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The Oshawa Times, 28 Dec 1959, p. 6

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EF. J. Mahoney. | UJeonen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, December 28, 1959 1 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES MADONNA GROUP vation Army Citadel in the form The December meeting of thelof a Christmas party. Madonna Group of St. Gertrude's! The president, Mrs. Fred Smith Catholic Women's League was opened the meeting with prayer. lopened with praver by the spiri-The minutes were read hy the tual convener, Miss Eva Bruck-|secretary, Mrs. John Bowers, ner, who gave a reading on the The treasurer's report was given mass and asked the group to join!by Mrs. Patrick O'Connor with [her the following Sunday at mass|the results of the "No Bake' sale! and benediction as a spiritual which were very gratifving. bouquet for the Reverend Father! Plans were made for the nual mother and daughter | A thank you note was read|quet from Mrs. E. J. Pinto for thel Following adjournment of the | flowers sent to her at the hospital meeting, the members joined {during her recent illness. A card|in the playing of games and an- han- was also received from Sister St. prizes were awarded. Christmas| | | [Gervais thanking the group for|gifts were exchanged. MR. AND MES. W. J. TAGGART Family Dinner Honors Couple Celebrating 50th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Taggart,|awa they lived in Trenton and refreshments were its thoughtfulness. Twenty-one; Christmas convener, | members answered 'the roll call|served by the social made by Mrs. Peter Zevenhoyen | Mrs. Harry Kertley. after which she presented Mrs. | Sing oa Andrew Vyshaft with a rosary] _ RITSON H and S ASSN. for her new baby. Group leader Ritson Home and School Asso-| (Mrs, Walter Branch spoke on ciation held its December meet-| friendliness towards our neigh-|ing recently. bors at all times but especially The business was taken care of lat Christmas. She closed the|briefly, and the meeting was ad- {meeting with a prayer for peace [Journed so as the many parents | |throughout the world. |and guests present could enjoy a | Lunch was served by Mrs. G.|school program as follows: "The| |Prins, assisted by Mrs. Robert| Christmas Story" put on in the) DesRocher and Mrs. Michael(form of an operefla, by pupils | Rudka. from the senior school, and the {school choir, conducted by Mr. 17TH GROUP COMMITTEE |Thomas Park, a Grade 5 teacher. Still caught in the afterglow of Christmas are these happy playmates, Pia and Dan. Pia, three years old, and Dan, five CHILD GUIDANCE f * CHRISTMAS AFTERGLOW and street the children of Mr. Kai Olsen, Simcoe and grandchildren of are Mrs south Mr. and Mrs How To Help Child Learn Skills That Have Scared Him |ground from a box a few feet Grondlund Boegh | | Charlotte Ford CC a hel 2 Mrs. Ole Denmark Mr. and Olsen Loland and all of Photo by Mary's studio odd, don't often ask him to play with them. Besides, older persons noticing the things he is afraid to alk about his fears and thus tr make the other children notice all the more his strange ways. WOULD PROFIT Sometimes this child has poor muscular co-ordination, yet he is profit the very child who might {gown designed by Yves Bt. Lau |rent, the Parisian successor to | Christian Dior. The ankle-length gown was trimmed with bands of embroidered flowers, pearls and tourmalines Her mother wore a pink satin DETROIT (AP) Charlotte ball gown. It was embroidered Ford, eldest daughter of Henry with crystals and created by Ford II. made her debut Monday Simonetta of Rome. night at a 'dazzling party at- Charlotte was escorted by a tended by high society and lead:|cousin, Peter Sullivan of Glen ers of business and industry. fead, N.Y. Her father, president The 18-year-old great - grand- of the Ford Motor Company, got daygiier of We late Hoary Ford|the first dance. {was in C 0 society at a ra . . Inight-long coming - out party at Music was provided by the 20- the Country Club of Detroit. piece Meyer Davis orchestra The party was estimated to from New York. . have cost the automobile family, The dreams of the Ford fam- $100,000. The club was decorated|ily had focused on Charlotte's in- by Jacques Frank of Paris in an troduction to society. 18th-century French motif, Henry Ford Sr. had no daugh- imparted Franch jonestries, in ters. Edsel Ford's daughter Jose sured for $130,000, line 1 A ; . 4 Flowers and fountains were phine, now Mrs. Walter B. Ford, everywhere. A formal French|shared 2 quiet; wartime debut garden had been reproduced on with four other girls. Mrs. Edse E Ford married the year she was the spot |scheduled to make her debut. LAURENT GOWN {And Charlotte's mother chose a Charlotte, a willowy blonde, year in Europe instead of a com- wore a strapless white satin'ing-out party. Bows to Society At Dazzling Party Teel By G. CLEVELAND MYERS i 4 TY erth. The for Phoebe Weir| P Kifson 08d 807th, were honored Per The former x The 17th Brownies group com-| Dr. C. M. Elliott, superintend- have. Seo the tL: tod casi ir golden/and William John Taggart were ) k r . on fhe kaon tthe teen Wii, Jo agit wre ie, 11h, Bes, group Co, Cl nh, OCT Wah dinner party held 'in the Centen-lcan Church by the Reverend /!on Neld its meeting at the al-| Bling wh learn some simple skill most nial Hall at King Street United Franklin Clarke on December 7, children of his age do with great Church on Saturday, December|1909. | KEEP IN TRIM {self-ascuranve and fun 19. 8 4 ini Often I receive a letter about = i | They have two sons, Keith in y ; a ny The honored pair was present- Oshawa and John in Scarborough the child, three, four or five, who ed with a gift on behalf of the| won't venture to go down a slide 40 members of the family pres-|} or ride on a swing or see-saw or d a daughter, Mrs. J. Albert| : : ent [Barnes (Phyllis), Oshawa Aico Protective Ways Ot Eating tricycle or enter even shallow During the evening telegrams included in their family are four . water; or about the child, seven An Answer To Weight Problem high. Some parents write of the most from learning the skills he child, ten or 12, who won't fry won't try to learn to ride a bicycle If you have such a child, you LONELY CHILD worry about his fearful ways. This fearful child may stand by Sometimes you grow disgusted and watch others of his age, or|With him, call him a baby, shame much younger. do these things, or|scold or punish him. In despera- he may go off by himself. He's|tion, you may force him to try a very lonely child. Not sharing against his growing fears and such fun with other children, he|sStrong resistance. You may even may not often share with them in this until he has grown any kind of fun. hvsterical, and you yourself be- Other children, thinking he js side yourself In every firm there w an annual inventory, or stock- taking time. Almost everybody drops what they're doing and wolks around counting every seat cushion and pencil stub and then the accountants add it up and you've got your "assets." Sometimes inventory time is at the end of December, often it's at the end of some other month. The end of the year, though, is the usual time to toke stock of the other a we all have that can't be added up in dollars and cents on a balance sheet keep at ets : Boe Aran were received from the Prime| grandchildren, Sharlene, Wayne! or eight, who won't tov to learn : z a1. land Kerry Taggart and Donna| to Toller "skate. or to. the Minister, the Right Honorable 9 roller skate or jump to he Yoo 'mony. of ws, overlvak Wie astets thot a's be fisted John Diefenbaker, Prime Minis- : 4 ter of Ontario, Leslie Frost MP| Besides Mrs. Taggart's three and the Honorablle Michael Starr.{brothers who reside in Oshawa Also received was a telephone|there were relatives from Ottawa, call from a niece, Mrs. Paul Kingston, Toronto and Ajax pres- Rutherford of Kalamazoo. |ent to celebrate this happy event. Mr. and Mrs. Taggart have Many flowers, gifts and cards been residents of Oshawa for 40/of congratulations were received years. Prior to coming to Osh-ifrom family and friends. Variety Of Cheese Dips Produced in Jiffy Time By EDNA BLAKELY cream and % pz Canadian Press Staff Writer |white cream «c TORONTO (CP)--There was a|garlic salad time when the hostess spent/blend well. Yi much of the evening hidden in| Avocado Cott: Cheese Dip: the kitchen, preparing the snacks Blend together % cup mashed for the guests. avocado, '2 cup cottage cheese, Nowadays hostesses who want ls tsp salt, dash celery salt, 2 to enjoy their own parties can|isps. lemon juice and % tsp. Wor- make up party dips ahead of|cestershire sauce. If cottage time. No more slaving over a hot/cheese is dry, add cream until stove. A few minutes in the kit-|right consistency is obtained chen produces a variety of treats Makes 3% cup. which have been prepared earlier] Smokey Sherry Dip: Combine in the day. % cup smoke - flavored cheese These mixes can even be made spread with 4 thsps. sherry wine a day earlier, heaped into serv-land 2 tsps. caraway seeds. Pro- ing bowls and stored in the re-/duces 3 cup. frigerator. | Apricot Cream Cheese Dip: TASTY TREATS Combine one package (4 ounces) : 4 . {of white eream cheese with 3 Crisp toast triangles and thing, " ri slices of rye bread make fine SPs Team, 3 tsps, apricot | | ckage (4 ounces) 2, Add dr: mix and ds one cup. Barnes. | { By IDA JEAN KAIN |serts that furnish largely Senior citizens often lament|*"'empty' calories should be left that reducing is a struggle. "Af-lout. Within the framework of | ter one is past 60, it is so hard|your likes and dislikes, you can to take off the excess pounds," |subtract unnecessary calories and one overweight writes. reduce. "My doctor tells me I can be : around a long time if I will re- LOSE IT SLOWLY duce. But, dear dietitian, I wish| Be content to lose weight rather vou would tell me how I'm going|SIowly. At the satisfying rate of to lose 30 pounds when I can't{One pound a week, vou can be seem to lose one pound without halfway to your goal by the time regaining it. My doctor advises SPring comes smiling through that I get down to 150 pounds-- | And in summer, calorie curbing from 180. I eat around 1,000 cal-|1S a natural. Go at dieting to lose ories a day and still gain. I just those 30 pounds with this prom- can't do my work on less food." |ISINg approach. The letter is signed, "Troubled." Apply the science of nutrition Let's see where the trouble lies.[and build each meal around re- A total of 1,000 calories a day|Pairing foods that make good the is almost certain to be less than|Wear and tear. Protein needs in the number you are using daily.|crease slightly as the years go So extra calories are slipping in| bY. It is important to include a somewhere around the clock.|[Protein with each of the three Track down the calorie culprits{daily meals. At breakfast, have by keeping a diet-diary for a five-{hot, whole-grain cereal with a day period. Write down every 8enerous serving of milk; and on morsel, tiny or large, that goes | alternate mornings, have an egg into your mouth, Unless you do|With 2 thin slices of bread, keep accounts, it's so easy to for-|toasted, plus citrus fruit or juice get the little extras. and a hot beverage, At the end of the five-day per-| At luncheon. hot soup made iod, add up the calories con.|With skim milk, plus a half cup sumed each day. This is certain|0f cottage cheese with canned to shed needed light. Look the|Peach, pear, or apricot (2 halves) pattern over and decide where a thin slice of bread, lightly but- you can most easily start tojtered; and hot tea, adds up to change your ways of eating. The 350 calories. |between-meal snacks that provide| Dinner: Lean meat, fish c. little else but calories should be|fowl; a yellow, orange or dark a ja 2 tbsps. ci - dippers. The bread can be sliced jam and tsps. chopped pe and arranged. on cookie sheets ready to be toasted in the oven. | Devilled Cream Cheese Dip: Beat thoroughly % cup soft white cream cheese. Blend with 2 tsps. prepared horseradish, 1 1-3 thsps. chopped parsley, % tsp. onion juice and % cup canned devilled ham. Makes % cup. cans. Yields one cup. Cheese Ham Dip: Combine one cup cottage cheese with one can |deviled ham (4 tbsps), 12 tsp prepared mustard, 2 tsp. Wor |cestershire sauce, 1 tbsp. brown sugar and a' pinch of cloves Makes 1' cups. CHILDREN'S PARTY the first to go. Also the rich Ada Staley William Shabatura/ Wed In Columbus | des-| green leafy vegetable: plus a rhe- -- |dium-sized potato; a half pat of | butter. For dessert, have fruit or a pudding made with skim milk That's protective dieting HOUSEHOLD HINT Before serving home - canned -- 4 9 & { WEDDING PRINCIPALS LEAST FEARFUL STAGE Begin each skill at the where he will have the least pos sible fear. If it is a slide, don't start him down from the top. Hold him on the slide, a foot or so from the bottom, offering your support until he feels safe without it. Af- {ter several repetitions of this, start him a bit higher on the slide Having slide c¢ stage helped him enjoy the geously, you can, in like manner, help him slowly and gradually gain courage at trying to acquire the next harder skill Make your slogan, "Slow and out danger of fright or added fears." (My bulletin Fears in Children may be had by sending a self- addressed, U.S. stamped envelope with a dollar sign; the word, you know, doesn't have to be spelled AS$SetS. freedom tc y to the church of your choice, the we want and say what we want and has been preserved through another The freedom to read what to go where we wont year of peace The In the short range, we often forget these things, 3 ut daily battles of the dollar-sign seem more important. how much would we pay for them if we lost them? year at hand, ond o good balance ets at hand, the time has come for the New Year. Hoppy With the end of the sheet of both a$%et$ and a to wish all our friends happiness fc and Prosperous is the 'way it's usually put. We hope the prosperity includes not only the dollar-sign assets but also the less tangible but equally important kind. You need both for real happiness. >a mT WA ARD CAMA to me in care of this newspaper.) | [LE PHONE PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q. When I read to my child, four reading? A As a unless he rule, No, should I explain what I am : lasks. |§ Save! Save! ave! 0% AND MORE During MARTEN'S JANUARY UR SALE! { Starting Today! 'MARTENS FUR 75 KING EAST Garlic Sour Cream Dip: Whip| Guests can prepare their own The marriage of Ada Victoria [fruits and vegetables, check together % cup 'prepared sour|lunch at a "dress it up and eat Stapley and William Shabatura,|them to make sure the liquid is fi pasty, particularly fun for/both of Oshawa, was solemnized|elear. Cloudy liquid often indi oungsters. recently at Columbu Jnit abil 3 At the world each guest|Church with the a ® fi cates spoilage, which ean cause starts making a fancy open-face| Love officiating. {violent illness. sandwich from bread and trim-| The bride is the daughter of EE mings provided. At a pre - ar-/Mr. and Mrs, Carmen Stapley of ranged time, everyone stops, and Oshawa and the bridegroom is the edible artwork is judged. the son of Mr. and Mrs. John The hostess should provide an|/Shabatura of Kamsack, Saskat-| assortment of breads, colored|Chewan. sandwich spreads, and edible| Attended by Mrs. George Kirt- decorating materials such as pi-|!@v, the bride wore a sheath dress) mento, green pepper, small{of winter white interwoven with pickled onions, parsley, chives, |metallic thread. A square neck-| red and green cherries, chocolate|line and a matching bolero styled| chips, silver shot, candy and co-|the sleeveless bodice. She wore a coanut. Paring knives, cookie White feather hat and carried a [cutters and a spreading knife for nosegay of red carnations and {each guest are the necessary White chrysanthemums. utensils. i Mrs. Kirtley was in beige em- [pease taffeta. The princess line . dress featured scooped neckline CHILDREN HELP land short sleeves with white and GRIMSBY, England (CP) --l|royal blue accessories. She car- {School pupils in this Lincolnshire ried pink carnations and white fishing port are each contributing| Chrysanthemums. | | Mr. George Kir : {a penny a week to a fund to Pay peg oe Bi 4 Be [the expenses of any parent tak-iat the Albany restaurant. The ing in an orphan from the Frejus|newly wedded pair will live in |flood disaster in France. 'Oshawa and Mrs. Steve Lukecz of Osh- the Married recently at St. Greg- ory's Roman Catholic Church were Susan Lukecz and. Steve Szalay, both of Oshawa. The | bride is the daughter of Mr son of Hungary Photo by Kalman Grantze AFTER CHRISTMAS SALE OF BRAS AND GIRDLES Gothic Brassieres BANDEAU STYLE LONGLINE STYLE 32.38 36-42 PROTECT YOUR | Reg. 3.00 Reg. 4.00 FAMILY WARDROBE | 1.90 2.49 with REGULAR DRY CLEANING | DON'T | GIRDLES Clearing at . . =: 4.00 Put thot turkey-stained dress or Broken Sizes and Discontinued Lines Evelyn. Shop HAVE IT 9 SIMCOE ST. S. A LIMITED QUANTITY ONLY 4952 a | LOOK SLIMMER | By ANNE ADAMS Becoming surplice line ideal for tt half-size figure. Smart, two-piece dress has a wjap-tie top that's sleek, smooth, always sure-of-fit. Easy-sew. Printed Pattern 4952: Half Sizes 12%, 14%; 16%, 18%, 20%, '2%. Size 16% requires 2% yards 54-inch fabric. Printed directions on each pat-| tern part. Easier, accurate, { Send FIFTY CENTS (50¢) in| coins (stamps eannot be accept- | ed) for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario, | DRY CLEANED For that "Like New Look" call , GOLD MEDAL CLEANERS (Pick Up and Delivery) 21 BOND ST. E. --~OPP. HOTEL GENOSHA RA 3.7332 RA 5-1221

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