12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Decomber 29, 1959 Ike's Diplomacy Dominated 1959 reaction that some Republicans Rockefeller of New York State suggested Benson resign. Benson suddenly announced, after a fact- WASHINGTON (CP) Presi- has refused. finding tour, that he would not ar a) iat ais be a presidential candidate nor dant, de ers gor sion 19 CHARM PAID OFF would he consider any nomina- di oi vey at the possible risk of|, It seemed that even in such aition to run for vice-president. iplomacy at Lie rhaps| tricky business as politics his recurring illness was t+ iteg8enius of exuding personal DEMOCRATS IN TROUBLE the most Feginican! {ip/charm paid off for Eisenhower.| The Democrats have trouble. States palitical developmen {The Democrat hierarchy com-{So far, no strong erowd-holder 1859 ii \plained that the Democrat lead- has shown up. Among the vari- For oul this decision came ors of the House of Bepresenta-lous aspirants, the one who got nis historic talks with sovietitjves and Senate were showing|/most of the applause at a party Premier Rivusiiciies Jd Tis ne too much co-operation with the national advisory council meet- precedented an rivmp ven- ture into Asia. Because of his Eisenhower administration. ing was Adlai Stevenson, twice ! It is likely this political honey- defeated by Eisenhower and a successes, there was a TISINE moon will come to an end with/reluctant starter for third at- tide of Republican sentiment atthe opening Jan. 6 of the last|/tempt. Stevenson insists he will home that probably will aid the|gession of Congress before the/not be a candidate, though some fortunes in the 1960 pres- | big election battle. The Demo-lof his supporters say he can be By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staff Writer of party & | would be much undelivered old-| Farm deliveries of grain to stock wheat on farms {Dec. 2 from the start of the crop The trade minister also said year, Aug. 1, totalled 85,000,000 lafter a fall visit to Europe that bushels of wheat compared with he hopes wheat exports will|85,600,000 bushels a year ago. reach 300,000,000 bushels in the|Total deliveries of all grains for crop year that will end July 31,/the period were 136,600,000 bush- 1 els compared with 141,900,000 bushels in the corresponding pe- DRYING PROBLEM riod a year earlier, A complicating factor in the] The board of grain commis. Canadian wheat board's job of sioners reported that the 1959 BOON FOR 1960 Edinburgh | Castle Rock Harvest Forecast np Way 2° Good For Prairies By M. McINTYRE HOOD Seecial to getting grain to market is the wheat crop is of high protein ton- The Oho ia Tinos drying of damp grain. The gov-|teni, important .in determining ernment wheal marketingbaking quality. Average protein tistics last Nov. 18 estimated Manitoba of a crop insurance Prairie wheat production at 399,-|plan designed fo help farmers 000,000 bushels but said morelovercome such setbacks. Under tal city of Scotland as is the old than one quarter of this, or 112,-la provincial pian designed to ' : : i 1408, hels, still was unhar- il with a eral crop in- song, "London Bridge is Falling armen 8 o 1950 may prove to e406, 0 bushels, still was unhar dovetail Ni 8 Re oT Down" in its counterpart fo the Be : : The situation was so serious |be established to see how crop south, It has been found that a| The rain and early snow halted ("00 federal government pro-/insurance will work. portion of the famous centuries the 196) hatvest in many areas. poe an emergency aid plan for] The usual big question old landmark is in a dangerous/But it has built up moisture re- |r eB Oh Tio more than 50/on the western farm picture i condition, serves that had been seriously cent of their crop in the provided by wheat markets. EDINBURGH, Scotland -- By STAN McCABE dinpyigh Rock hi palling Canadian Press Staff Writer own" bids fair come just as| . is eani.l WINNIPEG (CP) Rain that famous a catchword in this capi was the bane of many Prairie agency, which allows farm grain| content is 14.2 per cent, com- deliveries on a quota basis be- pared with the ideal level of 13.3. cause of limited storage facfl-| Most of the 1959 wheat crop ities, has made special provision was expected to fall in the No. 3 to get the damp grain flowing tolworthern grade, with smaller per- dryers at terminal elevators centages in No. 2 and No. 4 north- Dryers at the Lakehead are ex-lern grades and a very si | mark/pected to work on a 24-hour-a-lamount in No. 1. All these grades s|day basis this winter, | ere isan lhowever are good for milling. This discovery has brought depleted in 1958 and 1959, and PCr. "NO yi i yd a rinis: prompt and drastic action from therefore should help get the omjields, Manitche smi Sasketce Ra board ; ra 288,900,000 | | the civic authorities of Edinburgh. Two streets which lie below the Castle Rock, Johnston Terrace and King's Stables road, have had to be closed to traffic and bus routes, and one of them to pedes- |trian traffic, while a large section {of decayed rock on the heights crop off to a good start. Iposal that they pay 50 per cent|bushels of wheat and wheat flour | That was the picture shown bylof the cost of the plan, which|were sold for export in the crop| a survey at the end of a season|provided farmers up to $600. Al-|year which ended last July 31. marked by moisture problems. herta rejected the federal pro- The figure for the preceding crop Spring weather in 1959 was too|posal. |year was 316,100,000 bushels. dry for good growing conditions.| Farm officials said the amount| At the year end, elevators were -- Early-sown grain failed fo ma-|of the crop that will be saved in|heavily stocked with last year's, ture, some was blown out and the spring will depend on spring surplus grain and a new crop but | -- L £3 ~~] - idential campaign crats hold 65 of the 100 Senate drafted 2 5 ' 5, 4 Republicans hope that the|seats and 281 of the 437 House| Other possible Democratic can [dbuye Js bee Teun, The work dust clouds--reminiscent of the weather conditions. All the crop| Trade Minister Churchill said the| a y 4 momentum of his peace.in-free-|seats didates mentioned publicly inl, 0 400 ono it will take to|dirty 30s--darkened the sky in/lefi in the fields is expected fto/wheat surplus by next July Mi NIGHT ONLY ! dom dgive might help seat an-| And while the political jockey: clude such men as Senator John complete the demolition of the southern Saskatchewan suffer a loss in grade and some, |should be reduced fo the point| A eoublic an in the White ing moves into high speed, it is/F. Kennedy of Massachusetts, rock. sections whiclr. threaten to) ; battered into the earth, will be a where it will equal about a year's hen Eisenhower steps unlikely that much serious work Senator Hubert H. Humphrey of (gan into tie two streets [FIRST RAIN WELCOME complete loss supply for domestic and export « METRO-GOLOWYN-MAYER pesests r the Nov. 8 election,|will be done in Congress Minnesota, Senator Stuart Sym-| "myo dangerous portion of the! Rains came just in time. arly) A 'test will be made in 1960 inimarkets. It was unlikely there AN ARCOLA PRODUCTION ears ago Fisenhower| Nixon's chances of getting thejington of Missouri and Senator Castle Rock is estimated by min.|i July, a so-called million-dollar) -- | - Glenn Ford 2 mild stroke the Republican presidential nomina-|Lyndon 'B. Johnson of Texas, istry of works officials fo in- | rain soaked the parched land and = Shuay . his illnesses--and prom-|tion were seen greatly strength-/haMl - driving Senate majority | pout five or six tons in weight (sent the hopes of farmers soar-| hd bie Reynolds ublicans were wonder- ened when Governor Nelson D.!leader. {The work of removing it is "ex ing. ! ussian pace oC e S | vhether the wartime iz 4 Mremely hazardous. The rock is| Bul September rains devilled commander might step) | ' {being chipped away by men work. |the harvest in many areas and A WARM : from the presidency and ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ing from slings which are sus-|early in October, up to 20 inches BLONDE 4 Vice President Richard pended from the peak of the rock. of snow fell over a wide belt of to e e ow n N L¥ rn to take his place On account of the heavily popu-|the Prairies to halt 'the harvest. |™® = os {2 . I. lated area surrounding the rock The Searle Grain company re WI r APPY- TH Television Ma Mark there can be no blasting opera ported that fall precipitation in By VERN HAUGLAND | The U.S SliCCesses of 1850 in GO-LUCKY Now many regret the constitu ol tions, and the rock will have to! Western Canada during August. WASHINGTON (AP) The|cluded two Vanguard satellites SERGEANT na! harrier which limits Eisen 7 be chipped away in small pieces. September and October averaged space race between Russia and and two Explorers in equatorial . hower tn two terms in the White - . Already the roadway on Johnston 148 per cent of normal compared|ihe United States stole the spot {orbits, five Discoverer satellites ON A he C rtal Crime Pro rams Terrace is covered with - the with 70 per cent of normal in 'izht from man's other achieve.|in polar orbits, and the Pioneer| DELAYED no doubt that the 59 e LCL n v g pieces which have already been 1953 ments in flight during 1959 v 13.4 pound space probe in HONEYMOON = Fisenhower has secure removed "Since moisture reserves gen The Soviet space men loped Orbit aronnd he se t | IN SPAINT | . - 3 pot in the hearts of a By DON HANRIGH1 vesterns and private - eye shows! Five of the city's bus services, erally are much more favorable well into the lead with three sen.| During the last year the U.S.| DMITTANCE majority of his countrymen Canadian Press Staff Writer would fall into this specified| Which passed along the closed |than they have been for several sationally successful space chose, from among a large field ¥ Yet hi: administration also OTTAWA (CP) The pos-|"'adult entertainment" class. The|streets, have been disrupted by years, crops to be seeded in 1960|probes lof carefully screened military COLOR! Sr as produced its political prob-|, nee * It ; p ; ' © the operations, and have had to Ip 3 bv far test pilots, seven who will be the in 1 3 sibility of an advance "adult en-|same billing apparently could be Pp on both stubble and ummer The U.S. had by far the most J . £ 0 these the Democrats iertainment" billing for television applied to some dramatic pro. be re-routed along other thorough-ifallow will have ample moisture elaborate program: no fewer country's first Mercury astro-| try hard to exploit as ho rams featuring crime, sex|ductions, including those adapted fares. with which to commence thelthan 18 major launchings in the|"2US jockeying begins for the ,nq violence is being bandied |for television from stage classics| ci -- | growing season," the report said.|first 11 months of the year, 10| In the missile field, Thor inter-| tial fight about in Canadian broadcasting which spare little realism in lan- who consider certain programs "This is especially true in Man-|of them placing. satellites in Mediate range ballistic missiles ® have wiedged circles guage and behavior or a program series -- offensive. |itoba and Saskatchewan. There|orbit. But there also were eight Went, ie Sites ho England, nel v highest! Nothing may come of it right) Some members of the Board of| "Adult entertainment" billing|are a f= areas, however, in both|failures--all highly blicized --|'€ as intercontinental ballls-| in the world, has|awav, if ever. It is strictly a|Broadcast Governors feel this/has been used occasionally in the|Saskatchewan and Alberta!to none oy oi Russia. |!i¢ missile made numerous suc-| IN VALUABLE DOOR PRIZES behind Russia in|suggestion, advanced recently in/method of classifying program United Kingdom, as well as on!where. because of less - than-| The Soviet launching vehicles! cessful flights the missiles race. On the indus- an offhand and unofficial way by|content would give families ad-|the CBC'S French-language net normal fall moisture this year, were far more powerful, heavier PLANE MISHAPS UP frial front the prolonged steel dis-ithe Board of Broadcast Gover-|vance warning, instead of having|work reserves are still only fair, par-|and larger thon those of he U.S With n fncres se in vol f COMMUNITY SING pute mav force the administra them sit half - way through a| Canadian broadcasters may not ticularly at depth." But most American scientists! civilian air adie er me fd rom to demand legislative action neral idea is that such program before deciding that it/be keen on adopting such proced considered the information-gath- |i rease in aecidents or 3 that could antagonize manage- an advertising procedure could objectionable for their childrenjure as a regular thing. One said UNKNOWN LOSS ering equipment aboard the US.| ih " | \ \ ment or labor be used when promoting TV pro-|or themselve in an interview that broadcasters A big question facing wesiern|gcatellites generally better de-| A new Electr a turboprop [\! L] RN | LLOON » In the midwesl farmers con. grams that might be considered] The board receives five or six already have responsibility for|farmers in 1960 is how much can signed than the 'Russian equiva.|8mashed into New York's Fast 5 to blame Agriculture Sec-|unsuitable for young viewers or|letters a day from the listening|scheduling these program at/they save of the 1959 crops left lent, and productive of greater | River killing all but eight of the| Benson for their|offensive to some taste |and viewing public, and a good|times when children are not nor-|in the fields through the winter. volumes of useful information, | aboard, and another of the BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW A causing so much political! Presumably some of the TV/number of them are from people'mally around to view them. The Dominion Bureau of Sta {32,300,000 planes, in service only wy woes, : litical' Presumably Ls raf PHOTOGRAPHED MOON nine days, exploded in the air| AND AVOID STANDING IN LINE a | An exception was the camera southeast of Waco, Tex., killing] : PROVINCES SUCCESSFUL government's hand during war-|cept Quebec and Ontario--allow|qevice aboard Lunmik IIT which 34. . me, ed were ih [the federal government sole 0C-| photographed 70 per cent of the] A Viscount turboprop blew nvolved were three tax fields cupancy of those three tax fields |r. cide of the moon from a dis |apart east of Baltimore, killing --personal and corporation in-|in return for payments based onltance of more than 4,300 miles,|all 31 occupants. A Chicago- 5° LJ Sug. exe an Succession we fe 13050 foruls. Ostarie to. and relayed the pictures back to/bound propeller-driven Constella- 1inanc 1d C Oo | provincial governments have con on loving its pe Hane Tiny Rissa ted 1959 Lon "Ati Jos Italy hgptning ne 0 ax; c 1 Russians mauzurale 908 near Han aly. ing | stitutional claims. income tax and inheritance tax. with Lunik I. a 3.245 pound| A Cleveland - bound Allegheny a FarouA. Play na Theatre Agreements since the war have Quebec exercises its right to col space probe that went into a 15-| Airlines plane struck a mountain, {had practical benefits the avoid-|lect all three taxes on its own.|month-cycle orbit around the sun, | |ance of overlapping double tam To offset the effect of the Que. land became the first artificiall jation, and the efficiency of cen-hec and Ontario taxes while attempting to land in north| central Pennsylvania, killing 24 On Tax Relations {have given the federal govern-|the lines of the formula -- an| {ment the means to help equal |zhatement this vear of an esti By ALAN DONNELLY plessis refused (o follow the other| Whatever develops, the prov- ize the financial position of less| mated $145,400,000 in Quebec and | Canadian Press Staff Writer [provinces in "renting" their di- inces have the encouragement of | Prosperous provinces $157.200,000 in Ontario OTTAWA (CP) -- Strong new rect taxing powers to Oftawa in history--a steady improvement in| The 1957 agreement allotted the) yo... equalization pay eo BOWERY BOYS pressures from the provinces are return for federal payments. tax deals since the Second World| Provinces 10 per cent of the fed: ments of some $170,000,000 will | Kne in shaping up whic could bring a/Quebec has collected its own per- War, eral personal income tax take--/, 0 paid on top of the tax-sharing new look fo the complex picture|sonal and corporation income Not only have there been larger| later boosted to 13. per cent--to- formula. : A DRAMA EVE of financial relations between the taxes and death duties payments from the sharing of di- Sether with nine per cent of cor As well. a ial $25,000,000 ; federal and provincial govern-| Now Premier Paul Sauve, suc- rect tax fields, but the provinces porate income and 50 per cent of 1 a nd is Spel ed fo h ments : cessor {to Mr. Duplessis, sees have received growing amounts/9eath duties. fo Drone: or eal | In this field, touching the vitalimore provinces sharing thatifrom the federal government in| INCLUDES EIGHT inces. Ths payment will continue problem of constitutional powers viewpoint -- Ontario, British Col- the expanding field of shared-cost| Eight of the provinces--all til 1962. pa) wy conlmue of the two levels of government, ymbia, Alberta and possibly Sas- programs. Pp ces--all ex-'until 1962, the provinces have scored katchewan. Their efforts could, Many ? rr "ann. | marked success in strengthening bring 'an appreciable improve any of these so-called won | pe A 9 ry . appre DIO ditional" grants have been for if r hei position during © ment in federa provincia I" new activities shared by the two xa % b a fresk nancial arrangements, he said re: lvels of government, such as | They now have resh oppor-| cently } t SUL'z ¥ | mmity in better their position inl Much depends, of course, on hospital Jhsurauce, Je, rant hp at - negotiations with Ottawa, start-|whether the federal government fence Others have a long history CHCH-TV. Channel 11~-Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto | ing next summer, on a revised can give the provinces more fi fo PH raliave ; ' 'hn ' | tax-sharing plan to take effect in nancial ebow room and still of join co operation like welfare WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester| 1962 . a he oni. [PAY ments, agricultural programs : | 1962 feet x y require and health grants WGR-TV Channel 2---Buffals WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo AWAIT RESULTS Another big factor is {he posi| A decade ago in the 1949.50 fis. | Last Day, HAVE ROCKET. muy "THE 30.7007 SAID I remains to be seen whether | tion of the smaller provinces, es- cal year, the provinces received TUESDAY EVE, 8:15 AM. J~American mre) oC the provinces can continue past pecially in the East, who have $103,900,000 in unconditional pay 5:00 PA. 4--Captain Kgngaros | 6---Our Miss Brooks | successes in shifting increasingly benefitted from centralized tax ™Ments from Ottawa under the (i--ramily Theatre 8:30 A.M. 8-2-House on High - BE arger shares of the heavy fed- "™ first of the post - war series of 6--On Safari Ye Devolion Street | = r collections by Ottawa | 5--P1 evotionz 4 The Brighter Day eral budget to provincial coffers tax - rental agreements. That| }-Tiavhowse 9:00 A.M. 2:30 PI | But if provinces like Quebec POSSIBLE SIGN amounted to 4.2 per cent of the] To Do "8 |11-cartoons i ray. PML "Let him H : 2 and Ontario have their way, the! One straw in the wind was the federal budget, Another $115,700,-| 3--Three Stooges { % Dred Rornes 1 5-2--Split Para alily ho i The Mightiest Story [4 future emphasis could switch to recent federal proposal to settle 000 in conditional grants also was 5:15 P.M. ! Povey Piasnouse WEDNESDAY EVE wi 1s < greater autonomy with prov-|the long - standing dispute over provided. Together, the two types ¢--Feature Film 2--Dr. Christian 5:00 P.M. "| without lof Fate and the Flesh foes having more independence federal grants to Quebec univer- of payments took nine per cent 5:30 P.M. | 9:30 AM, l1--Family Theatre sin cast n collecting and spending their sities--a payment opposed by Mr. of the federal budget. 7--Rin Tin Tin { 11--Movie 6--Art In Action the fi * : : s y Mr. ! rem : : : e first (0) vn Tevennes and away irom Duplessis and thus Caned down | per porTioN £0 King T--Romper Room S--Playhouse Ye ln Known to Our Time! { BoB CONSIDINE, noted correspondent, says: he past pattern of centralized fi- by the universities. The new pro- * + | 4~Life of Riley Story hi nancial control posal, in line with a plan pre. NOW these types of payments Hay PM. | 2--Helen Neville yb and "If THEY EVER MAKE A MORE MEANING This is the principle tena-|sented by Premier Sauve, indi. account for nearly 15 per cent of| 7--Early Show 10.00 A.M. 5:15 P.M. b iously fought for in the past by cated at least some federal will-|federal spending in the current] 2--Willie Wonderful | $5314 Rowe Siw ~Veature Film | FUL WAR PICTURE, THEY'LL HAVE T0 Quebec's Union Nationale gov-|ingness to concede to Quebec's Year. Unconditional payments--| 6:15 P.M. "10:30 AM. 5:30 P.M. 4 ap ernment. The late Premier Du-|constitutional arguments eer tak = Sharing or | hl | 7--Morning Show TM rien mika FIRE LIVE AN.MO FROM THE SCREEN 100) -- - ; § » - Fido dll | 33-Play Your Hunch 000, just over eight per cent of|'lhamily Theatre 4---On The Go 6:00 P.M. | : 5-4-2---News; Weath i > COLUMBIA PICTORES ivesern CROSSWORD PUZZLE gl ol pa |, 00 AM. ir Con WARNER BROS. sun TECTHRMM® sans, FECHNICOLOR® =m grants, including the new hospi-| . Sale BIE how 3Jet Ji pry { CTATT [S[TTOE] rants, inc : pPl- | 6.-4-2--News §,2--Price Is Right et Jackson ACROSS 5. 25, Lofty ---- bi ol S| [tal IU eS Day ems) will total S-Buntley Brinkley dnl pe] Thcy i . 6:15 P.M. CARROLL BAKER -ROGER MOORE WALTER SLEZAK e . 3 " L another 3 1,900,000. 4 11:30 AM. --Sea Hunt 1. Cicatrig 6. Bind moun. VIE] [LIT] ; 4 7:00 P.M. | 11 Anything Ges 6:30 P.M. KATINA PAXINOU mosscstsy NENRY BLANKE KCB 5.0n the 7. Openings tain The comparison wopld be even| e~rabloid Er Pi eBid 11--Family Theatre | F IRVING ; highest (anat.) 28. High more marked if old age pensions| 5--The Rifleman | Dent Bote 543 News: Weather [§ aver FRANK BUTLER smansy RAPPER ) survag STANLEY BAKER - GUY ROLFE - LEO McKERN - GORDON JACKSON point 8. Continue school were taken into account. Ten| A-Auie Jakes 12:00 NOON 6:45 P.M. ©, Rodent 11, Sack abbr.) years ago, much of the condi-| SPM | 13--Cartoons | 8--Huntley-Brinkley 3 : f oan 5 : Ld | 7--Rest] Gun por d d A i Dome Nome tne tonal, grants were for Ottawa's) remus' wou | SSI E® ease : { % ¥ Added Attractions 11, Trite 15. Nothing trine a of the cost of means-| 7:30 P.M. [Consequences f 7:00 P.M. ¢ b 12. Cora 19. Musicnote 30. Gibs test pensions to needy persons.| 7--Bronco | News and Weather | 8-Tabloid { ~ ~ 34, King 20, Tooth wbmpp (cols In 1952 the central government | 8 pound Reed 12:15 P.M. 3-1 of R Open House : ieee anitinit Arti 21 Femining 10a.) #8 |began the present program of uni-| 5 wii ri | 8--~Matines 3 Saufonbal -: I I, --- | burial place pronoun 82. Colne Xestesday's Anvwew versal pensions to all at age of Who Pm. 5d the Tp M ; | $8. Chinese 22. Pernviag bus' thus easing a big provincial bur-|11.6---Chevy Show | 12:30 P.M, T--News; Weather : y | nls * Indian ship 87. Close to den | Ang og { Y---Newy 7:30 P.M, | D N T WEL Jellylike 3, Strik 3. Relieves 29. One (8p.) ' . a Way : -M. | 7-Love That Boh 7--Black Saddle | substance 24, Kind 34 Mal, © Pte? (ng the decade there wate! swat warp 8,3--1t Could Be You | 6 Leave it fo Beaver | : major improvements in the| 5-2--Fibber McGee 4--S8earch for Tomorrow | 52-- Wagon Train f of cloud beverage 41. Greek lette® | provincial position brought about| 4--Dobie Gili 12:45 P.M. | Drama | i . by new fax-sharing agreements. | 25 aN. 11--Movie Matinea 8:00 P.M. |11-6--Front Pa --G > In 1952-53, unconditional federal | Chunerae nding jiaks ec 5 TH EY MA 0 ' E J ST | payments to the provinces rose to| 7--Rifleman 2 Mid-day 8: p Y MEAN Y uU R v . 2--Mid-day Matinee 130 P, 4338.700,000 compared with $108. Jahr Murray 7--Music Bingo 11:6_live A Borrowed CRAFTY 900.000 three years earlier. Con-| 9:30 P.M | 3--Feature Movie | , Life | ; ee Vo ang M. 4--Meet the Millers | 7--Ossie and Harriet | ditional grants declined to $70.-!11-6-5-2--Startime 1:30 P.M | 52--Price Is Right | | 900,000 from $115,700,000 reflect. | 7--Philip Marlowes Mk pied 4-Men Into 8 { Fool Them, Be Smart «on | y 4--Red Skolt 9--For the Ladies pace | = 2 ] ing the start of the federal pen- ed Skelton ~The World Turns 92:00 P.M. | A 10:00 P.M. 4 Perry. Con i f 4 J sonprogram. ees, 20 EM yeti coef Enroll Today in the New Winter Term § Seah 957-58, unconditional pay-| #--Garry Moore 6--Chez Hel 4--Millionaire : ments by Ottawa rose slightly to! 10:30 P.M. | Better Wore 9:30 P.M. ge ws CLIFF ROBERTSON - GIA SCALA wn TERY rubADd $382,600,000 a figure which 415 an Without a Gun | 2-Queen For A Day 1-1 Got a Secret AT THE bf "PATRICIA CUTTS - RIAN GARRICK - som ay DANEL (LLUAN se STEPHEN TANOEL - 5 my STEPHEN RABEL masks the real improvement be-| 5 Pa Sr rence | 3:15 P.M. Wik Py. OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE lic - } ; <u cause Ontario in 1957 began eol-| 2--Bold. Venture ry Sehu] 16 The Uniorseen lecting its own corporate 'income 11:00 P.M. 11-8 oi PY 3 This 1s Your Life | LJ BATTLE SCARRED GIANT . | tos rerti oo | 11,7,6,5,4,2~News RT an {Steel Hour = ' {2 ste ~G m 1 43. Single thing x instead of renting the tax |" weather Sports ' Gale Stor . ap | STARTING MONDAY JANUARY 4 '60 Ae 94, Tardy field to Ottawa. But conditional 11:15 P.M Home Cook § Wo! M. p / ji vot A IE Toe awa. jut conditional] | JL1s P.M. House Party 116 Exrloratiom | repare a sound, secure future for yourself by B EVN: § 48, Epochs more than doubled to $145,800, 6Viewpoint 3:00 P.M. 10:45 P.M. developing business office skills that are very 0 ® DOWN 000 from the 1952 level 11:30 P.M. 11-6-PM Party 7--Time For Srorts much in demand today 3.0, 28 a BASIC AGREEMEN Ly Cub | Lao The Glock 11:00 P.M. : his $ A SEMENT hr ar .erbach Club ~Doctor Malone 11-7-6. 2 New i H 2 pO The perennial concern over fed- Far dg ~Milllonaire Weather: Sports ACT NOW ---Business needs Trained Alert | (MIA ANAANAANAAAPSY 8 Asian eral - provincial fiscal relations | 11:45 P.M, an PM. ; mL P.M. Men and Women REGISTER NOW! lie § STARTS TOMORROW ¢ Inland sen has its main roots in a 1942 6--Boxinz 7-Who Do You Trust | 6- View | ~ ~ a & Rebuwden agreement whereby the prov-| WEDNESDAY 6--People's Choice 11:30 P.M PHONE FOR FREE LITERATURE | / oleh noes temporarily" gave up 2:00 AM. | 3,2---From These Roots | yy te' Show | LAST "The 4-D Ma 11] & "Thi » BOTH their direct taxing rights to OF |z3iow on the Word | Verdi 1 Vers roy 10 SIMCOE ST. NORTH -- DIAL RA 5.3375 [ioAv: n is Island Earth" 500% 'tawa te strengthen the eenisal e-News Roundup |u~Popeye [ Pack, pay | federal planet, of the 25 aboard. tral tax collections. As well, they {ax collections are reduced along | T