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The Oshawa Times, 16 Dec 1959, p. 18

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¥ TIMES, Wednesday, December 16, 1959 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday I 'Robb Engineering Plans TODAY'S TORONTO ~ TORONTO "The Canadian Press Toronto Steck Exchange--Dec. 18 Stbek P Pipe Mig (Quotations In cents unless marked §. o---Odd lot, rights, xw--Ex-warranis.) INDUSTRIALS Ni Low 11 a.m. Oh 39% 39% 3d «~ Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- Simpsons ot Std Wire re 285 285 285 300 205 25 25 8 110 110 vee} 21% 3% --- 839% k --- + BC Forest BC Pow BC Phone Brown Build Prod Burns 225 Cal Pow 595 Can Cem 350 $33% CCC Stone 25 C1 ¥ndry 365 Can Malt ro 4 Can Wire B 100 C Bank Com 350 Cdn Brew 175 8 C Br Alum 165 CBAL A wis 620 C Collieries 200 C Colli pr 1900 C Fairbks A 235 CF Prod 345 CF Prod A 23 C Hydro Car 1365 CPR 330 CWN GAS pr 100 Chrysler 25 Cockshutt Comb Ent Gatineau G Dynam GMC 50 $50 GP Drill A 1600 GS Warey 3200 69 $185 F E55 # Kelvinator Labatt LobCo A LobCo pr 365 16% 16% 8% 8% 1% 17% -- § bod Tamblyn % Texaco Can % Thornelf Tor Star pr T Fin A Un Telef walk GW West C Br Weston A 700 100 170 100 170 125 175 215 25 15850 195 100 5 310 310 17% 310 15 17% Net Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge -g Stock Arjon A Arcadia All C Cop Atlin-Ruf Aumagque Barnat Base Metals B-Dug Belcher Beileterre Bicroft Bralorne Buifad C Dyno C Malart Cin N W Can-Erin Can-Met Cassiar Cayzor Cent Pore Chib-Kay Chib M Chimo Coch Will Conlagas C Denison C Den wis Discvry C Halliwell Weston B., 25 $ West A wis 225 Curb Anglo N Con M S xd glo Nfid 950 C Red Pop CD Sug 200 $18 Con Sud C Bronze 215 $22 Coo Man C Marconi 600 8 - Coprand C Paper $41%% 41} ; Craigmt Dupont D'Aragon Int Util Deer Horn Lob Ine Dome Ogilvie Duvan East Mal East Sull x 0] Faraday Fwest Tung Frohisher Gaitwin Geco Mines Geo Scien Glant YK Grandue Gulch Gunnar Gunnar wits Har-Min Aiminex Am Ledue Banff Britalta Calalta C Oil Ids CS Oil wts C Chieftn Cdn Dev C Ex Ga C Dragon C Mic Mac 150 C West Pete 100 3 Hoyle Cree wis 58 990 9 2% Hud Bay Dev-Pal 1000 3 Int Nickel Duvex 1000 y 3 5% Iron Bay Eastwd A 700 55 Jacobus Gr Plains 500 Home Oil A 1 HB Ol G Jupiter Landa LI Pete Longpoint Mayfair Medal Midcon N Cont 2500 Northeal 1850 Northld 500 Pac Pete 520 Pac Pete w 3 Pamoil Permo pr a Uran Petrol J Midrim Provo Gas 2 234 Milliken Ranger Minda Sarcee ; m un 3 1 Mt. Wright South U Multl-M Spooner Stanwell Sub Oil Trans Un Oils Wespac Hollinger Joburke Kerr Add Kilembe Labrador 1. 8 Latin Am I Lorado Can N Dicken New Hosco N Mylama Nickel! MS Nor-Acme Noranda Normetal Norpax Norsyne N Coldstrm N Rank Northsp Opemiska Orchan A 800 Patino wis 5) Peerless wk FRE FF REE Akaitcho Alba, Expl _ MONTREAL STOCKS Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge 1000 14850 100 ' 150 500 1000 1500 4500 500 6200 300 1000 600 1000 1000 630 1000 4000 % ot 11:50 Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 5% 5% SH ----% 7 8 8 TH TH TH. + RH Nn BB 2 2 Btook Pitch-Ore Portage Purdex Que Chib Que Lab 7H TH Th 62 3% 61 150 10% 6 145 14 1% 86 240 $ slgznls ExBRETEseSs Zenmace 3000 Sales bo 11 am: MO By The Stock {Quotations In | o--Oda "jot, xd rights, aw--Ex-wi INDUSTRIALS 11:30 Net Bales High Low a.m, Ch'ge nadian Press E Dee. 16 mis unless marked §, Ex-dividend, zr--Ex- ants.) Banque PC Bell Phone Bow Paper BA Oil BC Forest BC Power Build Prod Cal Pow C Falrdxs A CPR Con M S xd Cons Glass Dist Seag D Bridge D Corset D Fndry D Stores D Tar Dupont Enam Pr A ¥am Play Foundation MacMill Mass Fer 12% 101% FF FEERE £2 ¥F 3 : Noranda ar Industrials Up Slightly On Market TORONTO (CP) -- The stock market, after hitting high levels| finished slightly higher Tuesday. Index changes: Industrials up| 28 at 530.49; golds down .04 at| 87.21; base metals up 06 at 160.42; and western oils up .08 at| 101.08. | The final volume was 2,053,000 shares, lighter than Monday's 2,-| 240,000. | Loblaw Ine. had the most spee-| tacular industrial gain when after | dropping % points it leaped 9%] to 143. Canadian Tire went up| four at 192 and Goodyear three to 185. MacLaren Power and Paper) increased 2% at 78%, while Alu- minium and Interprovincial Pipe Line each gained a point at 32% and 58% ely. Eddy Paper lost one point at 81 and Famous Players lost 1% at 19%. Canadian Bank of Com- merce dropped % at 58%. International Nickel lost % at 108% while in senior uraniums Consolidated Denison went up % to 10%, Algom was unchanged at 11% and Gunnar was unchanged at $9.75. In western oils, small | STOCK MARVET | | changes were NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Famous Players Canadian| Corp. Ltd., 9 mos. ended Oct. 31: 1959, $1,718,233, 99 cents a share: 1958, $2,084,170, $1.20. Northwest Nitro-Chemicals Ltd vear ended June 30: 1959, net loss $1 22,95; 1958, net loss $1,621,- 21. Sick's Breweries Ltd.: 9 mos. ended Sept. 30: 1959. $1,805,763, $1.90 a share: 12 mos. ended Dec 31, 1958, $2,576,928, $2.63. (Fiscal year changed). i Vagenl Still Hanl Iron Ore CLEVELAND (AP Although the bulk of the Great Lakes ore fleet Has been laid up for the win- ter. a few boats still will be hau- ing ore next week--and possibly even later : Officials at the M.A. Hanna Co. refuse to talk about plans to end their shipping season--as long as! good weather holds out Of the 10 ships in the Hanna fleet, about half are still operat. ing. a spokesman said. | Pittsburgh division of US Stee! Corp., with the largest ore fleet on the lakes, started laying up its 53 ships last week and has pegged Christmas Eve as the final layup date. Wilson Marine Transit Co. is will operating a few boats for Re- ublic Steel Corp. BROWNIE STARFLASH OUTFIT Specially Low Priced / Flash Camera, flash bulbs, film and batteries. A wonderful gift to capture the fun of Christmas on film. THIS WEEK ONLY Coloured sets shightly higher WOOLWORTH'S ) SEAL OF SATISFACTION MINUTE CHRISTMAS SPECIALS GIFT SALE on your Gift List All Tarnish Proof Nationally Known NORTH-RITE BALLPOINT PEN SE Boxed for Christmas Giving Reliable North-Rite set of ballpoint pen and matching mechanical pencil. Choice of four colours, . 9 8 all with handsome serrated chrome caps. GIFT WRAPPINGS 4 Colourful Christmas Designs in each box. More than 50 square feet of gay Christmas| wrappings! Large encugh for the biggest packages. can be cut for your § smallest gift WOOLWORTH'S SPECIA ON SALE THIS WEEK o], 18 § 42-PIECE SET GLEAMING STAINLESS STEEL TABLEWEAR Reg. 69.95. Just 16.95 AMHERST (CP) -- Robb En- gineering Works Ltd., a firm that traces its Maritime history back 111 years, is working on a three- year expansion to improve its structural steel and market fa- cilities. Construction of a new ware- house and renovation of a boiler shop, installation of a new crane first phase of the development worth more than $500,000. The rest of the job will be done over the next three years. finest structural steel plant of its size in the country," said W. D. Hagen, manager of the firm. ", . . This expansion will enable us to keep pace with develop- ments in the steel industry and to open new lines which will fur- ther increase employment." Three hundred people are em- Three-Year-Expansiion runway and boilers, were the pan; _ ""At that time we will have the 1848 and bought 31 y Dominion Bridge 'ne, (Que. Another 40 ployed in erection wut the Maritimes. found- year: Lad, men crew: For i ajor duct of Robb were uh pra du Engineering. Duriog the First and Second World 'Wars, the com- y geared itself to munitions roduction a nd Korean ar turned out 20.pound shells for the Centurion . It was the only North Armerican plant capable of producing; the shells. In peacetime, structural steel "'s major in- the major portion ot design, fabrication smd construc- tion of buildings and bridges. The company begin stocking steel in 1956 and nowr ean provide a wide range of products for di- ployed now by the company, rect sale to users. ~~ Employment Opportunities (Civil Service of Canada) OCEANOGRAPHERS (University graduates with post giroduote training in mathematics, physics, chemistry or emgineer- ina, to carry out oceanographic research in the Canadien Atlantic and Sub-Arctic, extending into the channels of the Arctic Archipelogo end over the Polar Con ¥nental Shelf), Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa. Wp to $10,140, For details, write to Civil Service Comryission, Ottawa and ask for circular 59-)518. DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH .(An Economimt with experience of a senior level, to give ecnomic advice in the field of radio and television), Board of Broadcast Gov- ernors, Ottawa. $9,060-$10,140. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, end esk for ciwculor 59-556 ASSISTANT TO THE FINANCIAL ADVISER (with registered membership in a recognized association of professional accountants), National Energy Board, Ottawa. $9,060- $10,140. For details, write to Civil Service Commision, Ottawa, ond ask for circular 59-856, ASSISTANT SECRETARY (ADMINISTRATION) (to assist swith administrative functions, including personnel, spioce, equipment, supplies, estimates and eccounts), Natidnaol Energy Board, Ottawa. $8,340-$9,420. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, ond esk for «ir- cular 59-857, HEAD OF CORROSION SECTION (University graduate in Metallurgy. Chemistry or a related science at Ph.D. ktwel plus a number of years of related experience, or gradua- tion with appropriate post-graduate training end many vears of experience), Physical Metallurgy. Division, Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa. $8,340-$9,420. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawe, and osk for circular 59-1517, DEFENCE PRODUCTION OFFICERS (with many years of recant industrial manufacturing experience in aeronautical, electronic and/or weapons systems), Defence Production, Ottawa. $7,140-39,420, Apply to Civil Service Commis- sion, Ottawa, giving full details os to education and ex» perience. Please quote competition 59-282. To be givers consideration, applications must be received by Decemas ber 31, 1959 EDITOR (with extensive relevant experience, to be responsible for the production of onnueal Official Handbook Canada), Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Ottawa. $6,600 $7,680, STATISTICIAN (to assist in the progromming ond processing of data for electronic computing machines and the anclysis of data processing problems), Property ond Finonce Division, Agriculture, Ottawa. Up to $6,480." For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, .ond ask for circular 59-559. BILINGUAL ENGINEERING WORKS OFFICER (professionel en- gineer with experience in the construction, maintenance ond operation of structures and utilities), National De- fence, Montreal, P.Q. $6_360-$7,320, For detalls, write > Chil Survie Commission, Ottawa, end esk for eircular CERAMICS RESEARCH SCIENTIST (with university graduation in Engineering, Honours Physics or Honours Chemistry), Mineral Processi Division, Mines and Technical Sur- veys, Ottawa. $6,360-37,320. For details, write to Civil Service Comission, Ottawa and ask for circular 59-1516. ACCOUNTANTS (with registered membership in a professional accounting essociation), Comptroller of the Treosury, Ottawa. $5,700-$6,180, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OR LECTURER IN ECONOMICS (with Doctor's or Master's degree in Economics), Royal Military College_ Kingston, Ont. $4,740 to $7,320 depending on qualifications. For details, write to Civil Service Com- mission, Ottowa, and ask for circular 60-2001. SOCIAL WORKERS (with professional qualifications), Indian offairs Bronch, Citizenship and Immigration, Saskatoon, Sask, and Kamloops, B.C. $5,430-$5,880. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottowe end ask for circular 59-837. SUPERVISOR, MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE, Civil Aviation Branch, Transport, Ottawa, $6,480-$7,200. ECONOMIST (to prepare comprehensive economic reports re- ating to operational programmes of the Deportment) Transport, Ottawa. $6,360-$7,320. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawe end osk for circular 59-554. RESEARCH AND TEST DEVELOPMENT OFFICERS (university graduates with specialization in psychology, preferably at M.A, level), two positions with Civil Service Commission, one with National Defence (Air), Ottawa. $5,400--$6,180. Apply Immediately to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa giving complete details as to education and experience. Please quote competition 59-286. TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS (IFR) (with several years of relevarit experience), Tronsport, Frobisher Bay, N.W.T. $5,130-05,580 plus isolation allowance. For details_ write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa end esk for circular 59-558 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING SUPERVISORS (registered nurses with university training in Public Health Nursing, ond a number of years' graduote experience, several in the field of Public Health Nursing), Indion and Northern Health Services, National Health and Welfare various centres, $4,620 to $5,160. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and ask for circulor 59-834, CONTRACTS ANALYST (with membership in a recognized pro- fessional accountant's association ond some experience in the design and installation of a new industrial accounting system or the major modification of an existing system), Defence Production, Ottowa $8,340-$9,420 SOLICITOR (with membership or eligibility for such In a law society of Canada), Administrative Branch, Veterans Af- fairs. Toronto, Ont. $8,340-$9,420, ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (to be responsible for planning, organizing and direction of the administrative aspects of operations), Research Branch Agriculture, Maple, Ont. $5,700-$6,180. TREASURY AUDITORS (costing work), Comptroller of the Trea sury, Toronto and Ottawa. $5,580-$6,780 ond $6,360- $7,320. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, 25 St. Clair Ave. East, Toronto, Ont, HOME ECONOMIST (with university graduation in Household Science Home Economics or Household Economics), Con- sumer Section, Agriculture, Ottawa. $4,290-$4,740. For deails, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa ond esk for circular 59-838. DIRECTOR OF NURSING, $4,350-$4,860 ond ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF NURSING, $3,900-$4,560, (registered nurfes, prefefably with certificate of completed course in administration or teaching and supervision from a University School of Nursing), Indien end Northern Health Services, National Health and Welfare, various centres Isolation allowance with be paid at some locations, TRANSLATORS-IN-TRAINING (with demonstrated aptitude for translation from English inte French; under 31 years), Bureau for Tronslations, Ottawa. $3,600-$4,050. ASSISTANT LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (to carry out chem- ical and other procedures for determining concentrations of non-radioactive elements in biological samples), Health Branch, Notional Health. and Welfare, Ottowa.: $3,270- $3,720 HOSPITAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN (for routine technical procedures related to haematology and biochemistry), Na- tional Health and Welfare, Moose Factory, Ont. $2,760- $3,360, plus isolation allowance. Except where otherwise indicated, details end application forms ot main Post Offices, National Employment Offices and Civil Service Commission Offices. 11 SIMCOE SOUTH Save When You Shop for Ervinne's Prices Are the Lowest! So many Things She'll Adore at ERWINNE'S Store DUSTER COATS (id Lovely Satin Quilts Diack In st SMI: Vile a ack in sizes ~ Pas na SuLY 8.08 Printed Nylon Quilts Cosy and warm, nylon quilted by "Fantasy". Pink and blue background with floral pattern. Sizes S-M-L x 4 7 98 . Reg. $10.85 Acetate Nylon Quilts Beautiful gift giving acetate and nylon printed dusters im pastel shades with = floral designs. Sizes S-M-L 5 #8 LJ Reg. $8.95 Printed Flannel Dusters Flannel suede dusters in plaids, checks and florals, all colors, Sizes S-M-L Reg. $5.95 Embossed Cotton Dusters Printed and sculptured cotton opaque dusters in floral patterns. Sizes §-M-L. Colors of pink, blue and many others, $2 88 LJ Reg. $3.98 STORE OPEN: Thursday and Friday Sam tod pm SLEEPWEAR Capri Pant Pyjamas New "Capri" length to wear under dust ers, lace and embroidered trims, all new Christmas colors. Sizes S-M-L. $3.9 Regular $4.98 value Baby Doll Pyjamas Nylon Baby Doll ith Bloomer Style Pantie and lace trim, Sinee Nylon Shortie Gowns Gowns with nylon lace trim and also ap pliqgue trim. Candy pink, Romance bluss le brown, etc. Sizes 5-M-L. Regular Mandarin TV Pyjamas Printed spun rayon pyjamas, Ideal fe lounging or sleeping. Red print with black pant. Sizes §-M.L. Regular $3.98 $1.88 Matching Half Slip and Pantie Nylon tricot slip with matching pantie Sdentical lace Ideal for Christmas Ing", saes 8. Regular 52.98 fra 1 "Arnel" and Nylon Slips Opa nylon slips with beautiful lace trim. AN pages. white, candy pink, blue Dahlia ete. Ho Beg $2.59 HALF SLIPS Nylon Lace trims in all beautiful new Sizes small, medium and large . 3-PIECE TV PYJAMA SET Black trousers, black, white and gold top and black, white and gold duster. A gift 3 88 » 2-PIECE TV PYJAMA SET Lovely black bottom with contrasting red top. Here is real value in a gift for anyone on your Christmas list. ol 2.59 MOHAIR WOOL Reg. 4.98 . .. SHAGGY PULLOVERS Warm and yet oh so smart . . . Mohair wool shaggy with turtle neck or roll meck styles. A much appreciated Christ mas gift item. Colors of charcoal, beige. brown, green and blue. Sizer Regular $10.95 "olue '8.98 sass ssensens : Ban-Lon Pullovers gmade by one of Ca- nada's lead: ing manu fa c turers, ar@uring you of the finest in, fit. All the newest col- ors. Sizes 16 to 20. Various neclklines to choose from SAORT SLEEVE Regular to 6.95 LONG SLEEVE Regular to 8.95 on SPECIALTY SHOP

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