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The Oshawa Times, 22 Dec 1959, p. 11

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WED IN BOWMANVILLE Oshawa will be the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Edward Simmons whose marriage was solemnized recently at Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. Formerly Miss Eleanor May Maguire, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Maguire of Bowmanville and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sim- mons, Oshawa --Photo by Redher Bowmanville Thornton H-S Asn. December Meeting The December meeting of Dr. Robert Thornton Home School Association the singing of "O Canada" ac- companied at the piano by Mrs. and day spent at opened withheld at Courtice. gin in January, the first Wednes- day in the evening and each week 8 for six consecutive weeks, The room count was won bY hot water and stir until gelatin is Mr. Fred Anderson's room. Mrs Regional Manson reported on the] Council | pp sugar, orange juice, She w as aC peel and lemon juice. Blend well, companied by Miss June Keller |thepn add dissolved gelatin, ficela! anening of the school which was ned last month, An inform- ative report was Robert Peacock an Roe regarding their | Minister Brings Xmas Message To Vincent Massey H&S Assn. ijusurer's report by Mrs. John eeler. Mr, Kelvin E. James, the prin. cipal, gave his report regarding school matters of interest. The room attendance banner was won Mrs. Betty Mumberson's Grade 1 and 2 class and Miss Marion Robert's Kindergarten class with a tie of 19 points each. Mrs. Twining read a letter from the Board of Education ex- tending thanks for the splendidiGrade Mother Mrs. T. P. Mutrie catering service the Home and|and mothers of pupils in Grade School Association gave at the of-|5, | ence held in The Reverend N. T. Holmes, minister of Harmony United Church, conveyed a Christmas message to the members of the Vincent Massey Home and School Association at its Christmas meeting. Mr, Holmes chose as his Christ- mas Theme "Let's Put Christ Back into Christmas", "Although we repeat the word Christmas so many times, we are not, many of us, aware that the word Christ. mas cannot be said without say- ing the word 'Christ'." He reminisced over simple Christ-| mas celebrations as were known| in éarlier days and were not as| commercialized as they are to- |day. "Also, this is a season of| |great Joy and anticipation for the ichlidren, let us help put happi-| ness in their faces," he said. Mr. Holmes was introduced by IMrs. W. D. Major in the absence| fof the religious convener, Mrs. | {Douglas Skinner. Mrs. Michael |Kashul thanked him. The meeting was presided over |by Mrs. C. E, Twining. The sec-| |retary's report was read by Mrs, | Lawrence McConkey and the arranged by Mrs. Gerald Hudson, citizenship convener, to be held on January 11, 1960, The evening came to a close with the singing of Christmas Carols and an amusing Christ- mas carol game puzzle. Reireshments were served by| GOLDEN FLUFF PUDDING 1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin ¥% cup cold water % cup hot water egg yolks Ya cup sugar 32 cup orange juice 1 tablespoon grated orange peel 2 tablespoons lemon juice 3 egg whites | tablespoons sugar | Soak gelatin in cold water, Add IE] | dissolved. Beat egg yolks well. Add %, grated | Made By Red Cross ] day Thursday. | Canadian Quilts Off to Morocco TORONTO (CP) dian Red Cross said a three-ton shipment of relief sup- plies for Moroccan paralysis vie- tims is being assembled by the "s work ittee in pro. vincial headquarters across Can- ada. The supplies will be trans- ported from the .various cana. dian cities to Montreal on a courtesy basis by Trans-Canada Air Lines, and from Montreal to Lisbon by Canadian Pacific Air lines. The Portuguese Red Cross will arrange further transporta- MARRIED IN PARIS PARIS (Reuters)--Miss Helene Leger, daughter of Jules Leger, Canada's ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty, Organ- ization, was married here Satur- day to Dr. Antonin Frechette, of Trois Rivieres, Que. The Archbishop of Montreal, Paul-Emile Cardinal Leger--who is the bride's uncle--gave the marriage benediction in the church of St. Pierre de Chaillot, Pierre Dupuy, Canadian am- bassador to France, was a wit ness, RIGOROUS REGIME Many students at England's historic Eton College are in their classrooms at 7:30 am., before breakfast. tion. The shipments comprise more than 300 'Canada quilts," and hundreds of sheets, blankets and night clothes, all made by wo- men's work committee volun- teers Mrs. Huntley Christie, national chairman of the Red Cross wo- men's work committee, said in Toronto today the shipments to Morocco have almost depleted the society's warehouse stock of these articles. She urged volunteer workers to produce more of these important relief items, The Moroccans became fll after eating cooking oil diluted with surplus United States Air Force engine oil. At 100 Can Read Without Glasses QUEBEC (CP) -- Mrs. Sophie Brault, who professes no secret] for longevity but maintains that] "eating doesn't make a person| die," celebrated her 100th birth-| PARARP-VUILLY MINERALS, & TRACE ELEMENTS "PARAMETTE SYRUP PARAMETTES PARAMETTES JUNIOR Mrs. Brault still reads without glasses and has a good memory. | She was born in nearby Port- neuf and in 1911 married Adelard| Yohnstona Mrs. Howard Allen then presid-| Chill until partially set. Beat li hh : »d for the following Christmas| until fluffy, isin A Christmas prayer by the|® g E . president, Mrs. Allan Manson, Program: A plano solo by Susan Beal S22 Whites gar. Foid thel preceded the reading of the min-| Allen; "0 Come All Ye Faithful" gra ee To Sugar: Fold & 38} : 3 ratne : s together. Pour into| RT utes by the secretary, Mrs.\was sung in two languages by|oiled 1% quart moyld. Chill until Two of Santa's little fans are | six and a half, are the grand- Arthur "Joynt. The treasurer's|y. micces Nellie. Anne and Irencifirm, Var l ga. & | Alison Louise and Patricia | children of Mr. and Mrs. John report was read Jack} JC 1M IBSER " : : | Anne, daughters of Mr. and | MacKay, Oshawa, and Mr. and | Westlake followed by the minutes Dovaglov. by. Mrs " Tiald vi | . . Night Yield: 6 to 8 servings. | Mrs. Douglas MacKay, | Mrs, Thomas Brockwell, Bal- Sr |] yd (OSHAWA) LTD. 8 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Jack Allen. Brault of Thompsonville, Mass. They settled in Los Angeles On her husband's death in 1040, Mrs. Brault returned to her birth- place, ! DRUGS Regular City-Wide Deliveries 4 28 King St. E. RA 3-4621 RA 54311 ALISON AND ANNE Silent was of the executive meeting held at|played on the piano accordion by NOTE: This is a refreshing] Meadowvale street. Alison, two ham, London, England. the home of Mrs. Allan Manson Peter Decuik accompanied by dessert to follow a hearty dinner.| and a half years old, and Anne, | --Photo by Ireland at which time plans were made Jane Delanéy at the piano. = --_r Rod for a school rink, a project of the] Mrs, Jack Westlake introduced | 3X3 H-S Association the Reverend William Gibb who | It was mentioned that the spoke briefly on the meaning of Home and School Council wished Christmas.. Miss Jack Allen at ; ] : inh to have as many as possible from the piano led in carol singing each school "participate . in its| mas leadership classed~which will be- by the mothers of Grade 5 pupils. refreshments were Plum Pudding -- this bright goid leaf gift contains a wonderful Bive Gross or June Geranium bath soop rfume, deficioor flowers, ie Scented Tissues in exquisite taffeta cose to y in the handbag. Blue Love, On Dit Sachet Pillow delightfo! "Bttle gift." Scented with Bive Grass or On Dit $1.28 Almond Bath Mita soft terry. doth bog with cream soap; - make hard water seem smooth 8 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE RA 3-2245| OSHAWA $ragront Pebble Bath Salts te soften and perfume the water for her bath, June Geranium, lilac, Pine. $2.00 Bive Gross "Bive," or June Geronium "Pink" --clever scallop-shell that holds plastic bottle of Hand Lotion and round Bath Soap. $2.50 Miniature Sonta's Cop brings o Blue Grass or Valencia Per fumair for her handbag Bive Gross Puff-Puff Dusting Powder in festive foil carton. $1.25 ond $2.00 CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY [530 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE RAS5-3546 4 RES IN assisted by Jane Delaney, Christ- | served For these (Golden ¢ Moments BUY NOW . .. PAY NEXT YEAR! NO INTEREST OR CARRYING CHARGES matched as 8 kiss Precision 17 jewel movement. LL A smartly styled waten with the executive aad CANADIAN GIRL An exquisite 17 jewel timepiece set In » - beautifully sculptured - bracelet "$59.50 popular watch styles, 23 jewels, selfe waterproof ®, ahoch-resistant, LOOK FOR THAT BULOVA DIFFERENCE BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING ST. WEST RA 3-7022 FROM BURNS creDIT JEWELLERS 32 KING ST. PAY AS LITTLE AS 10% DOWN No Interest or Carrying Charges WEST CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. PHONE RA 3-7022 ND WHITBY PLAZA OPEN TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY UNTIL 9 P.M.

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