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The Oshawa Times, 12 Dec 1959, p. 17

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[44--For Rent 44--For Rent ) 44--For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, December 12; 1959 17 35--Emlay...ent Wanted |37--Male Help Wanted 32-- Articles Wanted ip | RT ee Mca cia for|SIX rooms, self contained FIVE - room, two storey brick home, 1, five years 20¢ SPRING horse, child, old. Phone COM. 3-20 WANTED -- Quantity Christmas trees, Scotch Pine only. Phone RA 3-3230. 290f for WANTED - a combination record player and radio, three speed, in good condition. Phone RA 5-2449 2908 WANTED -- Llectric. train set. Must be in good cond'ion:' Phone RA 5.4749 woright, miniatu or baby wi 0 pay cash. State make] rite Box 810 Oshawa Times. make or carh 313 size, wanted im. 1376-Queen East. WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS TURNER \ RA 3-3374 RA 3-2043 : ; (collect) \ WANTED OLD REVOLVERS AND PISTOLS PHONE RA 5-8388 OSHAWA SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E. CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD IRON--METALS PAPERS--RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5-3432 FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE--RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET 34--Auction Sales BAILIFF SALE By Virtue issued out ision' Court City of Oshawa, County Ontario There will be offered for sale 1 Pontiac 1950 Coach at On taric Motor Sales 140 Bond St. W. Oshawa ot 11.30 a.m Saturday, Dec. 19th, 1959 TERMS CASH F. W. STIRTEVANT Auctioneer PERCY H. JOBB, Bailiff 35--Employment Wanted UADY requires baby sitting evenings, willing to do housework as well. Phone RA 5-8352. 290f LADY requires "work as receptionist, some knowledge of real estate, sales-| man's certificate, familiar with meet. ' ing the public. Write Box 9 Oshawa Times 288f | A of of in Execution 8th Div an the the of YOUNG Dorish an ment on a Ta in Oshawa district, Write Times WANTED -- employment by Grade collegiate boy, Friday nights and Sat urdays. Phone RA 5.8010 after 4.30 p.m WILL look after children in own home by the hour, day or by the week. 349 Verdun Road. RA 5-5769 2 | GIRL, 13, would sitting, experienced, vicinity |and Oshawa Blvd, North 52261, giving references LADY requires work | Bookkeeping, typing, etc --|RA 56725 after 5.30 p.m YOUNG man, German, 20 type of work. Chauffeurs Phone RA 3-2422 START for Christr items you no long waiting 4 with cas Oshawa Times Clas RA 3-3 PAINTER your work estimates employ Tle . or Oshawa want Lowman Box 5 ke art-time of Phone RA evenings only. , in own home. 286f will do a licence. 286F Sell the extra need to buyers Advertise in The ified section. Dial and paperhanger requires Interior and exterior. Free RA 5-7830. al 1 COLONIAI Aluminum Industrie Ltd. TWO unfurnished- rooms, with hot has available five positions on our per-| water, near bus stop, store and SGM. sales force Experience not} 525 Lorraine t 288 full training supplied. Mu Phone for interview, No ram unfurni heavy duty ran | heater RA 5-505 THREE - 2, at West Courtice, with lights, hea and water, suitable for business couple. outdoor | RA _3-3061 LARGE room, suit one or two gentle. men, light cooking privileges, "frig to share. Apply 25 Quebec Street near Sim- coe 287¢ Rave ar 4891 !38--Male or Female Help Wunted : Pleasant No experi Dept. sary, vehicle includes large MEN or women wok, Average $2 per hour ence necessary. Write Rawleigh's $10-VV, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal 290a space | 2881 room apartment, ¢ on highway EB TWO-ROOM bachelor apartment rent, Apply 784 Oxford Street. 5-3529, {THREE rooms and bath, ciose fo] RA 3s GM. Apply 784 Oxford Street.| RA | | 287f| downtown. Call RA 8-5507. THRE TOOm apartmegt, Cg trance, 5 minutes fro $65. Phone RA 5-727. private "en- four corners, TWO furnished rooms, TV outlet, self- contained, private entrance, also one s home | furnished housekeeping room with 'frig, North |stove and sink, parking space. Apply RA |184 Beatty Avenue. 288f 299f| FURNISHED bedroom, lady or gentle |man, laundry privileges, $7 weekly. £67 Central Park Blvd. North, RA 5.5302. 288¢ |41--Room and Board ROOM and board for two girls, privileges, single beds, close to 31 Oshawa Blvd. North. 8138 ROOM and board, one ne double room, two 174 Church Street, 2 SINGLE and double rooms for Kentle, men with cooking privileges. Apply 13. Celina Street. SINGLE furnished - bedroom for busi pess man in quiet home, Apply 38 Col- borne Street West WILL rent reasonably, two unfurnish- ed rooms, to couple or lady, no chil- RA 5-2755 dren, single, central. hu ROOM and board for one or gentlemen, close to South Plant. cal) RA 3-4320. 287¢ ROOM and board for gentle home cooked meals Centrally 10 ted. Apply 160 Park Road North. RA : 9541. RNISHED room with kitchen, sepa- rate entrance, suit gentlemen. RA wma Good |crEaw, furnished rooms, twin beds, spring - filled mattresses, light houke- keeping, central, Gladstone Avenue. RA - |36--Female Help Wanted RELIABLE housekeeper, ve in, two children, one at school. Parents work- ages, Phone YUkon dT = EXPERIENCED girl, age 20-30, for lunch counter, day or night shift. Apply to 345 Ritson Road South. 2881 FULL or part-time "waitresses "wanted. Ayply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel. |HOUSEMAID to live in, high starting salary. Phone RA 3.4656 between 3 and 9 p.m 285¢ 37--Male 'Help Wanted experi. RA 290c dresser, S. Soltys, window Call WANTED -- ence necessary. 53-6337 MANAGER - cashier for midnight food operation. Reply stating age, marital status, education and references to: Box 749, Oshawa Times BEST meals in town, all conveniences, 8-8402 for gentlemen. Phone RA 5-1168. 536 TWO bedroom apartment, GENTLEMEN -- comfortable, clean, light housekeeping rooms, in 286f home. Central, near NGM, stores or hospital, 12 Elgin Street East. RA 5-2659. BED - sitting room with light house- close 10 and Sujets apartment, stove and re- two bedreoms, modern immediate 200f clivics location, |ONE "and South, ey. 2901 GOOD cooking or eating apples, SLi0Pre located Simcoe and Brock Streets. Call Lloyd Ayers Realtor, RA 3.2254. 288e rooms, | 46--Real Estate Wanted 890. 290f PRUDENTIAL Trst Co. Lid, ronto has a few select clients for in- come and other Please contact we he service in Oshawa. 5-8762. Prudenti 47--Automobiles For Sale [50--Articles For Sale '58 CHEVROLET Biscayne four door, $2150 cash or terms can be arranged, RA 8-6891 . , automatic and radio. Trade considered, terms avail- able. RA 8-689] |"59 PONTIAC Strato "Chief, , four door; RA| Aspen green metallic. standard trans- To confidence A oust. choose| Mission, deluxe push button radio, al Trust, . of To- properties in Oshawa. our representative, 8. Leschinsky "Sim Lash" bushel. Phone RA 8-3669. THREE - room apartm Wi newly decorated. Lights and water 5 paid. $55 monthly, also single room, $6 weekly. §-8352. 2902 SEVEN - room house, Nonquon Road, conveniences, garage, eoal furnace. Available January 1, $65 monthly. Phone RA 3-2457. 290f TWO family income home, p, two storeys, eight bright warm rooms, oil heating, garage, Immediate occupancy. RA ce |3-3211 or RA 5- LL evenings. 2901 FUNK stove, fridge; trance; vacant. room. Apply 96 Centre Street. iii private en- Also furnished Angle f | keeping, close to hospital and down- wn. RA §-5228. ° 285¢ Lorraine Street. ROOM and board for gentlemen. One heated. 105 4 single room and rooms to share. Phone RA 8-6382, 97 ert Street ROOM an stove and frigidaire, don Road, Whitby. | ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail: {able in private home, 82 Park Road five day week, "Junch- North, 57 p.m. RA & -8671. es packed, good meals, single beds, | - HREE ~ room basement apartment, unfurnished, sink and cupboards in kiteher, tile floors throughout. Park- ing, TV outlet. Separate meter. No children, Available January 1. 5-554 m 2 |45--Real Estate For Sale chit, DS bre 285¢| EIGHT room home, having incom of FIVE-room house and bath, in Port Perry, hot water oil heating furnace, choice handy location. $6.000, Phone YUkon 5-7450. 290a $175 monthly, Home in good air, in Three rooms, heated, Suit couple. RA 35-4277 285¢ parking, Near South GM and down. APARTMENT town. Apply 8 55 Park Ri South. 286f| very eentral, --- stove, water, ROOM and board, n South GM, |or RA 5-0; home privileges, clean accommddation, |g Geer Carry FOUR - room apartment, self-contain- ed with all conveniences. Garage, 10 Colborne Street East. Apply 137 Sim coe Street North. RA 5-3366 ping room, n and comfortable for one or two rd nglish-speaking persons at 77 Ontario ROOM and board for gentle 285¢ E GM Preferably five- mew Bosle, Rear SGM. Fel wn |pEsimABLE "self-contained apartment, 287¢ | private entrance, 3 rooms and bath, . {unfurnished, heavy wiring, heat and ne il down town, quiet steady adults [ 547 Mont.| 22 i le. $60. 2871 | PICKE RING apartment convenien. hot water, home Sovked | meals, Juniches] clea packed, 5 pr- 7 days. RA 53710. | and board for two lunches, washing done Phone RA 8-0097. ROOM meals, South plant. rave Avenue ROOM and board three-room T nan, anc sid ntleman, close | ance. Ingide] Elgin Street REQUIRED ; EXPERIENCED SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT | rant | ara i those | employment Neat wc apr in steady on experience ~ PHONE RA 8-0112 need 28908 POSITION | MAN PERMANENT )R OSHAWA Her portuniti 45 wh rma ne over af major m 1 SUFToUNC an ling arec ina jeper nsider Eo ing on this oper to be worth up $14,500.00 IN A YEAR Thi it pay ulating a full-time jol mighty well. It i and filled with for honest checks mailed week- i tim big | effort, | reward: | Earning ly advance If you think you are our man, write: G. M. Swallow, P.O. Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texos. in 2900 WHITBY CLASSIFIED {BOARD and room for | Apply | beds | close to bus stop and hospital. to downtown, Apply East Phone 7 [ROOM for with breakfast, 5-1168 {ROOM and board for gentleman, meals and single beds, close South plants. Phone RA ROOM for gentlemen, share. Separ good meals, tral. Apply RA 8-07. | FURN | ROOM and board, good home coOKIng, 10 minutes walk to four corners, also |lovely business couple. Reason- for rent. Apply 240 Division able RA 51065. 285 285{ [NEARLY pew attractive apartment, with private entrance, refrigerator and cant 1, bedroom, $95. Use Of and automatic washer, 285¢ TWO-BEDROOM apartment, § In- cludes stove, fridge, heat, hot water. 105 Craydon Road, Whitby, Apt. = THREE unfurnished rooms, to sink, stove, heat, lights thend. $55 monthly. RA 3-7001 ISHED, home Parking EW house, bud SR ange, drapes gentlemen to share, iyi fh rape hy 5-605! all conveniences. + ood all 3-3101 board and water. ate beds 886 Robson 252 Arthur Street. and three - room "apartment, board for one' gentleman lunches packed if desired from shopping centre 30. 285¢ | ROOM and good meals, wo blocks Phone RA 5.78 ROOM and board for pensioner who would care stove RA THREE room newly decorated, $55 single room, TWO - room basement apartment, pri home vate entrance, furnished or unfurnish- abstainers non-smokers, adults Phone RA 3.9316. 285f va January reasonable. 285¢ 34595. apartment, heated, lights and water paid, Phone RA 35-8352, also $6 weekly 2851 elderly lady or for two chil home privil 2861 monthly while mother we Vv. RA 8.0: and gentleman Phone 5.7043 ROOM and board for iti 'private home, central Apply 118 Summer Street {ROOM and board for gentlemen, Tto South GM and Houdaille Ltd., home. RA 2931 privileges RA Toe eniiCinon i vacant laundry done. THREE RA 5.0858 t, bath rge room furnished apartment with refrigerator, two piece bath adults only. Apply 72 Cadillac South 285¢ unfurnished wiring, also room heavy apart. met two close pri vate 2841 famil 289 with Dutch Street board Elizabeth hoard and |RooM "and RA 52305 ROOM furnished bedroom for busi- in quiet home, breakfast 38 Colborne Street West. SINGLE ness man for optional one gentleman BOF week RA 285¢ Park »50f ROOMS by the week tiled shower and bath, maid service. RA 3.4641, Genosha gentlemen, Hotel Dial 288f \BACHELOR apartment for lady, . een- ral, in modern apartment building two {Sun porch. parking, TV antenna. -- Phone RA 86047 ROOM in private "home, 'very central, IROOM, or room and board for "ladies | gpring mattress; suit gentleman, 102 or gentlemen, two can share, single Elgin Street East One single and one double room, oth 20 Jones b i 288¢ ro, hoards, after 5 p.m. RA 83-0392 or Street. seven-day Street, off {ROOM and board girl 3808 Apply 253 Quebec Road South {ROOM and board for two single beds, home cooked meals RA 3.7630 ROOM and board, minutes from Four | Charles Street central location, Corners. Apply, room apartment, Kitchen sink, private entrance. Phone| [Avenue 366 Division | 2864 cupboards, | 5¢ | tional, 1890 MONTHLY -- three _| Colborne THREE - room, self - contained apa ment, private entranc Harmony dis- trict, adults. RA 5-6261. R85f -| four-year-old three - bedroom bungalow, rep top location, situated off Mary Street. Down payment only $1250, Call RA 8-5205. 286 47--Autombiles For Sale Please phone RA owne! back up and courtesy lights, washers, undercoated, 8000 miles, original own- er. No calls between 5 p.m. Friday ~- 5 p.m. Saturday 1393 King East. RA One to five acres of In- dustrial Zoned land: in or near the City of 5-5027 | Motog, Oshawa. |'556 PONTIAC tir one owner, two- | whitewalls. of the lot, $1295. Seaway. Motors Ltd, | Dundas Street, West MO 8-3331. 289f| All tubes and parts a {tone paint, fender mirrors, radio and| One of the sharpest cars B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat. teries, Kelvinator refrigerator, televi- sion. Thrifty Budget Plan RA 5-4543. DINING room set, mahogany (Cl Chippendale) nine pieces, $175. Phone RA 53-0265. LADY'S winter coat, | grey, size 15-18. Phone RA 5-2261 after 5.30. USED refrigerators, s, ranges, washers, televisions, radios and record players, best offer. Guaranteed repairs to all d a ilable, Barons' Radio and Electric Ltd. RA 3.2263. SKATES new and used, largest selec: tion in town, Most reasonable prices. Apply Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street East sashes, free. ORDERS faken for storm Terms. RA S400, CUSTOM built car radios, with aerial and installation, transistor models from $49.95. Terms $5 down Doniinion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511. |'53 STUDEBAKER Champion, LUCAS PEACOCK blue A real economy car for the fam- ily. Our low price, only. 3995, Seaway Whith, 288f | A, REALTOR RA 5-4330 n, fordor, 28% Jusiom radio, real economy car, only {dows payment. Seaway itby 288¢ Ww. tone station wagon, show- room condition, 10,000 miles, fully equipped, extras, 3405, U. 1957 TUTONE Oldsmobile Super 88, power quipped, Tadic, whitewalls. 5 290 bridge, after 6 p.m. de luxe, black red leather upholstery, radio, i new snow tires, four '38 PONTIAC, TT four door, one; Tr, 9000 miles. Like new, sacrifice, $1850. RA 38-1203. 290f 58 VOLKSWA FORCED to sell, owner {ransferred, $1000 corner location, off Simcoe South, 289% down. Principals enly. RA 3-8585. LARGE room for gentleman, private home, clean, newly decorated, all con- veniences, close to downtown, Apply AL Division Street. 2851 | 4 THREE - room, self - f - contained unfur- | nished apartment, kitchen fully equip- | ped, private bath, parking spack, adults only. Apply 150 Division Street. 285f | FOUR rooms and bath, stove, heat and water, abstainers. 68 McMillan Drive, RA 68. No children THREE - room flat, central fo hospital and shopping centre, modern Kitchen, TV outlet, heavy wiring; laundry tubs. | RA 8-0028 285 | |LARGE = five-room oil heated, brick |$ |bungalow, carport. Excellent residen-| 285¢ | tial area, schools elose. RA 83-5018 be-| CHARMING and delightfully different fore, 4.30 p.m {ROOM for two gentlemen, Apply 35 Hall Street | board op- RA ; 2681 | |UARGE bedroom, suitable for two gentlemen, one bldck from downtown Apply 45 Albert Street 288f TWO furnished rooms, suit young working couple. Close to bus and store, | Also two boarders wanted. Phone RA 3-7580. {FOUR - room apartment, also three| rooms in basement, $65. Apply 165 Ve dun Road. RA 3-309, immediate 44) session 288f | FOUR room, furnished apartment School age child welcomed, separate entrance and bath 78 King Street West 288f Apply bedroom bun- possession. Modern | price. Call Johh Ltd Realtors R A B88! galow, immediate living at the right A. J. Bolahood 5-6544 $89 MONTHLY -- smart new two-bed- PLEASANT room in "private home for|room apartments, tiled bathrooms, fully RA 3-9695, decorated. Hurry for these! Only a few 3- |available. Call exclusive rental agent, Mr. Bill Swarbrick, RA 56544 or RA 3-342, John A. Bolahood J. Ltd | Realtdr TWO furnished rooms for two gentle- men, close to Shopping Centre, Apply! {63 Grenfell Street. 288f COMFORTABLY furnished rooms for gentlemen, single beds. Housekeeping privileges, near North GM. Apply 5! Street East 2681 | | THREE ~~ bedroom split level home, |overlooking Lake Ontario, finished rec-| reation room, stove and refrigerator if desired, possessioh Jan. 1. 705 Stone | 43--Wanted to Rent [WANTED -- one room and kitchen, | rnished, niet home. Must be of | time ho type information, | write Box 910, 89a | THREE ement apartment, in apartment Cos Apply 103 Wilson Road North, Apartment 3 or basement apartment. {SIX ~ room house. RA 59477. 2061 | For further Oshawa Times. 2-bedroom bungalow and garden. Avail- MO 82180; MO 28% POR RENT apartment, garage able December 15. 8-4737 BEDSITTING room and kitchenette. Reasonable. Private entrance. Heat, light, and water supplied, Phone 0 34210 anytime. FP you can't buy, rent. . Wilde Rental Service and Sal Sal MOhawk 8-3226. YOR SALE -- -- Complete Horhby * '00 gage electric trains and equipment; also CCM sports bicycle. Evenings. MO 8.4193 287c FOR SALE -- Walnut roll "top desk, 38" wide, 2" deep, five drawers. Ap Bowman and Gibson, 111 Dundas 3521 c FOR FOR SALE -- Six space heaters from $14.95 up; One floor polisher $19.95; 24" Marconi TV, special only $99 New chrome chairs only $3.75; New and used kitchen suite from $12; Large wardrobe $19; Used refrigerators $49.50 and up; Used Singer sewing machine 339, one year guarantee. Skate ex change. Call Midtown Furniture 113 Byron Street South Phone MO 38-4981 or MO 8-5740. 287¢c PLASTERER -- "Z Patching a specialty, no job too small. 0 8-538. VOR RENT -- ome and fwobedroag | apartments, modern and new 83-3591. one VOR SALE -- Bungalow, urgently, I will take best offer. Visit Saturday and Sunday. 205 Lee Ave, Whitby. 288¢ ROOM and | board, also three-room basement apartment for rent. MO 38-5067. 288a FOR R RENT -- -- Six large room house, Available December 12. $95 monthly ec MO 8-3220 288¢ FOR RENT -- Small cottage, also two room apartment, furnished. Apply 4 Dundas east. -{one child welcome. MO 8-5709 : p.m boo MO TWO pair of skiis and sk two pair skates, size Whitby anytime 4 3 three. hath hle 30¢ 2 | 83f |FOR RENT -- Newly finished room apartment, heated, 4-piece TV outlet, private' entrance. A December 17. Port Whitby, RA § ~ Four-room unfurnished | third floor, private bath, 287¢ FOR RENT -- Attractive one bedroom apariment, stove, refrigerator dry. Parking provided. MO 38-2860. FOR RENT Newly finished three room apartment, heated four-piece bath, TV outlet, private entrance. Avail able Port Whitby. Phone RA 35-3090. 290f HAVE your chesterfield cleaned your home, Phone MO 8-5070 after 290b FOR RENT --- Three room apartment built-in cupboards, large eating area three-piece bath. 'Available January 1 Phone, MO 8-4364 2901 FOR SALE Recreation room "table, | 98 inches by 49 inches, billiards and table tennis, also balls and cues. MO B-2435. 239a FOR RENT Three rooms | unfurnished, in central located, {Phone MO 8-2083 FOR RENT Self-contained, down- stairs front apartment, very central Phone MO 38-2398 287% FOR RENT or 3-room apartment, heat and hydro included. $65 also room and board for two ladies. MO 8-2497. 286¢ FOR RENT - apartment in 8) | partly or heated. 287¢ 3 RA 8.6800. 44---For Rent FOUR - room unfurnished apartment, o stove, private bath, TV aerial One or| ROOM for lady or gentleman, cooking | two children welcome, 112 Loulsa St. leges, In new home. Phone after 5.| RA 3.4943 2861 | 286f room suitable Central. Ab-| Street East Three rooms, kitchenette and Datteqn electric washer and dryer $60. MA 996, 63 King W., Bowmanville Sad FOUR - room apartment, "private bath one or two children welcomed. FURNISHED sleeping for two. Plenty hot water stainers. Apply 48 Brock )shawa. TWO partly furnished' light house ing rooms, sink, hot water. Suit 1 gentlemen or couple, 343 Ritson Re North. RA 3-4817 : THREE bedroom upper duplex pletely private, immediate occupancy lin new building. MO 8.3670 aot seven days a week, conveniences and 3231 2860 1 vO i y37¢ ROOM and board to RA close OID: | privile vo-hodroom apartment, all Call RA 4 Pa k Road South UNFURNISHED ment, two ro0 entrance, 'parking facilities flrwo partly furnished housekeep rooms. Sink, use of washing machine 48 Drew Street. RA 3-4152 IN PICKERING Five-room bunga low, oil heated, newly decorated. $8 {per month. Phone Pickering 41. one 5 room apartment, ground vate entrance and bath BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS apartment 2861 - room apartment, in apartment | building, completely furnished incldding refriger and - stove. Good tion, King Street East, Adults, Poses ediately. Write Box 906 Osh- Time 2871 THRE modern, sink and lights and water supplied RA 81388. Two bedroom electrically equipped, best location Apply 498 Simcoe . North, Apt. 8. RA 8-8676 unfurnished rooms, cupboards, heat, Abstainers. ONE "BEDROOM APARTMENT In apartment building. Kit- chen equipped. Simcoe Street North Immediate occu- pancy | SINGLE furnished bedroom with or without board Cledn, quiet home, Cen- tral. Gentleman preferred Absainer; (B A 5-3879 |TWO furnished rooms, close to down |town, $10 weekly Phone RA 5-9870. |oNE housekeeping room for two "gen- Three-bedroom house, stove and 'frig, TV Phone MO 8-3591.| FOR RENT large living room, outlet. Moderate rent 2837 LIVE POULTRY also feathers wanted D Highes, market prices paid. Jake| 288¢ | Parker, M0 8-3644, collect ror C.I.L. PAINT Call DODD & SOUTE PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE 107 Byron Street South MO 8-523) A. FOSKETT & SONS 540 DUNDAS ST. E. MO 8.2341 WHITBY Roofing, Sheet Metal Work, Chimney Flash, Eavestroughing, Painting, Decorating All Work Guarantees. CALL RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS TO LIST COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL VACANT LAND LOTS MO 8-5823 209 Brock St PHOTO CO-OP SERVICE | phonograpt repairs. "All Teunissen TV . ser- TV -- radio, | !work guaranteed. vice, MO 8-2458 6| SCOTCH pine Christmas trees, 52 each. | 'Wilde Rental Service and Sales, Mo 83226 HOUSE and bungalow wanted, jdown payments W. McAuley MO 83231, Os hawa RA 3.2512 PLANTATION Christmas tree Bal sam, Spruce, Scotch Pine. Across from Steinberg's, $1 and up. Free delivery G. Ravary, MO 8-2310 CHE ISTMAS trees for sale by St John's Anglican Men's Club, on sale at Silver Grill, 1628 Brock Street South. Free delivery ALEX D HENRY. General Contractor, Repairs, Alterations, Cement, try RA 54543 sePre ei cleaned the tanks installed wi Chestnut West. Phone Realtor sanitary Walter Ward, MO 8-2563 H FOR GRACIOUS LIVING Two new modern five-fbom self « contained apartments, | | washer, dryer, parking. monthly. Please Street T.V. antennas fireplace Central Available call ample $110 Je 1000 By inspectic at n South for GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR TALL MEN Bluestone Sportshirts for talls, $5.95 Forsyth end jamas for 6° ris Warrendale py | tall 495 and MERCANS ILE DEPT. STORE WHITBY | nasel 93 Good Carpen- |' tlemen, single beds, cooking privileges, | Central. 59 Park Rd. S 287¢ 288f|IN APARTMENT house | apartment, newly built, furnished or unfurnished, three-piece bathroc stove, refrigerator, laundry room. Parking area. Reasonable, Apply | 23 bh Street, Apartment 1, Simcoe [Street entrance RA 3-9207 four - room self-contained, PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS ON >AGUENAY AVENUI PARK RD. & KING ST DISTRICT) Quiet offense gireet, Childfen welcome New 2-bedroom Apartment Stoves, 'frigs, T.V.- outlet, drapes, parking, etc Rents from $95 a month Others from $85 PHONE RA 5-7272 SCHOFIELD Insurance Assoc. Ltd RENTAL SERVICE Why worry, we will rent your property, to reliable tenants We have a waiting list. C today ~ DA YTIME--RA 3.2265 5-ROOM BRICK VENEER BUNGALOW Featuring redwood kifchen, ceramic bathroom with vanity, natural mahogany trim, storms, iron railing, and many extras. East end location. Price $13,- 990.00, down $2,450.00 N JAMES O'MALLY -- BUILDER RA 33-7122 LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Realty (Oshawa) Ltd 1 Simcoe St. North RA 8-5123 FOR RENT MODERN FOUR ROOM APARTMENT laundry fac- Lloyd 10 All convenience, ilitie pace, hot water heating. Phone RA 3-3096 165 VERDUN ROAD MODERN 2-BEDROOM APARTMENT at 15 GIBBONS ST. Adults enly or with children over 12. Apply 21 Gibbons Sts parking | rent RBéf HEATED apartment, newly decorated, | Phone © 4 ol with Street Can be seen any-| THREE - room apartment, unfurnished, | sink and cupboards, private bath and] entrance, heavy duty wiring, child wel- | { come, immediate possession. Apply 137] | Colborne 2871 | MODERN bungalow. | RA| 5-0906. | THREE » room apartment, stove, "Sink | and cupboards, share bath, 15 Fairbank | reet, for more information call RA 2389. 2h 3 |ROOMS for gentlemen, single Beds, | corner store, William and Mary St, RA 5-0906 287¢ |ONE funrished room. Also two rooms | furnished apartment, ladies or gentle. men, Apply 29 Elena Street. RA 287 5-2316 NEW House 4 rooms, hools. Phone "close to RA 5-7107 shop 289¢ clean duor Motor housekeeping king distance Bloor rooms from Street West 289f SINGLE and double room le beds, 74 Oshawa Blvd hed RA4 89h furn South MODERN, four room basement ment, private entrance, available ¥ 1, close to Shopping Centre. RA §-7¢ 493 Floyd Street |LARGE furnished boards, range and 248 Toronto Avenue PRIVATE, furnished ment, steel sink and able for two girls, or Phone RA 3-9557. SIX room large two-storey house, | Rossland Road West, near school and| {bus. RA 5.5179 for appointment. 289f| 286! | FIVE - room house, immediate pos- session. RA 35-5401 between 3.00 and 6| |p.m. One child welcome 289b on | THREE _ - room basement SHE! reasonable rent. 70 Wilson Road South RA 5-8872 after 6 p.m 289¢ | TWO - bedroom bungalow apartment,| garage and garden. Avai Decem ber 15. MO 8-2180. MO 8- . Whitby | 269b | EE ~ room hous "with bath, ne ewly | xp | decorated RA 54035 after 5 p.m. 289 vacant, | Apply SEVEN - room | children welcomed, 289b h 9, room, with refrigerator basement apart cupboards, stil business couple 2891 | houge, now $85 a month 1173 Bloor Street East. RA 5-7717 SINGLE room for gentleman, ed. Phone RA 5.7645 FIVE" room house, furnished two bedrooms with kitchen, furnish Suitable for two gentlemen. Phone RA 289b | furnish- | 2 self-con Apply 289h house fbr rent available immediately 489 Wilson Road North IMMEDIATE possession, six rooms oil heat, set of tubs, lois of cupboards large yard, two-car gar: self-con- | tained apartment Reasonable tA 0188, THREE - room apartment, trance and ilities. Baby Phone RA 3.7275 {ONE furnished light {room for rent. Phone {apply 211 Drew Street {TWO furnished rooms single man cooking privileges, near North GM plant. RA 5-1601 or 317 Gliddon Avenue 2901 871 private en welcome 287 housekeeping RA 3.7 for recreation room, | $100 monthly | 290¢ | SIX-room bungalow, south west location, Phone RA 5-9870. FURNISHED room for or! lad, Apply 68 Church RA} 8- oe + 290f | {ONE furnished double room; ene single with separate kitchen. For ladies or| |gentlemen. 104 Athol Street East, RA| | 8-0764. 290c THREE unfurnished rooms, reasonable RA 8.6443, 202 Albert Street, 290f NISHED 2-room apartment, stove private entrance, bath. Available now, Also single room, Apply 96 Centre |Street. RA 3.3492 290f | MODERN four-room "apartment and bath, heated, TV aerial, dryer, frig, and stove, Available December 15. RA 3-9141. 290f 3-ROQM apartment, furnished, stove, fridg., young couple, no children; cen- tral. RA 3.4726, 74 Drew Street. Janu- fa L - LARGE _ front unfurnished bedroom kitchen and laundry privileg venetian blinds and drapes. RA gentleman Street. FU frig., TWO heat | cated. FIVE session, ofl heat, ¥ RA &1661. room and parking RA 5-8660. rooin house, immediate pos $76. 18 Charles Street. tor apartment space Se cugog Street, $800 down, NHA mot: f| $11,800, BRAND new Six room bungalow, age. Call RA 8-5181. |FOUR: "ROOM self-contained unfurnished upper duplex, private entrance, $65 monthly child RA FOUR" room come, Apply 396 Pine Avenue. 63. "house, all conveniences, garage, Town Line, east end, nice lo-|- 286 cation. Phone RA LOTS, 105° = 160°, streets, Approved "for mortgages, to schools. RA 8.5579. FARM is sold Will pay up to $15,000 for home in good area. Write Box 822 Oshawa Times. new brick bungalow in an area of fine homes in north-west Oshawa. Low price of $12,950 is only one of the attractive features. Nick Lakas, RA 3.9633. Joseph Bosco Realtor, RA i 284f dition in every way, four brand ne luxe, includes heat and water, one yw tires, s, summer tires, 25 000 miles, ene ewner. | 2864 hev. two er $100 on RA 8.6891, if 49 FORD half-ton pickup, good con- six ply fires, $225 cash. 1239 Meadow vale St. 2904 '54 FORD cusfemn two-door tuto: green and white overdrive, sharp $795 '5 FORD V8, tudor, custom 300 de-|ig50 automatic, padded dash, safety matie transmission, electric belts, ete, only $1895. Seaway Motors, other extras, Excellent ith; 2 - Phone MO 8-2238 . MONARGH _fordor | tone paint, custom radi best offer ov Hilltop Motors | door sedan, either car. PONTIAC, 4-door sedan, wipers, eondiion' ection: i 0, Good conditiofr. | 52 sy lamatic ete. price | Motors, Whitby, open to 9 and white, bs throughout, like new, NEIGHBORHOOD , mechanically sound. Our low open for business price $995. Seaway Motors, Whitby. sell, clothing in good condition. furni- _288f | ture, anything you have. RA 8-5836. 7 PLYMOUTH fordor, tutone, cora and tan, padded dash, excellent fires, Sea- mechanically sound. Low down pay- 288f | ment, only $1075. Seaway Motors. a | Whitby. LLSTATE Auto Insurance. Sa 20 per cent. Six months to pay tutone blue sales room DOW by matching interior, reliable tran portation, priced to sell, only $595. S way Motors, Whitby. four-door, radio, windshield washers, finance. Must sell. RA 8-1203. 57 CHEVROLET Sedan Delivery complete very clean throughout, excellent tires, private Phone Tom, -- radio phonograph, drawers, 266f CEDAR chests, What have you to All up hi ator refrigerator, with kof top freezer, in excellent con tion, MO 38-2806. 289% OIL eook Foe for sale, | in good tion. Phohe RA 3-853 Y HP motor, 105 a wine broadloom ru dining area: two doors, with x RA ? pam. QUANTITY of children's toys, cheap. including a child's record player and records, doll's large bassinetie, dishes, etc. Single .bed complete with spring filled mattress. RA 5-2425. 289¢ RED chiffon formal, size 8, $15. Phone A 8-5667. 23% r deal for combination ity hardware, * x 31%". Call 28% 68" | MeCLARY ¥ Royal Charm coal and wool |range, white enamel, $25. Phone Whit by, MO 8-4206. n% PIANO--Mason Risch, apartment size. Window frames, hot waler "heater. antique chest of dresser, knitting mach *I RA 3-9629. for only $5 down. Choose from the best makes: Heirloom, Red al, $39 up. yours now for Christmas delivery. 287 {only $445. Low down payment. Seaway | Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe if Street South. PAINT, , $2.95 gallon. flat gloss. Electric, # "interior, exteri colors. Guaranteed, Oshawa Hardware and Church Street. RA 377624. !|ONE used oil burner with control and thermostat, also one 14" eirculating pump, RA 35-1776 between 5.30 and 7 p.m. met VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. sad personal service at your home, call 4 Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv. ice, RA 83-1081 anytime. apply 117 hecumseh Avenue MOM, dad and kids will all love this after $:30 p.m. RA 59 t| 48--Automobiles Wanted big six room brick split level 8 with recreation room, and so easy fo own, too. $1200 or less down, full price Nick Lakas, RA 3.9635 er | Joseph Bosco Realtor, RA 5-9870. PRUDENTIAL Trust Company any Limited, income house, two separate apartments, priced below market with small down payment, Location: Athol Street East near King. Traffic: None Schools: near- by. Shopping area and transportation one block north. Call our representative now at RA 58762 and remember: If confidence a must -- choose Prudential Trust 288¢ SACRIFICE. Owner must st sell imme- diately, two building lots 40 x.185, zone| for apartments, $1675 each, sewer and water, south east Oshawa. Nick Lakas, Joseph Boscoe Realtor, RA| _ mst T will and 288¢| -9870. BUNGALOW for sale urgent take best offer. Visit Saturday Sunday. 203 Lee Avenue, Whitby Whitby URGENT We need listings for waiting clients. Any home any area. RA 5-883] W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 35 FORD tudor, custom ranch wagon, | WANTED to buy, '56 tutone, green and white, custom radio, jn good condition. RA 5-0203 excellent condition throughout, plus many extras, only $1195, Seaway |L AKESHORF Auto Wreckers Motors, Whitby. i 288f | cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. --_ RA 5-1161 or RA 5.1182, $1 DODGE Crusader V-8 fordor fu-| ila tone blue, deep tred tires, immaculate = condition throughout Only $1393 Van| Heusen til tem. S55 CHEV. eater. Mupt sell to retain credit. $875, low down payment Take over payments. RA 59877. 290c| 50 FORD sedan, with '52 Meteor motor, motor perfect. Best offer. Phone RA 83-0818, 290¢ TWO Quebec heater stoves, 82331. 55 cadillac Coupe de Ville, fully 'power | -- equipped, nice clean car. Will sacrifice for quick sale. MO 8.4517, Whitby 289 $0 CHEVROLET Biscayne, two door. Low down payment, can arrange fi- nancing. RA 8.6891 MERCEDES BENZ D.K.W. FIAT Authorized Sales & Service "57 Volkswage = SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, §. RA 3-9421 MO 290a cheap. BUYING OR SELLING SEE MACKIE MOTOR R.R. 4, KING ST. E We urgently need 10 cars weekly for out of town dealer. RA 5-5743 "want PORTABLE 1 NEIGHBORHOOD sales room, now open for business, what have you te sell, clothing in good condition, furni- h ture, anything you have, RA 8-5836. "IMPERIAL Loyalist" red "maple cof fee table, $35, like new. Apply 38 Ferguson Street, Brooklin Subdivision 2851 tereo record players as low as $34.95, The Dutch Merchant, 171 Bond Street Kast AIR compressors "Brunner," . § HP, Mod. H3l, also 1 HP, Mod H3, sacrl fice for half price. Threading machine, electric, range from % tw 2inch, for all threads, with complete set of dies, $175. Degreasing tank, large, with au- tomatic heaters, $125. Portable air compressors, piston type, two cylin. ders, gasoline engine 8 HP, like new, 1960. Jointer B-inch, 3 HP, mew. Apply 597 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, RA 35-9216. WE pay highest prices y in the city for [ang furniture. Pretty"s Used Furni Store, MA 3.3271, 444 Simcoe Bi COLONIAL divan (sleeps (wo! cost $110, bargain $79. RA 34656. Tor {ENCYCLOPAEDIA Britannica, #4 vol- ume, two dictionaries and one world , book ease for same, like new, ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W., RA 3-7132 49--Automobile Repairs BERGMANN'S Millen 67 King ST. E. RA 5-7732 $700 DOWN $700 DOWN With this Stop HW 80 paying rent, down payment and just a month you could own immaculate five-room Garage, d&sphalt hot water heating $9,500. One open Please contact RA 5-5207 290a| LLOYD REALTY | OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS PEACE AND QUIET ranch bungolow with attached garage. Excellently planned to suit your likes. This prestige home features floor to ceiling fireplace. 4-piece colored bathroom with built in vanity ond mirrgr, natural stained slid- ing cupboards in kitchen with adjoining breakfast room. Walk out basement with picture windows, topped off with scenic lot 82x 264', Plan to inspect this home Phone for Bill Millar, RA 8-5123 or RA 5.2557. Lloyd Realty Ltd Realtors $ ungalow price drive Full mortgage Mr Tiern Long / 101 Simcoe St. Nort} RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOQVER © 290q| G. NEWELL BROKER 216 BROCK ST. SOUTH ~ WHITBY 6% N.HA. By Christmas you can be living in a home of character built by W. H. McEwan and Son. Located on exclusive Fairview Drive and Reynolds Street, Whitby, The new low down payment is now $3,244 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Owner Leaving Country N.H.A. RESALE 6% $13,500 carries ot $66 monthly.. Cosy ranch style, six oftractively decorated " rooms, colored tiles and bath. Excellent condition. Large lot. Private drive, Close to schools and churches. €an nted g MO 8-4703 290e AUTO BODY Devilbiss Equipped Repairs Can Be Financed STATION RD., PICKERING PHONE TEmple 9-1811 After Hours--TEmple 9-2520 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS $273 eash. Phone OLiver 290¢ | FOR sale, upright plato, 375. ooklin {OLiver 5-38 Troi Vom LARGE bun "pram $8; girl's tube skates, $3, size 2; large kiddy car, $3: all in good eondition. Apply 65 Warren Avenue. 290b HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- ure, also sell and exchange. Contact ay Furniture Store, ¥ Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. or gay 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res, 5-5574 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. RAndolph 3-3461 1271 SIMCOE NORTH Specialists in Ford Service and parts, Wheel alignment, wheel balance with latest type equipment, Newest type electronic tune-up equipment. BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD. PHONE RA 3-4675 Tel.: AWNINGS, plain, colors, |stripes, prompt service. esti. ates Order now for early delivery, Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 418 Simcoe North. FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 e week per family of four, includes approximately 90 per eent groceries ond freezer. Ne down payment. For eppointment (no oblige- tion)--phone RA §-3709, SEEIT!! TRY IT!! THE NEW 60 VOLVO At WILBAK MOTORS + 137 KING ST. W. RA 5-0732 CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS KNIT W. . 1960 STUDEBAKER LARK Two-door. Sedan Delivered Fully Equipped at $2485.00 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LIMITED 50--Articles For Sale WINE and cider all solid oak, lowest prices. ware, 8 Church, RA 3.7624 TRICYCL various TRICYCL various , also kiddycars. All ohone RA 8-8038 ONE only, used, RCA Victor hi-fi, nut finished cabinet, ly one year, $99. Street West DINING room set, $100. RA 2-9473. GIRL'S new barrels, types lo wal Meagher's, 5 walnut, Mary Maxim sweater set, rie prancer fits 8 to 9 years, $18 RA 5-4459. COMBINATION youth and high chair, girls' clothing, size 3-4; girls' ladies' clothing, 11-1 figure skates, size 6 and 8: child's skates, Phone 'RA 3-2798. {CAMERA 4x5 Crown View. 12 holders, triple extension bellows ¥F lens. Carrying case. RA 5-4858. LARGE "'Thistle" (tricycle, 22" wheel, almost new, $15. Phone 5-0117, film fron also baby carriage. RA 5-7081. 289% MOTOROLA television, 17" table mode completely reconditioned, $65, Meagh ers, 5 King Street West. 289¢ | SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDA SALES AND SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH Pomestic and Commercial DIAL RA 3.3461 RA 5-5332 sizes, Oshawa Hard- pyt seand and re-condition 290{ used approximate- King | 290b | nine pieces | 290 | "Cloudspun | design, | 290a and size 8. 290c RA | 289b FOUR burner electric range with oven; | BUY NOW AND SAVE Agents for Peterborough Boats Evinrude Motors Distributors for Larson Boats Gator Trailers Otaco Trailers Brydon Boy Hardware Factory Approved -Service Complete Stock of Parts and Hardware Budget Terms No Down Payment Open Evenings and Week End Marine Storage & Supply Ltd. BROOKLIN PH. OL 5-3641 COLONIAL HOME 7] 2000] b 1 |46--Real Estate Wanted 46--Real Estate Wanted HELP! wo homes needed within 5 blocks of four corners, one client with all eash, the other with low down pay- ment. If you have a home within this radius, please call, Ozzie Addison you are under no ebligation. Lloyd Ayers, Realtor, RA 3-2254, 289¢ IS YOUR HOME FOR SALE? let lit you and relieve We have the prospects and the Real Estate is our full-time profession. WILSON REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 BEAL ESTATE -- MORTGAGE LOANS MW you have property to sell, you of that responsibility, know-how, us se for IMPROVEMENTS RA 8-8571 134 Simcoe St. $. Oshawa . DOMESTIC FIRE ~~ ALARM $7.95 installed $1.00 extra Clorobromomethane extinguishers from $5.95 As used U.S. airforce and depts. Underwriter's laboratories listed FREE CHRISTMAS BONUS Fire ean kill while you sleep To safe guard our customers we give a FIRE ALARM ANID EXTINGUISHER with every self-storing doer AT $49.50 Installed with written guarantee for 20 years Buy COLONIAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS PRODUCTS Save and be safe. (Continued en Page 18)

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