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The Oshawa Times, 22 Dec 1959, p. 10

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TO BE MARRIED NEXT MONTH Ca * dinner Tuesday evening. Guests i ! (Toronto, Beth Tzedec Congregation on | ronto and her fiance is the son Sunday, January 3. The bride- | of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marks to-be is the daughter of Mr. | of Oshawa. and Mrs. Jack Barkin-of Tor tm TT rr | After Two Drinks 'Wait Two Hours Before Driving | { The average 140-1b. person should wait at least two hours | before driving after he has con- |sumed two alcoholic drinks, the | Alcoholism Research Foundation The engagement is announced today of Miss Miriam Barkin and Mr. Howard David Marks who plan to be married at the : |Buckingham avenue, will enter-| |of groceries donated by the mem: | PERSONALS | | W. E. Mann, | Mr. and Mrs. tain at a pre-Christmas family will include their daughter, Mrs. D. R, Hunter, Mr. Hunter and son, Gordon Allen, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Humphreys, Alexandra street, entertained at a pre-Christmas family dinner party Saturday evening. Their guests included their daughter, Mrs. John S. Grant, Mr. Grant jand Miss Linda Grant, Montreal, P.Q., Mr. and Mrs. William Devitt of Islington, and Mr. John Humphreys and Mr. Clare Pea- cock, students at Osgoode Hall, and Miss Elizabeth Chambers of Cottam, Ontario. The ladies group of the Oshawa! nd District Old Country Club held] its December meeting at Simcoe| Hall. The president, Mrs. Rob-| ert Lee, conducted a short busi-| ness period after which members| gathered for a Christmas supper. | y Gifts were exchanged and carol § singing enjoyed. The TOPS Club (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) held a Christ-| § : mas party at the home of its|"™ es sin A leader, Mrs. Dorothy Parfitt wil A SMILE F presented each member upon ar-| rival with a TOPS corsage. Mr.| All the joys of Christmas are ! {Mamie Gibb led in the singing of | depicted in this charming pic- | Christmas carols, Games were| ture of Barbara Anne Bell | |played and prizes awarded. Mrs.| Barbara is the daughter of Mr. Make Sauce 'For Pudding 'Bhead Of Time | No Plum Pudding is complete (without a sauce. Some like a va-| (nilla custard and others prefer] hard sauce which is the tradi-| tional accompaniment. Here are] |recipes for lemon sauce and hard | isauce in both of which margarine | may be substituted for butter. | Make your sauce the day before! 'and re-heat in a double boiler. LEMON SAUCE | % cup sugar | Y% cup water 12 teaspoons butter tablespoon lemon juice tablespoons golden corn syrup Boil sugar, water and corn| syrup 5 minutes. Remove from fire. Add butter and lemon juice. Nn SA i 1/3 cup butter 1 cup sugar or icing sugar| 1-3 teaspoon lemon exiract ! 2-3 teaspoon vanilla extract The Florist ~ Christmas Plants, Christmas Wreaths, Corsages, etc. Cream butter, add sugar grad- ually while beating constantly. Yu Add flavoring. Floral Arrangements of Distinction Circular Driveway, Drive Right Up To Our Flower Shop 120 ARLINGTON AVE. Phone RA 3-3243 Night or Day 1 AVA FFRARAAAFVRVVIRARAVRVARANRAG OR SANTA and Mrs. Fraser Bell, Tecum- | seh avenue. She was one and a half years old on December 10. --Photo by Ireland bers. Mrs. Betty Dodd won the Mrs. Donald Sugden read the \d 4 minutes. The treasurer's report Mary McConnell won the basket Coronation H&S istmas Meeting|3iss Florence Tavior's room won Christmas Meeting]yis: i rived to present each member| ithe attendance prize. The Home| with a gift and the TOPS Queen, | The December reeling of Coro-| ng School Council is sponsoring| Mrs. Harriet Rae, was crowned|Dation Home and School Associa-| "yo, gership training course for for the most consistent weight/tion was Christmas fun night. | successive Wednesdays from {Carols were sung under the lead-|g™ "q. 90" o'clock beginning Jan- Christmas cake donated by Mrs.| Dorothy Parfitt. Santa Claus ar- VEEEEEEEEE LA SPORTSWEAR Ltd. £ | stated today. Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 | . {loss h | By two drinks the Foundation| |ership of Mrs. Jack Kaufmann, a skatin ry at -- means 1%-oz. shots of whiskey,| . . | the president who also conducted vary 13314 8 Sa g parly @ |gin or rum, or two 3-0z drinks| You are invited by the Social contests i 5 of Led ficial 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 22, 1959 |of sherry or port, or {Department to send in any little] A Christmas card contest was Mr. R. Mc » principal, two 12-0z. | s . bottles of beer, all of which are|items of interest. News of teas,|Won by Mrs. J. L. Kane. Mys. H.|explained the new repor{ card h 1 ; st 44 i SYS f grades 4 to 8, and an-| . . » about equal in alcoholic content j L. Kells won the contest "Christ-| system of g , h h E | |surprise parties, showers, anni-| in: Many " D J jith 1 t that Mrs. Christ C urc vening Guild | Roughly another two hours so- P P {mas in Many Lands". Mrs. L. E. nounced wi ogre 4 Is {bering up time should be added {versaries, comings and goings, | Morrison was games winner, Miss Harry Keyes was leaving to teach lfor each additional drink after|are always very acceptable andMurray, with the lucky tea cup, | the new kindergarten to be open- [the second one. In other words, for which there The Evening Guild of Christ|Doris Jackson; Memorial Church held its Decem.- | won a Christmas plant. |ed in Mary Street School |after three drinks, wait four|please ber meeting recently at a pot luck OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE EREEEEEEY tl » : i it Shares) Miss Barbara Weyrich played| Mrs. Thomas Speirs and Mrs. write or telephone RA|,; s "Sile Vight" IL. E - re . hours before driving: after four |g uma i P. | piano IW Night' dll E Morrison convened refresh drinks wait six hours; after five|" >" = 25 Oy ugh. men's. drinks, wait eight hours; and so| on | These suggested safe waiting] periods are based on the average The president thanked the mem-| time it takes to reduce blood al-| bers for their support in all the| hol levels to 03% activities of the group throughout £010). "eve's id 9 the year. Thanks were also given from a formula to Mrs. George Cane and Mrs. some years ag Ellen Pierson who arranged the|sociated wit! Alcoholism Re-| evening's program. On behalf of|search Foundation. Impairment the group Mrs. Pierson present-|of driving ability was shown by ed a gift to Mrs. George Fitches|recent RCMP tests to exist in are as follows: Honorary presi-|the retiring treasurer. |some individuals with as little as dent, Mrs. H. D. Cleverdon; presi-| Christmas gifts were exchang-|.03% blood alcohol, although dent, Mrs. W. G. Jackson; vice-|ed after which Court Whist was|somewhat more than this was president, Mrs. George Cane;| played. Prize winners were Mrs. needed to impair most of the secretary, - Mrs. Fred Porter; Fred Porter, Mrs. R. G. Coombes| drivers tested treasurer, Mrs. M. B. Proctor. |and Mrs. Peter Element. a 25.30 1bs. light. Conveners -- Parish council,| The next meeting will be on oe Wo are B30 tos. Ign Mrs. Garnet White; social, Mrs. | Thursday, January 14, 1960 at| oo iq wait one Soar. more than Wolfe Miller; sunshine, Miss eight o'clock in the Parish Halls "ined given. People who are| that much heavier could deduct] one hour, provided their weight Arvilla McGregor Auxiliary [i pl 2 roepondoss Supper Meeting And Election excess fat. The December meeting of the home helpers, Mrs. Bruce Me-| Arvilla McGregor Auxiliary of Gregor, Miss Grace Kennedy and Knox Presbyterian Church took|Mrs. W. J. MacDonald; Glad Tid- the form of a supper party at the|ings, Mrs. William Callison. home of Mrs. W. J. MacDonald,| Mrs Murray Hofstetter showed| Masson street. Christmas music|glides of life among the Eskimos made a festive background as|which she had taken during her the members and their guests year at Port Harrison, Hudson's A Re nd enloyed vuilel supper Bay. FOR CHRISTMAS i | ] Carol singing opened the meet- FUR GIFTS telephone, Mrs. Gordon Leslie; press, Mrs. F. G. Knowler; aprons, Mrs. G. H 3 Elliott; dolls, Mrs. W. J. Good- There was a good attendance swan; novelties, Mrs. R G and the group was pleased to|Coombes. meet Mrs. W. J. Goodswan, the wife of the new curate. The minutes were read by Mrs Fred Porter and Mrs. George Fitches gave the financial report. Mrs. Garnet White gave the par- ish council report. Mrs. H. D. Cleverdon conduct- od the election of officers which IN »AL tl » 2 A 7 A as comput- developed 70 by scientists as-| € & 3 » WA FROM HER FAVORITE SHOP YOU CAN BE SURE SWEATERS BLOUSES SLIMS SKIRTS CAR COATS DRESSES SHAG COATS SCARVES 2-PC. KNIT SUITS WOOL HOODS 8 EARWARMERS BELTS TARTAN CO-ORDINATES SKIRT, VEST, SLIMS, JACKET JUMPER, with matching or contrasting JERSEY BLOUSE. Take one or all six pieces. €, 4 LH A « & AR y FAV ARAVRRAAN Smith-Corona ** PORTABLE TYPEWRITER Wonderful gift for all the family, full-size, full-quality, full featured, Smith-Corona Portable i % 7450 WALMSLEY & MAGILL AS Office Equipment Limited 11 KING ST. EAST PHONE RA 3-3333 HOUSEHOLD HINT | aBthroom rugs make excel lent throw rugs for other rooms or hallways. They are less ex- pensive than regular throw rugs and are washable, BEER EEEE LA A AR Sold and Serviced By . . . mm 4 KR « LA (Upstairs) <, AAA fod 2 & A -- & + & AA A A A LH A Care Enough To Give The Finest A GIFT CERTIFICATE from MEN'S WEAR Blacks MNES GIFT CERTIFICATE tl » Nex. i LA "ud NENG LAK | AY +, ££ & VR interspersed with scripture pas- Hofstetter and Mrs. MacDonald) The treasurer's report showed Village *% ENGAGEMENT urer, Mrs. Bert. Montgomery; place at the Beth Tzedec Con-| sages telling the Christmas story|for their efforts in making the the Auxiliary had had a success- "FUR SALON" and 'the slate for 1960 is as fol-| Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barkin of Rr, Alex McDonald; 2nd vice-presi-/to Mr. Howard David Marks, son supply secretary, Mrs. Arthur|gregation, Toronto, on Sunday,| Brand-new Elna machines aod on ited "The Miss Grace Kennedy, the ~% and a reading entitle Noa A | Seven Days Before Christmas" | Hiring president, thanked Mrs. VISIT was given by Mrs. Alex McDon-|evening so pleasant. " . A | ald and Mrs. George Hamilton. Fashion f 32d SOCIAL NOTICE | y | > ful year. | The election of officers was held lows. President, Miss Madeline Toronto announce the engage- - » Simcoe 37. 5. Sinclair; 1st vice-president, Mrs. ment of their daughter, Miriam, NE, | dent, Mrs. George Hamilton; sec- of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marks of ---- : rteary, Mrs. James Heath; treas-|Oshawa. The marriage will take) Campbell; welcome, welfare and!January 3, 1960, at 5 p.m. | Lo : | iT . | Show Him You slightly scuffed in ship ment and display models. | = 2 SUPER PLANA AUTOMATIC PORTABLE REG. $369--XMAS SALE $269--SAVE $100 FREE LESSONS AND LIFETIME GUARANTEE ~ QOME AND SEE THEM TODAY! wa SPECIAL - who Elna Planet Jr. Consoles BEER EEEY VS Uh > - « « « Why Not Give A SEIGNEUR GIFT CERTIFICATE LH HH | LAH 3 ?. {SSS 3 » Elna Automatic Consoles No. 113 Reg. $419-- SAVE $120--CHRISTMAS SALE ..... $299 $199 $369 ES 8239 SAVE $80---CHRISTMAS SALE RA 5-2591 Amount $ +, {9 Our friendly courteous specially trained staff will be glad to help you select the right gift. Remember we exchange without question. Elna Console No. 113 Reg. $269-- SAVE $70--CHRISTMAS SALE i » VAR Reg. $150 CHRISTMAS SAVE $51 « $99 SPECIAL Elna Planet $490 Jr. Portables ELNA x SHOPPING CENTRE - & Elna Automatic Desks No. 137 Reg. $494-- SAVE $125--CHRISTMAS SALE WAR Follow The Crowds This Christmas To SEIGNEUR'S 3x Rn HN LF MEN'S WEAR LTD. n € WE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE "The House Of Style For Men and Boys" 74 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3-3611 [AX Hh @.

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