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The Oshawa Times, 5 Jan 1960, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, January 5, 1960 ais THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [an 14--Household old Repairs 20--Cartage : [3V--Aticles For Rent 37--Male Help Wanted 44--For Rent 44--For Rent 44--For Rent 1--Accountants | opus men oe | 4 ; iE j N -- Executive ty lesmen --| ROOM for rent, suitable for one or twc|I'WO housekeeping rooms, clean and|TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms, . CY"! i STERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, | GALT CARTAGE, furniture and appli ME ixecutive type sa ' . BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting CLASSIFIED AD RATES cme STE Why pay more? Our rates|ance moving. Reasonable rates, fully USED above average financial arrangement|girls, board optional. Phone RA 5-9440 | juiet, with refrigerator, close to North |for two girls or couple, rent reason Services offer complete bookkeeping 25 words of les | ie Re ankle. Satisirclion guaranteed nsured. Call day or night. RA 5-498 plus bonus. Intensive one year training. 2(|GM. Phone RA 8-689. 2f|able. Central location. RA 3.3195. 3f Services for small business, 184 Bond Cash Charge fo ii recses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery SEWING MACHINES No experience necessary. Married man|------ ------ wo mere tri rpireet West, Room 1. Office RA 5-0397, 1] 3 CONSECUTIVE ond Street. Wett. Dial RAICENTRAL delivers service, parcel de with good education ' preferred. Our|THREE . room apartment, privatc|ROOMS by the week, tiled shower and| LARGE room, two separate beds, board Besidence, RA 3.7 | INSERTIONS 225 248 3.03911, ig . livery, for fast dependable service cal qualifications are high," we want only | bath, private entrance. RA 8-5948, 2 ath maid service. RA 3-4641, Genosha |optional, suitable for two or three ------ | RA 57468 Portable-----Consoles the best. We will pay for the best. IflyGnERN ail newly decorated uppe: | HO! ; yentiemew; TV privileges, very Sesianl Guaranteed by -- you have faith in yourself write Box|g, 10x "ai riment, consisting of large THREE unfurnished rooms, $40 month Ra Se an "YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER] 6 CONSECUTIVE ; re -------------------------------- pro Crp otouatants and auditory. Li1 INSERTIONS 378: 4.42 eet Jou. RA Sais for eaTPeINtY, ROY LOVELESS spariment movie: 35 Oshawa Times, giving particulars|' ig Trustee in Bankruptcy, 54 Kin od i not paid within 7 days the a a RAIA, om -- | reasonable rates, fully insured. RA about yourself, including telephone oe A ping Jvoms, Jaree Jase: ly. RA 5-5055 or RA 8-8934. |TWO or three rooms, small, suitable gsm Fen Soh: a Charge rote will apply CHE TERFIELDS ana ou daly = 3S). SINGER SEWING CENTER number. All replies confidential. le rr Et re, THREE - room basement apartment, {for light housekeeping, partly furnished, hy ander, omm., D, covered like new Get the best for less RA 5-5443--16 Ontario St - - BC h corner Alice and Division. RA 3-1909 i bove rates apply only to original §1 © 4 926% Simo = - oa ntario St. ERE Hardwood floors throughout, laundry With three - piece bath and private 0 sis gat 5. T. HOPKINS and Company. Certi-ll orders for consecutive insertions, || ot Modern Upholstering. 926% Simcoe|9y__perconal Service THREE men required oe Colonial' room, separate entrances, front and|trance. Phone RA 3.9823. oaaner Sham. Se Bea Pe ACeoumtants, King sequent insertions. ordered ot @ Yi estimate |SEWING machine "repair and service | 32--Articles Wanted necessary. For appointment, MO g-3861|rear, sundeck. Couples only, $110 per|FOUR rooms, unfurnished, Suit small{IN BOWMANVILLE, spacious three- §ljuct East, Oshawa, Omtarie. RA date constitutes @ new original to all makes. Elna. RA 5-2591 TE Rr : or in person, 515 Brock Street North,/month. Phone RA 3-9114 from 96 for|family, Parking, 773 King Street West.|r00m apartment with use of large util. 5-3509. C HIGH qualify! Something differelit and | 0 all makes. na, RA 5 » CHILD'S skis, approximately five feet | oF 1f| appointment. Phone MO 8.2567 , Whithy, silly room and cellar, four-piece bath, oil - - Drotesst Minas was more comfortable ew upholstered long, and child's ski boots, size 3 or 4.| eo Ee RE : es h $65 h » 5 MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and 3 fess) hat ang, Bust um fsling furniture or re-upholster and re-model| |22--Radio & wv Repairs MA 3.5531. "| a FURNISHED large housekeeping front| 0 = = Wheat. Apertmeni) eated, $65 monthly. MA 3-335. 8f Co., ' Chartered Accountants, Licensed ) pel MOnY) I 00 your old. Only by highly skilled up z . rT res {room, refrigerator, sink, cupboards, Heavy wiring, heat and hydro inciud.| THREE rooms, self-contained, ground Trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford; |] £9 additional line $1.00 per lholsterer, at no extra cost Gimpel)| ry . RADIO service. Al makes, | \RANSISTOR radio, skils, toys, power YOUNG MAN etc, TV outlet, private entrance, suit-| 'FAVS WINE 0 IS Melg. level, heated, west of cltv limits on Hon. J. W. Monteith, FCA, MP; A. B {Custom_Upholstering Co. 301 Eiginrnompson Electronics, 157 Elliott Av.|i00ls, Harden 'tractor, lawn mower, able for one or two, Apply 184 Beatty: Zl, 2 . 3¢| highway, evenings, RA 8-6408. at Monteith, B Comm., ( G. W. Riehl, Each initial setter. abbreviation, fice. West in Oshawa. For. free esti-| X plumbing supplies, piping, buy or ex- terested in | n' Avenue, ad ples - EEE en ---- 1 A; G " Street West i enue. RA 3 (Fred) oh , A 3.7 Interested in learning men's - o - FURNISHED basen t CA, RIA; G. E. Trethewey, CA; R. F.|] $ and ¢ sign figure, count 03 @ liste call RA 5-4170, See our big ehoice| ---- (change. Chinn's, Hillside. RA 3708.] "i ode, good opportunity |FOUR - room apartment, fhree-picce| FURNISHED. Toom for rent, near GM two Toons and oar nent apartment Lightfoot, CA; RA 53527, 135 Simcoe |] word: Box chorge 15¢ additional of samples, TV TOWERS, One . year guarantee ¢ ioht: men. All reolies bath, laundry room, separate entrance,|%0uth plant. Apply 356 Park Road Sou ih Wo ToomS Fry ath, suit working ou Street North, Oshawa. All Classified Advertisements || coors repaired ana _re-uphois. ($49.95, no bolts, no rivets, all welded : or 1g an PUES Inear South GM. Phone RA 8-5781 after|or Phone RA 8.0146 pe. B19: EE 9 Il channel aerials from $19:95. Easy WANTED confidential, {6 p.m 3|TWO - bedroom, ultra modern apart-| FOUR - room apartment, all conveni- MUST be in by ? am. the day of : oF ation, i hot i tered See our materials for re-cover y o t on = : » p 2--Barristers publieat Sia ours: Daily 8-5. Ri iC* ice R, Dalton, 78 Charles Street, | terms. Kelly TV. RA $51. | WRITE BOX 33 [in BROOKLIN threeroomed upstairs, | Ment, Josated Bear Shopping Centre, og ni bus al bis Jamnder. v i ogy = r NIG > 4 ™ ented 2 al Detvate electrically equipped. Metro art. | ing, water heating, Apply ere MANNING F. SWARTZ, Barrister RA 37212. .. [DAY OR NIGHT--Prompt TV service SCRAP IRON, POULTRY heated apartment. Private bath a on Al Ampped. Pi Er dell i olicitor, Notary. Mone 103 y REGULATIONS OUR local chimney cleaner, Chimneys | Phone RA 8-5286, Oshawa Electronics D ER TICK | SHAWA TIMES trance, heavy duty wiring, a ---- Set Bruce V Mackey: BA, Fo, Te Oshawa Ib a repaired, gas lis I 3 AND FEATH ICKS 05 3p, cupboards. Immediate possession, OL|ROOM and light housekeeping room, THREE - room, self - contained apart ps shall no! built d repaired, gas linings installed, | Reg : Block, 2615 King Street East. RA 3-4697 ons for 3 oni ie Load Fore ig estimate. ; ---------- TARE I. TURNER . ------ ---- iver 54693. 3c|close to bus stop, walking distance, ment, unfurnished. Private bath. Park. Residence, dial RA 3.4029 I ni tted otherwise than in JIRA 3-207 TELEVISION radio tubes, Dodi Tour RA 3-3374 |FOUR room heated, self contained South GM. 213 Bloor West, RA hE ig, mace. Adults only. Apply 150 Div % writing, nor r+ more than one |} ne wn ot 2 38 Bras gent 8 TK 8 eat | duplex, near Shopping Cntre,|___ i DONALD B1 AKE DODDS, Barrister Si of any adver SR kek §ireet oy ash Yigor Of Station, Tous RA 3-2043 UNUSUAL Iii ii Apply 3% con Bin FURNISHED bed - sitting room. _ Full [MODERN one, or two - bedroom apart- jad Solicitor ! 2% King Street East it. nor beyond the price c ii RA saa. Line East Supplied by 3 we I ) PORT NITY 53 3f| cooking facilities, close to hospital and ment in new, sound-proof building, elephone: Business, RA' 5.5501; Resi 4 for a single msertion of || hp 81. King We ¥ ally, Ho | (col lect OP U eT -- ee | downtown. Call RA 8.5507, stove, refrigerator, washer, drier, TV dence. RA 8.3373 the odvertisement. in. which error and Sundays AN m---- ---------- L u an ' NICE four om apartmem, S22 APARTMENT four F RTT outlef, parking, in good residential arge nite tates ond |{location, parking, laundry facilities, |APARTME our rooms a n y area "RA 51260. RAN " occurs. And also reserves the right : JOSEPH P, MANGAN, QC, barrister rs. 4 . F A A |TV TOWERS completely installed, 1| Bt > self contained, privat t t sify ad tising according to | ( any < wl TV outlet, ete. 75. Also bachelor contained, private entrance, heav Money cla ertising according URN CE SALES year guarantee. $64.50: no bolts, no CEDARDALE Canadian Company is ex furnished, self- | wiring, nicely decorated, water and [SIX - room brick house, good location, solicitor to loan, Office 26 3 X ' " C a n classification. apartment, completely King Street East, Oshawa. RA 85232 1s Own Classi ical |rivets, ail welded. All channel serials panding in this area. Require contained $50. RA 81203. ° heat. Adults preferred. RA 3-9859. 2 North Oshawa, near school and bus. + Residence, RA 35-3405 in the ¢ of y advertise. from $29.95: easy tersys. Kelly TV. RA | ace § hith as ex aio -- dence ( n the case of display advertise AND SERVICE {from Ru SCRAP representative for loNE Forse Tarviohed housekeeping |ONE furnished room, suitable for ane | | Oll heating, $90 monthly. RA 3-7189. v a n Th imes wot be held 5-5121 n + 4 e CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and | * » wil re C - 3 IRON METAL LTD township Product is .s room, with refrigerator, for gentleman. girl or gentleman. Apply 620 Simcoe! - ead ste feit r r I more space than H Mackie Ltd. nad r, -- - « MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, Neg | * 0 : directly to' farm. No i - | Apply 313 French Street Street North, 2 ROUGE distri $65 monthly. Two- | Bb = ey » tary Publi Bank of Commeyce Bldg Ado 4 vf -- 5 nl - 5 Smee Street N rth, RA 3.3466: T. K cc he Dublishefs endeavour RA 5-5954 NTENNAS IRON--METALS ment required sales |pESIRABLE self-contained apartment, TWO - room apartment with bath, com. bedroom house, furnace, furnished, Creighton, QC; N. C, Fraser. QC; G. K duce all advertising ! [ PAPERS--RAGS position handled [private entrance, 3 rooms and bath, Pletely furnished, private. Ladies or|fruit and shade trees, acre lot, 10 min. Drynan, G. L. Murdoch, NHA' mort ch | Cleanout Service-- | along w y present |unfurnished, heavy wiring, heat and|%entlemen. Apply 308 Elgin Street West| utes' walk from No. 2, TEmple s+ gages arranged # any incccuracies in v_ fo 7 g INSTALLED OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY farming operation Excep- |Water, down town, quiet steady adults after 4.30 p.m. RA 57854 - 2 e / la plus | RA 5-3432 | tionally high earnings |only, single or cpuple. $60. RA 8-8175. |ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail-| MODERN, 13 . storey, three Soi GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar 2 i a 0 3 4 risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public * | FREE PICK-UP hiléimace ovr uih SINGLE room for rent, private kit-|abe in private home, 82 Park Road newly decorated, close to Shopping 5 King Street East, RA 54717, Russell 15--Instruction REPAIRED | Wy "9 t X mob |chen, washing machine, ridge, garage| North, 57 p.m. RA 8867 | Centre, $75 monthly. Phone RA 37244, J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, L RESIDENCE--RA 5-4159 = ecessary. Agricultura ¢ |M needed. Very central. Phone RA|s39 MONTHLY -- smart new two-bed- : ZT SALwY RS, BA., barris solici tap. Royal Acade ballet han 100 ANNIS STREET arming background essential {3-8150. room apartments, tiled bathrooms, fully | THREE rooms, s, private "bath, ad adults, p 1 " t Register now. 424 King West, RA 5 2 Applicant should be well- |BUNGALOW. 4 rooms. in £00 si- (decorated. Hurry for these! Only a few| Abstainers. Centra ne R tor, etc Simcoe Stre Nor i Buil Trad a c-------------- { BU w room good re 1. Phone RA 5-1607, Office RA 5.3741; reside RA 2 |8--Building Trades PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor known in the area and have [dential district. Suit newly married available, Call exclusive rental agent,| |couple. Write Box 24, Oshawa Times. Mr. Bill Swarbrick, RA 56544 or RA| Appointment onl BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Solici-| CARPENTER work, framing, trim. 15 year SHAW | @ desire to better himself, | 4 1f|5-8342. John A. N Bolahood Ltd. {SIX - room, two - bedr € m Pi @ tor, 3% Simcoe South. RA 5-9592. Resl-|ming, kitchen cabinets, custom work |Call RA 5 5 TOWERS | Sales training given. Reply | | Realtor. {newly decorated, modern stove and re- dence, RA B8-0264 and repairs. Mortgages arranged. All [ILLIAN MAE MARSH, Dance Edu - | AUTO WRECKING CO. | ;- confidence to: Box 84, |FIVE-room brick house, attached gar: ke oe -- | frigerator, laundry facilities. Best loca- : work guaranteed. RA 3.3579 Dancing School Ballet | R Lond e e, three bedrooms, ofl heating, all TWO partly furnished housekeeping tion, immediate occupancy. Phone Ra McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers guaranteed. . ator, Daneing School Ballet, ¢ ' Wants cars for wrecking, also ondon, Ont [conveniences, immediate occupancy; Tooms. Sink, use of washing machine. 5.4452 Solicitors. Clients' funds {lable for CF hs » aq 1 school acrobatic character T V sc ron d tal t: | -- en tte ee: ant ( 1 109 Al 48 Drew Street, RA 3-4152. -- eee " ot ih BASEMENTS dug. and bdack-filled, ex Saturda Masonie Temple y LEN & LOU S . rap irc ond metals, etc, ren $80 monthly. Apply m MODERN, ¢t - bedr artmen frst mortgages. 20 Simeoe Street North. |cavating, ete. RA 3-389 or RA 8.0623 3 | bought. Open Saturday oll |38--Male or Female [street | SPACIOUS apartment, furnished of un-|washer wo ove Oo Spa a 5-3566, Charles C. MecGibbon | oh la MEN -- ie, |furnished, in mod, un , % area, $92.5 ' Edgar F. Bastedo, QC ROOFING and siting, eavestroughing.! 1 6----Insurance RA 5- 7844 day. Phone Help Wanted GENTLEMEN comfortable, clean, furnished, Oliver sai" try home. outlet, parking area, $92.50 monthly BPR od Fach 5 chimney repairs, new and old work | - - RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E Lisht Bousekeeping rooms, i mice ._OLiver 5-34 [Rossland Road East, RA 51310 a PHR a oychyn, arris hy : y surance. Save p y 7 » home. Central, nea 3M, TY for Rene. = " ters, Solicitors; R, D. Humphreys, QC; RA 5-6821 ALLSTATE 20. Jamutplee. Save WO, a. pb™ EXPERIENCED day cook. Must know home, Central, near FGM, stores and SINGLE and double rooms for zenlle TWO - room, wnfurnished apariicat, A. H - to 20 per cent, six months to pay. |pastry and meats, Apply to Albany hospital. 12 Elgin Street East. RA| on with cooking privileges. Apply 135 kitch iv. a Deo e . " +d n ¥ . . en, bedroom, private bath. Apply 8 oF Boy by BA; w A. Hillman, GENERAL contractors, brick and pe service at your home, call 135 Employment Wanted Re staurant, 454 Simcoe Street South or 95-2659. > [Celina Street. 1151 Oshawa ovo South PP id § n i A 5-59 3 hone RA 5-343 y olf -o i me - Office ' Res. RA 3 ¢|cement work and repairs RA 5-3028 SERVICE phone R 302f THREE room self-contained, heat- |SINGLE furnished bedroom for busl-\ TWO room s finished, Bassrment Whithy Money to loan FLOOR, wall rvice, coramie, plastic, [17 M L You NG woman would like part time ARE you interested in a full or spare ©d apartment, centrally located, in(ness man, in quiet home breakfast | apartment, private bath, central, rea ME to loa » wall service ram astie, W f pig 1 s, | p ath, central, . JOHN A MacDONALD, BA. Barrister wall tiles, linoleum, vinyl, mastic, floor oney to Loan OPERATORS Huron Street. or hotel. Apply ws ime sales plan by which you can make Osi Vacant. MArket 3-3100. 303f| optional, 38 Colborne Street West. sonable rent. RA 8-0933 af n ne > as da ake ol I T y - R---------- and Solicitor. 101 Simcoe Street North. tile, Greg Rivers, MO 8-5235 __|CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort beautiful Display Book fe og from Fox R room, newly built apartment, | ROOM in private home, very central, |LARGE room for gentleman, or lady, Phone RA 85-5811 = a " gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale ASSOCIATION |WORKX wanted at home, taking tele- 500 phousehol ne rin ay three « piece bathroom, heavy duty|gpring mattress; suit gentleman. 102] cooking privileges. Apply 66 Warren - ALL TYPES of build Roof: surchased, NHA mortgages arranged phone messages, Sudressing envelopes, 1... d pm aw-|stove, refrigerator, furnished i de-|Eigin Street East. | A i JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solici-|ing, Masonry ement and Eaves Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur Unico bth | cards, 'etc. Phone RA 3.9897 af|1ciEb's, Dept. L-310-RR, 4005 Richelieu, sired, self-contained. reasonable, Ap. ime | AVETUE dor and Notary Public, 18% King Street |troughing--Chimneys, Gordon May. RA | doch co-operation with the {Montreal [ply 23 Gibb Street, Apt. 1. Simcoe| THREE - room unfurnished apartment,| THREE - roim apartment, private en East. RA 3.2269, NHA and private 3.0304 3 mt i Oshawa Chamber of Commerce) |ExPERIENG ED young lady desires] {Street entrance 304f (Path, heavy wiring, also two large trance, all conveniences. Apply 392 mortgages arranged. -------- wee [CLIENTS monies available for first| domestic work, by hour or day, Phone |41--Room and Board : : S a {rooms furnished apartment, frig, sink, Drew Street. 3 a a and second mc ps. Mortgages and - RA 3 9208 304f | Vern {IN Bowmanville, "spacious | three-room 12 piece bath, adults only, apply 72!- GREER and K Barristers, Solici- HENDERSON CONCRETE |asreements ale purchased Apply | TV - HI-FI - AERIALS RLV ms ROOM and board for gentleman, cen. |aFartment, with use of large utility [Cadillac South. 1{|FOUR - room bungalow, school - age bo Spncoe: Street. South. | M. F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary RA 5.5121 |GIRL 13, "would like part-time baby |tral and quiet. Apply 174 Church Street and cellar, four-piece bath, R unfarnished rooms, ground | Children only. Apply 692 Drew Street. 3f tors, ete, 7 Dial RA 3-278. Residence phones { PRODUCTS LIMITED Public, 26% King East, Oshawa, RA ean | RA 5.1685 sitting, experienced, vicinity of King 3t | heated, $65 monthly. MArket 3-3935 *|floor, private bath, garage, heavy duty HOUSE for rent on Farewell Avenue, 3 1] 3t Greer, BA, § RA 5.3368; Ter 1.4697 RYx 7 - - -- by A 469 and Oshawa Blvd. North. Phone RA JARGE bed sitting room. suit one|TWO unfurnished rooms In quiet wiring. Call RA 59485. 1| Phone RA 5-0349 S M. RUNDLE, ' Blocks, Chimney Blocks. first and second mortgages a ! RA 3-9512 | King Street West 3c |dren. Abstainers, Moderate rent. RA, ; or: Public 3 | Blocks, C Y cis ' « mn, {furnished, living room, partly furnish. eitor and Notary Public Rang) [chase of agreements of sale er .. RA 5.1179 |36--Female Help Wanted 5-2755 LINN: 310 Weekly: Phone Ra Sw. d. RA 54373, If no answer, call RA TRE - - p- ay TA 3.46 E prises. .RA 5.2905 |WANTED an excellent typist capable two ladies or gentlemen. 624 Nipigon FOUR + room apartment, private en-| 7 34 RALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas Corner Wellington awa, RA 3-4943 w NR . a xeellent wip i Sapable Set Ra OE LraTice, Second. Hoon Iai ments, Lakeview district, new frig and | t 30 King Street East. RA 44 R 4). agreements purehased and' oi fen y ROOMS with or without board for gen = Se See Solichors, 1 ing SHES! Sa RA 3-4412-- A 5- 70 agreenients purchased and Hen APPLIANCE SERVICES ("hours a day. Must have ood 'refer tlemen, very central, all conveniences, TWO bedroom apartment, available available now, thers Feb. 1. Phone RA | ee ec 4 Street East, RA 3.7232 Jack Christie | Apply in writing to Ontario Ladies' Col- . oh A WI -- i ---- a bedroom, brick, split Ss bungalow, 4-----Dentists HOME IMPROVEMENTS WE RAVE BF Taree To Toa on| ck Electric. RA 5-6369 lege, Whitby, giving full particulars. |ROOM and board for gentleman, two tated. 105 Craydon Road, Whitby. | wimM two-room apartment, complete- | separate dining room, recreation room, ee FRc YELLING ADDITI first on y es a t Repair RA 5.774 3c | minutes from four corners. Go. DR. G. T. SCIUK. Office hours 9 lo 3 | REMODELLING ADDITIONS irst and second mortgag nd EE 743 5 Apply 24 Charles Sore 2 oil heated, decorated, close to bus,| outlet, continuous hot water, heat,| monthly, $11,550 full price. Joseph R yan, QC King Street East Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 5-2223. | FAMILY ROOMS | Hyman + 37 King Street East, ; book-keeping. Write Box 36 .Oshawa ROOM and board, three to share, clean 3 gs30 04f | town and sho; centre. Adults only. 2 pn Tile, hardwood flo WE HONOR INTERNATIONAL (Times. 2b home, single beds, lunches packed, | i IRA 5.5227. pring {|SELL or exchange -- Restau busie . 5--Nursing Services ile, Yiordwoen 4 i CHARGE CREDIT CARDS |HOUSEKEEPER wanted, experience : 1 id upboards -R * 4 - ette refrigerator, private entrance,| BACHELOR apartment for lady, cen-|ia hed, large lot for. house in Oshawa LICENCED private nursing home for Caption "1st and 2nd p----" ------ | itis, ike children, 1ivk in. Phone RA ONE furnished double room, one Sin-|very central, Also single room. Reason:|tral, in modern apartment building, district. Write Box 139 Oshawa Times, Siderly women, MO 82744 Whitby. 26 | tl 104 Ath 4 - thal idea | HUGH CROSBY | MORTGAGES ECONOMY AND PART - TIME help in insurance office, | IRA Sore ol Street Ea St | WO storey" Brick Tier hose, dire FA NDEN NURSING HOME - Arranged A U | RA 5 3937 0 1 --50-foot demonstra- Oshawa Times. 305 awa Blvd. South, RA 8-0236. le | GROUND floor apartment, | three rooms] trance and bath, close to Shopping Cen- V 3 by } of handling correspondence and -re- home privileges, clean accommodation ate n. Phone RA 3-2155. 1f| Phone RA 5-7016. 4 TED VEENHOF 209 Brock St. S.,. Whitby regular price, cords with dispatch and accuracy, 3 to 4|hot water, home cooked meals, Tunches| 12 possessio } ery J 2 , central, plenty of hot ond. A " i - t------} : ences. University graduate preferred. | ------ ------ | cludes stove, fridge, heat, hot water. |for one or two, cen | and WELL DIGGING | Roof antennas installed [3755 in "writing to Ontario Ladies Col: ROOM and | board for gentler an, %00d(105 Craydon Road, Whitby, ABt. 2.|water, abstainers. Apply 48 Brock 600 MORTGAGING i 4 eds, clos A . ol attendance. Tray setvice i Clean out and compressor | BOWMANVILLE -- three - rt. i : | nim------ tional, quiet clean home, central. MAX A ree - room apa Aluminum storms and radio, T.V., lounge. | work types of first and second | plete, WOMAN to Jook after three school. "age | ROOM and board for gentlemen. Good |Gentleran preferred. RA 5.3879. ment, heated, private bath, heavy wir- 8--0 i { { 160 P 3.0541 [NEW five-room apartment in_tri-plex,| 5. So per month. Phone RA 32430. 2 ptometrists RA 8 6974 mortgages at reasonable | TY. SERVICE Phone RA B60 siter 30 pm, 2 | Apply 160 Park Road North. RA 3954) two bedrooms, stove, 'frig, dryer, new| THREE - room apartment, heavy duty Walk-out basement, PA, BCL, RA 85812 iret dor Hevdit : pr Rr : > \ R 30 52261, givi 1 . Concrete, Cinder, Haydite WE HAVE clients' monies for loans on A 3-3043 | + BiVIng relerences. {or two persons, board if desired. 212 home, suit couple or lady without chil- |TWO furnished rooms, close to down|THREE rooms, bedroom and kitchen Street East. Phone RA 8-176 1089 Nelson Street Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Osh ROOM or rozm and board, for one or ; ~™ | FOUR. room (two-bedroom) apart. [ pos- Ss 3 ers iE Ea aa) oA i |stove, TV tlet, heat d water in-| wH. Greer, Associate Barristers and FIRST and second mortgage, sale |ords with dispatch and accuracy, 3 to session. Apply 178 Alice Street. Rose stove, ev rt A one | |45--Real Estate For Sale $6246. Mortgage loans available -~ ----|nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King : RA 5.1179 |ences. University graduate preferred. ogs King East ji November 1, stove and frigidaire, |3-4368 gh erent three 1 meals. SIX room bungalow, vacant January |ly furnished for light housekeeping, TV laundry room, workshop area. $67 Open evenings by a tment | REC ROOMS chase of ents of sale 3 arner ill RA 5.3531 MIDDLE - aged woman, part time| = school, shopping. South GM plant. RA |lights, laundry room. Close to down-|g, co, Realtor. RA 5-9670 4,| Laundry done. RA 5.1753 FURNISHED, two rooms and kitehen- | __ ness, large living quarters, garage ate Loans Arranged 1 8-5 3c gle, with separate kitchen, for ladies |able. Apply 96 Centre Street. 304f parking, stove and 'frig., TV antenna. | : 8-6047. | ; DELUXE TOW. shorthand and typing essential, with| . to town; $55 per month. Phone MA|MODERN four - room basement apart- | U 0} ERS general office routine. Write Box 39,|NICE clean furnished room at 89 Osh- 13-3304, Bowmanville. 304f ment, newly decorated, private en- 400 DOWN | a (Liscensed) KING ST, WEST | remo | Lyndewood Investments | 4 Tower, $30.00 off [WANTED an excellent typist capable|ROOM and board, near South GM, self-eontained. centrally located. Immed:|tre. Must be seen to be appreciated N.H.A. BUILT MO 8.5322 hours a day. Must have good refer-|packed, 5 or 7 days 710 |TWO-BEDROOM apartment, $95. In-| FURNISHED sleeping room, sultable dieticians n | " n Money available for all as low as $30.00 com- (lege. Whitby, giving full particuars. 1c|South plants. Phone RA 33101, [SINGLE furnished bedroom, board CO REPAIRS children, while mother works, live in [home cooked meals, Centrally located. | -- ing. $45 per month. Phone RA 3-2430. 2f screens. ¥F. RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom etry, the examination of eyes, contact FULL time dishwasher, evening work. ROOM with hoard for gentleman in shopping centre. GM. Immediate pos-|wiring, private entrance, three-piece rates. Short term mort- Fully licensed TV tech [Apply Mr. Campnell, Genosha Hotel, |Hungarian home. Good meals. Apply session. RA S51. 1| bath. Phone RA 3-173 Hl 15 500 is the full price for Jenses. 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne) : ry gages arranged. Mort | picians, [308 Central Park South, 305 | JODERN four-room apartment _and| TRREE furnished rooms, all conven: his: solid. brick' - bangalow evenings by appointment. RA 3.4191 1 1=----Business Opportunities d A ent SALESLADIES ~-- For ladies and|ROOM and board for two gentlemen 'nath, heated, TV aerial, dryer, "frig|ences, builtin cupboards and sink. 886 this solid Dri 19 I ©. H. TUCK, RO, optometrist. Please BEAUTY parlor for rent, furnished. 909€S an greements | DO-IT-YOURSELF childrens wear. Experienced _prefer- |!0 private home, central, laundry done. and 'stove. Phone RA 3.9141. If Robson Street. RA 3.7091. at] with six bright rooms. oy pay accounts at downtown Toronto RA 3.4807 3 for Sale purchased. The only drive - in TV red. Apply in person. I. Collis and|APPIY 118 Summer Stre A SU. | OE ea hous heeoing oT pH. MODE self - contained apartment,| Size kitchen, and really big Dominic Bank or 74 Burk Street. STORE and office for rent, central, Sons. 50-54 King Street West 303f| ROOM and board, good home cooking, | yate entrance, main floor. 218 Celina, adults only. Apply 335 King Street living and dining room with Phone RA 35-4587. parking facilities. Write Box 945, Osh.| Prompt attention given to repair shop in town, WAITRESS, full or part time, good | close to North GM, ten minutes walk|RA' 8.5253 304f | East. 2 scenic panoramic view. Large v a , also garage for rent ---- - - + awa Times : wages. Apply Town Lunch, 522 Ritson to four corners, a THREE - I shed. apartment half stor lot th basement cpening 1 3036 1 room furnishe ap FIVE - room one and a a storey ot wi 7--Surveyors tbh made Te all applications. Apply T R | 0 {Road South 303¢|240_Division Stree (share bath). Immediate occupancy: brick home, Southmead district. Avail. to garden. Yes, complete DONALD HW. TROLLOPE. Ontario | 0 ft. by 70, with full basement,, Manron Enterprises Lim- FULL or part-time waitresses wanted, ROOM for two gentlemen fo shore, Phone RA 35332, 304| able February 1. Phone RA 8-176. 2 , all en) 27 | pists -------- Hubli bike ills) oluminum storms and screens jalio, short order. cook. for evening with breakfast, all conveniences FURNISHED light housekeeping room| , "'\uiiv" RENT? Land Su . 216 Alice cel. TIA pion town, ready for occupancy first of gc. Surveyor ™ year, Write Box 707, Oshawa Times itied, RAndolph 3-4697, | work. Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha | 5-1168. cane) W RENTING for lady or girl. Phone RA 5-4856 or G HORTON and Associates, Ontario | Hotel. | BEST meals in town, en: e a NO RA 5-8831 ary Op ono) nein i ---- w-- ------ for gentlemen hone RA 5. 2 > - AE WE | LEASE OR SAL [TE--leos Wonted 171 BOND ST. EAST Heke £0 $80 MONTELY |. [ees Buenos ws WAITRESS WANTED ROOM and board for gentlemen. One AND UP and bathroom, $80 monthly. Available W. T LAMSON dy, MO 8-509], Ajax 728 | Ultra modern 5 Ss RA 8-6781 - er e-------- 4 rec PRIVATE FUNDS ' ger single room and rooms to share. Phone | v. Apply 836 Simcoe North. Plone '8--Building Trades ed areq or o | ' | Experienced, Apply RA 86382. 97 Albert Street 2 . BEDROOM 09. SOARPENTER work, framing . / Shop." Gro. WANTED |23--Women's Column aa BO-PEEP | TS FOUR - room apartment, unfurnished. + REAL ESTATE LTD. ming. Kitchen cabinets, c my - Er} tle ; $6,000.00 89% First Mort- ALL types of alterations and mending | 43--Wanted to Rent APARTMEN [FOvE entrance and bath, Parking, | ae cabin m Ee riety ack, d- cost. 90 atte arm. dwellix done expertly, Phone MO 8.42 | RESTAURANT re - ALL MODERN close to South GM. RA 8-5636., 2 z od | | i 0 Work guaranteed. RA oy | FOUR room Toa tmeat, Eatin, 3 WANTED -- a bulk cooler, and 25 to 4 2625 Whitt i gd Lam ki tem hu dred |SPECIAL: Hea ay Me OSHAWA SHOPPING WAREHOUSE children. Apply 378 King Street west. | BE YOUR OWN BOSS eemented and waterproofed by 1 ' Pi ¢ " 3% Pine Avenue. RA 5.5363 i CENTRE REQUIRED 3 MiNgTEs Jo Sou Are you interested in owning 304124 | 3a . your own business? This is PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, 13--Gardening & Supplies 24--Market Basket I= FOR DISTRIBUTOR HURRY ! CENTRAL an SXealigTy. opr nity for fixtures, new and used, chang from [TREES trimmed and removed. Fo : | COOKING apples $1 bushel, Spys $1.50] ! Three or six room office suite, someone with the ambition etic DW sewer 3 specialty TREES simmed ne revel F * in INVESTMENT jana = Russel Stainton RA 8-8914, CONTINUOUS Approximately five thousand G with private facilities. Will re- » Toke © very goad living: allations at reasonable rates 0, at ampton YEAR ROUND square feet plus modern of WON'T LAST LON model! to suit. Call RA 8-5123 - rocery business wit -room | | rts. low cost, free estimates ario. Phone RA 3-9484 mation and estimates free on any type --- - -- : x 8 y Ed Dhl Ti HAR OPPORTUNITY * 25--pets and Livestock INCOME roe pved fr oon Lioyd Realty Oshawe) Lta, | house clocked: Store doing ALL plumbing and heating supr ARDSAND New Wholesale Distributin e sinbutol co 101 Simcoe St. N. : = 5.3521 arold X Ne hol | istributing [BEAUTIFUL baby bud » a . Oshawa. Reply direct to | good health and must sell, Lin, phimbing, heath bln LANDSCAPING Firm with 'wide. recognition Lismine kins waar oer | Are vou looking for @ con. | Sihows. Reply direct, to MR. BILL SWARBRICK RA £5123 Asking $20,900 with $8,100 ing Bs | Simcoe Street South Power Rolling pening n Oshawa re MBroad, 114 Elgin Street East venient way to earn money? manville giving location, : BT down. Come ond inspect it . = Fertilizing quires ional capital for |SIX-MONTH.OLD collie dog, with dog| "¢ have several established rental and other pertinent LARGE MODERN ond make us an offer F N Troctor Roto-Tilling volume buying. Excellent op |house. 212 King Street West 3c| territories open now. Use information. RA 5-6544 CLIF BROW = p: na | portunity either os partner [SIAMESE kittens of pedigree: ~~| those free hours to earn 305 PERFECTLY LOCATED Top S 0 Manur, pe d stock GRAVEL 3 SAND Soil ~ Sod 5 Aor * or straight investment at |RA 8.1309 2t| With Avon, Write to Miss K. RA 5-8342 | $11,900 full price for this 9s a8 10 interest. Reply direct |FOR SALE = Cocker Spaniel ee MacKean, 528 Gilmour St, |44--For Ren' | ALL CONVENIENCES 1Va storey home on Mary LOAM RA 5- 1721 to Post Office Box 1061 [males and females. 333 Kendalwood| Peterboro, RI 3-4006. AVAILABLE NOW Street, only 2 blocks to North |Road. Dial RA 5.6713 " |THREE - room apariment, modern an . -- _-- Bowmanville oy : A : lel 2¢istove and refrigerator, four-piece bath, | Exclusive Agents PHONE RA 5-5433 Simcoe School, Living room |s70, Apply 114 Arlington | | 15 x 18 with firaploce 3 3 ' Prompt. Delivery 305§ MINIATURE French poodles, brown | adults only ; AV 19-p months old YL Pefigtes papers; ;|37--Male Help Wanted [Avenue, RA 5-682. JOHN A. J. OR RA 5-2267 bedrooms, -jarge kitchen, Sit- {months old. Males, $173; females. $20 . a) RA 8-8951 ersonal Ra females a LICENSED mechanic. Must have ex-|SIX - room brick house, garage, ofl| | 303f| voted on a nicely landscaped ride to downtown Toronto. Perience on late model GM products. heating, very central. RA 5.623( 3 ee ------------------------ | lot, Nothing to do but move hadnt CANARIES, guaranted si oung | Goc v 5 1 | | Also arriv 8.15 am. Phone RA|pudgios. taki ran ngers, young | Good wages and employee benefits. Call perry Looms and bath. upstairs | | | in. Must be sold. Owner has ; iin. Largest assort.| Manager, RA 8.0421 c pa >hone IMITED 3¢| ment of tropical prob Cor aes 3 apartment. Reasonable rent. Phone RA L bouaht anothe X ONTARIO HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods), pet supplies, Sportsmans Corer 105 WANTED two men for window _and|5-6691 3 REALTORS INSURANCE PARKWOOD Soother property: Im T N mailed post paid in plain sealed Byron Street South, Whitby, one block |Loch cleaning service, to work Wed-lyypyg unfurnished light housekeep - em -- ' ediale possiasion. For fur. FLOOR SANDERS velopes with price list. Six samples 25 west of Four Corners. Open till 8 p.m |P¢*44ys only, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. State| gb Wr WER EAO, (00 Creat, | Bi ther information call today, velopes with price ist. Six sampies 2 Pm. ue. "Neigh, 'welghi and phone umber] BUCKINGHAM MANOR 1194 KING ST. EAST All S Dept. A-11, Nov-Rubber Co., Box 9i,|FVGHT German Shepherd pups for|to Box 34, Oshawa Times, 1f/ROOMS -- one single, one doube front BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Has . § Lotd izes Debt iad, A "|sale. RA 53046. 303f| ACTUAL jobs in Canada, US. So. [room single beds, attractively furnish. | MANOR $6 500 Yh ile and Fardwood Lat | . sn |ed. Centrally located. Phone RA 8-0852. | APARTMENT $ is the price tag E 3 APARTMENTS . 1 x 3 ins HAND knit "Mary Maxim" sweaters, ' | rope. To $15,000. Travel paid. Wite| i Floors Sonded and Refinished LOAM any dees ih ter. procaters:|26--Farmer's Column |Employment Info, Center, Room C-52, : Restaurant and confectionery ade to order y TWO unfurnished rooms, child wel Tw bedroom © apartment, OPrrmmes is the business. Good chance CALL RA 3-725] 3-4387. DEAD farm stock picked up prompiiy.| 10. SIUArt Street, Boston 16. | Call at 271 Jarvis Street wo , ; , . 4 ------ = Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.2721. YOUNG man required for general come. Cail a a3 : Z| electrically equip pped, best SAGUENAY AVENUE for a small family or couple Don't hang up, let it ring |Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, office work by architectural firm. Typ- | UNFU RNISHED three room apart-l |oeqation, Appl 498 Simcoe i as small living quarters are 1 Ppl -- BE SATISFIED E EC ®) S S |ing and drafting experience desirable, ment. Suit young working couple. Pri-| g : | 5 : a y "411 t. North, Apt. 8. RA 8-8676 PARK RD. & KING ST, included. Turnover is excel= LEGGETTE HARDWOOD L TR LY | { 29--Summer Properties [put not essential. Call RA 8-0221 : ee Sutraice, Parking space, 7 ot. dl DISTRICT lon Bh a foxesly I | MANAGER - CHASHIER for midnight| 3 | : spection. F ; FLOOR CONTRACTOR ' Dial RA > 5279 | Removal of superfluous hair. | For Sale or Wanted |food operation. Reply, stating age, edu-| ON COLBORNE St. W., large furnished | SCHOFIELD Quiét residential street, Spec on, i further details 4 [SUMMER store or snack bar with gag CAtiOn, references, marital status to:| bedroom. with use of kitchen, or would Children: welcome oll us today. | Marie Murduff will be in pumps, all year lying quarters, on pew BOX 625, Oshawa Times 303f| board young gentlemen. Office workers Insurance Assoc. Ltd Oshawe, Jan. 5th and 6th, paved through road, at view Lake ph RARE preferred. RA 3-4935 = New 2-bedroom Apartments, 6 ROOMS -- Ole Floors Renovated I Wild Bird Feeders | Phone Genosha Hotel on 15a Spates. Priced 'to wif af 4iztn OLLECTOR Froud toon, mivare enrance, pr mA| (RENTAL SERVICE | stoves, 'frigs TV. oufler, | BASEMENT GARAGE Free Estimates 0 3€ a {ote n Sg "8 pevment. Look th 8 yver C {Eran floor, private entrance. Dial BAl Why worry, we will rent your drapes parking, etc | Only 2 years old, 6% N.H.A. t for appointment 3 | Part-time, Current monthly » C liabl f No. 1 Sunflower Seed ps [THREE room apartment, private en-| property, to reliable tenants Rents from $95 a month mortgage. This home is spots RA 5-6851 or RA 5 9783 | accounts, Must have car and T ls OOM RPA : We ho tina list } A trance, all conveniences, also two furn- e have a waiting lis! Others from $85 less throughout and taste- |30--Lost and Found know area well. Hours to suit, Eph immediate possession. Ap | Call today-- i ca-------------- m-- . ¥ fully d ted. Th Wild Bird Seed ATTENTION {LOST -- large black, tan and white| DO selling. Good pay. Write: 'iply 22 Orchard View, close to new| DAYTIME... RA.3-2265 PHONE RA 5- 7272 ey ol Ramon | | | Beagle, vicinity Beath Farms, Oshawa.| F. 5 on. Servic A. and P., North Oshawa 303f} _ -- cr re SVIRAL Rasa -- ene. WwW WARD | { for one month only we are [Tag 938. RA 5-0383 ai | eatin rh hati - pointed kitchen, living room, ! "r . Pet Supplies a oY : dining room and 4 iled Co RGINE | Dog mack | FREE Niagara [iE EERILY) Teel, Gon, | NOW RENTING -- $89 MONTHLY | Ear Shari: SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE | -MASSA LOST -- Brown leather wallet, contain: GS | jum Sours and Storm, wine "WHITBY, ONTARIO Dog Biscuits Ee ASSAGE Ee i POLICE CONSTABLE | | APARTMENTS 2-BEDROOM APARTMENTS hoa 120 ro It you suffer m orthritis, Simeos vd Jackson RA| Applications will be received service down will 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. | Ice Salt rhermotism, mo ie Soak i ci ina] until January 12th, 1960, 15 GIBBONS ST. ; A eure, musculor Eo Wl an RR BRYA] for" the pein @ PO | ony 2) Gana ST. ALL MODERN Wilson Realtor Laying, Sanding, Finishing Crown Diamond Paint ness now is the time to toke sa| Constable for the Township : | R advantage of this. offer, Call. |LOST ---black purse, containing valu of Pickering | i i DODD & SOUTER : in at 259 Simcoe St. ¢ |in money, CNR iki Saturday after. Salary -- $3,900 to $4,500 5 ROOM Refrigerators and stoves included. 5 minutes to | as awa SHOPPING CENTRE PAINTING & DECORATING Cooper Smith Co Phone RA 8-6234 for is Jeward. RA S833. 2¢| per annum commensurate 12 BEDROOM APARTMENT | south G.M. Hurry. RA 5-6588 | 1 {LOST Golden cocker spaniel, red| CONTRACTORS . free 20 minute test y COliT. maven JSouxer, Bel | with experienc . i ? orris 5. o trained consultants a ever ta "Sandy", Child's pet. 4 ooly'to > the Crjet Constable, | Sound floor. : | CALL RA 5-7089--RA 3-2536--RA 5-9864 | Bill Norris RA 5.7983 For free estimat c room st. k Sher RA 3.3775 DAYS MO 8 5231 | 16 Celina St. - Be m---------- ering Township Police x r n downtoy : EVENINGS RA ne | 20--Cartage 31---Articles For Rent epartment, No, 2 Highway i en, 87 BON-RAY DEVELOPMENT LTD. Epiion 5. RA Sh }07 Byron St. S., Whitt RA 3-2312 LOCKWOOD Moving and. St zige, vey ELA RA 5.2591 - Dunbarton Street East RA {sonable rates, fully insured 5-283). stitch and zig-zag. 3c

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