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The Oshawa Times, 12 Dec 1959, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT Board Considers Guild Holds THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, December 12, .._. WHITBY SPORTS SPOTLIGHT By WREN A. BLAIR Electric Heating | Dec. Meeting | The All Saints' Anglican Church dian basis, the board decided Afternoon Guild held its Degem- that Mr, Cole and Mr. McMillan ber meeting in the new parish should make further investiga- hall on Tuesday afternoon with the tions. |president, Mrs. R. E. Smith, pre- | siding, who opened 'the meeting TO WDHS BOARD icin |with prayer, Mrs. S, Armstrong It was the unanimous decision |" d the Script 1 of the board, that Lloyd Gibson rea e scripture lesson. should be re-appointed to the| A note of thanks was received High School Board for the follow- from the Jr. gos choir thanking ing term, and Chairman the Afternoon Guild for the gift Ing thanked him, on behalf of of a mirror for their choir room. is wi ing the During the business session it ing January. The reQuest Wa{Sic board, for Bie Zotk Surly also| was decided that as in previous granted by the board. [re-appointed Mrs. Hazel Phillips|years gifts will be distributed. A letter was received from thelas a member of the Library] A nominating committee was Inspector of Public Schools, Board for a term of three years. formed, election of officers to Thomas Houghton, giving tenta-| The board approved the hiring take place at the January meet. tive approval for the building of of tivo new teachers for the Dun-|/ing, Mrs. Smith closed the meet- the new Blair Park Public School.|das Street Public School, Mrs. ing with prayer. The Ontario County Health Unit| Ann Budd and Miss Betty Odlum Mrs. Smith and Migs L. Mec performed an inspection of the| Earl A, Fairman, the super-Intosh were tea hostesses and a water that was used in Whitby's|vising principal, presented his re- social half-hour spent. seven public schools, and inform-| port and included in S The Jan, 12 meeting will be held | ed the board, by mail, that all the|f n the new hall with a pot luck Wafer Wed bas Diese L lunch at 1 p.m. The business | erbert ole, architect for meeting and election of officers the board, introduced an Ontario will i Bey DHiicers Hvdro representative, Mr. Mc-{two strip projectors, three] Millan, who discussed, with the screens, two typewriters, Vene- board, the advantages of install-|tian «blinds, black-out cu tain . . int siecen beter gem ond Sone" Give Deadlines For Yule Mail The present public schools in/the program of the The deadline date for Christmas Whitby are all heated with coal monies of the delivery for he local district 7. The last regular monthly meet- ing of the Whitby Public School Board was held at the Kathleen Rowe Public School on Thursday night, Edward Bowman, the secre- tary-treasurer, read the corre- spondence and the first item was a letter from the Dundas St. Pub- lie School Home and School Asso- ciation requesting permission to use the school for an event dur- »d, to be pu one sound 7 pC Is, three OWE J |case) There will be no mail delivery on Christmas Day or New Year's Day. * red hot Belleville McFarlands do battle with the lea- . still have a long and rugged climb ahead of them, WITH GERRY BLAIR PINCH-HITTING Tonight at the Whitby Community Arena, the gue-leading Whitby Dunlops. = Belleville come into town fresh from a 5-2 win over the Kitchener-Water- loo Dutchmen last night in the Bay of Quinte commu- . nity. That was the Macs 4th win in their last six starts, and the second in succession over the K-W Dutchies, who seem to be floundering badly at the moment. They certainly are not playing hockey such as an Olympic representative should play. Belleville Family Monuments oF Creaed To ap/ individuol 4 Requirements STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works 318 Dundos East MO 8-3552 HARRY INKPEN Thanks you for your support at 'the election and 0 TOTHE ELEGTORS OF WHITBY , 3 I would like to take this opportunity to thank my supporters and to extend Season's Greetings to Everyone. GEORGE BROOKS extends Season's Greetings to all but if they continue to play like they have been this past week, it will be difficult to keep them out of = that Tourth and last play-off spot. Furthermore the McFarlands will be more than confident that they--- can walk out of here with a win over the Dunlops tonight, ewing to their' fine record they possess against the locals; two wins in three tries. Face-off ' time for tonight's action is 8:00 p.m. Last night in Chatham, the Whitby Dunlops lengthened their {igst place lead by five points over the Maroons, by downing them 3-1. Whitby spotted Horeck's men a first period goal, then commenced to shut them out while firing home three. Pete Babando, Tom O'Connor and Bob Attersley were the "Dunnies" marksmen. Jim Connelly garnered Chatham's lone tally. Kitchener's loss to Belleville left them six DINKY TOYS MATCH BOX TOYS MODEL CRAFT MECCANO MAGAZINES & BOOKS CHRISTMAS CARDS 24-HOUR FILM SERVICE STORE HOURS: 8:30 am, to 9:0 p.m. 5:00 p.m, Sundoys 10:00 p.m.--Christmas Eve RIGLER'S STORE 200 Brock St. S., Whitby My Sincere Thanks to all of you who helped re-elect me to the School Board DON GILCHRIST points back of the Dunlops, and they could find them- selves in fourth place come Monday morning as they play a home and home set with the Windsor Bull- dogs. The "Dogs are only three points behind Kitch- ener. Hockey fans everywhere are commenting on the splendid hotkey being played in the OHA Senior "A", with little to choose from among any of the five clubs. ~ TOWN AND COUNTRY. . . . Defencemen, Ted O'Connor, Harry Sinden and Don McBeth performed brilliantly last night in Chatham, with the extra work assigned them due to the injury.to Alf Treen. It is rather difficult to come up with a suitable re« placement this late in the 'season. ... Whitby Hill- crests entertain the highly rated Newmarket Smoke Rings on Monday night at the local arena, starting at 8:30 p.m. . . . Regina Roughriders pulled a surprise switch last night when they announced the signing of 30-year-old Ken Carpenter as head coach for 'next season. Indian Jack Jacobs was supposedly the man with the inside track on the job, . . . The Eastern Pro- fessional Hockey League isn't half over and already one coach has been replaced. Don Grosso called it quits after Thursday's humiliating 8-3 trouncing from the last place Kingston Frontenacs. Jerry Brown, for- mer coach of the Hamilton Cubs of the OHA Junior series, is slated to replace him. . . , American Base- ball League officials will have more to rave about after hearing of the recent trade between the "cousins," New York Yankees and the Kansas City Athletics. This was the 15th trade involving gome 59 players in the short space of time Kansas has been in the league. Big name players were involved, such as Hank Bauer, Norm, Seiburn, Don (No-Hit) Learsen and Marv Throneberry. TUESDAY, Dec. 15 Whitby Baptist Church CGIT Faith Baptist Church YPA Colborne Street Home and School Association | Women's Christian Union Circle Temperance of the United Disappeared After Accident, Charged NORTH BAY (CP) -- Elwood Baker, who disappeared for 15 months after a two-car collision] in which he was involved in Au-| gust, 1958, has been charged by provincial police with leaving the scene of the accident, | Baker who returned home re- cently said he remembers noth-| ing about the accident or for several days following it. THA He was released on $1,000 prop- | would like to thank all those who supported me in the recent election and wish the incoming council Good Luck C. (Mal) Femia TOWN OF WHITBY Application For SHORTHAND-TYPIST Applications will be received until five o'clock p.m., on Monday, December 14th 1959, for the position of Shorthand-typist in the 'Town Clerk's ' Office Applicants should state education, typing and shorthand speeds, age, marital status and salary expected. Address applications to the undersigned. J. S. McAVOY, Chairman, Applications Committee Town Hall, WHITBY, Ontario My Sincere Thanks to all who voted and worked for me in the last election JACK McAYOY O.H.A. SENIOR GORD MYLES TONIGHT WHITBY DUNLOPS To My Supporters SINCERE erty bail, | and the annual coal bill amounts Public School on T to $10,000 17. and this was- also approved Mr. McMillan said the ad-|by the board i heating A sday, Dec. 17. This means Hon Syne yeaiing wate, Jog Sag t tha e Post Office Dept. ean- a ch classroom would have for his successiul not arantee deliver > an individual control. Secondly,|man, and he in turn thanked the ivery of local Ww ; Een hes, and comfortable system, and in his 10 years on the board, he oye yan finally that the decorating costs/had never known such a trying| ©". 0 °F etter ® Carrier Deliv of the school would be reduced. vear, and that he was for r o Bf elivery was used in many schools in the and co-operation of the hoard &™ that id mail should be cor- United States and that the new which made it a happy and su roe | with number, Bowmanville public school also|cessful "blue ink" year d direction, A letter ad- € Owing to the fact that there ence Moore and John Moss we St may not be delivered were no figures available to il-/thanked by the board for the after Christmas, because the lustrate the cost of installing and|help and valuable counsel thes t direction is not indicated. ------ Paar esre---- should be John Doe 1234 Dundas |Sf. East (or West if that is the A F B t d d The same address indica. SSOC. I Or netarae : : {and south locations . The mailing deadline date for Raises 1 5 - ere British Columbia and Newfound- ' o 1 r rire. wid ena ich Alberta, Saskatchewan and Mani. For the first time in Whitby, raise funds to provide education sba is Saturday, Dec. 12. The y ¥ x Maritime Province's deadline i dren held an organized cam-|tarded children in this area ! FOYLE yeatiine is paign, and following the receipt of best figures available show that tar be . s, a grand total of there are approximately 1200 per- ia io and Quebec, Tuesday, Dec organ-| Whitby area that are mentally re d the tarded, or three per cent of the success of the car be| total population. At the present ~~. Nichol and her canvassers in/ing school which is located on raising funds that will be added Brock road in Pickering. The to the Ajax and Pickering Asso- sehool is overcrowded and inade- The aim of the campaign was to| ing five of the children from Whit- | MONDAY, Dee. M - by to the school is $580 per month, | Whitby Baptist Church Explorers In the campaign, the associa.| United Church Fireside Evening rd , Evening Group {the United Appeal, asked for a|Yimy Ridge LOBA No. 639 minimum of $20,000 for the pur-| Andrew's Presbyterian {pose of building a new four class- Church Young Women's estimated cost of this building is House of Windsor JODE Chapter For New Year $45,000, the government's grant {ready has $10,000 in its building A delightful Christmas meeting| fund, friends of the Evening .Group of | ease, but a condition which may the Whitby United Church WA on|result from diseases or injuries was opened by Mrs. Ann Budd birth. Any family may h: " ww 3 poem_entitled h Road his mentally retarded child. Severit ehem". The secretary's a i of handicap may vary from ESDAY, Dee. 16 Mrs. Evelyn Robertson and Mrs. 3 YY A Betty Pee respectively. frustrating problem all the Nay St. John's Anglican Church WA BC effi ers forlin he who may remain totally enevolent Rebekah Lodge, 18 e slate of new officers forihelpless in a life-long infantile ging Street Home and School As- Jovee Cox; asst. leaders, Mrs.! adh iki uth Robb, Mrs. Helen Rose- Upited Chiareh AOS FL secretary, Mrs, Evelyn| Kinettes Clu Robertson; asst. sec. Mrs. Ger- Betty Pascoe: asst. treasurer,| Mrs. Edwina Temple, of Osh. Salvation Army Women's Home Mrs. Mildred Felstead: press|2Wa, niece of Mr. and Mrs. L.| League i " Miss Laura Pellow; audi. Buckley, Pine St., Whitby, left on |All -Saints' Anglican Church 'WA ship service was led|cisco for a two weeks training FRIDAY, Dee. 18 nr, MacDonald, Mrs, | course Salvation ary Youth Fellowship omlve. Molon ai 1 rothv Women's Institute ir ea Evelyn Mollon and Mrs. Dorothy] po. » w McKie and Miss t y interestin I : u h ry rt by SHI Pa guests at the home of their sis- Whitby Baptist Church .YPU ley MacDonald Mrs. Frances ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and United Church YPU ey ia ye Mrs. E. R. Elliott, of Pine 8t.,-------- vantages of the elect At the el ] ii at is mailed after this . that it was an economical, safe|board for their work saying that lled after this date > it 1 i ¥ He said that this type of heating|and lucky that he had the help vice, it has been most import- had an electrical heating system.| The out-going members, dressed" to John Doe, 1234 Dun- running the system on a Cana-'past session. {In is case the correct address tion applies to streets with north| land is. today. The deadline for the Association for Retarded Chil- facilities for the mentally n€|n\fonday, Dec. 14, and that of On- have been collected. sons in the Ajax, Pickering and attribued to the effort : Mrs. | time there are 20 children attend ciations quate and the cost of transport- |tion, which is not supported by Auxiliary Group WMS - " Names Officers {room - school in this area. The| Group WA | {is $15,000, and the association al- was enjoyed by thc members and| Mental retardation is not a dis Tuesday evening. The meeting hat occur before, during treasurer's reports were read by child whose slowness is only : as. bt rosin 1960 was read: Leader, Mrs.|state oeiation | maine James; treasurer, Mrs. | THURSDAY, Dec. 17 Alice Price Sunday by plane for San Fran feat the Christ : Daniel, and featured the CHTISl-ip gq whan "of Owen Sound, are SUNDAY, Dee. 20 Stringham Mrs. Muriel McKim and Mrs. Evelyn Mallon, includ- Other recent guests were Mr ing a Christmas tree and a gift Whalen, Mrs. Bert King and for each member present. All daughter Barbara, also of Owen sat down and enjoyed a delicious Sound | lunch prepared by Mrs. Ruth A Sincere THANK YOU TO YOU the Electors of Whithy for your most generous }| If support in choosing me to {| head the polls as council- } lor for 1960-61, : Mr. and Mrs. 8. Jones, of § Robb, Miss Roxena Lergett and Catharines, were eS, Mis Germaine James Me the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. h , Cora nstey I's. Bi 0 rollingt DOTY STE ee aa : Bird, of Wellington street to purchase a gift for a member| Mr who has. been an invalid for a Mr. and Mrs. Hart Giffin at- pumber of years tended the Carnwith-Gidge wed- The benediction brought a most ding which took place at North- pleasant evening to a close inmiinster Church, Oshawa. BROCK "W"7= Now Playing EVENING SHOWS AT 7 & 9 P.M. and and Mrs. Albert Lear and FEATURE STARTS AT 7 & 9:20 SATURDAY MATINEE STARTS AT 1:30 Joyce Burns (Mrs. 8. Burns) I To the citizens of Whitby who supported me at the for your THANK YOU | confidence | in electing me to the School Board {T. EDWARDS PROCLAMATION CIVIC HOLIDAY Pursuant to a resolution of Whitby Municipal Council SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26TH has been declared g Civic Holiday in the Town of Whitby for the purpose of observing Boxing Day, of which all persons are hereby requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. HARRY W. JERMYN Mayor GOD SAVE THE QUEEN BELLEVILLE MACS Game Time -- 8 p.m. WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA i SP WE INVITE YOU TO ENJOY DINNER ORGAN MUSIC Polls on Mon., Dec. 7th. At this time | would also | like to extend Season's | Greetings to Everyone. Stan Martin A BLAZING LOVE _ STORY OF THE TOR- fod RID "TWENTIES"! } Love Leave MN COLOR : co-maring Cameron MITCHELL with Robert KEITH + Tom TULLY Plus--Bugs Bunny Travélogue-Cartoon | would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people for the confidence you have placed in me and the staff at the Public Utilities Commission by my re-election as Commissioner Albert Randall | NOON TO 1.30 P.M. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13th RESERVATIONS SUGGESTED Played By Marnie. Phoope on the beautiful LOWRY ORGAN Supplied by FERGUSON ELECTRIC, PORT HOPE 6.00 P.M. TO 7.30 P.M. PHONE PLAZA 3-2226 MOTEL RESTAURANT (7 © 1ivine ROOM GIFT SHOPPE | | | | Whithy Churches EMMANUEL REFORMED CHURCH REV. GERRIT REZELMAN 3rd Concession West of Brock N. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church BYRON ST. 5. AT ST. JOHN ST 9:45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM MORNING WORSHIP Jr. congregation and Beginners' classes 9:45 AM. -- BIBLE CLASS Whitby Baptist Church Rev. J. M. Ward, Minister Mrs. W, E. Summers, AT.CM. 11 a.m. --Dutch Service 11 e.m.~Sunday School in English ; 7 p.m.--English Service Everyone Is Heartily Welcomed FAITH BAPTIOT 419 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY Pastor: Rev. E. C. Corbett, B.Th, 9:15 AM, RADIO BROADCAST. 9:45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 AND ADULT BIBLE CLASS 11 AM. end 7 PM. OUR PASTOR Special Music Miss Vivian Sadler 10 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM. MORNING - SERVICE 7 PM. EVENING SERVICE WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Rev. John M. Simth, B.A, B.D. -- Minister Mrs, J. Beaton, AR T.C. -- Organist MORNING WORSHIP WHITE GIFT SERVICES -- Two Services 9:30 AM.--11:00 AM. Come and worship. Bring your gifts to present in Christ's name. Cash gifts for Wrapped gifts for the Cedarvale School for Girls, the World Refugee Relief. EVENING HOUR 7:00 P.M. C.G.I.T. CANDLE-LIGHTING SERVICE PUBLIC SCHOOL GIRLS' CHOIR REVIVAL CENTRE 307 BROCK ST. N. "Where Jesus Is Real" REV, JOHN SCARR -- Pastor Ph: MO 8-5772 8:45 AM.--RADIO BROADCAST -- CKLB OSHAWA 9:45 AM--OUR GROWING SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M.--SPECIAL MESSAGE ON "HEAVEN" SPECIAL TALENT . . . GOSPELAIRES OF TORONTO EVERYONE WELCOME

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