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The Oshawa Times, 16 Dec 1959, p. 14

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9 I MAJOR LEAGUE | Simcoe Hall Cage Loop Oshawa Minor Hockey Assoc. Has Keen Two-Way Race \ : | The Simcoe Hall Major Bas-|to walk off with a well-deserved Lions Cu, at 830 bm ana ketball League again played a|victory. Final score 58 to 37 far nd Rotors Club vs Ki. doubleheader Saturday morning.|the Ontario Steel "B's". - ps bat 8.90 All bfteat, In the first, game, the league- High scorers in this game were wanis Club a re p.m. 8 {leading Jaycee Rockets over-|Peter's with 18 points for the at Children's Arena. |whelmed Ye last place Ontario] B'S' while Nichols with 12 was , eel "A's" by the score of 42/best for Waits'. | ~ THURSDAY'S GAMES to 24. | WALT'S BARBER SHOP -- J. | BASKETBALL The first half was much closer |Longley 8, Tymoshek 3, Nichol Oshawa Industrial League -- than the final score indicated with|12, Goddard 9, Sparling, Me- Coca Colas vs Ernie Cay's Lum- the Rockets handling the ball Cabe, Mewett 5. Total 37; Fouls berkings, at Simcoe Hall, 9.00,Well and the A's playing heads-|11-out-of-21, up ball also. ONTARIO STEEL "B's" -- : SPORTS Oshawa Dairy Boys | pnp Snap Tony's String === |HOCKEY (Dudley) ....... Penalties -- Yahn. HAYDEN MACDONALDS Hayden Macdonald moved into undigputed position of first place in the City League Juvenile standings, edging basement- dwelling Beaton's Dairy 54 in final game of the double-header. Bob Bishop sparked the "Mac's" assault, firing a trio of markers with rearguard Ray Sud- dard and Wayne Wilkens netting Mathews and Linton. iano 1048 TONY'S -- goal, Nicholishen; defence, Cockerton, Dudley, Gar- row; forwards, Ste. John, Kirk, Bais, Reid; Chernick, Goodchild, Sayers, Yahn and McKnight. |1ST PERIOD Tony's Refreshments, who up| until last night held the destine- tion of being the only unbeaten club of 23 teams operated by the Oshawa Minor Hockey Associa- tion, suffered their first setback in the Children's Arena. I The Refreshments club was| 1. Osh. Dairy: J. Peters completely outplayed and out-| (T. Peters) ' hustled by Al Bathe's Oshawa) 2. Osh. Dairy: Nelson Dairy squad, as the Milkmen] (Lutton, Linton) ... 16.02 hung a 6-2 setback to Tony's, the| Penalties -- Michael, T. Peters, first in six league starts. |Dudley, Cockerton (2) and Mc- Knight. YVON DURELLE CHANGES British and Cana- dian light-heavyweight cham- pion Yvon Dureile of Baie Ste Anne, N. B., hangs up his box- Empire recently TN HIS ing gloves and exchanges them | a Moncton for hockey gloves after announc ing his retirement from boxing | scored one goal The photo was taken in the dressing room before By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' TALK ABOUT taking things a little t6% far -- but that publicity ballyhoo picture in this morning's paper, showing five members of the Toronto Marlboros garb=- ed in "top hat and tails" & Junior hockey player Getting dress" is something in itself but when you pick out the five guys on one team that are visiting the penalty timekeeper more often than anybody else--that's almost going too far. W say almost -- because after all, if the other teams in the OHA Junior "A" circuit do not pro- test this hanky-panky, then who are we to raise a voice. Personally we think it's all a hoax to cover up for the wayward ways of Marlboro roughie, Roger Cote, and we'll be very much surprised if rival coaches fail to give this gimmick the "works." "Hap" Emms and his "We'll not play on Sunday" stand will have to take second place to this latest, noble experiment is just about the tops to don "formal even eurrently Washington Senators have turned down a half-mil- lion offer for Harmon Killebrew or pitcher Camilo Pas- cual -- and the offer came the League Cincinnati Reds -- so just imagine what Casey and the rest of the American Leagie bosses are think- ing. The offer was made last August. Back a few years ago Boston Red Sox offered one million dollars to Cleve- land for pitcher Herb Score and the Indians passed it up. Red Sox sold Babe Ruth to the Yankees for $125,000 and Clark Griffith of Washington Joe Cronin to the Red Sox back in million. It's only money--as what hasn't gét it al- ways say--but just the same doesn't it seem to indicate that those fantastic prices "bonus babies" has been a mighty poor policy BRIGHT BITS: Kansas City A' bought catcher Hank Foiles from Pittsburgh Pirates PAUL BROWN was so happy to have his Cleveland Browns beat Philadelphia on Sunday that he in tears after the game. Cleveland proved, if nothing else--that they don't have to have too much re-building to be a top contender again ST. LOUIS CARDS have traded second baseman Don Blasingame to San Francisco Giants for second baseman Darvl Spencer and outfielder Leon Wagner . "SAD SAM" Jones won the National League's earned run crown this past season but most of the other major lea- gue pitcher laurels in the National League, went to Warren Spahr of the Milwaukee Braves. . , = TORON- TO LEAFS lost Bert Olmstead over the week-end with an injured knee, just about the same time Coach 'Punch" Imlach was threatening to put Dick Duff on the sidelines, due to his failure to play up to standard and yesterday Puff suffered a knee injury, in a spil into the goalpost, so now Imlach has got to sit back and go with what he's got left--and it may not be enough ! .. IT MAY BE TOO LATE to help the Chatham Mar- oons but Ontario provincial treasurer Allen is putting a new definition on the word '"amateur"--wh mean that the Senior hockey teams 5 today, will not have to stick-handle in order to qualify for tax exemption MEANWHILE, Chatham's with- drawal or dismissal, (how do you see it?) from OHA Senior "A" ranks leaves a four-te group in Ontario, embracing Belleville to Windsor--a Yong and expensive trip for all clubs, especially the "oyjide" teams -- and a far ery from the days of yesterypars when the same territory boasted at least 'threg~" Senior leagues CHARLIE BRITT, Georgia's.afe quarterback, is being touted as a future Hamilton Tiger-Cat SAN FRAN- CISCO 49ers, four of them at least, who reported to be ready to jump to the new American professional foot- ball league, have denounced the rumor. Wonder who started it ? from National Stengel E his son-in-law 1924 for a quarter- 1s for untried Ri have was almost finished second and as we k Ingemar's Adviser May Co-Promote GOTEBORG, Sweden (AP)- Edwin Ahlquist, adviser of heavy- weight champion Ingemar Jo hansson, said Tuesday he has re- to step in as promoter premature, however' Ahlquist Cooper, Ahlquist said: fers from some Swedish -- will are very|amusement taxes charged Off to London to discuss a pos-| sible Johansson title defense/yet had a chance to study the against British champion Hendy proposals. "It is true that I have had of-|like to have a * (Tony's Refreshments raarksmen. | i |den; defence, Michael, Branton To Industrial League | hockey game in which Durelle He is shown jit his manager Chris Sha- ban (CP Wirephoto) SPORTS MENU [wo-Way Tie | For Top Spot | CYO JR. Atoms Bruins edged the Leafs 4-3 in the first CYO Junior Atom game {on Sunday evening Paul McAllister paced the win- ners with three goals. Ben Pank thurst picked up the other Bruin {tally while Greg Price and Joe Mugridge each picked up an assist Ricky Dignem was tops for the | Leafs with a pair. Doug Burnett {accounted for a single with Eu- |gene Balfour getting the assist RANGERS HOLD FIRST In the second tilt Captain Ted Lutton and centre] Ronnie Nelson sparked the Bathe-| men to victory with 2 pair of] tallies, Barry Furey and Jimmie Peters shared singletons. Wayne Ste. John and winger Roger McKnight right-| were | |" OSHAWA DAIRY -- goal, Brai.| \Suprvak, Markus, Kolesnik; for: |wards, Armstrong, J. Peters, T | Peters, Furey, Nelson, Lutton,! Frontenacs Belt Soo 11-4 By THE CANADIAN PRESS Summary of Eastern Profes- sional Hockey League action Tuesday night: a rout in King- ston, a drought in Montreal There were '15 scored, but all of them in one game as Kingston Frontenacs belted Sault, Ste. Marie Thunderbirds 11-44 and Montrezc! Royals and Hull-Ottawa Canadiens tied 0-0. The scoreless tie was the first {this year in the newiy-established {league and moved Montreal into a third place tie with Trois- Rivieres Lions The rout at Kingston vaulted the Frontenacs out of the league cellar for the first time this sea son and left the luckless Thunder- |birds at the bottom | |CROWDS OF 2,000 Crowds of about 2,000 watched both games. At Montreal, the teams never looked like scoring in a dour defensive battle. At Kingston, the fast-riding Fronten- acs scored their seventh win in nine games and playing-coach Cal Gardner equalled the {league's one-game high - scoring record with three goals and three assists His lnemate Orval Tessier, who has nine goals in five games, belted home two goals and picked up two assists. Red Ouel- lette, the other member of the (line, got one goal and two assists | Rounding out the big Kingston score were Glen Cressman, with NO GAMBLING' goals 2ND PERIOD | 3. Tony's: Ste. John 202 4. Osh. Dairy: Lutton | (Branton, Furey) ...... 5.45, 5. Osh. Dairy: Furey 7.42| 6. Osh. Dairy: Nelson | (Lutton, Matthews) .... 18.11 Penalties -- T. Peters. SRD PERIOD 1 7. Osh. Dairy: Lutton | (T. Peters) 2 8. Tony's McKnight two: Buddy Boone, Stan Maxwell and Barney Krake. Scorers for the Thunderbirds, who have lost six straight, were Milan Marcetta, two; Bob Wil son and Mervy Kuryluk. It was the Thunderbirds first full game under new coach Jerry Brown. They just didn't click, de- spite outshooting Kingston 42-31 Nothing went wrong for the home team as they scored three goals in the first period, traded goals in the second and blitzed Dennis) Dejordy with seven goals in the third Hull-Ottawa rémained ond place, bury Wolves, as a result of their one point from the game at Mont-| real. They were oufshot 26-13 but| in sec- {had an excellent chance to score| in the last period when Yves| Sarrazin skated in alone towards the Montreal net. Goaler Ken Walters came out 20 feet and stole the puck | Montreal and Trois Riviers are both four points behind the Canadiens, with Kingston noints back of Montreal and the Lions and two points ahead of| the Thunderbirds | A favorable league ruling could put them even closer to the pack. They were leading 3-2 Sat- urday - night against Sudbury when the game was called at] Kingston in the third period be-| cause of power failure. A ruling will be made this week on the score. three gr soi $500,000 Offer Turned Down Flat | Mike Keenan |attack with four goals and an as sist. Wayne Coros and Don Mo |sier netted the other Ranger tal. led the Ranger |lies with Allan Kavanagh getting | lan assist. | Tom Dart was the Red Wings' | big gun with three goals HAWKS KEEP UP Black Hawks downed the Cana-| |diens 5-1 in the final encounter. | | Robert Kennedy was the scor |ing ace for the Hawks with a hat trick, followed by Paul Blig |den with a pair of tallies Brian McAdam scored the lone| {Canadien tally with an assist from Len McAvoy - Pts. 2 10 2 10 7 Rangers Black Hawks Bruins | Leafs |Canadiens {Red Wings | OSHAWA PEE WEE HOCKEY RESULTS Results of hood Assoc. Pee Wee Hockey |League schedule games, played on Saturday, Dec. 12, were follows: Connaught, 2, Fernhill 1; |Nipigon 4, Bathe Park 0; East view 5, Sunnyside Valley view 4, Harman 0; North Osh {awa 6, Lake Vista 0; Radio Park 4, Southmead 0; Storie Park 4 Rundle Park 3; Kingside 4, Wood- view 2 'CHURCH LEAGUE HOCKEY RESULTS Junio Game Northminster 13, King Street (Senior Game) Northminster §. Christ Church 7. o-nwand 4 4 1 Oshawa Neighbor Could Be Redefined TORONTO (CP) -- Provincial | Treasurer Allan said Tuesday he {will present proposals to the cab inet Thursday to redefine the term "amateurish" as it tains to an Ontario sport He discounted earlier reports {that the Ontario Hospital Tax Act be altered in regard fo sport said clubs. Amateur teams are not ve quired to pay the tax He said Premier Frost has not The minister said he standard would set to Ameri-|show more clearly which *play- as Amateurism per- K-W By WHITNEY SHOEMAKER WASHINGTON (AP)--Money lost its voice last weekend Calvin Griffith, Washington Senators president, said Tues- day he turned down an offer of £500,000 for Harmon Kille brew "You can't third base," Griffith said Griffith said a National | League team made the gigan- | tic bid during tne weekend for | the 23-year-old third baseman | who tied for the American | League home run lead in 1959 Both Killebrew and Rockey Colavito of Cleveland socked 42 homers Later Tuesday in Cincinnati, | general manager Gabe Paul of the Reds said he made the of. fer Paul added that when Calvin | Griffith turned down the offer | last August, he offered a like amount for Camilo Pascual, a 24-year-old righthand pitching standout for the Senators That offer aiso was down, the official said play money at | turned | thrill to know that Mr | and the Washington ball club | pitcher turned down | count is accurate, economized. | { "Killebrew will be a great | | asset to baseball and to the Senators," Griffith commented. "He is still a young boy and | will improve each year "And he will add to our rev- | enue | Killebrew was awed and sur- prised "It's quite a feeling," he said | from his Payette, Idaho, home "I'm certainly surprised that they offered that amount] and | | more surprised thaidthey turned it down. It's quite a Griffith feel that way about me." Killebrew's early - seazon home run barrage was a big factor in raising attendance at | | Griffith Stadium almost 30 per | cent. | Three years ago the Red Sox reportedly offered $1,000,000 for Herb Score of the They were | if the ac- Cleveland Indians and Score has labored the last two years with a sore arm HOCKEY SCORES, STANDINGS American League WL TF: APts 19 8 2125 8 40 17 14 0 105 102 34 | Springfield Providence Rochester Buffalo Hershey Cleveland Quebec 15 9 100 67 31 12 12 83 100 26 11 16 81 87 2 10 12 94 3 24 821 2 70131 18 Tuesday's Result Rochester 2 Quebec 2 Tonight's Game Jrovidence at Buffalo WL T 13 .9 1311 1213 11 12 ) 1 2 3 4 2 F APis 133 113 38 108 106 32 9 91 28 1 90 85 28 Kingston 11 14 123 129 25 5.8. Marie 10 16 9 119 23 Tuesday's Results Hull-Ottawa 0 Montreal 0 {Sault Ste. Marie 4 Kingston 11 Thursday's Games {Montreal at Sault Ste. Marie Hull-Ottawa at Trois-Rivieres OHA Senior A WL TVJ¥ APis 0 86 6 32 2 26 1 1 Sudbury Hull-Ott T. Rivieres Montreal WP ade Whitby | Windsor xChatham 88 103 Belleville 6 0 68 109 Tuesday's Result x-Chatham 3 Windsor 4 (Chat ham has withdrawn from league) Tonight's Game Whitby at Kitchener OHA Junie 25 25 12 A "© A Pts Marlboros 14 51 28 Tuesday's Result Michael's 4 Guelph 3 Thursday's Games St. Catharines at Hamilton Barrie at Peterborough St Western League Seattle 7 Vancouver 2 Winnipeg 4 Calgary 7 Nova Scotia Senior | Amherst 0 Halifax 6 Manitoba Junior Winnipeg R 4 Winnipeg M 3 Saskatchewan Junior Regina 5 Moose Jaw 1 International League Fort Wayne 5 Omaha 2 Central Ontario Intermed. A Milton 9 Georgetown 4 OHA Intermed. B Meaford 4 Durham 6 OHA Junior B | Goderich 6 Sarnia 7 FIGHTS LAST NIGHT | Los Angeles--Charley (Tomb-| stone) Smith, 148, Los Angeles, | oltpointed Ray Greco, 147, Los Angeles, 10 | Trenton, N.J.---J. D. Ellis, 137, Trenton, outpointed Chico Velez, | 136%, New York, 10 | Hartford, Conn. -- Billy Lynch, | 150, Hartford, stopped Lino Ren- don, 156, Havana, 10 | __ son, the others. Larry Haor, Butch Dowe, Lloyd Mapes and Gary Gray banged in one each for Beaton's. HAYDEN MACDONALD -- goal, Hinkson; defence, Bishop, Suddard, Siblock, Westfall; for- |wards, Butler, Rowden, Eyeman,| Pallister, Aasen, Wilkens, Stev- ens and Sargant. BEATON'S DAIRY goal, Godridge; defence, Feegan, Rob- Wright, Smith; forwards, Mapes, Bell, Gray, Hooper, Sawowski, Dowe and Haor. IST PERIOD 1. MacDonald's: Bishop (Siblock) PI Penalties -- Westfall Sadowski. 2ND PERIOD 2. MacDonald's: Bishop (Butler) . . 3. Beaton's: Hoar (Bell) 4. MacDonald's: Wilkens (Stevens, Rowden) 5.00 Beaton's: Dowe (Wright) 14.08 Beaton's: Mapes (Dowe, Gray) MacDonald's: Bishop (Sargeant, Stevens) Penalties Feegan (2). 3RD PERIOD 8. MacDonald's: Suddard (Westfall) 9. Beaton's: Grav (Mapes, Feegan) 3.04 Penalties -- Bell, Siblock and Aasen Referees--Charlie Marsh and 2.48 and 1.47 . 2.01 3. 6. 18.47 7. 19.28 2.48 Jim Shaw pm The A's were behind by five|Gorycki 6, Kaine 12, Peters 18, HOCKEY {points 18 to 13 with Bill Jepma, Goldstein 10, Breau 4, M. Long- "Hockey School", presented by|the league's leading scorer, high ley 2, Milosh 6. total 58; Fouls Oshawa Minor Hockey Associa- point man for the Rockets with 4-out-of-16. . tion, at Children's Arena. 7.00 seven points while Dixon with is HE p.m, five and Dulny with four were] STANDINGS AS OF DEC. 12 keeping the A's in the game. | WL In the second half Rockets put'Jaycee Rockets on the pressure and gained a big Ont. Steel "B's {lead and coasted to victory the/Walt's Barber Shop Ont. Steel "A's" Racing Breaks Every Record NEW YORK (AP)--Thorough- bred racing broke all records for attendance, pari-mutuel turnover . . 51 Vice-Pres. Rinks '1 rest of the way. 13 High point men for the Rockets Capture Annual | (Canning Trophy [Brey cms thie Ciacke ih | Wegtars of the Tater Sor IE or te Ne tone ans hk C0 hay 1 DE {game competition, their annual | pot! rs Baris 3, SE (Canning Trophy play, an annual| ONTARIO STEEL A's | |event for She President s vs Vice-\carke 9, Dixon 5, Hooey, Gra.|and revenue to the states in 1959, President $ rinks. tit ham 4, ®dmondson 2, Dulny 4, the annual Associated Press sur- a pelilio) yay O'Reilly. Total 24. Fouls 6-out-of- | Vex Showed Tuesday. d ery keen w h ce-presi-|g. ith incomplete and in some dent's rinks emerging victorious| ie We Te | cases unofficial totals from some with a total of 268 points over, B" STEELERS WIN lof the 24 states where pari- 247 for Pres, Belva Cain's curl-| In the second game of the mutuel wagering is legal, the re- ers _ |morning the Ontario Steel "'B's" ports show that for the first time, Mrs. (Louise) Rose, ito, Wing the Rockets with a more than 30,000,000 persons at- E man of the Games Committee,|con ing 58-10-37 victory over tended the running races this sea- called on Mrs. P. A. Canning to|Walt's "Barber Shop. son. say a few words, when the Can-| The first half was close with, The 1959 attendance of 30,484, ning Trophy was presented. Mrs. |the "B's" five points up at half-|807 was up 3.43 per cent as com- Canning congratulated the com-|time 19 to 14, with Peter's lead- pared with 29,473,325 in 1958. Pari : mittee upon their efficiency ining the way with 11 points for|mutuel turnover for 1959 showed running off the annual event andithe "B's" while Nichols with{$2,391,647,521, compared with $2.- then called uvon vice-president eight was hot for the Barber (233,720,516 last year, a gain of Mrs. J. H. "Molly" Jenkin, the|Shoppers. 7.07 per cent. The states will re ladies' vice-president, to accept| In the second half the "B's" |ceive $180,382,990 in revenue, a six points behind Sud-/Paul Kawzenuk; official scorer,ithe trophy and premier prizes, gradually pulled away and out-|7:49-per-cent boost over the $167, lon behalf of her rinks. |scored the Barbers by 38 to 23!817,531 reported in 1958. All UBURBANIT by GOODF YEAR NOW! LOWEST PRIC EVER! Free Installation--See Us Soon See US Now for the only winter tire designed for today's high powered ears. You'll get... © Extra grip under power. e 519, more traction i» snow, 17%, better traction in mud. ® Sure conirol on hills, eorners, stopping. ® Quiet ride on bar» pavement. (PLA) y TIRES 7 TRANSISTOR Portable Radios 39.95 Sunbeam FRY PANS ! (With Lids) 18.95 See Our Big Selection Of Shotguns and Rifles | 2 On Sale ...... Come In and See OUR FAMOUS TONKA TOYS! MOTOROLA CAR RADIOS from 49-95 STORE RA 5-5512 GOODYEAR SERV 162 KING ST. E. cans to take over the arrange-/ers are or are not amateurs | St Michael's 11 ments for a New York return| Recent investigations into the| Barrie 12 fight, that is of course, together Belleville McFari3nds hoc ke ¥|Guelph 9 ; 1 | Buffalo, N.Y. Rocky Fume-|| relle, 155, Buffalo, outpointed Joe Miceli, 151, New York, 10. Manila Flash Elorde, 135%, Philippines, outpointed Bert So-| modio, 133%, Manila, 10. | 50 25 63 25 21 9 15 39 69 10 251 8 8 ceived offers to co-promote the Johansson - Floyd Patterson title fight in New York, but has not made any commitment "Reports here that 1 am ready with an American co-promoter as|club disclosed some hockey clubs! Pete I cannot myself stand as sole pro-jare not paying the tax even!St. Cath moter |though players were being paid.Hamilton SReawal Dr T 0 3 1 3 1 2 5S i 3

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