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The Oshawa Times, 26 Dec 1959, p. 18

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, December 26, 1959 17 50--Articles For Sale Sale | TELLOW net formal, size 12, worn once Reasonable. Phone RA 35-9478 198f wise = Joutnalism Code Of Ethics Press Council Develops 'Mistletoe' Plant Pest In Australia B. } By PAUL MACLEOD soil erosion, silting and higher | terie sion GOODRICH Stores -- fires, bat gerator, televi-| RA 5-4543. DON (CP)--Britain's Press| CODE OF ETHICS L oon o gradually building up| 'Where it has thought i sould] MELBOURNE (Reuters)--Mis-| flood levels. ; typewriters in excellont|a code of ethics for journalism, declare itself vigorously it has tletoe, that happy symbol of In agriculture, mistletoe is a Wie for student, blank|but it should be more powerful|not hesitated to do so. By its de-|Christmas kisses and good luck, nuisance because it often kills ich. Oshawa Business|. nq broader based, says the or-cisions it is building up a code|has been condemned to death in trees left standing as valuable Wel nization' retiring chairman. |of ethics." " pAusiralia, Swuner Jade for Sk In NEIGHBORHOOD sales room now! a Frew > \il's| The council is an outgrowth oli Apter years of research, agri- parks and sardens, it has caused se Pr Bh LR -- iii Sir ames the royal commission appointed | oyitural scientists believe they| unsightly, denuded trees while in| po nave. WA S336. 07 drews stressed that the itary in 1947 to investigate the controll have solved the problem of how more densely timbered areas Wilkam East established six years ago,[management and ownership. of}i5 conquer mistletoe, which each|mistletoe infestation often is re-| yi El atar must still be concerned primarily|the press and news agencies.|year causes great losses through sponsible for alarming financial | o with the ethical side of the pro-|Two years later the commission) jisagsed timber and reduced losses. | fession recommended that a voluntary|e "jan fas EL Sir Li itor » York-{ Press council be formed. England's Druids held mistle- ANSWER SEEN ! $ir Linton, editor of the OTS The council's broad aims are toe sacted for its supposed power Surveys show mistletve attacks shire Post, said there is growing preserve the freedom of the t ward off evil It still com- On Australia's native eucalyptus, # concern about the effect of labot press, maintain high professional 0 a a Stal supePstifious re.|are increasing Glspites 5 8 ew uper world and commercial standards 1 and pr? RE RID SupSpe 0 plant The scientists now believe that| er Ci appreciate our|Teview any developmens Ikely} je good luck, But in Australia if/ they have found the answer tol work have suggested that we|'2 restrict she SuppLy wi in oma is regarded as just a plain pest. mistletoe control with a selective ought to intervene in labor dis. {Hon of public interest and Im-/®, "Lo aven used here as a hormone weedicide which, when Christmas decoration injected into the host tree, kills frig: tudget Plan TWO uscd condition. 4 keyboards College. RA 5 g 2 iE Strect , Street bo: SEE the spectacular new Buccaneers® 3 to 35 np with two starting models Come 'n and choose yours now. Trade and terms Cy Preece Garage, Gliddon at Verdun Road USED parts and repairs for all makes to of wringer type washers, 14 HP motors $5 to $10, guaranteed reconditioned washers and stoves. Paddy's Market, Hampton, CO 3-2241. : 24-HOUR vendor service for sparkling, clear ice cubes, 50 cents 10Ib. bag. City Pure Ice, 103 Colborne Street West. HOUSE trailer, E ish Bluebird Path- finder, 16' 6" 6° 6" wide. Propane stove, oven and lights, reasonable price Phone Torobte CL 1-7302 NEIGHBORHOOD sales open for business, what have you to sell, clothing in good condition, furni- ture, anything you have. RA 8-5836. WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni ture . Store, RA 3.3271, 444 Simcoe South USED furniture, bought and sold Toronto Avenue. RA 5-2831 RESTAURANT booths the whole lot, seven tables included. Ideal room. Call RA 8-0441 SKATE exchange and used skates largest selection Bicycles from $39.9, ner, 105 Byron Street one block west of four til 9 p.m USED refrigerators. ranges, washers, televisions, radios and record players, best offer. Guaranteed repairs to all houshold appliances and televisions All tubes and parts available, Barons' Radio and Electric Ltd. RA 3.2263 room, now confident the of an important was has 215 was Monday single or by booths in all, | for recreation 300¢ over ains in new job 5 Soellingen Whitby and Oshawa's Expert sharpening Sportsman's Cor- South, Whitby, corners. Open ba as headquarters night to 'squadron 1 killing of tree n day aromatic nounced --Legal Notices 32 9 Neuwald, TO WHOM it may concern: Take notice Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo| WKBW-TV 7--Buffalo aro WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo \ Channel | company produces conditioned | NOTICE is hereby given that substances for The Corporation of the City of Oshawa will apply to the Legislative Assembly of the Province f O session of ture to be held in 1960 for an Act authorizing the Corporation of the of Oshawa to establish, mointain, extend ond oper- ate a public bu trons portation system within the City of Oshawa and, subject to the approval of the Coun- cil of any municipality ad- joining the City of Oshawa putes which from- time to time |" affect the press and indirectly unharmed The Australian species of mis ~ X= I0 u tletoe is different from the Eu- " . broader-based press council, it Jet Pilot Killed must be borne in mind that the Australia, mistletoe has become so prevalent that the destruction nomics." Sir Linton : killed when - his land, particularly, there are i Jack! many areas where practically parachute did not open after he life from Buckingham Palace to|Barry: co-producer of the defunct every tree has ked by f some of the humblest homes. It Twenty-one television quiz show, mistletoe. Many of the trees die the RCAF station at Baden- Process Company, specialists in water-deficient areas has led based at the station. advertising, was an rT 8 PT ee i my written authorization. Dated at Osh- ill company and. expects to CHCH-TV ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up 105s this 23rd day of December. travel widely as a consultant for LARGE selection of re TV's at Parkway Television, Mields as magazine and direct mail advertising and] SATURDAY EVE. the freedom of journalists. ropean, which never has been " council properly concerns itself uiz A P h { F il S raracnute raus which it causes has become a council still been & bailed out of his Sabre jet fighter is a needed champion of fair play has a new Those which survive produce le Germany, air force Wednesday by Alfrec that 1, the undersigned, shall not be dent. 2 per cent. Six months to pay. Foriap 1959. "Roy Elmer Jarvis" 7 Nassau| 0' oomnanvis products coe Street North lias developed a method to im 5:00 P.M. Pro Fu . 6 "Though 1, for one, would like classed as a pest with the ethical side of the pro- OTTAWA (CP) --~ FO R. J n ew 0 matter of national importance. In role to play. for all. It has redressed many His appointment executive! timber reported Wednes- 1 His SS TELEVISION LOG responsible for debis incurred by my poppy personal service at your home, call RA gireat, Oshawa, Ontario ' 4 en - $ The HEAVY DUTY all porcelain coal and pregnate polyethylene bags with |11--Outside Broadcas N3 tha 4 portance. ' ds : ik the parasite and Jeaves the tree| DIFFERENT TYPE to see a still more powerful and| In all six mainland states of fession, and not with its eco- Jerry) Chalmers Winnipeg New South Wales and Queens- "It has touched the nation's] NEW YORK (AP) grievances with no embittering yjce.president of the Fragrance Widespread He + was with 444 wife, Thelma Grace Jarvis, without is a major stockholder the 5-2802 -- matic use in such electric range. Excellent for farm or the 7--All- 8 newspaper 12:15 P.M. Matinee aker of the House 12;30 P.M. New Love That Bob It Could Be You Search for Tomorrow | 12:45 P.M. | Matinee { Guiding Light 1:00 P.M. Music Bingo 3--Feature Movie Meet The Millers Mid-Day Matinee 1:30 P.M. 7--For The Ladies 4---The World Turns 1:45 P News 2:00 P.M. abytime Day cottage. Reasonable. RA 3.7726 Spe AWNINGS. plain colors Prompt service. Free esti now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. | Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser vi RA 8-1081 anytime USED tires, most all sizs, $3 and up B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA 543 HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- ture, also Il and exchange. Contact| Community. Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-113] TYPEWRITER like new, snap tric IBM typewriter, electric machine. subtracts and multiplies 1-4434 ario at the Legislo- aromas A i 7 ng Stars I'wenty-one was one ol. various hie oF aa i. quiz .shows that figured promi-| Peal Amy Pr Hell 'a3 nently in a congressional inquiry | x A : M. 1 into charges that they were 54 0 rigged through the supplying of| & questions and an to contes tants in advance stripes frst the' ye City 35 YEARS AND 140,000 AIRCREW | and 140,000 aircrew later, an- | graduating class beside an | other elass is fo graduate in a | Avro 504 trainer, and part of | ceremony which will mark the | the class which will graduate final chapter of the RCAF"s | this Friday, beside a modern 35th anniversary celebrations. | T-33 | jet on which they were Pictures here show the first | trained. Guest of honor at the Cartoon 6:00 11--Dennis 7--Canis 6--Spe Web of 7% 25s CHRISTMAS CARD Fe | 5 Pr. ; adioming. municinatry: ond MYSTERY SOLVED!" Leave It Man W authorizing the Council of 5--Law the Corporation of the City WINNIPEG (CP) Mr. and of Oshowa to, entrust the Mrs. George Thompson, who monagement and operation have heen receiving a Christ- of the said system to the mas card from "Olive and h Public Utilities Commission Henry for each of the last 20 Movie lovie ceremony will be Alr Marshal Roy Slemon, only still-serving member of the first graduating course, who appears in the old picture at far right as Provi- . sional Pilot Officer Slemon. --(National Defence Photo) ¥ P.M. s 3 Menace 23 ' yrum ou Brooks Championship Bridge Film ON DECEMBER 20, 1924, a group of eight young men--the RCAF's first aircrew trainees --received their wings. This Friday (Dec. 18) at RCAF Sta- tion Winnipeg some 33 years Vers The "Elec adding RA Santa Claus Quebec 1960 Election [3 Championship Golf 3 5:00 P.M News Magazine Menace Funday Funnies : Table 7 FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT Shonts $15.40 a week per ly of family four, includes approximately U of B Round In Court 1 of the City of Oshawa years, Wednesday found out the is The DATED ot Oshawa this | 18h identity of Olive and Henry " day of December, 1959 They never knew before, bul 1f--Man Hunt G. McNEELY, BA, after the 20th card arrived Mr I-Man Hanb Thompson tried to solve the | g movies With mystery by telling the story to Manni a radio station and a newspa- | 12 Bmetis,, pet 8:00 P.M They learned as a Sea Hunt the publicity that the cards | 7--High Road came from Olive and Henry 8:30 PM. Philpott, who thought the greet- Lawrence YI uve: ings had been going fo a boy Challenge hood friend of Mr. Philpott's i--Wanted, Dead or He also was named George I'hompson, dive mn same sireet fan received the cards After Mrs the identity of the also di overed il George Thompson time worked for the age company and later same aircraft company Mrs. Philpott said she and her husband would keep send ing cards to the address in St "No reason This Man Dawson 7:30 P.M. 90 per and freezer cent groceries No down payment For (no obliga E tion)--phone RA 5.3709 50 Centre Street, OSHAWA, Ontarie, Solicitor for Applicant appointment me, RCA ctor Westinghouse T.V., Hif Electroh Admiral finest in the said The : nd result of |i service PARKWAY 918 SIMCOE NO RA 3-3043 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF DANIEL ARTYM, LABOURER, DE- CEASED. All persons claim agoinst the estate of Daniel Artym, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Labourer, deceased, S1--Swap and Barter who died on or about the 8th Bahia 428 zs _-- = day of September, AD PRESSURE Siotems, sume pomoe. 3 1959, are hereby nofitied 10 lawn mowers, saws, drills end in to the undersigned grills, outboard motors, boat Personal Representatives of Piping and fittings of all kinds the soid deceased. on or be maps. (Sea Hillside and Park Rd fore 'the 15th day of vary, A.D. 1960. full partic ulars of their claims. Im Sa doo mer dom, ov Polish Treasure i the Personal Representatives 11:15 FV TH 11 7 New Year's Sale Alum- as the inum Doors, Aluminum Win- dows, Aluminum Porch Rail- ings, Aluminum n The best quality at price Free estimate anytime Lymer Aluminum Co., RA 8-5385 learned ender Thompson navi hac 10:00 P.M. Jub. USA Gur 10 6-King 10 ime for the +4 Same nearby Jame to stop now stand Ju I and Chinn's wallets Jan 1:0 P.M 76-4 Ne Ww 52--Legal Notices TENDERS FOR 1960 AUTOMOBILE Tenders are invited the supply of a 1960 four-door automobile with A 1959 Ford sffered in at the Police © Ontari will 'distribute the assets of 1i--Late Show the said deceased having re Return Debated Z Playhor . gard only to claims of which ont RARE : 2 Just they shall then have notice. OTTAWA (CP Exiernal Af DATED at Oshawa, this 10th fairs Minister Green said Wed day of December, A.D. 1959. |nesday Canada Poland dis cussed privately at United 4 iin ha Nations possible return of Polish ' 1:00 AM. art treasures still held in Quebec. | . and Mr He declined to discuss the mat- SUNDAY ter in detail 8:00 AM. matter for the Chur ment 8:15 In Montreal, Dr leusz Brze- zinski, president of the Canadian Polish Congress, said Polish peo ple abroad want to see the art treasures returned to Poland matter what government is power there He said 113 117 cieties attending he meeting in November at Toronto| 2--Faith of 1 1 had voted in favor returning 9:15 AM, the $50,000,000 {reasure trove fusic for and Pngine of eng the V-8 and yedan | be Pickering Town n Dun CELIA ARTYM by her Solicitors GREER, MURPHY & MACDONALD, Barristers & 6, King Street East, Oshawa, Ontaric WHITBY CLASSIFIED HOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good down payments W McAuley Realtor MO & Oshawa RA 13-2512 trade may Mr North een hip barton tation saying i a "be sover Further Quebe govern obtained pecifications may be the licitor by contact Constoble at ng rald of Truth Sacred Heart | 8:45 AM. NO} 2--Church Invitati in 9:00 AM. 11-- Rev, Oral Roberts Polish 50-1 ! Sear Ranch coy Popeye's P! $8 FOR RENT -- $85 per m new, six-roor G. Newell South. MO 8 of FURNISYTED apartment in new triplex ideal for newly married couple: also two-bedroom. unfurnished apartment Suit executive. Phone MO 8-5379. 300f L FOR RENT Large newly finished, | one-bedroom apartment, heated, TV outlet, private entrance, in Port Whit. by. Available immediately. Call RA 5Christian Science 53000 WwW Christmas Cartoons ) Laurel and Hardy SOOT 15 unburned fuel you're paving ors 0 autel i demonstrator rt * 10:15 A.M S. Indnatry n Parade HENRY Contrac'or, 1 Repairs, Alterations, Cenient, Carpen for See n n 10:30 AM, try RA 5.4518 i andall The SEPTIC tanks cleaned NEW YORK (AP NEW , K ) sional waker ipper who has way, new tanks installed, Ward, 204 Chestnut West. Phone ---- _| been getting bleary-eyed New 4 8.2563. Yorkers out of bed for 20 years 2 CALL RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS TO LIST COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL VACANT LAND LOTS won't Viv Wo MO 8-50.23 umes msi 209 Brock St. S | PHOTO CO-OP SERVICE | ATTENTION TV owners 24 hour service on television radios. MO 85329 Ruaranteed hi fi and 100 3 Jt toon Playhouse RY also feathers wanted. 10:00 AM The Chris LIVE POU r paid. Jake t price 1644, collect M0 3 bedroom apartment, fireplace vasher and dryer, large central Rea ™w grounds, va able. Mn) 2.2736 FOR RENT House arated MO #8 FOR RENT -- Box and cabin trailers, power saws, drills, grinders, spravers atc. Wilde Rental Service. MOhawk 8 3226. antenna Street Brave tre th Gene ree he aval LX D Uncle 11:00 AM. 6 Church Service This Is The Life Morning Worship Big Rascals 11:30 --e Terr the sanitar Walter MO A profes $2 each. MO SCOTCH pine Christmas trees Wilde Rental Service and Sales, 8-3226. says of vear worst Cold weather and ( drinking are blamed ing them in the sacl Mrs. Mary Woody, one dozen emploves of Western Unions Wake-Up Service her cheery telephoned Good t FOR C.1.L. PAINT DODD & SOUTER] PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE 107 Byron Street South MO 8-5231 * A. FOSKETT & SONS 540 DUNDAS ST. E MO 8-2341 WHITBY, ' on 12:00 NOON iristma B or for keep-.| 7--Roller Derby Musical Interlude morning up snarls often | and curse met receiver huts ; Good Life Theatre The wake up expert Snace Ranger Wednesday was her worst day Championship in 10 months. "We just couldn't get some people oul bed." he said How client L Playhouse 12:45 P.M. \ Ottawa 1:00 P.M. 11---John Collingwood of ignment does {li I: 11---Queen k Rey 1:30 P.M. 141-6--Country Calendar | ally them heavy slee awake, . Or again. Eave Deco All Work Gua 1 [3 8 4 1 7 6 11 5 4 11 7 ) P.M. I'ennessee Ernie Lone Ranger Documentary '60 2--The Mayor Reports College Bowl 6:00 P.M. Bob Cummings Behind Closed Doors Disney Presents Small World People's Court 6:30 P.M. Mr. Adam and Eve Frontier Maverick 20th Century Walter Bishop 7:00 6--Father -Colt .45 Cronkite Sheen P.M. Knows Best 6--Father Knows Best 7 4 5 4 Lassie Riverboat 7:30 PM M Fhe N 8:00 P.M. P.M. ithern an 9:00 P.M. G.M. Presents The Rebe 2--Di hore G.. E. Theatre 9:30 P.M. Prologue 1960 Alfred Hitehock 10:00 P.M. an Francisco Be: Jack Benn) Loretta Young 10:30 P.M don Saber of Lx i house grown » Watch 11:30 P.M a Three Movie 12:00 MIDNITE M MONDAY 8:00 AM 2--Toda New Roundup 3:15 AM aplain Kangaro 2:30 AM Devotion 9:00 AM. Carto Komedy Korner Ding Dong School Popeye's Play- house District Attorney 0 AM. Room and Rile Burns Allen of Ie AM Mi «Helen Nes H:00 Dough R Red Rowe Show 10:30 AM, Morning Show Play ¥our Hut On The Go 11:00 AM Jane Gray Shov Price is Right 1 Love Luc 11:30 AM. Anything Goes Concentrati Decemt Br 12:00 NOON s Gur Lruth © Consequences | ¢-News: Weather 11 The 6--Chez Helene $--Education 4--For Better or Worse 2--Queen for a Day 2:15 P.M. 11-8---Nursery School 2:30 P.M. en House Gale Storm Home Cooking House Party Thin Man 3:00 P.M. P.M. Party 7--Beat The Clock 5-2-Dr. Malone 4--Millionaire 3:30 P.M. I1--For The Ladies Who Do You Trust 6--Mr. Adam 2-From 11-6 and These Root 1 The Verdict Is Yours 1:00 Popeye P.M. American 6-Fiht McGee House on High 1:30 P.M. y Look Split "Personality Night P.M. Around Us MONDAY EVENING 2:00 P.M. Family Theatr Youth '60 Playhouse Learn About Music 2-Three Stooges 1:45 6---Science My Friend Flicka Mickey Mouse Superman 6:00 P.M. i--Early Show 11-6--Ney 2--Case, ones 3 P.M. 6--The Vikings y Theatre Weather, News 6:45 P.M. 11-6-4-2 Weathe S--Huntley Report 7:00 P.M. id ind Marriage ' Days New Brinkley erade Party rd Diamond 8:00 P.M, Ihomas an ind Marriage 8:30 P.M. 11-6-- Riverboat 7---Bourbon Street 5-2---Wells Fargo t--Father Knows Best 9:00 P.M. 5-2-- Peter Gunn i--Danny Thomas 9:30 P.M. 11-6---~Music "60 7--Adventure in Para dise Theatre 4-Rendezvous 10:00 P.M. Town Abo 5-2--Steve 'Allen i--Hennesey 10:30 P.M. U.S. Marshall The Town Above June Allyson 11:00 P.M. ) 5-2 V-654.2- News Weather, Sports 1:15 P.M. Reel 11:30 P.M Late Show Dial 999 Mystery Theatre Eve s Bandstand " Beat Frightens : Youngsters | Seen Most Rousing an ~ 3 . | Canadian Press Staff Writer candidates in the coming elec-|rights victory. TORONTO (CP) -- When a | -qugpEC (CP)--Politicians in tion. It is doubtful Er the| Domestic matters are likely to group of European children |g, hoe will start beating the|Civic Action League, a group led!take a back seat in view of the Came face if face Wednesday lelection drums in the new year. by former Montréal Mayor Jean efforts of the new Quebec pre- With Santa C aus fon e first [4 frequent guess for the date of Drapéau, will even take sides in|mier to stop outbreaks of unrest ime. in thelr Jives, Se young. the 1960 provincial generhl elec-|the fight. jand dissatisfaction over a dozen |e cea io if 2." eS (ion: June 15, | For the first time in 33 years|issues which Mr. Duplessis had { 0 0 pre ya " geil led the | The coming campaign promises the figure of Maurice Duplessis|not attended to, or had left dang- a i pele hone Ito be one of the Jost rousing intwill be absent from fue hustings. ling in uncertainty. oe 4 ne many years with two political but his name is likely . - ever, by speaking to the 14 li ,40rs yving for the support of spoken more than any ofher dur | CONTENTIOUS TOPICS youngsters in their native Yu-y;me 9 830,000 voters. The last|ing the campaign. Labor laws have been revised gostavian and handing out lots {election was in 1956. ito meet some of organized labor's demands. The university financ- of presents. ; For both men the eampaign DIED SEPT, 7 The - children belong to eight |." "their first as party Read: | His death Sept. 7 resulling from ing problem which had bogged families Why srtived hi Tor- lers, making the election also one @ brain hemorrhage while visit-\down in a bitter quarrel with unto as} wee nder. Lie a of the most important and signi-|ing Northern Quebec's iron - ore Ottawa is being dealt with and erament's refugee program fOr icant in years since Quebec/mining town of Schefferville is| the Quebec election map is to get fa family has the dis. |raditionally sticks to the man of still fresh in the memory of allja minor overhaul immediately. case and now is receiving |ils choice for many terms. voters, x a Perhaps the most important ease anc. now is receiving {Still going strong and obviously local issue is whether Quebee freaiment in a suburban sani- NEW PREMIER the major point of discussion for|should or should not participate torium, Premier Sauve, who succeeded years to come in Quebec is the|in the national hospital insurance Fhe the late Maurice Duplessis on|matter of federal-provincial rela- plan. Christma Eept. 11 will lead his Union Na-!tions and provincial rights. On this point the Quebee gov- employ ees tionale party in its seventh cam-, Liberals are preparing a cam-|ernment has eommitted itself te They ang paign. The party has been suc-|paign in which they will implyithe view that while no constitu- Christma {cessful in five out of six starts that the Conservatives in Ottawal|tional blocks stand in the way, stage had ing withoul ac- leo far Tt was founded in 1936. are winning over the Union Na-|no action can be taken until a companiment. , as Mrs Anton |" yineral leader Jean Lesage, tionale party fo form a powerful|report on the operation of a hos- Jahn, Hungarian-born hotel ag- |northern affairs minister in the alliance in the provincial and|pital plan is made by a fact- cordionist, broke out in sobs. {former St. Laurent federal cab- federal fields. They're likely to[finding committee to be set up It reminded me of the time [inet and Quebec party chief since talk of a Sauve-Diefenbaker tieup|early in 1960. I spent Christmas in a camp |1958 ill lead his forces in an and, imply Quebec's rights are| The Liberals are planning to with my children, she said leffort to regain the popularity secretly threatened argue Quebec is lagging behind afterwards. She fled Hungary land the power that was theirs The Union Nationale is sland-|all the provinces on hospital in- with her family during the [100k in the 20s and early '30s. ing pat on a provincial rights|surance -- Quebec is the only revolution of 1956. ____| The Social Democratic party-- record which they say is perfect|province not participating in the Quebec wing of the CCF--is ex-!so far. They are likely to bring|national plan -- and depriving {pected to nominate candidates in up the Liberal party's wartime citizens of a service they pay some industrial regions. Official decision fo lease provincial tax|for and should have. | support of the group by organized rights to the federal government Standing of the parties in the labor is a possibility. Party|and its opposition to the provin- legislative assembly: Union Na- By RICHARD DAIGNAULT children were given a party Wednesday by Toronto hotel. some old Yugoslav and al one of a carols to Chiang Distrusts MIAMI, Fla. (AP)--Posing as mourners, thieves, looted the house of a dead man while his survivors attended his funeral. Dressed in black, 8 man and woman Friday forced the lock on the back door at the home of the late Arthur W. Kneibler. They bag containing $30 in from an unlocked safe by the coroner at Pagwa, the | 2van Oe he asked --- base for search operations, { one speech. jey ave DIOV The spokesman said the pilot {be Wependable. If, may od but he. could mot confirm whethen| Mich Peking 1 do not know what the pilot's remains were found. | Indian Communists will do The | The pilot and co-pilot of the crowd cried They ill betray . or us, they are traitors Strategic Air Command B 47 . bomber were rescued Friday and! ALL NOT WELL H the bodies of the other two crew Meantime, all is. not well with art vou purchas genuine? {members were later found vear|the Kerala United Democratic, J. G. Cathcart, a field man for the scene of the crash, 45 miles Front, formed by the Congress, [the Glenbow Foundation of Cal-/and took more than $500 worth ef northeast of Pagwa. ja (Peoples) Socialist and|gary, elaims most likely i was!jewelry, Relaxed Russians . 4 ia . i leader is Michel Chartrand. cial tax on personal income|tionale 72, Liberals 17, Independ- TAIPEI, Formosa (Reuters)-- "gocial Credit officials have an-iwhich the Union Nationale has|ent three; vacant one. present relaxation of interna- | i a tional tension as a "smoke - {made on a production line and screen" for political blackmail era a 0 eCl e oon {isn't genuine at all. 3 | The foundation maintains the alist President Chiang Kai-Shek said Friday. jern Canada, the Luxton Museum He told the annual meeting of |at Banff, Alta. For years Mr. | Cathcart has dealt in Indian and sociation that Russian leaders By RUKMINI DEVI Moslem League parties to fight 3 consid have' been forced to 'change (Canadian Press Correspondent {he Communists. The anti-Com- self an. exper t in his field. ; their tactics in the cold war and BOMBAY (CP) -- The election munist revolutionary Socialist] "It's getting so that genuine peaceful compeiition slogans as|of Kerala, where 13,500,000 peo-|the United Democratic Front|disappeared altogether from the a smoke screen behind which ple will decide in February| after differences arose over the market," he said in an interview. they still hope to be able to carry| whether they want to return fo|division of legislative seats| "Most of the best have gone version by force and military Ager 28 months of uneasy po-| units. This action may divide non-lums. In their place I find curio surprise attacks." wer, Kerala's Communist gov | Communist voles in some key (and souvenir stores roughout (ernment and its chiel minister,|centy {Canada and the United States are U S Fi hter | were fired by Indian President 0dds are against them but Nam-|ground out by machines in fac- Ne g | Dr. Rajendra Prasad July 31 last| boodiripad has said: "Even if the|tories not only here but in they will | Japan. Mrs. Indira Gandhi, president| ) J 3 A X | TRENTON (CP) -- A spokes-|of the country's ruling Be | the Indian Communist party's|ing imitations of Indian and Es- man at the RCAF station here| party, has begun a whirlwind |Bupport of Peking in the border kimo handcrafts is because of an U.S. fighter plane that collided| panied by U, N. Dhebar, former Sion on the electorate, one of the these objects as souvenirs by with a jet bomber over Northern president of the party and one|MOst politically-conscious in In-/thousands of people every year, Ontario Thursday died in the|of Prime Minister Nehru's right-| dia. But Indian elections have particularly tourists. { The spokesman said the search| 3 as ted as issues and the Communists are have turned fo other fields for for the pilot, Lieutenant Gaylord a a3] trying to exploit local and sec- an income and those who con. | y tional grievances. Itinue the art crafts of their fore- day after "sufficient evidence|yndian Reds. Jig : 5 was found to indicate positively | "Wit: wole the Corianiste| sions or hospitals. that the pilot had been killed onl, e ie; Lo i A death certificate was signed | Mitted aggression on our Himal- Not Genuine VICTORIA (CP {Soviet planners have created the - and subversion, Chinese Nation- } ¢ F {largest Indian museum in West- the National Assemblymen's As- n ut e ove n en 1 all 4 {Eskimo art and considers him- renew peaceful coexistence and|pattle for India's problem state party recently broke away from |objects of Indian art have almost oul their political blackmail. sub-| Communist rule, has begun. among the various constituent!into private collections of muse- .|E. M. Sankaran Namboodiripad,| Kerala's Reds are aware the|stocked with cheap imitations . » following charges of "'unconstitu- | anti-Communists win i Pilot Killed tional" behavior, fall apart. One of the reasons some mane | } Reports from Kerala say that ufacturers have turned to produe- said Wednesday the pilot of a campaign tour of Kerala, accom-|© sis has made a deep impres-|"ever - increasing demand for crash hand men. always been dominated by local] Present generation natives B. Treu, was called off Wednes-| which is rassi { | which is most embarrassing to fathers are usually. found in mis- Indian A impact." re doing when Red China com- n an rt hat piece of Do vou know dian or Eskimo sigle a change oi

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