- $4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 24, 1959 {serap surplus plants under the {government's compensation plan has had a great deal to do with it. This factor has: produced al flood of orders because of fears that with less plants in operation there would be much longer waits for delivery. Actually, this has not happened, because the scrap- cleaned out of all cotton dresses|backlogs of orders with delivery, as women hurried to "get into|dates stretching into the second something cool". half of next year. Much of the present rush off During the election campaign] writing his memoirs back WORKING BACKWARDS : LONDON (CP)--Formér prime|he will write about earlier events. | minister Sir Anthony Eden is to not be delayed," he said. Later WISE GODDESS Minerva was the ancient Ro-|counsel. DISTANT RECOVERY i STOCKHOLM (AP)--The dri-| orders is for supplies to fill UPfof September and early October front, He is working on a volume ver's licence that Lennart Roos| the depleted stock in the shops. |; 50 chire was cited as a typical covering the years 1951 to 1957|lost while unloading a ship here FAT ORDER BOOKS example of a depressed area|and including the Suez invasion. | "I believe the first - hand account has been recovered in Casablanca | Morocco. A dock worker there man goddess of wisdom and good An on-the-spot survey in the with a large proportion of UD-| of that period which I can preseat|found it on the ship and turned Brighter Prospects Ahead or LJ] Ld otton 1 S ping of old plants has increased cotton mill towns has revealed! lovment. Now: tht Ite 1s'baip i 1 I ! the efficiency of the existing|that Lancashire firms in that ino oP oY EB has a message to give and should'it over to police. By M. McINTYRE HOOD production during the month of mills, dustry are carrying the fattest|E1Ve" to ha Seseription by he Special to The Oshawa Times October of 166 million yards of Credit is also order books they have known for| booming ndustry 0 e cof on| {cotton cloth. That was 10 million|gritain's long, hot summer of many years. Many of the mills/towns. LONDON -- One of the worst yards more than in October ofl 959 for causing this revival of are working: overtime. All of depressed areas in Britain's un-jast year. The output of yarn isthe cotton industry. Shops alljthem have full staffs at work. | employment Jleture, the colon up by Jour million pods gver over the country were quickly!And in some cases there are| ill area of Lancashire, has sud-/{he 1958 figure, and stands at 65 ---- deny become a hive of throb-|million pounds. And James bing industry, with brighter pros-| whitehead, managing director of pects ahead than it has had for\the mighty Lancashire Cotton many years. From Manchester, Corporation, predicts that the fig- Britain's cotton capital, havelyres for November will be even come reports and figures which petter than the October record the tremendous recovery : ; a been made by the cot- GOVERNMENT HELPED ton trade. During the month of Tooking for reasons for this up- October, the output of the indus-|surge of activity in the cotton in- try was at its highest level for qustry which not so long ago was some years. going through a bad period, ob- The Cotton Board has reported servers declare that the rush to given to CHRISTMAS Tet us be gratefully huinble for the gift of Bis Wirth BERG'S LADIES WEAR 8 KING WEST FRIENDS fet us give thanks OSHAWA to God, who guides our destiny, for May all the hearth- warming joys of the holiday be yours! AL'S BI-RITE STORES 35 SIMCOE ST. N, | DOWNTOWN OSHAWA | his many blessings. MWodella HAIR STYLISTS RA 5-4531 71 CELINA ST. : DON ROBINSON MOTORS 89 SIMCOE SOUTH OSHAWA Your Local FIAT Dealer OPEN ALL THIS WEEK 'TIL 9 P.M. RELIABLE FURNITURE 96 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA » po onight... In every home - PE May the Joy of the Holiday Glow Brightly for You and Your Family ROY L. WHITTINGTON RA 5-5633 . --t MACKO LUMBER CO. 473 RITSON SOUTH OSHAWA 5 BOND ST. W. | 4 Hzzmmmn 'Miss LUCKY GREEN presents the WINNE OF Children are wide-eyed with excitement waiting for « ° Saint Nick. Parents prepare 4 a0ross £ ths, land... for the happy day when ' friends and family gather at the festive board. ¥ To this warm and happy Christmas spirit, we add 11th PLACE-THE-WORD GAME ELEVENTH GAME CLOSED DEC. 9, 1959 MRS. MIRIAM WIDDIS 322 Birch St.,Collingwood,Ont. ist PRIZE---EMBA MINK STOLE Bonus Prize = Diamond Ring 2nd PRIZE WINNERS who received LANDERS DEEP FRYERS Bonus Prize-3 pc. CARVING SET with 6 Steak Knives and Forks our wish for deep Yuletide Re | joy in every household... LL with an especially cordial Ld pi ih "Merry Christmas" to PRESIDENT our customers, staff and EATON'S oF CANADA business associates. Mrs, C. Thomes, 208 Swson Ave, Comwall, Ont, V. J. Sherry, 213 Wexford Soul, Homilon, Ont. Jean D. Callacon, Fairy Loke, 3 Huntsville, Ont. Mrs. R. McNiven, 222 Albert St, Ingersoll, Ont. John Rimble, 62 Glenelg St. W,, Lindsay, Ont. Mrs. E. W. Nichol, 465 CharloHe St, London, Ont, James Clayton, 337 Manly St, Midland, Ont. Charlotte Jonzen, 1987 St. Mary's St, Niagara Falls, Ont. J. L. O'Halloran, 951 Froser St, North Bay, Ont, David R. Pook, 2303 Lawn Ave, Ottawa 3, Ont. Vel Taylor, 1063 Apolydor Ave., Ottawa, Ont. Mrs. H. Cobo, ------ 444 Dover St. N, Preston, Ont, Mrs. L. Brookes, 161 Moy Ave, Richvale P.O, Ont. Mes. F, W. Cooper, 49 Castlefield Ave., Toronto 12, Ont. Mes, James Downs, 502 Bathurst Sty Toronto 4, Ont, Mrs. A, A, Kitchen, 57 Goodwood Ave., Toronto 10, Ont, Miss K. McDonnell, 9 Elmsdale Rd. Apt, 202 Toronto 6, Ont. J. Tomlinson, 171 Howlond Ave., Toronto 4, Ont. Mrs. J. H. Helgason, 4 Laird Dr., Trenton, Ont. Mrs, Eleanor Dent, 35 Walnut Drive, Wallaceburg, Ont. M. T. Dowson, 35 Coronado Court, Weston, Ont. Irene Jackson, 1678 Bayview Ave, Wiilowdale, Ont. Mrs. N. Keating, 117 McKee Ave, Willowdale, Ont. 2nd PRIZE WINNERS who received LANDERS DEEP FRYERS Jean-Marc Lofrance, 10 Cyr, Cyrville, Ont. Norah Mary Butler, 1229 Hillcrest Ave, London, Ont, Mr. Bevan Pole, 95 Senders St, London, Ont. Mrs. Gerald Russel, RR #2, Box 82, Northfield, Ont, Mrs. S. Gilberg, 183 Ancaster Ave, Otfawa 3, Ont. Georgie Jalbert, 425 Somerset West Ottawa, Ont. ' Mrs. M. Menord, 20 Chapel, Ottawa, Ont. Mrs. Wm. Beggs, 627 St. Catherine St, Peterborough, Ont, b YOU TOO MAY BE A WINNER Me. A, J. Barnord, 233 Clearbrooke, Rexdole, Ont. Mrs. W. S. Vaughan, 135 Riverhead Drive, Rexdale, Ont, George Coombe, 614 Birchmount Rd., Scarborough, Ont, Mrs. P. Gale, 2 Cornell Ave., Toronto 13, Ont, Miss G. W. Hunter, 16 Oakmount Road, Toronto, Ont. Mrs. W. G. Kelly, 485 Kingston Rd,, Apt. 207, Toronto, Ont. Carman MacNaughton, 594 Trethewey Dry Toronto 15, Ont, Mrs. E. Morgan, 36 Woodlawn Ave, W., Toronto 7, Ont. , Complete List of Prize Winners ia all LOBLAW STORES R. Veijola, 4B62A Yonge St, Willowdale, Ont, Miss Mina Cooke, 2409 Arthur Rd, Windsor, Ont. Mrs. M. Demarco, 371 Sunset, Windsor, Ont. Mrs, B. J. Flaherty, 371 Sunset Ave., Windsor, Ont. Miss Betty Mitchell, 1616 Ouellette Ave, Apt. 32% Windsor, Ont. Mrs. D. Mitchell, 1255 Ottawa St, Windsor, Ont. Mrs. Pini, 117 McKee Ave., Willowdale, Ont. B. H. Beck, 2582 Turner Rd., Windsor, Ont. Mrs. Francine Zimanyl, 558 Partington, Windsor, Ont. od EATON'S CLOSED FRIDAY AND SATURDAY (CHRISTMAS DAY) (BOXING DAY) RE-OPENS MONDAY AT 9:30 AM.