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The Oshawa Times, 16 Dec 1959, p. 10

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Mrs. Herbert Bathe. Guessing] Wishing all the group a Merry UNIQUE WRAPPING contest, Mrs, Clayton Lee. At-|Christmas and a Happy New ideal GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES tendance prize, Mrs. Arthur| Year, the presilent, Mrs. Ronald | > Paper . Mikey and ie Walker. |Kellington closed the meeting| Original Christmas wrapping for CALVARY BAPTIST BWF [earlier this month. Miss FloraAce Abbott; treasurer, Miss| Bingo was played and the win-| With the benediction. (those bulky packages which are so The regular meeting of the French read the financial state-|Flora French; pianist, Mrs. Hu-|ners were Mrs. George Ford, i asluneis were served by hard to decorate. It is attractive Business Women's Fellowship of|ment for the year, which showed bert Bateman. Mrs. Joseph Wiltshire, Mrs. Vie. rid rg Mrs. Kellington and ang gturdy. The finer textured Calvary Baptist Church was held| excellent results from the various Convener for rummage sales|tor Phair, Mrs, Herbert Bathe |MrSs. Allen, wallpapers are easier to work on Monday, December 14, at the Projects held during 1959. {Mrs. Wilfred Badgley: preg Je. Mrs. Florence McKnight, Mrs. with and if you use ready-pasted . home of Mrs. Edward Drapak| A rummage sale will be held porter, Mrs, Claude Flewwelling./Gordon Scott, Mrs, Harry Crou- HUGE LILIES {riper you can apply it right to with Mrs. Neta Hoagland presid-|Friday, January 8, anyone hav-| Refreshments were served by ter, Mrs. Fred Coleman, Mrs.| One type of lily plant growing the box and create unusual ef ing. |ing goods for this sale were asked Mrs. Frost and committe. Sidney Derry, Mrs. Frank Coop-|in the Himalayas reaches 10 feet|fects. This is a good trick for ; contact Mrs. Wilfred Badgley. er, Mrs. Charles Merrill and Mrs. high, with white flowers tinged [dressing up hat boxes or other The meetir ned by|t® : [Mire De le out pe prayer |, A mimber of ather Projets fon) ne LL ENGER SEOUR aL|Alec. Maracle. with purple, , [boxes used for storage. land a scripture reading by all. [1200 were discussed. The Ibert St United Church held Buffet refreshments were serv- a capsule sister banquet will be held be: reet Uni urch held a > The guest speaker, Mrs. Mond December 28, 6 p.m. |Christmas party at the home ofiéd by the hostess. Mrs. Victor Niven Aiken, gave a devotional|V200ay, BF a, "held Mrs, Herbert Bathe, Harmony|Fhair thanked Mrs. Bathe for her! | The next meeting will be held| message on St. Matthew 27,|. the chapel Tuesday, January road south, hospitality. |verse 19, wh it tells aboui™ [Pilates ite gi was ® greatly 5: 1960. | The rooms were festively de-| EVELYN GOODWIN GROUP >} § [troubled by a dream. She was| The Reverend Mr. W. G. Dick-|corated in keeping with the Christ- The Evelyn Goodwin Group of {not a believer but, because of|SOn installed the officers for the mfs season. Mrs, Thomas Peters| Centre Street United Church held [this dream, she spoke up for the|coming year as follows: was in charge of the games. TV|its meeting recently in the chapel y ' [Lord to her husband. It shows| Group leader, Mrs. Na a cs Mrs. Fred Cole-| with Mrs. Earl Hann and Mus. YOUR SUITE : 9 EASY BUDGET that Christians should live more|Goldsmith; assistant leader, Mrs./man and Mrs. George Ford. Win- Ronald Kellington in charge of Pam 4 Libor sc. TERMS! for the Lord in their homes as William Frost; secretary, Mrs. ner of the mystery package was|the devotional period the theme well as outside them. mom-- - pres RR -- being Christmas. Mrs. Kellington A round robin letter was writ-| se 2 : read the scripture. A story en- |ten toyMrs. James Green, a mis- ? titled "Christmas Again" was sionary - who is now living in 4 read by Mrs. Earl Hann. A poem Jamaica. ; 7 entitled "The Magic of Christ- A Christmas social has been : mas" was read by Mrs. Edwin] planned for Monday, December : i (Allen. wu, | 21, at 7 o'clock at the home of oi : | The president presided. The| Mrs. Reginald = Cook, Hibbert] he | secretary's report was read and] avenue. Before the social the] i yg 4 roll call showed 17 members| ' She group will visit some elderly present, The treasurer reported | ----- gs > é 2 2 ' Rebuilt suite » Comp | - folks and then gather for re- ; ; |a good year's report. Si 4 Waplass, devsgged BE a 1 5 RH "h N IRI freshments, Plans were made for catering ; i ings ® Replace cushions § BX ENT TRIE § 2 for a banquet at the airport Jan- spr oh 3 s CENT RE STREET WA : ; j ; uary 16. Also arrangements were © S-year guerentee SH rrr a made for the group banquet \ The West Group of Centre i 2 | Street United Church WA met in 4 > i 1 [January 11 at the church. | the chapel. Mrs. Leonard Gold- | ih ; smith presided | Mrs. W. G. Dickson led in the GINGERBREAD, CHERRIES AND CHEESE SPREAD aeveiional pesiod apse iY | the vear's work were read also a Old And Young Alike Will Appreciate > [50st on the auivual bawgat hela) . 7 . Spread' will make a great hit h t P t F Y Kit h | with all your gourmet friends, all Christmas Presents From Your Kitchen [Uo] Jo Tos eee | bachelors and bachelorettes on One of the nicest ways to getjother things nice, such as butter and how they'll love these rich|your list. Ready to spread on into the spirit of Christmas is to and molasses go into making chocolate confections. Our recipe crackers, you'll perhaps discover get busy with Christmas baking./these perky Christmas cookies makes 7 dozen, with no baking|whén you make it to give away, | Especially when the baki is|that boast an icing and candy involved. . . Just a mixing to-'that you'll want an extra batch planned for "gifting" riends| trim |gether of sweetened condensed|to keep for holiday entertaining and neighbors. Be # t (Makes 2 Dozen) {milk, melted chocolate and gra-/at your house, Easy to make, mas is a time for i and| % cup butter {ham wafér crumbs. . . to wrap/you simply blend mustard and gifts from your kitchen gis % cup sugar |around maraschino cherries that|cayenne into soft butter... then your love and time, as well as of cup light molasses {have been sprinkled with brandy gradually work in grated Cana-| material things 1% teaspoons vinegar {or brandy flavoring. Rolled in/dian cheddar cheese and sherry. Succulent cooking and baking|l beaten coconut (or nuts) they're a won-|. . . lucky people on your list ! for gifts can run the gamut alll? s sifted all purpose flour |derful delicacy to store in your (Makes 2 Cups) the way from traditional cook 2 teaspoon soda refrigerator until it's time to2 tablespoons butter { fg i 4 * BE a" [twig tes. fi ppt | MIN | (Kaufman Foamtread House Shoes™ of course!) coffee rings, preserves an io] " teaspoon ginger x rains cayenne E Y% teaspoon salt | (Makes 7 Dozen Cookies) 9 a cialty items. To get the ive 1 | % pound old Canadian cheddar] ball rolling, here are 'three won ring butter, sugar, molasses 73 SUP BEEIMY hie cherries ! cheese | NEWLYWEDS derf; ift can make ins yinega ; | = sherry i - ferity au a or 3s He oid. Rift Aro a oll God); adel pound graham wafers, finely 13 Sup sherry | Rosa Richard "and Josephat | the bridegroom Is the son of Ambassador $4.98 yo ; st 8 orks the Sift y i gredients toge h- rolled Soften butter at room tempera-| vautour were married recently | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vautour, round kitchen and these v add to first mixture, mix k tay i ca 4 2 . You give a man year i Blcin sisi los Toit Chill. on 1 yh ed! (30 double wafers) {ture; work in mus ard and cay-| at St. Mary of the People | all of New Brunswick. The comfort when you give him Loy yedy rem i 3 ol o Tw Tc 3 g y Bure: 4 squares unsweetened |enne. Grate cheese very finely;| Roman Catholic Church. The couple will live in Oshawa. these Kaufman Foamtreads. SP wall g gS you Cg b Whi Lio 2 out Ye inch thie "| chocolate, melted mix in sherry, Add butter mix-| bride is the daughter of Mr. | Made. of handsome velveteen create. { : I Cut ous wit four sizes of 5 3 cups (2 15-ounce cans) ture and blend thoroug and Mrs. Emile Richard and --Photo by Mary's Studio with shantung trimmed vamp. Foam SAUCY GINGERBREAD oud Sou i Satiars: 2 . meh sweetened condensed milk [-- -------------- ~~ rubber soles can't come loose because _ SANTAS ou i Dosy; 34 ney or} desiccated coconut | they're welded on. Non-marking leather Saucy Gingerbread Santas v uh nel tor acBs and. %| sprinkle brandy over cherries. los. Sanitized, washabl delight all your young y inch for arms. Press circles to- . her fo form Santas. Use sma | Blend well together the graham | " .|wafer erumbs, melted chocolate [ : tree, so the youngsters can } oll of dough to form, stocking and sweetened condensed milk. | Junior Sandman $2.98 themselves when they come call-|cap; decorettes for face and but- : : | il g ing in the holidays Sg age | ns Bake on buttered cookie Chill Form small balls from| {| These gay slippers for children have them gaily, or set them on aS in a moderately hot oven|ChocOlate dough, pressing al bouncy "bubble-rubber" soles . . . so holiday latt r near the de " a 2 5 degrees F..) 8 to 10 minutes {cherry in centre of each so that light and comfy! Sanitized to help keep little yr Dear oA Cool 5 minutes: remove from | Chocolate dough completely cov: 1 young feet healthy. Toss these shoes in - > COOK ' | 2 ~ Santas are easy to make -- with-|cookie sheet. Form cuffs, bel, S58. tie SHEY. Sol in; eocony, the washer when they get soiled | out a special cookie cutter --|trim on cap with white icing. | g . | courtesy of simply using rounds| CHOCOLATE BRANDIED CHEDDAR °N SHERRY | . of various sizes, as our recipe|/ CHERRIES SPREAD | famtesy 53.96 Ivet " Ih A | i ol n love the velv suggests. Sugar and spice and A toothsome gift for grown-ups! A jar of this rich Cheddar | ~a ot Woman will love the velvet ai Kaufman "F tread slipp Choice of beauti- | LJ comfort and long wear ful colors with golden edging y | and bow. Non-marking leather outsoles. . Tn ale Midsoles are composed of millions of tiny air bubbles -- inviting the feet to relax. Sanitized for foot health and washable too. : | ' ONLY AT... | Il == : NO CEMENT » NO NAILS + NO STITCHING METROPOLITAN ) 7 y AT BETTER STORES EVERYWHERE LN or our a \ / S ; Made by Kaufman Rubber Co. Limited, Kitchener, Ontario "CHRISTMAS SPECIALS" BOXED CHRISTMAS SEALS WRAPPING CARDS TAPE PAPER ah an KING AT SIMCOE DANCEY'S 39- | RIBBON 10¢ LY | RA 5.4611 Mv 18 SIMCOE ST. §. o cessories greatly re- i» | \ EF 2 Be Hop RA 5-1833 DAVIDSON'S 08 duced 08 ft 8 / a SURTE "31 SIMCOE'ST. N: 4 a Gu ld RA 5-3312 MEN'S BOXED ! - ase ° sinc i i | : a Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded" White Shirts Chocolates 3 ; ; a | OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 P.M. All other Christmas ac- (Sanforized) by Double and Single "Smiles & Chuckles" cutis } em 0) a AGNEW SURPASS SHOE STORES 2 G 8 | : DOWNTOWN » Bh ft rns Je 3 Ne OSHAWA WHITBY = 0 25 SIMCOE ST. §. SHOPPING CENTRE 112 BROCK ST. S. SIZES 12.70 17 whe Nutritious HeinzTurkey Dinner Vi PRONE a 37411 EO a] nn ; makes a festive meal for baby! "iw veges Gift Suggesti | | | I Shoe Si 99 Ss ions eee How much more you'll enjoy your holi- Mode oe ore | day dinner wh k littl roasens .... 11.88 fons | 13.88 | Clute sogel iz alot on 32 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH--CORNER OF ATHOL STREET IRONS | key too! So brighten baby'; ELECTRIC ELECTRIC turkey Drig your baby's PERCOLATORS 11.88 KETTLES ....:.. 8.88 | viiay mem Yu on MEAT DINNERS ® rem | --a delectable combination of tender, STRAINED OR JUNIOR Collins Shoes the good they do now~ lasts a lifetime ® young turkey and wholes d Lunch Counter Special eee | vegetables. He'll love a. 119 BROCK ST. SOUTH WHITBY MO 8-3476 | : : . G TILL 9 P.M. "COMPLETE TURKEY DINNER" Set Heng Turkey Dinner, in the | 'yrpme me taCIEST HOLIDAY a ROAST ONTARIO TURKEY Strained or Junior texture, for the holi- MENU FOR BABY YOU'VE EVER SEEN - creamy gravy | day festivities . . . or for a special treat | g : Cranberry sauce -- Savory Dressing anytime! All dressed up for Christmas. Use | | ¥] S H 0) E S Creamy Whipped Potatoes * > . these ideas or makeup your own --it's Look for the tins with the Heinz Twins on the label Buttered Vegetables fun to be fancy! Roll & Butter CHRISTMAS DINNER WHITBY PLAZA WHITBY PHONE MO" 8.490) Choice of 4 Desserts Beverage SPARKLING HEINZ APPLE JUICE 10 KINDS: Ham with vegetables + Veal with vegetables TASTY HEINZ TURKEY MEAT DINNER - « Chicken with vegetables « Lamb with vegetables + Beef HEINZ "GOLDEN" SWEET POTATOES LE LITE FOOTWEAR { with vegetables « Chicken and Veal with vegetables « Liver HEINZ GAY TUTTI FRUTTI DESSERT I - E | and Bacon with vegetables » Turkey with vegetables « Beef WITH SNOW WHITE ICE CREAM 107 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY AJAX SHOPPING, PLAZA Noodle with vegetables « Chicken Noodle with vegetables 1 GLASS SKIM MILK MO 8-4881 AJAX 1060 60 KING E. : RA 3.3273 hig - OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 P.M. 2 em.

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