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The Oshawa Times, 12 Dec 1959, p. 3

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BA ; i SQUARE DANCING is enjoy- ing a tremendous hoom today in North America a rural on almost exclu- sively, it in a big Formerh attract now vay in has the caught on cities, as is | Show | take of t Dan "Cin club WEATHER FORECAST these recent n by n at a he "Circle e Club of cle Eight have a 0 an total two get-tog Eight" shawa d memb Some Clearing Of Dirty Brew CP weather Forecast office TORONTO issued hy the at 5 am Synop: veather of fog lower Lakes adjacent to Lake be described as the very but extensive fog prev: in Northern and consider. 0 the ed a and This morning Ont ernig vile concoction the bre rain snow for a west along shores le snow fallen Condit tral bett sure Cen ably ns Ontar Non 0 are theless the low pres and Nort west orth north winds erly near near 15 to 20 be I U Northern Georgian Bay ern 210! loud Milder coming snowf winds night ro ires Daw Vic Edm to! ' Regir evening at will he not fected Temper ning ahove no signs mmediate ved in tures and cha normal Windsor, London ght rain most afternoon. ( izzle gions, Inter mittent nd k onsider mern- he fore- ittle earl during noon cloudy and a | cooler easerly nea northerly sar 15 this afterr Niagar: Vestern Lake Ontari t Ham 1: Og tode vith loping this cloudy and a ht and Sunday 20 becom- morning and Sunda 15 becoming oon regions or casional conside morning little cooler Easterly w ing southeast and north deve near t this this ever d iC night and Sunda Li in temperature. East ttie fo - change south Winn Kapus Haliburton nS, Sudbury li ght snow y Eas ly w 1g Kapuska sunny A ild becom ies 15-25 1 lu RONTO (CP son ria ton a PPR kasing North Bay Sudht Mu Hunt ry ka sville Windsor Londc Toron Ottaw Mon mn ito a al Quebec Halifax CH 1 Medical 'to w cigaret factor cancer "although the betw that a re smok an gh urban ing REJECTS AGO (AP ASSOC there is insuffi arrant the smoking in the A Journal I lationship and cancer der among vomen than among tions." and inds THE mncre. Kirkland North Ba today Su Sing ntery few sc er ing Min ) 12 24 17 ORY I'he 15-25 pictures , of more than 300 today despite ther Square The junior ership coming North Lake Oc parti nday he Cloudy al att Max 2 47 36 16 Ami Journa nt evidence assumption" the ase cen that and rural in editorial studies that major lung said reveal aret seem de amo populs ) he parent ried ciub meel Harmon} a the fact that t ation years ago. The gularly in the Church 1 gram arranged CAPSULE NEWS organiz was only tw ( has spe for the season are turn to page and * "a8 | vil follow in St. G the mer ple b: of co Most married y affords for a the 1 OPIN (F column m S01 0 two, for story) Oshawa Time two Bullet Victim To Face Trial 1d We TORONTO officers di n i i nes contended not and yeh car know said nd his and men we he a 1 the apartment to put out ga CAVORTED IN NUDE TORONTO (( Pp repen rested ban n subu Long neighb ne reported a voman runn da nude up 2 man with whom INSPECTS HOMES TERBOROUGH Cp Ta he | d tions Techn WILL ment of annou as principe nitro temming circulated equipme Rae bage fal of 1956 USE TV TFACH CATHARINES (CI school m pre 0 men nd need F S| The qhat % nbers the yriur lease Ss one it fo th ediics ricay il her « Mc th ING >) ..8 gram fepart Mart announced Fr ude se ym Grade EXPORTS NNIPEG s of DOWN cp wheat and 10.000.000 e lor ar period Comm tha and ed fo period 5,100,000 in 1957-58 the port cienc 1's year husk Th ssioners Cow 900,000 children, flou dur ompared and t e of op I ppointed WW customary et id wfhirman pre | Prairie Feud Catches Probe OTTAWA (CP commission on caught in crossfire rie-railway feud over hauling 'western export low statutory rates It may be forced to decide soon on a western motion for a three- month delay in the hearings io give prairie experts time fo pre- pare their cross-examination on the railways' analysis of grain shipment costs So far, the commission has tried to bring the disputants to- gether in some sort of comprom- ise However, informants indicate / {the two sides are holding frm to} {their battle lines OBITUARIES JAMES McCANN Mrs. James McCann, a resi-™= dent Oshawa for the past years. died in Whitby today. was in her 82nd She Ibeen in poor health for vears. Born Feb. 1 70 the net daug of the John 'Windes She was married in North York put lived in the Brooklin-Oshawa area all her life. She was a mew ber of the Anglican church She was preqecessed by husband Ja n 1927 and by a son A in 1942. Another on William, was killed in World War T | i rne Cal ¥ rank daugl s, Edna Oshawa M: Vancouver Farewell Canada's royal transportation of a Prai- the cost of grain at is the A be MRS. 8 She had many of year n Maple Mrs Amel late Mr. and Mrs Eisen son Whi Pre hower dent at his speech before India's Delhi glances address n New Alice during Labour Mrs 0 Parliament this Ann Perr) body ineral 1apel p.m and R Port The Intosh F s resting a He on service Dec yme for Monda 14 at 2 Interment Cemetery be in Union Of Black GOLDSMITH AP A disciples MISS FLORENCE H. SPRATT Miss Florence Helena formerly of died 1zston Hosp iday ratt Sf Oshawa n the By MICHAEL BERN black magic cult General or Switzerland whose uled behind ¢ been been in poo 10 ed had the paz born a daughter wl Annie lived 2X) dece; fo ears Dy nypno Enterp of the late fied ba d re has Spr i in years health broken raiders 42, former home master-min from interier freedom Kingston Pre Oshe pa ous is under residec in va he as at oom General Motors onal to of ( anada a member sioner Ernst Spo » details at a press rida) made secluded Fridberg Peace) estate ai 12 miles south also of The | League | She is ters | (Mrs ence night raid fenced of vill last week three sis Annie Roches Wes survived by one brother Fred Henderson) Y Elizabeth (Mrs Esford Odessa [Loretta * (Mrs. John |Oshawa: and Michael {Oshawa body Funeral Mass Cathedral 14 and regor) Oshawa. The body on the Mountain Linden, a Ont Bern. Drinkle) Inside. raiding officers found 6¢ Spratt of men, women and children in va rious stages of hypnotic trance and age of the ton in at King Kingston interment down 's Cem- ground ie resting Home be IN CHAINS men hypnotized, was hanging upside from chains in an under to arrive in Oshawa torture chamber. via CNR train at 4.15 re Mig ARR ain a CITY AND g burial ig iy dy DISTRICT ained from Home FUNERAL OF FREDERICK HANGS One Franke Requiem St. Mary's Monday, Dec will of the completely etery scheduled Monday p.m gardi be of neral EGGS STOLEN ae Three Ideal Da trucks were y 1 BANTER broken into early this morning Funera sory ices we : ey and a quantity of eggs and but rom the rmstrong unere t taken. The loss was discov Home. Friday, Dec. 11, at 2 p m. after five a.m. when or Barry Frederick Baxter 8, s noticed smashed was fatally injured Wednes delivery trucks n an a acc dent on the taken totalled 44 lbs Concession of Whitby. Town dozen eggs and 17 Police said that snow led from of Coopers goods BARRY locks on their Produce butter pint cream footprints in the the tracks to the front S where the in a car ito seven of Cross of Church followed Clinton 's Anglican and interment nion Cemetery The pallbearers Nere am Horton, Kenneth Mar Harold Parrott and Kenneth Whi Jey offic ated ion were wil placed sden $150 driven by street west parked car on Ritson south Fri day night. Estimated total dam age to both cars was $150 DAMAGE Maurice Little slid into a A cal King average 1953-34 to 8.000.000 bushels the five-ve 1957-58 of CARS IN MISHAP southbound on Sim coe north, 'were involved in an accident. early this morning. A driven by William Loucks LECTION TORONTO P Toronto ansit commissioner Clive Sin said Friday the TTC chair- man will be elected after the in- Car augural meeting of Metropolitan 24, Whitby, was in collision with Toronto council Jan, 12, and not a car driven hy Robert Olliffe mid-December as has been Humewood avenue, Oshawa. The He said the commis Olliffe cat ended up against a had agreed the present hydro pole on the east boulevard should remain until!of Simcoe street The hydro pole f Metropolitan Toronto had deter- and a bus stop sign were broken mined the future personnel of the Total estimated damage to the € commission cars was $600 CANADA'S DELEGATE CHOIR TO SING OTTAWA (CP)--Mines Minis Oshawa Public School x ter Comtois will represent the hoir, directed by 'Walace Young, ( n government at indepen- director of music in Oshawa Pub- of the Camer- lic Schools, will sing at the meet 1-Jan. 3. it/ing of the Rotary Club of Osha- Friday night, wa next Monfiay. The choir will Republic, former also lead in the singing of Christ- has been admin. Mas carols » istered by France since the First DEFER E oc I'wo cars ait ¢ e mn ers The nadie dence ceremonies yon Republic, Dec announced ameroon German colony The ( SPY trge-find German ,| sonal * head week in which he said the United States has strong forces readv to help its friends. Be hind the president of the United States, from left to right, are " Raid Finds Cult Magic All of fear state Bau the d were in a to ciples and subjection mann I'he group, mades up of Swiss included a 15-y Baumann's wife, 25 transferred psychiatric Ar- and Several mental tment he estate old girl be for had homes 0 0 tre 1 comprised five chapel with an altar magic spirits; a and mechanical nouses a dedicated to movie theatre workshops CHOSEN BY SPIRITS New found by pel were taken to the and told had been chosen by the spirits to join the community. They had to swear an oath of allegiance to the sect on an elec- trified book of magic which sent a heavy charge through their bodies Incoming disciples were re quired to turn over all their cash and belongings to Baumann. The ! offices found a small fortune in I cash and valuables disciples contact estate they working force 1 Grocery Store Owner Beaten SARNIA (CP of a Sarnia Township grocer) store was severely beaten and struck by pellets from a 12-gauge shotgun Friday night when he'f tried to thwart a holdup attempt by three masked. armed men t Peter Smith, 67, and his wife Jennie, 61, were found in hyster- F ical condition by 24-year rett Leckie, a friend who stopped at their store just east of the city his. wav, home Mr. Smith was beaten grappled with one of while the others kept side. He told police that several shots were fired by the intruders and the full blast of one narrowly missed him Several pellets were imbedded in the skin of his neck and head The fight began after Mr. Smith refused to hand over his wallet to the gunman. Mrs. Smith told police she broke up the struggle by beating the gunman over the with a mop handle The men grabbed an undeter mined amount of money from the The proprietor on when he 2 the men watch out men at ary held day old Gar- € the hh 5 US. PRODUCES THE OSHAWA ' TIMES, Saturday, Ducomber mn? bil 3 PRESIDENT ADDRESSES INDIAN PARLIAMENT Neliru, back- Rad- House Ayyen- Indian leader Gandhi hangs in ground. Premier .Jawaharlah Vice-president Sarvapalli hakrishnan and Lower Speaker Arnantasyanan Painter of the late AP Wirephoto from Rome. via radio gal i HAPPY BIRTHDAY S01 Mr. and Ha old Clarke. Whitby, celebrated his first birthday on Dec. 10. David's rents are Mr. and Mrs. Issac Puc rin, Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clarke, Greenwood Leslie of Something to remember complete casualness of charming 20 acre Gulf colony in the heart of this famous resort area. Over- iooks 1000 feet. of the most beautiful white sandy beach. Choice of 180.. . . studio, one or 'two bedroom apts. Imper- ial House Dining Room. grandp The EE AL \ NI this REACH AGREEMENT | side BIRMINGHAM, England Reuter: A labor dispute that hreatened to close down the Birmingham automobile plant of 1 Motors was settled Fri sht just before the entire of 10,000 was to be ldcat strike of 650 building subsidi-| conditions was ass meeting: and to go back to aid A wi off over alled off at he men a ork Monday AFRICA DISCY LONDON (Reuters) Britain talks last month in the; nited States and Canada on the! uture development of Africa outh he Sahara, it was au-| VACATION horitatively disclosed { APARTMENTS The talks concluded for| Britain by top officials of the for-| ST. PETERSBURG BEACH FLORIDA ign office, the colonial office and Commonwealth relations of- place in Washington Apts. for 2 to 4 People and in Ottawa Nov Apr. 25 to Dec. 15. $32.8 70 wk Dec. 15 to Jon. 15... 360-5110 'Wk Jon. 15 to Apr. 1 $90-$180 wk. Apr. 1 to Apr. 25 $60-5110 wk. Speciol Seasonal ond Monthly Rotes SSED Pp of here Fri took 23 ov. 21 THIRD OF STEEL Steel production in the U amounts 36.2 per cent the world's total For brochures and reservation wri TAYLOR €. CARR, Mgr. GULF WINDS VACATION APTS. On the Gulf of Mexico 4800 Sunset Woy P.O. Box 6218.C Petersburg Beach, Pla. . to of Leader in low cost adver tising is Oshawa Times Clas sified Advertising. The easy way rent, sell, hire or trade. Place your ad by dial ing RA 3-3492 to LL cash register and fled after the one robber called his companions for help. Hospital authorities said today Mr. Smith was in good condition but would be detained there for several days. TRAFFIC TOLL Traffic accidents in Canadian streets and highways claimed 2.- 246 lives: in the first nine months of 1959, against 2,277 in the same period of 1958 e World War. It has a population of more than 3.000,000. including 17.000 Europeans TITTLE DAMAGE SUIT TORONYO (CP An Orange ANNOUNCEMENT! ville district family injured a #¢o in a traffic accident re 1- ceived a $20,000 dampage award Friday in ine Supreme Court of e Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ie Mono Mills and their Barbara Anne, 6, and 4, were riding in a truck driven by of Adjala Town- Lynne hit . by Breedon r Debra a car Earl o'ship GRAIN HAL 1 ING CONTINUES PORT ART \ more lz X | J ead for the 1959 ses next week. In terminate at mid but lakers still nto Georgian Bay an extension to nex é javiga tion season clo surance rates Saturday hauling port car the PRINCIPAL LEAVES DSOR (CP D. G. W he first principal of the WIN McRae SPECIAL ! UNS 353 KING ST. WEST OPEN Mi PORT EVENINGS---ALWAYS GOOD PARKING TH' PHONE RA 3.9311 WINNERS OF MARTEN' FUR STORAGE DRAW Will Appear In The OSHAWA TIMES ON WED. DECEMBER 16th. Fender EAT'N TRUE- "RUE-TRIM IM BEE} 11d 12 KING E. RA 3-3633 Meat Specials! Mon. & Tues. Lean Rib STEW BEEF 3 lbs. 1.00 CLUB STEAK 59 ' BLADE STEAK 2 lbs. 1.00 Sliced Breakfast BACON S Tender WING STEAK Ib. 79c

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