| Counsellor, Claims Women Alcoholics Drink in Secret VANCOUVER (CP) -- An at- tractive brunette, Miss Barbara Geoffrey, is a new member of the counselling staff of Alcohol ism Foundation of British Colum- bia. She told an interviewer that she takes a drink. "How can you teach someone to swim if you've never been in the water? "Now don't make me sound like a do-gooder because I am not. But there is so much misery in the world, one should do what one can to help." Foundation statistics give B.C. the highest rate of alcoholism in Canada and the rate has doubled since the war. Women make up only slightly Margaret R Bri ett THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 21, 1959 © 0SS, an Bam A . . Mrs, B. Wilson; corresponding Wed At Christ Memorial Church Jr. Castle Alumnae secretary, Mrs. Harry Taylor, The marriage of Margaret Ross, Miss Catherine Barrie, Reg. N., Christmas Meeting Smith, Whitby. yi Miss and Brian William Barnett, both/who was maid-of-honor wore a Ann Houden, Mrs. Edward of Oshawa, was solemnized re-|red velvet dress with a hat en-| The December meeting of the Brown, Brooklin; press, Miss centlv at Christ Memorial Church. crusted with pearls and carried|Junior Castle Chapter Alumnae,|Betty Moffatt, Mrs. John Fox, The bride is the daughter of|red and white carnations. of the Ontario Ladies' College,|Oshawa; flower convener, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ross, Mr. Derek Barnett acted as Whitby, was held at the home of Mae Storie, Mrs, Eric Pym, Osh- Falkirk, Scotland, and the ride-hest man for his brother and|Mrs. James Carpwith, Brooklin,|awa; refreshments, Miss Audrey groom is the son of Mrs. Arthuriyshering were Messrs. George|and took the form of a pot luck|Lawlor, Whitby. Barnett of Oshawa and the late|ingram and Ronald Tandy. supper. Tt 'was. announced that the Mr. Barnett. | A reception was held at the, Following supper a short busi- group would be v leased to Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon home of the bride's uncle and|ness meeting was held and a re-| yg) Pp Pea officated. The wedding music|aynt Mr. and Mrs. James Ross, port on the recent bridge was welcome any graduzie of the col was /played by Mr. George Rap-|Green street, Whitby. To receive; given. lege Who would care a Join, ley and Mr. Alex in sang. Mrs, Ross wore pale blue figur-| The remainder of the evening Tog Tog aii Ted i of crepe ith a blue veivet Jat was spent in singing Christmas icie, . > a -white accessories. e carols and Santa Cl istribut- bride Wore sifeet-length dress ot gears Tar cr assisting bid ply a Claus distribut DRAPERIES crystal bead brocade. Pe4rli was in Dior blue silk with a] The execptive for the coming eo CUSTOM MADE ® BY THE YARD, coronet held her fingertip veil and she carried a bouquet of red and mouton blue hat. Bothe wore cor-| year is as follows: President, white carnations and white sages of pink roses. Miss Doris Batty, Brooklin; vice. 4 ta B Bubbling over with happiness | Fletcher, Oshawa, and Mr. and is Eric Nelson, son of Mr. and | Mrs, Fulton Kendrick, Dart- Mrs. Nelson Hatfield, Burk | mouth, Nova Scotia, and great- street. Eric was seventeen | grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Re- months old on November 8. He | ginald Doucette, Oshawa. is the grandson of Mrs. Freda 7 --Photo by Horsnby less than 50 per cent of alcohol- ics. However, says Miss Geof- frey, there is less known about women drinkers than men. 'Many women drink quietly in their homes and no one, not even the husband, knows," she said. "Of course, there must be some- thing wrong with the marriage or he certainly would be aware." During its four years of opera- tion the foundation treated more than 3,000 persons with 27 total | cures and 23 per cent show im-| provement. | Early diagnosis and treatment is apparently as important in| cases of alcoholism as in any, other disease. i "The physical and psychologi- cal damage done by alcoholism over 15 or 20 years can be dis- astrous," Miss Geoffrey said. | "Now more and more young| people are seeking help. Thev are aware of the dangers and come to us before too much damage Marjorie Evelyn Nelson and Douglas James Powers exchan- ged marriage vows recently at the Christian Missionary Al- liance Church. The bride is the is done." daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- WEDDING PRINCIPALS ert S. Nelson of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Leslie Hamilton of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, and the ate Mr. William Powers. --Photo by Mary's Studid For the wedding' trip to New | York State, New England States| and Montreal the bride wore a mink-tone wool dress with a fea- ther hat and a brown sealskin | | coat. | The newly wedded pair will live in Oshawa. | Guests from out of town were Mr. Gordon J. Ross, Scotland; | Mrs. Isobel Counter, Mr. George| Ingram, boih of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Ross Bragg, Mr. and Mrs. {William Bragg, Mr. William Fair- head, Mr. and Mrs. Edward TEA-TIME TREATS |Adamson, Bowmanville; Mr, and| Spread crackers with a blend of Mrs. Rae Nearing, Ajax; Mr. | ll 'honey and creamed cheese, toland Mrs. Kurt Jeramin, Whitby: which nuts or grated orange rinds Mr. and Mrs. George Harvey, have been added. Hamilton. heather. SOCIAL NOTICE AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lailey, 64 Burk street, will be at home: to their friends and neighbors on Monday, December 28, from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. on the occasion 'of their golden wedding anniver- sary. president, Mrs, James Carnwith, Brooklin; recording secretary, for the finest selection in off Drapery Fabrics , + . and Free Estimates. Call RA 5-3144 HOWARD DRAPERIES 926 SIMCOE STREET NORTH NOTED WORKER OSLO (CP) -- Mrs, Bergljot Dycker, president of the Nor- wegian-American Women's Com- mittee since 1947, was awarded a 1959 honor medal of the Women's Institutes for her work n further. ing good relations between Nor-| way and the United States, I ' out with a small non<directional| the best { & | SPORTSWEAR LTD. scattered posy pattern for the| ceiling and a narrow, two-toned . candy-striped paper for the walls OPEN TO 9 P.M, New Wallpaper Patterns Create A Unique Effect ae TONIGHT TUESDAY colorful floral or a bold geometric) canopy on a four-poster bed. pattern would be very diverting. FOCAL POINT WEDNESDAY i? >" CHILD GUIDANCE White House Gathering To Discuss Delinquency By G. CLEVELAND MYERS (dren, desirable parent-child re- lations would be impaired. Today, home owners, and es- pecially apartment house dwell- ers, want 'something different" in wall treatments. And there are Prevention and Treatment of |new wallpapers and new ways of Juvenile Delinquency tops a list EXCESSIVE PERMISSIVENESS |; ip, I of 4 major "areas of concern Because many of the ves ers | rooms stand out in individual reported by 45 states with com- and advisors at the ite House beauty and enhance their propor- mittees preparing for the White Conference have been committed tions, 100 House conference to be held for years to the theory and prac- * a ; ii March 27 to April 20, in Wash-|tice of excessive pgrmissiveness,| In a small room, for example, |,0,t chair - rail height to re-|screen dcsign, or a quaint roile| ington. More than 2,000,000 per- and have led in spreading this|be it a bedroom or a den, onelsomple a low wall. Then paper|pattern. Then paper, the wall| sons are involved in preparatory|theory and practice, we can wall, papered with a compelling|tpo rest of the wall space with spaces in the cooking area with| work for this conference. {hardly expect that they will em-| Pattern, with the remaining walls|, colorful flower garden paper. |a small co-ordinated design like Of the 45 states reporting, 39Phasize early restraint of the tot covered with a co-ordinated col-| i a geometric, a polka dot pattern, | named juvenile delinquency as of|@S a means of preventing juven-|ored texture, or even a plain COVERED PATIO EFFECT a brick paper or simulated wood first concern. Nearing it were 32/ile delinquency. {paper, can create an unusual| If you want to go further and paneling. | states naming emotionally dis-| At the conferences that I at- effect. |give the area a covered patio] mqpe variety, the possibilities! turbed children, 20 naming re-|tended, I heard not a word of this| If the pattern is non-directianal, <floct, then cover the ceiling with| ; -| hob en, 95 naming re./Sort nor did I see a word about|like a small floral or geometric] d striped paper with a cut- ang ihe applications are endless) : ; ligious and spiritual life of chil.|it in the published reports. pattern, another effective treat.{out valal the edge of the, in today's wallpapers and co-| ment is to do the four walls and|Wall. jordinated fabrics. |% dren, and 24 naming establishing HOME CONTROL at If your dining area in the . os living-dining room opens on a| If your kitchen has a dining] patio or garden, why not bring |area, used for informal meals, | the outdoors indoors and turn itiyou can make it the focal point] into a garden-dining room? |of interest by using a bold pat-| To achieve this, use a simu-itern such as a design with mo-| lated stone or brick paper around) tifs from the Farmers' Almanac, | the bottom of the wall space,|or simulated Japanese sho jij Juat What She Wants, A SKIRT WILL COME from ESTABLISHED 1919 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE y i S| i ' tip] | Only 10 states namie] the effect read or heard at your local PTA |2tive pattern such as a scenic, a'of a young girl could be worked | of television on children. other community meetings| | Judging from what the com-l }o¢ establishing home control mittees have been saying and|e toon agers by beginning ef- FAMILY WARDROBE | writing, emotional disturbance fective control of them in child-| I with REGULAR DRY CLEANING will have first place among the hood? alleged causes of juvenile delin-| fy 'the acres of print on pre-| Guests Arriving ? Parties Ahead ? uency, while self-control and ef- 5 i i fective parental control begun eon a fhe pre-sshool Years will jake 12st sarden plot has considered ef- place. Nor is ep v fectively teaching the tot the guess correctly, much if any em-|peaning of NO. Millions of dol- Gather up that cleaning, give us a call! Have your clothes returned thoroughly cleaned with that like new look ! phasis on giving teachers moreijang tg study juvenile delinquency authority to control children in|_pardly a cent to study its ear- (Pick Up and Delivery) the classroom. liest apparent source! 21 BOND ST. EAST ideals and values in children.| ny "0 Cy years, what have you Sing with the pattern, A decor-| A pretty notion for the room| Fa SET SOME LIMITS { (My bulletins, How to Teach Parents of children eight to 15{Child Meaning of No, 'and How will probably be urged to estah. Juvenile Delinquency Can Be lish some limits for the.s chil- Curbed, may be had by sending dren and to stiffen up home con.|@ Self-addressed, U.S. stamped trol. Then thousands of such par-|e0velope to me in care of this ents will be frifstrated, wondering newspaper.) | how they are going to carry out pARENTS' QUESTIONS { this advice, because so many of Q. Shoul i ; . Should a child be forced to these children are bevond the play .a musical instrument for bounds of parental control. y? What will happen if the confer- Compe ence discusses parents' responsi- A. No. But if the company is bility for the anti-social behavior composed of appreciative listen- of their children, such as vandal- ers, the child might want to play Tem? briefly. Thus he will be encour-| My guess is there will be a aged to practice his music. regiment of experts and leaders| of PTA and other child welfare QUICK FROSTING groups who will strongly object. To top a plain cake, spread it| They will declare that, if parents lightly with creamed honey and | were fined or punished in other|then sprinkle it with coconut or ways for vandalism by their chil- chopped nut meats. The assortment is unlimited. Pleated, straightline flares in plain, tweeds, lambs- wool, tartans, Shetland-Tex, and of course --the skirt she's always wanted, a genuine Sportrite reversible. Sizes 8 to 20. 2.95 to 24.95 | Remember, we have matching sweaters to go with your skirt. RA 3.7332 BIG ROOMY SWIVEL CHAI Reg. 89.00 SALE Modern styling with revers- 4 5 | ible foam rubber cushions. Wide selection of durable coverings in decorator colours. Famous SNYDER construction throughout , . SNYDER Construction Is Canada's Finest "Quality In Every Detail" Crafted from kiln-dried elm hard- wood All rail 4/5 to 5/4 stock for extra frame strength Each rail planed and processed for BOI OTHER GIFT SUGGESTIONS SWEATERS . BLOUSES .. SLIMS .... CARCOATS SHAGCOATS DRESSES ... JACKETS ..... CUDDLECAFPS .. WOOL HELMETS .. PONY TAIL HOODS 6.95 4.50 9.95 16.95 24.95 16.95 16.95 3.25 2.95 2.95 From From From From From Brand. Elna hi slightly scuffed in ship- ment and disploy models. From LA A i a SUPER PLANA AUTOMATIC PORTABLE REG. $369--XMAS SALE $269--SAVE $100 FREE LESSONS AND LIFETIME GUARANTEE ~ ~ COME AND SEE THEM TODAY ! nanan Cd hi .From 3, » From From ® All corner blocks screwed end glued for extra strength ® Legs are specially treated to prevent marking From ® All-new 6-inch white cushion felt SPECIAL Elna Planet Jr. Consoles Reg. $150 $90 CHRISTMAS SAVE $51 SPECIAL oe Planet $ 49 Jr. Portables Elna Automatic Consoles No. 113 Reg. $419-- SAVE $120--CHRISTMAS SALE ...... Elna Console No. 113 Reg. $269-- SAVE $70---CHRISTMAS SALE Elna Automatic Desks No. 111 Reg. $494-- SAVE $125---CHRISTMAS SALE &. - & Elna Zig Zag Consoles No. 113 Reg. $319-- $2390 SAVE $80--CHRISTMAS SALE ....... ) OSHAWA ELNA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-2591 extra strong joints Moulded 4%2 "FOAM RUBBER" seat cushions, taped to prevent rolling _ Flexible rubber hair padding in seat and back in seat and backs ® 812 gauge no-sag seat end back springs ® 2.way spring. action with close wound helicals Betty Haydl INTERIOR DECORATOR 15 KING ST. EAST OPEN TONIGHT, TUES. & WED. UNTIL 9 P.M. CREE EEERERE RA 5-2686 SCARVES ......... BELTS 1.00 From From * oss 0 0000 ee WELCOME Shop With The Crowds At SEIGNEUR'S <i SHOPPING CENTRE