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The Oshawa Times, 5 Jan 1960, p. 13

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decessor Castlereagh: "From what you have said, I am bound to warn you that you cannot be THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, January 5, 1960 13 The Picture That Won | 1-Great Awards ! n 0 f 2 NEW THRILL SHOCKING: wis! { NOW PLAYING | 'THE LIBRARY WORLD ® M : . eighty-one, his succinct advice to 10 Ia a I H & Queen Victoria, bewildered by disrespectful sparrows i - Exhibition (and people in glass) ® houses may not throw stones): "Try sparrow-hawks, Ma'am." 1IITOT Of such minutiae, as Mrs. Bowen calls them, are great lives and! (Contributed by a b lively t of her travels in|standing upon the mat, all in the alike, oJ of the McLaughlin Public Li [America and in Europe in search'open air begin what salesmen .._.er which one can uly hope|BOTH ADULT ENTERTAINMENT brary staff.) of her subjects, Fich in grace "All their pitch. fit is not too amticlimactic to an- . STARTS TOMORROW he? form of art, may be said to hold} ,. " i i./0f course, whose biographies are Film Hour for Jan. 9 at the Li- JSTARTS TOMORROW : : A H pter In praise of li x are . : li follow {a mirror up to life, a good biog-|pariane™) It is at once a charm-|more likely to demand attention; brary will consist of the follow-[LAST gg AJ (1) " [raphy is the mirror to the maniino introduction to the work of{and here, where the subject may|ing films: Birds of the Prairie PAY: THE ACCURSED PLUS ARSON FOR HIRE trays. And as the best of mirrors istori nd an invita-|times before, the art (or the Chairy Tale, The Chimp Steps : . may be enhanced by a graceful oh the histarian, 2 Ci admir-craft) of the biographe? lies in Out, and Carnival at the Zoo. bring to life what might other-|pi or nnies of the past and the|One is reminded of the treat: e be a barren catalogue ofl, .ocont 'To some it may even ment of his varied subjects, J biographical details. Next to fic-| ove ™s texthook to the art of|Sober yet inspiring, by a beloved | {the most popular literary form of | Live there are no lack Buchan, in lives of Montrose, the present day; and the writing] Ly remarks, {Cromwell and Sir Walter Scott; of biography can be fraught with| "with me, at least, my lasi the rolling Churchillian prose of of more facile fiction; Philip Work is mo longer on the Stonds|nrariborough by the Duke's illus-| Guedalla once defined biography, |than letters come, gaa £2 trious descendant; and in con- in fact, as a region "bounded on|subject. The grandmothers Of; qt the caustic wit which sheds| i i s, for literary eH | by fiction, on the east by obitu-|8rave, it seems, for I Strachey's lives of the queens v he 'We i » recognition; it is bewildering, they. 3 3 ary, and on the west by tedium. si pg flor erandfathers | Victoria and Elizabeth. | THREE BIOGRAPHIES Telezrams Do Strachey is perhaps in some] n by studying to be a con-|pose a day and hour of appoint-| ° ; some; { violinist, has collaborated on|ment, when 1 can have the priv-|disfavor today, though much. is| od : : irresish wrap. Of biographers. One whose fame written three t biographies|stances and (irresistible) charac- © P ? ¥ of great triots, Judge|ter of the deceased. Sometimes Might have been wider had he dead lived longer, and whose corus- ward Coke and John Adams. Her but signs the telegram . .. oF A mig i. Jatest book, aptly entitled *"Ad- jects have been known to ring rachey at his best, was Philip ventures of a Biographer", is amy doorbell, unannounced, and Guedalla, whose "The Duke", in your right mind." Or, at glassed-in glories of the Great| o=~at biographies compounded all cri jo wr If all good literature, as any|..gq good nature (there is even a 1t.is the great men themselves, nounce that the Little People's or the weman whose life it Por-\ia pisoranher as opposed to thatfhave been "written up" several|Marshes, Food for Freddy, A A frame, so imagination must| pe pooks hut some of the great;the originality of his approach. on, the biography is probably iooranhe: as Mrs. Bowen very|former Governor-General, john as many dangers as the writing] (the four volumes of the life of| the north by history, on the south|Strangers are crying from thei; ovealing light on Lytton] aunts and uncles that languish IN DISFAVOR Catherine Drinker Bowen, who unappreciated. a life of Tchaikovsky and has|ilege of learning the circum- owed to him by the candid school gr awyer- ) y liver. Wende Imes, Si hject i t decent Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sir Ed-/the subject is not decently dead, ating style was reminiscent of -- (life of the great Wellington, ut THE FEMALE JUNGLE «THE BEST oF is accustomed perhaps to think ol| fascinating reading not only for| its subject but for the sheer de-| light of Guedalla's writing. One FIRE VICTIM Mr. and Mrs.' Rene Dupuis : p (C were doing last-minute New ids : AW A x Board today be A 1 i Pp Es 9 i 1s by five com- Prevailing -- but that Americanig, relustant to give the post of { ° port natural gas to/demand will have pushed up the poreign Secretary to the luckless H he United Slates. {price Canning in 1822: "Nothing Can | { ar IO uc 1011 | w millions of dollars at! It asks in effect that the ex- be so erronéous as to place any| 3 | ' he five will attempt to|POrt price subsidize Canadian individual of great activity and bor Ca gas reserves consumers to assure low gas talents in a situation in which, y prices to Northern Ontario in-jthere is no scone for his activity, | [= BI n total export), cial and home consumers. land in which he must feel that SHORING \ SMOKING In Canada Booms hi . 0 cuble Jeeh Trans-Canada set off today's his talents are thrown away" . . .| AGES | Loss |= Export Of Gas EVERYTHING D ! Wellington as the victor of the . . = ' 3 Peninsular campaigns and of #5 g : # : 20. A ] | d B Board Waterloo, who lived out his life| ¢ 9 - 4 wi | V 1 J thereafter in a rather disgruntled] -- ear decline; but Guedalla throws al HOPE LANGE STEPHEN BOYD SUIY PARKER [welcome light on Wellington's| MARTHA IYER DIANE BAKRR By ARCH MacKENZIE (handling Canadian business. It vonsideranle poligics) Sareen is} bart, 16 a M -- ret " g essential conservatism an is| , AV. 2 , Canadian Press Staff Writer |says Trans Canada has offered Ire hing Com ion. SNES: wit. ie, EL BRIAN AHERNE ROBERT EVANS P)--The Nationa! ie Provide via additional po ness, for example, this commen:| : be VE: \ ; p -------- is hear-| Plies atter o al prices then of the Duke when George IV was| | El JOAN CRAWFORD AB AANOA FARROW Feature Shown FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Daily ot . . . TODAY 20 to 25 years) - 1:00 - 3:10 Predicted 5:20 - 7:30 R ! : ; ; ) v >| and 9:40 ing domestic|inaugural hearing, which is di- Or his blunt yet kindly warning . | TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian icles above production thot I 3 0 i ; | ; ) For Canada Bhi production in 1959! The renee is accounted for supplies driving Canadian vided into sections, 'to Cauning's" unfortunate pre - S€ ri . TO: . just oes ; _ increased by nearly 13,000 veh- by imports from « as. and prices. beyond just and reason- TORONTO (CP) -- Canada i8}jojes over 1958 despite late-year the United States, with imports able levels. ards rapid eco-|sopacke arising from the United somewhat larger than the ficures| Some of the interventions by thout the prob- giateq steel strike indicate because part of Cana- 20 organizations, which include J. Douglas Gib, figures--compiled by the dian production was exported chambers of commerce, Ameri neral manager of the =. = mobile. Chamber] Employment in Canadian can coal interests, and the On- f Nova Scotia, told the "i. ce show production Plants in the early months of|tario govednment, take the stand Board of Trade Club Monday] "oco'ong™ 0 lee compared 1960, Mr. Dykes says, will likely that Canadian assured supplies might dH ries Ya {with 355,317 in 1058 e higher than at any time in and prices will suffer if exports e sak mane ve tad : 959. 8! are ved. been applied r in this pe. Car production was up 4,119 i ee car and truck ae allowed been. son than the last vehicles at 300,743, while truck thy; av f SIT THREE WEEKS riod 1 los to -check production was up 8,843 at 67,53./Dlants a monthly. average o and 1elps to check production was up 3, O98 "ahout 33,000 pe speculs y and defer in-. Loss of production due to the in 1959, with a payroll in the in nle was employed] The board, formed last year, ; i d to sit here at least vesime steel strike is estimated at from/gustryv of over $150,000,000. Vv Canada's $.400.000.00 trading 20,000 to 25,000 vehicles. | "We estimate that there now is reached eks before any decision The federal cabinet he. Unitedy 'The year for Canadian gre 4,900,000 vehicles in use in Will -have the final word on the ar th'it Catda- production was 1953; with 480,959! Canada--3.750.000 cars and 1,150,- export licences. dians save more 'and: spend less.!vehicles. Record year for cars 000 trucks. These represent al Keenest opposition to the five d bu Sipess TeCOVery was 1955 with 375,028, while the yelijeles for every 3.4 people and applications is expected to come in 1959 i dima record year for Muck: Was War- a passenger car for every 4.6." from the Northern Ontario Na- a el) jime 1912 with 216,05. PAY $155,000,000 TAXES i] Ges Company sud $e Sas produced--rose by about seven RECORD CAR SALES adian motor-vehicle manu. chewan F Lorpora'ion, a per cent in value and five per T tion w be- facturers in 1959 remitted an ™ { cent in quantity. 1 ns estimated $155,000,000 to the fed-| N p n eral government in sales and ex- all , cise taxes ykes, the cham-| Estimated 1959 c manager -- with 1958 f t 1 at 419,000 cars Chrysler Business and 77,000 trucks. 99,494 ore favorable} This est e indicates car "179 sales of more than 118,000 veh- Packard For trucks C p 1d and is the sole supplier of + Ford the Northern Ontario company. : M A carrier rather ti a seller, Studebaker. Tra v ts permission] (4,514) to export at the daily rate of} 204,000,000 cubic feet daily vial veler 6.087 (6.280 Ford Emerson, Man., to the U.S. mid- a { hry 18,320 (16,232); General Motors st also wants authority to 29.418 127 N19 national Hz to that same amount) : vester 13,711 (9,162), Falls,| CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronio -- BE ah hat are' sur-| WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester - E a's needs. | WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo Holiday Death Toll Es Intario"s stand is] 7=~American Bandstand Sets New Record Trans-Canada 6--Our Miss Brooks choked with | 32--Ho Hi | CHICAGO (AP)--Traflic accl- | Ee |amoase pint = THEATRE GUIDE | 4:3 M. i mm------ Ont 8:15 AM. 4--~Captain Kangaroo TUESDAY EVE |elaimed a rotord nun | Auving the three-day New Year's Marks -- "Beast From Haunted holiday. : (Cave" (Adult Entertainment) Between 6 pm Iocal time 1.05, 3.15, 5.30, 7.40, 10.00 p.m. {Thursday and midn "The Waspwoman' 2.10, 4.25, |» al of 374 persons died in 6.35 8.55 p.m. Last complete crashes. The previo show at 8.55 p.m, re y New Year edy Korner 5--Ding Dong School | 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2D Han 5-2--Spiit on | WEDNESDAY 9:30 AM. 5:00 P.M. | EVE, holiday Ww 5 Regent -- "The Best of Every- | Sixty - three persons died in| thing" (Restricted). Shown fiies and 76 died in miscellane-| daily at 1.00, 3.10, 5.20, 7.30, 9.40 {ous accidents for an over « alll p.m. Last complete show . at |total of 513. 9.30 p.m CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1. Plumed Storybook Land 2--Gene Autry owe SY 5:15 PM 4--Red Rowe Show . 52--Dough Re Mi 4--Feature Film 10:30 A.M. 5:30 P.M. 7-Morning Show 7--My Friend Flicka ¢ | | 2---Willle Wonderful 6:15 P.M, 8--Lawrenee Welk 6:30 P.M, 1--Family Theatre 5-4-3---News: Weather 8:45 P.M. 1 ~4-2--~News §--Huntley-Brinkley Report 7:00 P.M 8 fablold 51 Rifleman 5 Play Your Hunch 6--Huckieberry Hound 4---On The Go 6:00 P.M. 11:00 AM. 11-8--News Jane Gray Show 7--Early Show 5.2- Price' Is Right 2~Jet Jackson 4-1 Love Luey 11:30 AM 6. Levees 7. Expect % 8, Facts 26 | 8--Sea Hunt 6:30 P.M. military ilitary cap t1--Family Theat Be |e Rew Weiner | OWalknas 9. Homeof 12:00 NOON | 6:45 P.M. a heron St. Patrick closure | $--~Huntley Brinkley 11. Having 10. Dispatched 27, 01d Fave Report auditory 16. A snare Testae gi pT M organs 17. Corn meal ment Todd { 12. Conscious 18. Back (abbr.) » PM 5--U of R Open House 13. Tendency 20. Ship's 30, 6---Matinee 4--Cannonball 14. Caesar's upward & Speaker of the | 2-Manhunt language curving «3 Rouse { rome? PM. 15. A hair pad plank 31. 2:30 P. 7--News: Weather Loser ' . 7:30 P.M. 16. Flexible . King 33. Bob 7--Black Saddle 17. Music nots of Bashan slice It Could Be Yo 8--Leave it to Beaver| 18. Clenched . African. 34. Tissue fen r antelope (anat.] » 2 Wa on Train | hand rv | 19.Classity § 23.Nick. 4 35 Whar 11-8 22. Merry names rodents 25. Canticles 2 (Bib.) "Feature '¥ | Foe 28, Some Meet the Mille 7--Ossie and Harriet | 49. Bring inte 1:20 P.M, | 52--Price Is Rignt | harmony 4--Red Skelton the Ladies { Co Pa |: 2 Properly 10:00 P.M. 2:00 PM. | 11.652-Pe rs 33, Alternative sents 7 Li 7-The Hawatlan Eye particle 4--~MiMMonal 33. Walk slowlv 9:30 P.M. 36. Female 4-1 Got a Secret parent 6:15 P.M, | { 5.2 Concentration 41 Bride Weather from Mr. B=-A 20,000 Strong Across Canada! As we move into the New Year, we would like to extend our very sincere 5-2 4 Whirlyhirds 8:00 P.M 36. Flit 37. Incite 39. Hawk parrot 40. Thrice (mus.) 5-2-- Fibber ic # 4--Dobie Gillis p " M. thanks to all our friends and customers throughout Canada whose patronage we value so much. We greatly appreciate the confidence you have shown in the products and services we offer at our B-A stations +«.and we look forward to continuing this pleasant association during Keep T 2 5.2--Arthur 8:30 P.M. 4-Tight:one 9:30 P.M. 11-6-53-2--Startime 7--Phili inriowe Murray the coming year, 114 ss Confer S--Black Saddle 2-Bold Venture 11:00 P.M, 11,7,6,5,4.2-- News; {| Weather Sports 11:15 P.M. Playhouse 6- Viewpoint 11:30 P.M. #1--Late Show 5--Sports Views w-2- Jack Parr 4-Thealrs 11:45 P.M, 6--Box'ne WEDNESDAY 8:00 A.M. -Window of the World today News Roundup [11.6--0Open House 7--Gale Storm 5~Home Cooking +s House Party 2---Thin . Man { 3:00 P.M. 1-6---PM Party 7=Beat The Clock $2 Doctor Malone | 4--Milionaire | 3:30 P.M. 7-Who Do You Trust |i e For You 6--People's Choice | 5.2-From These Roots |, Verdict 1s "» 4:00 P.M. { 1--Popeye 10:00 P.M. 1146--~The Unforseen 7---Boxing -2--This Is Your Life 4--Current Events 10.30 P.M. ~Ex: lorations --~Wich'ta Town 10:45 P.M. 7--Time For § ortg 1--Plavhouse 8 Viewpoint 11:30 P.M. ~Late Show 6--Stage Seven 5-2--Jack Parr &--Theatrs 38, Smallest, 39. Custom, 41. Change 42. Miss Dunne 43. Biblical name 44. Damask rose perfume DOWN 1. Clique % 3.U.8, President 3. Region 4. Britain's Duke of wee THE BRITISH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED &. Strange

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