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The Oshawa Times, 12 Dec 1959, p. 11

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. SPORT OUTDOORS By Jack Sords THE WOODCOCK, UN= LIKE OTHER GAME VARIETY, DINES ON EARTHWORMS ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY © 9, KING FEATURES STXDICATE, Tes - BEARS AR 9 WILDLIFE FACTS a # Transport =<3| Headache' NIN LONDON (CP) -- A British + N bloodstock buyer savs one of his By ALEXANDER FARRELL [of a team operating on the Canadian Press Staff Writer |theory that the best defence is big headaches is trying to trans- One of coach Milt Schmidt's re- offence. The opposition has {port racehorses to Canada. cent moves to bolster his sagging scored 102 goals against Bruins George Blackwell, representing Boston Bruins sent rugged blonde in 28 games but it generally the Curragh Bloodstock Agency, defenceman Doug .Mohns up to finds that it has to score often to {bbught three yearlings foals forthe forward lines. {keep up with them, | E. P. Taylor of Toronto at the! Wohns, always a brilliant puck-| n a move to strengthen them! [December sales in Newmarket. carrier, has responded by scor-|gelves for a weekend home-and- He told a reporter: ing consistently in the last three/pome series with New York "Toronto is a big city and the weeks Thursday night he Rangers, Bruins Friday called up Only city int Canada to which we chipped in with two goals, his defenceman Larry Hillman from i have to send horses, but T have| opin and ninth of the season, in ) n % to spend a lot of time cudgelling 8 Providence Reds of the Ameri : " : the airlines into taking them." | je. ; One major airline hasn't the} The series is crucial for both : a »| If he can avoid the injury jinx, bs. Bruins lost ground in their i nilipd rving "big stuff." 5 clubs. Bruins lost ground in th facilities IO Car oa) and which has forced him to miss 39 recent slump and trail third- : lwon't accept "cargo for Toronto, Sames in the last two seasons he place Detroit Red Wings by six § | Another slaps on an extra charge|appears destined to become one points," Rangers, in or near the ' br THE WOODCHUCK 7 § USUALLY BUILDS A SECRET ENTRANCE E NOT AR AT SPORT FROM BRITAIN. West Ham Is Winning East End Fa SPORT FROM BRITAIN By PAUL WESTBROOK Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (CP)--The gloom of London's East End has suddenly been brightened by the smiles of local soccer fans. Their West Ham soccer team, after only two seasons in the First Division, is riding at the top of the standing. Not since their Cup Final days of 36 years ago have they had it so good. The team has clicked into a powerful combination and wins over London rivals Chelsea and Fulham aroused fans to a high pitch of enthusiasm, This is the romantic story of a poor man's 1h, formed by Thames-side boatbuilders before the First World War. The Ham: mers joined the Second Division in 1919 and won double honors in 1923 when they reached the Cup Final and won promotion to the First Division, FAITHFUL FANS The district was almost de- serted as their faithful fans packed into the newly - opened Wembley Stadium for the final, in which nearly 150,000 saw Bol- ton Wanderers win 20. Their spell in the First Division lasted only nine years. In 1932 they were demoted and their |leagues could get together on the |proposition from a business and legal standpoint was something else again. Flyers Drop Decision £ of $3.000. g the Jey sitensive stars i the cellar most of the season, are | Despite the difficulties, Black-|® gtiona on ey ae 2a ay: nine points behind Boston. | well hopes to have the latest] n the last month Mohns has week or SO. with the scoring leaders. He now| Rangers have been flexing pre avlor paid 4,500 guineas for a{boasts a total of 19. . viously hidden muscles in the Phi paid by Hla second: His scoring prowess haslast 10 days. In their last three Derby, out of Zizette, a winner { in New Zealand for Lord Norrie, . Sig = fmt sein! £5 Robinson's | Would Avert The other two purchases, also v lehestnut colts, are by Montaval t out of Persian Fire, acquired for our- oar 00 a a | g "ww NEW YORK (AP)--Joe Foss, out of Lone Victress, bought for 1,500 guineas. No names have sioner of the new American Foot- been chosen ontract ball League, believes the AFL YY ol will have to get together with the ns Happy Athletes Gather Robinson, the only man to guide League 10 Jyer: a possible war British Columbia Lions to the(0OVer television. . . Western Interprovincial Football| Foss made the observation Fri- side a : . Tacs Xl tw 5 J 'GKOK. Thailz ear contract as Lions' head president of the New York Ti hi Jw they Vete one of te (JLANGROK, Tsilang (AB) yo Friday night Sad de-/tans of his league, discuss the classiest teams in the Second Di- hletes Oo IX DO St sian i situati at a ress con- athered in this Thai The Catsdi TV_ situation P scorer prevented them from get-|capital Thursday for their first) e anadian 1 | Wismer, chairman of the ing to the top. Fenton boulht cen-|little Olympics which start Sat- League and BL Lions Toll ig AFL's television committee, said tre forward Vie Keeble from urday and end Dec. 17. {ticular are on the threshho the league has a potential pack- flourished. A year later jupilant Peninsular Games (SEAP) is to history. ; Sul next season when the eight-team fans met their team at Euston raise standard of athletes in this| His glowing prediction came at i... it expects fo begin opera- Station after it defeated Middles- region and prepare them for|a Press conference as he an-|,.¢ He said 'that under the promotion. Thailand, Burma, Laos, South agreement goes up. 1 Banded The Hammers' first season in Viet Malaya and Singapore| 10% | BROT re ao ie ar lin TV receipts. top company started with a har- are participating {directors 1hursday. | Cambodia, which currently has # : on whether they could win the strained relations with Thailand, | At 29 Robinson, who Joined ing played. The new league, championship in their first sea- withdrew ; . PE. ge 3 ] son, a feat performed by Totten- |assistant coach with . Winnipeg iy oc "Angeles and New York. humipol will light the torch in the longest contracts in viously, But hopes faded when colorful opening ceremonies. A game. It is surpassed only by they lost form. 321-man brass band will play a|the five - year agreement ac- NEW LOOK [After 21 guns salute, 2,502 pi- iders two years Rough Riders two years ago. les : Robinson said '"'Canadian foot- |fidence and keenness has been in- : i to improve each {troduced by younger players, with ball is going prove crisp passing and harder tack- been 'exposed to more and more in the new" American League. of the game." {Robinson said he decided there passes sent through by a classy Robinson last season led Lions are more opportunities in Van- halfback line, and the fullbacks are possibly the strongest in the the first time they had been|sides it's more fun playing here. | there in their six years of action|here." The club's success has brought --and made them one of the big-| several players internatjonal Taylor purchases in Toronto in a| collected 13. points, keeping pace FLEXING MUSCLES | for the Queen in the 1953 Epsom strengthened the offensive power games, which included a 7-4 win, {Zealand 1,600 eas, and by Petition| the recently appointed commis- VANCOUVER (C re Warne! established National Football . . and infused new talent into the For Little Olympics Vee playoffs, accepted a four- day after hearing Harry Wismer vision, but the lack of a goal-|nations Football ference. Newcastle and the forward line, Purpose of the Southeast Asia|the greatest period in football age of $2,500,000 for TV rights brough in the match that clinched Olympic and Asian games. {nounced the contract offer. The jo,qye's constitution and bvlaws vest of goals. Speculation began tive has accepted it. lout cities where games are be- Thailand's 32 - year - old Kin 9 i ham Hotspur seven years pre nr i ®|Blue Bombers, was given one of Wismer indicated he favored AP Games" march song. cepted by Frank Clair of Ottawa This season however new con- geons will be released. vear .as we get boys who have the Minneapolis - St. Paul entry ling. Forwards capitalize on to the WIFU semi-final series-- couver for his family "and, be- |league, gest drawing cards in west coast |recognition. Centre half' Joe sport history. Lions lost to Ed-| Racehorse [IM[ohns' Scoring Bolsters Bruins for ratifica-| op "aight clubs will share equally The NFL TV 'policy is to black J Lions last year after his job as hetever, 'will buck the NFL in |g thely1ackouts but whether the two |B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Dece mber 12, 1959 11 Giants May {Do More Trading ver league - leading Montreal] SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Canadiens. and a 6-0 whitewash Owner Horace Stoneham of San of Toronto, they have scored 16 Francisco Giants said Thursday, goals. ' fae 2] through dealing yet Canadiens, who host Detroit to-|}' €. & have some .un'inis night, Friday called up defence. | Pusiness with the Cardinals and : : {maybe the Cubs too." man Reg Fleming from Kingston Frontenacs of the Fastern Pro-| Stoneham and his contingent fessional League to fill a gap in/Teturned Wednesday night from their riddled lineup. An emer-| the baseball meetings in Florida. gency replacement, Fleming will|; 1€ Owner indicated further play in Canadiens two weekend trades involving the Giants prob- games. ably ould wait until spring Montreal is: expected to be training. without defencemen Tom John- In their one big deal, the son and Albert Langlofs and for. | Giants acquired pitchers Billy wards Maurice (Rocket) Richard| O'Dell and Billy Loes from Bal- e {timore Orioles for outfielder and Marcel Bonin. Richard who|y, ie Brandt, relief pitcher Gor- suffered a depressed fracture of | don Jones and catcher Roger Mc- the cheek bone Nov. 26 has re-\cardell, St. Louis involved Hor sumed skating but hasn't been| Taiks with » taking part in scrimmage games. | d-b n Don B played at second last-->season! of the Cardinals and Daryl after several seasons at short- Spencer, Giants infielder who!stop. { Canada Wins Mayleigh Cup MONTREAL (CP) -- A 10-man Canadian team has won the May- leigh Cup match for the first time in the history of this annual international pistol shoot, the Canadian Civilian Association of Marksmen announced Thursday. The Canadian score was 1,847 of a possible 2,000--a record. for the match. The previous record of 1,842 was held by the United States, which this year placed second with 1,829. Great Britain was third with 1,825 and Mexico fourth with 1,800. This was the first time a U.S. team has been defeated since the match was started in 1937. Each team fires on its own ground, usually during its na- tional 'pistol matches. | Rural Hockey | Gets President | 'GALT (CP)--Jack Barclay of] Straffordville was elected presi? dent of the Ontario Rural Hockey | Association at its annual meet- ing Thursday. He succeeds | Walter Scott of Copetown. | * Other officers include: Vice- |presidents, Hugh Imrie, Wood-| ville, T. V. Duvall, Hespeler, D. |Whytock, Troy; secretary treas-| |urer, Horace Ovenden, Wain-| {fleet; executive members, Will Marshall, Goretown, Murray El-| liott, Windham Centre, and Sam Kehoe, Bolton. Ten amendments were made to the ORHA constituion, ineluding| a raise in the population limits for the Senior A, B and C series |The executive also gained the power to make rule changes at anv time rather than at the an-| inual meeting alone. | ARRANGE NOW FOR AUTOMATIC WEATHER CONTROLLED DELIVERY OF McLAUGHLIN'S FURNACE FUEL GIL ® 10-MONTH BUDGET PLAN NOW AVAILABLE For Full Information Call . . . McLAUGHLIN HEATING A Division of McLaughlin Coal and Supplies Ltd. 104 KING ST. W. OSHAWA RA 3-3481 | | Warfare! Favored In Santa Anita ARCADIA, Calif. (AP) -- War fare, mailed as one of Cali fornia"s all - time great native sons, topped a list of 119 nomina- tions announced Thursday for the $100,000 - added Santa Anita Derby. i Warfare, a grey son of Ken- tucky Derby champion deter- mine, won national honors as the best two-year-old of 1959. He is owned by the Bellehurst stable of Clifton S. Jones. The colt captured the top money in the $230,300 Cham- pagne Stakes in New York and the $283,075 Garden State Stakes in New Jersey and earned a to- tal of $394,610 for the year. The Santa Anita Derby will be run March 5 at 1% miles. SMART PEOPLE try the rest, . Then buy "HILLMAN" It's The BEST! Befter than 35 miles per allon etter than 80 miles per hour 50,000 mile on tires ck, not in your lap Rall joint plks torsion bar King size hydraulic brakes Stendard gear shift Automatic transmission avail ahle ot extra cost / All parts carrled in stock Heater, signals, oil filter, two-tone Deluxe four-door sedan $1945 COMPLETE 345.00 DOWN 36 MONTHS TO PAY Sold and Service by WELLMAN Motors "RAMBLER" & "HILLMAN" SINCE 1950 Nonguon Road RA 5.7981 OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M | ¥ | / | Monday is | ® EB |® MEN! LADIES! LOOK! 0] 'To Marlies fans had to wait 26 years for an- Brown has become Billy Wright's other First Division game at Up-|successor in the England team. ton Park, {Halfback John Smith is the cur-| BY THE CANADIAN PRESS With the arrival of former in-irent England 12th man. Goal-| Toronto Marlboros, with rugged ternational Ted Fenton as assist- keeper Noel Dwyer and fullback Roger Cote scoring one goal and ant manager in 1948 things be-|Noel Cantwell were in the Re- keeping the opposing forwards gan to liven up. An ex-Hammer public of Ireland team that re-|off balance most of the game, himself, he rose to the position cently gained a 3-2 win over lengthened their Ontario Hockey| monton Eskimos in the semi-| final. [ Lions will keep on a one-year contract backfield coach Dave Skrien, who was also with Robin-| son in Winnipeg. | The signing doused talk that Robinson would leave to coach! DANCE -. CASTLE ! MONDAY C.R.A. NIGHT DUNN'S of team manager two years later] Sweden. Association Junior A lead to St. Michael's In Second Toronto's St. Michael's College Majors are hanging on to the shirttails of the leaders but just can't seem to catch up. They fluffed a golden opportu- nity to overtake league - leading Toronto Marlboros last Tuesday fhen they were defeated 2-0 by them. Now they're back within one point of the top of the Ontario Hockey Association Junior A series after downing Hamilton Tiger Cubs 8-5 Thursday night. Meanwhile, Guelph Biltmores were tying host Peterborough Petes 4-4. St. Michael's scored three un- answered goals in the second pe- riod. Dave Keon paced the winners with three goals and one assist. Bruce Draper and Jack Cole ac- counted for two apiece and Les Kozak got the other. Bob Dilla- bough, Jim McLellan, Larry Jel- frey, Bert Templeton and Lowell MacDonald shared the Hamilton scoring, cheered by 1.473 fans Peterborough led 3-1 in the first period and 4-3 going into the third before Guelph"s Rod Gil- bert, league scoring leader, tied the count with 48 seconds re- maining in the game, during which only one minor penalty was assessed. Eno Kraft, Paul Cunningham and Bill Buntain got other Guelph goals. Doug Senior scored two for Petes and Dick Dawson and Wayne Boddy added singles. For Your Convenience STOVE OIL Pe] is @ in any q ity at the following . . . VIGOR OIL SERVICE STATIONS ® OSHAWA o 78 BOND ST. WEST SIMCOE ST. SOUTH at Lakeview Park * KING ST. EAST at the Townline ® WHITBY eo 500 BROCK ST. NORTH ® AJAX o HARWOOD AVE. N. ® BROOKLIN eo JCT. 7 &12 HWYS. haat | three points Friday night with a {4-2 win over Barrie Flvers. | Cote, threatened with suspen- sion by coach Turk Broda after a wild brawl at Brockville ear- {lier in the week, drew a minor land misconduct penalty in the| . . s first period. LONDON (AP)--The president The big defenceman settled| of the British Lawn Tennis As- down after that and applied him- sociation Thursday put a stamp self to heavy checking. His goal of _ approval on' rules changes came in the third period. which would pave way for open| In the night's other game, St. tennis tournaments. in 1961. Catharines TeePees dropped a The Duke of Devonshire called 6-4 decision to the Biltmores at suggestions of the international Guelph. Jean Ratelle scored federation *'refreshing and intro-| twice for the Bilts to run his sea- ducing a strong element of real- son's total to 21. Bert Brown, ism into rules of the game." Barry Jakeman, Mare Dufour A special committee of the in-land Eno Kraft got the other ternational body, meeting in goals as Guelph maintained one- Paris recently, suggested that goal leads at the end of the first 'eight big tournaments, including and second periods. Wimbledon and Forest Hills, be = Ray Cullen got a pair for the thrown open to both pros and TeePees, Chike Maki and Mur- amateurs. ray Hall singles The group also urged the crea At Barrie, the Marlboros took tion of a new oategory--autho- the lead midway in the first pe- rized players. These would be riod and never lost it. Jack Mar- allowed to receive financial con- tin, Ricky Hay and Howie Men- sideration in excess of that al-'ard scored their other goals. lowed to amateurs, yet would not Pierre Gagne and Marcel St. be professionals. Onge tallied for the Flyers. O.H.A. SENIOR | Rule Changes 610108 PGLAROID With the New 3000 Speed Polaroid Land Film and the Polaroid Repeating Wink-Light Now we have the amazing 3000 speed Polaroid Land film and the repeating wink-light -- the combination that lets you take indoor pictures WITHOUT FLASHBULBS! This new film is 15 times more sensitive to light than previous film. Used with the Polaroid wink-light, which automatically winks away dark shadows when you press the shutter, it makes superb indoor pic- tures in ordinary room light. No more flashbulbs! Now indoor pictures. are easier, faster, more economical than ever before -- and ready in just 60 seconds besides! Isn't this the way you have always wanted to take pictures? Come in and see the Polaroid Land Cam« era demonstrated today. id POLAROID' LAND ARO THIS IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR 60-SECOND POLAROID LAND CAMERA 7 = CAMERAS RA 3-4621 GORD MYLES = TONIGHT {WHITBY DUNLOPS : Vs. BELLEVILLE MACS Game Time -- 8 p.m. WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA 1 \ "s . and just in fime for Christmas! Cardigans & Pullovers DISCONTINUED LINES & | Christmas Gift-Giving. These available are: Grey, Powder, Ladies' . . . whatever you do dous saving, leaye the break « « » but be here early Mond one, two or three of these fine price! DOWNTOWN OSHAWA AT 16 SIMCOE~> STREET SOUTH FRIDAY UNTIL 9 Here's a Grand opportunity to save many dollars on sizes 36 to 44. but not all colors in all sizes. Colors OPEN MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND fine sweaters come in Navy, Olive and Sand. don't miss this tremen- fast dishes if you must ay morning and choose sweaters at this sacrifice P.M.

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