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The Oshawa Times, 8 Jan 1960, p. 1

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WEATHER REPORT THOUGHT FOR TODAY . n Turning colder this afternoon, School days are the happiest fu 0 Ne mostly cloudy with occasional days of your life -- if your : snowflurries and much colder children are old enough to ate Saturday. tend. L Price Not Over OSHAWA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1960 Fri i Beilin Wi EIGHTEEN PAGES LZ SM HOSPITAL INSURANCE ANNED FOR QUEBEC | . Top Artist Ex-GM Employee Cold Wave | Started By Sauve Offered Fined For Assault Predicted | Premier States Directorship |» oot mes me iriresa =e) For Tonight | Ses rps sm ens se {recently fired by General Motors the tor testified vors establishment of hospital in- will be done as soon as possible, " |of Canada, Ltd., in the wake of Det. -Sgt Jack Powell of The weatherman predicts tem- surance in Quebec province "as although not immediately." (CP)--Charles Com-|an investigation into an alleged 0 Police tes 1at Davis | peratures will drop in Southern soon as possible." | Mr. Barrette added that any in- arold Toronto artist extortion ring, claimed in the sa at the poli ion the Ontario tonight and Saturday as| He made the statement in the|Surance system would have to be dent of the Royal Cana- court this morning that his fore- r of lismis t Ne cold air moves in from northern|presence of the full cabinet dur- fitted in to the hospital setup in ademy, has been offerediman knew what was going or had asked the new sections of the province ing a press conference following Quebec province where most in- the directorship of the National po 4 2 racket of his own,|! 1 cigaret Extremely cold conditions were|his swearing-in 2 |stitutions are administered by Gallery, it was learned authorl-| 0°" oc» Bud Davis, 261 I had threatened them, but forecast to continue in Northern| , =o nds i 1os.| ROman Catholic religious orders. tatively today Cordova Rd. said after he plead r an to carry them out.|Ontario where minimum temper.| SUSWETINE a QUESLON OB 0S wr Barrette, like Mr. Sauve, Mr. Comfort, an associate Pro-\eq guilty to a charge of assault ew I was threaten- atures have been dropping to 40|R & Jhsurafice tom & reporter las not specified whether Quebec fessor of and archaeology at|in. George M. Lomax ed and I ight in cigarets," (degrees below zero Pr Brive Paul Sauve had already|S considering establishing its own the University of Toronto, willjniendent, when he was bei <. | he was ed as saying The co was expected to init ted 1 a pea 3 a 9% hospital insurance system, or par- come to Ottawa Monday to dis-|oorted from the plant Dec. § othe of the hearing cause snowflurries over Lake IF juat a ove . 2 - a ipating in the national hospital cuss the matter with gallery i \ father |Huron and Georgian Bay areas '! gat on in Juebec to 'ele linsurance program--a cost-shar- trust Magistrate F.-S. Ebbs t and squally westerly winds Mine now hospital Insurance ino arrangement between Ottawa hy t gallery has been with.[ Davis $0 and court costs section. He interrupted the court over Southern Ontario with gusts could be applied and the provinces. -|told him that he was a very man te ak for his som. to 40 or 50 miles an hour Mr. Barrette said this move| Quebec is the only province ish boy. "You have brought on : EAR wind White River in Northern On- would be carried through that does not participate in the yourself a far gre r rio dr Lh i a ) is expected to have the] Then Mr. Barrette said:"'The'plan Unconfirmed reports that Mr.|than I could ever give prod t temperature in the prov- rt war artist with the Said onight--40 below zero with a So . } mat wre J10 Dav f it the charge ; ui ' rom 1943 tol Davis told the court that Mi iS i oF of 3 Hillior dollar a sh Saturday of 15 below was in line for the job were Lomax had gone with him to company said. He Close behind are Kapuskasing ue eC S ea e t was published here earlier this week. punch his Sod iy waited while and Moosonee with a predicted| he had put on his coat An informant said Mr. Comfort| ight copies of two Toronto 1oW of 30 below, Earlton with 25) will have a general discussion gyy gym newspapers into the court room, |Delow and North Bay and Sud- - n with trustees on matters involy-| "Then I hit him." R - Sa ------ r ith 20 below REC remier gets | kiss from rs. Barret the | being named to succeed the late Davis said, 8 QUEBEC'S NEW Premier gets | a ki from Mr Barrette, the beir ame L : : : owing centres were ex- | former Estelle Guilbault, after | Paul Sauve. -- CP Wirephoto ing the directorship. He might «q gon't know why, but I thought g Ete : spectator out a tor since the tion of Alan Jarvis last ptem ber at happened 'V" rial by newspaper and ier wi - ficials| : s - hd rected to have a low tonight of} |also confer with gallery officials|y wae taking the blame for peg £ AY '| QUEBEC (CP) -- Antonio Bar- week dropped to 10 hours a day . |and perhaps with members of the|eyervhody." n 1d ries {10 Jegvees aul S Big Satay |rette, Quebec's new premier--de- and nine hours on Saturdays *STRONG-FEATURED vera A orney Mle, ©. Hl of 20 Wns, St Thomas Lo Ee ton 1 do ime | One question likely to be dis-|oc told Magistrate Ebbs that LOM, a ATE LOR 'ful Union Nationale Party, quit|reading and studying." hd Toronto a 'ren {cussed is that of salary, Mr. Com- ips offence was not only an of | 0 Contain fForont and Trenton school at 14 to take a five-cent-| First he decided to improve his |fort has been reported dissatis-\once against an individual but | LONDON (AP) -- Dense fog an-hour job as a railway messen- Frenel Boil elite 20 spdkens |Then he turne nglish, geog- J {fied with terms offered him by | against a representative of auth- settled over much of Britain 8€r. . remier o [the civil service commission. larity "Our system is dependent » {again today, creating nightmares! Today, at 60, he is to take a|raphy and history. | The starting salary for a gal-|, hon some sort of authority, | opu a 10 for motorists and stalling rail $16,000-a-year job as premier of TRIED TO ENLIST {lery director is $13,000 and the chaos will result and the system & and air traffic. Quebec. | At the age of 16 he sought to {maximum the job pays is $14.000.| wil} break down if this sort of NEW DELHI (Reuters)_The| London itself was relatively) « was a real bronco," he once|enlist to fight in the First World {thing is not dealt with severely,' = hs . clear by afternoon, but it. was &irecalled in reminiscing about his|War. 'YOUTH ADMITS pid, : {fadian government is planning &ipeasouper in Liverpool, -Man-/y,yth "I had no use for school. "S : tipped s e off { Mr. Hall told the court that he igen ing campaign to checkichester, - Birmingham and Scot-/ing when I was 14 years old. But|abo! n., age amd 1. a. make was only interested in the fac ie rapid increase in population ijand soon the urge to learn overpow-|it," he said. QUEBEC (« yr Minister s call to form a 3000 THEFTS | pertaining to -the assault case. | HEH 7 uns ne 2 Jarge var Visibility was zero im theselered me and I became as stub-| He became a full-fledged ma- Antonio Bar day wast holder has cabinet rank. new government PEORIA. Tl. (AP) -- Police Slog were all that should be or ¢ i economic de- areas and Saa {raffic Nas ol 8'horn about education as I had chinist within 8% years and still sworn in as premier of Quebec! wy arrette is the 18th pre-| He had been i background| reported Thursday a 14 - year 2 en Into consideratio jn de. ~~: ate ' stands tains Pan late for a heen ab ut getting the nickel-an-|holds a union card in the Inter- and his list of ministers include mier and head of Quebec's 22nd during the last two years of the old boy told them he commit. | cr unig a penalty. He felt t Health officials here disclosedisecond straight day, hour job." : national Association of Machinists all members of the lat ier administration since Confedera- Duplessis regime but bounced ted 3,000 thefts in two years, |. talk of an extortion was Gen-|that in the third five-year plan Through books he became larg-/(CLC). He stayed with CNR. for Sauve's cabinet new . back in the li ght when MTr.| petting $50,000--so much money joa Motor's toncern, is 4 lo os nd 20,000,000 TRIPLE DEATHS ely f-taught, following courses'20 years and then became an in. figures . Sauve became premier Sept. 1L.| that he threw some of it in the {i S Sautioned We accused and rupee bout $15,000,000), . or in such things as sociology, phil- surance broker. The new mer Vaurice Cus-| WATCH CLOSELY xan IE garbage. Lond a wd arvey Davis who was S by ou 1) 2 ging "" " osonhy, "economics, mechanical] At 18 he became interested in tean, 43, Montreal busines | The Quebec public--still some- POLICIES REVEALED Robert Emmons, director of {SPea ng rd Dia, Tha at Youd hind on ianIy pan ACCIDENTAL engineering and political science. politics and campaigned on behalf The conference that fol-| tno Peoria County sheriff's ju- | 2 in their best interests to ning programs I'cday 5,000 books line the lib-/cf the Conservatives in Joliette mand Malta Quet what confu by hind the { dar { ig via i and Fo nam Mr C Istean rear. scenes activities that preceded [owe le caucus gave a first! venile bureau, quoted the boy, |discuss the other matters. | veys have shown that the _. A SOrOner'S Lv, In Dshawa rary of his 10-room brick house district. He spoke in favor of con- sents the constituency of Mont-/the choice of the new premier-- King of the policies he plans t0| walter Brown, as saying: [NO COUNSEL ma f Indians are amen id cay men lg 'at lin his native Joliette, 50 miles scription in the riding during the real-Jean Mance and Mr. Maltais|will be watching Mr. Barrette Push forward "1 just spent as much as I | The accused's father sought to|20l¢ to family planning, and that) Po fy Sor r.o] pfs nox of Monires) First World War at a time when represents Quebec East p Negotiations for the settlement) wanted for whisky and drinks, (introduce the events leading up|" igious opposition is lim ted. = and 2 3] veardl Jan Young Antonio worked for a most of Quebec was bitterly op- Mr. Barreite made a minor, He announced Thursday, aft of the long deadlock between bought clothes and buried some |¢, the firing. Davis was not repre. The main problems are to inform] 4 Ce Dl ged. it. - th year and a half as a Canadian posed to conscription e mad 'mino; a iced Thursday, after o 1.0 and Ottawa over federal! of it in the back vard." Isented I 1 the countr 415,000,000 people, | r car plunged Ilo € National Railways messenger. | He ran as Conservative candi- cabinet f. Lands and Forestsia 40-minute caucus that picked ta" " Soo Cais lo il be eon He iS ae Ly tie Toney | sen y counsel. . Toost of 'Wheat akc 2 icy waters of Oshawa harbor, *T remeraber that b king date in the 1935 ' A Minister Jean-Jacques Bertrand. |him as the Union Nationale's aid to universities wi b con: ; aid he ne, Pr ad Mr. Lomax told the court that live in vi : + . Dec. 14 12 1 r me jer a8 4 wor: ng date in the 35 federal election ead the voull leader. that he will retain cluded as quickly as possible, he| as » Deeded i es | ew {he and GM industrial relations|!V® In Villages dif 0 1, Icy conditions were a con- |, ours @ day, plus some over- in Joliette but was defeated. The i : r portfolio for the time ; | some that was dirty |officials interviewed several of 37? hn, Ct tributing factor to the mis. | me Pius Sunda s of course, I following year he ran in a pro- ut Other federal-provincial issues| into the garbage. {the new employees about de-|"a°CP!Ve ' 8 8d! hap, the jury found. earned as high as $22.15 a month." |vincial election as a candidate for Miquelon tic. Que. law. Mr. Bar. Which Mr. Sauve had examined de loot ginded cash Hom {mands made on them by senior 625Y TO ust Please turn to Page 11 for , In 19515 he became an appren-|the Union Nationale Party Mau- ver To sth % stro ed. Mrs 2 or was examing-participation in of shoplifted and: other stolen employees. He said that Davis er ation i increasing at| details of story.) ee i hinist in the CNR shops rice Duplessis had fashioned out folio yare *% the Trans-Canada Highway con- merchandise. appeared to be the ring leader at the te of arly 8 000,000 per- at Joliette His wages went up to of dissident Conservatives, Liber- se g t1¥ struction project and in the na-| se. : that time. sons a five or six inine cents an hour, but his work|als and Nationalists. Mi te 1d laltal hed and in high good humor tional hospital insurance plan--| Emmons said police had {| "Dr. J. 0. Ruddy said that \the|ye s the 450,000,000 - 905g -- were given .no por 8 Ila 1 from the steam- would be studied. Shecked Dustions of i wry | plaintiff had a bruised jaw which ms vhich census commissioner Ee citor- en re ing the » slat ~ 7) to = Mr. Barrette said he will fol-| named had been robbed. = cond have easily come from a R AG 1 W amy has esti y h : ' Lieutenant - Governor|1oW in the footsteps of Mr. Sauve guna , 2 a 'mushy cut on the mate d le maximum _popula- ie , > whose brief regime had started ack of the head. He may also ich Ind - intain. changes in many fields of pro- ar i vincial activity LJ] LJ] False Advertising .:.: se mo x lative assembly since the start of the session Nov. 18 will be put To Be Outlawed =... J TEA Cr. Sees | See ve J) Central P acific ment is prepar ) troduce 4 luled in Pa i 4 NG ! s g i i vestigation Act amendn 4 a z A provincial general election is| MOSCOW (AP)--The Russians| Soviet missiles have been; The Russians did not specify withdrew in the closing os BE. ; 7 ie to be held this yeas gteording are invading the favorite Ameri-|sighted coming into the North firing for ir new i to party sources, but T. Dar-loan testing ground in the central Si rocket announcement by rette declined to commit himself. | pacisic to try out a powerful new!' Shift- p, the official Soviet news! e ye ; § |The party was elected in 1956|pgcket built for launching heavy|ing thé target south into the re- zo, y that the tests gion opening Thursday : ; for a fifth five-year term, learth satellites and space flights/gion of American interest was will be to de a More pow- pess and indust : their % Praia 1% Prominent In the public eye Ing, the planets. |viewed in some U.S. circles as a erful ro to launch heavy views kno { t} OSE 4 2) x |recent days is Hi Req Moscow Thursday night staked deliberate move to impress the e Y. 82 t I undertake | changes, l« y for y |8 ister Daniel Johnson, lout a broad, deserted area 1,100 West with the reliability and ac " 7h planets of the! 1. An outlawing adir Ci > 3 | re ph \ T,imiles southwest of the Hawaiian | curacy of Russia's new missile! st advertising a provision t 4, {whose supporters from the Mont-lygands for test firings to begin/weapons. ay dicated the: manufact uld 1 3 £ 2 | area pitted themselves\hotween Jan, 15 and Feb. 15. The Moscow announcement were of tof piunciring 1 4 sell their products to r 8 t : i ! the choice of influential| poreign ships and aircraft were|came less than six hours after J abo JApomnting he persistently used them as | h bers who decided I oh ¢ th, tant Fic 4 tn1d oy by announcing who per tl C ] : 2s mem 5 W ad Side warned to steer clear of the tar-|President Eisenhower had told that S will be sent into loss leaders items sold below A i igs Provincial Secretary Me | Bet zone--roughly a rectangle 280! Congress that American inter target area. to carry ot Xt to : 3 Sus oy SIS, dif 1 y : fF-revast as the successor to Mr. miles long and 160 miles wide-- continental ballistic missiles have! measuremer ; tion of the aw on mergers, com / | Unanimity rallied around the Juring {lie fests. Jue Was so heen Littiof within 4 two le Tl Ries and meaopolies is 4 nate of Mr. Barreiic late Wed. | indication how long they would target area from a launching| ange for the Soviet test 2 ' Inesday night after Mr. Johnson| or nue. point 5,000 miles away firings could approximate that PHONEY ADVERTISING . and Mr. Prevost went out to-| -- [for the U.S. A Sie ; In a speech outside the House i | gether to have per and it was PY | One possibl et launching later, Mr. Fulton explained that oi # lannounced that Mr. Prevost had site is é k i the provision on eading ad- SNH withdrawn from the race for the ussia ay an Iprotruding 2 : g ertising jesigned to protect / leadership Sea and the Sea of the Okhotsk} consumer ag 1st phoney {in the northern Pacific. This wr Mr. Johnson announced then he 13 3 Jegular Be RE agave! DAVID FULTON would swing his support to Mr R [frou be about ¢ wien goous are : . Along with this switch was a Barrette | oC e n oon {he Snpa are | " Mr. Fulton sa combines : a ------ = Pacific in recent months Th s followed the same {nvestigation branch of his de- Provision for a ' i ucn a merger 4 evi- : ! the U.S. in warning partment had re a 7 i 2 lence. that it resulted in benef Mao Tse-Tung tion that IT? 3 « y the industry RAR lly but also to the publi oe . ynopolie wpolies alfy br di Now Demi-God Be MANY SUBMISSIONS =, . ) After \ ( ossio VIENNA, Ausiria (Reuters) -- Russia is planning to try to land a rocket on the moon with a tractor-laboratory to f test firin in open test firings pel nmit conference In May, the Hungarian news agency | vernment legai author- M.T.I. said today s there many pre ' f the high seas | send back television pictures to earth before the East-West |inte 1 ers | ' i TOKYO (AP) Mao Ts tion of egs her le 4 a » mM ] beco a dem d t dus 1 riments as long as r god e agency said the rocket would try to make a smooth it is ag: t ub ere : ns ar p ng 8 ck icius and othe andimg on the moon i t interfer 3 ¢ nterfere he uch z € ould + unreason- one where such a wo | thei . cient 5 has crashec asl ata be illega ates com e I 4 Its last stage would then open and a radio-controlled es of othe petition sul caterpillar tractor -- a laboratory full of implements and [if nda vance notice is given ones apparatus would emerge and take and relay television back to earth CITY EMERGENCY loged th oo ve sub DE le Th. aceny rrr: Wolloved ai fem on Budapest radio |Ja i Fst Kay PHONE NUMBERS ] : ci c n the bil. a em Basia dik win fond: quoting Soviet scientists as saying that Russi € : industry leclined com-| A being, but one would launch a new rocket which would "surprise the ' ' before the summit conference veld by Jong] MOZART AND HIS PIANO POLICE RA 5-1133 ' feeling that 4 | "Cor ng lor ; The ; ' p 1 3 2 om i 8 : } rev he said various projects were being considered-- | Neare t k 5 M ff his | sept rp ¢ noatiy y " " ta 4 Ao ches a pe é L | Mozart, poodle, shows off his | played games 2 03 ' irmi - FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 Rs. 3 ' ag ! ! 0 1 *| including a manned Sputnik, a rocket landing on the moon |SPace wo Ameri % ta pi o Epa Eames and ate candy | of Birmingham, Ala., who owns > _ R. { x . ; phos or perors , i I | ir n th noon (SI . piamp which he got for Ch TOM Iver bow], shown here. | Mozart, received numerous tion of the| Uo take photographs, or rockets to & planet such as Mars or th A : mas¥ Mozart gave a party. Other | It was a social highlight for the | COMPplaints from persons who a n more ef peratic € sudal bjuga HOSPITAL RA 38-2211 increased benefit to consumers. Ipeople," Marukawa Veau : L -- p Wirepho re cient. : a a Sivesiie in a ee dee . | didn't think much of the howl a guests were poodles, too. They | poodles, but Mrs, Jolin Coleman | ing success. ~AP Wirephote zone marked by

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