12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, January 12, 1960 73% THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [EE |13--Gardening & Supplies | 17--Money to Loan 22--Radio & TV | Repairs _|36--Female Help Wanted 37--Male Help Wanted |44--For Rent |44--For Rent CLASSIFIED AD RATES || | CLTENTS' monies available for first DAY OR NIGHT--Prompt TV service, [EXPERIENCED saleslady wanted. Ap: EXPERIENCED -- new car salesman | TWO-BEDROOM apartment, $95, In.| THREE - room apartment, heavy duty 1--Accountants BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting xX 2 Mortgages and | Electron} I 1 Simcoe Street South. 9c for Chev. and Olds. dealership. All com- | cludes stove, fridge, heat, hot water. wiring, private entrance, three-piece Setvices offer complete bookkeeping 5 words or less : 24d. second mortgage Phone RA 8-5286, Oshawa Electronics| ply 8 v .p ments of urchased, Apply | ----- wm ---- any benefits. New car Semonstrator services for Sa JuzLees, a, od Cosh Charge Wild Bird Feeders M . Swartz, Ba ter and Notary Har a a ee | FULL time saleslady required for chil- iy Apply in person or phone M rl Craydon | Road, Wuor An 2 {oath Poti RA 31S Mwy § pon. o Strout jen R es, J "l 2 consecutive ic, 38% King East, Oshawa, RA|TV TOWERS, One year guarantee dren's wear store. Experienced pre-|Lesy, Sales Manager. Harry Donald APARTMENT -- five rooms and four.| APARTMENT for rent, in apartment EE . INSERTIONS 225 2.48 No. 1 Sunflower Seed 3469 (849.95, no bolts, no rivets, all welded. ferred. Apply Young Ages, Oshawa Ltd. Whitby. MO 83-3304. %c|piece bath, heavy wiring, self-contain. building, four rooms and bath, $80 per YALE, FRIEDLANDEE, HU TER cl ~ |All channel aerials from $19:95, Easy |Shopping Centre 9 ed, water and heat, Possession Janu- | month. Phone RA 35-3804. of %., Ace 1 auditors, NSECUTIVE y eee ctr Adul ferred. Road| eto and Co Sccoustants and Sudnon Bal) & CONSECUT 3.75 4.12 Wild Bird Seed st and 2nd jrerma. Kelly TV. RA 5312). | WOMAN for housework, liv ein, five.| TWO EXPERIENCED Sout nw ults preferred, 489 Park Road, Loy room for rent, phuns Sa y .. Yale, CA: 3, Do-it- v 4 N A -- sion. Appl bb St, er tat, UE 0) 1 vee wiv azn ve MORTGAGES IRE eY, mi is, Brite dog Jeon" Revise" vie By) GERY/ICE STATION [aw vs es srs: sue Si A 0 8 Bd Phot 3 d n Charge rate will apply. P t S li Street West, Vigor Oil Station, Town - - p- tion room, fares fenced yard, close to | ~---- 8. 1. HOPKINS and Company, Cerfi- ante a i e upplies . Afianced Line East, Supplied by Dean Kelly TV,| PART-TIME waitress wanted, between | MEN South GM plant and sc hools, $05 month: THREE unfurnished light housekeep- fied Public "Accountants, 173 King[ Above rates apply srl to Sgt Spot 81 King West Open daily, 12 midnight|##es 25 (0 35, married woman prefer: ly. Possession Jan. 30. 8-3060. 9b|ing rooms, heat, lights and water, RA : | ers for consecutive ins " ' x . 33500. EAR, Oshawa, Ovarie, BA Subsequent insertions ordered at a Dog Meals Lyndewood Investments and Sundays Joa, Syenines and weekends. Phone i PHONE WO upstairs. rooms, ri Gof oF up. 35401 Sf apeiy 38 Clatk Stjest, IY. eR Sue Te Cmte: o naw original 209 Brock St. 5. Whitby Irv mower mc SYS, - ime furnished, heated, bus sicp. Elderly|THREE room apartment, nice and MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and | ©F°0 . ; C 2 4 IV TOWERS complotey installed, || WANTED -- Middle-aged woman for RA couple only. Phone RA 5-1013. 9lclean, private, three - piece bath, pric Co., Chartered Accountants, Licensed Dog Biscuits MO 8.5322 year guarantee, $64.50: no bolts, Oj. 0 on leap in. RA 55134 8 | 2 vate entrance. Apply 417 Oshawa Boule- Trustees, - Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford: (| Professional and Business listings rivets, all welded. All chanel, semis} PHONE soicitors to" work at EA vard South of FC. $ t t CLEPHONE ors to work a . | hs Wy gmieith, FCA MCr A 2-[. 37.59 our motnser 3's coi: Ice Salt 18--Loan Wanted Yai oo sue terme Kalb TV. WA Love Guaranend. sary. pus, pon. | flail casipped. Miro Apartments. RA THREE. room apartment wih Vehen, . " P 3 mre ead re i | 3.9: . CA, RIA} G. E. Trethewey, CA; R. F. | month WILL discount $50.00 three year first [Carpet Teasing Lid. Write Box 4. 0h 138__Male or Female i Sii% Jo SioPping Cents. 374 Pine Ave, Lightfoot, CA; RA 5.3527, 133 Simcoe Each ' t oHon Di mortgage, well secured, 50 acres, City 23----Women"s Column awa Times MODERN five - room bungalow with "Ue Spm. Street North, Oshawa ach. inihg phil obra aliof Crown iamond Paint of Oshawa. Phone RA 3-9484, 7 WAITRESS wanted, experienced, shift Help Wanted garage. Business couple preferred. Ref-| TWO rooms and kitchenette, furnished, $ and c sign, figure, cous 08 a ALL types of alterations and juending work. South End Restaurant, 5 Bloor - ~ ee grences. Available February 1. Phone refrigerator and stove, for couple. Near 2 Barristers word, Box charge 15¢ additiona 19--P Is done expertly, Phone MO 8.442 East 4f PART-TIME opportunity. We are look- RA 5-3490. 9 South GM. Apply 641 Merritt Street. at All Classified Advertisements {1 9--VFersona SPECIAL! Heal permanents, $6.50; | AN ing for an honest and reliable person ---- Isis, Ado so Bd SOM of, ffi ogy Kr tisermey old wave $6.00 Page Hairdressing FULL or part-time waitresses wanted,| with car or light truck to handle de.|ROOM -- two minutes from four cor-| TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and . - . Se iy ia | GREER and Kelly, Bartisters, Solici- | MUST be in by 9 am. the day of Cooper Smith Co WANTED --~ Tide io downtown Oshawa ,oc%p, o's, enue, RA 35363 also short order cook, for evening jivery and collections in the Oshawa |Pers. Apply 27%: Bond Street East. 9 kitchen with refrigerator, built-in cup- s.. 7 A 8 blication ce hours: Dail 5 e 3 F 3 A 1 tors, ete., 7': Simcoe Street South, § publication. Office Daily 8-5, tom Hazelwood Drive near ( arrard work. Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha area. Must have approximately ten | REDECORAT ED -- Seven-room house, [boards and sink, all conveniences. a Dial RA 3.2278. Residence phones Saturday 8-12 Road. 3916 Ic J. M BA, Sc, RA 53368; Ter- ING : 24--Market Basket Hotel hours spare time weekly. Must be finan-| oii heated, hardwood throughout, gar-(Ply 887 Ritson Road South 1. Greer, c., 5.3368; Ter CEH IONS DRIVING to downtown Toronto, Ar HOUSEREEPER wasted, Sxporitnced. [cially sound and OF Food Character.) ore am ator rear Joh ih TWO sore Tora on orice V. Keliy, PA, BCL, RA 85832. || REGULATIONS 16 Celina St. rive 8.00 - 8.15 am. Room {OF Dassen. BALDWIN apples, $1.25 bushel hamper. HOU i? hildren, live in. Phone COI. Wrile stating age, phone number, eic..|sinool $110 monthly. Phone RA 53093. | man fi ma, one Upstairs, one RALPH JON BA, and Thomas The Oshawa Times shall not be gers, Phone RA 5-4166 7¢ Phone RA 3.7190 Must Dies © to R. Elliott, Suite 8, 372 Queen Street| 9 close {0 hospital onl men or ladies, « riste sponsible for errors in advertise- rT . 3 West, Torant Pd 8 3 Ls re 10 Phos Fast RA Taents submitted otherwise than in RA 3-2312 Sy ENJER Foundation Garments, in: COOKING apples, $1.00 bushel; SPYS, WANTED -- Wailress with experience. | Fone. SNE gentleman willing to share bed. (327 Kingsdale Avenue. at Bory a Ig ee im: RA reiting, nor for mare than one ot 26h Porneter ($1.50 up, Russell Stainton. 14 miles Apply David's Drive-In Restaurant, |ARE you interested in a full or spare|room, single beds. 187 Wilson Road| ATTRACTIVE two . room apariment, - re nsertion of any adver- hold R . as pod d R cast of Taunton. RA 38-8014 Whitby, or phone MO 8-4066 3f time sales plan by which you gan make South 9 | completely furnished, bath on same IHOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soli ner nor beyond the price 14--Househo epairs North WOMAN to look after three schoolage|310 10 820 a day? Take orders from FORNISHED room and Mitehon. Fiz, | oor, Fria only, close 10. bis And. Pos or tary Public, 26 g 0 + pe ; ; NG Toro | WOMA! scho f y, i Te Ba prey [ne d for o sinole insertion of | ALL typos of interior punting, Reason: DRIVING lo Toronto, artnet oy, 29--Pets and Livestock | iiidren, while mother works. Live in. 36000, Display Book testunng over| [JN Tone Child welcome, APY "ig ital. RA 3.3502 0 hs one [hand th rtisemen in whi Ol P ¥ i service a 8 L a p " he ---- - MANNING F. SWARTZ, Barrister 4 if hig reserves the right aie, Fon, Tellable Servic : terested kindly phone RA 5.6160. 8 PEDIGREED female Boxer, 10 months | Phone RA 5.2274 !|leigh's, Dept. L-310-RR, 4005 Richelieu, King Street East Joell 9 | BOWMAN VILLE ~-- Three - room Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Asso-] to classify advertising according to | vrs HYPNOSIS--_Overcome tension. fears, 01d: top quality show stock, very g00d MAID for upstairs work, steady em-|Montreal THREF room apartment, centrally | Apartment, heated, electric washer ciate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry | its own classification TR ea rr | fiustration, nervous pain. Fain -confl. With children. RA 35-8640 9 ployment. Must be reliable and have a. private entrance, heavy wiring, and dryer, free parking, bus stop at 4 vi . wg 2 2307 y neys built and repaired, gas !'nings in 8 a § pa 0 HOC racter referenc A 1 pssi 325 ) n ree est, a . Block, 361% King Street East. RA 2-1697 In the cose of display adve stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti. dence, lose weight, etc. Consult Edwin BEAUTIFUL baby budgies. ready for K00d character references. Apply Hott 40--Opportunities immediate possession. Phone RA 5.3251. 400 King Stree part. Residence, dial RA 3-4029 The Time not t d | mates. RA 3.2007 Heath, Institute of Ethical Hypnosis, training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, Lanca i semebdiiiinuteant CREE y nj EL Li DODD Barriste e for rm | : 11 Ontario Street, Oshawa. For ap- Broad, 114 Elgin Street East capital require R op] : o. FOUR apartment, private en + heates DUSAID ARE bag iy East ponsible for > 2 CALL Joe, RA 5.8018 for carpentry. pointmnt phone RA 8.0171 or RA 8.1751 pital required. Sales experience uve-[FOUR - room apa date ONES ment, one child welcome, close to three ol nil 1 i YY . n Out ot eee y 1 p, SCO floor " w s%n1 : painting and handyman CANARIES, guarante 5 rs, young ful but ni necessary. Call Don Hen trance ond 55 n , Jelcphone! - Dunness, Ra 3991 Ra Rp . ps IELDS ap it [ [HAND knit "Mary Maxim" sweaters, budgies, talking strain, Largest assoil ley, MO 8-5426 anytime 8c sion. Ap:ly 178 Alice Street fad av monthly, parking. RA ence R dad reprod. se. ail adver rtising matter 4 FIEL rebuilt, recovered, any design, made to order. Phone RA ment of tropical fish Complete line of ----------- « i , » ¥ NE furnished room for lady or "gen a . rect mes no liability Why pay more? Our rates i Sportsman's Corner, 105 heart Nica furnished room at 516 Monteith JOSEPH F, MANGAN, aC, bareistef . a Ry sasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed ) : EE ray. ars bles sosition. responsible | 41--Room and Board tleman. Apply 620 Simcoe Street North. ven "alls nA" 0.0098 after § K treet RA 88232. | of © y J tained J Mattresses rebuilt Oshawa Upholstery ENIC supplies (rubber = goods).| Lol" pair Corners. Open till 9 p.m nioin . Ie ROOM and board for gentlemen, will 3 po in pm at Residence, RA 334 f Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA|mailed post paid in plain sealed en BS ee) maintaining complete set |G, Ro (are. Parking facilities, close to| LARGE room, unfurnished, or semi-|ciy os a N. FRASER DEYNAN and 3311 breil fl Pog Nail Onder 26- Farmer's Column hooks for expanding sole South GM. RA 5.0746 i ge furnished, light housekeeping privil- 13) Jol BUREROR, YaChO Januar GHTO SE R an TT TTT IT cam 8; 24 san 1.00 oa . ; . ' a Ly 3 MURDOCH. Barristers, Solicitors, No-| CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re-|Dept. A-11, Nov-Rubber Co. Box v ; nization, Opportunity for |g = = Ce acked, single | *#¢S: 1adies preferred. Phone RA §:0748. lschool, shopping and SGM plant. RA RH, mer «Bide ipa men | covered like new Get the best for less | Hamilton, Ont DEAD farm stock picked up promptly dvancement. Group benefits Weds. close tn 2h ovoth' Dlants, Prone 3-9430, 7 3 Simeone Street North, RA 3-3466; T. K. |8---Bu ding Trades at Modern Upholstering ot Simeoe - More i ot Fh ron 3.2721 Salary $65 10 $75. Com RA 3.3101 MODERN one, or two . bedroom part: Two rooms. first floor. cupboards and Creighton, QC Fraser, QC; G. K - - | Street North. Ca "6451 for a free argwl Fy ! g mensurate with ability. Write in new, wsound-proof bullding sink in kitchen, close to SI n 1 wrdock * mol " estimate EE . ROOM and board for gentleman, one| Averator. w ' hopping orynan, G. 1 rdoch, NHA mort- ROOFING and siding, eavestroughing, : . YSI Box 102, Oshawa Time single and to share. 97 Albert Street, 4 ! 1, Vasher, drier, TV Centre. Phone RA 8-141. if i gages arranged chimney repairs. new and old work i CLEAN home is a happy home --rue 00 9¢|RA 5-6382 outlet, ; 3008 residential LEE room apartment, sink, stove 6 Free consultation, work guaranteed, € : - hi | a s LC s R R ir y and MacDonald, B. Co -- ¢ de o a u y buzz and ain aw - GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Ba. : contractors, brick and no publicity. Reliable Exterminators, Removal of superfluous hair. WOOD cut by bus and chin ROOM with. or without board, very | FURNISHED bed - sitting room. Full | pach. cupboards. some furniture, Folin 3 King Street East, RA Russell cem ri RA 928 products and services for all needs Marie Murduff will be h - --- ---- -- SECRETARY F R central, clean and quiet. Apply 174 ooking facilities, close to hospital and | 4 5 J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald Too ooramic, plastic, 64 Dawes Road, Toronto, ZE. 9.9300 of 28a-- Trailers Chureh_Street | downtown. Call RA 85507 = an RA. ! i ervice, ¢ c s 4 ; . -- Z. T. SALMERS Be barrister, solici- wall tiles, linoleum. vingh mastic, floor OX 4-1946 or phone Claremont BI6R11 Oshawa. Jan. 26th and 27th a LARGE LAW OFFICE WARM, comfortable room in new ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, "avail,| TWO_large enfurnished or partly fur. SAME Street | North. tile. Greg Rivers, MO 8.3233 HIGH quality! Something difterent and GO south by A winter holiday home, board optional. RA 8-058. 9 abe in private home, 82 Park Road| iar rooms, private bath, completely oY A 5 32k SCE 5.5542 ei i more comfortable. New upholstered] Phone Genosha Hotel on fin Florida y ont a new cabin 1B ae oh 2 vale hos waar, |edecoruise RA 5.9300, Office R ! . - ALL TYPES of building repairs--Roof-|fymiture or re-upholster and re-model| traller at amazing winter rates from Full mpetent in shorthand WHEN service counts, let Oshawa I Solici- | ing, Masonry Cement and Eave Id. Only by highly skilled these dates for appointment M Times' ad-writers serve you WELL. $89 MONTHLY -- smart new two-bed:| EW, two BOWMAN, Davic 3 olici+ as 3 5 your old nly by ighly skille up- ) H appoi r $30 and $60 per month at ont Bina anable » 3 ef - ui ove tor, 3% Simcoe Sout 5 Resi: | troughing--Chimneys, Gordon May. RA jiolsterer, at no extra cost. Gimpelj Cranfield B-A Service, Simcoe Street ping ond zopabl ! Dial RA 3-3492 room apartments, tiled bathrooms, fully | Jing. es a trator: dence, RA 8-026 8-0394 Custom Upholstering Co., 301 Elgin South at « RA 591 71 working independently. Lego ONE or two gentiemen, willing to share | decorated. Hurry for these! Only 8 feW| on; "300 Adelaide Street West, form. -- -- Street West in Oshawa. For free esti ---------------- ¢ ience not essential if larg ing oo available Call exclusive rental agent, MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers mate, call RA 5-4170. See our big choice ATTENTION : DN run Bn large Mngle room, single beds, South.|y "gly gwarbrick, RA 5.6344 or RA|°TYY Louisa Street. Phone 'RA - Solicitors. Clients' funds available - for DODD & SOUTER bribe 29--Summer Properties her qualifications are d. RA 5-8306 Mic tun John a). pomhoos Lidl... : 20 Simcoe Street North L : mont tsifactory. Salary commen LARGE room, two se beds, 1 opti aries C. McGibbon, QC PAINT WALLPAPER FURNITURE repaired and re-uphols one mont} y are For Sale or Wanted oi Salary co LARGE room. (wo separaie beds, board Realtor. __ | optional, oF deman 3 do, QC PAINTING & DECORATINC tered See our materials for re-cover giving SUMMER store or snack bar with ga 3 wil Xperience and gentlemen; TV privileges, very central, | ST ACIOUS apartment, furnished or un. » 8 i Boychyn ris- | y CONTRACTORS ; ing, Bruce R. Dalton, 73 Charles Street, FREE NIA GARA pumps, all year living quarters, on new y Apply RA 8.6697 y 2 centrati [furnished, in modern country home = = AU MEHRIE! : ae D OXERYE: Baris To artes» RA 3.7212 paved through road, at view Lake on y OSHAWA TIA ROE ol Soar To saab Low rent. OLiver 5-3424 0 ent, with Boychyn, BA: W. A. Hillman,| ® org GARDENS and lawns roto-tilled. Made CYC LO MASSAGE Lake Scugog Priced to sell at $620( dd YHAWA TIMES - [ROOM and bourd or Ssutiemen, Sin-|SINGLE and double rooms for | gentle | nivale bain. BA S709 after im of Street t. .Phones:| DAYS MO 8- 5231 ready for spring planting and seeding | - Small down peyment Look this over 3:0 Road sath, RA 5.7000 7 men with cooking privileges. Apply 135 BEDROOM. newly decorated, furnish. 177: Res. RA 5-604 or EVENINGS RA 5.7426 Call RA 5.8985 20-MINUTE TEST Leo Pew. Waterford, Ontario Phone i . : Celina Street : a |ed, in home of quiet busine couple, Whitby MO 8.2761. Money to loan O7 Buren St. 5. Whith tf you suffer from' arthriti HI 3.5770 _ AIRLINE Roo rr Osa d with Dute famziy, SINGLE furnished bedroom for busi-| North Mary Street. RA 3.0145. of AN 1acDONALD, BA, Barrister ! not vy . - -s ; |ness man, in quiet home, breakiast|ONE or two furnished ligh A and Solicitor 01 Simcoe Street North FURNACE SALES rheumatism, muscular oche 30--Lost and Found ROOM and board for gentlemen. Good optional. 38 Colborne Street We ing rooms, clean, quiet, ot holaos. OY aE - 3 : nervous tension and sleeple i home cooked meals t loc: San nts to hi Pa RS | HENDERSON CONCRETE AND SERVICE ness now is the time to take [LS ming Contre. Special gift. Phon TRAINING Apply 160 Park Road EE Lerman alte Toupee Ie poop Hae perio JOAN A { oie, { PRODUCTS LIMITED | f th fer. Call RA 3316 . sitet, : ROOM for two g are ! AREE . - jo 4 Ne Public & Street] advantage of this offer a RA 5-316 3 M for two gentlemen to | » Fe __ THREE . room a ment four. RA go. NHA and private] ncrete, Cinder ,Haydite M. Mackie Co. Ltd in at 259 Simcoe St. ° r LOST -- Man's Timex wristwa with breakfast, all conveniences. RAIFGUR . room (two.bedroom) apart. 100m apartment, heat and water. No | ill ' 34 for hom night at Eastview Pa skating For appo y 31168. ments, Lakeview district, new 'frig and children 68 McMillan Drive ] Blocks. Chimney Blocks Phone RA 8.6234 for me ay nig or appointment, phone a tor in sion eee | > ey RA 5. 3954 f 40 mindte test. with " v 3 2 Highland A ROOM and board for two gentlemen, stove, TV outlet, heat and water in| MODERN electrically equipped two 3--Chiropractors i 1 c Tee nue J war 5.2 iy (0 share one room near South plant. cluded. new apartment building. One bedroom . apartments. 111 = Graydon { 089 Nelson Street Sldansut Service trained consultant Oshawa, RA 3-4641, [phone RA 83894 7f available now, others Feb. 1. Phone RA Road, Whitby. Phone MO 8.5329. 4 JH TAYLOR, Doctor of Chiropractic Corner Wellington 80N0M1 Servic 368. - RA TR 9 3-43 - a hd " 197 King Street West, Oshawa. RA - or pl t 31--Articles For Rent . | ROOM and board for two gentlemen, | FRONT bedroom, large, clean and an King Keron We RA 3-4412 -- RA 5.7041 $7 labor plus 20--Cartage Mr. McCashew, 10 a.m.« [six-day week. lunches packed. go od| BACHELOR apartment for lady. % bright. Abstainers only. Apply 108 Eigin - ue ELNA rentals A 9 Straight meals / N tral, in modern apartment building, past. RA 5.205 - 15--Instruction GALT CARTAGE, furniture and appli- | stitch 'and 2ig.s ¢ - nnd Waslyng. SOE id Rontrave i Se Tren anton. {ast RA 53056. im 4--Dentists Cisey iow ance moving. Reasonable rates, fully 9 p.m, or write, Careers ; £| parking 017 |CLEAN. furnished room, 10F ono or a am-------- HOME IMPROVEMENTS DRIVING to Toronto, arriving 8.15! insured, Call day or night. RA 5.4498. | ROOM or room and board for two two Jentlemen, use of fons, central DR. G. T SCIP, Office hours § 10 8.| pEMODELLING--ADDITION leaving Oshawa at 7 a.m. Anyone in USED with Airlines 1995 [girls (win beds, new home, transpor- |TWO - "rooms unfurnished, first floor, RA 8.0: ter 6.30 p.m " s by appointment . ol 0 35-6160 . 4 3 i te entrance. outs of town, ied voi Open evening 8 By Appi a REC ROOMS terested kindly phone RA 5-616 8 21 Personal Service 3 ' tation to and from SGM main office or Loki RA 81546. af NICE ge room apartment, good Simcoe Street Sou ; N HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, SEWING MACHINES ¢ {parts office included in rent. RA 5-836 monthly. _--_ location, parking orirundry facilities N s | FAMILY ROOMS tap, Royal Academy ballet, H d | SABRICON invisible mending done on - Yonge St., Toronto or 595 Harmony Road South 3 (TWO . room, self-contained Aparim TV outlet, : for rs rsin ervices Tile, Hardwood Floors, gis v. 424 King West, RA 92 |cigaret burns, tears and moth holes . . C nfurnished, comfortable. Also arge apartment, completely fi My 5 u 9 a wood ih Register fo 324 Mie . Also garments made for children iid De 70 HOARD and, room for gentlema Sood | a master bedroom, suit pwo or psec £50, nel iis a Sit. LICENCED private nursing home for upbogards PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, gia" clothing. General repair on all. 216 - (home cooked meals ng Eas three working men, single 'beds, ) suaranteed by --= Rea siderly women. 'MO 82744 Whitby. 2f Loans Arranged 15 years' experience. Appointment only. |Chadburn Street of adr : 37--Male Help Wanted ROOM for one gentleman in private sonable rates. 65 Charles Street. Ra CENT ENN hes i: clean, Call RA 35-1004. NGE mh ; h h 1 aud bus, No ott i ight housekeeping rooms, EWING mach and service IGER SEWING CENT N TY PP ome, near hospital and bus. No other |8.0913 HUGH CROSBY LILLIAN MAE MARSH, Dance FEdu- io all boll Shine Ta a I SE EW £ WANTED body man or helper Must | 0 ers TV facilities, home privileges | hue # | home. Central, near NGM, | stores and NJ | | k Fina, 2 [ - E44" toric have driver's permit. Phone RA 6630 THRE oom, self + contained apart- hospital, 12 Elgin Street East. RA ANDEN NURSING HOME RA 5-3937 cator, Dancing School Ballet, tap, pre- RA 5-5443--16 Onto Before 9 pm. Une, > gt RA 33088 ® | ment, heated, continuous hot water, i 59, (Liscensed) KING ST. WEST achool acrobatic, character. Friday, 9g podic 8 TV Repairs | ROOM and board, $15, six days. We heavy duly wiring, To oR Fes Se wi three room apart ~ bedroom, wall to wall mortgages arrange r . ry Saturday. Masonic Temple. RA 3.7253 DRAUGHTSMAN with one to three n r ¥ oe murine home for | 11----Business Opportunities RADI service A maker | Ic years' experience. steady employment, [1ei¥e, Hood food. Laundry, TV PO Corres BATNg Sac _RA 4108. 815m, Suit couple of lad I CL Ider! v wT - 16--Insurance Thompson Electronics, 157 Elliott Av . ind company benefits. Apply Rowe [ONE single room, furnished, gentle. dren. 'Abtainers. Moderat orvolescent ong elderly. STORE aud office 100 rent, centrd, se enue. RA 39702 (Fred) Brothers and Company. Canada, Lid, [ROOM ~ "or "room and board for|man preferred. RA 8537. bo [52733 sor ( ar women pa cL rite Box 5 Os 3 a wiv ~ 'hone Ada 5 sf | gentleman, « ays a pek, A 15 opie. (en snd women), |i tut SULFATE Ro lui Save 0 HARDWARE ime hai' he Mac" Fhe' RASa" 1 LARGE trots o soured Wing SINGLE. ured bcrsom, Son on lurse ond a - - hy 80 ks y j MAN for greenhouse th some expe central. RA 54344. RA 3.75 f|tiona quiet clean home. central. attendan T ervic SMALL store for rent. Apply 31 Burk personal service at your home, eal GEORGE'S EN <0 once in tower growing. Must have ROOM and board for two quiet gentle. . pe Jo| Gentleman preferred. RA $.3879. Street of [RA 5.7413 AND RENTALS Of Ce ee Duel Wit: pox 41 Our |mem, neur SGM plant, single beds,| FURNISHED apartment. also sing hia oenes. y " Mt [Phone RA 35-3985 3f/#nd double rooms, furnished, central. ONE room furnished for two men Times i Gladston Avenue, RA 8-8402. 5f|RA 35-6160. i] | BEAUTY parlor business, King Street a ; | TOOLS and EQUIPMENT awa East, fully equipped, easy rent, list|17--Money to Loan T.V. 'Antenna, Installa > and EQU N 6-- Optometrists : bedi MG Mv i phe ney Ba SL TRCRO| tion and Repeir: | 2 si close to NGM, 10 minutes: walk to four |ROOM in private home, very central, THREE - room apartment, priva ¥. RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom |Snelgrove, Co. RA 3.9810 9 gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale DOMESTIC anc AIRLINE corners, also garage. 240 Division Suitable for Jo Jriengs or will rent 5] come. 'Phone RA Sabo" one child wa. stry, the examination of eves, con'act! PICKERING Taxi for sale, $1300 cash. purchased. NHA mortgages arranged.| pol All INDUSTRIAL Street a plains lenses. 136 Simcoe North (at Colborn No triflers, please. Phone Pickering Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur onesty our policy NEW unfurnished three - "room base: MODERN split-level, three vedioams evenings by appointment. RA 3-4191. 35 6f doch work quaranteed 24-hour B-H PAINT | 44--For Rent ment apartment, self-contained, heavy recreation room, near South GM. Pos. a" C. W. TUCK, RO, optometrist. Please! rr pays and saves to shop Classi-| FIRST and scond mortgage, sale| service | | TRAINING __ | wiring. Reasonable. Abstainers nl tani Feb. 1. RA 58920. pay accounts at downtown Toronto|fieq" Buying or selling, you better your | agreements purchased and sold. Hn.| i : i | v « / ROOMS by the week, tiled shower and| Call RA 51356 THREE - bedroom brick bungalow Dominion 74 Burk Street lgamily's living by shopping The Osh-|nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King CALL RA 3-9525 ELECTRICAL SUPPLY F ) Daib, mad service. RA 3.4641, Genosha | rp p room ER i nde with family sized kitchen, ofl heating. hone RA 5-458 awa Times Classified daily. 'Street East, RA 3.7232 WIN W G IN or appointment one - -- --..|GM plant ne after mmediate possession. $94 per month. i ss DO GLAZING PP + P ONE furnished single room, $4.50|p.m. 5f|Call Ristow and Olsen Realtors, 9 61 we 3 . y : h : Athol Street West. R 7--Surveyors | EXPERT ANTENNA King St. W. at Park Road - Oshawa, RA 3-4641, or weekly. Apply 163 Simeve Street South. [FVRRTSAED two vooms and Giichen. Athol _Sirest West RA OWIoN and Ailes OR INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER ette, refrigerator, private entrance, ONE large furnished bedroom for g Fen "of | and SUrveve Professional En ») AMPLE FREE PARKINC APARTMENTS, adults only, private |very central. Also single room. Rea-|tleman, in quiet home. Apply 149 Agnes a0 Ey Sr. Won AND TOWER ) Mr. McCashew, 10 a.m.- |bath, abstainers. 117 Colborne East. - 9f|sonable. Apply 9 Centre Street 5f| Street, RA 3-4980, bv, MO 8.5091, Ajax 728 y ROOM and board, home cooked meals, [ iq | FURNISHED bedroom, very central,|FIVE - room bungalow, furnished oF TWO large-room furnished apartment INSTALLATIONS PH. RA 3-4873 9 p.m or write Careers continuous hot water. RA 5.0393 39 | unfurnished, all conveniences, close to/with refrigerator, sink, two- piece bath. DONALD W. TROLLOP E. Ontario F a [ m c | m 3 N i -- ' ' Athol East 3 of | {South plant Suit between 4.30 and a3 Suitavie for lie or two men or couple. F , . Aten : : - J RA 8.1005 50 three large 5 ished 5.6831 | | All-Channel Antenna 32--Articles Wanted with Airlines, 1995 |FURNISHED room, light housekeeping |-. - = | apartment, bain. heavy wiring. Ade T ow as $24.0 N MODERN, all newly decorated upper 8 Building rades as | 24.00 WANTED c 5 if desired, close to GM north plant by onsisting of large ONY. 72 Cadillac So th \RPE IV Ca e 24 Ho dows, approximate size 3 x 65, in. YO ge of, orontc {living room. dining room, large master ONE large front room, furnished 4 PENTER work, framing, trim ids, DETVAL " good condition. Phone OL 5-3146 9o| THREE - room unfurnished basement bedroom and bathroom. Kitchen tiled, room or Housekeeping Farking in front ming, kitchen cabinets, custom work House coll, $2.50 - : : _ |apartment, heavy wiring, $65 a month, with electric stove and refrigerator. TV aerial \] ut enor Moria gts nrranged.: Al PIANOS 0 any make or size. wiil heat and hydro included, adults pre. Hardwood floors throughout, laundry THREE f hed work guarante RA 33519. ' pay cash. State make and price. Write | ferred. MO 8.4400. 9f room, separate entrances, front and kitchen arn o rooms Be sarage, FASE MF i " Len & Lou S TV Box 41 Oshawa Time ; a re rear, sundeck. Couples only, $110 per refrigerator, living room, ME i ba rr | TWO offices one with vault, newly month, Phone RA 3.0114 from 96 for | p® droom. central, private entrance, TRANSISTOR radio, skils, toys, power decorated, centrally located, suitable th, clean, quiet home. Worki eou- ng " - > t. Br i tools, garden tractor, lawn mower, for doctor, dentist, lawyer, insurance, |aupointmen ple preferred. 97 Eigin East. , UPTON for high quality "painting FOR OSHAWA AR EA Antenna RA 5.7844 plumbing supplies, piping, buy or Ll is aNyer surance. | FOUR - room brick bungalow in ox ny RA 31408, B > Specialty P. , Ltd, and decorating. Phone BA 3.2077 | Thange | Chinn's, Hillside. RA FOR oy ialty Paper Products td nd RR Te a " CARPENTER work, framing, trim. | Service RA 8-5804 '- 120, Bowmanville, gp yg $10,000 full price, ith SELF-contained three-room apartment, JARPE v oervic FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment. | regu: 4 ' kitchen and bath, built-in cupboards, - ry ing, kitchen cabinels, custom work - ob- - easonable terms for b oe rain Morteages arranged: Anl YYe invite inquiries from anyone interested in ob WANTED COMMUNITY newly decorated, private entrance and | Cryickshanks, RA 8:3128. Tosa realty | stainless steel sink. RA 8-1723 after 3 guaranteed. RA 3.3570 taining this profitable dealership . - nail. Lnediaie poasssion, Reasonable. iyi. 'Ghawa Vacant Yebraary | ED -- a bulk cooler, and 25 to 30 RAP IRON. POULTRY C HEST -------- THREE-room. apartment, heavy duty -proofed Wb %- < LARGE furnished room for single man wiring, semi-private entrance, asvail cemented a FOR PARTICULARS WRITE OR PHONE ; i AND FEATHER TICKS near N.G.M. 317 Glidden Avenue. RA CENTRAL able immediately, 279 Jarvis Street. XU OPERATORS | TURNER An pening is gralgbje for; 1S-8 : __" Three or six room officc suite, [ve newly decorated light housekeep. PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings. - a suitably qualitie person SIX room, two - bedroom apartment, iliti i . ing rooms, on Elena Avenue, equipped fixtures, ne Sgr! ised, changing from L. J . BRUN N | N G ASSOCIATION RA 3-3374 t administer the business decorated, modern stove and re- with private Toshinian: igi with refrigerator, stove, sink and cab. septic nk-to sewer a specialty frigerator, laundry facilities. Best loca. model to suit. Ca =: |inets. Apply 128 Montrave Avenue. $f n ; ir O-DBEIGHOr th the 3 functions of the Greater Osh- , ! ' 128 Montra vi stailation Re 760 Garth © Hamilton, Ont pero i : RA 3-2043 awe Community Chest. The [ton immediate occupaney. Phone RA Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd FEN-Toom house. available Febra. on an Phe ge| Oshawa Chomber of Comm fect position, will involve the prep- Bats 101 Simeoe St. N ary 1, on Albert Street. Could be sub- of plumbing Rt 4 oley a / - i / 3 |APARTMENTS for rent, 301 Cordova, RA 8.5123 let. Phone COMax 3-2413 Hampton, of ALL pl ng and heating supplie L TV-HI-FI-AERIALS aration and supervision of the [Road. All modern conveniences, park: « Phone RA old R Start IGHT hanufuctyiiag Or warehouse 17--Money to Loan CEDARDALE detail work involved in the [ing lot, near south GM, large rooms. - rr -------- Toh : id engine ce, 4800 square feet, in Ajax, real - Dean Kelly TV---RA annual fund roising cam. |Immediate occupancy. 464 Eulalie. 4 BUCKINGHAM eat ; cap Rail siding Contact Mr. Mc: WE HAVE clients' monies for loans on A \ I c nz 255 Sin South Jie TEmale 5 wi Si WE NAVE clients' munies § On Earl Fowler TV. RA SCRAP paian. It will also include |FOUR - room house, newly decorated, PARKWOOD MANOR sp-- chase of agreements of vis § Parkway TV RA 3- RON METAL LT assisting and co-ordinating [heavy wiring, ne in, Noith Ajax 27) ni Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Osh-' Mel Pollard TV RA 3.9512 his me of the aspects of the |mpra Stree evenings, Sunday APARTMENTS TAR OFFICE SPACE dunk Premier 7V RA 8 IRON---METALS participoting agencie ph mn brick house, attached MANOR | & 2 bedroom apartment oct ok se, r 3 Fl OOR. S WE HAVE clients' monies for | TV 5 RA 5-2905 C .} } ro SANDERS FOR RENT NE Hay client monies for loans on Enterprise PAPERS --RAGS Applicants should have good |karage, three bedrooms, oil heating, all APARTMENTS electrically equipped, best 1194 KING ST. EAST chase of wareements of sale. Lows S.| App) | ANCE SERVICES OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY organizing capability and on Sees: mediate G00 Atma location. $85 and up. Apply i y > i Main floor offices at Huma, | KC ing sot Eas sh - RA 5.3437 interest in welfare work Street | tani 498 Simcoe St. North. Apt : nded and Refinished . " - Jack Christie RA 5-1179 FREE PICK UF lai will. bE. corimahst MODERN four-room apartment. cen. | - 8 RA B-8676 C CAL | RA 3.7251 178 Simcoe St. North FIRST AND SECOND Lodwick Electric RA 5.6369 RESIDEREE RA 215s Slo y wil be c Rue Hirer atond Poor oH SAGUENAY AVENUE a5 --Real Est ¥ Sole" \ Star ny RA 5.7743 d ™ . } : newly decorated. 14! Bond Street) -- } nin Three attractive rooms and Wi brig I A 5.353 100 ANNIS STREET Apply 'by Letter to Box 50, |Fast. Possession immediately. Call RA| PARK RD. & KING ST eal Estate For : 3 ¥ MORTGAGES and omer Yuliams ti J-dJd wwii OY ? * [p18 " DISTRICT ared waiting room. Excel- . Oshawa Times -- -- Two wooden sto wo wooden storm win Oshawa Boulevard North. RA 5.4856. 'of [duplex apartment, Technicians HOSPITAL 11ained " A ol FIVE room. 114 - b brick h 4 LEGGETTE HARDWOOD | lent parking. Suitable for | AGREEMENTS OF SALE WE ONO Forihoi li SHAW ; ECR rn rick oe! Quiet residential street LOTS : or Dentist. Lower. ef _CHARG CARDS ) | available February 1. RA 8.1736. i FLOOR CONTRACTOR | Doctor, Dentist, Lowye $1,800.00 to $100,000.00 AUTO WRECKING CO SALES MODERN (ree _ room apartment, 7e.| New 2-bedroom Apartments, | N.H.A. approved, full pre- a Finishing PHONE RA 5-7641 Home owners, residential ECONOMY AND Wants cars tor wrecking, also REPRESENTATIVE friurator and' stove, $65 a month Stoves, 'frigs, T.V. outlet, paid services, builders terms. Ebi 4 Go| Property, summer cottages DELUXE TOWER: scrap iron and metals, etc REQUIRED {Apply 78 Centre Street . 3 drapes, parking, etc RISTOW & OLSEN oors Renovated suburber: homes, factories. p S bought Oper Shag | RE ONE room. nicely furnished. suit two, ete , Fae Batimats LEASE OR SALE ond acreage. Quotations by Roof 'antennas installed day. Phone Vor eA a Hine Street R Sai ses Resiiors ; tok kf G73 S S phone 'or mail. Prompt ser | : Srv. IRA ' BLOOR Well established' organiza Wel 8 RA 5-6165 -- RA 5:3412 RA 5 6851 or RA 5-9783 New modern stores in estab vice. Oshowa Acceptance os t ow as $30.00 con it~ m------ 0 SR tion manufacturing and. dis- |SINGLE room for gentleman, central PHONE RA 35-7272 | 19 Athol St. West ------ 1 lished Oshawa crea. Na corr Corp. Ltd, 112. Simcoe St plete 35--Employment Wanted tributing a complete line of 13 Nassau Street Bc TT ° ey WwW WARD petition for 1 mile. Survey N.,- Oshawa. Doy RA REPAIRS OUTER Sil deities asa oma equif ment fo Sr cers, But |mMODERN four - room apartment and| FOR RENT 4 : ; 5 ights: RA 5-13 - Ine Pond RA Sure! 4 ive chers anc lestaurants, ine path, heated, TV aerial, dryer. stov WwW ELL DIGGING BY ov Druga Soke i EH ii Ra 2 44 T.V. SERVICE nt ro Rt : : Shading. Slicing hin. . Legion Phone RA SATA . TWO YEARS OLD 5G ro ty Sn: ¢ ; i would like work baby sit ¢ , " ) . | € MACHINE 3 igh 4rd ig Bone or RA 3.9484 Fully licensed a gin]. woud, Jee work. haby it scales, Barl ecue M chine + [WE room umfirniched ; Sg Medan Spgriment complete | RANCH STYLE wore se e 3 Tv Commerciol efrineration newly decorated. sink, cupboards "in| with stove refrigerotor, ou- ALIZING IN 30" TILE Immediate possessior HOS IT. ir : mmediately [Ktehen. TV aerial, in new bungalow. | | BUNGALOW Wi {1 IBY, ONTARIO Oshawa RA 5.6902; Whitby Money available for all | YEAR haiir col © in. HA 5.6276 EE eq Soil Bibi e ¥ AY uilable February 1. reasonable RA tomatic washer and dryer, | : A MO 8.2625 types of first and d R the Kingston - Peterborough : =| TV. aeriol, paved parking. | Hanover Hollywood Kitchen Ii gq) 'yPES of first ond second | (oy yp CONTRACTS [TANG ad pment Nae, prise oreo nea| Diol RA 5.6551 or after | Decorated in Oils, 30.foof PO "BOX 129 ; mortgages at reasonable FOR LESS THAN p.m 2 fe Earning potential above ave |wiring. nicely decorated. water and | 5:30 RA 5.6983 | rec room and bar, Complete a BO 2 13--Gardening & Supplies rates. Short term mort 8 e h WI oi or oor hw een erage on. commission basis heat. Adults preferred. RA 3.9859. 8f of | ly Finished Divided Basement, - G0ges arranged Mo ri A $1.00 A WEEK while mother works. Call RA 2.0192 9h Applicant must have car ES. _ Lot Sodded and Fenced, Eosy - £ . v.41 EXP NCED Frater; = - : : Payments For Balance CLIFF BROWN HARDSAND 1) dA t ogi or APPLY. BY LETTER | SCHOFIELD MODER} GRAVEL & SAND LANDSCAPING jages and Agreements TRIO Wary at home, tr : x ; : Tani bougn® MDDERYY $13,900 FULL PRICE 1R : +" Power Rolling for Sale purchased AVE RTH aS hi OR PERSONALLY TO ? 2 BEDROOM J e will rent : Lo Zr TETRA : qd HITE] 1 | Sie, to reliable tenant > ON "a CALL OWNER RA 8-895] i Fogtonn Pate ; fabs | Manron Enterprises Lim 171 BOND ST. EAST ating eioerien ty of King leer Vest, Ne have a waiting lis + 15 GIBBONS ST. [RA 570104, RA 5.883 Elva. North Rone A ® today | itied, RAndolph 3-4697 RA 8-6781 Ee way Dil ors: Pham RA h§ 8fl DAS rid pay 3.2265 APPLY 21 GIBBONS ST. 2 LOAM : Prompt attention given to TEI EVISION a: ar o* FEL PRODUCT RE ITA SERV ICE APARTMENTS $1,900 DOWN Erompt Delivery Yon. Soil [Mara all applications A pp ly