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The Oshawa Times, 22 Dec 1959, p. 12

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GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES MITCHELL'S CORNERS HS | The regular meeting of Mit-| chell's Corners Home and School | |Association was held recently with Mrs. William Nemis presid- ing. Mrs. Arthur Peeling read the minutes. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Harry Tyler. The night of cards held in the school was a success. It was de- cided a duplicating machine would be bought and presented to the school. | The members were entertain-| ed by pupils from the school competing on public speaking. The pupils and their subjects were: Jane Fisher, "Electri- city'; Sharon Fisher, "Canada"; Lorne Duff, "Dairy Cows"; Ross McMaster, "Hawaii". Mrs. John Tamblyn of Orono, a judge at the public speaking contest, spoke on the importance of reading for children and] adults. | Refreshments were served by Mrs. Michael Nemisz and her committee. 4TH GROUP COMMITTEE The 4th Group committee of the Girl Guide Association held its December meeting at the home of Mrs. Harold Mosier in the form of a pot luck supper. Mrs. Melville Coolidge presided with 15 members present. The minutes and correspond- ence were read by Mrs. John Black. The treasurer's report was |given by Mrs. Thomas Hornsly. The business part of the meet- ing followed with Mrs. William Sargent, president, presiding. Re- ports were read by the secre- tary, Mrs. Fred Taylor, and by the treasurer, Mrs. William Boynton. Tentative plans were made for the father and son banquets to be held the latter part of January. The next meeting will be on January 7 at 8 p.m. All mothers of Scouts and Cubs in the 14th group were urged to attend. ST. MARY'S CWL A pot luck supper preceded the December meeting of St. Mary of the People Catholic Women's League. The president, Mrs. Wal- ter Atherfold, opened the meeting with prayer and welcomed the members. The event was very well attended with almost a hundred percent of the members present. given by Mrs. Frank Donald and the treasurer's report by Mrs, Philip Vincent. Mrs. Kenneth Johnson read a very interesting report. She re- quested that all members write a letter to the Russian Ambas- sador at Ottawd asking for the release of the Hungarian youths that are being held for execution when they reach the age of 18, A letter was also written on be half of the Catholic Women's League. A cheque was presented to the Reverend N. J. Gignac for the Byard King. The treasurers' re- port was given by Mrs. John Fisher and Mrs Wilfred Ogden renorted on the bingo and whist. After the business meeting, gifts were exchanged and bingo played. Bingo winners were Mrs. Emerson Stewart, Mrs. Wilfred Delbert Olmstead, Mrs. Arthur Lymer, Mrs. Gilmour Ruther ford, Mrs. Robert Gow and Mrs. Byard King. Lucky draws were won by Mrs. John Jenkins and Mrs. Roy Me- Donough. HELPING HAND AUX. The regular meeting of the Helping Hand Auxiliary of Sim- coe Street United Church was held with an attendance of 37. The president, Mrs. George Haines opened with prayer fol- Ogaen, Mrs. John Jenkins, Mrs. | 3 Morrison. Christmas stories were| was accepted with the addition of Fagle and Mrs. Haines, Miss bridesmald fainted at the start of given by Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. |a donation to the Joan Gibb Fund. | Leah Garrow thanked the guests.|a wedding ceremony here. The Haines. » Two solos by Mrs. J. L. Pigg| After an exchange of gifts by best man was just handing over The secretary, Mrs. Alex Ark-|,..ompanied by Mrs. Thomas|the secret sisters, refreshmentsthe ring when he too slumped wright, read the minutes and Miss| worden, Mrs. William Clarke| Sere, Served bY Mrs James|sown. The bridegroom remained Madeline Kelly gave the trea- gave a talk on getting the PA! Lic mn 8 Hem "lon his feet until they were pre surer's report. Mrs. Rae Mec-|o. 0 opicimas cards. d man and wife, then also Master reported for the ways and means and gave a tentative list| Presentations were made FAINT HEARTS fainted. The bride was still on her for spending the money which! Mrs. J. K. Moffat, Mrs Orvillel INVERCARGILL, N.Z. (CP)--A|feet when it ended. Xx Looks, feels, writes like a man's pen should! lowed by a hymn, The scripture reading was read by Mrs. A. J. The secretary's report was) HUYCK"S Hair Styling Studio Welcomes BEN ABRAMOFF (Hair Stylist) TO THEIR STAFF For that new coiffure hair style during the vyuletide season, Ben invites you and all his friends to visit him at this New inlaid point gives ultra-smooth writing! "+ New no-dunk Snorkel pen filling action! * New massive capacity, choice of colors! eens 10 sets with matching pencils from $14.98 NOW... SHEAFFER DEALERS KARN DRUGS RA 3-4621 ; A Sg | Mrs. Coolidge read the Guides | parish for which he conveyed his new location, op " #4 | annual report showing the Guides| thanks. The president wi NEWLYWEDS had earned 314 badges during the| everyone a Happy and Holy|| 8% SIMCOE ST. NORTH year. | Christmas and the meeting was 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edward | Gruber of Oshawa and the late | Mrs. John Gaskell then install-| closed with prayer. h Schneider are pictured after Mr. Gruber and the bride- |ed the new officers, | The members then sat down their wedding recently at Grace | groom is tne son of Mr. and | Mrs. Harry Mosier presented |to supper. The tables were beau: Lutheran Church. The bride, | Mrs. Schneider of Oshawa. {the Guide leaders, Brownie lead-| tifylly decorated with flowers,| RA 3-2912 the former Miss Christ] Gru'r, | lers, and Mrs. Coolidge with small| candles and lots of Christmas - is the daughter of Mrs, Louise --Photo by Mary's Studio |gifts. | color. After supper games were ih -- |" Mrs. Harold Braund led infenjoyed and gifts distributed from games. the Christmas tree. Savory Dressing, Mellow, Moist um scour womens: aux purus pam svxuany | Supreme Stuffing For Turkey 14th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary|Bathe Park Ladies' Auxiliary was held at Holy Trinity Angli-| was held in the club house with can Church in the form of a pot|the president, Mrs. Cleve Mec- By JO ALDWINCKLE |of vegetables to the table first [luck supper. There were 15 mem-| Mann presiding. The holiday season of the year (and then emerge from the kit-|bers and three visitors present. | In the absence of the secretary is here again and in a dav or|chen triumphantly bearing your Following the supper gifts were, Mrs. William Haight, the minutes two you will be preparing the beautifully roasted bird. lexchanged. |and roll call were read by Mrs. Christmas dinner with its tradi- tional bird and stuffing. Here are a few hints to help | and Whitby Plaza you stuff your bird to perfection. | M The experts insist that poultry of | ; : all kinds should be stuffed just , > before roasting. "It is not re-|§ 7 2) 3 hy ; . A commended that poultry be stuff-| TR pr ~ ed one day, refrigerated and then| roasted the next. Homemakers are still bringing up the question of whether they] can partially roast a large turkey | one day and finish cooking it the pext. This is not recommended by food experts. It is much safer to get the turkey all ready for stuffing, that is, washed, singed and dry and refrigerate it. The dressing ingredients which are dry may be combined and stored also. Then on Christmas morning it is only a matter of about 15 minutes to add the wet ingred-| jents to the dressing, stuff the bird and pop it into a 825 degree oven for roasting. You'll need about 1 cup of] stuffing for each pound of poultry, | dressed weight. | JURY & LOVELL PHARMACIES In Oshawa, Bowmanville . SAYWELL'S LEATHER GOODS 14 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 8-8821 28 KING ST. E. everywhere. EXQUISITE 2-TONE Lace Table Cloth A grand gift . . . Quality made in Scotland, a two-tone Ecru pattern table cloth of fine The bread, should be slightly | design that will add beauty to any table set- dry or pasted and do include fhe! ing . . . Light and dark ecru shade, the most erust. If it's very dry use addi-| al y, ' tional liquid. f Jedi AT wanted color. Size about 68* x 90". 5 +1] . Regular 7.98. SPECIAL vie OE Fill the bird lightly with stuff-| ing because it swells during roast-| (For apartment size table, 55" x 70", only 4.99 each) - ZN Fl ing and becomes soggy if too tightly packed. | Extra stuffing may be baked | in covered casserole for about 1] FROM IRELAND Bowr, Bake in same oven with Fine Damask TABLE CLOTHS ! If someone prefers ho ag without onion or sage, e a Th " " | ese are the world-known "Rose of Sharon" linen domask Sn smous without these in tel cloths . . . Woven with artistry that is a tradition with them . ARN 2 3 | and a joy to every owner , . . Sparkling white with choice of oe oe he patterns and each cloth attractively plio wrapped and gift- and refrigerate it separately in! wrapped too. A gift to give joy for years . « 1 4 | Size about 66" x 84". Special Hand-made PLACE MATS! both meat and stuffing within five days. { How to roast a turkey? The| best way is to place the stuffed A gay presént to give and nice to receive . , . heavy cotton homespun, all hand-woven with self fringed ends . . . Colors cf green, blue, yellow, scarlet, coral with contrasting 29c borders , , . Size 13" x 19, Special, each ......... KENWOOD BLANKETS! a slow oven, 325 degrees. A cover | holds in the steam and shortens] the roasting time but this may make the meat split at the breastbone and thighs. A tight They will be warmly grateful when you give a pure wool Kenwood Blanket . . . Each blanket is woven from all pure wool . . . the vivid colors are washable and each blanket is pre-shrunk and moth-proofed by a special process that won't come out in laundering . . . Beautifully bound in wide satin ribbon and 10 gorgeous colors to choose from. wrapping of foil gives similar re-| sults to a covered roaster. A| SINGLE BED SIZE, each DOUBLE BED SIZE, each 'tent" of foil or two or three] (Also 8 other regular and crib size Kenwood lines to choose from). thicknesses of cheesecloth over| turkey in an open pan gives pro-| tection to the skin, yet allows the| escape of steam to produce a fla- vorful roast turkey. | How large a turkey to buy?! For rough calculation, allow 3% | pound of eviscerated {ready to cook) weight or one pound of undrawn poultry per serving. | TIME TABLE f Ready-to-cook weight in pounds with approximate roasting time) for stuffed bird: 6 to 10 lbs. 3% | to 4% hours; 10 to 14 lbs. -- 4% to 5% hours; 14 to 18 lbs. -- 5%| to 6 % hours; 18 to 24 lbs. -- 6% | to 9 hours. The following stuffing is not too rich and has a mellow savory taste that most families like. APPLE AND SAUSAGE STUFFING % lemon 2 cups pork sausage meat 2 cups tart apple, diced 1 cup onion finely diced | 10 cups day-old bread crumbs| 2 tablespoons parsley, minced | V4 teaspoons salt | Dash of pepper and paprika! "CANNON" Percale SHEET SETS Finest quality cotton percale sheet and pillowcase gift sets, styled for every bedroom decor , . , Beautiful white and gold gift box wrapped in plio and ribbon tied . . . Choose from multi stripes of beige, pink or aqua for modern decor . . . or white scalloped hemlines on colored, or colored scalloped hemlines on finest white in shades of pink, aqua, yellow, or green. Con- tents of each set -- 1--81" x 108" sheet and 2--42" x 3812" pillowcases. Luxury gift boxed. WE who bring the light refreshment your way wish you the most light~ hearted of Holidays. And may we add a gentle reminder. Pepsi goes especially fast during the holiday season. Make sure you have an Other Bedding Gift Suggestions ! extra supply on hand. "WABASSO" PILLOW CASES .... "WABASSO" SHEETS "CANNON" FITTED SHEETS FANCY BOXED PILLOW CASES. .. "IBEX" FLANNELETTE SHEETS...... FANCY BLANKETS "HUDSON'S BAY" BLANKETS : or Noon BLANKETS up ERS vrei. vs vis «Be . PRIOWS ................ SR STORE OPEN TONIGHT AND WED. TILL 9 P.M. CLOSED THURS., DEC. 24th AT 6 P.M. WARD'S SIMCOE at ATHOL Be sociable, Dice sausage meat; place in| cold, heavy saucepan. Add apple | and onion; cook and stir over low | heat until tender. Add bread-| erumbs, parsley and seasonings; | stir lightly. This quantity will stuff crop and body cavity of af 12-pound turkey. Sew, fasten] with skewers or safety pins. f Grease the bird thoroughly and cover with brown paper or foil but do not tuck in. Place on rack or trivet in roasting pan and cook | in a slow oven until tender and| golden. Do not add water, | _ Allow at least half an hour for| "'dishing up". Set the bird on a hot platter in a warm place while| you finish the vegetables and make the gravy, Banish all test- ers, tasters, superintendents and hungry relatives from the kitchen| juring this important part of the proceedings | Take the hot plates and dishes' serve Pepsi-Cola... The ( [refreshment SMITH BEVERAGES LTD. BOWMANVILLE RA 5-1151

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