! AANAAANANANNNNINAPINS Elna Automatic Consoles No. 113 Reg, $419-- SAVE $120---CHRISTMAS SALE sesenes Elna Console No. 113 Reg. $269 SAVE $70---CHRISTMAS SALE .....c0s Elna Automatic Desks No. 111 Reg, $494-- SAVE $125---CHRISTMAS SALE Elna Zig Zag Consoles No. 113 Reg. SAVE $80--CHRISTMAS SALE es $299 $199 $369 oi $239 $319-- ELNA OSHAWA" SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-2591