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The Oshawa Times, 12 Dec 1959, p. 8

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§ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, December 12, 1959 Peters Broadening Ministry TORONTO (CP)--Rev. Harold N. Watt, 61, who held pastorates| in Mount Hope, Gorrie and Drew | | bei moyipkg to Don Mile PLAYER BREAKS CUE OVER HEAD BRISTOL, England (AP)-- |United Church 18 years ago, d HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A, B.D. Minister WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH FLOYD ST. AT GIBBONS DIES IN TORONTO f | ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Seslpluri Act 9:32-1:18. As Peler a through the country, he came to Lydda, There he found 2 man pamed Aeneas who had been ill for eight years with palsy. Peter said "Aeneas, Christ maketh thee whole," and he rose.--Acts 9:32-34. to him: At Joppa he found a much - loved When Peter woman named Tabitha or Dorcas who had been ill and had died. The apos- tles heard that Peter was there, and they sent two men to ask him to come to them.--Acts 9:36-38. ° entered the where Tabitha lay, with*friends weep- ing at her bedside, he sent them away, kneeled and prayed. Then he took her hand, lifted her up, and she came. alive,--Acts 9:39-41. When Peter returned to Jerusalem' the apostles rebuked him for working with Gentiles, Peter said: "Of a truth 1 perceive that God is no respector of persons." --Acts 10:34. chamber Greatest Profit Found In Spirit _ By R. BARCLAY WARRASN " Paul urged Timothy to exercise, himself unto godliness. He con- ceded that bodily exercise pro-| all| liness is profitable untol things, having promise of theifing in this life that "the way of Bfe that now is, and of that which transgressors is hard." And what shall they do in the day of judg- the ment ? is to come." I Timothy 4:8. When we speak of profit, dollar sign comes to mind. Jesus, speaking of the things our Fother knows we need. said: "Seck ye first the kingdom of) God and his righteousness; and| all these things shall be added | unto you." The godly are not money-minded. The kingdom is first in our affe~'ions and am-| bitions. We are faithful stewards, | using what God gives us, for His glory. When we turn from sin and be- lieve on Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, we have a sense of assurance, God's Spirit witnesses | with our spirit that we are the| children of God. This brings peace and joy. We will triumph in times of suffering. Paul, whose sufferings were very great, said. "Most gladly therefore will Ij rather glory in my infirmities, | that the power of Christ may rest| upon me. Therefore I take pleas- ure in infirmities, in reproaches,| in necessities, in persecutions, in distres-es for Christ's sake: for| when I am weak, then am I strong." II Corinthians 12: 9-10 Jesus said: "Blessed (or happy are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for] they shall be filled." and "Bless- ed are the pure in heart: for] they shall see God." Not only do the godly have it better in this| life but also in the life to come. | With perfect love within, there is| no fear of the judgment. They are not resting in the vain and false | hope of making their peace with | eousness awaits them. The One who will sit on the throne, is none othér than Jesus | Christ whom Yiey 3 now love and fited a little; but, said he, "'god-|adore, Civil Servants. Holidays Given TORDNTO (CP)--Ontario 'civil | servants will get four successive days off at Christmds and 3% | consecutive days at New Year's. Dec. 24 and Christmas Day will be holidays and Dec. 26 and 27, | judgment |off anyway. Slowly, painstakingly, the | Thursday. player lined up his cue on the | SOUTHMINSTER brown ball and prepared to drive it into the corner pocket. United Church 1109 CEDAR ST, His opponent, Alfred Marcus, stood back to await the result. A voice from the sidlines | suggested the player had a | Ss LEWIS, 3 better chance with the blue Ehud Mi ier ball than the brown. Marcus saw neither brown nor blue but red. Reversing his cue, he broke it across the in- terruptor's head, sending him to hospital for eight B1j{ Shes. The prosecutor conc: that the victim 'was the sort of or oR SLASHES person players find infuriat- : 11 pm ing ** - : p ing." Marcus, pleading guilty "YOUR SOUTHEND WORSHIP CENTRE" 11 A. M. MORNING WORSHIP "WHAT SHALL | BRING HIM" 11 AM NURSERY, PRIMARY, to a charge of malicious wound- ing, was fined £5. Christmas Music by the Choir Rost Metcalf, A.R.C.T. Minister: Rev. Wm. A. Gibb Organist and Choirmaster Organist: MR, E. M. McCOY 11:00 AM, | MORNING WORSHIP . | "THE SAVIOUR COME" 7 P.M. SPECIAL SERVICE 10:00 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM. KINDERGARTEN CLASS CHURCH SCHOOL : -9:45 AM. 11:00 AM. TUNICR 19 SENIOR MORNING WORSHIP NURSERY TO PRIMARY A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO ALL A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL MEMORY VERSE--1 John 4:21. p= SSE Saturday and Sunday, are days On the other Sand, the ungodly | GRACE LUTHERAN Now is the time to seek the CHURCH 150 Albert St Pastor Carl A. K The Christadelphians (CHRIST'S BRETHREN --"SEE MATTHEW 12:46-50 Invite seekers after Truth to apply for Free Bible literature. NO OBLIGATION SUNDAY SCHOOL CHRISTADELPHIAN ly Haig ECCLESIA Post Office Box 121 THIS IS THE LIFE" Oshawa? Ontario Channel 11 -- 4 PM SERVICES 8:30 AM. 11:00 AM, 9:45 AM God after death. They are obey- ing Him now. A crowam of pe | CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH 64 COLB ST, EAST Branch of The Mother Chureh, Th st, Scientist n Boston, nr sac SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 AM SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM. -- SUBJECT: "GOD THE PRESERVER OF MAN" Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock includes testimonials of healing through Christian Science, READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH EDIFICE, : Monday 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m Tuesday and Thursday 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m, EXCEPTING HOLIDAYS THE SALVATION ARMY SIMCOE AND OAK STREET MAJOR AND MRS. MARSLAND RANKIN, Corps Officers 11:00 AM. --HOLINESS MEETING 7:00 P.M.--EVANGELISTIC RALLY Music by Citadel Band and Songsters 2:00 P.M.- Tuesday, 2:30 p.m Sunday School and Bible Classes for all ages The Home League Christmas Party EVERYONE WELCOME 17 ERIE ST DIAL~RA 5.3872 REV R. E. DARGAN, pero | wide in Scope . Centered in Christ .-. , Wore = you Interested in 10 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP ° MISSIONARY SUNDAY 7 P.M.--THE FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR Re rs. Dargan will be showing the color-slides of their trip fo Brazil and Paraguay. $0,000 miles of miracles, Come and bring your family . . . Everybody Is welcome, Albert tore United Church REV. S$. C. H. ATKINSON. Minister MRS. BRUCE SEARLE, Organist and Choir-leader 11:00 AM.--WHITE GIFT SERVICE - mon; "THE ONE FORGOTTEN CHILD" E SUNDAY EVENING HOUR OADCAST CKLB CANDLE-LIGHT CAROL SERVICE 9:45 A.M.--Primary to Senior Sunday School. 11:00 A.M.--Nursery to Kindergarten 7:00 PM. -- HORTOP AT GLENWOOD REV N. FRANK WACKH AMMER 11 AM Hark to the Advent Voice (4) IT SPEAKS PEACE 7 PM "THE LORD IS AT HAND" 9:45 FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL RICHMOND ST. EAST (betwsen Central Park Blvd. & Cadillac North) 11 AM.- REV. NATHAN BAILEY --Vice-President of C. & M.A. International Conference Speaker 7 PPM--REV. R. G. DEMPSTER Hamilton, Ontario 10:00 A.M.--FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL THURS. -- 8 P.M. BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER Pastor: Rev. Wm. J. Newell THE BAHA'T WORLD FAITH "In that day also he shall come even to thee from Assyria, and from the fortified cities and from the fortress to the river, and from to sea, and from mountain to mountain." coh 7:12 Boha'u'llah was born in Tih in @ port of Iran which was juded in the ancient Assyrion empire. He was exiled and gave His teachings of the day of peace from the fortified city of Con- stantinopole to Roumelia, Adrionople and finally Acca, from the Black Sea to the Medi- terranean Sea, and from the Sulayam moun tains to Mount Carmel In this way the ancient prophecy recorded by Micoh wos quite literally fulfilled. For Further Information Write:-- OSHAWA BAHA'I COMMUNITY 29 Gladstone -- Phone RA 5.7578 BYNG AVENUE | PENTECOSTAL CHURCH C. MORGAN Dial RA 5-1318 11:00 AM MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 10:00 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 8 PM. -- Studies in the || Book of Revelation The Public is Invited EVERYONE WELCOME WED, GOSPEL HALL 40 NASSAU ST. SUNDAY, 10:30 A.M.--REMEMBERING THE LORD 12:15 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND ADULT BIBLE CLASS 7:00 P.M.--GOSPEL SERVICE oker: D. ADAMS Missionary on furlo 7:45 pm. -- A VERY HEARTY ugh from Cube. Wed Bible Study and Prayer Meeting INVITATION TO ALL 245 SIMCOE STREET Pentocostal Chunch Rev. Jas. S. Pierce, Minister Telephone RA 3- 477 10:00 AM. Sunday, Dec. 13, 11:00 AM.--" 7:00 " Monday, Dec. 14, 8:00 the Antichrist" --""SUNDAY SCHOOL IS FOR BOYS For transportation, : RA 3-4477 ISRAEL AND THE explosive MIDDLE-EAST - Hear Rev. William L. Hull of Jerusalem. Author of "THE FALL & RISE OF ISRAEL" and "ISRAEL--KEY TO PROPHECY" DECEMBER 13th-16th ONLY P.M.--"*Fire in the Kren in and P.M.--"The Miracle of | Colored Sound Film, Tuesday, Dec. 15, 8:00 P.M.--"Will Rome Rule the World? Colored SounH Film Wednesday, Dec. 16, 8:00 P.M.--" "When Israel Meets of _ Colored Sound Film, © REV. WM. L. HULL Resident in the Middle East ince 19. God's Plan For A World In the Chaos m of Russia' neli Restoration' Isroel-Land Reborn" ~~ ® Author-Missionary ® Expert on Middle-East questions in relation to Prophecy "The Wilderness of Zin." the Challenge "Road to Beersheba" CALVARY BAar1isT CHURCH CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS AFFILIATED WITH THe FELLOWSHIP OF EVANGELICAL BAPTIST CHURCHES WN CANADA Pastor: REV. W. NIVEN AITKEN, King Street Pentecostal Church REV, 4. M. McKNIGHT 7:00 PM.--"THE PRODIGAL'S FATHER" 11:00 AM.--"HARVEST TIME" 9:45 AM.---SUNDAY SCHOOL For Transportation RA 5-0318 WED.--8:00 P.M. BIBLE STUDY --- Concerning Spiritual Gifts. N-- The public are invited to attend these studies. A CHURCH SMALL ENOUGH TO APPRECIATE YOU AND LARGE ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU. 116 Briar Court -- RA 8-8123 11:00 AM. 7:00 PM WED, 7:45 PM.-- 9:45 AM.--BIBLE SCHOOL -- PRESENTATION OF AWARDS --"HE REMEMBERED TOO LATE" --"THE ENTHRONEMENT OF THE LAMB' SCHOOL OF EVANGELISM FRIDAY 7:30 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS CONCERT BAPTISMAL SERVICE SAT, 8:00 P.M.-- PRAYER FELLOWSHIP All Paorets and Friends Invited, GREATER OSHAWA REDD HARPER CINDY WaLker YOUTH I T0RAS CHRIST An ali Western Night -- The Ambassadors, Shear Bros. and Teen Time GC raliayes presents... : Mi ra Supported by Grody Wition Jerry Beaver George Beverly Shoe Poul Mickelson and Tedd Smith MUSIC-- Musical setting--Sons of the Pioneers. Famous Hardin-Simmons University Cowboy Band Redd Harper "Wide Rollin' Plains' Cindy Walker "Beloved Enemy" George Beverly Shea "Just a Closer For Worth 1,000 Voice Crusade Choir . Hour of Decision Choir , "Wonderful Peace SAT. DEC. 12--7.45 P.M. AT.THE LIBRARY Director Steve Zurbo Kings 'Chant of the Wanderer" Walk The Railroad Song' E Christian and Missionary Alliance | St. Andrew's United Church MINISTER: REV, GEORGE TELFORD M.A. D.D, Orgonist and Choirmaster: MR. KELVIN JAMES, A.T.CM. 11:00 AM--"WHITE GIFT SERVICE" i (BROADCAST OVER CKLB) 9:30 A.M.--SENIOR, INTERMEDIATE AND JUNIOR CLASSES 11:00 A.M.--NURSERY, BEGINNERS AND PRIMARY CLASSES 7:00 P.M.--JOINT SERVICE IN SIMCOE ST. CHURCH CHRISTMAS MUSIC BY THE CHOIR STUART HAMBLYN Dr. Billy Graham's most famous convert! Author of "It is Nb Secret", "This Old House' and "Open Your Heort" He will tell the Thrilling Story of his Conversion, SUNDAY, DEC. 13th-3.00 P.M. MARKS THEATRE 19 KING STREET EAST Sponsored by '"Metro's Voice of Christion Youth' GUS AMBROSE--Director ---- EVERYONE WELCOME ---- v CEDARDALE UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. H. Mutton Pastor Simcoe St. S. SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETS AT 9.45 AM. CHURCH SERVICES 11:00 AM. EVERYONE WELCOME (off-street parking) NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAC MINISTER -- REV, H. A. MELLOW, B.A, ORGANIST «--- MR. J, R, ROBER(SON 9:30 AND 11:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM.--THE SACRAMENT OF COMMUNION' SERMON: 'THE BREAD OF L Boby-Sitting Service by the Come Rr Club in Northminster House 7:00 P.M.--"EVENING SERVICE IN THE LADIES' PARLOR 9:50 P.M.--FRIENDLY CHAT OVER CKLB ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY SERVICES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Centre and Bagot Streets Rev. Clinton D. Cross, B.A, L.Th, ADVENT 2 9:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION -- REV. €. D, CROSS 7:00 P.M.--ADVENT. CAROL SERVICE RA 5-2386 CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH Mary ond Hillcroft Streets The Ven. H. D. Cleverdon -- Phone 5- 5795 8:00 AM. -- 11:00 AM, -- 7:00 P.M HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Corner Court and Barrie Streets, one block east of Albert REV. A. GORDON BAKER, Mus. Bac, B.D 1:00 A. M, -- 7:00 PM. ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WILSON RD. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE. Incumbent: The Rev. R. A. Sharp -- RA 5-7064 8:00 AM. -- 11:00 AM. -- 7:00 PM ST. MARK"S CHURCH STEVENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING AVE THE REV. J. N. LOTHIAN, S5.Th 476 Beurling Ave. -- Priest in Charge 8:00 AM. -- 11:00 AM. -- 7:00 P.M Rector: CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Warren G. Dickson, B.A. Minister Mr. R. K, Kellington, Organist-Choirmaster 10:30 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM.--WHITE GIFT SERVICE The Sunday School students join with the Church congregation for this special service. The Sacrament of Infant Baptism will be given. 7:00 P.M.--YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION EVERYBODY WELCOME Street United Ghurel LT REV. MERVIN A BURY, MA, B.D. Minist Mr. Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and 'Organist Youth Depurtment Nursery and Church School 10:00 a.m Baby Creche, 11:00 AM WHITE GIFT SUNDAY 11:00 AM. --""THE GREATEST GIFT". Read: John 3: 16-21. Junior Choir: "Gentle Mary Laid Her Child" Carol-Anthem: "My Sheep Were Grozing (German Carol) 7:00 P. M.--CHRIST aS PAGEANT in Centennial Hall 'A SONG IN YOUR HEART" A cast of 50 in colorful costume Dramatized Hymns--Congregational Hymns Prejentanon of White Sits ublic is invited ALWAYS A WELCOME or AL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX (four blocks from King St.) sbert B. Milroy, M.A. Minister Mr. David Jenkins Musical Diector ve St N Sime The Rev. R KING ST. & Rev. Derek Allen L445 Beverley | Mr. Frank Walter me-- 1 c------------------ 9:45 AM. CHURCH SCHOOL MALE VOICE CHOIR AT BOTH SERVICES 11 AM 1 CHURCH ST. PAUL'S and BA Organist and Choir Master 9:30 AM ST. LUKE WILSON he Adelaide 1.C.D., Ministe RA 8-6014 Congregation meeting McLaughlin Schoo (Stephenson Rd. N. Rossland West) REV. KENNETH J. MATTHEWS 9:45 AM SCHOOL CHURCH-SCHOOL SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart. MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT B.A. Director of Music: Mr. R. G. Geen, L.T.C.M. 11:00 AM.--WHITE GIFT SERVICE SPECIAL APPEAL FOR THE WORLD'S REFUGEES Story-Teller -- Mrs. Jelle Bakker Reader -- Miss Beverley Morris The Junior Choir will sing The Staff and Pupils of the Sunday Service. School will attend this 7 P.M.--A SERVICE OF CHRISTMAS MUSIC BY THE CHOIR under REGINALD SEEN Anthem; "Benedictus" (Barnby)--Soloist: Solo: Jesus Christ the Holy Child" (Britten) --Mr. Ross Cotton Anthem: "Hail Gladdening Light" (Shaw) -- Soloist: Miss Leah Garrow Solo: "Rejoice Greatly {Handel)- -Mrs, Gordon Baker Anthem: "Virgin Slumber Song" (Reger) Mrs. J. McNab 11 ' : "A WORD TO THE WISE" | »THE EAS O. GOD" 7 PM The Sacrament of Holy A TURNING POINT--BUT TO Nurs WHERE TO TURN? 7.00 PM 60) M 9:30 AM.--SOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESBYTERIAN YOUNG PEOPLE Ukrainian Presbyterian Church Rey. D. A. P. Allen Anthem: "The Indian Carol" (Willan) Solo: 'Night of Nights" (Vandewater, ~Mr Anthem: "It Come Upon a Midnight Clear" Soloist: Mr Do iglas ; Ross that all depar mets of the Sunday Sehe 11:00 AM. DIVINE SERVICE "THE IMPORTANCE OF CHRISTIANS Alec Yonson (Stainer) LISTEN TO Baptism CKLB OSHAWA SUN ery Please note 9 AM "CALVARY ECHOES" THE 'lease note that all departmenis of A Cordial. Invitation to All exception of Nursery and Infants wil A | the White Gift Service. ~ol with the ALWAYS A WELCOME AT CALVARY" meet at 10:30 to attend A. Warm Welcome ' Awaits You N

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