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The Oshawa Times, 26 Dec 1959, p. 11

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, December 26, 1959 SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' SPORTS CALENDAR TODAY'S GAMES 7 Colts, Giants Set For Scrap' Neighborhood Assoc. Pee Wee, BALTIMORE (AP)--Baltimore, The gamblers have chosen to League -- Sunnyside vs Lake |Colts feel they will have proved stick with the Colts by making Russia's Hockey Goal, Retain Olympic Title " pnpmddmbdi tn ir. Russia's in 1956 at Cortina, Italy, to win|lowed the Canadian style of beef-|volod Bobrov, who helped Russia Southmead at 7.45 am.; Con-|New York Giants Sunday for the win its first world title in 1954 naught, vs Sure at ho a.m.; [championship of the National) NEW YORK Bs oJ y ios § in (Kingside vs Nipigon at 9.20 a.m.; |Footh; sague. i ) is 3 t title in the Winter Games early team failed in bids to regain the 3 : tot an the Olympics championship, Rundle vs Fernhill at 10.05 a.m votball Lease, sive halfback Ray Berry, the elusive Baltimore next year at Squaw Vallev, N.Y. world title, once to Sweden and (league now is pointed at training|So are forwards .Yevgeny /'Ba-|woodview vs Bathe at 10.50 a.m.; Car] Taseff says, were counted Colt. end in Sunday's National Intensive training, new b players in forward and defence bich and Victor Shuvalov. [North Oshawa vs Eastview at|out of any chance of repeating as| Football League championship and a reorganied szystem of se 5 y - conditioned [units in regular league gémes. But still around as able per-|11.40 a.m. and Radio vs Valley-|winners of their Western Coner-/8ame. lecting players are part of the Russians are hard at work again,| Touring clubs have been im-|formers are a trio comprising|view at 12.25 p.m. All games at|ence when they lost three of their] The 23-year-old New York Gi- campaign, says the Soviet news polishing the club that will be ported including a weak squad Nikolai Puchkov and defence-|Children"s Arena. first seven games. lant defensive snecia"et has boon bulletin issued by the embassy facing the same Kitchener-Water- from Brockton, Mass, and men Nikolai Sologubov and Ivan Tournament Hockey -- Oshawa "Bui we hung in there and!Selected by coach Jim Lee Ho- Both will haveltougher opposition from Sweden.|Tregubov. Sologubov is rated by B4ntam All-Stars in annual proved that. we are no flash in/well to "contain" Berry, 'he More are scheduled for January. Canadians as good enough to hold| peterborough Hockey Tourna-|ihe pan". Taserf. asserts S [league's leading pass receiver The 1960 Olympic team will bea spot with most National Hockey ment, at Peterborough. (Oshawa "Naturally after coming this|and No. 1 target of Colt quarter- | Bantams defending trophy won |far and rallying from off the back Johnny Unitas, 5 5 |last season.) pace, we don't want to spoil what| Howell feels Lynch, in only his { | Exhibition Hockey -- (Double: has heen called one of the great-|first season with the Giants, can | HOCKEY SCORES header) Oshawa - Midget Stars|esi comeback stories in sports, [40 the job. OTTAWA (CP) i i whole hockey program has been|its first Olympic hockey Crown. ing up her strongest club where aimed at keeping its Olympic| The next three years the national, essary, the i8 - team Soviet » HOPE SANTA was able to get down your chimney with just exactly what you wanted for Christmas but most of all, we hope your Christmas Day was bright and cheery and where possible, that your day was blessed with the excited voices of happy children. Boxing Day, no doubt a welcome respite for those who are always caught up in the extra work and hectic activity of the season, finds sports events far from quiet. We note that the local Pee Wee League will have their usual eight games at the Children's Arena this morning and all three of Oshawa Minor Hockey Association's "City League" All-Stars teams are in action today. The Oshawa Bantams are off to Peterborough for the an- nual Bantam tourney there, where the Oshawa lads will try hard to defend the trophy they won last season. Oshawa Midget Stars and Oshawa Juvenile Stars go to Huntsville tonight for an exhibition doubleheader, which will of course be a holiday' highlight for these local young puck-chasers. Tomorrow finds the UAW League in action as usual with a doubleheader at Bowmanville arena in the morning and the North Plant Hockey Lea- gue has a triple-bill at Port Perry arena in the after- noon. SPORT LEFT-OVERS: -- The Warwick brothers are buck from Poland, where they were on a hockey- promotion and hockey-advisory tour and latest word is that Grant and Bill will go home but brother Dick going to be with the Kitchener-Waterloo Dutchmen for their hockey jaunt to the Winter Olympics RUS- SIA'S hockey men, according to a report, have gore all- out this time to build a team that will retain the Olym- pic Games hockey title, they won in Italy four years ago. . . . KEN LAUFMAN still holds the point-scoring lead in the OHA Senior race, with 44 points, in spite of getting only one assist in three games last week. Bobby Attersley of Whitby Dunlops, is tied for third place, seven points back. . . . LATEST on the fight-game front is Carmen Balilio and promoter Norman Rothschild are loo team again Russia topped. the Unitedimany a new performer. Statés and the disappointing NEW SYSTEM Kitchener - Waterloo Duichmen! Where in the past Russia fol-'shy some veterans. Gone is Vse-|League clubs. here McKenney Takes Leap In Scoring | By THE CANADIAN PRESS has not been surpassed in the half when their new "punch line' Toronto Amid all the excitement caused play-making department. He took|clicked. Rookie Red Hay scored Boston by Bronco Horvath's early-sea- a big leap Friday night from 10th with help fromh Hull and Eric Chicago son scoring splurge, the fact may place to sixth in the scoring Nestercusc. The Bruins boosted New York have been overlooked that Bos-|standings with 34 points on nine|their lead to 3-1 before the" » ton Bruins have another first p middle of the period, McKenue; Friday's Results class cenire setting up Jerry Toppazzini's first hicago 1 Boston 5 Donald Hamilton goal in 27 games New York 5 Detroit 2 Bruins' top scorer las In the third period McKenney sued a remin L split the defence again, this time Tonight's Games Black Hawks after a rink-length dash, to score Chicago at Montreal scored two goal his second goal. Doug Mohns fin-'New York at Toronto as the Bruins cooled off the vi ished the Boston seoripg with ing Black Hawks 5-1 less than two minutes to play New York Rangers It' was only the Bruins' third goal performance from Brian win in 19 games Cullen, a bench-warmer most Vda id the season, and defeated Detroit Four straight goals, lwo ol Red Wings in the only other with only|them by Brian Cullen within 16 National Hockey League game 12 starts,| seconds in thc third period, The result left the Red Wing ov, Pulled the Rangers out of a 2-1 six points behind the le last |d&icit in Detroit. Providence leading Montreal Canadiens It was 1-1 at the end of the Rochester have a game in hand first, defenceman Marcel Prono Buffalo Boston regained sole possession vost scoring for Detroit and" 'a¢ rookie centre Bob Kabel for New Cleveland Giants is important, not only fi-/day while the Giants went nancially to all of us, but also for|through a short workout at Yan- our self respect, {kee Stadium before taking the | . ! {train to Baltimore. COULD GO UP IN SMOKE | "Lynch gets beat like every- a "The battle has been all uphill. body does in the league but pts, HOCKEY If the Giants knock us back. then|something always = happens to 45! CYO Junior Atom League ~Imuch of what we have worked $0/h4il the kid out. The receiver is 62 39 Black Hawks vs Red Wings. alihard to attain will go up in wide open and falls dnwn, Or the 89 34/330 p.m.; Canadiens vs Leafs at|smoke nasser throws foo short or too 119 27/6.10 p.m. and Rangers vs Bruins, | Both squads had a final limber- long." 94 95 at 6.50 p.m. All games at Chil- ing up session today, the Giants 118 24|dren's Arena. working out in New York before LUCIG WON'T WIN North Plant Hockey League --|{ravelling by train fo Baltimore. But Howell admits it will lake Kinloch's vs Garnish Moulding, | They will make no pre-game ap- more than luck to stop the Berry- at 1.30 p.m.; Acadian Cleaners noapance at Memorial Stadium, Unitas combo that accounted for vs Hoy's Pavers at 3.30 p.m. and site of their rematch with the'66 completions and 14 'touch- Se Cleaners. vs Merchants, Colts which will be televised in downs as the Colts won the west- if All games at Port 44 states and Canada at 1:45 p.m. |ern conference title. Perry | . EST Lynch's built-in enthusiasm is UAW League Bradley's vs| he Colts, winner of las' year's the key to his defensive play. He Goodman Plumbing, at 10 a.m. 5317 gyertime classic in New dogs his man and has an unusual and Belko! Redy-Mix vs Tony's| york, have had the advantage of abilily to stick with the receiver. Refreshments, at 11.30 a.m. Both. (ising all week on the field, The 6-1, 200 - pounder, who games at Bowmanville Arena |The ground is in good shape, |played his college ball at Notre MONDAY'S GAMES soft and springy to provide a Dame, was obtained by the Gi- American League HOCKEY good footing. ants in a trade with Washington, WL T F APs. Oshawa Minor Hockey Assoc. Both teams are expected to moved into the right halfback 22 9 2141 90 47 (Bantam League) -- Local 1817 'have their season regulars ready slot--and suddenly--the Giants 19 16 o 113 dtlve Canadian Ti Pi . {although Alex Hawkins, a rookie, defensive secondary jelled. 916 0119 115 38 vs Canadian Tire, at 5.00 pm. ¢ t left halfbac A 1512 1110 86 31 Local 205 vs Westmount Kiwanis, 14s been running at left halfback| Lynch has been working with . : 2 Ang "Nail ts ractice. |second-string quarterback George 1413 3101 117 31lat 6.00 p.m.; Civitan vs B'Nai|a lot for the Colts in prac | : 8 1112 4 101. 90 2% B'Rith. at 7.00 p.m.; Local 2784 | Mike Sommer had played there Shaw during the two-week train- 11'17. 4 87 94 26/vs Houdaille Industries, at 8.00 most of the time since L. G.|ing period to perfect his methods and Oshawa Juvenile Stars vs| victory against the New York! "He's lucky," said Howell to- AND STANDINGS | Huntsville Midgets and Juveniles, at Huntsville. Midget game 7.00 p.m. and Juvenile game at 9.00 By THE CANADIAN PRESS p.m, National League " TF 7 115 7 90 6 80 5 105 87 98 SUNDAY'S GAMES 19 16 6 10 1 17 17 17 Montreal he 7 6 was. the , when he led 0 points. He led season with 62 the top 10 seasons. year McKenne season g 5.30 p.m Arena sain last been scorers for Horvath, who has not collected a point for two weeks, lost his league lead when Bobby Hull as sisted on Chicago's only goal and became the first player to reach the 40-point mark. The Black Hawks, two losses in their last could not cope with McKenr who figured in all but the Boston goal END LOSING STREAK Providing the Bruins with Chica I'riday night. He and two assists 0 and h among three Sunday's Games Montreal at Detroi Toronto at New York Boston at Chicago got a (wo of Springfield who to face the N.Y. State Athletic Commission concerning of fourth place, two points ahead of Chicago and seven behind the Basilio-Saxton bout, away back in Sept. 1956 |third-place Toronto Maple Leafs spark they needed to end a four- game losing streak, McKenney York. Jerry Melnyk put the Red Hershey Quebec 92 2 T7138 20 p.m. and Police Assoc. vs. Du Wings ahead in the second but plate, at 9.00 p.m. All games a _|Dupre was lost after four games t with a leg injury. The Colt attitude has been {for holding Berry within reason- {able limits. Shaw used to play for the Colts. The Black Hawks' margin over helped Vie Stasiuk begin the scor the cellar dwelling New York In parade with the only goal of Rangers shrank to one point the first per At the two-minute TOP PLAYMAKER econd he split the Chicago de-| Blonde s fence skated in on -goal who at 2 tender Glenn Hall to make it 2-0 hockey years ahead of him The Black Hawks got that one not scored often this season but back in less than a minute and a Pitching Is St ' *. on a share-the-wealth system. . . . CANADIENS have { uba o Winter Ball sent goalie Claude Cyr out to Calgary, to replace Claude Pronovost, out with torn knee ligaments. . . . TOMOR- NEW YORK (AP). -- All kinds ball League, up to and including a y tin a2 t ie : mrad passes are expected in the games of Dec. 19, is as follows, ROW afternoon sees the National Football League cham- HAVANA (CP)--A' 300 batting, .263 Dutch Dotterer of Cincin- Fornieles of Boston also had an ll all . ae led : t he ccording to the en of Paul b 4 dds in Baltimore, between Colts and N.Y. |average in the Cuban winter and Don Dobbek of|8-4 mark. Pedro Ramos of Wash-| 4. =C 7: & SH f os Sa mondson. league statistician: [Of the English first division . pionship game in Baltimore, y but oot Hkely a league is as rare as a tourist. in 257." Minnie Minoso, lington was 4.3 and Orlando Pena da¥'s United States college foot-|E: ' g 8 oy sucian, |grows tighter with every week,|Doncaster 3-1. Milwall slumped, Giants. It could prove snefier Sarklier, ut no on | Havana these days. Chicago White Sox,|of Cincinnati brought his record "2. Program. " Fogo ] exciting as that overtime sizzler, last year. Sox . ve oid Rockets 7 gland some surprise defeats of however, although still in third As the season moved past the 200's/to 5-7 after a disastrous start Poop aunual Blue. Gay iy Viel els ns 188 teams in the top half-dozen, have place, losing 4-0 at Wi n. {halfway mark only two regulars The *Yankees" v, ; 'SENATOR KILLEBREW NORMAN KILLEBREW has signed a new contract with Washington Senators. Cincy Redlegs offered a million dollars for Killebrew and pitcher Camilo Pascual but Calvin Griffith and his directors turned down the offer . BOSTON BRUINS whipped Chicago Black Hawks 5-1 last night and N.Y. Rangers gave Detroit Red Wings a 5-2 licking. Rangers and Leafs are home-and-home this week-end. . . . GEORGE GRAVEL, former NHL ref- eree, died Friday in Lachine hospital, on Christmas Day. He suffered a heart attack shortly after refereeing 2 game in Montreal on Monday night. . . . STAN LONG, eoach of the Stratroy Rockets in the OHA Senior "B loop, has resigned following the players voting againsi his getting a salary increase. The Rockets are operating Children's Arena GM Inter-Office Friday's Results Springfield 2 Providence 0 Buffalo 6 Rochester 1 the Rangers came to life with fwo quick goals by Jack Bow- nass and Ed Shack late in the period Cullen's goals supplied the pad- ding for the cushion, on which rested the Rangers' first victory in Detroit this season League -|Mmore of determination as. ex-| "The only way to stop hotshots ' g.30 Pressed by Taseff. "We are alike Berry," says Lynch, "is to Chevrolels vs Pontiacs, at 8.30 . " " p.m. and Oldsmobiles vs Cor- dedicated football team." {really blast them. vettes, at 9.45 p.m. Both games at Bowmanville Arena. iod mark of the OLD COUNTRY SOCCER Seven Teams Bunched Top English Division By M. MCINTYRE HOOD , Walsall are still riding high at Special London, England the top of the fourth division, six Correspondent to i : $ The Oshawa Times points in the lead over Torquay : : : |Walsall had no trouble beating LONDON---The race at the top Crewe 51, while Torquay beat Tonight's Games Buffalo at Cleveland Rochester at Hershey Quebec at Springfield MecKenne and have his best Major League | Basketball In Scoring Facts has | Expect Passes ' Will Feature |Rll-Star Games), 7: inaiviovs sens sats nat Washington now of the was down in the low when sidelined by an injury "It's a pitcher's league," Alli son said. "Hitters aren't under competitive pressure every day, while the pitchers take their re gular turn." Teams play three or four games a week Cleveland's Bobby Locke also 838A 98 9.32 k ; I 9.1 place in the standing, one point olahead of Preston North End, 3 n of the Cuban which pits teams of select ed|Boivin, Rockets 95 13.5/left seven teams bracketed with- | Watford also fell badly to Stock- both of them triple A players league, the Almendares, were| players from Tonth oF the Mason. | Goldstein, "B's" 76 12.6/in ree points of each other, port ogy inn Jast season--were hitting over wallowing in the cellar, 10 games $ t Hore) ne sone Goldstein, 5 fase Toa Of sah Jet. 300. Marv Breeding, a Baltimore Dixon Line against a team from |HEARTS BACK IN FORM WASHINGTON (AP) -- Cal- | for next year was announced. vin Griffith, president of Wash- ington Senators, pulled a pre- out. Marianao and Cienfuegos ; Sain roms ard WBS g back to their best form to : rookie who spent the 1959 season Pi Ten ) d ienfuegosithe south of it, the coaches are Goddard, E efeat Newcastle United by 4-.0| Hearts returned to form in the {with Vancouver in the Pacific diction from his Christmas stocking Friday for Harmon seesawing for first building their attacks around) Brady, Rockets Ol hite Had Lane to take first|Scottish first division and ne {Coast League, led the league with Killebrew, who signed his 1960 But Griffith said the 23-year old third baseman will get a substantial increase. It was be- lieved he will get between $22,- 000 and $25,000. a .338 average. Tony Gonzalez, a hot outfield prospect who will train with Cincinnati this spring had a .315 mark. Gonzalez played with Havana in the International League last season and still is leading with an 8-3 won-lost rec ord. Camilo Pascual of Washing- ton struck -out 105 batters while racking up an 8-4 record. Mike ' HE'S NO KICKER MAYOR PROVES {ing but precise passer. western seniors opposes At the Copper Bowl in Tempe, | Ariz., where a team of south- a na- the Yankees. |; |Each is a quarterback and a dar- | Breau, * Edmondson, "A's' | Tymoshik, WBS B's" |whom they displaced. The Pres- 6.4/fon team came a cropper in their 58 home game with Chelsea, 5.4| London side winning by 5 to 4 in 4.g|an exciting game in which Jim- the jmy Greaves scored all five of however, stole the Scottish lime- |light with a 10-2 victry over Pat- |rick Thistle; and are now -defi- |nitely challengers for the title. Arbroath sprang a surprise on Motherwell, winning to 3-1. Ab- place in the four-team league Charlie Mil tead of Texas A and Dixon. "Ae Scottish, first division a : : § : ach J / ; y three Vas with Havana not far back. M for the Rebels and Jack Lee! Nichols, WBS Taith Bovey Lb = of Cincinnati for had a 50 win at Airdrie. Hibs, eontract Thursday. "1 look for Harmon to hit 42 to 45 homers in 1960," Griffith . WINNIPEG (CP) --- Mayor a TT She, [Sourern California and possibly) yjjoq, "ip | an om football dem- |e ailing Richie Lucas of Penn D geld onstration. {State will do the flinging for the Matloh Z Rockets He entered nationals while Joe Majors of M. Longley. "B's" hospital Wed- | hi i ] nesday night after injuring a | Florida State is the expected Gorycki, "B's" |O'Reilly, "A's" nerve in his left leg in a fall Pitcher for the southwesterners. at his home Tuesday. Joe Caldwell, Army's quarter-|yy....' Rockets Mayor Juba confided that back. and his favorite cadet tar-\\r.cope WBS he slipped while showing his |gef, end Bill Carpenter, make up |p. rison. Rockefs wife how Winnipeg Blue |the battery for the north team gy. ine WBS Bombers kick a football lin the annual Shrine battle at/jEAGUE STANDING "I showed her how Charlie |Miami. Frank Curci of Miami hie Shephard kicks the ball and [and Jack Cummings of North Jaycee Rockets it worked fine. Then I started [Carolina are on tap for the south. Ont: Steel Killebrew was making $9,000 last season when Griffith turned down a $500,000 offer | for him from Cincinnati Red- legs. Killebrew tied Rocky Cola- vito of Cleveland for the Amer- ican League 1959 home run championship by hitting his 42nd on the last day of the season. He batted .242, scored 98 runs, struck out 116 times and walked 90 times. tional squad, Willie Wood 'o/the Chelsea goals. Wolves came ; {back into third place with a 2-0 '4/win over Birmingham, one point behind Preston. { Below the Wolves, four teams are tied on points, only three behind first place Tottenham. |They are Burnley, Blackburn, West Ham and Fulham. Black- burn climbed by beating Ful- on that club's roster Among the major leaguers of last summer, Ramon Mejias of Pittsburgh had the best average 276. George Altman of Chicago Cubs was floundering at 221 al {though he had eight homers and 17 runs batted in. Bob Allison Washington outfielder who won American League rookie honors, had hit seven homers and knocked in 20 runs but was hit ting only .227. Julio Becquer, his Washington teammate, was doing Canada May Win | Ski Jump Medal TORONTO could win vie Dalgleish, Rockets erdeen lost 3-1 at Ayr, and are [still well down in the relegation zone. | . | BITS AND PIECES: -- Arsen- |al, beaten 5-1 by Sheffield Wed- nesday, are still bedevilled by injuries, and are longing for the Jetta Lo Charles, Docherty, erd, Evans and other star play- ham 1-0, but Burnley unexpect-lers to the regular lineup Hay. |edly Tost 10 to Leeds, at Burn-|Sheffield Wednesday have crea- A prs. ley, while lowly Leicester sprang ted quite a record in their games 2 1 |a surprise by beating West Ham with London teams. They have 63 2-1. At the bottom end of the beaten Arsenal twice, and Tot- WW -- ND said. "But 1961 will be the big 3 year. 1 sincerely believe Har- : mon will break Babe Ruth's home run record in '6l, pro- vided he stays healthy." Ruth's record of 60 home runs was set in 1927. No specific figures were given when Killebrew's signing (CP) Canada ts first points in Olym:| jumping in 1960 but Charland of Trois Rivieres, Que., will have to make the greatest jumps of his career to get "We know he has the ability to compete with the world's best," ays Pete Pettersen, Ontario skil ski Tacque Brawn SHIRET A BREB55Y 0 1 ND SouvinD~D them 4 WERVUNSIRIVTA RU TUNIIRSD WTNH DI « ww Ss Gan 8 Steel ** 26: Ontario Anglers Had Good Season TORONTO (CP) -- Fishermen Jor ake irom, Rung Was So i io sidered g in the Tweed, Lind- oS Eo aie say, Simcoe, Sudbury, Sault ge " |Marie, Chapleau, Swastika, Port partment. of lands and forests, |Arthur, White River, Geraldton A year-end report cites pick-ip,y Frances Kenora and Sioux erel as high on the list of most-iy "ou regions caught fish. Catches of that fish| Pike fishing was judged excel were rated excellent in the Lind- lent in North Bay, Sault Ste say, Pembroke, Gogama, Kapus-| ie, Gogama, Kapuskasing, kasing, Geraldton, Port Arthur, mC. 1h 0 "White River, Fort Fort Frances, Kenora and Sioux| prances and Soux Lookout areas Lookout Ustriete teh Muskie fishing was in thie Speckled trout catches were Kemptville, Lindsay, Erie, Sud- rated excellent in the Pembroke pbyry, Fort Frances, Kenora and and Sault Ste. Marie districts and|Sjoux Lookout areas. good in Tweed, Sdvasay, pany! Fishermen found a short supply Sound, Sudbury, Swastika, White of - smallmouth bass in some River, Kapuskasing, Geraldton, areas, the report said, but Port Arthur and Kenora areas. catches were good in Kemptviile, Lake Erie, the report says,|Tweed, Lindsay, Erie, Parry was the only spot where catches Sound, Pembroke, Sudbury, Fort of rainbow trout were good. [Frances and Kenora the (Mac wge |Jan. 12, has been called for Carmen Basilio promoter to show cause why his matchmaker's and promoter's li- P t cence should not be revoked or Nn romo er other disciplinary action taken for alleged action "detrimental o Both On C gee best interests of boxing." AIPCT| notnschiia said in syracuse he NEW YORK (AP) -- Promo-| Welcomed the hearing. ter Norman Rothschild and for-| "There was nothing under- mer world welter and middle-|cover," said Rothschild. "1 re weight boxing champion Carmen|ported everything fo the govern. Basilio have been called on the ment at the time. I also told my carpet by the New York State|story to the grand jury in May Athletic commission. I never knew he (Genovese) had Rothschild, whose Arena Box-|l0st his licence and T don't be-| ing Club, Inc. of Syracuse, N.Y., lieve he had at that time--I knew| has promoted most of Basilio's|him as a licenced promoter and | important fights, is accused of| manager here paying $10,000 to an unlicensed| Genovese was found guilty man, Gabe Genovese, to make June 3 by a general sessions the match and take part in the court grand jury in New York on promotion of a Sept. 12, 1956, wel- (charges. of managing a fighter ter title bout between Basilio and without a licence. Johnny Saxton at Syracuse. He had been accused of cui- Basilio is to appear before the|ting in on the purses of Ludwig) eommission at an inquiry into his|Lightburn of British Honduras in boxer - manager contract with/two 1956 bouts. Johmuy Delo ad aay stsigee/ thereof. Bot ejohn and Joe Ne-| " " tro of Syracuse, generally con- -- BABY FOR JACKIE sidered to be his' co-manager OTTAWA (CP)--Jackie have been called to the Jan. 13 Donald) Gelling, the discus and hearing. Subpoenas have been is- shotput specialist, has given sued for both Dejohn and Netro. birth te a seven-pound, three-| Rothschild's hearing, for'ounce baby boy, ber first ehild.| {better at .262 HERRERA TOPS Frank (Pancho) Herrera, a Philadelphia Phils rookie who led the International League in bat- ting, homers and RBIs at Buf falo, was out front with nine homers and 30 RBIs although hit ting a lowly .221 Tony Taylor, Chicago Cubs second baseman, was hitting Soccer Boot Manufacturer Is Fed Up MANSFIELD, England (CP) One of Britain's oldest ' soccer boot manufacturers has become so disgruntled with fashion changes that he's to cloge "Players are getting as women," snorted director. "'Until four the boots followed a basic de varying only in size and weight Now the latest creation is be black and tan with silver eye lets. These gimmicks give only eye appeal When it comes fo kicking a ball, there is no- dif- ference between any of them." European soccer players tour ing Britain started the new fas hion trend. The Continental foot ballers wore heavily ornamented boots that were cut below the ankle. These boots give little pro- tection, but they permit greater freedom of movement OLD COUNTRY SOCCER SCORES LONDON (Reuters) of soccer games played in Brit- ain Friday ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division Blackburn 1 Blackpool 6 Third Division Coventry C 5 Wrexham 3 IRISH LEAGUE Portadown 0 Glenavon 4 | 3 decided as fickle he firm's vears ago to Resul Glentoran 7 Linfic Distillery 5 Cliftonville 2 Crusaders 3 Ballymena 2 Coleraine 1 Derry 0 Ards 1 Bangor 4 instructor, "but to win a medal he'll need his greatest jump." Only two jumps count at the Games, in February at Squaw Valley, Calif Pettersen warned that because of age this might be the 29-vear old Charland's last to top inter national competition He said in an interview | to show her | kicks left-footed. "I slipped and skidded all the way across the floor and crashed into the wall." PRO 50 YEARS TAMPA, Fla. (AP) -- William | Gerry James |ern aggregation. "nang RUN | Ont 4 2 - !Walt's Barber Shop 313 © | SPORTS IN BRIEF LAUFMAN KITCHENER LEADS (CP) |goals and 30. assists, In second 5 : Ken |place is Irwin Grosse of Windsor that (Willie) Ogg, 71, a golf pro for Laufman of the Kitchener-Water-| Bulldogs with 17 goals and 21 as- he reasons Canada doesn't have/More than 50 years, died Friday.|loo Dutchmen picked up only one sists, one point ahead of Chatham more top jumpers is that "no one The professionals' pro," he gave assist in three games last week| Maroons' Jim Connelly and will put up the money to build !essons to some pros on how to/but still has a six-point lead in| Whitby Dunlops' Bobby Atters- teach the game to novices, de-|the Ontario Hockey Association |ley, tied for third position. championship jumps." MINOR HOCKEY LOOP LEADERS BANTAM LEAGUE WLTF APTS f 03518 12 2 11 11 9 10 10 B'Nai We Civitan Can. Tire Police Houdaille Local 2784 205 Duplate Local 1817 TOP TEN S(¢ B'Rith Kiwanis 5 1 Bourdage, Po MeNamee, B'Nai B'Rith Leaming, B'Naji B'Rith Kitchen, Houdaille Willoughby, Civitan Crosmass, Police Siblock, Houdaille Plank, Civitan MIDGET LEAGU Ww Lions. 5 Rotary 4 2 Kinsmen 1 Local 222 3 an, Legion H] Kiwanis Ja TOP TEN SCORERS Ea CRNAWNDRRS tn 1s Kinsmen Lions Pleus, Rotary Gibbens, Local Kitchen 1 Porteous. Waduck, Rotary JUVENILE LEAGUE w Hayden Macdonald 3 Tony's 3 Oshawa 'Dair 4 Beaton's Dair TOP TEN SC L 1 32 1 3 ORERS Beatons Tony's Osh. Dairy Osh. Dairy Hay. Macdonald Da 1b ( Lutton Butler ings submitted by Jim statistician.) veloped a special iron, and wrote] numerous articles on golf. PRO PASSING CHAMPION Senior A scoring race. Laufman has 44 points on BoeBy LAYNE, PITTSBURGH STEELERS PUARTERBACK, . SE7S A NEW N.EL. RECORD 8 EVERY TIME HE TOSSES THE BALL, HAVING RECENTLY EROKEN SAMMY | BAleH's recarp oF 30/6 PASSES STTEMPTER AND BopbYSs SECOND oy 70 SAMMY FOR MOST 7D FYs5ES THROWN. I Biatribnied by King Feainren Syndicate Windsor's Don Head saw his 14 netminding average climb by .10 ~|of a point in the last four games hut continues to lead goalers with an average of 2.48 goals per- game after 25 games. GET CLAUDE CYR CALGARY (CP) Stampeders of the Western Hockey League have acquired Canadiens to replace injured Claude Pronovost, who tore knee ligaments and is out indefinitely COACH HESIGNS TORONTO (CP) -- Strathroy | Rockets of the Ontario Hockey Association, Senior B' have a |cepted the resignation of playing {coach Stan Long. Long had been {seeking a- salary increase but players voted against it. Rockets are operating on a share-the- wealth scheme. ATHLETE OF YEAR MOSCOW (AP) netsov, world record holder in the decathlon and favorite in this levent at next, year's Olympic Games, was picked the Soviet Union's athlete of 1959 by Rus- sian sports writers Thursday. He also won the honor a year ago. UNEXPECTED PRESENT BUENOS AIRES (AP) Ar- gentine heavyweight boxing champion Jose Georgetti re- ceived an unexpected Christmas present. He won 6,000,000 pesos (about $75,000) in the annual Ar- gentine Christmas lottery. DANCE .. d ASTLE ! Li CRA. 4 Calgary | goaler Claude Cyr from Montreal | Vasily Kuz-| table, Luton won 2-1 over Ever-| ton, but are still in last place, one point below Birmingham. OTHER DIVISIONS ! Aston Villa had an easy $1) victroy. over Brighton to main-| tain a two-point lead in the sec-| ond division. Rotherham were) {held to a 2-2 draw at Charlton and stay in second place, one| point ahead of Cardiff, who won 4-0 at Liverpool. Portsmouth are gradually climbing out of danger, | and had a shocker of a 6-3 win | over Middleshorough | Southampton nosed oul Bury to lead the third division with a| {well-deserved 2-1 win at Nor-| |wich while Bury were losing 3-0] |at Colchester. Grimsby drew 2-2| |with - Chesterfield to stay in a| fthizd-place tie with Shrewsbury, {who drew 2-2 at Bourne-| {mouth. Two third division games| {had to be postponed because of waterlogged grounds. REMEMBER WHEN. ..? By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Kirkland Lake Blue Devils were |voted the outstanding team in| {Canadian sport for the year in aj |CP poll of sport writers 19 years! |ago today. That was the year the |Northern Ontario hockey team won the Allan Cup, for the sen- ior amateur title. tenham, West Ham and Chelsea once this season. SMART PEOPLE try the rest, Then buy ""HILLMAN" It's The BEST! Setter than 35 miles per 101 galion Better than 80 miles per howr Up to 50,000 miles on tires Gas at back, not in. your lap Full leg, hip ond head room All weld safety construction Ball joint plus torsion ber King size hydraulic brakes Standard Year shift Automatic transmission avail able at extra cost stock oil filter, Deluxe four-door sedan $1945 COMPLETE 345.00 DOWN 36 MONTHS TO PAY Sold and Service by WELLMAN Motors "RAMBLER" & "HILLMAN" SINCE 1950 Nongquon Road RA 5.7981 OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M | FURNACE | | | MI AUEHLIN PEATING A Divisicn of McLaue! "'n 104 KING ST. W. ARRANGE NOW FOR AUTOMATIC WEATHER CONTROLLED DELIVERY OF McLAUGHLIN'S | ® 10-MONTH BUDGET PLAN NOW AVAILAB For Full Information Call OSHAWA FUEL OIL LE C 21 aid Suzplies Ltd. RA 3-348

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