£ ~ od SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12 : ONTARIO TODAY 24 PAGE SEVENTEEN | Jest. A Second SEAWAY JUGULAR : CONT. FROMAPAGE 15 showed a 75 per cent increase in up cargo into Lake Ontario and a 32 per cent jump in the downbound haulage. At the same time, Welland Canal shipments were up 74.2 per cent but a falling off set in during August with a drying up of iron ore ship- ments due to the U.S. steel strike. Officials believe the second vear of Seaway operation will provide a much clearer picture of traffic "I'd" shaken the blankets oF weight. ~ out of the window before I Inexorably, the Seaway is sounding the realized he hadn't got up." death knell of the canaller size ship. "Canal tolls have rendered the smaller : Js vessels impractical and useless in the Sea- way," says Captain R. Scott Misener, head of the Scett Misener Steamships Company. Six of his fleet of 23 canallers have been sold and are en-route to British Columbia via- the Panama Canal for Pacific Coast trade. Two have been scrapped and the remainder are tide yp awaiting buyers. Leading Canadian lines are becoming 1 ; "What lovely diamonds! more and more dependent on bulk carriers. "Not really dear. They're C c . - . * ne TET " THE HUE AND CRY raised by shippers and last years. SAFEGUARD YOUR CHILDRENS HEALTH WITH industrialists against tolls on 'the Welland Canal has diminished, but will not be allow- ed to die out completely. The campaign will be maintaind against the time when M i IL LE 4 'S lock twinning will occur. Then, it is feared, Welland Canal tolls will be truly formidable, ovr Pywders BY BENNETT CERF I Welch, the brilliant Massachusetts lawyer who achieved national fame at the Army-McCarthy hearings, told Editor Curtiss Anderson, "Storms never frighten me. My intellect tells me I could get hurt or even killed, but is there any more graceful, natural way |, to die than by a sudden, beautiful stroke of lightning coming down from the skies? And I'd rather be hit by a tornado than some hellish machine built by human FOR FOOD? * FOR SHELTER? 4 FOR FUN? beings . . . I guess you'd say I simply have an attitude : about weather!" To prove his point, Mr. Welch has filled his Cape Cod cottage with a wide variety of weather instruments. The Pocket Guide with which he plots in detail the pattern of "good to Family Spending i a : TOTARE HOME PAY nor'easter gales. can help you live and Overheard in a Hollywood studio (the mother of a have a little left over... precocious child star talking): "I put my foot down firmly on my daughter acting before she was five. I Here's how! Just set the wheel of was determined that she should have a normal child- The Pocket Guide to Family Spend- hood!" ; ing at your take-home pay, in the division marked for the number in OSCAR LEVANT, who probably has supported more your family. A column of figures ap- psychoanalysts and pill dispensers than any pianist or pears, listing suggested amounts for TV personality in history, battles with his lovely wife each of the main categories of family expense. Because family and indi- vidual needs and wishes vary greatly, your particular budget will have a June continuously---in private and in public--but ob- viously they cannot live without each other. Even before the first of the three Levant daughters : "ry riieani . personal character all its own. But was born, Oscar accused June of poisoning the mind using these figures as a general guide of our child against me." "That's ridiculous!" observed can help you take that first important Ira Gershwin. "How can sl.e do that when the child step in making sure your money goes isn't even born yet?" on the things you really want. E - : Levant's eyes gleamed as he explained airily, "She's The Pocket Guide to Family T™ ANK OF writing nasty letters about me and swallowing them!" Spending is free! Pick yours up at NOVA SCOTIA Ontario Today : : A NETWORK OF OFFICES ACROSS CANADA AND Printed in the USA. IN LONDON « NEW YORK « CHICAGO « THE CARIBBEAN Publishing Office: 302 Grote St. Buffalo, New York. \