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The Oshawa Times, 26 Dec 1959, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lloyd Robertson Resident Wins $2,000 Contest This Christmas, the Taylor res-| It €0 happened that Doug knew idence at 481 Grand Trunk St., [the schedule and planned to meet | Tel. MO. 8-3703 Port Whitby, was a very happy Santa in the vicinity of Parkway | occasion for Doug Taylor arrived|Plaza in Scarboro, At this loca- home on Tuesday evening with|tion he saw two men sitting in over $2000 worth of Christmas|a parked CKEY mobile unit and FOR PRESENTS GET LOST THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, December 26, 1959 § MONTREAL (CP) -- Ad- vice to little girls looking for unexpected Christmas pres- ents: get lost. It worked for a four-year- old in east-end St. Henri dis- trict Christmas Eve. She was found wandering alone on the street by two tend the trial of 17 Spaniards, mostly left - wing Roman Catho- lics, accused of helping to pre- pare an abortive strike call by Spanish Guns On Every Roof [eit ties oa Commune LONDON (Reuters)--A Labor, was planned so that the publicity Member of Parliament says that of the visit would overshadow it. there was "a machine - gun on every rooftop" during President Eisenhower's visit to Spain earl- ier this week. Robert Edwards, a socialist who returned here Thursday, was detained for 10 Hours on Wednes- day by Spanish police. Edwards fought for the republican forces against Gen. Francisco Franco] during the Spanish Civil War. | The MP said that during Ei-| senhower's visit, "every 10 yards there was a soldier with a rifle and mingling among the crowds Family Monuments RORY Createa Te AGES ivi, STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works presents. {then he "popped the question". HE: ae wo he Rn | Luckily he was right, and they Scarboro, and from all reparts it|!00k Doug to the CKEY radio seemed that he had the contest | Station where he had four tape "wrapped up" and well under | recorded interviews, and pictures control were also taken, The CKEY Santa, disguised in| Doug's prizes were a $1000 street clothes, was scheduled to mink stole, a portable TV set, a visit various places in the To-|record player, a, typewriter, a ronto area, and, in order to win|movie gamera, a diamond xing, the coniest a competitor had to|a watchya suit, an evening gown, constables in a patrol car. They brought her to the sta- tion while they tried to lo- cate her parents. An unidentified man who saw the little girl in the sta- tion slipped out and bought her a big doll just a few minutes before her parents arrived. ask him "Are you the CKEY|two snow\tires and finallv $100] were literally hundreds of secret Santa?" , cash. WI Part At police." f 318 Dundes Eost Ee | He said "Franco would not | MO 8.3552 exist five minutes without armed | Experts Differ Blackstock [veri watt w | On Colden Year .::=i al whimsy JvENLE HOCKEY Saturday, Dec. 26 mas party Friday night in| 8 P.M. By L. A. BROPHY pected to reach 92,000,000 tons| cr nas Bar Hall, Mrs. Gilbert | COUNTY SPORTS NEW YORK (AP)--What will/this year--7,000,000 ahead of 1938. | Marlow conducted devotions. | 11960 bring economically to the... SET | Thank re iv (United Siaes? [TEXTILES HOPEFUL = (IES were reed | The first six months should live| The textile industry is hopeful | oop ire "for birthday gifts; from |up to the term "golden' now lib-| of better times in 1960. Its 1959 Port Perry Hospital Auxiliary lerally used by phrase makers to|production topped that of 1958-- | por donations; from Jim Swain, name the decade. {but that was the worst in a for the WI nrize for shop work in OF high school; Colton, accounting | By mid-year of 1960, or the Years. ) ing from the Salvation third gyarter, some economists! nearly two-thirds of the U.S. tex-(Apmy for a donation and from see a tapering off in business. [tile requirements, looks for a'iye Chaddelworth Women's Insti- {Others think the year will con. sustained high level of activity. |tyie in England for subscriptions | ve § tinue on a boom basis. In any| Retail trade increased four Per (to Canadian magazines. It was] 3 event, by most standards, 1960 cent in 1959 from 1956. Mei-|depided that District Annual | STOUFFVILLE RI! {should continue good times for chants look for another substan-imeeting which is to be held in most Americans. tial increase in 1960 _ Blackstock, will take place May The key segments of the U.S. | For the furniture industry, 1959 13 economy are geared to operate Was one of the best years on rec-| Mrs. John Rahm presided for at flush levels going into the new |Ord and the industry expects topo children's program which in- i year. Detroit's auto makers ex-|rcll right along in 1960, certainly cl ded a recitation by David WHITBY COMMUNITY ARENA | ADULTS 50c -- CHILDREN 25¢ | ADMISSION: 3 Ta i. 4 ii pect Americans to buy 7,000,000 for the first half, Larmer; a song by Heather and | , wi cars, including imports, in 1960., The gross national product (to-|Janis Dorrell; piano solo by Le-| CAST OF THEATRE GUILD PRODUCTION That's 1,000,000 more than inital value of all goods and serv-lanne Dorrell; recitation by John 1959. |ices) for 1958 was $441,700,000,000. | Larmer; piano solo by Bill Shown >» mem- Wainwright, Eileen Holding, Bert Heaver. The club has three productions of which this The steel industry, hustling to|For 1959, it will average around Thompson; recitation by Sharon bers of ist of Whitby Gwynneth Hoag; standing, left about 25 active members who play, "The Mousetrap", due on [replenish supplies, will operate at|$485,000,000,000. It was slightly|Larmer; piano solo by Elizabeth Theatre Guild's next play "The to right, Dave Watson (direc- usually produce two plays in Jan. 28 and 29, will be the [peak levels, but the big question under that point in the second|Thompson; piano duet, Mary and| Mousetrap t eft to tor), John Townsend, Peter Wh every year; this sea- second mark hanging over steel as well (quarter of 1959, then dropped |Betty Bradburn; reading by { right, Bob Hightower, Joyce Paterson, Reg Tompkins and son is intended to put on |as auto and other production de-|only to $478,500,000,000 in the Nancy Staniland; piano solo by : -- -- - LEI Nancy Dorrell and a oiano solo ---- |pendent cn the metal, is the pos-|third quarter. sibility of the steel strike resum-| Personal income was running|by Janice Byers. ing after Jan. 26. The truce based (at an annual rate of $385,000,000,-| The Women's Auxiliary of St. on a Taft-Hartley injunction ex-|000 as 1959 closed; it was $359,-| John's Church met in the Parish pires then. {000,000,000 in 1958. Industrial pro-|Hall Thursday with Eva Parr in However, the heavy hand of the duction, compared with the 1947- charge of the devotions. It was 116-day shutdown, did not stop|1949 average, was 148 in October, [reported that all the quilts made WHITBY PERSONALS Faith Baptist ~-- waiTsy Mrs. James Brough Sunday School BOWLING NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Earl A. Fairman; Mr. and are celebrating their 25th wed. ton and ir three children are WHITBY FRIDAY-NITERS steel mills' from bettering 1958 compared with an annual aver [this year have been sold. Mrs. ding anniversary d he spending the Christmas holidays Has Concerts | Last Friday night being our an-| production. Production was ex-|age of 134 in 1958. |W. Van Camp was delegated lo Christmas holiday left on/in Barrie as the guests of Mr nual chicken roll, our top bowler |= -------------- -- . |arrange for despatching good Wednesday from Mal irport/and Mrs. Norman Perey pe annual Concert of Faith|of the night not only took home a . |cheer boxes. for Bermuda to spend a vaca : .|Baptist Church Sunday school|chicken but took men's high single D i b k | Canon Chaperlin reminded the tion } al a Ws Broome, of was held last Saturday. The con-|and high triple for the A Bill 1e en a ers | GENUINE IGLOO auxiliary that next year will be ry St. entertain mem-| cert was based around the theme Simpson rolled a lovely 363 game | {the 75th anniversary of the for- The Almonds choir members ers of their family at a Christ-|¢Ty must be a reason for an 808 triple. Top lady bowl- 10% il 'BUILT IN OTTAWA [mation of the group | were entertained at the hor {mas dinner Present were: Mr IC istmas This year the con-ler was Joy Bain with 234 single 1s1t aml Y | | Election of officers resulted as| Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pears of and Mrs V ictor Broome, Mr.|cert was divided into two parts and 604 triple A | y h 3 follows; Hon. president, Mrs, J. Fairport Beach. Various games'and Mrs. Ken Broome, Mr. and| The nursery and beginner de-| 600 triples: Doug Grylls 635] SASKATOON (CP) -- Prime| OITA (cp - ere Ba Forder: president, Mrs. J. Ham-| were enjoyed. The h ss serv- Mrs. Fra Petrosky and fam- partment held its concert on Sat-|Joy Bain 604, Bil! Henderson 670,|Minister Diefenbaker and Mrs. | genttine igo in rout of the ilton; vice - president, Mrs. T. H. ed a love mn th all the ily, of Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs. lurdav afternoon and was in the Bill Simpson 808, Ron Bragg 726.| Diefenbaker spen "ni uiet| home of David Froom in Shemilt; recording secretary Christmas d: The hoir | George Broome and Mr. Rich- form of a choir i a number! 200 singles -- Ross Spencer 211, ig enijaser spen. 2 nice, que southeast Ottawa. It was [Mrs. C. Fee: c yrresponding sec- members presented Mrs. Pears ard Broome, of Whitby of the pupils saying recitations. Bill Fulton 205, Ron Bragg 249, Christmas Day" here visiting the| built by Charlie Crow, Es- | vv Mrs. W. W. Van Camp; with a gift as a token of their mo.| She concert was under the direc- 270, 207; Sandra Shephard 213,(Prime minister's bedridden Ximo school chum whom |... ner Mrs. Fr, Staniland: appreciation Mr. and Mrs. John Agg, of To-|tion of Mrs. R. Fallow, Mrs. G.|Bill Grylls 221, 209: Mal Bain|mother and enjoying a traditional] David brought home for the Living Message and Bulletin sec- ronto, are spending the Christ- Munson, Mrs, G. Knudsen and|200, 216; Audrey Parish 213 | ouristmas. dinner. with his Christmas holidays from the retary, Mrs. H. McLaughlin: | Mrs. William Young, of 1700 mas holidays with his parents, was well attended with approx-|Jjoe Coverley 207, Jack Scott 202 of p Ontario School for tht Blind |, oo retary, Eva Parr; Jun Brock St is in the Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Davidson. |imately 80 pupils and parents. |Reg Silk 215, Rav Burden 226, ill rotier Elmer. a 54) Bn Brantford. Both.boys are |, "5 iiiary leader, Mrs. J. A] neral Hospital the result of a |,, Refreshments were served to Henderson 214, 270; Bill Simpson| The prime minister arrived by ' . . \ ; istant, M i bad tall Hh Yous is under, Mrs. John Dair spent the/the parents. and each child was|363, 279: Butch Kadwell 209, Dink|train Thursday morning, spent Charlie, blind for four Mearthuly Aim, M.S] ; Jbservation. Christmas at Sunnybrook presented with a large bag of Bye 240, Bob Simpson 230, Glen|the day visiting in hospital with| years, remembered enough Shemilt: assistant, Mrs, H. Me: . | husband, Mr. treats. Rorabeck 216, 204; Bill Shearer|his mother, Mrs. Mary Florence| of his old skill to build the Laughlin; Liitle Helpers' secre 8} igloo, carving snow blocks with a big butcher knife. His home is at Belcher Is- The Sr. Concert was held in|265, Marg McLean 201, Harold | Diefenbaker, and chatted with been hospitalized for| 226, - Phyllis Simpson/numerous old friends. |the evening and was also in the Shephard has Robert Goodyear VV © past 19 weeks, Mr. ar Mr. and Mrs (tary, Mrs. Chaperlin. | WHITBY he MO 8-4106 his aunt and the and a home of John Hooey, Cameron and Mrs. and family and Douglas Goodyear and fam: of M d 3 will B {form of a choir with scripture 219, Bob Sherman 219, Glenna| Christmas Eve was devoted to Wi ibis Be h |GUIDE-SCOUT PARTY Toronto, were Christmas dinner! Mr. and Mrs. William Bon- readings and recitations given by Kirkwood 201, Dave Morton 201, distributing gifts purchased| 'lands in Hudson y where y . guests at the home of Mr. and teita were Christmas dinner|various members of each class. Joy Bain 201, 234; Doug Grylls|Thursday afternoon by Mrs, | his father works for the Hud- Chitsimas Sides oud held Sour PICKERING PH. 366 . abling llerest Euests at the "home of their|The Sr. concert was under the 228, 220. Diefenbaker. son's Bay Company. a | poe. W. Detling, of Hillorest €0on 3 and law, Mr. and|direction of Mr. G. Baker, Mrs.| Chicken Ron Bragg David, blind since birth, 1s [day Bight. | H. 1045 Drive. daughter and son-in-law, Mr. irection of Mr. G. r, Mrs.| Chicken winners: Ron 2, Mr. Diefenbaker visited his h hy 2 . | | Mrs. James Crawforth, of Ander- |G Knudsen, assisted by Miss D.!|Bill Henderson, Doug Grylls, Bill) yother 2 ES oh i the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nl re Mule yas you by AJAX P . Mr. and Mrs, Bill Wilde, of son St. [Jones and Mr, J. Barnard at the Simpson, * Roy Burden, Barbara Day after opening gifts stacked| Arnold Froom. Faned 1 R hm d M y I { Dundas St. E, had as their |piano. Sherman, Audrey Parish, Sandra under a tree in their private rail-| be hig a of yr | Christmas din: guests their] Mr. and Mrs. Len Anderson| A few remarks were given hy Shephard. __|way car parked at the CNR sta-| . dances were held, and won by parents, Mr. and Mrs, James and their daughter, Carol, of Pe-the Pastor, Rev. E. Corbett, and | ~~ tion. A number of friends] Parkin S aCe Larry Hoskin and Verna Harris | 3 Wilde, and their sons Gordon/terborough, were week end the concert was closed in prayer! dropped bv the car and he! David Hedge and Denise Mal. s l and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Russell! guests at the home of theor|by Mr..D. Carter. Over 200 at- 1S) ormed P slipped away to visit others. | olm Pat Adams and David Bal- Wilde and family and Mr. and daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and tended the evening's entertain- A turkey dinner in the car, with Plan Pro sed lingal . | Mrs. Donald Deeks and family. Mrs. Gary Corner, of Johnson ment and everyone was present- - Mr. Diefenbaker's brother as { Avenue ed with a large bag of treats. ristmas eet guest, completed the day. OTTAWA (CP)--Controller Wil- PERSONALS Let's all go to Church this Sunday f Mr. and Mrs, W. Davidson, of : - g Following both the aiternioon They were to travel to Prince Pert Hamilton has made a new| Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horne, Brock St. S.. bad as their ( hrist Mr and Mrs. Gary Corner and and evening Soncerts certificates , The Reformed Church Young, yp Boxing Day, with an im- Proposal to relieve the shortage Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin ' ' mas dinner guests Mrs. Edna their son Ricky spent Christmas and seals for perfect 'attendance People's Society held its annual] fiat t to Ottawa/©f parking space in Ottawa's|Nesbitt and Elmer Nesbitt, i narew s EMMANUEL Fitzgerald and her two sons, Don- Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. at Sunday school during the past Christmas part" on Saturday eve- Pes Inle PEluUrm to Olawa crowded downtown area [Nestleton, visited Mr. and Mrs. | : ald and Fred, of Oshawa, and James Patton, of Cannington [year were presented by Mr. ning in the Church hall. For the|P2nred. -- He suggests construction of an|Roy Taylor Tuesday. Presh terian REFORMED Mrs. Bertha Harris ; {Baker, general Sunday school occasion, the hall was beautifully TT |underground parking garage on| Mrs. W. W. Van Camp one] Y Corporal and Mrs, Lynn Lax- superintendent. decorated in the usual Christmas 12 OF CREW DROWN | property adjacent to the national |tertained about 30 'neighbors and| Ch h Mr. and Mrs. Norm Wheeler, son, from Camp Borden, are™------ ----------Icolors, .. | ATHENS (AP) -- The Greekiwar memorial owned by the fed-|riends Sunday night to an eve. ure CHURCH of Orangeville, are spending the spending the Christmas holidays Have Special i: I'he meeting was opened with|freighter Rosa Vlassi capsized eral government. The property [ning of carol singing. | BYRON ST. S$. AT ST. JOHN ST. REV. GERRIT REZELMAN Christmas holidays with Mr Mrs. M. R. Davidson, of Byron St. 8 uncle, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Copeland, | Services At of 224 Centre St. S. Mrs. Joseph Clark, of Starr Avenue, is celebrating her birth- day on Saturday Her many| Mr. and Mrs. Eric Darling spent the Christmas day in Rose- neath as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams turns of the day Mr, and Mrs, John Fenton, of : E hich wre 3 Guelph, a spending the Christ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Butson Un rch on Sunday eve which was followed by a discus- -- mas holidays at the home of & family were the guests of ning which was enjoyed by the|sion. Several Dutch Christmas . . . 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Proctor, of many who attended. carols were sung and a few ¢ Whitby Baptist FAITH BAPTIST parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wanamaker Etobicoke, for Christmas Davidson are Mr with their spent Annon, Mr. and Mrs. R spending Christmas daughter-in-law, Mrs. D Christmas holidays candlelight Brougham visiting Mr. and Mrs. Organist, " several Christmas carols. M 2 Almonds Church Special Christmas decorations|President led in prayer. friends wish her many happy re- added much to the presentation 7 of the "Christmas Story" at the Ralph Tukker. The Bible study Almonds Was given by service of Rev. A. F. Bamford 'occupi [the pulpit reading the scripture Abeta Kienstra and Mrs. Gordon Cariton/and announcing the carols. The 1 in/choir, under the direction of the|the minister was presented with Mrs. Lexile Pears, sa "Just as I Am", after which the|late Friday off Cape Sounion, 40|was + ) Christmas story wes veal he] {was the site of the old Ouanal. Jo Sy, Cameron aud Mrs, the|Mrs. W. W. Van Camp Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norval Wotten, he miles southeast of Athens, and 12|poli i {Simon Bax. "0 Come All Ye|of her crew hadi he an Lice station a i) located {raithiyr was aig aug All hose tain, chief mate and three crew-!scenic Erna hn it [present we'e ve Oo ae men were rescued. The 2,156-ton| Confederation Square. Hampton; Mr. and Mrs, Harvey | , vessel had listed heavily on a| Mr, Hamilton said an agree-|Strong, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. voyage toward Piraeus with ament with the federal government|John Archer and family, Burke- cargo of mineral ores and turned provides that the property be re-{ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. John over 15 minutes later. served for park purposes. Wotten Sunday. enters A Bible reading was given by Teunis Verhoog ian ti ed Christmas poems were read by On behalf of the Young People, ng a gift and the other presents rs. |were then distributed. The fnter- 9:45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM. MORNING WORSHIP Jr. congregation and Beginners' classes 9:45 A.M. -- BIBLE CLASS 3rd Concession West of Brock N. 11 o.m.~--Dutch Service 11 a.m. ~Sunday School in English 7 p.m.--English Service Everyone Is Heortily Welcomed Church Rev. J. M, Ward, Minister Mrs. W. E. Summers, A.T.C.M, 419. BROCK ST, N., WHITBY Pastor: Rev. E. C. Corbett, B.Th, 9:15 AM. and family of Dunbarton Arthur Carlton. David Lee, Mrs. Palmer and|mission followed and refresh- Mr. and Mrs. P. Bourne and Mr, and Mrs. Albert Carr spent Mrs. Freeman assisted the Chojr ments were served. A Christmas SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 AM. and 7 PM. 4 family are spending their Christ- Christmas Day at the home of{ WIE Solo paris school rie ls ing 3s fivel by Abeta Blan 11 AM Both Services -- Our Pastor as holidays i illowdale as the E son-in-law, ay 3 0( ore wer d vo " ; Fogg Be Rye oh bond and re. B MeCaisiand, 380 sang Chvishnns songs. Al the I Sed aud a lev games were MORNING SERVICE SPECIAL MUSIC SiS ? i pid a ra . re. '|close all returned to the Sunday P'aVy AT OUR Heppleston recently moved from Oshawa to Cao-c all T€ aye sided py 7 PM : school: room wher f tea, | ie president announced that -M. | school room where a cup of tea EVENING SERVICE EVENING SERVICE Burns St., Whitby. | cookies and C ristmas cake were due to his absence, of about two _ Mr, and Mrs. G. R. Brooks, of served months, the executive had de- 301 Annis St nteriained the, Mr! and Mrs. Andree Carriere white gift Sunday was ob-/cided to name Piet Visser vice- { following guests a Christmas and three children are spending served at the morning service at|President. The minister thanked : dinner: Mr. and Mrs. N. A, Bak-|the Christmas holidays in Max- Alinonds Church. Rev Ni F.|the Young People for the won- er and family, Willowdale, Mr. ville as the guests of Mr. and|Bamford delivered the message derful evening and then closed and Mrs. N. H. Baker and fami- Mrs. Dominique Carriere. |and followed the special order of|the meeting with prayer. Rev. John M. Smith, B.A., B.D. -- Minister ly, King, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. L.| |service. A liberal offering was re-| The next Young People's meet- Ms J Beaton ART.C "Organist Trempe and family, Mrs. C. Bal er, Mr. Robson, Toronto, and and family spent Christmas Day| Old Santa visited Almonds Sun- De Kaher having the Bible study. Mr. and Mrs. F. Brooks, of ot the home of Mr. and Mrs, day yl at the "Every Family| nue Weston P. J. Spring, of Highland Creek. [Night Party", when children ac-|in a bitter dispute which devel- RECEPTION OF MEMBERS Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shepherd ceived for this worthy cause. {companied by their parents, en-\gped when Indonesia clamped a joyed a social get-together. Films were shown. BROC WHITBY | oranges, bags of popcorn were Generous canc dis- heen "utilized to make a concen- |ing will be held Jan. 2 with Piet ban on alien rural retailers, most of whom are Chinese. 1y,| The letter said the ban had Phone MO 8-3618 [tributed This was followed by {rated attack on overseas Chin- EVENING SHOW AT 7 : 9 P M | dainty refreshments. jess hid d ' ke 10 ANA " A M W A a M. | 2 { It said a "very small number" M. AM. ; M. y Girls and Boys Girls ond boys Infant Care LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9 P.M. | Now Playing A" China. also rejected an Indones- i) 18 ak annEnCotLom [ian protest against alleged inter- Interest Rate Up At first glance this looks like | millan of Great Britain of" a | posed in Pasadena, Calif., are: THURS., DEC. 31st 10:30 P.M. ACK SERNAS as Paris SIR CEDRIC HARDWICKE | ference in its internal affairs by ( ecu See Be rou Ac- | float entered in the Tourna- | Harold Holland, am author; | $ : : : TTA W ¥ re | SALE BG NAL MEST 000 TON TON (| Chinese, embassy off (IAW ACP) The, Iaxk of tially, Sev'te, out, SUES | eet of Haney parade BY the | Albers Graver, a park am. | SPECIAL WATCHNIGHT SERVICE Screznplay by JOHN TWIST and HUGH GRAY Directed by ROBERT WISE The. letter. seat se|edged upwards to 5.28 per cent] Presiden: DeGaulle of Fran ve, Telephone Answering Services | ployee; John Barr, a general Hear Rev. Harold Davis, B.A A S Foreign Minister Chen Yi to In-|from 5.23 last week wi'h the sale| Premier Kh chev of Russia, | of America under the theme of | ciptr: tor; and Bill Gray, a | A Ieipless ripple who wos. instantly hisled i. O--Comedy--Cartoon--Novelty \donesian Foreign Minister Su-|of $100.000.000 92-day govern-| President Eisenhower of the | 'World Peace Through Com disc jockey. EVERYONE WELCOME |bandrio, was the latest exchange ment treasury bills, U.S. and Prime Minister Mac- | munications'. Left to right, as | --AP Wirephoto China Roaring PEKING (Reuters) -- Comm nist China Friday made its sec- iderlr j|ond call for immediate talks with grave situation. || Indonesia over the "'concentrated ERR "na Seer pubiisned here, Bank Of Canada In a of Chinese in Indonesia had not "behaved well," but that it was unfair to. say the entire Chinese The letter called for immediate u- "considering the present 'SUMMIT CONFERENCE? 9 years and over 11:00 AAM.--MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M.--EVENING HOUR "PROFIT AND LOSS" SUNDAY SCHOOL under 9 years Junior Worship 2 +9 Z - [community there was a "mono- "Fel At Indonesia [rl wow insering deve REVIVAL CENTRE 307 BROCK ST. N Ph: MO 8-5772 "Where Jesus Is Real" REV. JOHN SCARR -- Pastor 11:00 AM. ond 7:00 P.M. -- THE PASTOR PREACHING

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