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The Oshawa Times, 30 Dec 1959, p. 2

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tn (CTU 'Most Losses CLC Blasts ; 7 R d i | Ld y | Girl, 17, Searches Recovere Wage Policy | : In Tradi 2 * N nlraling | ... = - rs 4 | | OTTAWA (CP)--Claude Jodoin "We in organized labor share 1SS11 1 Oo | TORONTO (CP) -- The stock president of the Canadian -Labor that spirit. Imarket recovered most of Mon- Congress, has hit at the idea ofl "We recall that many months |day's loss Tuesday amid moder-|a "hold the line" policy on wage ago unions were told to 'hold the ately heavy trading increases. line, We were warned of dire Index changes: Industrials up 15 a year-end message, he said|consequences if workers insisted 1.75 at 520.50; golds down .06 at canadian workers undoubtedly on seeking wage increases. We ST. THOMAS (CP) -- Blonde|Judy with officials of the New|from St. Thomas, and got a ride |Judy Ferren, 17-year-old and a hi Cetiral Railroad %0 She eau NAS a ma wi Jas gong io s Nor spect all the dogs pic indsor. We got there BE . ; Jv oi we ants I rh in Bt ay o'clock and he dropped me off|88.43; base metals up 64 ati "continue to seek a. fair did not share the rather pessi- ih Shi ; i assador Bridge. (170.15; and western oils up 72 share" of Canada's increasing Mistic view of those who said [to helo. sits of 3.000.000 Jock turved yg oh » Sie shy. pousd Inia I for directions at 101.13 prosperity during 1960 that a 'hold the line' position was i | lost dog, Jinty. e last few days. * gan a J 13. ; ; : | i: der de. of vsiampton, The railroad also is carrying| from people on the street. I met le final Volume Wat 320000 In. another message issued Nevessaty in a period of reces- | England, who lost Jinty while en|the Lizgsst advertisement in De-|a nice girl who took me to her shares, ie er e 2,639, Tuesday, Labor Minister Starr' ND depeitka. got '2 *Hokd the {route here from New York where|troit lost and found columns: It{home, gave me some Christmas| ra onday. took an optimistic view of theiy 'ox g 2 ie {her .ship had landed, savs she reads: cake, then drove me to the De-| General Development Corp. led CO ter employment outlook and line" suggestion from I ime |will go to Detroit Thursday to| "Lost -- Alsatian dog, Jinty.|troit-Windsor tunnel entrance. Hindustrial winners with a gain ofl ve prospects for 1960 generally, M inisies olan er 2 he {repeat a search she made Sun-|Black nose, brown ears, black-|got across with my passport with 1% at 22 ( Steel Co. of Capaday "Present indications stggestin of 1958 w en e, Spoke e |day after hitch-hiking 114 miles|tan head, grey body with black. no trouble, headed for downtown went up 1% at 87%, Dominion! | Re BHO Mon Fl its biennial convention 8 ns {from her home here. One-year-old - female. 60-65 1Ibs.|Detroit and asked at a hotel for {Foundries and Steel advanced ala ie hon poy en g Sk peg. Mr. Diefenbaker also ad: |" This time Judy will not have|TA 5-7000, ext. 472. Mr. Kline." directions how to get to the rail-|point at 52 and Canada Vinegars His W ner i. online 9 ressed the same caution to man. Ito sleep on a hard bench in a| Judy rode with Jinty in a bag-|way station. I found it very increased a point at 32. lower than that of the year be- agement as regard prices Mr. | Detroit railway station. A Detroit|gage car from New York to Buf-|quickly and started searching." 3 Eddy Paper dropped 1% at fore, Mr. Starr said. Jodoin appeared to be referring 4 resident has offered to put her|falo. At Buffalo Judy and her| Judy spent most of Sunday|58'%, and Fraser Companies Ltd.| "Continued effort, however, on to this, $s well as to admonitions '| up while she is there and Detroit| mother had to' take a train that|wandering about the railway lost 1% at 28. Dominion Glassithe part of industry--both em-ito labor from industry.) police, railway officials and dog|lacked a baggage car. Jinty rode|yards and the depot calling was off one point at 87. Building ployers and workers--of govern- spon NN ARM wardens are on the lookout for|in a sealed car to Detroit, where Jinty's name in hopes that the Products, Bank of Commerce and ments and of every individual "iyo "fe1t» Mr. Jodoln said "% Jinty--a year-old German shep-|the dog was to be transferred to|dog would hear her. Dominion Stores all lost %. |citizen are needed to ensure this "that shops ore Becorsary oe * herd. |a train that would take her to| "I had a hamburger and some| In mines, Falconbridge was up result." ea oY inn Se Q St. Thomas. popcorn just after arriving in De-|13; at 31%, International Nickel It BO doa TO VIEW 31). Dops "I hated to leave her alone--|troit," Judy said, "and 1 knew|gained 1% at 105, while Meln-/CITES OPTIMISM IE services Puoh | orumaode A date has been arranged fOr ney told us Jinty would have tothat that was going to have to|iyre-Porcupine lost % at 31%, Mr. Jodoln said "there is~/a3r , STr¥ nC poet or ed Eo on jo Detroit.» said Judy, I last for a while." {Consolidated Denison lost % at spirit of optimism in our country a aly sd don't know what it was, but AN " 11% and Gunnar was down 10 as we reach the turn of the "yum. + ; just had some premonition shel BENCH WAS HARD cents at $0.10. ven." | "Trade unions did seek wage an eeps would get away. Jinty is'a coun-| Judy went to bed on a bench na |increases and, to a considerable : try dog and is afraid of strange|in the ladies' room at the depot |extent, obtained them. . . . . people. 1 am the onlv one she before midnight . | "It is encouraging now-to find {knows."" It was very hot in there. The ew ac men a the prime minister reporting to ' a £2 1 When Judy~learned Jinty was bench was pretty hard too. 1 2 \the nation that 1959 will prove to IN 8 ee passport am NING JIiy 50 1 Nasi Dad. ' [oases nomic melon and that Grim Reaper 8 dollar wit ber, morning 'and. c on tinued her Solve Program Ratings omer ar thevueh thelr ; WALKED FIVE MILES _ {search. The New Y rk Central's {unions, will doubtless continue to DETROIT (AP) ~ "IFS 10 lund faut 1 dhiut oven. Nog ook Ho Bought Judy leh, 8 jrock 2 fa suere df te were Hardly any TV's are turned |needed for this position. It is one ; {which we feel sure will benefit on in the morning and left on Canadians as a whole." WASHINGTON (AP) -- A | the networks and program pro- i . | | credible, fantastic -- I still ean- | where it was," said Judy. "I|pair of socks and a ticket to St.| dread day for the televiewer | ducers: i | not believe it happened," said |i aked to Talbotville, five miles! Thomas. has arrived. The set can now | +] - et tect _. - -- | § Nicholas Kallas, who told Mon- [ - RA -- pn ------ take pictures of you. day of his 77-year-old bachelor { uncle who made dates with ready has learned some fas- | The pre - school child is the NEW PARTY D i . Kallas and death -- and kept farer i Jnion cinating things about how you | chief television audience. Allen scussing the proposed new . L: them both ea behave while watching the TV | says he is, in fact, "the only |political party being set up with ot pH } = o id | Kallas, 44, who had seen his screen | audience in front of the set the help of the congress, Mr 5 4 a . y uncle, Mike Hazas of Bucyrus, { It might some day also solve | most of the time." Jodoin said final steps fo create POWER LINES DOWN IN TORONTO | Ohio, only once in 20 years, n ew ua ae | the dispute over conflicting pro- | High school boys and girls |it are likely to be taken next | said his uncle wrote that he ~ | gram ratings, although its in- | see comparatively litfle televi- |year Many hydro and communica- | freezing rain fell throughout On- | pery roads were numerous vould like to see his nephew g . ! 2 ventor, Dr, Charles L. Allen of | sion; college men and women | he suggestion of a new party tions lines such as these at To- | tario. Many areas were without | and the latter's three children | OTTAWA (CP) -- A comedy The Seafarers staged the latest) oyjanoma State University, | see almost none at all has aroused criticism," he said ronto were felled Dec: 28 when | electricity and accidents on slip- ! CP Wirephoto | for Christmas of errors has left the tough Sea-jraid in the little Lake Erie port] ¢,u¢ he' never intends to enter But the mother of the family [particularly from those who ------ tier. SENSE EL SU RE Accompanied by his wife, |farers' International Union with|of Erieau, where they picked up| 47+ fiolq --the target of soap operas and {have vested interests to protect mother and his three children, |a little less ¢ ance of getting about 25 employees of the Lake Allen showed his Dyna-Foio- | most commercials ~ simply but the 08 tion of the Canadian ® | Kallas drove to Bucyrus last back into the Canadian Labor Brie Nayigauo Company. the| Chron to the American Market- | won't be denied her favorite |Labor Congress is clear. . .. Our | Saturday. Back home in sub- [Congress ne SIU S house organ, Wel ,. Acsociation as a feature of | program. Allen says she'll find {membership has voiced dissatis- urban Dearborn Monday, he re: The Seafarers, put out of the|/Canadian Sailor, happily tells in its annual meeting here, and | a way to see it "even if she has fac vith the inad f | counted what happened 1,100,000 - member congress inlits current issue how it put one , i: ing 4 y even it 1 as |faction with the inadequacy ol T ; ) yn tol y 's pars t 3 y rl ant ati " " Uncle Mike first took us to |June for raiding a small union,jover on the hated Transport od How the TV audience car Io bat le the whole family to do |e representation that now ex = \ists. the cemetery. He showed us a |pulled a boner in raiding the re-|brotherhood ; 4 y headstone with his name on it. |spected and peaceful Brother-| Meanwhile, the other brother- Did you realize, for example, | Then he took us to a funeral [hood of Maintenance of Way em- hood filed the raiding accusation that: | | of { | S home and explained that he |ployees It transpired the men were mem-| People not only eat and drink | LJ had made all the arrange- | The CLC - affiliated, 20,000- bers of its local at Chatham, 10| while televiewing, but play .-. . ments member brotherhood has slapped|miles north of Erieat cards and games, sew, work By JOE DUPUIS has shown rapid growth tenden- we would have to go through the] 'Then he took us to his one- |a raiding charge on the Sea- The congress 'sent two officials| crossword puzzles, allegedly LJ Canadian Press Staff Writer |cies whole process again room, basement apartment. |farers with the congress, making to Erieau to study the odd situa-| study, fight, and make love? | p Here he began to distribute all |its case more difficult in its ap-|tion The Dyna | A new TV attachment al- | as radios used to be. ( 'S, N CP)--This| y recently hir Tor "S ould t be much bet- | on 1 + = Foto - Chron has | aE, Nd, oh) he Boy firm Somily Dre does ter 30 vou 0 riod ph oo the things he owned. He in- peal from suspension before the They hardly knew the CBRT| caught them at it. V4 SUITE I 6. York was still in its infancy is{(Project Planning Associates troubles and start there?" gieucted me jo Eye bis Slothes joa 3 Sxecutive council late in existed one official said -- Children sneak downstairs y = Gi taking a new look at some seem-| Limited) to mep & plan for fu-| Mayor Mews says work of this, _~ °. rn anuar; : | while mother and father are ing insurmountable problems ture lion The planners|/type involves great sums of me 0 take the canned goods | The catch i the atest Sea- Screens Advised | asleep and watch the late, late brought about by the modern age. (have started surveys. Seventy-|money. "It is therefore very im.| "o,f ShONeS Pgh gen Ry Rig show One of the city's chief troubles|five per cent of the cost will be| portant that we do not spend "| whic vas dated Dec. 22 and union thought it actually" was On Hotel Windows It's done with mirrors, of is that its central area has not borne by the federal government, dollar more than is necessary,"| he gave me a pair of shoe | picking on the arch-enemy Cana course -- a cleverly arranged been able to keep pace with the A report is expected late in 1960. he said. "That is why our first| hryshes, saying: 'This is to |dian Brotherhood of Railway, HAMILTON (CP) -- Acting on| system of mirrors combined 20th Century. "We live in a per-| Many Canadian cities have|task is to make a very careful] shine vour shoes with.' "" | Transport and General Workers. the suggestion of a police officer,| with a camera which takes still iod of rapid change," says Mayor taken advantage of the federal-|study of exactly what it is we '""But uncle Mike,' I pro- | a coroner's jury Tuesday recom-| pictures on movie film H. G. R. Mews municipal partnership on urban|need to do." | tested, 'You may need these [RAIDED ENGINEERS mended installation of speciall The whole thing can be | Fifty years ago cars- and tele. renewal. "But no city in Canada| The report said it Is obvious| things yourself.' | Both brotherhoods are affill- screen windows in hotel rooms| smaller than a loaf of bread phones were hardly known, Most|has taken as full advantage of (the whole city must change to| "He replied: 'I wont need fated with the Congress rented to people with children. ,| and may be placed on the TV St. John's streets were seas of the plan as St. John's," says|accommodate proposed new 'de-| anything any more' And | The Seafarers were dropped The jury ruled as accidental set, the stand, or a nearby. mud. People paid taxes for ex-| Maarten Dake of the renewal|yelopments, | with those words uncle Mike |from. the congress for stealing the death of five-year-old Stanley| radiator. isting services, not for future im. planners. Mr. Dake says the task| "Our Cis. Use. stteets which. dropped dead |members from the small Na- Jurashek of London, Ont., who The device has been installed | provements. Fishing and com. | his firm has set out to do here is were designed in horse and by gy A death certificate showed tional Association of Marine En died after falling 99 feet from a for testing -- and with permis- | merce were the economic life-| challenging because of economic days People who 100% . to +4 that Hazas died of a heart at- |gineers, which eventually tied up window of the Royal Connaught, sion--in only a couple of dozen | blood | conditions 2 THY Pt tack with the transport brotherhood. 'Hotel Dec, 12. | homes so far, but already it has hts 4 a turned up some bad news for ! EASY BUDGLT TERMS! & Rebuilt suite ® Complete restyling @ Replace domaged springs & Reploce eushions ® S-yeor guorontes. | John's cannot find proper hous ee Today St. John's has almost] "One of the most surprisingling that they can afford. Partly one car for every four persons, |things we've found in our inter- because of all this, new indus. Shopping centres have sprung up.|views with homeowners and ¢itl-/tries cannot be induced to settle Suburban living has become pop-|Zens is their personal concern for here and provide more employ ular. Too many people are the future of St. John's. The peo- ment crowded into single-family houses|Ple live here because they re Only after the problem See... nas J ; % like It. me ease tHe * * without proper ventilation or|like it, not because they might|p.o; "oarefully studied "can we modern sanitary services. Houses|be making a good living wage." |). in to prepare the actual plan." 1 1 1 12) eo) Ia 1 { | S f bullt as temporary accommoda-| The city's basic problems were Mayor Mews says when { : Ny» tion after the great fire of 1882 outlined in a report the Toronto, yl v1. Stage is reached "we can then till ortly after their swept much of the city are still experts issued shortly after their decide what are the most press- in nee. arrival here ing problems and go about find- By THE CANADIAN PRESS [io drink hard liquor, take in night] Winnipeg night clubs charge N The majority of Canadians on spots and gamble. rom $10 to $20 a couple. A gener- p ; : ; L SOLUTIO ing the money to soive them." |1Ne¥ ir's Eve will welcome} A boitie on the hip at dances is|ous spender in 2 Sernatenewan CONSTRUCTION LIMITED ND Expansion ROOM NOT REA S011 ON ' PUIG 1960 in their homes or at private|the iliegal practice in Nova Sco-|beverage room could spend $10 ne Owsiows ares 485 10 B Some peop e may wonder vy |parties but most major cities|tia, where only beer is 'served in'on himself and a companion | N room to expand properly oday|the city cannot just buy up all provide ample opportunity for|taverns, and New Brunswick! Edmonton prices range from eee ow! . . we need industries to support the the stowded sibstandatd build Gas Pi eline those who want to celebrate on a|which has no taverns. $15 to $20 a couple for supper| Rowing, Soumuaity, says Mi gs, I em and reps . larger scale Newfoundlanders in St. John's/and dancing, from $10 to $18.50 FOR THE SPRING BUILDING now we're " ing to a 4 8 said "By doing this We will Bot | Public celebrations are ex- and Corner Brook like to attend in Nova Scotia and from $6 to $15 i! a : A gu 2} be' 4 at eli A ate th 5 d el Ai es pid t {pected to be unusually quiet this/night clubs where liquor is/in Newfoundland where the price col apsing." & o'm3 present eiminale ine uncerlying reasons oC 0 [year in Quebec. Night clubs in|served |does not always include a meal OF YOUR DREAM HOME 1 t 7 r sl 1 20 years tap] population of more than 57,000/for our slums and in 20 years that province must stop serving EE 3% Bre a liquor at 9 p.m. according to pro-| COST VARIES |cLUBS SOLD OUT in B D {vineial law and close their doors| Prices for an evening-out vary: Almost all clubs report they INTERPRETING THE NEWS 1viae viacial law w |trom province to province are sold out. | x In previous years some Quebee ancouver night clubs charge! A hotel near Vancouver offers | ( - aneing k on " . 3 i low Veap' io oo ie os A Cg night clubs held "private" par.|{fom $4 a person, dinner not in- a special New Year's service-- ' P : luded, to $10 with all the trim- hot atl y | iho i 4 Wh Ities that were opened to just)Ciuded, to with all the trim- hot sulpher baths for hungover Ir a : rem 1er {000 Alberta-to-California natural 30+ anyone who wanted to at-| ings. The most expensive hotel| guests. | |gas pipeline would see the Cana 3 nin Saint John, N.B., charges $7 al v " | dian public offered less than one tend. The parties continued well an ¥ aly ' ges Vancouver taxi drivers expect] third of the common stock into the first day of the new Person for dinner and dancing, & record business and police are| . . This. is reveried bs tne. gas o?- Folce have been cracking|Jump of $1 over last year. warning that road blocks will be| Exclusive agents for Beau Valley: n a 1 ua 10 inort: spplinatic : filed by Alt +. down in recent years, | In Toronto its from $5 a person set up to catch drinking drivers. Eon SPD eat Si . A id 4x s BABY SITTER COSTLY |to $20 for a black tie affair, floor| Police in all centres warn against SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES By DAVE OANCIA sacrificed any possibility of better of five companies which will see Winnipeg reports the Baby i me nN Dk sme Gleoho) aud drivine = HOWE AND MILLEN RISTOW AND OLSEN Canadian Press Staff Writer [relations with his Arab neighbors gas export licences at hear itier may cost as much as the Ottawa cost $1.50 each ldriving when drinking A growing number of observers --King Hussein's Jordan and which the new National Ene nent. One agency is ask-| -- isi ra an - has swung over to the belief that! President Nasser's United Arab/Board will open in Ottawa Jan ing um, a jump of $1 the new tension around Iraq is Republic of Egypt and Syria Five companies are involved. over t while most of the! the picture of a desperate dicta The result was that he became The Canadian public would be of-|others are ch ing a $5 mini- promoting an artificial crisis the focal point of one of the most|fered ownership in two of these.|mum e off a' real one alt home. |viclous propaganda battles ever| First refusal will be given to Iraq's current conflict withiwaged by Arab brother against/Canadians on one-third of the ighboring Iran over an issue brother. common stock to be issued by Al- f most thought was settled 20 More and more Kassem relied berta Natural Gas Co. and on 25 years ago probably will blow over on Communists to help under- per cent of the stock issued by without serious shooting. write his power, The Communist|/Pacific Gas Transmission I But it is the latest in a series motive undoubtedly is to keep the each case, the rest of the shares . yened recently of events tit can be interpreted premier in power until the time is| will be sold to the original back- jt os pA southern as a deliberate attempt by Iraqi ripe for them to take over ers of these firms. tka tehowan vo 51 inl : Sa x i i i i Bye by Trani ie Jor TED 0 ake ONO hl Ne oa SIO, ot vor cai Saskatchewan es idents wil AVE RA LR ee All Buses of the Canadian National Transportation will lose friends abroad in a bid to restored next week, the way of the equity stock of Trans-Can-|, 5 = °F 0 Sc | Bes ba 3 A Sik i i i influence people at home {would be cleared for a i ada Pipe Lines Ltd., was offered <0!a border of the United States} is a wi : proceed to the Hillcroft Shop terminal, 185 Hillcroft Street, CRUCIAL DAY {tional" takeover by the Reds.|/to the Canadian public when it| RI | Their- highly - organized cadres announced its financing in 1957. : . | after arrival at Kin i : ; The crucial day for Kassem is he sl Ye iy adres dl ® el 811 New Invention | ECONOMY GROWS ! 9 and Simcoe Streets - n 30 P M., | an. 6--th t i ' | ) i Jar. & fe date he. promises t most certainly be relied on to|Per cent, 17.89 per cent was sold Canada's gross national prod- | thing more than 50 per cent. In December 31st, 1959. Effective 12:01 A.M., January 1st, / engineer a Communist victory|in the United States and the rest uct -- the sum of all goods and | 1949 the gross national product - ty" in Iraq. It ma that by 0 ; executiv . sens ow . oma, 1 may be tht by gh poe eto, company exeuives wn: FOF PHNEIS | ervier™ "more tak doused | vas i Smo." compar 1960, The Oshawa Public Utilities Commission will take sis, Kassem hopes to justify re-| ARMY DIVIDED wake ide = in dollar value in the period | with an estimated $34,500,000,000 ; | EAST ST. LOUIS, MI. (AP)--| 1949 Nearly in- | in 1959. 959 fi if ox . Ne : Jestivn of real control in his own' Tha National Democrats--the T b S 1 Four printers hh applied | iid 0 Neary Say he yo i The 1% over the operation of the Bus System. The Commission will ands strongest opposition to the Com-| 1 ODACCO Dales for a patent on a mechanical de-| price increases. The ac . than $25,000,000,000 i A H H The Iraqi premier long ago munists--are firmly entrenched vice they say will eliminate the a Ie Sci be more Wan (CP Pn 9 honor all Canadian National Transportation bus tickets up ~|in Kassems cabinet but are 1,829,630 Pounds |need of a proof press in the print-| -- - rAint steimtio------------ to od includi J 10th: 1980. ' As thi il be . viewed as extremely weak at the) Sud . ling industry { a including January y : $ is wi a US. Industrial {popular level. The army too, is TS ASONEURG, oat wep =| The printers, employees of the| | so . » ag' . . Relosted 0 be divided ; Growers Marketing Bon 20 livestock reporter division of Municipal enterprise the co-operation of all our citizens is m may, at least for a 8 _. yarie e- | Sel >ublist N I Production Up Corn. Belt Publishers Incorpor-| |little while, be seeking ways to Ported sales Tuesday of 1,829,630|4i04 say the device by I ici i i | : ' . say the device can. be earnestly solicited to make this undertaking a real success WASHINGTON (AP) -- Indus.(PI2Y one side against the other BOURlc Vi Av SIerage price 6fladapted to Linotype or Intertype ORGAN MUSIC y 3 : trial production in the United Until 2 way can be found out of| 3-73 cents a poung les to date|,, chines. It took a year to per- States has been increasing about the impasse. ae pi gh Zounds at an aver-|f.. Colin Corbett, The Poet Of The THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMIS | N 10 per cent faster than anyone But some Middle Eastern ex-| --__ wade i .| The device proofs each slug re- R realized, the federal reserve Perts now question whether Kas- gardless of the type size as it Is Hammecnd Organ, board announced Tuesday. A ma-|5em is capable of maintaining STOCK MARKET ejected from the machines. Proof OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA jor overhaul of the board's stat- such delicate manoeuvres. The copv is turned out on a roll of istical machinery showed output|impression given is that the at- paper APPEARING NIGHTLY AT THE ph in November was 56 per cent tempt to shoot him down in the NET EARNINGS | Chairman General Manager ; The device utilizes any eplor higher than in the 1947-49 base Baghdad streets and his sub-| By THE CANADIAN PRESS |ink and any kind of paper. | GENOSHA HOTEL WILLIAM BODDY, GEO. F. SHREVE, | : | & aby sitter at any price] Wi n't be any good to a Sask-| atchewan couple that planned to ny gis do the town. That province has| § no n clubs although beverage! rooms that serve only beer and [Briton d [MA I BoLLARS Gm period, while before the revision, sequent. convalescence seriously] Dow Brev y Ltd., year ended! It is attached to the 'Linotype the November level] was listed as shook his se onfidence, nerve Oct. 31 1959, $3,401,761; I 1958, or Intertype 'machines and gets 48 per cent higher. |and strength of will : 192,930,028, t . its power from them.

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