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The Oshawa Times, 4 Jan 1960, p. 9

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PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roy and Miss Lillian Brooks, all of Lea- side, were holiday guests of Mr.| and Mrs. Joseph Shortt, Grand View south. Mr. and Mrs. Sagar Morey, Verdun road, had as holiday] guests their daughter, Miss| Agatha Morey, from Ottawa and their granddaughter, Miss Dale Morey, Bruce street, Oshawa. Miss Mary L. Cornish, Reg. N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ewart] Cornish, Carnegie avenue, is inj Montreal where she is taking a five - week stewardess training course with the Trans-Canada Air-| On New Year's Eve, Cadet Of-| ticer John Houston of the Royal Military College, Kingston, enter-| tained a group of military friends | at the home of his parents, Mr. | and Mrs. John Houston, Mary| street. l Mr. and Mrs. John W. Houston, Mary street, has as New Year guests Lieutenant Lubomir) Kuzych Berezowsky of Ipper- wash, Miss Mary Matheson of| Kingston and Miss Jane Filian of | Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Shortt of Montreal were Christmas guests] of Mr. Shortt's parents, Mr. and| Mrs. Joseph Shortt, Grand View| south, and Mrs. Shortt's parents, | Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mayer, | Simcoe street south, The Misses Joyce and Jeanette Leddy, young daughters of Mr. | and Mrs. Clifford Leddy, Gold street, have returned from a vac tion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | Kenneth McKenzie, La Grange, Tllinols. It was a wonderful and memoriable trip for these girls, | 10% and 11% years old. They met some kind people who show-| ed them the greatest hospitality and American neighborliness. Mrs. Frank Hunter, King street | east, spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Mary E. Ames, | Ethel, Ontario. She also attended | the golden wedding anniversary on December 29 of Mr. and Mrs. | Edward Bryans, Walton, Ontario. She was a member of the bridal party, acting as flower girl for | her aunt. Mrs. Hunter's mother returned home with her to spend the winter. The program meeting of the Pilot Club of Oshawa was held at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Cowan. Members and guests brought gifts which were placed on a beautifully decorated tree. The evening was in the charge of Miss Muriel Wilson, chairman of Community Service. Contests were played and won by Mrs. Leslie Gorrie and Mrs. Fred Lindsay. A pot luck dinner was served in buffet style. The lucky cups were held by Mrs. Russell Flutter and Mrs. Bea Branton. Gifts were exchanged. A vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Cowan for the use of her home and to Miss Wilson for a very enjoyable evening. "How To Figure Painting Projects By ELEANOR ROSS ! How much paint? { That's the usual puzzler for the do-it-yourself novice intent on tackling a room. So here are some helps and hints to see that you order just the right amount of paint when re-| decorating kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom od the entire exterior of your house. All you need to know are the dimensions of what you are paint- ing and the number of square feet that a given quantity of paint will cover. With these statistics and a| few minutes of simple arithmetic, you'll have the right answers. To start with, multiply the length of a wall by its height. This will give you the number of square feet for that wall. Do the same for each of the other walls and add totals together to arrive at the total area to be painted. CEILINGS AND FLOORS For ceilings and floors, multiply the length by the width. Do not deduct for windows that are less than 100 square feet in area. The back label of the paint container tells you how many square feet each gallon or other quantity you are buying, will} cover. If this data is not given, ask your paint dealer. Divide the total number of square feet a gallon will cover. This will tell you how many gal- lons or fractions of gallons you'll need to do the job. In general, a gallon should cover about 400 square feed. DIFFERENT COLOR If you are planning to paint one wall a different color from the § others, calculate its requirements separately. This procedure is ac- curate for plane surfaces, but not everything you will be painting is flat. Here are rules for such special objects: In each case, measure the front area and multiply by the number designated. For balustrades, mul- tiply by 4; same for lattice work. | Muitiply grills and cornices by 2; | cabinets by 5; and radiators by 7. Calculating the amount of paint for exteriors is done the same way. One complicating feature in out- door painting is determining the amount of paint needed. for| gables. DRAPERIES | eo CUSTOM MADE ® BY THE YARD for the finest selection in all Dropery Fabrics , . . and Free Estimates. Call RA 5-3144 HOWARD DRAPERIES 926 SIMCOE STREET NORTH SALE STARTS TOMORROW ai © Discontinued Lines @ Floor Samples © Manufacturers Samples @ Closeouts DAYS ONLY Sale Ends at 6 p.m. Sat., Jan. 9 JUST ONCE A YEAR can we offer these spectacular savings. These are floor samples, man- ufacturer samples, closeouts, clearouts, and discontinued lines . . . all are ONE OF A KIND items. Sold as is. Most in first-class condition and must be cleared to make room for "fresh" stock. 5 Days only at Rutherford's. Sale definitely ends at 6 p.m. Saturday, January 9th. Act Now! LIVING ROOM FURNITURE 2.PC. CHESTERFIELD SUITE. Modern arm, heavy-duty Green fabric, spring-filled throughout end fully guaranteed. Te clear Nanas L 2-PC. AIRFOAM CHESTERFIELD SUITE, Hondsome red fabric -- a real beauty with the full comfort of soft, downy Airfoam combined with full innerspring construction, To cleer 89.95 2-PC. SKLARLINER BED DAVENPORT that sleeps two, plus matching chair in beautiful flome colored fabric of hard- Yearing boucle. A regular 259.00 line. 159.00 2-PC. BED-DAVENO SUITE -- Hondsomely styled, large and roomy; makes o bed for two in a jiffy. Upholstered all over in heavy-duty, hord-wearing fabric, A regular 169.95 line. Te cleor . 119.95 2-PC, SKLARLINER BED-DAYENPORT SUITE in Greene frieze. Regular 249.00 line. Fomous Sklar styling ond craftsmanship. Te clear "i 169.00 2.PC. DAVENO IN NYLONIZED FABRIC AND FABRILITE-- This beauty combines the beauty and smart appearance of this ducl-purpose furniture, Makes a bed for two, features oll the rich beauty of easy-to-clean nylonized fabric ond fabrilite leatherette, In two-tone Brown, I'L] One only to cloor ...ccvcvcncvscsccsncnnnas. » 2-PC. SKLAR CHESTERFIELD SUITE -- All Airfoam through- out in rich, red nylon. Manufacturers sample direct from the Sklar Showrooms, 199 50 Ll A regular 319.00 line. Teo clear . 2-PC. SKLAR SECTIONAL -- Features two half sofos with arm ends. Airfoam backs ond seats in rich rose beige. Floor sample. Regular 309.00 line. Te clear 199.50 2-PC. FRIEZE BED-DAVENPORT SUITE -- Includes bed- davenport that makes a bed for two and matching chair. Full innerspring construction throughout with foam- 149 95 filled chair. Regular 199.95 line. To elear . .. L HIGH-BACK ROCKER -- fully innerspring built throughout, this smartly styled chair features the comfort and convenience of a genuine rocker with a smart piece of living room fumi- ture. Upholstered in heavy quality Blue fabric. 39 95 One only sample to clear. Regular 69.50 . L} 2 ONLY -- SKLAR LOUNGE CHAIRS WITH VIBRATOR -- These are sample chairs left over from Christmas selling. They feature famous vibrator for relaxation and comfort, 14 95 Regular 119.00 line. Teo clear a ] GENUINE LA-Z-BOY CHAIR -- Upholstered all-over in heavy- duty Naugchide. This hard-wearing washable fabric lcoks ond feels like real leather, One only. Regulor 149.00, Te clear ...ccoveccvcacces 109.95 BEDROOM FURNITURE 3-PC. DOUBLE DRESSER SUITE -- In your choice of walnut or light finish, Includes full 48" double dresser, bookcase bed ond motching four-drawer chest. A regular 199.95 line. To cleor . 3.PC. DOUBLE DRESSER SHANTUNG SUITE -- This practical, smart-looking suit features beautiful Shantung shading around the edges of the drowers, combined with a light walnut finish. Includes double dresser, bar bed ond chest. A 118 00 regular 189.95 line. Semple only to clear . [] 3-PC. SOLID CHERRY BEDROOM SUITE -- Includes bar bed, double dresser and chest, Regularly priced ot 269.00. One sample only to clear 139.00 SAVE 60.00 ON A BEAUTIFUL SATINETTE SUITE -- A real beauty, this suite has been a wonderful seller throughout the yeor, and includes 4-ft. panel bed, single dresser ond chest. These are samples from the regular line which 169 00 would normally sell ot 229.00. Teo clear [ WALNUT PRINT DOUBLE DRESSER SUITE -- Includes two night tables, panel bed, chest and large double 19 95 dresser, One only. Te clear L] GENUINE OAK DOUBLE DRESSER SUITE -- Includes bar bed, double dresser and chest. Beautifully styled, regularly sold for 299.00. To clear ' 199.50 RICH FRENCH WALNUT FINISHED DOUBLE DRESSER SUITE -- Includes double dresser, bar bed and chest. 17 : [l 'Regular 239.00 line. Sample only, Teo clear OPEN STOCK BEDROOM FURNITURE -- Your choice among samples and closeouts of single beds, bar beds, single dressers, double dressers or chests. Priced as follows: Begulor ars sin 05:85 Bor Double 59 95 NEN 1 Beds ... Dressers Chests coves. 29.95 KNECHTEL'S DAWN MAHOGANY SUITE -- Includes bar bed, double dresser and chest. Regular 329.00 from this manufac- Jurers top line. This is @ sample. 199.50 SPICE MAHOGANY FROM KAUFMAN OF COLLINGWOOD-- Features a full 60" triple dresser with bar bed and chest. A regular 439.00 line. Sample only. In first-class condition, all ready beautifully polished. Te clear 299.00 RICH SEA SAND MAHOGANY 3.PC, SUITE -- Includes bar bed, 60" triple dresser and chest. This manufocturers regular 399.00 line. Sample only. 269 00 . L} In beautiful shape. To clear DOUBLE DRESSER SUITE IN OYSTER MAHOGANY -- Bequti- fully crafted and styled. Includes double dresser, chest and bar bed. Manufacturers regular 249.50 line, Our sample to clear ivi 159.00 Seict MANOGANY FROM KAUFMAN OF COLLINGWOOD-- ouble dresser, chest and bar bed. Regular 259.00 line, oll ready for delivery. To ¢lear . ... 189.50 ODD BEDS -- ALL SIZES, ALL STYLINGS 4 oh caseeans Ll To clear at one price SILYER-GREY, SHANTUNG OR TWO-TONE STYLING -- This smartly styled, handsome double dresser bedroom suite has been a popular seller all yeor. This manufacturer has cleared his remaining sample suites to us at a great reduction in price These would normally sell for at least 199.50. Four suites only to clear . ES AR 149.95 3-PC. DOUBLE DRESSER SUITE -- Manufactured in fine qual- ity Hardwood. Finished in natural walnut. Includes bar bed, double dresser and chest. Two closeouts and our floor sample, to clear at ARE DAG R 1 19.95 ODD NIGHT TABLES -- CASH AND CARRY -- These in- clude our regular ranges of Birch Hardwood, Mahogany and Walnut in a variety of styles. Some of these normally sold for os high as 50.00 each, No Delivery. All to clear at one price, each ........ 5.00 DINING ROOM FURNITURE! KNECHTEL'S LIMED OAK -- Inciudes buffet, large extension table, four chairs. Manufacturers regular 379.00 199 00 line. One sample to clear . . . ODD BUFFETS AND CHINA CABINETS -- All in rich walnut regularly priced as high os 109.95. To clear ... OPEN AMPLE DAILY 'TIL 6 FREE FRIDAY 'TIL 9 PARKING . OILED WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE FROM KAUFMAN OF COLLINGWOOD -- Includes large combination buffet and china cabinet, extension table and four chairs. Certified 389.00 seller in our store and in others Our sample to clear, one only .. .. CHINA CABINET--Regular 79.95 line, in genuine ff richly finished Walnut, Te clear ...0vvvvvnnes 49.95 "A Call To The Store Brings A Car To Your Door" 154-56 Simcoe St. Oshawa - RA 5-6559 0 Around sou Regular, 10.95 ! " PORT, Matic, ABLE STEREQ PH S. Now THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, January 4, 1960 § 9 A.M. | All colors ee. 188 19.95. Onrinsters, r ice 5 "sauna Lat gg 2 LR) ONoGr APH LET "sea tea, vein. "uy walnut Now Hols Price. blond. Lockin ~2 1-INCH ny CONSsoL . Regulars, 399.00, EW REF " RIGERAT Automatic. as 399 .95. 9 doors, KITCHEN FURNITURE ODD CHROME CHAIRS -- Regular values sold normally to 17.95 To clear ih ODD CHROME TABLES -- Variety 19 95 L of styles, colors and sizes. To clear 5.PC. DINETTE SUITE -- With modernistic black ond chrome chairs, with turquoise ond white backs. Regular 99.50 line. 69 To clear oy Cases 1 KITCHEN UTILITY CABINET -- One only. Damaged. Cash and Carry. 99° As is civiennee 5-PC. KING SIZE CHROME SUITE -- Features lorge 36" table that extends to over 5 feet long. Includes é chairs. To clear .. INLAY TABLE AND FOUR CHAIRS -- Includes table with fancy scroll inlay design. Dania modern chairs, Regular 99.95. 5-PC. YELLOW CHROME SUITE -- Feotures large extension table with black edging. Four matching chairs. Regularly 99.95. One sample only te clear ........ 69.00 BEDDING BARGAINS! CLEARANCE OF BRAND NAME MATTRESSES --This group includes Marshall, Simmons, Restonic, including famous pocket spring con- structions. Regular values to 79.50. To clear, one price ........ . 29.50 I ctr ssssssssssasssshs ON SMOOTH TOP CONTINENTALS WITH HEAD- BOARD -- To clear -- one price. 49 3 ronges, Samples only [] RESTONIC SMOOTH TOP CONTINENTALS -- These handsome beds include matching box spring and mottress and come complete with headboard. 36" size toclear ....cc00nnnnnn » ODDS AND ENDS SALE OF DESKS -- Including single, double ond twin drawer to outfits, From . .. 19.95 34.95 FINE QUALITY CORN TO CLEAR, each . 19 CONGO WALL. Regular 69¢ a running foot, To clear .. BOOKCASES -- Regula RECORD CABINET -- Sample. Regular 19.95. Toclear ..cove.. 11.95 30" BUNK BEDS .....c00000.0. 34.88 WATERPROOF DIAPER BAGS in Red, Maroon or Blue. Your choice. Cash and Carry, each ....c0000as.. BABY STROLLERS-- Cath and Corry .....co00vveiee 6.88 BABY CARRIAGES -- Rubber pushers. Spring construction, Chrome wheels. To clear 19.95 SPRING-FILLED CRIB MATTRESSES ......coc000vveee. 1.95 ROLLAWAY 18.88 tees ssssssnssanen Ll 3-PC. CRIB OUTFITS -- Including fine quality innerspring mattress, spring and drop-side crib. Te clear . CORNER TABLES -- HALF PRICE GENUINE WALNUT STEP TABLES. 13 95 Were 24.50. Toclear ......... ] READY-MADE DRAPERY CLEARANCE-- eg. 95 vee: PE L} os .... 985 35%... 13.95 oR, | Heavy SUALITY viscose RUGS -- Choice colors in our sample range only. 9 x 12' only . 79.50 FLOOR COVERING REMNANTS Regular prices still on the oe 30% off

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