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The Oshawa Times, 22 Dec 1959, p. 5

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Rubber Workers | Name Delegates Local 494 to play enormously successful Christmas packets of candy; to Bob Banks, | could | |achieved. {ant item dealt with was the alarm | INSTALL "OFFICERS OF COMPOSITE LODGE "hibald, PGSD are the 1960 officers left ght are ! Guthrie, SD, John Shown above Front row, William I'ripp, JS, Composite Loc of Whitby, were the Masonic Hall night by A. Officers of AF and AM, installed at on Monday 0 A John Breckendridge, 1G, Ern- | est Stafford, Worshipful Mas- ter, A. A. Archibald, PGSD, | Charles Stafford, SS, VW Bro. | WHITBY And DISTRICT Dukes Bow Hillcrest Jrs. Whip Brooklin Combines The Hillcrests lost no -time in getting on the right track as they built up a 5-1 lead in the first period on goals by Brown, Mills, Nicholishen and a pair by Pa unable Tran Pollard scored the fore 80al for the losers in the opening the period The second period was a mucl closer knit affair as both teams were playing some real heads up The Cofnbines scored the the period as Wills ose in By CLIFF GORDON Whitby Hillcrest Dairy Jr night came up with a real big decisive win as they whipped the} Brooklin Port Perry Combine 2-2. The Combines were to cope with the terrific checking and hard skating Whitby team There were plenty of high including the Whitby goalie ting the gate for .two which calls fo duct. Also the not allowed goalie but forward and and did a yeoman's blanked the Combines final 22 minutes last lone of ghts et-| : hockey only goal vere Scored from majors ol game niscon Whitby 1S€ had to dre Terry Dav eam ub another vent he and drew 1 Then Daniels and Lawson got into a fight and both drew majors for that Paul Tran led the Whitby at Then after they got them apart tack with three goals with Ernie they started at it spam, Lawsor Mills, Bill Lundmark with tw got a misconduct for this fr each, Single counters went po) Daziels "a os Dave Nicholishen, Ken PE to i hig as Mel Brown, Mike Morrison and|Tnuies to 20 50 1€ Max Rowland that be played a 3 will the third period. scored for -- 5 The Hillcrests really bottled up -- the eombines in the final period and Davis in the Whitby cage had . a field day Hillcrests scored almost : ured he Major for the job as for was less than two referee ruled it the start of Lucky osers. ot. Bemard S Pupils Have Xmas Party held it Friday at wi he ome seven p off a n Hillgrest poss points Smoker $t. Bernard's school and Christmas concert last afternoon at the new St. John The Evangelist parish hall under the supervision of the teachers. This event was presented under the auspices of the Catholic Women's League During the program each cl: room sang Christmas songs; grade 1 gave choral speaking; grade 1-2-3 recited; grade 3 'also holisher 2 is " gave a TV entitled "Saint on Parade" ere dancing and Virginia MacDonald performed dancing Grade 5 re-enacted 'The tivity Scene". At the close, the children exchanged gifts and re ceived boxes of candies from the members of the CWL. WHITBY BROC Phone MO 8-3618 Now Playing EVENING SHOWS AT 7 & 8:20 LAST COMPLETE SHOW at 8:20 ECC TNOCERTOCIOE ¥ The Management and Staff Oe to a ¥ A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS y Bs a HE HDB DIBIBBE HB [1] [2 . SUMMARY 1st Period Nicholishen op 3.59 thy: Pau Iran Br ooklin I'ran 4.42 ASS Po lard 6.32 08 play vere square 10.58 Ricky tap eels in 17.09 197 27. Daniels 2nd Period Brooklin: Wills Sneddon Penalties Pollard Penalties Na 18.02 1.15, Luke Davis 16.04, R and 15.12, i a all AB A811) 8 presents TOM EWELL WORE SKS COLOR By DF LUNE ® CiNEMASCcOPE cosmwrng RITA MORENO In the wonder of High Fidelity 7 ¥ ¢ STEREOPHONIC SOUND ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ALSO FIRE MONSTER wd CAST OF THOUSANDS | frewied iv PAUL SCHAEBMAN Yabo tl LLL Lad SOE FEIT HEN SSE L es "GIVE BROCK THEATRE GIFT TICKETS THIS CHRISTMAS" NOW ON SALE sel a Er TE SE EAR KEE Theatre Closed All Day Christmas Day a given a game mis-| major and misconduct 2 majors and game mis- 18.02, Marjerrison, Lawson Daniels conqauc 19.38 3rd Period Robe i. Tran Lundmark 8. Whitby s Luke Whitby Mills) Whitby: Morrison Whitby: P. Tran E. Tran) 12. Whitby: Lui 13. Whitby: Mills Lundmark Whitby: Rowland P. Tran, E. Tran) Penalties: Sneddon 5.50, | Iran 8.58, Marjerrison 8.58, Car negie 12.00, Sneddon (mis- conduct) 12.57, Tushingham 13.38. 9 10 11 mark 'To Marinas s just day night when the Marinas meet | ¥ +{the Whitby y Town, SW IPM, Harry Bro. Fred Stanley Davie, JD treasurer, Har George Gouldburn, | Inkpen, JW, W Marsh, Chaplain Smith, Tyler, Ivan Wesley Augustus, = secretary. Back row, same order, are John Town, Director of Cere- monies, Ivor Lawrence, organ- ist, VW Bro. William Pringle, The first Whitby goal came about the middle the first frame and the second goal in the second period Captain Gordie | Gettins will have primed for their battle of 'Boom his Marinas this Sun PORT PERRY topping those Caesarea Sunday night they There Bed bovs lub from the Pickering Beach ( These games are very keen racked up both from a player and spectator their ninth consecutives win and Point of view There is no admis- remained undefeated in the Lake. Sion fee, just bring yourself to Industrial League the P: Perry Sunday Caesarea Reg's Marinas handed hight at 7:30 p.m Dykes an 11 to 2 shel- self to hockey the lacking Sunday night be played Top scoring gun for nas was Ken Ross goals. Wayne "Knobby' and Art McArthur netted two tal endance goals each and singletons went to Motor Show this year Don Vipond, Don Cochrane and and vehicle sales reached 1 Fred Clark than £2.000,000 WHITBY SPORTS' SPOTLIGHT WREN no hove 't arena and treat your- way il should the Mar with four BIG Venning GLASGOW SUCCESS Scotland the was CP)--To. Scottis 148,541 more ] a A. BLAIR WHITBY PERSONALS On Friday last with 104 new Canadians receiving their citizen. ship 'papers in a ceremony held the Ontario County Court om, Mrs. J. A. Anderson con or of citizenship committee of ount Greenwood Chapter was »d in presenting Bibles sup le 2 lied by the Upper Canada Bible > Society and IODE greeting cards to the new Canadians by the Re- gent Mrs. H. T. Fallaise, Mrs. N. ormack. Mrs. F. W. Marsh and Miss J. McKay Mr. Joseph Clark,* of Starr Avenue, celebrated his birthday Monday. For the occasion a family reunion was arranged H. E. Watson of 1621 S., is at her home con- after undergoing sur the Oshawa General Hos! Mrs Brock St valescing gery at pital Mr, E. Como, his brother Mr R. Como, of Detroit, Mich., are just back from Ottawa where they sited their mother who is ill Shelley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ballard, is celebrating her first birthday today. Friends of the family are offering their best wi for many more happy birthdays for Shelley Miss Catherine Lee Bloye, teacher at Fruitland, will be spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.| Leo Bloye, and family of 316] Paiace St. Other Christmas dinner| guests will be Mr. and Mrs, M. B.| Northcott, their daughter Miss Mary Elizabeth, their son Master Michael, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cole and their baby| daughter Mary Jo, of Oshawa. | On Saturday evening Mrs. A.| Barnett and Miss Mary Barnett, of Port Whitby, entertained at a pre-Christmas dinner at thei: home. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell and their son Gordon, of Scarborough, Mr. and Mrs. R. Gierman and family, of Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. Norm Jradley and their son, of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Barnett and their son, of Pickering Mr, and Mrs, E. C. Hughes will have as their Christmas guests Mrs. Edith Hughes, her two sons| Mr. Harold Hughes, Mr. Earl Hughes, Mrs. Irene Nicholl all of Toronto. Open house will be held at the Hughes' residence, King St., on Dec. 27 WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY AT BAPTIST SERVICE On Sunday evening the Whitby Baptist Church Young Peoples'| Union took part during the re- gular evening service and pre-| sented a Christmas pageant en titled "They came bringing gifts." That same evening the young| peoples' group went fo visit shut- ins and the aged at their respec-| tive homes and sang hristmas \ carols. | WITH GERRY BLAIR PINCH-HITTING e Whitby Dunlops cur losing str play at home tonig Olympic bound Kitchener-Waterloo these same "Dutchmen" string when they shut out the Wednesday Kit T ued iropp game riding a three- ht against the Dutchmen. It the losing 3-0 last rently eak, was who started lécal squad e "Dunnies" contir both ends of the Windsor Bulldogs. Dunlops first three meagre points ahead of both Windsor ham, while Kitchener follow clubs a sin- gle point back, Kitchener » second place a point ahead of both Windsor and Chatham via a win here tonight. You just can't get a than that. Windsor are a strong th nies" lead as both clubs have lost ter Bulldogs have played one club. The Dutchmen hold Lhe they night in hener s by to 1= their losing I wa a Cur- only and Chat~ 1d doubleheade rer standings show the spot those two could go inte much closer "Dun- but the the local Whitby here league agl reat to the games, less game than two win 01 four games Have played thus season Dunc Brodie will dress for tonight's game and take a regular turn at right wing on a line with Bob- by Attersley and Fred Etcher. Brodie will be inject- ed into the line-up primarily to see if he can get the locals to lay on the body a bit. Loss of rugged de- fenceman Alf Treen has left the club with few play- ers who can or will do some hitting. In Saturday night's game here against Windsor the team did mot take a single penalty, and while clean hockey Is pre- ferred, still its an indication that the club is net in the game, because its almost an impossibility to go through a contest without penalties if the team is really fired up. Reports of Sunday's game indicate that Windsor were red hot. Not only did they lace the "Dunnies" 6-1 but they outshot them by the wide margin of 49-21 as well. One member of the team commented, "that Windsor club could have won a national league game today." There is no question that the Bulldogs have got themselves a great hockey club this season and they are going to be awfully hard to stop. But for that matter there just isn't a weak link in the league anywhere. Its probably the best calibered Sen- ior "A" loop thats been around for many many years. Even Belleville, who hold last spot, are a real good hockey club, and they can and do beat all clubs late- y. As a matter of fact they are only five losses off the pace and they will be a threat for a play-off spot ere long. If the Dunlops hope to hold top spot ever Christmas, they definitely need this win against Kit- chener tonight, not to mention the fact that Kitchen- er dumped the locals last time here.. Tomorrow night: the "Dunnies" go to Belleville for their final game before Christmas, Tonight's crucial contest gets un- derway at 8 p.m. at the Whithy arena. TOWN AND COUNTRY. . . Toronto Maple Leafs ran into a red hot Chicage Black Hawk unit, as the Hawks med than seven goals. in second period, then hung on to whip the Leafs Sunday in Chicago. Bobby Hull. one of youngest performers in the National Hocke: moved second place in the lsague scoring, Bronco Horvath, scoring goals in id per Although the remember ran less the 7-4 the in no night League behind fiery into three Leafs definite left injurie with four their regular Clinton Comets like the Whithy Dunlops, had a disastrous week-end, losing at home on Saturday night to Charlotte, N.C., 6-2, then dropping ene to New Haven Sunday, night, 6 The Comet at present shorthanded, -due to injuries A young friend of ours, 16-year-old, Gary Butler of Oshawa had his first taste of OHA Junior "A" hockey Saturday night, playing with Barrie Flyers, against the Brockville Junior Canadiens, which the Habs won, 4-2.2Gary assisted on both of Barrie's markers the SeC- 0 10d went down to defeat one must the hole in thei line-up due to of out -1 are i {ray, J. Boom" |§ Local 494 United Rubber Work-| members of ers provided a good attendance | their part as events unfold [Tor the final meeting of the mem-| Bro. George Brooks reported on i ber ship for 1959. A great deal of | |a meeting he had attended, ac- {business was attended to and a/companied by Bro. Thomas {motion to extend the meeting was Edwards in which they met the inecessary before each problem property committee of Whitby receive equitable settle- council. Bro. 'Brooks said that| ment, the town committee had display- The main item of business was ed a great deal of co-operation the election of delegates to the and a great amount of misunder- |Canadian Rubber Workers Con-| standing had been cleared up. As vention to be held in June, 1960./a result of this meeting, a joint Delegates were elected as follows: | statement from Whitby council G. MacCullagh, R. Devnich, V.land Local 494 disclosed that the| {Ayling, and R. Bibeau; alternates, | union and Whitby council felt] D. McKinley, H, Melvin, C. Mur-|that the town hall should be left| Smith, R® Woodstock. [in a fit state after being used by An executive recommendation organi ations but, as a result of {that the Dunlop Company be re- | quested to institute a plant-wide| {collection in aid of the Ajax-| | Pickering: -Whitby Retarded Child-| ren's Association was endorsed by | the membership. In past years, | Local 494 has provided the larg-| est group contribution to this] worthy cause and it is hoped that this distinction will be once more Gifts Sure To Please... DINKY TOYS MATCH BOX TOYS MODEL CRAFT MECCANO MAGAZINES & BOOKS CHRISTMAS CARDS 24-HOUR FILM SERVICE ) ; STORE HOURS "Every (rade unionist in On- 8:30 a.m. to 9:0 p.m tario will be asked to play his part 5:00 p.m Sundays in ensuring that each MLA is| 10:00 p.m.--Christmas acquainted with the fact that| RIGLER'S STORE labor regards the proposed changes as being restrictive and 200 Brock St. S5., Whitby harmiul to the economy of the province, " he said. He asked the | SEMINAR REPORT Bro. Dave McKinley reporied on a recent one-day labor semin-| ar. He said that the most import-| with which organized labor in| Ontario viewed the proposed changes in the Ontario Labor Re- lation Act. Eve Pre-Christmas CLEARANCE SAVE 10% to 209 ON MANY ITEMS STORE HOURS: 8:30 AM.TO 9 P.M.--5 P.M. SUNDAY 10 P.M. CHRISTMAS EVE. RIGLER'S STORE 200 BROCK ST. SOUTH WHITBY a LEE IEICE LET at aba tat 33 PAR SF ERR EBS ¥ NEO CTE I 3 ee Be THE OSHAWA. TIMES, Tuesday, December 22, 1959 5 further discussions, gouncil had for the preparations with special decide dthat Local 494 would be mention permitted to rent the town hall. | ON CHRISTMAS PARTY going to Mrs. Edith Hand and Mrs. Fred Lodge for dressing the tree; to Mrs. George A report was made on the Brooks for wrapping over 800 party sponsored! jointly by the|Dave McKinley, Len Tutton, Alex Dunlop company and the union, Fillier, Jack Gawman and George for the benefit of children of Dun- Brooks 'for preparing and dis- lop employees. Over 800 children |tribution. of present; to Dom received presents from Santa and,| Beatty, for ensuring Santa's ar- altogether, 1,200 people attended|rival; and to Ralph Green, of the at the Ajax Rotary Hall on Sun-| Dunlop staff, without whose help day, Dec. 13 A vote of thanks|the party would not have been the was extended to all "responsiblel success it was, GARBAGE COLLECTION TOWN OF WHITBY Garbage normally collected on Thursdays and Fridays, will be picked up ONE day earlier during Christmas Week and New Year's Week. 3 \ There will be no collections on December 25th or January lst. C. C. Hoag Town Engineer H. Inkpen . Health & Sanitation New Year's Eve Dance 9 'til --" THE WHITBY ARENA Buffet Lunch - Beverages $10 PER COUPLE RESTRICTED TO 75 COUPLES For Tickets: 'Phone Whitby MO 8-3731 or MO 8-4911 elieve in Playing Safe... in matters as important as taking care of my family and providing an income for retirement erp ['hat's why I've given life insurance first place in my financial program, Not only does it give my wife and children the protection they need--it also provides me with assurance of a definite income at retivement--an income which I can never lose, and which will ¢ Life insurance g continue as long as | live. " Ives me guarantees--not guesswork! Today is a good day to talk to a London Life representative London Life Insurance Company Head Office-- London, Canada

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