gy urpose Mr. Manning apparently perhaps a 'little early, that|$400 land separation fee, paid jpEryos dich pi heir" victory at the polls will|by lot purchasers until the intro In Mr. Manning's favor it'mean the end of the planning {duction of a zoning bylaw js Hie {might be pointed out that the board. ; township, would be return 0 {member of a neighboring plan- There is also a feeling that a the people who paid it. Ining board did not help matters ™-- = lat the meeting by his attempts to tell the township planning board {what it should do. All in all, from {the point of planning promotion, it 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, December 12, 1959 | ALONG THE LAKESHORE A Zone Bylaws Become 'Bait For Politicians [rebum 1050 sq. ft. respectively for one ping Act, and while it might have boards, some members of aj % District Editor storey residences in RI, R2 andlirked some section of the com- newly-formed ratepayers asso- It's possible that before the R3. munity, it would have served the ciation are jubilantly celebrating, Fd day is out, Whitby township may It was admiited that, nde: - EH ere re Reel have its © first woman reeve. present conditions, despite the \ That's the considered opinion of growth in the population of the a ; the experts around the township township, there would be little hall in Brooklin, following, fhe chance of Supplying Services for meetin of Whitby Township some considerable time. Mainly | Planning Board Thursday night. because of the dearth of industry {It is generally felt that while the in the township. electorate is entitled to be fully| SEER IY linformed on all phases of admini- STRANGE SUGGESTION | stration' the planning hoard meet- In this regard, Mr. Manning ing was i-timed strangely enough suggested that i 'Actually. this may be so. It industrial assessment be pooled A | {again demonstrates clearly that on a provincial basis alia e200 | {planning and zoning are being everyone should get in on the pot. used as political weapons A surprising statement, in view There 'is little doubt that the|0! Mr. Manning's long experience lugins" of the planning boards|in municipal affairs. He, more have been visited freely on|than most people, must know that the 'municipal councils, who must most 'muhicipalities who get in- supply, willy-nilly members io|dustry these days have f- . the board. {for it. That it involves laving out money for services $ J In most instances, the prochures, to say nothing of the | planning boards have donelcost of promotion, and experts to a remarkable job . plan campaigns. | | % ho By ANGUS GORDON + TSYVALUE 'marshall mattress *ee, presents OWLEDGE COLLEGE" with PAUL HANOVER HEADACHES---COLDS | ARTHRITIC --NEURALGIC--RHEUMATIC PAINS instantine - TRADE MARKS REG. TABLETS gratis . . . for the communities | Most municipalities with. indus- they represent, in the short time try gained it by good planning. they have been in existence. Few|The present plight of Whitby| JOHNSON people realize that most boards township would oo that the! PAULINE JO COLLFGIATE BRANTFORD are trying to emulate Hercules in planning boards of revious era the Augean stables. The mess were not too conceried with iny, they have to clean up is the ds dustry as a means of balancing] : jointed planning of a couple of ihe assessment picture. 4 2 vs. centuries. { As a reward for such short-| PRIMARY JOB {sighted policy, Mr. Manning] BOWMANVILLE It would appear from tlis{ "Ould therefore penalize the more HIGH SCHOOL elevation that the primary job pf aggressive communities. A the planning boards would be to, Altogether, the statements gain the confidence of the people might perhaps have done consid-| who will be affected by their de-|€rable harm to the planning ef-| cisions. Most planning board de-|fort throughout the whole area, | cisions inflict hurt temporarily on|although it is doubtful, in view of {someone, and of course these the opposition to the proposals| people are going to protest. whether they will get past the| That's only natural. i Ontario Municipal Board hearing. | However, when the chairman HALT DEVELOPMENT | of a planning board descends to| Actually, it is strange that Mr. | personalities during a discussion|Manning did not advise council to| CP Wirephoto' of a decision, it does not help the halt all development in the] CHRISTMAS GIFT Close to tears, almost over- | refugee settlement scheme. The | two Zuptic children. The first come with joy, this Italian tu- | couple are Mr. and Mrs. Mario | group of re s will arrive in bercular refugee couple, have | Zupcic. D. Harold Fry, visa Toronto Wednesday just been informed that they | attache of the Canadian em- have been selected to come to | bassy in Rome is seen reaching | MITCHELL'S Drug Store RA 3-343] 9 SIMCOE ST. N. cause, Mr. Manning's Canada under the special world | to shake hands with one of the AT BROOKLIN Couples Club NEW BULK CARRIER PORT COLBORNE (CP)--Cun- struction of the second of twa new bulk carriers to be used in the Great Lakes ore and grain trade was announced Thursday by Capt. R. Scott Misener, presi- dent of Scott Misener Steamships : state-lt ownship until the munici- ments at the Whitbv township|psality felt it was in a position to planning board meeting were altake care of it. Provision is made little disquieting. for this procedure in the Plan- "We are trying to discourage | ------ K LE building in the tow nship"', he told the meeting, while explaining that he and his board were trying to} make it as unattractive as pos-| sible to build in the township. | This was to be accomplished by : Limited. The 722-foot bulk freigh- increasing the minimum lot sizes | as 1Tr ay i vill duplicate one now under|to 100 ft. frontage, and floor areas construction in Montreal of dwellings to 1300, 1200 and] By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT |when it was decided to send BROOKLIN -- The first anni- gifts of candy, coc s and fruit versary of the United Links Cou- to sick and shut members of ples Club, of Brooklin United group for Christmas Church, was held in the new| A solo, "O H Christian Education Building sung by Mrs. N Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Alex panied by Mrs. N Blair, and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mrs. Alan Jack®n presented Wilson were the committee in "The Christmas Story" assisted charge. by Mrs. Norman Alves, Mrs. Rev. S. J. Hillier offered grace Levi Arksey and Mrs. Howard at the banquet and later a short Arksey. The group then sang service was conducted by Mrs, earols and Mrs. Albert Cooper Blair. Mrs. Allan Stocks showed sang a solo. pictures and gave a commentary Mrs. Alan Jackson presided for on her trip to Europe last year, [the election of officers which re- Mrs. Vernon Wilson proposed the/sulted as follows: vote of thanks. Leader, Mrs. Harry McCool; Mr. and Mrs. D. Duncan and|assistant, Mrs. Albert Hannam; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hodson the secretary, Mrs. Howard Arksey; nominating committee, presented treasurer, Mrs. Neil Petty: Up- the slate of officers for 1960 which pee room Secrelaly, Mrs Albert was approved: Honorary presi-Hannam: Baby Band represen- bith and Mrs. S. J. Hil- tative, Mrs. Neil Petty; pianist, TRANSPORTASLE . . - No plug- lier; presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Norman Alves; quilt com- Xs £5 RB BIR ig 408 John Medland; vice-presidents, Witee, pa empsel, ine . at home . ro the move . . . Mr. and Mrs. Ken Arksey; sec- Grout, Mrs. Beri Hannam an Gnywhere perates up retaries, Mr. and Mrs. Alex |Mrs. Norman Alves DE Har So neies, Blair; treasurers, Mr. and Mrs. - Bruce Hishne; 1961 Somistug LEAP TO SAFETY committee, Mr. and Mrs Doug- ORILLIA (CP)--A $20,000 fire las Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Ver- Thursday night swept through hon Son. the Regent Woodcraft Company OFFICERS ELECTED and the owner's apartment above The WA Faithful Workers it. Leonard Lang and his sons group of Brooklin United Church, David, 12, and Gerald, 8 were mbt Wednesday at the home of forced to jump from a second- Mrs. Norman Alves. storey window when flames Leader Mrs. Ralph Hunter pre- which started in the shop blocked sided for the business session the staircase. Give The World's Best ...5ONY TRANSISTOR RADIOS WARNING! The TABLE Model that's really Are Preity... Dut Inflammahle! The National Board of Fire Underwriters and your Kennet Capital Stock Insurance Agencies urge you to adopt the following safety pre- cautions during the holiday season. % Christmas Trees are Pretty . . . Bul Inflammable ! % Buy a Small Tree... It's Less Likely To Cause a Fire! % Stand Your Christmas Tree in Water, in the Coolest § , Pari of the Room! % Don't Place Christmas Trees So That It Will Block Doorways! This little portable is sure to please the young set. Distinctive 7 transis- a real % Have a Swiich Some Distance From Your Tree for Turning Tree Lights On and Off! % Be Sure to Swiich Tree Lights Off When. You Go Out! % Keep Eleciric Trains AWAY FROM YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE! % When Your Christmas Tree Geis Dry, THROW IT AWAY! own game ae pan || Let's Have a "Fire-Free" Christmas! FOOTWE AR A PERFECT GIFT FOR | 7 out of 10 Properties are Under Insured This Christmas vh PEDPLE OF ALL AGES : This Advertisement Is Sponsored By The ATT TI TT $3 La SIs aie 1s To Ve 4 oy OSHAWA AND DISTRICT INSURANCE AGENTS ASSOCIATION! ane transistor to suit you . . . or one you wish to M. ive to J. A. BICKNELL INSURANCE AGENCY, 208 Celina St. EXCEPT SATURDAY 9 BRADLEY BROS., Insurance, 29%; Simcoe St. fia BURNS OAKLEY CRAWFORD, Insurance, 51 King E. EDWARD L. DISNEY, Insurance, 82 Simcoe § STANLEY EVERSON, Insurance, 15 King E. 1 KING ST. WEST DIAL RA 5-4611 H. L. GRAY, Insurance, 85 Oshawa Blvd. N. McCALLUM INSURANCE, 521 Rossland W. ME 18 SIMCOE ST. S. Okan Dntnioem DIAL RA 5-1833 McMURTY INSURANCE AGENCY, 21 King §. W. MURDOCH GENERAL INSURANCE SERVICE, 25 Ontario St. OSHAWA INSURANCE AGENCIES LTD., 112 Simcoe St. N. 32 SIMCOE ST. N. DIAL RA 5.3312 == | beat Santa 'at his Tiniset Sony fits in a sportshirt pocket. Gift boxed completely with earphone, 'battery and leather case. RALPH VICKERY, Insurance, 39 Prince St. JOHN WACKO, Insurance, 136 Simcoe St. S. W. B. WHITE, Insurance Ltd, 110 King St. E. W. R. WESTLAKE, Insurance, 211 Mary St. E. L. WHITELY, Insurance, 111 Sutherland St. W. R. EMMERSON, 140 Dundas St. E., Whitby STUART C. ROBLIN, 102B Byron St. S., Whitby A. J. SCHATZ, 304 Dundas St. W., Whitby GEO. H. VICK LTD., 18 Brock St. N., Whitby JOHN L. LAY, 107 Kingston Rd. E., Pickering +€. E. MORLEY, Pickering STUART R. JAMES, 24 King E., Bowmanville NELSON OSBORNE, 7 Lovers Lane, Bowmenville NEIL F. PORTER, Orono H. W. EMMERSON, Port Perry HOLDEN EMMERSON, 53 King StF C The Betior gD i AN A PE Shoe {8% | HERB ROBINSON deubSidn WHOLESALE LTD. "Oshawa " 72 RICHMOND WEST RA 5-1113 : PEACOCK-BOYD INSURANCE LTD, 22%; King St. E DONALD M. POLSON, Insurance, 495 Masson 5¢. A. 8. ROSS, Insurance, 6 King Street W. H. 6. ROUGHLEY LTD., Insurance, 84 King E. SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASS0C. LTD., 6 Simcoe N. LT.-COL. R. B, SMITH, Insurance, 80 Athol St. W., FRANK E. TURNEY, Insurance, 47 Prince St. MEAGHER'S 5 KING 3T. W. RA 3-3425