en Tout UNITED STATES FIRM OPENS PLANT _| the manager of the company's Teterboro, New Jeisey plant for 10 years before coming here. The company supplies square foot floor area and there is room for expansion on the property to double the present floor space. Mr. Davis was SHOWN HERE IS the mod- ern manufacturing outlet be- Jonging to Up-Right Scaffolds Ltd. Home base for the com- pany is Berkeley, California. The Russett avenue plant is the first to be built by the com- pany in Canada. It has 5000 Ea EL with him are, | Ald. E. F. Bastedo, chairman of the Industrial Commission, kins, member of the Industrial | Asked why his company decid- Commission; T. E. McLaughlin, | ed to locate in Oshawa, Mr. manager to the Russett avenue ' Industrial Commissioner and | Davis credited the city's in- | "TO PROMOTE INDUSTRY | He avy Fine Investment Project Is | Explained To Builders is a: "The Industrial Commissioner |ing. dustrial commissioner and the fact that Oshawa is situated in the middle of the business' prime selling markets, Ont- ario and Quebec. plant. Shown left to right: Ald. §. T, Hop- ABOUT TO UNLOCK the | door and officially open Up- | Right Scaffolds Ltd, is D L. Davis, Canadian general | Olive Redman, 234 Gliddon Ave was found guilty in Oshawa mag- A revolutionary idea for bring- the first time they had approach-| ing industry to Oshawa was pre-jed the city with anything but re-|said, at that time, 'industrial de-| She was fined $200 with the sented to the members of Osh-/quests for help with their sub-|velopment cannot be undertaken option of 10 days in jail by awa's "second largest industry" division by one man, or even & oy peo- |Magistrate W. A. Guest. He said at the meeting of the Oshawa 4 i a |ple. It must have the full co- he was making the fine heavy be Builders' Association, Monday MAYOR PRAISES BUILDERS operation of everyone in the cause there 8 no ean) be night. Mayor Lyman A Gifford said. leity'" drinking and driving especially Lou Panteleo, vice-president of "i$ morning, le Oshawa i "| Mr. Kassinger said the full de- at Christmas time when the association, told how a group IS are to be congratulated oa tails of the idea could not be publicity and many warnings of builders, in discussion h this Important DIOZTessive fiove. discussed at Monday night's were given Oshawa's Industrial Commi th ring a em meeting, He requested many had. no' regard er Thomas McLaughlin, tho or Re ry, oe : in » builders, supplie sub of the public" he of forming a Sompany Pei the community. Ti as possibie the aecused ' "Oshawa Industria s indeed good for the city." luncheon meeting " a 18 smn 18. to discuss the plan The meeting continued with a accused was involved in an were talk by Jack Raine cident the evening of Dec the Oshawa branch, Ce 1959, on Ritson Rd. S. The driver idea gage and Housing Corp the 'other car i a he He outlined the working of th Paty nvoived was start an-(|pcal branch and presented a Zaporozan, 392 Oshawa companv." number of statistics about house Ss He said the primary interest in hyying through CMHC ming the company is to help e city att industry rather MANY UNSOLD HOMES n the hope of profit. His statistics showed 1957 and The builders in Oshawa real- 1958 were big years. "Maybe too growth," he said lot of unsold as and attend Monday n "ov + for Tou the the for safety told calle Builders, | V€ move CAN EXPAND Mr. Panteleo said there seven members already in company. 'But don't get the we might get too m 'We n always he Jan : The charge was laid w hen the '"The purpose of the company,' he said, "is to erect factory "build-| ings for lease or sale to new or expanding industries in Oshawa ENCOURAGE INDUSTRY "This would encourage indus- try, keep taxation on an even keel and prevent the city from becoming top heavy with houses," he said. This company, "would be formed by members ize the healthy growth of the city big for city of the association. Each joining requires an assessment balanced! ' 'There were a member must contribute $5000. Albetween residential and indus- houses." minimum of $50,000 (10 mem-|tr They feel! it is their respon-| "In spite of the rising trend in bers) is needed to start bility to contribute tan to home costs, the actual building Mr. McLaughlin said the maintenance of this balance. costs have remai of no other community Mr. Panteleo said the idea constant," he pointed "excellent idea." started when Mayor Lyman A. attributed this to better, Herman Kassinger, association Gifford addressed the Oshawa efficient, methods president, said: "It must be ] Association meeting, a| "Indicat good idea. It's the first time the "The mayor then asked a slow ye mayor has been 100 per cent be- for » co-operation of the br ¥1-|vear. 191 ] hind us." zing industry to Osh-|1963, we should Mr. Panteleo pointed out it wasiav he said Manned Aircraft Fluid Milk eeded 10 Years PSales Climb t FoF { According to the statistics|the other car. psychological implications in that branch of the Ontario Depart-| Her lawyer, Terence Kelly, the enemy can be impressed with ment of Agriculture sales of fluid called four other witnesses, in. something they see "flying at milk, by commercial dairies in|cluding Herbert high speeds and great distances." the Oshawa zone, showed a mark- Oshawa Welfare Administrator, ANY PART OF GLOBE ol in pease Jas Oc tober over the| Defense Witnesses said that the 3 : ; a E e month of the previous year. accused was a person of excit- Estimated to fly at three times Th t state: t Tac 4 " / he report states that sales able nature, had high blood pre;- the speed of sound, the B-70]4 talled 727.397 art > H y id be capa oc J |totalle {WJ quarts compar- sure and a backailment which would be capable of reaching any ed with 611,964 quarts in October, affected her al . A part of the globe in five hours, 1938 and 692 358 1s Io Sop Ajected her walk. Several tes. White said 9006 an: is quarts in Sep- tified that the accused was ex- tember, 1959 _. hausted at the time of the ac- luncheon : Sales of skim milk totalled 55, cident due to the taxing nature of the 980 quarts during the months her work compared with 40,000 quarts in| ---- Zr launched ballistis October, 1958. Sales of buttermilk] i the Sky Bolt -- under were also up with 8621 quarts Child Runs Int Side Of Aut A t would have a range of Sold. The figure for October, 1958 five-year-old manager al Mort- of John Ivd Zoporozan told the court that he was pulling out of the brew- er's warehouse driveway when he was struck from behind by a car. He could not positively iden- tify the driver but felt it was the same car which stopped a short distance ahead of him after the accident, said other -act he continued, Police Constable C. Smith,who He Investigated; Sgt. M. Van Allen, more on desk duty when the accused vas brought to the police station he knew using this he predicted. The ined her, testified 1 pick up be in hig they felt she gear," feét and abnormally talkative had been, "just floored under", with her work in the Oshawa Welfare department and was in {ed that she was under medicall and that she had received a bump in the head when she struck WASHINGTON (CP) -- Gen omas A. White said Monday manned aircraft will be needed in every field of air combat for at least another 10 years and that in the tactical field, "manned air- eraft is here to stay." The U.S. Air Force chief of staff, while expressing a belief that the U.S, may be 3 ahead" of Russia in military mis siles development, hinted he plans a big struggle to revive production of the expensive B-70 long-range jet bomber, ditched in President Eisenhower's economy drive. Short-range Bomarc missiles cannot do the job of long-range manned interceptors nor can long-range missiles do the flexi- ble job of long-range manned bombers, White said in a ques- tion-and-answer period following 8 National Press Club luncheon address. "You can recall a manned air eraft, but you can't do this with ® Missile," White said, adding In addition; they that the bomber can carry a big- be essentially invulnerable to sur- ger Joad than a missile and has prise attack." During his White announced has a new missile study speech, air force 1,000 miles and could be|Was 7100 from subsonic and super- A total of 30,211 qu aircraft late dairy drink zone in October Bolt pos- with 23,100 quar global They month of 1958 about fired sonic arts of choco sold in the " s compared Sky the same sess aireraft' would mobility boy, Roman true ii October, on his way to Holy Cross School friendly land masses or areas in- 1958 Monday around 1 . % tool accessible by other means--with) During the month, 2,230.914| were no apparent injuries | the capability of attacking within pounds of milk were purchased from producers in the district. Of to Simcoe street from this 1,026 833 pounds were stan- two cars and ran into the side of (dard fluid and special fluid qual-'a car driven by Ernest C fy. 93 James street} Oshawa. with 15,076 quarts in minutes would [yO A | @ye Osha Times | added. : | For Driver | much | were give quartets participating ions are, 1960 will be and Dr, R. 0. King, who exam-! In was intoxicated, unsteady on her| | water, RR 2; Miss Redman testified that she: | The winner in the Ladies Trio competition was the York County a---- {a state of exhaustion. She claim-| Trio with Anna Morton Gibney {care at the time of the accident | |bacher won the Chesebrough, | | | jured when the car in which the were driving and Mary streets Monday ing street ! : . the cars Sales of cream, Masotti, of 75 Hall street, was; . alle 79 art n ared | Xk ny Vv a 2 could operate over the high seas, totalled 20,794 quarts compared knocked down by an automobile Barbara, in'the same tained a bruised right There | and neck The boy apparently ran out on|hicle was between Brantford May Jacobs, aged. The rear of the Iwas also damaged. sociation, the RCAF with portable main. tenance docks for servicing anti-submarine aircraft. Radio towers and other defense jects in Northern Canada have been built by the company, pro bought the Kemsley group last year. f the ers while today which as a not enough to ment t en as ness stress ior on Port Perry and Port Perry, RR 1 Jordan. Marilyn and Bertha Crone as members The Waterloa County entry of Miriam Barrie. David Barrie Carol Snyder and David Bru- mixed quartet competition. C. Laughton Bird Clarkson, adjudicated the tric and mixed quartet competitions Bill Boulton, Leeds County, wr the winner in the public speak- Two Injured In Collision Two people were Durham slightly was the involved ollision at corner «of last morn John Webb, 84 Oshawa. driver of one received slight lacera his forehead. His wife same I'he Southwood The of | 1958 tota pared ions to car shovlder la Sus other May end of The driver of the Richard The front auto was extensively dam Webb car in the ivious 3 ve conta F of ous yea LJ rr * LJ * . Thomson Appointed. [ndustria 1C1a Reuters Director P * : B E : tH Canadian newspaper publisher I Q1S e / X Qo C u 1 V 2 who also has extensive interests has been appointed a director of wide company, has located its awa industrial commissioner. youthful general manager. "We Reuters news agency. first Canadian manufacturing out-! Said Mr. Davis: Oshawa of- will have about a dozen men in " : Adare i largest Canadian i trial -|is room on the site to double th the Newspaper Proprietors' As. This city's newest industry will Argest Canadian industrial mar e 0 ne which controls three scaffolding. radio and microwave 20d we find ourselves centrally 1o- CTARTED IN 1946 es - cated here." Lb er The business originated in Ber. Lionel Berry, son of Lord Kems- stands. ley, who resigned after Thomson! The offical opening was an-| The industrial commissioner small beginning, the company was praised by Mr. Davis, who|has grown to a multi-million dol- Davis, general manager in Can- largely responsible for our being|to gross 10 per cent of the firm's here. He worked hard in our be- U.S. sales volume in Canada, in Mr. Davis, general manager So i . me uses to which the tubular of the company's Teterboro, scaffolding may be put include: 10 vears, explained that his com- s : 3 S 8, tow! pany has maintained sales offices Poperis, Foniable contral Aopers that the Russett avenue plant is min se the first manufacturing outlet jn| Portable aluminum radio towers | : "We expect to be in full pro-!survey work on the DEW line, tress Due 10 Las oy ie Committee CUNA Discusses | 1SCUSSes "Stress is due to imperfections gauge his individual contribution Standing committees dual ommented to the product. For that reason were named at the inaugural aslo at in ar th contribution he makes BY 4 : Coun t 2 on of o- y there uy! Amicrsonslity morning tion, held its monthly meeting at|union league; Noel Smith, secre- alt « 0 Lig Mme sf The meeting was opened with a Hotel Genosha Monday might tary of the Oshawa chapter; Clif r nes, who wa troduced Men and women in business ' eeimm 0 oo des. oh yas en ary toduy need a sense " United Church. ers representatives program", of the Oshawa chapter. : ih re All the committees consist of the CUNA Mutual Insurance So-| Nineteen eredit unions from Factor Modern Business." Th eque each week is| en : i nin of I was voles survive. fred Pascoe was named chair-| james Leefy, the policy own- sented. > man of the committee for fi- ,.0 representative for the Osh-\---- The eaker commented that rk group--between im : he Sp 0 Chairman of the committee for The vice-president of the chap- develops a picture of man vary with the quality and' % r Dk 5 ey sete him apart attitude of supervision," Mr. Walks 5 Deputy Reeve Nofl Sth, the head table guests. : ii oN! Miss Doris Lear was the speak- or disapproval. This : gestions to combat stress in busi- uy : : F chairman of the committee for were from the Hamilton branch Earl Cooper, 369 Avenue St., e of our pic of ourselves live hin the limits of their age i 2 pr? AY. recotnizi ita. Page. iat Magistrate F. S. Ebbs that he jaries in effect may at recognizing their limita-| a0, ior walter Holliday was| Society. 4 sh was seiling "19 piece cooking set: y Miss Lear's talk was designed > piec g sets live with others and not in a "The individual, under vacuum; live happily, and live in mept fi ne A ' ire-protection, fences,|. 3 + . UT may take refuge in flight or may 3 stock killed E dogs, and warble. iceS, which the loan protection the offence occurred. ance to others. " " is ? learn to accept our feelings and It was also suggested that any oT 0" the committee for Provide for members. Monday on a charge of stealing set a lower goal so that we can relief, welfare, hospitalization and| The program was divided into 35% fm en Oshawa firm, changeable by us- attempt to im- 1 ! It was pointed out that in our prove skills where it is felt there oc. council. film strip, entitled 'Scrap Book".| The magistrate Plsced him ow bs . i | .| Other head table guests in./SUSPended sentence for one year self, including liabilities as well The council passed a bylaw, au g the individual with the business as assets; develop a sense of $100,000 from the Roval Bank. un- {made. in which he was engaged. A cen til taxes are collected fend ¥ | J - . = Financial Aid . lare $13,356.,97, and that arrears BIRTHDAYS a Cla 1 County Male Quartet Win from 1958 total $3,889.53. Congratulations and best ed early, on the agreement of | {council to meet again Thursday, who are celebrating birth- street, Whitby; Mrs. Doris | PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- A The annual provincial Junior|ing competition. There were 22 Sutton, 180 Fernhill boule- Toronto doctor Monday urged bus: Richard Burtch. 407 |poonita)e day. Jan. 9 County Junior Farmer Choir, the Meet Saturda Phillip Murray avenue: | Although the Ontario hospital The Ontario County male quartet and Joan Marshall, So r . " 5 fe t Perry: Mrs. Ada Dod- i Elsie Dobson, Uxbridge, RR 3, congratulated on their fine per- At U b id Por dA 3 - [ple expected, said Dr. G. Harvey participated in the choir festival formance at the Provincial Jun- X Il ge well, 505 Woodcrest. avente: |Agnew, professor of hospital ad- street; Laura Jeffrey, 267 CURVY. BW f vt 1.3 Toronto, hospitals have few other mous Leslie Bell Singers, wa . Farmers' Association will hold Scugog avenue: Stewart Lin- {sources of revenue and need help the adjudicator L C tl | its annual meeting and banquet the liquor 0S Y od Mark d : : : WO avenue; Mark an five choirs participating, con p } oi He told a service cl . gratulated them on their fine per T |dav. Jan. 16 Myles Johnson (twins) 125 aS 2. service | kp dbo. in 0 oCa out The annual meeting will be The first fi to} e 1irs! ve persons 0 n- for admissi AE training vouthful voices in choral 18-year-old Oshawa youth|beginning at 1.30 p.m. The elec-| form The Oshawa Times of ltronaze Ton. Sam your ve sar singing. He added that a lot of pleaded guilty in court Monday|tion of the 1960 executive and di- < i y eg Regent Theatre. good for a The Ontario County Junior mit under false pretences, | committees will be made. four - week period. The cur- Farmer Male Quartet won the Magistrate F. S. Ebbs fined] George Atkins, well known Reports on birthdays will i Dr. Leslie Bell congratulated the! The magistrate told the youth, er at the banquet to be held in| be received only between the | oney xports five groups on their barber shop who has a previous record for Trinitv United Church. The pre- | MONTREAL (CP) -- Canada's tet to continue singing together pared to put up wi also be made during this pro- F I it th the con as he felt the performances sequences. gram, | money to be put to work for in- ternal expansion, the president of ior Farmer Male Quartet Hi ey a Sxplaution 182 De Ah ene bers were: Ross Rosebrough, Ux-joh and he must have thought| Whelan, well known folk dance | Speaking to the bank's annual meeting, Charles St.-Pierre said Walter Kerry, is the government fiquor store by| Ronald Werry, Oshawa, RR 2, : dian capital is exported when it Sergeant of Detectives William President of the Ontario County| Elementary mathematics and alis needed at home. |Ontario County Junior Farmers' tion of a drunk driving charge to $5,000,000000. Another $10,000,~ | Association executive and direc-|one of impaired driving in the 000,000 is tied up internally ia . |sociation during 1959. | magistrate's court Monday. freed and utilized before capital | Someone marked the wrong formation--the foundation of a Permits U | e 1 5 p [The blood Jad hesn taken for public expenditures on all lev- In County On B ildi analysis after he had been in- ois sanped funds otherwise slated | ul ng igh . | velopment, on Christmas night. The| «pp oe ious: that C The make of creamery butter 1 JAMPTON gl ent It is obvious that Canada can ing permits issued inj. a was Mrs. Lynn Severs. control only through methodical in the same month of 1958, |\nspector E. S. Varcoe showed ano tifiod that he and the accused: Practic oo County. other |INCIease during 1959 of $51,600 of {12d an argument the nicht o the AIR, he said. "It behooves the 1nd, reported a decline in pro- 'ent powers that be to set the exam- duction building permit issue f the road sk 3 , the building inspector|% the road should be. The con-IZ 7 tari' Department of Agriculture|,, 131% feet south of the north curb taf a va pt? . [venue of $838,400 compared t ae. ates the make in Ontario Coun-| yo 195g po of a. of $786. of Rossland Rd. The width of the 9.241 ounds cor Aare As | " " oy " 3 L poi Sompated Wille 55 During the past year, permits The accused apparently ~was| For School Boards pot i vember, 1958. | ware issued for the construction |!rVing to prove to the constable! ™ ur TORONTO (CP) -- Mayor Gus ed 1,064.353 pounds com-'ings in excess of $3000. In the feet to the south of the curb Hens Edwards vith 937.311 nounds for the precdeing year 68 dwelling per-|leaving all of his car on the right said Monday the 3,849 Ontario cease to 'make n Durham County |for building in excess of $3000/dent occurred, {work independently of each other, November totalled 33,663) construction costs. | On these grounds the constable particularly in regard to paying pounds in November of the pre- issued during both vears was|"all mixed up". The He said the boards, employing I'he make for the 11/made up in garage and aitera-|also testified that the accused 45.000 highly organized teachers, 02,483 pounds. The make properties erage higher operating costs caused by same period of the pre: The township population is now| Magistrate F. § FEbbs fined|repeated teachers' salary in- P * LONDON (CP)--Roy Thomson, in Britain and the United States,| Up-Right Scaffolds Ltd., a world-jada, and T. E. McLaughlin, Osh- duction in a year," said the Thomson was mominated by let Ib Oshawa fers us everything we want; our our 5000 square foot plant. There manufacture portable aluminum XelS are in Ontario and Quebecfloor area. seats on the board. He succeeds relay towers and aircraft work- |COMMISSIONER PRAISED keley, California, in 1946. From a newspaper nounced jointly today by D. L.| ts bo an McLaughlin is!lar corporation. Mr. Davis hopes half." | 1960. New Jersey, plant for the last|y cirial maintenance, antennae - - = {in Canada for seven years but finery maintenance SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1960 PAGE NINE | y i = |this country, {have been used in testing and » Imperfections | med | Heads Named | Savings Contracts for 1960 J MA, Sail psy Chl Work bog hi Couple faa 4 meeting of East Whitby Township| The * Oshawa chapter of the|cluded George Currie, field rep- t o Hydro Elec rie Power is to day he hac lite 10€a 0, neil at Columbus, Monday Credit Union National Associa- resentative, of the Ontario Credit DIY shawa Monda is also a source of Y sordl : ROLE fo 2ys Momiay stre 2 50 ; brief devotional period conduct-| The purpose of the meeting/ford Lang and Bill McLelland, at Hotel G a ed by Rev. R. Love, of Colum- yas to discuss the 'Policy own-|the entertainment convener of spoke on the subject "The Stress of schievement and importance y.. .,.noi1 as a whole, Reeve Wil- ciety. |the Oshawa district were repre- y > resident -D. BE from depart A : by the club president, Dr. D. F while the cli. nances, legal, salaries and plan- aya chapter, was the chair- Sturgis. ing man M h individual he gr up the boss and his men and man to ite : 4 ide. 2 ust e each in 1a roads, bridges, drainage and side ter, Irven McLean, introduced . - others. He learns that Jones continued the 1959 council i i i estitution behaviour patterns Mr es advanced some sug- boon ' a er, assisted by Miss Shirley Male ! utp Councillor Robert Flett is who screened a film. Both ladies! lefensiv schanism. The de- He urged that individuals atv : , : a defensive mechanism property, street lights and gar- of the .CUNA Mutual Insurance Oshawa, charged with theft, told eness and 1 vary from frustration to aggres- ti and imperfectons; learn to Spirit s : RGIS, > siveness Sr Ta Joe om to help those present to better ich juclages 21 the Tide 204 J x |understand, and to use the serv-|'andles in that number" when such a way as not to be a nuis- ' > 3 use the denial method. We must flv" control. jand life savings' contracts can He was appearing in court given situation be dealt with by attain satisfaction," Mr. Jones a process of separdte elements public welfare is William Gor. #8 work shop discussion, a true| Budget Sales. Whils working as don, the only "new" man on the false questionnaire period, and a2 salesman for that company. grandfather's day there was a is a deficiency; accept the total greater personal association by thorizing the treasurer to borrow provided that restitution be humor and be companionable C G tury ago the individual could with others around us Treasurer Arthur J. Howden re-| ELEBRATIN ; i Tm ported that tax arrears for 1939] 0 . The inaugural meeting adjourn-| wishes to the following resi- P t 1 dents of Oshawa and district I 0s 1 d S egw hd . : 3 Jan. 14, at 7.30 p.m. | days today: [ Still Re ired rovincial Competition | hog e-- Junior Farm Farmers' conference was held in/entries in this competition. unior ar ers vard; Larry Martin, Colum- |oqptinyed financial support te the King Edward Hotel on Satur- The members of the Ontario Frank and Gwen. Day, 253 |i... r / Junior i Sips insurance scheme is workin, Farmers' Choir, directed by Mrs. | public speaking entry, are to be Albert street; Stasrt Coluns. more effectively than many i which was non-competitive. Dr Farmer Conference Dianne Hickey, 458 Albert |. .0 oo at the University of Leslie. Bell, director of the fs ---- The Ontario County Junior Y i ial 1 g on Ritson roud Torey; fat all times, both in funds and Dr. Bell commenting {in the Uxbridge High School and a HIE I {volunteer assistance. | Trinity United Church, on Satur-| >. ohoir Wellington street, Whitby. formance 'and said the -choirs | 4 {long queues of patients lini were doing a splendid job of held in the Uxbridge High School jong 3 SOI patients liming up An their birthdays each day will per cent preparation and work was evi-|lo having liquor while still a rectors will be conducted and| receive double tickets to The - . dent in the choir presentations minor and obtaining a liquor per-|the annual reports of the various | rent attraction is 'Beloved ' Bank Se male quartet competition. There Brian Luke, 977 Ritson Rd. N., CBC Farm Radio and TV Com- Infidel". | er ores $50 for each offence. mentator, will be the guest speak- hours of 8 am. and 10 a.m. numbers and their fine perform- liquor offences, that he would Sentation of the various junior i ance. Dr Bell advised each quar- have to learn the law or be pre-|farmer trophies won in 1959, will| - prime economic objective should Mistake {be the liberation of dormant showed great possibilities for the, R. Luke, speaking for his son,| Following the banquet an even- future. The Ontario County Jun- said: "My only explanation is ing play party will be held in the | Helps Reduce [Bang ue Canadienne Nationale said today. bridge, RR 1; Hugh Baird Black. that he was no longer a minor." | instructor from Mavle, Ont., and | Ch George Mahafly,| "Tne accused had been noticed | Nis groun will provide the music, arge | too large a proportion of Cana- Junior Farmers' Association and | mistake in copying a number| He said Canadian long-term in- -- |the other members of the 1959 played a big part in the reduc-|vestment abroad now stands at B tors are to be congratnlated on case against William Everitt, federal government securitie ; S or . + £ 8. utter Make the many achievements of the as-|1006 Rossland Rd. W., in Oshawa This money would have to be Inc number on a vial containing a balanced economy -- could be reased sample of the accused's blood. expedited, ' {volved in an accident at the cor-|y,, sati : p er of Rocdland Rg ond Simene |? corporations for national de- St HAMPTON (Staff) -- Revenue|gyiv, t involv n Ontario County, during Novem- driver of the other car involved gradually free itself from foreign ber, showed an increase over Darlington township by building Police Constable C. Galloglev DPRElIcE or pet cin as on the | . {that rev g 58 iy hat of the revenue from the 1958 accident about where the centre The shits brane : ¢ ) " : . . - -- 3 tics b ch of the On |issued 148 permits for a total re- stable 'said the painted line was . nas Co-Operation Urged Bond | ty November amounted to 800 d at that point is 33 feet. make for the 11 months of{of 55 new dwellings and 13 build-[that the centre should be 16% of suburban Mimico Sub a \ period of 1958. mits were issued and 11 permits side of the road when the acci-/School boards should unds compared with 37,835] The remainder of the permits|testified that the accused was teachers' salaries of 1959 in Durham amoun!tions mainly additions to present/smelled of an intoxicating bev- are getting into debt through ar was 516,037 pounds. |87 | Everitt $100 or 10 gays in jail, lcreases,