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The Oshawa Times, 30 Dec 1959, p. 3

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a imma a -- IE TTR CAPSULE NEWS Girl Rescued Out Of Well TORBAY, Nfld. (CP) -- Three-|ties published Tuesday the first year-old Joan James clung to a|volume of what it hopes will be rope in an 18-foot well Tuesday|a comprehensive study of com- until her father saved her from |munism. The paper-bound book drowning. She fell into the open|sketches communist ideology and well. Her mother happened to golis intended primarily for mem- to the well for water and found bers of Congress. A limited sup- her i to the rope. Her|ply is available to the public. father rescued her with a lad- der MET SIGNS SOPRANO . NEW YORK (AP) -- Leontyne CITIZEN OF YEAR Price, Mississippi - born Negro OTTAWA (CP) -- Lawrence|soprano, was signed Tuesday by Freiman, prominent Ottawa de-|the Metropolitan Opera and will partment store head and presi-make her debut there next sea- dent of the Zionist organization|gon as Leonora in Verdi's 1 of Canada, was named Tuesday Trovatore. Miss Price is the by the B'nai B'rith as the capi- fourth female member of her| tal's citizen of the year. race to be signed by the Met. | SEER 150 WATCHES | EXCEED TARGET | OTTAWA (CP) -- Upwards of LONDON (Reuters) -- Soviet 150 Canadians may be Wearing steel production this year totalled potentially - dangerous wrist .o0."er 00 000 tons -- 900,000! watches giving off strontium-80 0, "ore than the target, Tass| radiation, a federal government reported Tuesday. | committee announced Tuesday. | op ie The committee of health depart-| FIND MASS GRAVE ment scientists and the Atomic| WARSAW (Reuters) -- A mass| Energy Control Board, asked|grave of 143 women killed by the| owners of Rolex GMT - Master Nazis in 1944-45 has been found| wrist watches to mail their time-lin woods at Wejherowo, the Pol-| pieces by registered mail to Ro-|ish press agency PAP said Tues-| lex Watch Company of Canada, day night. Local people said that Victory Building. Toronto, for ip the winter of 1944-45 some 400 testin~ women, mainly Poles and Hun- $ 10 garians from the Stuthoff con- ER ALGHTES al ie centration camp, were brought Albert Marck Tuesday ordered | John Cutts, 24, of Campbellville ACCUSE ALTAR BOYS there and shot, PAP declared. | world heavyweight champion | | Ingemar Johansson "New York attorney t ; ; : . i lo stand iris] on 8 charge of yyw YORK (AP)-Six altar shake hands at Saltsjoebaden, | Floyd Patterson. Between the | CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHT IS SEALED WITH A SHAKE at the | two, second from left, is Edwin ch Johansson | Ahlgvist, Johansson's advisor. near Stockholm, Monday meeting in wl | motional group, flew to Sweden | for the meeting. The bout is set agreed to a return bout with | Cohn, head of the 10-man pro- | for June in New York. | SCHOOL BOARD NEWS IN BRIEF THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, December 30, 1959 § WEATHER FORECAST A hypnotist, Harry Ross, would be denied permission to give a lecture and demonstration of hypnotism at one of the colleg- iates, members of the Oshawa Board of Education decided Tues- day night. TO MEET OFFICIAL Replies as to the cost and rea- sons for discontinuing driver training education will be sent to the Student Congress and the Osh- awa Safety League, after the com- mittee consisting of Trustees J. A. Yanch, G. K. Drynan and school principals have met with the safety promotion officer of the Ontario Department of Trans- port next Tuesday. Captain Wil- H. M. Sparkes and the three high) liam Murray of the Oshawa Safe- ty League will be asked to be present at the meeting. TEACHER APPOINTED The appointment of Mrs. Sid- teacher for the six-month period, January to June, was confirmed. NO TRANSPORTATION No action will be taken on a request from the president of the Dr, C. F. Cannon School As- sociation, Mrs. G. M. Peters, to provide transportation for stu- dents returning from South Sim- arts classes, the board decided. JANITOR RESIGNS tion from Murdock MacKay, the OCVIL. PICTURES FOR MAGAZINE manslaughter arising from the boys were accused Tuesday of | death of a Preston hotel owner. : oy : y stealing a Sunday collection of The body of Gerald Schmalz, 38, about $300 from an Episcopal was found Nov. 19 in a ravine oni yp ian) church in Queens for a farm where Cutt is a boarder. | spree. of Comic Books candy Attendance The discovery was made two days after Cutie had shot at a prowler TO VISIT CANADA ) v OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis.[venile delinquency ter Nobusuke Kishi of Japan will ts aia pay am official two-day visit to ; PERFECT SCORE Canali starting Jan. 21. He will MONTREAL CP Hem} Lag: be accompanied by Alichiro Fu-{Sone, 20, bowled a perfect i jivama. foreign affairs minister. DEATH ROW WINS CHICAGO (AP) -- A Nativity |36-year history erib scene, designed by a con-| . ai Ja viet awaiting death in the elec- MECHANICAL DIGGER bars and movies. The boys, rang- glal league game here--the first|the pupils of maximum score in the league's/presented to {of Education ling senteeism tric chair, Monday was adjudged, GALT, Ont. (CP)--Town coun-| The report for the the best Christmas decoration by|cil is considering the purchase of in Decen a prisoner in the Cook County/8 mechanical grave-digger, ca-lenrolment of jail's holiday contest: Winner|Pable of digging a grave in 10/5395 were ne Lary Oden, 27, is scheduled to|minutes were never late be electrocuted Jan. 15 for the The O'Neill Collegiate SHOWS HOW cational 1 BRANTFORD, Ont. (CP)--Hav-/; 2" Sh ing trouble keeping up a goody. ue slaying last April 18 of Detective Roy Carner Jr. during a tavern Yobbery {bowling score? One member of COSTLY FAVORS {the blind bowling league here had TORONTO (CP)--Ernest Stol./& high one-game total of 385 in zenberg, 18, of Toronto was fined five-pins. $30 or five days for acting like AMET 2 Good Samaritan at the pub- EASILY SPOTTED Centr with ar {had an ave 93.79 per ce 's expe! e was charged NORTH BAY, Ont. (CP)--The| Dr. F. J. Donevan Col id bi Bg Ig track. | New York auto licence plate 1-FP|stitute, which had an enrolment|®' y ed| caused some interest here. It be-|of 636 pupils in o longs to Floyd Patterson, former ported an average attendance for world heavyweight boxing cham:|the month of 97.08 per cent. ing a policeman who chalk ears to mark overnight parking and erasing the marks |pion, who was touring the north. BEGIN REDEVELOPMENT | WATERLOO (CP) -- A multl-| GERMAN CLASSES {tional Institute, million-dollar redevelopment of] ATIKOKAN, Ont. (CP)-- board that 631 persons were en this eity's main street business Twenty-five students from grades 1.5 i\ {ne evening classes at Cemetery. section began Tuesday with the|l to 8 are expected to register|y.. suy,01 in November. Of these demolition of the 89 - year - old|for German - language classes 14 were taking the basic English | Waterloo Manufacturing Com-|starting in January. Atikokan|.j coc The next [course was welding which had 51 taking the course. {public school board approved the classes for children of German| {immigrants, to be held each Sat-| pany building. OFFER NEW RATES BRANTFORD (CP) -- New |urday morning, a a offered to that] RESTLESS BEAR area's 10000 gas consumers bY| oy yp gr MARIE, Ont U.S. Nuclear the Union Gas Company of Can- ada, alderman E. J. Campbell said Tuesday. Consumers would (CP)--Indian guides Camille and Mike Chiblow sald mild weather still pay $1.31 for the first 1,000| COU be expected for 2 few red Policy Stirs | - » Discussion NEW YORK (AP)--The New railway spur to carry rinc ore] LONDON (CP)--British news were 1 eubic feet of gas used each gy Rr A month but rates on the next 2a should have been Mibernat 000 cubic feet would be cut from $1.30 a 1,000 cubic feet to $1.12, NORTHERN LINK OFFER INCREASES WINNIPEG (CP) -- A 52-mile York City Transit Authority from a new mine at Chisel Lake! papers today Tuesday "night offered pay in-|iD northern Manitoba Ig nearing vided in' their react creases totalling $12,500.00 an completion. It will connect with dent Eisenhower's effort to avert a crippi tieup the Lynn Lake line at Optic Lake that the Unite Fo) 380 miles northwest of here al of the city's massive transporta- tion system. The offer was . " y - NM . promptly rejected by the Trans- GOOD. METAL however. simul- McArthur here has made several good knives out of metal from two German artillery pieces of po: ; the First World War. the guns ean Setice had been placed in a park, but/#n--as the P P last July 30-- member union taneously cut its wage demands by more than half port Workers Union. The 38,000: DAUPHIN, Man. (CP)--J. E.| The government tion was to re CABLEGRAM RULING MONTREAL (CP)--The mini- | mum number of chargeable COYOTES HELP Sac weapon words for full-rate cablegrams LETHBRIDGE, Alta. (CP)- et will be increased to seven from Coyotes may prove useful to five words after Jan. 1, it was farmers this winter, said J. B.| The L announced Tuesday. Gurba, provincial agriculture de- tame. [rom : | partment expert on pest control.|Pravda, which COMMUNISM EXPLAINED |The coyotes may help to keep the U.S. decision ' WASHINGTON (AP) -- The down rabbits, mice and other ro- ous sign of peaceful House of Representatives com- dents attracted by large areas of deed." mittee on un-American activi-lunharvested crops COMING EVENTS only a small Prer posal for total d a four-year petiod E St. Mary's Bingo Li months of East-West AND {in Geneva, no {agreement for a permanent NEW YEAR'S DRAW FOR [fel sSmnii sians were to blame 5 TURKEYS [Daily Tei {tive, calls the St. Mary of the People Auditorium fein i: STEVENSON'S RD. N. AT MARION |myeroece s KING ST. BUS TO THE DOOR, BIG PARKING LOT 16 GAMES OF $6.00 1 GAME EACH OF $10, $20, $30, $40 fect rig |if she wishes to | stances SHARE-TH E-WEALTH | The Liberal newspaper » says the an- Callum, Michael Starr, T. 3 rs all the marks Creighton, O. D. Friend, Harold {of a presidential compromise {ian in Manc {nouncement " $50 EXTRA -- 2 CARDS FOR 25¢ OR 10 CARDS FOR $1.00 intended to put Russians" and comments ADMISSION 25¢ PER CARD "It is a legitimate way of hur rying them towards agreement INCLUDES TICKETS ON 5 TURKEYS The Guardiar TO BE DRAWN DEC. 30th sians know full CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED ing i 5 | |ing in age from 11 to 15 and all {of them members of prosperous t C 00 S families, were charged with ju-| Is High score in duckpins in a commer-| Reports covering :|deceased ndicated there was month was 97.16 per Colleg enrolment of Institute, December 1950, Mrs George L. Roberts lof O'Neill Collegiate and Voca- i-|June 16, 1942 -|J. McLaughlin (Hazel), of Osh-/Ry n's own|couver. She was predeceased by|gerving t Mrs. H. Armstrong|Air Force at Red Deer, iving are Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Norman Griffin J.{Oshawa; two brotl White, of Scarboro as! Hicks, of Oshawa; 11 grandchi ction | by a sister, Mrs. T. Yeo Mrs. Prest [BRIEF COMMENT The Soviet Communis |organ's reference {nouncement was "services 3 by commentator W. Zhuk« Kh despite 14 St, James the Less, 635 Parlia- 29, of W 1iegotiations ment $t., Toronto, at 2.30 p.m.|loved ry" today. 0 children, Mrs. Philip Jackson, ative London paper ph has chosen "'a firm and {able attitude which Britain should WEDNESDAY, DEC. 30th, 8 P.M. |e" announcement one jck E. Hare, Qshawa city cler) ent that for many years, who died at h as a the whole trend home, 40 Elgin street east, last Henry I TACTLESS MOVE "The United States } to resume [that she may do so a Rus: | Panabaker Funeral Chapel, Port the Perry, with interment at Mount children. U.S. is unlikely to authorize the|Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. The| resumption eof tests. OBITUARIES MRS. THOMAS PEARCE "| Portraits MRS. Philip Romeri] assisted by mem-| A resident of the Oshawa dis-|bers of the Port Perry Legion. | damage trict for many years, Mrs. Thom-| Mr. Brinkman las Pearce died a Lodge, Whitby, Tuesday, Dec.| da Eliazbeth Clarke King be- in} Fairview| Middlesex, England, Mar. 9, 1884. | B Ww 29. In failing health for some|came his bride, Mar. 31, 1906, at| Y ater years, she was in her 83rd year.|St. Albay's Bugiand. Later that § W the last of her family. vear the couple 4 als Se Ir Syren Zufelt, the|Canada and took up residence injat Lewis Trick's house, 443|yight 54 week for six weeks com-|blithely unconcerned that com:| was a daughter of the|Toronto, where the family lived|Louisa street, were saved from mencing Jan. 13 for a leadership parison is inevitable. il the death of Mrs. Brinkman |flames this morning only to be Mr, Brinkman then mov-|doused by water from hose lines. | George Hurren, who was doing to Port Perry, where he,/carpentry in the Trick house, | late Albert and Margaret Zufelt. until She was born in Prince Edward|in 19 County and was married at De-{ed morestville in 1908 n 1935 A resident of Oshawa for r Mrs. Pearce had isly at Bowmanville and years years prior tol, . the Second World War she and usband yervised the Boys' g School at Bowmanville. a member of First Bap- Iv ned the 92nd h family to Churchville and Y rar: During the First World War he! until poor health forced his dis-| garage. charge in 1919. Although physical-| Trick at : unable to work Church. _.__.. |since that time, he was employed Predeceased by her husband In| 4 41,0 Ammunition Plant in Ajax,jed by a small electric stove Pearce nt avio during the Second|which |the garage leaves a daughter, Mrs. James yo 1s war The past few months|the garage warm e attendance of McNaught (Neta), of Oshawa and |pe 156 heen a patient at Sunny-| a son, Ralph, of Toronto. The funeral service will © held at. the Mcintosh Funera [rested in a pool of water. vil of Toronto, Marjorie|Trick said with a twisted smile . dren, Cyr Home at 2 p.m. Thursday, Dec.| (rg, Clarence Banks) of Brook-|pointing at the one on top. 31. Rev. Derek Allen, minister of yi, Alhert of Weston, Sidney of was being used to keep | i |tion for the sum of $100 to be|® 5 Damage was slight. A numberizdded to the Douglas Waugh|Jjust sung. brook Veterans' Hospital, Toron. of cushions were set on fire. The scholarship. Also surviving are six grand-\i;" yhere he suffered with ajheavily framed, family portraits dren se|fatal lung condition. He is survived by his six chil-{ "That's my mother," Mrs. |and Maintenance Magazine. LEADERSHIP TRAINING | coe Public School after industrial . A letter of resignation has been received by the board of educa- a member of the janitor staff at The board of education agreed to grant permission to Hill-Cor- nish Electric, on behalf of Ed- | wards of Canada Limited, to take |photographs of installations of the board's fire alarm system for| |use in the Electrical Contractors Snow Clearing Trend Thursday TORONTO (CP)--Official fore- casts issued at 11 am.: Synopsis: The remnants of the severe ice storm which struck at the beginning of the week con- tinue to give Southern Ontario cloudy skies and light snow. A slow change in the weather is forecast- with the sun expected to break through at intervals on Thursday. Most of Northern On- Georgian Bay, London: Cloudy with light snow today. Thursday, cloudy with occasional snowflur- ries. Winds light today, north to northwest 15 to 20 Thursday. Not much change in temperature. Timmins - Kapuskasing: Sunny and continuing cold today and Thursday. Winds light. Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Thursday ney Sharples as a public school Bay, Kirkland Lake, Haliburton, Hamilton ...... |Windsor, Hamilton, Toronto, {North Bay, Sudbury: Cloudy with light snow today. Thursday, mostly cloudy with a few very light snowflurries, not much |change in temperature. Winds light, Lake Huron, southeastern | By CYNTHIA LOWRY bravest woman in television. ah i Council, was granted permission Garson, Family portraits in the garage ¢ yge a room at the OCVI one| Maureen, however, seems pawn in a struggle for power | training course. TO INFORM GROUP t and ment immediately and thne rush-| present premium and moved to "Mrs served in England and France|ed out to pull his car out of the|jnform their employee groups ac- dif t Neighbors called Mrs. | cordingly. eren the shop where she laboriously \works on Simcoe street north. The fire was apparently start- VOICE APPRECIATION TO DISCUSS SALARIES a meeting will be held with th St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, |roronto, William of Wallaceburg, | will conduct the services, Jules Robert of Port Perry ment will be in Moun AWD ada of Dartford MRS. FLOSSIE A, WALTER [Pers Taken suddenly ill Sunday eve-|2'" i ning, Flossie Amelia Manes, Br hid widow of Everett Howard Walter, | Brandchiidren. pital Monday, Dec. 28. She was In poor health for six weeks Annie Jane (Florence) White, be in her 74th year s, Charles of ry, Edward, Robert and Len- of London, England, 13] ldren and 'meus CITY AND England, | re! DISTRICT {secretary of the Council. A letter will be sent to the es- tate of the late Douglas Waugh "I don't mind if {pare us," sh TV-RADIO COLUMN A Maureen O'Hara To Play Part Of "Mrs. Miniver' they do com- e said. "T just hope Muskoka ...... Killaloe .. Earlton .. Sudbury ... tario will continue sunny with/Windsor ............ 20 30 only slight changes in tempera-/St. Thomas 15 20 {tures. London ... fs Ws | Regional forecasts valid until| Wingham we 18 20 {midnight Thursday: | Toronto .. . 2 2% Lake Erie, Niagara, Lake On-|Trenton ....... . 15 20 {tario, Northeastern Georgian|St. Catharine: «20 3 . 2 25 20 20 15 15 15 North Bay ... Kapuskasing . White River . Moosonee Although it was Miss Charisse's NEW YORK (AP -- Maureen show, I could have done with a O'Hara may turn out to be the|little more variety, However, this |opinion, I suspect, is not shared On Jan, 7 Miss O'Hara willlby the male audience: She cuts play the part of Mrs. Miniver in|quite a figure, CBS adaptation of a film classic of the Second World War. Recommended tonight And Mrs. Miniver, as just about| Steel Hour, CBS, 9-10 EST--Act Mrs. Jean Gaskell, president of every moviegoer knows, is prac-lof Terror, George Grizzard and the Oshawa Home and School|tically synonymous with Greer Mark Richman in a drama about a young student who becomes a | GOOD SWIMMER MONTREAL (CP)--Samue! Sil- I do half as good a job as she Ver, 8 YMHA member who ad. ; The board of education wishes gid." 16 his brother Charles, and younger happened to see smoke curling|to take advantage of a 10 per| lived|sons have lived for the past 25/out of tress. | CUT BUS SERVICE - | Drivers operating the Oshawa | M ilway buses Tuesday warned wo 1Nnor _ died at the Oshawa General Hos- MRS, EDWARD W. PRESTON Ral their passengers that there will be| ./no bus service on Thursday A daughter of the late Robertiloved wife of Edward Warren|this week after 11 p.m and Laura Manes, the deceased preston. 267 French ydon on July 10, at the Oshawa General Hospital| {1886 and was married at Oshawa {i was born at Ha Dec. 28, 1904 66th year. died| NOT DRIVER a 1 John Robinson, 344 Lakeshore i$ morning. She was in her today corrected a repor ony riggs hi lg 8 Reported "| Accidents A resident of the Courtice area| A daughter of the late William car involved in an accident .in| member 'of Ebenezer United horn at Cour ce, Church. She was a charier mem- and was married for 56 years, Mrs. Walter was a Henry White, the deceased was Port Hope, Sunday. Mr. Robin.| at 1894| son said he was in the back seat|T€POrt Ebenezer of the car at the time ber of the women's association Aug. 23, 1915. She had been a of Courtice United Church Predeceased by her husband|al] her life daughters Mr Helen) of Kirkland Lake; Mrs.i(glla Mrs a Miss June Walter, of New-| and Mrs. John of Oshawa and Kenneth of Van-ic of Os 4a a daughter, (Della), June 15, 1959 Also su Mrs. C. Soper and Mrs. dren and three great-grandc dren, She was also predeceased|childrer Irs The memorial service will be/bY a sister, N commented that held at the Armstrong Funeral|8?d a brother, very dubi- Home at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Dec, | White 30, followed by _interment in| The memo, Ebenezer Cemetery. Rev. Harold held at 1 Stainton, minister of Ebenezer ive al United Church, will conduct the 1 | Moffa rticle. MRS. MARY E. McEACHREN service The funeral service for Mrs. | Mary Eileen McEachren, who died suddenly on a plane Mon E F: day, while returning from Ber- death occurre muda, was held In the chapel of Genera Mrs, McEachren leaves three Derek and Michael Phillips. #500 of James Lawr awa, and four sisters FUNERAL OF FREDERICK E. HARE The funeral service for Freder- o = and Saturday, was held at the Me- Seb Tuesday, Dec. 29 resident of Oshawa and district| € 2 (Mar-|of it considers it- market and Mrs. D. Vice (Mary) jon), all of Oshawa and three|these streets ( of Oshawa and two sons, Percy,|sons, Frederick C | nd He ing w the Royal n 1y streets Tr, | | ofl Oshawa Fi by iterment in Oshawa ter of Simeoe Street Executive Shuffle P FUNERAL OF {United Church, will gonduet the| N : 'By Mine Workers | VANCOUVER (CP) -- Harvey Murphy has returned to British Columbia as western vice-presi- Dec |dent of the International Union 'lof Mine, Mill and Smelter Work- |ers (Ind.) after four years in the WILLIAM JOHN lospital liam John Lawrie, be- husband of the former Jen-| nie Potter. Mr. Potter, who was {in his 80th year, lived at 41 Bond the late Mr. Also surviving are her father, horn in 0 She Sovensoy yas Col. R. S. McLaughlin, of Osh-|Sept 27, 1880 and was |in Toronto April 18, 1908. He ha been a resident of Oshawa and district all his life 2 A dental technician, Mr. Law- rie had practised his trade for more than 60 years. He started yi the late Dr. I. Llc three years ago to have {Dr. Hoig and for many years he STREETS CLOSED | The following streets will William [opened to permit movement ¢ : rn p » local traffic. Extreme heavy rain A car driv ; . v result in the closing of other Lavoy, of Pembroke, Ont. left} ad and hit a hydro pole at VIGOR ary 5 Tuesday. He told police he forced from the road by a thers, Howard made a special appeal to city south-bound car. Damage to his Jack residents today. He asked people|vehicle was estimated at $150. White, of Alberta and 15 grand-|to take the time I WANT HYDRANTS CLEAR | 3 AMBULANCE CALLS service will be! The Oshawa Fire Department jstrong Funeral |answered three routine am- Saturday, Jan. 2,|bul nce calls since Tuesday |union's Toronto office. The move is part of a general {reshuffle of executives since the and Mrs: defeat of the union's left wing in |local elections at Sudbury. Mr. Murphy will replace Ken |Smith of Vancouver, who was re- 4/cently elected president and goes!' {to Toronto Feb. 2 to replacé Nels| | Thibault, who resigned his presi- dency to fight the Sudbury elec- |tion but was defeated. atur a 3 more than 2 years. His first 9% Intosh Funeral Home at 2 p.m. job as a boy was with the late re Chief Ray Hobbs v to keep snow | away from fire hydrants. Heavy| vas predeceased snow hampers activity in emer- Mildred Clement|gency situations. Frederick W.| { Mr. Murphy was once promi- inent in the Communist party but \snow and icy roads. Two cars were involved in a be |collision- on Simcoe street north she leaves four| Besides her husband she leaves|closed for construction tod ay:|at Richmond street. One car was -- J. Peterson|four daughters, Mrs. Lloyd Hall|Gibbons street, from Annapolis/driven by Andrew VanHemmen, Clapp| to Fareleigh; Wayne avenue from|129 Annis street, Whitby A Mrs. Donald White (Viola) | Simcoe street. north to west end|Other was driven by Joseph G.| street, Whenever possible| Legacy, 72 Gibb street, Oshawa. | will be partially|Total estimated damage was] of |$250 and Brock streets, at The Oshawa Police Department ed only two minor acci- dents Tuesday, despite heavy The n by Ernest W lesser NBC startime efforts. son? Miniver is completely from anything with which I have been identified," she explained. "I've usually done things that were -- well, robust| PRESTON --Entered into rest in the Bertie Te Hever ene a| Docume 5, toe fun ra _ th rd' recia- s rence' te, lov: e of Edwa exiTessigh the host's app dramatic show on television, I've Warren Preston, in her 66th year Rest Television viewers met Cyd {Charisse of the movies Tuesday {night in an expensive, opulent musical variety show. Although [the costumes were gorgeous-- May be Warning particularly in color -- and the sets lavish, it was one of the mits he's at least 70, has mas- 0 * A The Irish actress, it turns out, T - . a window at the side of cent increase in group a a special reason for tered the half - gainer and for coverage offered by the Great- 3 38 : . He telephoned the fire depart-|west Life Insurance Co. for the? role identified with another ac | ward somersault dives from the swimming pool springboard. LATE DEATH Oshawa General Hospital, Wednesday, Annie Jane (Flo Ing at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial service in the Maureen, incidentally, will sing|chapel, Saturday, Juwualy 3 & 2 p.m. tonight on the Perry Como shOW.|(rriends are asked mot to eall at the ' {But next Thursday night she will| Funeral Home before Thursday. Visit As soon as the committees of play the brave mother of three|ing hours New Years Day, 34 and the board are constituted for 1960| children in wartime England. Joi e Oshawa Public School Teachers' {Council to discuss salary re- quests of teachers, members de- | cided Tuesday night in reply to a {letter from Miss Helen Pardon, 74 gpm) Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain Miss Charisse danced a lot and | in the system, Then backache, dise her husband, Tony Martin, sang| turbed rest or that tired-out and heavy~ a number of songs. The highest! headed feeling may soon follow. That's spirits of the show were pro-| the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. duced by Eve Arden as she| Dedd's stimulate the kidneys to normal {romped through a beatnik .num-| sction. Then you feel oep {ber--doesn't everybody this sea-| better--work better. Get Dodd's y Pills now. ] PET CUBS them bread and milk. WATERLOO, Que. (CP)--Seven | wolf cubs were found in a den| by Pierre - Paul Roussin and Dominique Blanchard while hunt- ing. Roussin has established a ' {home for them in the basement| --|of his jewelry shop, and feed OSHAWA RA 5-1109 2d NEW REDUCED PRICE emu STOVE OIL Courteous, Prompt Delivery OIL CO. For Delivéry by Metered Trucks Phone WHITBY MO 8-3644 BROOKLIN OL. 5-3221 s! | AJAX 550 Rev, Dr. George Telford, minis-| conducted his own business. For! U.S. HOMES TOP unce|ter of St. Andrew's Unit ed|the past 25 years his son, Wilfred, 5, to/Church, conducted the services say the least, in present circum. Entombment was in Oshawa! usiness Union Cemetery Mausoleum Mr. Lawrie The pallbearers were F. N. Mc.|the Seventh-day E. Tripp and Herbert Flintoff. daughters, Mrs. (Marion) of Burney, California, HENRY (HARRY) BRINKMAN and Mrs. Lyle Blanchard (Ber- The funeral of Henry Brink- nice), of South San ,iman of Port Perry, was held|California. and one som, Wilfred! Tuesday, Dec. 8, at McDermott-|J., of Oshawa- was a member of| y Adventist Church| which he joined in 1921. Besides his wife he leaves two Also surviving are three grand- at the Arm-ibe ie Mount Laws had been associated with him in| £2 MILLION There are now more than 52 million homes in the U.S., | according to the Census Bureau. If you're looking for the right home for your family, you'll find "Homes for Sale", in the Classified section, the city's marketplace of better values. Turn to it now. For Your Relaxation strong Funeral Home at 2 p.m. |» | Elder G. Anderson will eonduct| Thursday, Dec. 31. Interment 'service was eonducted by Rev. the memorial servige Cemeterw. will MR. OLIVER Suggests you HART MANAGER OF THE CENTRAL HOTEL visit THE NEW | PARK LANE ROO M ~--featuring-- GOOD MUSIC -- FINE FOOD -- Qe FAMOUS SCENIC MURALS Free Parking After 9 P.M Central Downtown Parking off Athol at Simcoe

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