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The Oshawa Times, 9 Jan 1960, p. 13

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| 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale |[47--Automobiles for Sale [47--Autombiles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, January 9, 1960 13 '53 FORD station "wagon, immaculate |'51 CADILLAC, A-l, fully | MEMORIAM Please Note DEATHS | IN E $900 condition, radio, heater. Phone oliver Hos Te Garage, 290 thon 50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale 4888, % f d. RA 55101, aa. Deadlines now in effect for | La Brookiin oa rer siaa-- : BABY carriage, gond condition, almos ULL length Judson seal Sogt, size 40. i . McCLELLAND -- In loving memecry 'S09 CHEV. station wagon, automatic" 59 DEW two-tone station wagon, show |new. RA 3-4584. «ood condition, $95. Phone W Shieh Sltmn: ; | MERCER~Enteredinto rest suddemy ot a doar. omer and. Fra mOMGE: FULL DOWN PAYMENT jransmission, twodone, Will ~acceptifoom emndition, 10400 miles. fully (AHGE pelaciion of _re-condiliones : hy Births, Memoriams, Cards of I "no Oshawa General Hospital, Sat-|Helen, who passed away January 10, o trade of older car. Prefer station (DL ster 3.3405, 0 bridge, firing Tom, wg at Parkway Television, 918 Sim | HESTERFIELD, 3-plece, suitable ior Thanks -- |urday, January 9, 1960, Daisy Elizabeth i196. 6% N.HA. Can be financed. RA 80112. Be | ULstes , Uxbridge, after 6 p.m.|.,, greet North. summer cattage, $25; Jewel automatic Purches, beloved wife of W. F. (Bob)| Dear mother, you are not forgotten, 58 WHITE Buick, am o0r hardtop, '60 CHEVROLET "Biscayne, two door. - sas stove, almost new, reasonable; 9 AM. SAME DAY Mercer, and mother of Mrs, A. Mc. Though an earth you are no more, NO SECOND MORTGAGE 36,000 miles, one owner, excellent con.|Low down payment, can arrange fi Now tires for 1955 Vaushall sex so budgies, beautiful colors. RA DEATHS -- | Dougall (Joan), Scarboro; Jack and| St emory you are with us $69.00 Monthly dition. Owner moving abroad. Apply |nancing. RA 8-6891. uh ide Bde -- 6728. 7a Roy of Oshawa, in hér 60th year \s yzu always s were before. Pickering 659 or 12 Sherwood Road|'si FORD, white, good condition, PUREBRED wire fox terrier, six week )NE continental bed, Lloyd carriage, 11 AM. SAME DAY Resting at the Armstrong Funeral --Fver remembered by Bill, Wiiseimise Large brick bungalows West in Pickering. 5 | snow tires, washers, radio, $575. Will|0d. Phone Pickering 737J2 after 6 p.m.| "3% SSR RRRAL Fe BOYD od condi: DIAL RA 3-3492 | Home, Oshawa, until Monday. noon | 3 left 756 BUICK, Century, two-door hardtop; consider trade. OLiver 5-4516, 2f 5: lion. Reasonable. Ph RA 8-0489. 5¢ a. inch. Monday, January 11,| MeCLELLAND -- In loving memory dyna-flo, rower brakes, radio, washers, COMPULSORY sale, best offer. :53| ONE Lloyd baby carriage, in excellen' | CHESTERFIELD, almost new, opens ang ical 3 gets, Mons Mount Lawn|0f a dear mother and grandmother, Aluminum storms and screens white walls, low mileage. Must sell. RA | Meteor, excellent condition, Phone be-| condi 4 into bed, charcoal, storage room in 2 5 Helen who passed away Jamuary 10, 3-483 after 5. 5f|tween § and 6 p.m. RA 8-6116. 2| FULL h Muskrat coat, good con-|arms. Phone RA 5 Sc | 2. RA 8-0427 after 6 p.m. k that shi as suffering, RA 5-8831 '52 BUICK, excellent , Condition, Fully | CUSTOM built car radios, complete |dition, size 1 BIRTHS [SALISBURY -- In Oshawa Hospital on| 1 Goa kiew that she waa Suffering, equipped. Phone RA 8-574 4f| with aerial ang. installation, transistor 3 51--Swap and Barter Thursday, Jan, 7, 1960. Thomas Salis-| §, He closed her weary eyelids WwW T LAMSON 1958 - 300 ISSETTA, low rm cheap | models from $49.95. Terms owD.| BOWER saw for sale, nearly new. kbedichu iil bury (205 Hillsice Ave.) Ti *d| And whispered, "Peace be thine", . . transportation. '59 Dodge Regent, low Dominion Te Swe, 48 Bond Street|y.ii. Box 838 Oshawa Times. 3 PRESSURE sysioms, wim ip pumps, 3 £ i a ng Bye me: 3 r i 0 % 4 Wesson Bissau EA y utbund of Loon pani Miniey i eg 2 oo REAL ESTATE LTD. iad Rg 0 Sonditien. be Rod Torr CRETE TT gr mer GENERAL Electric, three-speed com-(lawn mowers, saws, drills, Serv-All BILENDUKE -- To John and Pat py; . The late Mr. Salisbury on, . 1 4 Bo a , ' bination record player and radio, in|zrills, outboard motors, boat and trail. Rot SHI HNL 2 Hoy Dov, cals To Ye os Pancrar Homa lo Esso, your Fiat ooealer. Simcoe anf|luxe heater, custom built radio, snow |gooq condition. Phone RA $2931." 3t|er. Piping and fittings of all kinds, Free $ ruce Street, Oshawa. tires. Bowmanville MArket 3.5322. 3f re let ET Ba sui reel January 3, 1960, 7 Ibs. ., at the gorvice in the Salvation Army Citadel! READ -- In living memory of my EE - - -------- | BOY'S CCM skates; size 12, worn twice. > Oshawa General Hospital. A brother on Monday, January 11, at 2 p.m, Inter dear wife, Minnie, who passed away RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS EANCH WAGON 55 Ford Tudor, sharp ('57 DODGE custom Royal, OWer steer- (pon RA 3.4950. | nee) Chinn's, Hillside and Park Rd. 8. for David. Thanks to Dr. Irwin. | ment Union Cemetary, Friends are Jan. 9, 1949. ' two joned grees, Xo Wile, excelent ing and brakes, push button transmis- TT Br Tra Eng | South, 1 nuested tt 4 at the! I have only your memory, dear Min- mechanically. Sale price, e. ion and radio, directional and back-up ows, @00 s, rail CANN Harold and Shirley (nee| ith FOUL, MC, Ba atternoon. | nie, MEETING THE CHALLENGE OF THE way Motors, Whitby 3f lights, windshield washer, tubeless|Average window $19.95 complete Call 52--Legal Notices Parker) wish to announce the arrival 6b| To remember my whole life through, "w 1 MONARCH Todor Tardiop abso.|Whitewall tires, two-tone. RA 8-1349|RA 5-7405 Om Se of their son, on Tuesday, January 5, But the sweetness will linger for "SOARING SIXTIES 1hely sharp, push. button evenings. 3f | MUSKRAT brown fur coat, cost $500,| I Will not be responsible for any ital. : g b {960.2% Oshawa General Hospital [ever radio, washers, white walls, Sale price, |'56 OLDSMOBILE, automatic and Will sell cheap, size 18 to 20. Phaze, debls Sontracied in xv name by In As 1 treasure the image of you. . a v IRA 5 2f FICE -- Al and Doreen are very IN MEMORIAM | ~Lovingly remembered by your hus- WITH A COMPLETE REAL ESTATE $1895. Seaway Motors, Wiithy. 3 radio, Treqs considers, terms avail: Pe EE , FETT |date Jan. 7, 1960, without my written happy to annzunce the birth of their {band. Charlie 5 BUICK Tudor hard top, beautiful| able. RA 8 Ee consent. baby girl, Patti Jayne, on Saturday,| | SERVICE black finish with red interior, loaded |'57 OLDS 98 sedan, one owner, fully| Plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent --William E. Reid Jauualy 9, 1960; at the Oshawa Gen- ; with equipment. Sale price, $995. Sex. cauipped Like new. Will take trade. down, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond eral Hospital. A sister for Randy. | BUILT ON way Motors, Whitby, 3f | Private. Can finance. RA 5-2 [Street West, RA S311 ioe NOTICE is hereby oi hat - ce (nee| ABBOTT -- In lsving memory of HANKS '55 DODGE or blue and white, |1952 PREFECT -- good i "and | FINE foods for less at "Glecoff Super- is hereby given tha HUGHES r Feter and Juice the Harold Abbott, who passed away Jan- SERVICE, REPUTATION, SINCERITY ss DODC ton edi, Thatomatic | motor, mew. sires and battery.' Appi | market. Ritson South, open daily to 10] The Corporation of the City birth of their san, Peter Stanley, 7% uary 10, 1953, transmission. Sale price, 2495.00 Sen. 365 La Salle Avenue. s¢|p.m. Free parking and delivery. Freel ¢ noua will apply to the 1 us | Ni v him but to love him, - remiums. with purchases. Self-serve 2 Ibs, on Wednesday, January 6, 1960, at| None knew him bu ove him i OUR WEEK END MENU FOR way Motors, Whitby. ul 3 erola Legitiative Assembly of the > ral Hospital, None knew him but to praise : Peiswa General Hou ! ys remembered by his loving| My sincere thanks tn Doctors McKay Do-1t-YOURself Home Hunters 52 MONARCH sedan. Excellent trans- + |48-- Automobiles Wanted Cee Tear Fumie Biuvbivd #ath.| Province of Ontario ot the McGREGOR Ross and Phyll s wi ite iladys and family. 1 urses and nurses portation. Radio and automatic. Sale 5 - il i |LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want | finder, 16' 6" long, 6' 6" wide. Propane| first session of the Legisla- Jam LAKE In 1 memory of to friends and r eo Da 424 NIPIGON STREET prise, SPE, Seavey Mow i Sar a Lacking, Sithent prices paid. | stove, oven and lights, reasonable price.| tyre to be held in the year r 1rsday, Janus = In loving mory t er nN C a , 2 v ------ tA 5- or -1182. p TL ; a General Hospital, a Bane Blake, ao od away ers, gifts, letters and cards and spe- Soocius five-ond-a-half-room brick bungalow with garage. |Z PLYMOUTH sedan, two tone coral|-- Phone Toronto CL 17302. 1960 for an Act authorizing Thanks Dr. Todd. | January 11, 1957, and father, k cial thanks to my friends for their| Ny A financed at $88.00 per month principal, interest and [and white, spotless brown interior. See WE pay highest prices in the city for| tho Corporation of the City [(Charlie) Blake, who passed away Jan- kindness to my family during my re.| this beautiful car. Sale price, $995. SPOT CASH used furniture, Preity's Used Fumbf ..° a 0 "45 establish, REDDICK -- George and Phyllis an-|, 1.0 10" 1955, |cent stay in hospital. [ loxes, Seaway Motors, Whitby. 3f ture Store, RA 33271, 444 Simcoe ous 4 nounce with pleasure the birth of their "we mourn for them in silence, --Signed Florence Townsend, Whitby. ay a : PAID FOR South maintain, extend and oper daughter, Mary Louise, on Friday, No eyes can see us weep; 546 FINUCANE STREET 52 BUICK sedan, excellent in every AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes.| Ofte a public bus trons. 1 y 3 in y Mad January 8, 1960, at Oshawa Generali Rut many a silent tear is shed | N.H.A. resale with 5% mortgage. Three-bedroom bungalow dn TT ig ig price, $085 Good, claon ars. Trade Up 1p ompt service. Free estimates. Order portation system within the ¢| ordown. Liens paid off. now for early delivery. Chair and table| City of Oshawa and, subject Hospital. i While others are asleep 44----For Ren' Y | _Lovingly remembered by son Bill ---- with possession next week if desired. Saway Motors, Whitby f ow for early ds hair and tal BETTER ued cars oo wiiman| DODD MOTOR SALES rentals. Cleve Fox, 112 Simcoe Nortth.[ 44 41,0 gpproval of the Couns | x 1 ¢ arking cilities n 5 downs i VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, il of lninall DEATHS children. ocation, arking, laundry facilities, 790 HORTOP STREET demonstrator, $345 down: '59 Hillman, 314 PARK RD. S. cil of any municipality ad- daughter - in - law Joan and grand-|NyjCE four - room apartment, good attachments, brushes, guaran. outlet, ete. 875, Iso bachelor * i i i 395; 57 Plymouth, eautiful 4 " i i F DAVIDSON -- In loving memory of apartment, completely furnished, self- The progressive family man desirous to live in a prestige area, $ 56 Ford, $1145; pe Pon RA 3-942] s. Estimates free join ng the City of Oshawa, Frederick C idson, who fell asleep contained $50, RA 8-1203 see this brand-new bungalow with carport, designed to suit ly. nardtop, $1445; '56 Buick hardtop, | Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser within the limits of any such : i t in the|JAnUALY 10, 1 GENTLEMEN or roriabie. etean.| your toste. .N.H.A. financed and priced to suit your purse. $1195; '55 Chev., like new, $1175; '54 vice RA 3108 anytime, = adjoining municipality, and od TITLE -- Entered inky vest In the In the garden of memories, SN oni Luriatle, ean, | Pontiac, two to choose from - BUYING OR SELLING SEE |HIGHEST prices paid for used fumni-| authorizing the Council of January 8, 1960, John Milton Little, be-i pita 0h pered by his wife home. Central, near NGM, stores and| MOHAWK STREET {ag sedan detivery, k MACKIE MOTORS ¢ ure, alee sell ano exchange Contact the Corporation of the City joved. pushand o! Gladys Thompson An Birdie. 13 pital, 12. Elgin Street East. RA! While in the area be sure to see our new level home, offered |so5. Before you buy give a Sra Street. Phone RA 81131 of Oshawa to entrust the . y 5.2650 : teke + Sone na 6 Bong Funes Home, Oshawa, Friday | MCCLELLAND -- In loving memory! two --anfarnished Fooms in GaTet| for sale below' builder's cost. A real eye-cotcher, 3b Wettman Motors, ne pm RR. 4, KING ST. E. RT for Christma : sel the © management ond Destin and Saturday; in the Perkins Funera mother, He slen McClelland, {40000 soup! hout chil- sual' me items you no longer need to buyers 1 y C Home, Renfrew, Ontario Sunday, where on * COT, 7 ry 10, 1 ome, sult couple oF lady without elul 1053 HORTOP STREET ALLSTATE Auto Inurance, Save up tol We urgently need 10 cors [waiting with cash Advertise in The Public Utilities Commission Abstainers. Moderate rent. A AY " { bia 4 services will be held on Monday, Janu-| oo. remembered by daughter AE ne (5 1 For less expensive home and a savings you can't afford to miss, 20 per cent, Six monihs to pay. Fo Oshawa Times Classified section. Dial of the City of Oshawa. DATED at Oshawa this 11th ary 11. Interment Renfrew, Ontario i family : ( personal service at your home call RA weekly for out of town dealer. RA 13-3192 (Members of Cedar Masonic Lodge 2" "M03 SINGLE furnished bedroom, board op-| a six-room, one-and-a-half-storey brick. This should be a must 5.2802. ans - d e y ' 1 t t bate tam---- a TYPEWRITER like new, snap. Elec- d f D and other brethren will hold a service| a OLELLAND -- In nory | tion qu an home, _central.| on your list, b ; : RA 5-574 lectric adding] day of December, 1959. in the Armstrong Funeral Home, Sat- ,¢ ,y; dear mother a 1 ,| Gentleman 'preferred RA 5.3879. $35. JORD sumom eer pour] BM akiler, elects, a ing m ) value, at only J. LOW ig id E. G. McNEELY, B.A, urday, 7.15 p.m.) Helen, who passed ary 10,| 53g furnished for two men ROSSLAND ROAD EAST down payment. Van Heusen Motors, op- -- -- for sparkling, 50 Centre Street, 185 A 5-616 ' : : |49--Automobi God takes the best for reasons divine, RA ) 4| Beau Valley's the name and Beautiful Valley it is. Custom homes, |Posite Brewery on King. | tomobile Repairs erv But memories last till the end of TH ) "apartment, "priv a od | i illsi '53 GMC % ton pick-up, repossession, |clear ice cubes, 50 cents 10lb. bag | : GERROW FUNERAL time. trance, all conveniences, one child wel,| Moderately priced on ravine and hillside lots. Arrange now for |, c0% hs duly S315. Van Heusen |City Pure Tce, 103 Colborne Street OSHAWA, Ontario, be: a g Phone. RA. 5.3810 al your "1960 Dream Home' through our office. Motors, opposite Brewery. on King. 71] - 1271 SIMCOE NORTH Jos Solicitor for the said Ever remembered |SKATES, new and used, largest selec- Applicant. APE |Grace, sonindaw Alf, Barbara and) yin poy split-level, three bedrooms "51 MERCURY with radio, $65. '50 Chev CH L +... 1Bob recreation ro year South GM. Pos- 689 MARY STREET sedan, only $65. Both ood mechanic-| Specialists in Ford Service tion in town. Most reasonable prices. Kindliness beyond of on MCCLELLAND -- In loving memory 505600 Fel ck RA LL ial 4t| This Jitle home in he heart g ong of the Finest prestige areas ally. Van Heusen "Motors, opposite and parts. Wheel alignment, |Apply Drayton Cycle, 204" Bond 'Street NOTICE IH i r mother, elen 1eCle and, REE - edre ric ungalow provides or a sma amily. ee or yourself, . -- A whee paiance wi ates' ---- yet within reach Q . away January 10, 1956 \ family sized kitchen, oil heating 54 FORD custom coach, original up-| type equipment, Newest type [os oi " 95 gallon. TO CREDITORS a God knows how much e er. 1 ession, $94 per month holstery, good tires, mechanically per- on : . All colors Guaranteed, ns gloss RA 8-6226 Never shall her mer C tow and Olsen Realtors, 19 404 ELGIN STREET EAST fect, only $645. Van Heusen Motors, op.| ©|eCtronic tune-up equipment. |o0 COT ware and Electric, 8 390 KING STREET WEST Loving thoughts shall ever wa Athol Street West. RA 35-6165. 4f| Five-room, red brick bungalow with a lovely recreation 'room, posite Brewery, on King. 7 Church Street. RA 3.7624. In the estate of ETHEL ary he is aid, ONE large Jurnished bedroom for, gen. ideal for the home-loving family. Flexible financing. "56 PLYMOUTH deluxe sedan, custom BRAMLEY MOTOR THREE - edroom suite, % roll MAUD EDMONDSON, de- -E a '|tleman, in quiet home, Apply. 149 Agnes radio, tutone paint, whitewalls, only away bed, spring mattress, like new, : ' Lilian and family et. RA 3-4980 7 $895, $95 down. Van Heusen Motors, SALES LTD also ceased. * ; o 1s ot, reasonable. Apply 235 ww LOCKE'S FLORISTS CLELAND. ~ In lovitg memory SO To fmt ten Kessinger POA. EW GARDENS bungalow '(brond | PPO8ite Brewery, on King. 1 piso; Sun tot, y All persons having claims of dear wife, Helen, who passed with refrigerator, sink, two-piece bath A a py . 54 PONTIAC deluxe sedan, ~custom 2 < ere : Flowers and arrangements for aay Janey a] [Suitable for cne or two men or couple,| new) on fashionable Briar Court. Priced just right for you. radio, Just traded in on new Renault. PHONE RA 3-4675 SEE The Spéviasilar a models | 9gainst the estate of Ethel all occasions. You suffered with courage, |Also three large rooms, unfurnished 3 Only $695. Van Heusen Motors, oppo. Come in and chonse yours mow. Trade] Maud Edmondson, late of the We knew net your pain, {apartment bath, heavy wiring, Adults| For particulars on any of these properties or many more pre- [site Brewery, on King. 1 50-----Articles for Sale land terms Cy Preece Garage, Gliddon| Town of Whitby, in the by, Oshawa Shopping Centre You fought to get well, . 72 Cadillac South, | sently listed, please call our office. There is no obligation, no [57 FORD customline sedan, 6 nu Ss ~ jos» at Verdun Road i 4 , h PACE heater, tw S, ps, 105 saat m------------ count f West Side But al] was 1) vain hoe |TWO large rooms on ground floor.| pressure, just sincere desire to help you find the home of your [custom radio, whitewalls, original Cedar Gheater two drums, pipes 0% § N 2 We'll buy it. Re- y of Ontario, spinster, 555 When God g3lled you 3 Very central, Immediate possession choice. throughout, only $1345. Van Heusen ae shar: haa. ho died on or about the Phone RA 8-6 To His garden of Test. RA 5-6304 : 4 7a Motors, opposite Brewery, on King. 7f 4" FRIGIDAIRE 3 stove, in very good o 'ete. For top cash offer, con.| 30th day of October, 1959, He takes cnly the best |FURNISHED bedroom, very central, TWO OFFICES TO SERVE YOU BETTER 56 FORD three-ton dump truck, $300 ht tac ince Street. Phone RA 81131.| 'are hereby notified to send --Ever remembered by husband Hugh. with continuous er. Pose down, take over payments. RA 8-0628.. ONE Duro shallow well pressure 8ys-| gerators, ranges, washers, particulars of same to the FLOWERS NeCLELLAND. -- In Toviek pemory| THY 20 AO Sew i 19 ATHOL ST. WEST 209 BROCK ST. S. VAUXHALL Vict dio, 10 R Sait ater 5 pan. Fe I "repairs to mi| undersigned Executor on or andm 59 ip. L ctor, radio, ,000 est offer. Guaran el J for all occasions. dear mother and ana, others} ONE larg m, fo Ded: OSHAWA RA 5-6165 WHITBY MO 8-5823 |miles. Phone RA 5-893. 6c MODERN two-bedroom mobile ome,| | houshold appliances and televisions, betore oe 15th Roy ok Bers. A "00 rK r n on nse | @ONILAINS OF urnace a an 0 T ble. Jarons' ary, a i Wedding and Funeral 10, 195 ™ ac . ; on £ "58 MERCURY sedan, sharp two toned all appliances and firniture, $600 down, Radio and. Electric ftd. RA 3.2263. iA Estate will be wach cate Arrangements Like falling leaves, the years pass by ; h VENINGS green and white, fully quipped, push-|take over payments. MO 8-407. 26 Sub. -- e Estate will be distributed, Distinctive Designs But a. of you will if never 4 die e. THREE urnished rot an garage, RAY LATHANGUE : button, automatic Nadia, Soe price, way Trailer Park, Whithy 6f| USE parts and repairs for all makes having regard only to the earts yo i , i » a , WI of wringer typi as 4 Tt { ni Especially for You In sur Boe: halo Dared eve om, central, priva .ntrance.] HILDA RISTOW ee . $2195. Seaway Motors, Whitby. 3! | USED furniture, bought and sold, 215 $5 to $10, guaranteed reconditioned C'9'MS of which the under- MO 8 5672 --Ever remembered by dau to clean, ule home, Working Sou- AUDREY McCONKEY ... . : J NASH fordor Rambler wagon, spot. | Toronto Avenue. RA 5-2831 washers and stoves ddy's Market,| Signed shall then have notice. - gv. George, grandchildren od or eat-|ple preferred. 97 Elgin East. RA 5- ARL OLSEN i ess two tone blue, white. Radio, low |r rm nino pos . "in Hampton, CO 3-2241. 2 : . S ileage. Sal 1295, ay yd baby carriage, in t 3 Dat 131 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY grandchildren. "PAUL RISTOW | : Fiotors. "With. © Trice: $1255. BeAWa¥ oo "condition. Reasonably priced. WINE nd cider barrels, an sises| Ootcc Of Richmond Hill, F : uae "Phone RA 5-2470. 1/solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard: ntario, this 6th day of Jan- Real Estate For Sale " 2 FORD coach, Very clean car, mech-| | GREATEST Jane ie over Con. | ware, 8 Church. RA 3.7624 uary, 1960. anically OK. Ideal second car. Sale| : -- p sa Bud MOVING, must sell, make offer, solid Oshawa & District Real Estate Board tice, $395.00. Seaway Motors, Whitby. | imental, beds, Single. sise.. values fp, y : i brick income home, main street Bow- Ontario Association of Real Estate Boards P y $49.95, complete $26 Kroehler TV occa- "CLEARANCE Victor P. McMullen, Q.C., manville, %-acre lot, near school, hos- a ate dar -- -- | sional airs, regular $34.95, half pric, Executor, [pital i Canadian Association of Real Estate Boards M OR Niagara sedan V8 beauti-|$17; baby cribs, full panel, Roxatone, : All services paid, new heating insulated, tile floors, two bath. 70 v finish, 4 new tires, excellent large size, half price, $16.88; five-piece SALE 17 Bedford Park Avenue, {roo 8, 8 rooms, Write BOX 140 OSl1- | = mtsr------------------------------------ | mechanically. Sale price, $1395. Seaway | chrome kitchen suites, colorful arborite Richmond Hill, Ont ¥OB RENT--Large bed-sitting room,|FOR RENT--Six-room new bungalows|aw, fimes 3t BEAUTIFUL four - bedroom home on|NEW six-room brick bungalow with| Motors, Whitby. 3f [tables and four chairs, regular $59.95, FANTASTIC . : n oss eommmm------ : Sp an centrally located, new home, furgishd| three good size bedrooms and beau a [NEW six-room bungalow In Whitby, 100 110 x 200, on Gerrard Road. Must|double garage on }% acre lot, situated|'sy BEDFORD VAN, Immaculate con. | c2l bargain, $29.95; broadioom scatter or unfornishd, Kitchen and -home: pri-|living and dining soon SRC LRE BR Ei RE Te be sold. RA 8-1373, 2f|north of Greenbank on No. 7 and 12|dition, motor in top shape. Excellent Mats: high quality made, from ends of REDUCTIONS Current Used vileges. or board optional. No other|nicly decorated. $100 highway. Phone YUkon 5-2762 or UX. broadloom. reg r $6.99, January spe- uth 3.9990 7c (room and kitchen, completely modern Ire: r tires, Ready for the road. Sale price, | OO 3 boarders. kept. Sultale for one of Swe: ently' South. MO 5 2950 "|For further information call MO 8-4155 | bridge ~2-9920, $895. Seaway Motors, Whitby. foal, 81. Smock top mattresses, Nig C.A. Vict A - a quality, no buttons or tufts, value to Electrohome, R.C.A. Victor, people. MO 38-5236, 2 bedroom | : : $1000 T - FOR RENT -- One and two-bedroom |after 6 p.m NEW six-room ranch bungalow, PONTIAC sedan 6 cylinder; '56 $49.95, January close out, $19.9: - t ho HOUSE id te rooms and bath-|apartments, and a three bed-room SIX - room brick finished attic, oil |attached garage, two bungalow, double Dodge 6 cylinde '55 Ford sedan 8 cliner chair If price, dh te a Admird), Wes inghoiise: Ye 0 el room, gas furnace, 2 bedrooms. 1% |house. 'All electrically equipped. Va-|PI% - room Orig SERIE Ae C0 SACRI FICE {basement, with finished recreation room: cylinder automa "51 Mercury sedan|fabrie combination, regular $69.95, Jan.| finest in T.V. Hi-Fi an ce agres of land or AW, optional. 1l)cant now. MO. 8-35 7 accepteds Phone RA 5.0437 aften 6. 4f {Terms arranged. Apply to builder, 238|8 cylinder; '54 Fard ton; '51 Ford half uary clear out $35. Wilson Furniture,| Service. Coronation Road, Brooklin, OL 5-48 | : [aiser Crescent, Oshawa. {ton: 46 GMC tw truck with 30 ton|20 Church Street 2f BARRIE (CP)--Ontario Hydro Te FOR RENT -- Two-bedroom t-| THRER-bedroom brick. bungalow, car-| Building lot, facing Lake- os eee. |winehi "a9 Chev. 'half 'ton. 75 mufflers D --;.|ment with fireplace. Plenty p port, aluminum storm windows. RA| shore Park, Oshawa. Brad- {mouse six-room, decorated, wall to|new, car or truck, $5 each. Ackerman COMPLETE white enamel set of bath. PARKWAY T.V. {used stepped up electric current sents and 3bedroom house, all elec RUG 9x 12, wine with paisley paitern, (high voltage lines between here MO 8-3581. 7c |Highest market prices paid, Jake PRIVATE _""|gallon, 3200 miles, tutone, plastic seat sf time. MO 8-41 | ror SALE -- Horsehide leather coat MAKE OFFER west of shopping centre, close to No. 3|_ i eid model West! se refriger- FOR RENT--1- and 2-bedroom Alec. | space. Central. Phone MO 8-2786 3.2582, 606 Finucane Street. tt ley's Furniture Drive-In [wall broadioom, fireplace, asphalt|Auto Wreckers, MA 3.5756. room fixtures, Phone RA 52257. 5f 918 SIMCOE NORTH {to melt about 600 tons of ice from trically equipped, Vacant now. Phone LIVE poultry also feathers wanted. | 7f 1% Wood Steeet: RA S287. Central |i59 FIAT 600, private; 52 miles Der|good condition, $40. Phone RA. 8.0748 RA 3-3043 and Kitch ly Frid ener early Friday. | Parker, MO 83644 collect vers, like new throughout. RA 5-6582. | = -- i FRESH aber service. Prone any- AIA $13 600 NICELY located lot, 78 feet by 200 feet,| COVers, like new throughout. RA 5-65 L <5 Danan Hydro fed the lines 1,300 am ' , push-button defrost; Vacmaster peres of electric current -- twice Highway. Apply 321 King Street East FORD h, two t d cl alo FOR RENT -- three - room furn ed | with fur collar, good condition, size 38 $2600 DOWN 51 coach, two tone, good clean portable vacuum, nearly new; electric WILL SACRIFICE basement apartment, TV aerial, wash-|to 40. Phone MO 8-1389 6c ig Eight room summer cottage, {oc ____Sclcar, $450 cash. 605 Somerville Ayenue, fireplace grate, with heating 'element : ; [the normal load--into the 70-mile er and dryer. Immediate possession. | FoR RENT -- three - room apartment, ONE 6% MORTGAGE | to Osh Mast bo 3550 DOWN, delightfully different three (hammered brass); Lloyd stroller;| 33' x 8' New Moon house circuit. MO 8-3621. MO 8-5462 5¢ heated, unfurnished or § rnish NHA. 2 1d close to shawa us e ed, kitchen has double 'sinks. C . years old six-room moved from present location. FOR SALE -- Used furniture includ: le Be ue NA 2 ya joer pants sor iS Not oe oa fr ing one rangette; one heavy duty elec-|location. Suitable for 2. MO 8-2083 rick bungalow. Brodiey's Furniture. Drive-in aundry room, workshop area. $67 -2997. DySimeoe Nori mesmo ley' tniture | ick tric stove; chesterfield; cherrywood | mores 3 Decorated in oils diey's Furniture. Dry a " Joseph LIDYD Tike _carfinte.sar bed Wiichen| terms. Bradley's Fu inches thick. ult ane Der ood flees Saturday. | doors, brick and plumbing, two marble ished divided basement nn ALR -- buffet. All in excellent condition. RA| Drive-In. Hydro officials said this meth- five. MO-343% evenings aml Ya gejfireplaces. Suitable for tobacco kilns PRIVATE sale -- Two bedrooms, cus- 1960 8.5209 5 od couldn't be used on low-vol and rebuil nted as Tate {tom built, ranch bungalow, attached Ww ike clean our stock of used | i . A ROOM FOR RENT, board optional for ers pig on job a nda ast, Sorte LOTS |garage, patio, large rooms, many ex- STUDEBAKER T . y bargains, three months |tage lines -- the type most die. OF two 15 gitre a. room. Absa Whithy, Sows Svreck ---- V. oer tras. Close to schools and bus, Owner : Trio television, 171 Bond NEW. STEREO severely affected by the recent es, MO A {TWO roomers wanted. Apply 120 Br oe iia HHA . tol |transferred. RA 56942. of LARK s Bast ice storm -- without interrupting '58 WHITE Buick, two-door, "hard Se wner transferre JA. approved, u pre- NGALOW F ------------ : . ee ------ aie : 4 * -- Frame, four rooms and a SECOND CAR? > Plenty of first-choice - service. 36,000 miles. One owner. Excellent con- | pop RENT North Whitby lunch RA 5-0104 paid services, builders terms. |bath, heavy wiring, garage. No agents Two-door Sedan, Delivered cars offered today in Oshawa Times HI Fi SETS - ikon, Cwile's Moving oorond, APPLY | room, all equipped, taxable: gas pumps, |please. Apply 245 Oshawa Bivd. South, Fully Equipped at Classified Ads | also four - room dwelling. Apply John RISTOW & OLSEN | _ 6f LADY'S coat, ize 16.18, suitable RADIO N T k G hub ltnpusis SS imtoo aio Kapuscinski Store, No. 12 Highway. Se Realtors [SausE for sale, full price $12,000, $2 485 . for ETA RA 5.0061 ew lruc roup - FOR RENT -- four - room apart |down payment $1500. C1 = hr fon Eee J eter von weer hn | INCOME HOME | ma sires ma saarz |i irb it pig bh oles ig RECORD PLAYERS |p 0 pol mediate , possession. MO 8.2625. 3 aim one. three room apartment Mo 19 Athol Sf. West |RA_8-5752. wr --w SABYAN MOTOR vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, RA 5-4543. TAPE RECORDERS as 0 ourg bedroom, brick, split level bungalow,| WRECKING '49 Chevrolet panel truck, lady's white tube skates, size 8; willl trailer, nearly new, complete- The heat. melted r » tChANE: r- Jarge : steame: 7 ro a pear-shaped jpedruarn, dining room, recreation room, |parts for sale, also parts for "50 Austin. exchange for large steamer trunk. 271 ly equipped and furnished, coating of ice fro two to three ry WANTED -- Salesman "or [$12,500, one of the cutest and better je y ee - - USED tires, mest all sizes, $3 and up. T . sell real estate in Whitby «| FOR heated, self-contained a oan, ols Jens SALES B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA 5-4543. KINGSTON (CP)--An associa- py oan o! - room apartmen . Spac . W eli 4 Iti seki j 4 i ie and wo mediately Apply 610 Dundas Stre $1 DOWN any woman, vanity in bathroom, stain. LIMITED |NE IGHEOREOOD Sales Ti yi a THE DUTCH [oon Secking b opanine Eastern ltors, 209 Brock Street South, Whit| West, Whitby 4 : ed woodwork throughout. three bed-| 334 RITSON ROAD SOUTH !oren for business. What have you t io truckers in a non-union Rea , at S Fr ms IF YOU QUALIFY rooms, West Oshawa. Builders own |sell, clothing in good condition. furni- |bargaining group announced ap- ut it of wasted J Eo Laat rooms--3 rooms rented. home, Joseph Bosco Realtor. Ba 5.0873 DIAL RA 3-346 foes, a mm MERCHANT {pointment of officers Friday p HIGH fuel bills are result of wasted hare § ook nce A y . | Villiam Street East. i . tiie], cause mow eliminated by new oil To clear at 85 per garment, Merean- : rai Ration, slog 10 Srond new Shea bedroom OTS, OF = oF ar Care x J WAREHOUSE clearance of odds and Kenneth Kelsey of Mountain furnace. See Demonstrator at Albert » ' 1h. ot water eating ung w, autor ic or at, ddl bd ourtice. Pave 5 te ¢ a RE og pl Randall and Sons Ltd. 102 Byron| ___ IE fo garage. Low down light fixtures, large family 1 schools. RA £3678 for mortgasms, easel = BUYING OR SELLING SEE ends. Twoplece sofa bed suites, regular 171 BOND ST. EAST __ |Grove is president with Joseph Street South, Whitby. MO 8-299. 2(/HOUSE ano bungalow wanted. Good ment. Hurry for this one. kitchen, recreation room size ------------ TED CAMPIN bedroom suite. resular $159, January |Binkle of Sharbot Lake as vice- OE . pg em hr: Wo BIT Omawa wn Si Beater Loreen Kellett, RA basement, huge lot, this is |45A--Real Estate for Sale special, $77, Teilgle floor lamp with) BOATS |president and Gerald Macdonald power saws, 1s, a} 7 ) shades, values to $29.95, out they go, h\ i En retar etc. Wilde Rental Service, MOhawk 8 FOR RENT + ne ] 3-3770. ye on one. Jota manthly Or Exchange MOTORS $0.95, Spring-filled mattresces, regular] MOTORS of Jouusis Seve Seusiery. : 3226. | one-bedroom ap: $,h ; g . hl rr re pa $29.95, rout, $11.88. Floor coverings, e association said 50 truce! er Dri ale hiro I Whit | H % Mill catches, no snags, no red [TELE oF mee XR - 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA and colors, 25 cents per] WEYMOUTH CRUISERS lers have joined the TI Availab! i arters, ga h . A Punt "hurch § i & ; a Cc LL. PANT By. Ay ailable imn boeing C all owe | en | tape, yours today. dries Ving Suarier, Farage at. Gust East of Wilson Road) foot. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. TRAILERS lto be chartered shortly as th FO : / . [eo i HERES - : £7 KING ST. EAST { W. P. MITTLER district. Write Box 139 Oshawa Times. RA 3.4494 Res. 33574 MARINE SUPPLIES {Eastern Ontario Truck Drive a Reps Alterations. Cement. Ca Si ; land Truck Owners A ti i a BROKER 46--Real Estate Wanted FALL SALE PAINTS sociation DODD & SOUTER Joshua tanks cleaned the sa ge] RA 5-7732 OLiver 5.3745 PHONE RA 5.8762 if you wish to sell SABYAN MOTOR | CHAIN SAWS Me Shjset 16 1 bring fares for i x {hauling and dump trucks up to | way, tank stall al |your property at a f ket pri We don't promise any bonus, PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE [Wara, hg cranes fina ed one MO] éb Prudential Trust iit market prics: we promise only number one GUNS those paid by the Ontario depart- 107 Duron Star South | 8-2563 Io nr A SL oe - SALES LTD self-storing aluminum doors and AMMUNITION {ment of highways f---- mamas 47 --Automobiles For Sale * installed, guaranteed, only etc. Spokesmen said the group will MO 8-5231 b bile NUMBER 3 L 52 BUICK hardtop, automatic trans.| 51 YUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN $44.95. Aluminum double- seek membership from Cobourg TEN DERS mission. custom radio, spotless condi- SALES and SERVICE hung storm windows. Only No. 2 Highway at Ajax to the Quebec border. A. FOSKETT I Em aay eles by Ya 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH | 31850 installed. Now ti XJ ! y i 4 ' OSHAWA ONT. the best in town. Call us for AJA 266 : FOR PURCHASE LOOK ! | OSHAWA'S BUSIEST. . {sins "Tel: RAndolph 3-3461 quick service. RA 3-985] 8 SONS or CSRS | Yue rock avi REAL ESTATE FIRM | NONKREN ior Farin oer] T° Rie voto, 481 Drew St _| | Smears Called { burnt hn | ( { : car previously owned and driven by anders: will be received b | sto OPEN EVENINGS th ide 5 5, FOOD. AND FREEZER PLANT 540 DUNDAS ST. E. | Tenders wil be received by | clay brick and cut stone, | AD saTURDAYS [eli is wl CASH SPECIAL! SALE! | 15.40 a week per family of Crackpot Work : & the undersigned until 5 p.m, ttache nO A 4 attached garage, 6 rooms '55 DODGE Regent, really one of the FOR YOUR CAR 259% off all Fishing Tackle four, includes approximately annua by. 1904 MO 8-2341 WHITBY fr gay. Jo ory 22 pee plus small office or re- best buys*you could make, Only $i45. 1 s Roofing, Sheet Metal Work, ir ey iy ond rem ee ception room, open fire- $5,000 DOWN BUYS | ie Heusen Motors, opposite Brewery, VAN HEUSEN PAUL'S SPORTING GOODS| 90 per cent groceries and bE ORTO (C3) Desaoing of feral ats: produced ot th 0 . Of ouildings here with painted swas- i Pointing Ontario Hospital, Whitby, place, colored tile bath- THIS NEW 5-PLEX t 55 Ts Victoria, hardtop, with new 589 ALBERT STREET freezer. No down payment. linc is the 'work of crackpot Decorating : Yeom Febrery ol 1960, to room, storms and screens, Secure your future with one {oss ste na en GT MOTORS Auth d deal f For appointment (no. obliga- the Canadian Council of Christi- 'onuary ' landscaped lot 90 x 167. C these dividend paying [posite Brewery on King. * Tn N28 faa 3 tion)--phone RA 5-3709. ans and Jews said Friday night 149 KING ST. Ww. SAMSON SKATES x Rev. Richard D. Jones, na- AN Work Guarantee -- re ---- Too many extr : properties. Now rented on i y tras to list FURNITURE tional executive director of the ------| All cinders produced will be | CA | sold with the exception of | lease 149 KING ST. Ww. h council, said that although hate EXECUTIVE TYPE roximat ods, here but most important : * MERCEDES BENZ SEE HOME APPLIANCES Cl Solel! ' : SALESMAN which willbe retained by t 15,000 DOWN BUYS i DKW. FIAT OSHAWA LTD earance Sale!! |eampaigns may be organized in hospita : ONLY $12 000 ' Quality SSW 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR 109% TO 509% OFF some countries, he didn't feel this FOR WHITBY Cinders are to be loaded by / 10-PLEX Authorized Sales & Service | was true of Canada. 7 the purchaser and removed FULL PRICE Both | h USED CARS . i FRIGIDAIRE FLOOR SAMPLES Attornev-General Roberts also Needed by finenciol organs $e pucheser and remgved oth complete with stoves ANDY NAGY'S i SALES AND SERVICE CHESTERFIELDS |blamed individuals for the out zation. Some sales experi- puierly Xt Pnggy 19 and 'friges, washers and dry- TRADE UP Y D BEDROOM SUITES |burst of anti-Semitism here. ence helpful but not neces- fridey Detween hours of ONLY $2 000 er. For full particulars, call BOD SHO! Domes RA ond Commercial DINING ROOM SUITES There are adequate sections Tn a I Te :30 am. to 5 p.m b2, RA 8-5123 and ask for Irwin OR DOWN . 408 King St. W., RA 3.7132 A 5-5332 CHROME & DINETTE SETS" |in the Criminal Code to deal with work, young married mon Further details as to quantity Cruikshanks. LIENS PAID OF a : ~~ T OCCASIONAL CHAIRS persons caught red-handed doing with good education pre- or other informatio L DOWN . OFF | JANUARY SALE CEDAR CHESTS such stupid and silly things," he ferr e Gorn. obtained from the . Lloyd Realty Ltd. WI L B A K CASH Aluminum Products. of the COFFEE & STEP TABLES warned. i ings " rid heer: tr the und : E Realtors ; N TRILITE & TABLE LAMPS 1 : ar eli | Sines oe eo MORTGAGE EASY 101 Simcoe St. N FOR YOUR CAR prices, "fully" quarentued, | Mony Other Terific Values [laid Tor delaches wesld. seuss possibilitie a ccessful 5A y TO CARRY prices fully guaranteed. the ifi laid for defacin y ities succes: ¢ BAKER, R 2 5, d acing would come man y Waite Bx x 703, Jsh- B 5 i iy | RA 3 5123 ; M O T O R S V N HE Double hung windows only at Giveaway Prices! from the sections dealing with awe Times, giving full par- 0 io. Hospital W. T. LAMSON LIST WITH LLOYD 137 KING ST. W. x A USEN. . $18 Sa BARONS' public mischief, nuisance and . . . a now ticulars about yourself Whitby REAL ESTATE LTD x Py A A \TE 3 THEN. CALL Y damage to property -- 'all of él RA 5.883 OUR MOVER RA 5-0732 MOTORS Lymer Algminum Co. HOME FURNISHINGS which have a fair amount of - imcoe St. grave penalties," ---

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