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The Oshawa Times, 30 Dec 1959, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 30, 195% 11 RED 5c HOENDIENST, | Johansson Tom Landry |. : wie [EN Joa Lazy Dutchmen Signs Pact Edmonton Flyers Semi-Finals | i | won| TERE Schedule Look For With Dallas Register Victory In Shuttle COMEBACK | NA PN By DICK SODERLUND DALLAS, Tex. (CP) -- Tom | : C ti ti HONORS, Coan Zi SICCREO] M (AP)--Now that | Landry, "the greatest coach in | By THE CANADIAN PRESS |penalties when Creighton jumped ompe 1 ion ST A A AN vith F 1 : football," is a coach without 8 | Edmonton Flyers registered|from the penalty box and swung atch with Floyd Patterson LITTLE OVER a rematch with Floy ) team. their third straight win Tuesday|at him. Creighton got a game 1oRONTO (CP)--Bonnie Elms- 3 1 - : f has been arranged, world heavy- 3 - . A YEAR AFTER | / oh gl omar Johans- He signed a five-year con- |night as they defeated Spokane|misconduct. he din 7 WAS FIRST a , weight chap Ingemar Solan tract Monday to guide Dallas |Comets 6-2 +d a Western Hockey| Forbes Kennedy, Gene Achty-|ley of Peter borough, defen oe ECOERED HE : in : S08 JO i tng he Rangers, who hope to land a |League game marked by one of michuk, Holmes, Stu McNeill, |junior girl shuttle champion, a y training than he I's, 3 ) WAS ¢ a integ eg hg ning brought | franchise in the National Foot- [the wildest brawls of the season.|Len Haley and Don Poile scored|Nancy Vincent of Orillia, rated vieTm oF : Pa : TGR : kelv to ga : . sitys.| Dall League next year. | The win gave Flyers a 'firm Dol Toppoll counted for Spokane. ui i in the junior women's di- . : A him the title P 11-DUTCHMEN LOOK likely to get involved in the situa : at { ; : National Hockey League presi- J \ The re bout, set for June] KITCHENER (CP)--Kitchener- tion. Landry maves west from hold on fourth place, two points| Vo: x Komp ong vision, were among the few in Be ITE pr either Yankee Waterloo Dutchmen, trying to| Bauer and Oscar Wiles, presi- New York, iets ne iy de- |hack of the third-place Cougars: ol T ikon. Alex Prvigr nie Toni visitors to reach the semi-finals Stadium or the Polo Grounds, shake off a miserable slump and|dent of the Dutchmen, were in| fensive coach for the NFL, New | The league-leading Vancouver National Hockey Leagu resi. 2 the Metropolitan Toronto Ju- was announced Monday by Ed- their date in the Winter Olym-/Toronto Tuesday ostensibly to York Giants. Giant head coach |Canucks moved farther ahead by ey gue nior badminton championships w in Ahlquist the champion's ad-|pies fast approaching were in|scout Dave Keon, a star with St. Jim Lee Howell recently called [beating second-place Seattle To- Nast, Claredce Camphell was 8lMonday Si, 2 CHE > - 2 S < ] > " 8] r. . viser, and Roy Cohn, the New another jam today. No coach. Michael's in the OHA Junior A Landry, 2» Whe greatest coach in tems 51. Canucks ave 52 points, Peis oS tehinson Ray Cyr and| The tournament, with 20 en rney wi : : iti series. They i Vag e tries, began with singles. Doubles York atiorney ho leads a 10 In addition to a record of 10 Serie ey spent some time "4", oiive of Dallas who | Six forwards shared the Ed-(Ralph Keller got Vancouver s| ies. began Wil) Sings Wednes- an promotiona ERO. fio stesis is M Sockey E9Imes ii Another possible successor sug: played with the University of | |monton scoring. Four players| goals. Tommy McVie scored for ow ey er hoy n an interview, Johansson said|/month, the Dutchmen ran i 2 EF DOSSible Succes: | Texas, Landry was also sought were sent off the ice after a Se ] he was all set for the return,imore grief Tuesday when coach|gested Tuesday was Hap Day, by Bud Adams, owner of the |third-period melee that held 2 --| Miss Elmsley easily passed spit litle too much of his|Bill Durnan, former National|former NHL Leaf coach. Team| . } |Toronto players Martha Medland {despite a litile t of urna { A J iE Tn men awaited! Houston Oiler franchise in the |the game 15 minutes. Edmonton and Denise Hinchcliffe, defeating mother's cooking. League great, resigned. Nobody BF Mine newly - organized American [forward Chuck Holmes tangled| Sc Tri . : | "Just before Christmas," Ingo|seemed anxious to jump into the go of the 'slob | Football League. with Spokane defenceman Dick! oring Tio {them 1, 11-2 and 11-6, 11-2 re- "I was ius breact vie! I *1sion 'wa . ams indic > w wil spectively. ] hf ' x1 | ay. 3 hi TR ony' "He : Dutchmen are reported to have nounced. i, L gait ow rp oo i Ti Miss Vincent defeated Mollie AT CONTENT WITH W! 4 pe i jae as 196 when he knocked out|gone after Joe Primeau, only Dutchmen Showed signs of pull-| (Cnt the Los Angeles Rams | Bill Burega and the fight was o 0 S op po |Strachan of Toronto 11-2, 11-0 in CONQUERING TH/% : ~~ | Patterson last June in Yankee man ever to coach Stanley, Al-/ME Dut of tel! Sump a esday| of the NFL After order was restored, ref.| {second-round play to enter semi- DIBEAaE HUSELA, i p : {Stadium lan and Memorial Cup winners, Bgl Wien Te ea Je leville/ Landry's signing made it ap- |eree Willy Papp was listing the] NEW YORK (AP) -- Spring finals. CHAIRMAN OF THE : : | TRAINS EVERY DAY to succeed Durnan but appar ics troak "Their "17 pear almost certain Dallas will field's high-scoring trio -- Floyd] 5 TRAINS EVERY § ently were unsuccessful. 8 5 5 h < av. rofessi thal {Smi i 3 , Ar HRISTMAS Fr | "During the holidays T was a Ey } in 33 games has d 2 TE oie [Stratton ens hold the SEAL DRIVE 70 i home. and of course ma's meat. PRIMEAU UNAVAILABLE [them from first to, third place in| (S00 (SX, TESn le FC 00h N. Y. Ran ers oirelion wove 0, Joi she RAS Por Ag % ry {balls may have put on some ex Primeat oid a hat he league race | AFL headed by Lamar Hunt |Hockey League scoring race al. : CONQUER IT. N a : " {tra weight. But my clothes stillihe couc hol UNGertax YY HELP AVAILABL | The Rangers are headed by |though held to five points be- | For Your Convenience ! . HM & I fit me, so I guess T don't have ing burden the Clint Murchison Jr. and Bed |tween them last week, to worry. 1 train every day and "I'm a le post that Sage: Jot ig i m bleak. ford Wynne : Ma Chan 1X Smith retained his hold on first {keep in shape easily - gy busi ? ren "7 Whitby ha d Dutchmen a The Rangers hope to receive |place, league statistics showed Asked if plans to train as|@Ovd 1 Ue dther con. complete forw ard line and an all-| a franchise next month, when {today, by picking up two points ; . si 4 F Primeau would neither con . | as Scor is available in any quantity et he did for the first meeting with| = = fenv that he had been star defenceman for the tourna-| NFL club owners meet, despite for a otal of 50. He has scored ee Patterson, Johansson said he al-|'rm nol enya, ment. They are Bobby Attersle opposition expected from 188 {17 goals and assisted on 33 the following . « SE HOwWNTOWS INDUSTRIAL rell 239 tvs the same av approached by the Dutchmen Cc Qo Ny K Pe 3 Et George Preston Marshall of | Stratton added two points while Standings Outlaws 8, Miller Con Lucky Draw Winners intern, | ¥ el , i ig tn » has bee ut of th Sam reOrge amoienko eC Lic x 8 SL 4d | . struction 7, Horne's Esso 6, Bricklayers|S. Johnson, J. McConkey Kono-| 2 s you did before?' He has been ou © Bam® nd rearguard Harry Sinden--| Washington Redskins. An ex- {EW YORK (CP) -- New York|>weeney connected for one and Vi OR i § As la as you did before ca 1 when he stepped down a5 A é é 1 > NEW YOR CP) ew Yor! 3, Peacock Lumber 5, White Stars 5,|packi, K. Maher and J he Ww sked SCS J p Tor key figur n Whithy's world pansion committee headed by 'Rangers, Iready have the Indians' teammates would up Subway 4, Blue Stars 4, Richmond Tire| Congratulations to the winn 1€ as asked. as coach: of the NHL Toronto ®™ i : 1 HID} V hin A Chics eat anger who alr tied for the runner-up position SERVICE STATIONS 4, Pleasure Valley White Rose 2, All|c party in af "This time," said Ingo wit Maple Leafs. He led Ls to the/Shampionsinp Victory George Naas of 1 tieago Bears. (urned to Wi anipeg Warriors for with 45 points. 2 A ar oot Beer 2 he leagu r 8 y ae oy h {OR 12 sai had sugg > favors a g Dallas Ww is y Stars 2. and A aud ¥ Rot Be the | Val Sozans| president St « Stanley Cup in the 1950-: 2 Blai aid he had 1s 'ave addin 1 iy 1 ; 2 De coach this year, may $0 | Sweeney is tied for the league- ga OSHAWA NM a ila took the . stra ht fron: the | Vs zansk dent Stan Johtison; G nm. He earlier coached the act winter a combination of Landry expressed delight |west again to try fo find a solu- lead in goals scored with another -S LH bwa inch 00k ee p ala lian ACK a psurer |» NN al a . +he " IPTC avi ar .. > 5 « P gy Ag rogram Es a TO SEEK LICENCE : p boro to the Allan/ing and coaching talent from the, that the Rangers have quarter- (tion to their goal-tending prob- ir) 78 BOND ST. WEST T to Marli } H Horne's Esso took three from Rich h all sritement generated by| Cohn said he will make a for- hi hi Canad 3 | Dunlops and Dutchmen to "pres-| back Don Meredith of Southern |lems Providence' arry ligt i and ' 1 1 ° nd senior Canac TC B ) : ; mond Tire, led by Bill Ax with an | th ristmas 1 we alm tted | mal application to the New York "UP iL Ser a Mic ol ~..ent a strong olympic front." Methodist under contrac The Rangers, mired in last| At ence' Ray Ross Il have SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 857 triple and two good 365 y ul h tory (tate Athletic Commission for a and oron t icha : It p ( is-wide tf "All we've got is a coach and the National Hockey 19. Stratton is top man in assists. 3 and 327, which gives Bill the high tri eaked th vith a narrow two ih iors to the Memorial Cup, Cana lis is a Canada-wide thing, I weve got is a coach anc place In tne Ne Rochester's Ed Chadwick is at Lakeview Park with handicap; White Stars toc JI, to salt promoting licence on h eturn | on junior title ie said. "I don't know whether| a pitcher," he said. "But that's League, were reported interested |, e No. 1 goaltender, allowing a from the A and W Teal away the ond section an join home later this week Canada can win the Olympic; a start. Now we've got fo get |in the Western Hockey League fe of 261 goals a game KING ST. EAST BE ce Pe | tion iain *°¢T" Oldtime promoter Humber tigi AIR SAYS No titles, but I do -know it's no| some more players." club's goaler Al Rollins, 33, voted| at the Townline ® be ad Brlekia ory Took i hi? PS. Ach. pitied the. powari k) ¥ a member of the won Blair. m of Whitby|longer a one-team show. It has| If Dallas has pro teams in [the NHL's most valuable player | High scores for ti en ere p A oll | ( 1 group, predicted a gate of py, 150¢ who won the world tour-/to be two teams, or even an en both the NFL and AFL it will {while playing with Chicago Black SUSPEND COACH ® WHITBY PY oy Amie B12 ler 72: 2 | Joam om re ara : 30,000 for the return bout, nof nament last vear, had also' been|tire senior group pit great oil fortunes in a bat- |Hawks. INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -- Presi Rose i and played hel Oe int win. in spite of a counting film or closed. - circuit oniioned as a possible succes When vou're restricted in tle for gate receipts |" Marcel! Paille, 27, was brought|dent Frank Gallagher of the In-(| 500 BROCK ST. NORTH The Lemon League was i of [2123 total rol yy the losers TV revenue sor to Durnan. But he isn't in-|your choice of players by ama. Hunt is the son of H. L. Hunt, {up from Springfield Indians of ternational Hockey League Mon- lemons to report teh, Ro ennett wast ¢ Under term he contract; ..cied teur stand then it's difficult! said to have the greatest in- |the American Hockey League tojday suspended coach Metro ® AJAX o DUPLATE OFFICE LEAGUE Sarge Ay Massng asi formerly hel tosensohn En have beer | go tolto gather a team to match the| come of any man in the world replace Gump Worsley. Muzz | Prystai of the Omaha Knights HARWOOD AVE. N. The big mid eason event, t L . ite ere split with |terprises, « and Pa ter ley ( nter| Russians or Czechs." Murchison is the son of Clint |Patrick, general gir gig] at|indefinitely. Gallagher said Pry * Christmas chicken roll, is now histor ir son eac eive 25 per ¢ y the game t ----| Murchison, one of the world's [that time put much of the blame stai refused at St. Paul Sunday hte ay (oy A "180 and c OE Ie Tling € he gate plus an equal. starting Feb. 18) with ti . . a wealthiest men. Wynn's family [for the Rangers' poor showing night to play a special overtime od BROOKLIN hd dP tn a ; ee ) Ss. split of 70 per cent of radio, TVIi * i" 1 don't know in what FAMED BOXER DIES ic listed among Texas' 'big |on Worsley period ordered. is setile o dish JCT- 7 & 12 HWYS, cap, R. Bennet 587; F 4, Pa 19 ir | movie receipts - " aw capacity," Blair s "Ty t| DI BLIN (AP Jim Coffey,| rich" with assets of $100,000, In 15 games Paille has allowed puted game Nov. 8. St. Paul tes aso 7 : fib iy Control 18 " ~ linteresied in the ing job." Irish heavyweight who fought! 000 or more 56 goals, a 3.7 average, though|geored an unhampered goal and ho ar 2 e 2 Blair. was invited la C 1 Battling Levinsky and Gunboat Landry's salary was not dis- {th 1e Rangers have won six games| aq declared the winner Group e era han | th ne 5 to join Dutchmen at the Olym.(Smith in 1914, has died at 68.| closed. Tex Schramm, general |by scoring four or more goals in| -- Girne o------ ce ---------------------- Woy ri w od a A : ' on enacs' pics. At that time there we o Coffey emigrated to the United| manager of the Rangers, said (each ince 431 g t t han 1 2 A x on 1 é i V ix at 19 & his professional y a ang ; hes NY Sa hE . dicap, G. Parkin, 246; High double with 247, 22 randall 246, 210; G. Park in coaching problem Slate Lt 19 and proke OD the NFL will provide the club The Rang brought Alf Eke handicap, J. Kellar 497; High single t 245, G. Gudgeon Durnan. who with Montreal|! career ran from 1912) with a nucleus of players from Winnipeg to replace hil | with handicap, G. Gudgeon 8 MecCor 23 Cs of the NF] the through 1919 - | Watson as coach early in Decem- Group 1H: Wor uk rrell 233 > 3 Canadiens q. Lie ei 364 -- ---- [ber. Pike is reported to be fa-| without handicap > ¥ ok ech 2 J ezina rophy for goaltenders . . cif : : sible, | ginule Wile! Sun ro six times, said he quit because poy T Baltimore Colts |" inci oeaitender that Pat: able with handi pple 2 2 intern the t " smal. showing. in | I - 405; High single with handicap : pinichuk 203 and 202 of Lr am's d jms 3 Ne ¥ 1 wo eams Irick is reported to be consider-| e Senior series e sai M R i is Hank Bassen, now with the club's performance was anager ecovers av Cais 4 a INTER- CITY FEUD | Oras te) Kingston gate Uf "BOE wong erie ET Or d er ed Off BALTIMORE (AP)--Don Kel.| Several Ranger players were lett, 50, Baltimore Colts "general reported to be unhappy with | single with yon Frontenacs' gloomy position in Dutchmen were concentrating on Paille. the Eastern Professional Hockey amateur players to qualify as manager and vice-president who!" <; W 11 Hated .eague does not seem to bother Olympic Garnes candidat were collapsed Monday, was reported ie, "said oe. ope sanding 1 Orval Tessier. If anything, it said to be other factors for the Y @ eree lin satisfactory condition today. .|aroun | ' if he's trying.' would appear to give him inspira- team's lack of success He was in hospital for treat-| Another said: "We ean't make ti ! shat! tior ment and observation of what) the playoffs with him- --too many T While his team is deadlocked DUDLEY NOT SURPRISED LONDON (AP) London (Dr. Erwin Mayer, team physi-| By Sudbur 4 eam with Sault Ste. Marie Thunder-| Durnan took over the Duich-| traffic policeman Alf Sturgeon |cian, described as "sheer exhaus- cheap goals going in." binds in the cellar, the Fronten-imen last season from Bobby] Monday became Britain's most ition." At Winnipeg, Warriors' general | acs' balding centreman is just!Bauer. His resignation was no controversial soccer referee-- Mayer said Kellett collapsed in manager Jack Perrin said he) By THE CANADIAN PRESS (danger of Sleaver's conduct," he one point, off the league's individ- surprise to some officials, nota- ] man who ordered both a taxicab taking him to a lunch-| talked with Patrick Monday night | Trois-Rivieres Lions are likely said ual scoring leadership bly George Dudley, secretary-, teams off the field and aban- |eon celebrating Sunday's 31-16/by telephone but no mention has to get a pretty hot reception Answering charges by the Statistics released Monday by manager of the Canadian Ama-, doned the match Colt victory over the New York|/heen made of Rollins or a goal- | when they play in Sudbury to- Wolves of poor crowd control, he league headquarters, covering|teur Hockey Assoc ation, It's the first time such a Giants for the National Football| tender switch. He declined to say | night after adding more fuel to|said there are six muni cipal po- games through Sunday, showed, Dudley said in Midland : Wi | thing has happened in British | League championship. what they discussed. f the inter-city feud in the East- lice, three special constables and |Tessier with 56 points, compared the materia they ve been getting| soc It gave the bosses of f ern Professional Hockey League 24 ushers at each game to main- with 57 for Hull-Ottawa Cana- they should be doing better I the game one of their biggest i 1 X __ tain order and discipline. He diens' Billy Carter. Tessier leads/don't know 'what the trouble is, ever headaches Precedent | The Lions played Tuesday yajienged Sleaver, who ironi-/the league .in goals with 20 and but the coach is always the fall, gives no guide to possible ac- T E L E VI S I O N L O G night at Sault Ste. Marie, where; enough played last year for|has 27 assists guy.' tion ] i Mg i gia : 2 the Lions, to report to the Trois-| Carter has 32 assists--tops in| Dudley said the CAHA is un The big sendoff came 10 min : 5 mare mo of, their Rivieres court and stand a fair that department--and 25 goals utes before the end o fthe Dart- |CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto| ck in Quebec trial Tessier scored three goals and ford<( send match in the There the club said ould] In the game at Sault Ste./four assists last week while FIGHTS LAST southern league Saturday WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel 3--Rochester| control its hockey fans and sug- Marie. Lions' right winger John| Carter chalked up three goals. | Sturgeon blew long xs : Jon : v d d L urge lew long and loud TV © 0 2 gested that Sudbury We olves CQlsePaul Denis scored three goals in| Netminders Claude Evans and| NIGHT on his whistle. The 2,000 fans WGR-TV. Channel 2-Buifale WBEN-TV Channel {--Buffale trol its fiery forward Jolin the first period to pace his club's| Ray Mikulan of the fourth-place thought the referee had mis Sleaver vietory Other Trois-Rivieres Trois-Rivieres Lions have the calculated on the time WEDNESDAY EVE, 7--Komedy Korner THURSDAY EVE Sleaver was accused of sSwing- ceorers were Mel Pearson, Leon/best combined goals against] BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Then Sturgeon waved his 5:00 P.M. } &-Ding Dong. Scuon 5:00 P.M dy ing his stick at a fan in Trois- Rochfort and Deino Mascott average with 3.03. Hull Ottawa's| McKeesport, Pa. Johnny| hands in the air, told all 22 | 3 Tiers i Theat | hom 1 av aft +1 . : is |ll--Family Theatre | 2--Byline | f1--Family Theatre Rivieres last Sunday afte he Jim Farelli and Wa Brad- Jean Gauthier is the most pen- Morris, 164, Pittsbur gh, out-| players that they had been or 6--Art In Action 9:30 AM | 6--This Living World fan alledgedly made some un-gev scored for the Soo who re-|alized player with 86 minutes. pointed Bobby Stininato, 175,| dered off and abandoned the | 5--Plavhouse daa 3--Playhouse ary " . 4--Learn Abou 11--Movie | axe iF complimentary remarks. The mained in a last-place 27-po ----| Cleveland, 8 match Storybook. Land | 7--Romper Room | ea Sutin * £ I al KF fan, Michel Beauchamp, cut onitie with K te F ' r Wher e roy 5 | 3--Burns and All | | 1 v stor rontenacs an \ n one player was | 3--Gene Autry A d Allen hi Minneapolis Kenny Lane Life of Riley PM. -- I -- the arm, swore out a warrant for The Lions lead them by seven 143, Muskegon, Mich. knocked! %0€ ked in the stomach by an- : : | 3 Helen Neville a Fil Sleaver's arrest 9 an assault ipoints u ur out Ray Lancaster, 146%, Spar-| other player after a lot of | Features Fil ri 5:30 charge Sudbury leads point tanburg. S.C.. 3 rough plav, T thought 'that's 5:30 P.M. 10:00 A.M. :30 P.M. L a Fila ga | 7--Rocky ; Wolves threatened to keep the gy Ottawa ltl a and enough' and off they went," he Friend Flicka 3-2---Dough Ra Mi Rocky and Friends mn. ' | reles 30018 ont 1 { {0 4--Red Rowe Show 6--Roy Rogers team out of Trois-Rivieres unless Montreal Royals are tied for sec Los Angele : Monroe. | gid 6 a Fay "10:30 AM. 3--Huckleberry Hound the Lions control their fans : 122%, Los Angeles, outpointed, gg Leite x > 2 M. { oh 8 ond with 36 Sam Leitch of The Daily |;15 News 7---Morning Show 6:00 P.M. " = . xy RE _ {Baby Brown, 124, Manila, 10. © | Herald, discussing Sturgeon's | 7--Early Show $3--Play Your Hunch |11.6--Metro News SAYS OTHER INCIDENTS Stockton, Calif. --Benny Casing,| action. commented that "if we | 8--Jet Jackson | 4-On The Go 7--Early Show | Roger Laroche, Lions legal ad- . 121, Stockton, outpointed Billy| are to clean up the private 6:15 P.M. | 11:00 AM, | 377th Bengal Lancers viser, said Tuesday that S 3 Rough Riders as e a Peacock, 121%, Los Angeles, 10 cawli } foot. | 8--Sea Hunt 11--Jane Gray Show | 6:15 P.M. brawling which is called foot- g | 5-2--Price Is Right 6--Bol swung at the fans m Sacramento, Calif, - Auburn ball in some leagues, Alf Stur 5:39 i | 4--I Love bin | hm hd a 11--Family Theatre once and in a previous inc 2 . WINDSOR (CP Sudbury St.| Copeland, 13212, Flint, Mich., out- geon's way is the one S43-News: Weather | 11:30 A.M. | ily woman spectator had most S U E d Charles High School is a slight Pointed Roberto (Mono) Garcia, "What he did could finish his 6:45 P.M j #}--Anyiiing Goes i ; ! been hit in the eye with 1} 1an P n favorite to v the championship |] 187 Mexico City, 10 career. But it took courage." §--Huntley-Brinkley | Bana A | stic i wal As i - se, o Report { . 7 | OTTAWA (CP) 3 (lof ti annual Assumpti 2 3 -News 12:00 NOON port | - He said Sleaver had caused L Ottawa Rough iversit i ah b , ' gh iversity invitational hig . 11--Bugs, Bunny and trouble at a previous game with Riders today announced signing|cuyool basketball tournament " CROSSWORD PUZZLE { res P.M. | Friends his ick-swinging CS of their second all-purpose end g gh . | 7--Restless Gua T winging an ' pur Ndi which starts today | 5--U of R Open House | 2 Truth or &----Tabloid I personal varned referee for the 1960 Big Four football "harles Tr | < 4--Cannonball | i 5--The Detective 2ck. Patter: y eason St, Charle x | ACROSS 5. Freeing ; TARE 2--Manhunt Consequences | 4--State Trooper ' : Jack Patterson Sunday about the S Bsn fon on vich of Sarnia Central Collegia Cen-| 1 Arrived 6. Over 1 HAR EM | 7:15 P.M | Ne ae 2-Shotgun Slade - - > 1 oianovien Ol # f ' : ol » 1 . . . 1 . 5 Tr : faurs in the tournament's open n 4, Hw y [e) | 9--News:; Weathes | abn is 7:15 P.M. B (o] S T Ohio's Youngstown University. | iau sane a2 won | GlIncematiop twenty-one ON Wek ¢- Matinee tre uy One Suit, Topcoat, T t He is 23, six feet tall, weighs Then Patterson ( giate Pan-| of Vishou 1 Not yours 2 J 7--Black Saddle Speaks of the Hours P.M | 190 pounds and plays defensive Fhe Dilefa Le San) 9, Taste 8, Winglike | orf aut 3 M. 7--Gale St : : ' 1 thers of Windsor will tangle w T] 6--Léave it to Beaver > Sob ale orm edamma es f as well as offensive end hers © pdsor angle with) 20. Roma 9. City in 23. ul a 5-2--Wagon Train Tre ut TE 6--TBA f portcoat, air rousers, 3 L t eteran-packet ndon Bea MID ] I 3 : ders earlier signed James Rey- iy 4 any acked London all magistrate 'Washinggon L BIA : Drama 4--Search For Border Patio) coll F nolds, 21, fr Hillsdale College en | 22, First in rank 11, Bitter vetch 2%. Ship's E 8:00 P.M. Tomorrow 3 - : Lead In J i Fi from dale ege In the evening » alker vi 13, Crescent eg pried 2 Supa RA : 5 |11-6--R.C.M.P 12:45 P.M. Blow of the Plainsman etc. at Regular Price Mia > pass-receiving rec | 7--Keep Talking Collegiate Tartans will play Tor-| of 7) ILIAITIE] 1i--Movie Matinee y ord for the last three years in , 7 4. Queer langth call : 3 | i "aw A onto St, Michael's t shool | "i 3 . 30 P.M. | 4--Guiding Light GC l R Michigan nto St. Michael's High Schooll 3 Fomprey ~ 17.Body 2 Pin Bt IY | en And Get An Additional P.M, Kerry Ontario Catho- i Both new ends are good punt- Ntario Catho-i fishermen of water re Yesterday's Amswer | Life 7--Music Binge 1 o 1 AY ic Conference champions, and| ©" --Ossle and Harriet ) 11.6--Deputy - ers, and Smolanovich also kicks|y 1 * : 36. King (abbr.) 18 Fastened, as 30. Meaning 85. The Emerald ; Jal 5--Movie : { , > snne ollegiate Clippers BY. + .2--Price Is Right -- 1 | 7--Donna Reed t gs, od Kennedy Collegiate Clippers of 37. Part of et be. woimy The 33Prie Ia Rh | "Next The Miers | TOWN Rent uit, Topcoat, ortcoa N / sor will i 1 . \ ; p 3 Mid-day i i TORONTO (CP)--Rod Gilbert] Smolanovich was an all-state] nasor will battle London Beck chairback 20.Broodof 33 Slovenly 7. Hebrew 9:00 P.M. [ee boty Dutin and Jean Ratelle, Guelph Bilt-| choice in high school football at Collegiate Spartans, | 18. Heats, pheasants person letter 11-6-5-2--Perry Como | 7--For The Ladies | 5-3--Pontiac Star Parade or Trousers more teammates, are well 5 | The championship and consola-| 1 (var) 34. C 7--The Hawaiian Eve | ¢_As The World T 8:30 ss 0 2 ates, well in'Poland, Ohio, and made the all-|;; semifinals will be played as glass var, 'ouple 38. Harem yoofl| , o.oo. : s The World Turns | yy rolent Caravan Soman of the Ontario Hockey army service team in 1956 ea. 08 plays | 21. Not good er 9:30 P.M |, hid 2M. 7--Real McCoy's : . 7. eb iyoot - ay & , | y * Vee --Day i ou! a Slion di unior A scoring] At Youngstown he made the i chin 'and consolation finals| 4. Water 77, | =I Got a Secret ! Ch Tela 4---Johuny Ringe F 0 | Hd ording to statistics re-|tri-state all-American team in{f.: evenine ato nymph s 10:00 P.M. | 4--For Better or Worse 9:00 P.M. or n y leased Monday 1959 evening 25, French rivep _The Unforseen 2-Queen For A Day | 11--Top Mov Gilbert leads with 50 points on Stamford = C : Hornets| 97 Old times / { 2 2:15 P.M. i Td 18 goals and 32 assists. Although beat out Kennedy for 1959 lau-| (archaic) y | 52--This Is Your Life | 11.6-Nursey School | Sh neior Father Ratelle's 49 points put him one H Y rels. Stamford declined an invi-l 28 Wool fat | & "i030 Po | 2:30 P.M. | 4--Zane Gray Theatre| behind, he is top man in the KE) BIG 7 tation to defend its title 30. Melodies TA . «Ve | 11-6--Open House | 9:30 P.M. S | : 11-6- cplorations 7--Gale Stor goal-scoring race with 24 . 31. Yes, in Spam [¢ 52-- 2 Wichita Towa | 5=Home Cooking 6 Man From Black- Holding third spot, but a long | | N ep $ long > Ratios bon onal amd | 82. Mien | 10:45 P.M, 4--House Party way from the leaders. is Dave n- dy Bathgate gol a goal and NHL STARS |° a5 Gack lettep / Ne Time For Sport 2-Thin Man 52--Tennessee Ernie Keon of Toronto St. Michael's Bronco Horvath an assist as Bos | by i Fis £3 1 " 1: P.} A 3:00 P.M, 4--The Big Party whose 19 goals and 16 assists|or Bruins edged New York 36. Nonplused | { 7) 1746-5 ew 11-6--Ontario's Great 1 10:00 P.M, give him 35 points Rangers 4-3 in the only National By THE CANADIAN PRESS 37 Rign {Weathers Bports yt hwest Ts | 6--Manhunt Chico Maki of St. Catharines Hockey League game Tuesday| Fern .Flaman, Boston Bruins' ad prope 7 ! : 5 P.M. 5 Mone 52-You Bet Your Life] TeePees follows with 17 goals "8Nt. Bathgate is now only two|defenceman, starred on defence of pata 2 6 Viewpoint 4--Millionaire ' 10:15 P.M. and 14 assists for 31 points. Jim Pets behind Chicago's league-| assisted the first goal and scored 40. P ein 11:30 P.M. i 3:30 P.M. {1 ~The Gab Bag Pappin of Toronto Marlboros ©2ding Bobby Hull, who has 44./the winner as Bruins edged New repares for br»; l1--Late. 8} { 11--Musie For Y 10:30 P.M. holds fifth place with 20 points, HOrvath now is third Fo os a Bey publication V/A i Sev | oe 20 we | 3 Hendin L ith 2 ints . ork angers 3 41, Raised | / ol --Fighting Word ---Border Patro 16 goals and 13 assists The leaders: Harr Lumley, Boston goaler, 42, Horse's necks 4 / / | . ! 5-2 These Roots | | Leading the league's goaltend- A Pts, |who turned back a number of hair LAL J | Verdict Is Yours ers is Roy Cheevers of St. Mi 1 icago 22 22 44 |difficult, close-in ihots in one of| 7/137 | 8:00 A. M. : : roy P.M. chael's whose 53 goals against in|Bz 3 28 42 !his best performances of the sea | DOWN 7--Window on the World | 17 Aero an Bandstand 19 games give him a 2.79 aver- t st 21 20 41 |s { 4. Essenti SE a 6--Millionaire M . age. Len Broderick of Marlboros. | Beli Montreal 2% % 40 Ga by «| 3 ie ial jo en a 52--House On High | 7=Playhouse follows with a 309 average H hard, Montrea 24 38 Ranger fer an up| 2. Mot y / / 4--Captain Kangaroo FR hr $-Musical Ride ear from 71 goals against in! Geoffri Vv " . = 3 3. Mothep 7 2--Sports Ree! oals against in Geoffrion, Montreal 5 20 35 two -goals ir is 4 Before 8:30 A.M. 1:30 P.M. 11:30 P.M 23 gales. Both have two shut-|Howe, Detroit 35 |team's desperate t period] 12 | 7--Devotions 6--See For Yourself | 11-6--New Year's Eve outs, in the league Stasiuk, Boston drive i ar 9:00 A.M. | Sip plt Personality 5-2--Jack Paar 2 | {ui--Cartoons | 4-Edge of Night 4-Film Festival hawk

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