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The Oshawa Times, 30 Dec 1959, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT Cloudy with occasional ¥ght snow tonight, variable cloudie ness Thursday, a little colder winds light northwesterly. / THOUGHT FOR TODAY | If you have no enemies, you probably have some friends you ought to be ashamed of. dhe Oshawa Times Authorized as Second Class Mall Post Office Department, Ottawa Storm Hits East Coast, Maritimes BOSTON (AP) -- Thousands of caded across the road. My chil-| At least five persons were dead rsons fled their homes, hun- dren panicked. I called policelas a direct result of the seasonal reds were rescued and damage|and they got us out." blast that struck hardest in an as in the millions from a rec-| Later she remembered she had area generally encompassing the d ocean tide which gave New not shut off the gas and electri-| Rochester and Buffalo metropol- ngland one of its worst coastal|city and an Edison Electric Com-|itan sections, oods of the century. {pany man rowed her back to the| In its path, the storm left ice- Communities along 30 miles of{house. On the way to safety, coated tree limbs, sagging and he Greater Boston shoreline suf-|gust of wind knocked her out of hreaking electrical power lines red the brunt of the flood dev- the boat into the icy water, The ang dangerously slippery 'high- station although the Atlantic| Edison man saved her. | ways. )cean spurted in stormy anger| More than 300 evacuees were Power failures as & result of uesday along the whole coast. ioused Syren in public build ye guerburdened lines were The highest tide in 108 years| mo . widespread. _14.3 feet--brought ocean water| Thousands had to seek shelter] Families that depended on elec. - Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1959 SIXTEEN PAGES One Killed In District | Car Crash Vol. 88--No. 303 pos The tradgedy occurred about a mile south of Enterprise Hill on au iy, snow-packed road, was killed instantly, Tuesday Earlier in the day the road had afternoon in an accident about/been sanded. ten miles north of Bowmanville. | It appears that Mr. Michitiuk Mrs. Barrie, a sister of Har-\wag travelling south on Highway rison E. Murphy, principal of|35 when one of the tires of his Oshawa Central Collegiate In-car ran into a rut on the edge stitute was a passenger in|of the pavement. He then, ap- the family car, a small Europ-|parently, applied his brakes and éan model, when it was involved |the car skidded across the road in a two-car collision on High-land struck the Barrie car. way 35 at 3 pm. Both cars careened across the In critical condition in the Bow- east shoulder and down a slight manville Memorial Hospital are grade before coming to rest Vv. B her husband, Dr. Barrie, and her|c..; goof apart, The Barrie fam- |§ daughter Ruth, aged 15. This ily was pinned in the wreckage morning the extent of the i lof their small car 4 juries to both was still not known. ! Nr : A second daughter, Helen, aged y were removed to 24, was taken to the Toronto] Man lle Memorial Hospital by General Hospital where her con-|F- F. Morris Co. (Bowmanville) oh . di fai and H. H. Barlow (Orono) am- dition Was reported to be alr ulances. The body of Mrs. Bar- Mrs. Katherine Barrie, 50-year- old wife of Dr. Michael Barrie of the Ontario Hospital, Cobourg, to Bow- DEATH CAR IN DITCH elsewhere 'PUT HIS FOOT INTO IT Mrs. Barrie became the 16th traffic fatality in the area of the Bowmanville OPP detach- ment for 1959. involved, Jack Mitchitiuk, 187 Dundas street east, Toronto, es- | Driver of the second vehicle rie was removed to the Barlow Funeral Home. |CAR WRECKED | The Barrie car was completely/| demolished and damage to the| other vehicle was estimated at| approximately $600 UNION COUNSEL | Arthur Goldberg, chief to a depth of seven feet on some + Whe Water rose sev. tricity for furnace operation bun- streets and into the first floors of many homes: The flood tides were driven by ported hundreds of thousands of| eral feet in their cellars and ex- {tinguished furnaces. Mercantile establishments re- counsel of the Steelworkers |a northeast storm which bat-|dollars in stock damage. tered the northeast United States Union, gives testimony before | President Eisenhower's fact | for the second successive day. ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP)--Sun- dled themselves to friends, neigh- bors, relatives or to schools and churches which were opened to the victims. A Greyhound bus, with 18 pas- sengers and the driver, spun out caped injury. Safety Director ° so Russ Okay Raps Driving Law y.. Dote TORONTO (CP) A traffic|missioner of the Liquor Control teen-agers who drink in cars. He finding board in the steel dis- | The storm dropped up to 16/Shine was a remote possibility to- pute, in Washington. inches of snow in New England day for western New Yorkers in ! --AP Wirephoto| Tuesday but mot until the flood|the chilled wake of the crippling of control on the state Thruway near Newburgh Tuesday night, At least four persons were in- jured as the bus skidded, spum and toppled on its side. Hydro Clears Cpl. Gordon M. Keast took| charge of the investigation on his arrival at the scene of the| accident. OPP Constable Pat Harte-Maxwell was investigating rr ~ [tides swirled into residential Slee} Stor that also hit South- . communities were so many Tives|® mano, officer and was assisted by PC's Ch 1 M {threatened and was so much| Jack Ricard, Pat Cornell, Jack] emica S AY damage caused. Cartwright and Conservation Of- At least nine deaths were ficer Doug Powell, | Pollute Water [semed on te sim in the six : | New England states. safety director said Tuesday Board of Ontario, said legislators said that with two or three teen-| . | CHICAGO (AP) -- Drinking | More than 700 families were the impaired driving pro-|and other "big shots" would re-|agers in it, the family car after| water is being polluted by hun-|goreed to flee their homes from night pi vision in the Criminal Code was ceive the same reatment as midnight 'turns into bawdy | ) dreds ol Sov Shentiesl products| tye town of Hull on Boston's enacted to protect "big wheels" anyone else before the courts." house and drinking place." MOSCOW (Reuters) -- The So-| HAS NAMESAKE I el 0D Rn ealth south shore. Scores of women who can afford to pay fines and] "I wouldn't pay too much at-| "There is more alcohol con-|viet government has agreed tol [pert Sail UNEHOWY, 2 Waler 'eX: and Shillaren were plucked from avoid jail terms. tention to statements like that," sumed in cars than gasoline." |the Western powers proposal for : BN nce ina : _|windows by rescuers. And this prompted such reac- he Sola. lect H Wambold of Dr. Eugene Forsey, research a0 Sot Wes SwnuAlL fontérence i lune la "and insecticides, and. ean |, CONS guard Si private boats tion as: "Ridiculous," "he has| ayor-elec Hany HamuoiC Ogirentor of the Canadian Labor|® Paris on May 16, authoritative| 4. naight of flood tide Tues- |not be completely removed from 2! a X _s| TORONTO (CP) -- Raw Arcticinearby townships and municipali- i " " »¢| Kitchener said Sgt. Henrich had sources here said toda rescues in pelting rain, sleet and|, . y put his foot ny and ] guide t made. ic Wild statements and Congress, told the conference he Foreign Minister el Gro day saw a man sweeping (water now by standard methods, hail ; | winds Jollowed eezing rain and|ties north of the city. ttention to state- imi i i 5 5 r |sa A ; i . : : 4 Toents lke that." [Would have to account for them BEL 0. in "need by spend,|moko handed letters 'to the| pact Tom Le doorvay of & Ish fT aston of the Talted FREQUENT crews continued working today jo[LONG. BLACKOUT The charge was made by Sg.|before the police commission. |; "on liquor while two-| United States, British and French As be swept Ye sang mer lwater supply. and. politics cor |HEROSIM REQUE! repair the province's most wide.| In. Orangeville, without power 1 : tv dil "It looks like he has put his/i 8 Money on liquor ¥ WO envoys in Moscow tonight which] ie: agi cP sang alel Soply i | Patrolman Paul Dunn waded| >¥ ince Sunday night, residents Wilfrid Henrich, traffic safety di- in it" Mr. Wambold id thirds of the world's people tai d P . Nikit rily: "River stay away from [trol division. |shoulder-leep in water to rescue | SPread power break and restore|S Sunday ght, residen vector for police at Kitchener. fot i arer am % soins rarely have three square meals L 0" chehev's Te, te my door." "We do not have reliable meth-| to worsen and two children miciecticlly to an estimated 11,40 bought ail available Space hegh . i or » fot i TS " Ss He told a provincial youth con: lis. me the inwpaired 'section waz day. [May 16 date, proposed only Thes- What's your name? ods for predicting their effect on ug, Other deeds of heroism es i W amp BS wit! on alcohol: |brought-in - beeal the diffi-| He criticized the man-of-dis-|da asked a grinning policeman, Iman. We don't know how to re-|u..d noticed but went unre icials of the Ontario .Bydro- Dower "A driving charge auto- eg n fn oe of, hie > {tmction theme in - liquor> adver-| Brin i id that] © Frank Sinatra." {move viruses from treated water. | {Electric Power Commission said | Two local . restaurants; cooking matically brought seven days in SY 0 inp Li »" Itising and said Prime Minister|Gromyko id SS RurE It was his name, td; al- (We don't know the effect on the|® most breaks, caused by ice free- with gas, did a booming busi jail. Now the higher-ups can pay : y ". IDiefenbaker, External Affairs chev's answer © Bith Ane though ne relation to the |human system of the constant ing on lines in Sunday's storm, op io . Sida a fine if they get convicted in-paspg TEEN.AGERS | Minist i i 4 4 . a%"| actor, |accumulation of small inerements will be repaired by tonight. { An Toronto, emergency 8 TS stead of " to jail. But the § ZEN. RS he Minister Green and Finance Min-|sador Sir Patrick Reilly "with {of present-day eisemicals The most critical ae were opened again in the North little Ti holly ay the Sgt. Henrich also eriticized'ister Fleming are all teetotallers. the usual pleasantries." I of present-day cals. 1e a ea was fine still goes to jail. | rs. a | Poston called for immediate] |Orangeville, 40 miles west off York community hall and the {and expanded research to find here, where more than 200 men|R.-H. King Collegiate in Scarbor- "KH you had a law tomorrow » that said ¥ a man was drinking HEIL HITLER There also were evacuations and rescues in Quincy, Scituate, and Cohasset on the south shore and at Revere, Winthrop and Nahant north of Boston. At Scituate, Mrs. June Ragge| was looking out her window when ways of assuring safe, plentiful --aided by a helicopter but ham. | ough. water, in a report to the Amer- pered by communication break-| Bell Telephone Company offi ican Association for the Advance-|the ocean broke through the sea qowns -- were trying to restore cials said more than 2,000 lines {ment of Science. (wall there. "Then came tons of ower to 3.500 homes. |were still out in Toronto, Klein. | istone," she said, "and water cas- ; burg, Bolton and Bracipton. [I |20-HOUR SHIFTS More than 3,100 lines, 350 poles Anti-Semitism { po ; ae | Hydro crews, supplemented by|and 2,400 wire breaks were re- % i {40 men from Northern Ontario, (ported . in the Toronto area but 2 aril 1mes 12] £ worked 20-hour shifts Tuesday to|all but a few hundred were ex- | |get electricity back into the 20-| pected to be repaired today, The Y |square-mile area. Messages were/Bolton area, with miles of bro- | : | By Ice isl now fast as men could fix them. | Hydro officials said most of anonymous threat in Seligenstadt| y A | The cold snap, dropping tem-|the power breaks in the province near Frankfurt | | | peratures to the 15-degree mark occurred in secondary distribu- Issak Hamburger told Seligen-| ' Ls J | HALIFAX (CP)--Winter's firsi|Lake St. Clair and central Lake during the night, stopped the|tion lines. All high-tension eir- [relayed by battery radio and po-|ken lines, may not return to nor- lice cars, but breaks occurred as|mal service for two weeks, stadt police he was warned that major assault on the Maritimes Ontario districts are bare and freezing rain and helped some|cuits were repaired Tuesday. he and all other Jews in Ger-| brought more than a foot of snow wet to slushy. 500 men in the Toronto area clear| Driving conditions became | and driving he would lose his Ii- eence for life you'd have many| people taken out of Queen's| Park." | He added that "many of our most influential people are alco- holics." | ; | ms coos In West German Attorney-General Roberts said| ¥ the records were checked they would show the impaired charge ONN. Germa ( ; was introduced because of the] DONN. Germany (AP) An difficulty of getting convictions outbreak of anti-Semitism, with under the drunk charge grim Nazi overtones, has Chan- He said Sgt. Henrich's state-|cellor Konrad Adenauer's govern- ment about legislators were ridi- ment worried. culous and "hardly merited a re- ply at all." William H. Collings, chief com-| Russ Ship Claims S. Korean Attack LONDON (Reuters) Soviet news agency Tass today that a Russian sury ship had been attacked by South Kor warship off ™ d a the |: concentration camp received an Two new reports of anti-Semi- tic acts were received Tuesday authorities moved against the nas Eve desecrators of a Sy! e and a memorial to Nazi victims in Cologne. In Rheydt, police kas were painted or s Vv ws of several stores night. The word pig accom- d the swastikas on the win- Cl panie y dow of a shop owned by a Jew. wspapers alse eported that > rvivor of a Nazi ™ many were to die "so that your| Jewish breath does not longer| poison the air." RUMORS IN BONN Bonn is full of rumors of a dramatic move by the govern- men perhaps. against political] parties of the radical right, per- "haps former Nazis in positions of | authority. No one in a responsi-| ble position would confirm these! rumors | I was pictured as dis-| the Christmas Eve| of a handsome new| the chancellor's) Cologne. 'Out with| was painted on the synagogue {home town the Jews" wish leaders were disturbed| this black eye for German| ge. | the neo-| h party were i with the They in- st: chairman lof Cologne branch | Their home: contain swast emblems of the Hitler period One of the three greeted report-| ers with a "Heil Hitler" salute. | vere found to| and similar MAY BAN PARTY Adenauver's government has threatened to ban the party if it {can be proved responsible for the Cologne incident. The party, which has a membership of] about 20,000, has denied responsi-| bility and ousted two members. | Some government officials were saying the Communists] may e been behind the inci-| ident. They said.the three men| had been making trips for some| [time into Communist East Ger-| {many There now are only 30,000 Jews hz HAIR RAISER Here's just the thing for that careless beatnik took the bus- iness end of a 400,000 electrostatic generator. Eight- year-old Gail Samuelson's hair literally stands on end as the British youngster makes hand contact with the generator's - volt | | | | electrode at a school children's | display in Londen. The device is used in atomic research. The do-it-yourself hairdo re- quires one very necessary pre- caution -- Gail is standing on a rubber platform. to some areas Tuesday. A fresh In the rémainder of Southern |up hydro line troubles in subur- more difficult after Tuesday's® layer of up to four inches was|Ontario roads are mostly snow-|{ban Scarborough. expected today. the Maritimes after lashing On-| tario and New England, clogged| highways in southwestern Nova| Scotia and also tied up shipping. No major damage was covered and slushy with some | | The storm, which swept into|slippery sections. re-| ? ported. The big danger was from| : freezing weather expected today which could c¢ ause hazardous| driving conditions. YARMOUTH HIT FIRST Yarmouth; on the southwestern tip of Nova Scotia, felt the storm first and hardest. Eight inches of {snow fell there Monday and sleet and rain fell Tues- Freezing rain hit coastal Snow, day areas. The RCMP reported numerous| : highway accidents. Winds that reached 50 miles an hour in some areas - caused drifting. Several airline flights were cancelled. | An early survey indicated lob-| ster fishermen were braced for the blow and little damage was| --AP Wirephoto Oshawa Given Warning Oshawa motorists were given another warning today about the dangers of drunk driving, especially * on the eve of New Year' and conditions dangerous. City police will be out at full force to see that all traffic regulations are keep the highways safe for all to use. l} | Drivers s when roads are crowded rigidly adhered to and to {inches expected. | Ms Snowfall reached 12 to 14) § in southern sections of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick es- lcaped with a fall of from three to four inches. TORONTO (CP)--The highways department today reported that] highways in the Sudbury district } are generally wet to centre-bare| and snow packed with drifting up| to six inches in some sections. Roads in the Kirkland Lake-| Timmins-Kapuskasing re gion s| range from bare, centre-bare to| snow covered and snow packed. | At the Lakehead and in the Ken-| ora-Rainy River regions high-| ways are bare, centre bare with But about 1,500 homes were still affected in the North York suburb and another 2,000 in {snowfall and most roads in the | southern sections of the province {were either wet and slushy or snow-covered with iey patches. some icy sections This city's good record for safe driving during Haliburton highways are the Christmas holidays was severely jolted last Dec, |mainly snow covered although 24th with a rash of accidents and careless driving jsome are bare and dry with ship-| all within a space of 90 minutes starting at 4 p.m, pry Sections. Highway: Se in | City police could not account for the sudden out- burst but they warned today that the law will be en- CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS forced to the utmost during the coming holiday. POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 38-2211 in West Germany. Before Hitler| lcame to power there were 500,-| {000. Many died in the Nazi ter-| {ror There is today ne. more anti-| DEATH FROM SKY : {Semitism in Germany than {other countries, the government| Mrs. Jane A. David, 32 tim's body is |insists. But attacks against Jews| burned to death when a | at the rear. Fiames from the (bring back memories of nazism.| gallon fuel tank fell off a Da explosion went 300 feet high. Adenauer has worked hard to| Monthan Air Force Base | The B47 pilot knew he was in restore Germany to civilized so-| bomber on take-off ne: trouble and banked so that |ciety. Incidents .such as the! son, Arizona. The womar would on, 1 not fall in a [Cologne desecration damage his| riding on her son's populated area lefforts and may prompt a church work The burning {dramatic move against anti- bicycle is seen in the fore | ~AP Wirephoto'Semitic elements. ' was | ground. The vic "The best advice for motorists who like to tipple, even a little, at New Year's, is to ride with a friend or call a taxi", said a police official today. 3 LT EY bicyel ICE PLAYED havoc with | and flipped during the storm | wires intact are part of the hone lines in th . x , Thorndale telephone system pl I in the London area. | which swept through Ontario | which suffered the loss of 100 These poles were broken off | Monday. These poles with | poles: ~ CP Wirephote "Drunk drivers will be sent to jail without fear or favor", he eoncluded. 1 4

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