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The Oshawa Times, 16 Dec 1959, p. 8

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* BROTHERS Sons of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew | and Mrs. Walter Krawetz and | Czerewaty, Ritson road south, | Mrs, William Czerewaty, Osh- are William Alexander and | awa, and great-grandsons of James Andrew. Billy, eighteen | Mrs. William Romanruk, To- months old, and Jimmy, five | ronto. years, | are the grandsons of Mr. Lyceum Re- Elects President Music, Christmas Tea Follows | Mrs. 8. V Blow was re- elected president of the Oshawa branch of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association at the annual meeting on Monday after- noon. Mrs. Emerson Chant pre- sided for the election of officers and Mrs. E. C. Hart Jury pre- sented the slate as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. de Briino Austin, Toronto; honorary vice-president, Miss May Dillon; § past president, Mrs. Emerson Chant; president, Mrs. 8. V. Bar- | low; 1st vice-president, Mrs. § Uriah Jones; 2nd vice-president Mrs. Ralph Wallace; 3rd vice- president, Mrs. Lucas Peacock; recording secretary, Mrs. Avern Taylor; corresponding secretary, Mrs. S. C. Larmer; (treasurer, Mrs. Frank Brown; archivist Mrs. Leonard Richer. Conveners: program, Mrs. R A. Wallace, Mrs. E. C. Hart Jury and Mrs. C. M. Elliott; social, Mrs. Uriah Jones; music, Mrs. R. H. English, Miss May Dillon; membership, Miss Flossie Coyt;| literary, Mrs. H. G. Willes; arts| and crafts, Mrs. Ewart Mec- aughlin and Mrs. A. W. Arm- strong. Members representatives: Mrs. J. N. Willson, Mrs. W, P. Whit- tington, Mrs. W. J. Salter, Mrs. | Cleve Fox, Mrs. Fred Roberts, Miss Evelyn Everson, Mrs. W H, King, Mrs. E. F. Cuthbertson, Mrs. Glenn Henry, Mrs. - Photo by Ireland MRS. §, V. BARLOW A pleasant musical interlude was provided by the students of the instrumental section of the Oshawa Public School Chamber Orchestra, directed by Barnett |Taylor, A sextette played an {Irish song and a German'dance and a quartette played Country Dance, Mozart, and Exalted Chorus, Haydn and a' French John | carol. The young: musicians were Stacey, Mrs. R. L. Gray. a great credit to their director, Prior to the reading of the an-| wins an easy confidence and| nual reports, the president made complete attention a moving tribute to a charter! yam bers also enjoyed singing member, the late Mys. A. W.lo,1iis of their choice accom- Harding and the members 8t00d | panied at the piano by Mrs. R for one minute's silence. H. English and led by Mrs. R. L Mrs. Avern Taylor read a com- |G ay The Christmas tea brought prehensive report of the year's|y. meeting to a close. Miss May activities, recalling the interesi-|\pyey and Mrs. R. A. Wallace ing speakers at the monthly, oq tea at a candle-decked meetings, the Christmas tea, the|t,p1e ang Mrs. Gordon Summers, May luncheon and the garden Mrs. J. N. Willson, Miss Flossie party. ; J |Coyte and Mrs. R. H. English Other reports were given byl, qicteq Mrs. Uriah Jones as Mrs. Frank Brown, treasurer, hostesses Mrs. 8. C. Larmer, Mrs. R. A. ee m---- Wallace and Mrs, C. W. Ferrier for Mrs. H. G. Willes £ Mrs. HG. Wiles,» Westminster Ww. F. conversation club which was en- enjoying monthly meetings and Installs Officers Mrs. C. D. Wright invited mem-| Thé December meeting of the bers to her home on Lauder road| Women's Federation of West- on January 20, when a group in- minster United Church was held terested in opera, would study st the home of Mrs, Warner La Traviata. Brown, Meadow road Mrs. Barlow announced that! The president, Mrs. Warner the next meeting, January 11, Brown, presided for the business would be addressed by a talent-| meeting and Mrs. C. K. Wright ed sculptress, Dora de Pedery had charge of the devotional Hunt. Opening February 1, an period. Treasurer, Mrs. Clifford exhibition by local artists would Burton, and secretary, Mrs. be held in the library auditorium. George Lofthouse, gave the am- Those interested should obtain nual reports further information at the main| The Reverend W. A, Gibb in desk in the library before Janu-| stalled the new officers for 1960 ary 25. 2 : President, Mrs. Warner Brown; The Literary Group will next first vice - president, Mrs. Ken- meet at the home of Mrs, W. H. neth Young; second vice-presi- James, Aberdeen street, January dent, Mrs. C. K. Wright; treasur- 12, er, Mrs. John Westlake; secre- handsome sport shirts The season's smartest styles! Quality fabrics tailored with faultless precision. All sizes. 5.98 to 8.95 and Viyellas ot 10.95 & 13.95 Qohnatons ~ (OSHAWA) LTD. 8 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-4511 Pupils Present Program At Woodcrest H&S Meeting A large appreciative audience wards thanked those who parti- of parents and friends were en- |cipated. He also made mention tertained by the senior pupils of] {of the attractively decorated au- Woodcrest School at the regular ditorium which the pupils had meeting of Woodcrest Home and |arranged. School Association. The traditional play, A Christ-|tab or bar system of reward mas Carol by Charles Dicken |started recently was presented by Grade 8 pupils| These bars, begun in Grade of Mr. G. B. Maher's room. In|are awarded on the basis of both| the cast were: Scrooge, Bruce academic and |Gibb and Randy Pollard; three|activities. ghosts, Peter Hopps, Judy Ayles-|ceive one bar for each achieve-presentation was ma Marley, ment and this will count as one|J. L. Riordan and Mr. Bill|credit toward the final honor --| Riordan. good Sleep; presented to those pupils who| Thomas Driscoll, Mr. S. J. Ches ny Tim, Maria Drygala; Fred, have attained the required num. Sell, Mr. William Rutherford, Mr. |ebr of bars and who graduate |Albert Love, Miss Gladys Burley having {ud Mrs. Albert Love. s | Others in the cast were: Bill|failed previously. However, be-| rogesive cour wit provid: few the winners. Buffet refreshments were served and the bridal couple cut the three-tiered wedding cake 5, Grade 5 to graduation must give centering the candlelighted bridal rent E. J. Roy-| and all The aims of the Bar and Let- "For They are Before was to give recognition of pupil|present autographed the to book, bound in white of cade. {school spirit and to help promote, Mr. to-|daughters, wards bars and letters are as| (Madeline), Joseph Daniel (Dorothy) of| Canadian roads Oshawa, and three sons, and Arnold {grandchildren. Joynt Modena Tunst late Mr. worth and Jim Griffin; Derek Lockwood; Cratchit, Hall; Mrs. Cratchit, Gall Ma-|the school letter, which will be| their dock; Martha, Marilyn Dick, Tom Werry;| Bob MacDonald. rian Smith; 'ezzywig, [from Grade 8, without Jeri Bowler, Sharon|fore a pupil is eligible to receive kle, Gordon|2 letter, all teachers who Lave contact with him since| | Morrison, Hamilton, Wayne Mar Vickers, Randy Pollard, Donna had Johnson, Sharon Hamilton, Dian- ne Goulding, Gail Dawe, Gail|their approval. Conway, Sharon Barnes, Williams was the narrator. Two choral readings "The [Prayer Of Cyrus Brown" and "St. Catherine', were presented| log the Grade 7 pupils of Mrs. |George Marlowe and Miss An- gelina Pogacher, Grades 6 and 7. conducted a chorus of pupils from Mr. Maher's room, singing | 'Silent Night" and "Down In {The Valley." Miss Pogacher, as- sisted by the choir, led the audi- ence in singing Christmas Ca rols. Warren Magill and Rickey {Howe played a guitar duet {table, Lorna ter System, explained Mr. Higgs, lows." contribution to school life; help maintain a high level Credits good citizenship Oratory, spelling, writ- Mrs. choir, attendance, serv- ice, citizenship, physical educa-| tion, track and field, house lea- and to those pupils who ach- ieve no less than an 80% average on all school subjects from Grade 5 to 8 Mrs. Myles follows: ing, art, | Jack Miss Smith, president Mr. {with the showing - of a film, | Association, presided. The nin-| "Christmas Cousins Near And|ytes of the last meeting were! -- Far". Mrs. D'Arcy Smith thank-|read by Mrs. William Clark and ed the teachers and pupils on Mrs, Jules Ethi d the treas- behalf of the parents for the er irer's report | tertainment. Refreshments were served by Mr. Adred Higgs, principal of the mothers of the pupils in Miss| {Woodcrest School, acting as/Adam's room with Mrs. V. L| chairman for the program, in.|Genge and Mrs. T. R Hamilton | {troduced each number and after-'eonvening. Hime) Jo Aldwinckle, Dial RA 3-3474 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, E---- 16, 1959 Awa Heralds Christmas With Candle Lighting Ceremony | United Church, Mrs, Douglas Redpath present-| Woman's Association held itsed the devotions and read the| Christmas meeting and dinner second chapter of St. Matthew| recently, served by the WA ofland told the story of the "Black| Albert Street United Church. Madonna." Mrs, Stanley Gomme| A candle lighting ceremony fol- sang "Away in a Manger" and lowed in the charge of Mrs. carols were sung by all. {Lawrence Allan. Those taking| The business session was con.| {part were: the Junior choir under gycted by Mrs. Perry who called | the direction of Mrs. Rhyddid for reports from. secretary, Mrs. | Williams with Mr. Rhyddid Wil-\jawrence Allan; treasurer, Mrs. | liams at the piano. Others taking Herbert Porter; card convener, part were Mrs. Clarence Scott, nrg Roy Terwillegar: Christian| + Mrs, Douglas Lander, Mr S.|gtewardship, Mrs, Harry Blake-| & Frank Hortop, Mrs. Douglas For-| jo. yitehen Mrs. Frank James; | rester, Mrs. C. E. Young, Mrs. 5 parsonage, Mrs John Coleman, Mrs. Wilfred Har- nominating Mrs ris, Mrs. Gordon Pierson, Mrs. qn... =~' Robert Lean, Mrs. Jack Tane, | Mrs. Edward Michael, Mrs,| The group reports were pre-| sented by their president and| Frank Ball The meeting was opened bY {peasurer: Sunshine group, presi-| th president, Mrs. Jack PerTy. |dent, Mrs. Frank James; Faith. | ~ ful group, president, Mrs. John| avy, Mrs, Robert Gow; Christian Frost; treasurer, Mrs. William| Friendship secretary, Mrs. Thom-| Mitchell; Ardent Workers, MS. | {as Moorcroft, * Joshuah Kinsey (in absence of Mrs, Brown thanked everyone Mrs. Ewart Clemence through for their co-operation during the|illness); treasurer, Mrs. William | past months and reminded the Ward; Fellowship, Mrs. Seymour] » members that proceeds from the|Bigwood; treasurer, Mrs. Faye| talent money project are to be Brooks; Friendship, Mrs. Harold turned in at the next meeting Bell; treasurer, Mrs. Elmer| The pJanuary meeting will be Randall; Wide Awake, Mrs. Gor-| held at the home of Mrs. C. K./don Pierson; treasurer, Mrs. Wright. Jack Pierson. Women's Editor King Street William| Annual | FUR STORAGE DRAW for WILD MINK STOLES Storage No. T-3851 MISS MILDRED ALLEWELL 72 FOURTH ST. TORONTO 14 Storage No. 5-6416 MRS. W. L. BORROWDALE 156 TAUNTON RD. W. OSHAWA 75 King St. East -- Opposite Hotel Genosha Friends Honor - [i | Clarke Street Pair dian National Railway Station at 'On Anniversary Married in St. Uxbridge, ago, Mr. and Mrs. Joynt, Clarke street, of honor at a ruby anniversary|was also present. Mr. Higgs also spoke about the party at the home of Mr. and ® 50 D Church, (Mrs. J. L. Riordan, Simcoe streets corsage of pink carnations and in the Shout north, on Saturday evening, De- roses and Mr. Joynt received a »|cember 12. During the evening the couple Riordan home. extra-curricuiar| |was presented with a floor lamp|-- - Deserving pupils re- |from the assembled guests. The and Mrs. Mrs of the Tuns tall of bridegroom is the son of the late The program came to a close of Woodcrest Home and School g.nderland. Retired four years Mr. E. 8 John Coleman; | = |Joynt will be remembered best his long years of service as telegraph operator at the Cana- Oshawa. Out of town guests included (Mr. and Mrs. William Whitney of Toronto, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. Paul's Anglican|p J Wiley, Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. forty years william O'Reilly of Niagara Eckless S.|Falls. Mrs. Joseph Daniel of were guests Oshawa, a younger daughter, Mrs. Joynt was presented with boutonniere on arrival at the bv Mr, Daniel Others who expressed wishes * were Mr. Hostess Must Be Concerned With Guests' Safety, GREENWOOD, B.C. -- *Just| ounces of solid common! eve greater happi-| coming festive s of liquid en- Smith-Corona PORTABLE TYPEWRITER 'Wonderful gift for all the family, full-size, full-quality, full featured Smith-Corona Portable, Sold and "7430 "oo WALMSLEY & MAGILL AS Office Equipment Lid. (Upstairs) sense can a president of the Women's stitutes of Ce ia, stated here today in a pre-holiday message to| Canadian women | Common sense, Mrs. Roylance| explained, means the dedication] Joynt have two|of Canadian women to the Mrs. William O'Reilly task of keeping their husbands, Niagara Falls, and|children and guests alive on joined in singing Jolly Good Fel leaving everyone guest silk bro- Robert, | wight relatives | As hostesses to their and friends, ( adian housewives| for should be concerned with their ormer T NEL safety, Mrs. Roylance added ,- daughter hy : and Mrs. Thomas| She suggested that Uxbridge. and the mothers and housewives make life safe for the follc 1g road safety Keep children off the and highways. LAY-HWAY = PAY ONLY 1.00 DOWN Also was the Canadian could all by heeding tins: Qf sirests) Mrs. Robert Joynt of 11 KING ST. E. RA 3-3333 APH AND; ADIO COMBINATION FIRST TIME AT PORTABLE CHAIRSIDE LEGS DETACHABLE IN SECONDS TAKE IT WITH 5 ; AW PLAYS ALL LRTI A CLI / AY, $129.00 VALUE! ON SALE NOW Lue $1.00 DOWN FINISH ~ ~JMANUFACTURED LD [10H \ NS PLAYS 10 RECORDS AUTOMATICALLY INTERCHANGES ALL SIZES CHOICE * WALNU BLOND Fi WISH FINISHED LUCE [73381 TTTN4] NOTE THESE FEATURES ®4 SPEEDS 145 33% 16%78 © AUTOMATICALLY CHANGES 10 RECORDS ® TWIN SPEAKERS @INTERCHANGES ALL SIZES IN ANY ONE SPEED @ SUPER HETERODYNE RADIO STONE & VOLUME CONTROL ® SAPHIRE NEEDLE @ TURNOVER CARTRIDGE @ CABINET SOLID B.C, FIR CONSTRUCTION NO OTHER HI FI PHONOGRAPH RADIO HAS ALL THESE FEATURES! HERE IS A MODERN UNIT IN ATTRACTIVE WOOD GRAIN FINISH. TONAL QUALITY IS EXCEPTIONAL. HAS INTERMIX 'ENGLISH' CHANGER PLAYS ALL SIZE RECORDS. 4 SPEEDS 45 33/:16% 78 R.P.M. INCLUDES REJECT BUTTON. TWIN SPEAKERS PLUS HETERODYNE RADIO. 'CHAIRSIDE LEGS DETACHABLE IN SECONDS....CHANGING FROM FLOOR MODEL TO HANDY PORTABLE. WE EXPECT A SELL-OUT~SO GET YOURS NOW! sure NETERODYNE RADIO TWIN PB. POWERFUL DYNAMIC SPEAKERS CREDIT JEWELLERS LIMITED 32 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7022 Open Evenings till 9 p.m.

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