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The Oshawa Times, 13 Jan 1960, p. 17

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'MRS. MURIEL RASSMUSSON and MRS. HILDA MOWRY IN NURSERY $a Sp & ii oo ois THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Jenuery 13, 1960 AJAX and DISTRICT | JOHN MILLS, REPRESENTATIVE -PHONE AJAX 426 | | Ajax Keeps Alert Hospital Needs KENNETH MORLEY, | w=" PERSONALS | | | By GRACE MILLS | AJAX -- The January meeting Auxiliary was held in the nurses residence on {Monday evening, Jan. 11, at 8 | |of the Hospital p.m. Following the business, Mrs. |L. Oxenham, Pickering, gave a |demonstration of ceramic work. {Mrs. R. Rowland, baby bootee would like to have spy Education, Hospitalization Put On Top Priority List By JOHN MILLS [in 1945, the University of Toron-|is 52 beds, 12 beds were added (Staff Reporter) {to made use of the hospital for|two years ago. The wing, housing AJAX -- Education and hospit-|hospitalization of students attend-|the new beds will be used as alization are two services very|ing courses here. When the uniynurses' residence in the new prominently in the public mind.|versity moved out the building plans, Of the two, hospitalization af- convener, as closed. There was a danger arb. ae 4A imore volunteers for knitting. fects everyone sooner or later. that the building would be turned INCREASED CAPACITY | Wool and patterns may be had by| The board of directors of the/over to War Assets Corporation Indicating the need for increas capacity even now is shown Wy MRS. AGNES MITCHELL, A STAFF MEMBER RS. M. H ND M EWS( Unions To Fight Review Of Compensation Cases TORONTO fight any move to open decisions of the Workmen's Compensation Board tions Board to review.by courts, [rade A mn and union Tuesday night three-man cemmittee report the (CP)--Unions Ontario leaders organization recommended boards be opened to judicial re- view Union term of folly" De ¥ cis as spokesman "unthinkable," and "shocking" to de- of the two will Labor Rela- indicated of govern ment in Ontario issued decisions Tuesday of such ised such "an act board as well as those of other boards --now are protected from ap- peals to courts * by privitive clauses which have the effect of giving the boards the final word in matters before them. How- ever, there are a number of avenues available to bring about a review of labor board rulings These include a challenge of the board's jurisdiction, allegations that it has exceeded ils jurisdic- tion and complaints that has denied natural justice Elimination of the privitive clauses would widen the basis for appeals to include of fact and law. it questions JN IN DISPENSARY i #0 leaders would a against unions William Mahoney, Canadian di- rector of the United Steelwork- ers of America, said members of his union in the United States experienced delays up to a year in collecting compensation be- cause of court appeals. He pre- dicted widows and victims of in- dustrial accidents would suffer while lawyers harvested fees un- der the committee's proposals. David Archer, president of the Ontario Federation of Labor and member the board, warned appeals courts could bankrupt Union employers for pe argue hostile use the courts war of atirition art of of labor the unions to Provincial CCF Leader Donald MacDonald said the power of the two boards would be undermined if deci could ap Ipealed to the court: their on he phoning Ajax 382 or at the meet-|Ajax-Pickering General Hospital tor disposal, but representations ed ing. All ladies welcome. Mr, and Mrs. Mel Gonneau, Deep River, spent New Year |weekend with their sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. W. Grif- |fith, Glynn road, and Mr. and (Mrs. R. Pepper, Edward street. | Mrs. M. Hertublse, Cedar i |street, spent the holiday visiting | |her sister in Scarboro. |" Mr. and Mrs. W. Manktelow, "EE George street, had their son Ser- geant Gordon Manktelow, of Frederickton, N.B. home during the recent holidays. Mr. Elwood Linton, Windsor Ave., has sufficiently recovered {to be home from the Ajax Hos- |pital, where he has been a pa- {tient for the past five weeks, but [it will be some weeks before he |can resume his work. Mrs. Bob Taylor, Exeter street, lis now around again after sur- {gery in the Ajax Hospital. | Mrs. M. J. Chalmers, Beatty |street, left on Sunday by Dutch Air Lines for Burope, [where she will spend two weeks |visiting Paris, Amsterdam, and { |Vienna. Don Bassin, of Bassin's Food Market, spent the Christmas holi- |day in Mexico City and Acapulco. 9 | Mrs. W. E. Ellis, Forest road, : left on Friday for Rochester, Y. to care for an aunt of Mr. poe | Bilis, who is ill. | Mr, and Mrs. Mel Gonneau, {Deep River, spent the New Year weekend with Mr, and Mrs, _| Griffith, Glynn road. | . | Many happy returns of the day { | who cel ted Ladies Hold i. ai Sua Bowling Night AJAX The ladies of the Thursday Niters Bowling League ireally went to town this week in {their over 200 scores, only five M. Supt GERROW, of Nurses ------------ MRS. GRIFFITH Auxiliary Head {Tim Wiles, Queen St. and sons | Ricky, Jan, 3, and Georgie, Jan. {9; Jan. 4, Shirley Washburn, {King's Court; Jan. 8, Jack Mc- Lellan, Brock St.; Jan, 6, Walter Greer, Windsor Ave.; Jan. 7, Sandra Northrup, Glynn Rd.; Jan. 7, Susanne Newson, Windsor Ave.: Jan. 8, Judith Ellis, Forest road. Measles are still rampant among the children in town, and a few cases of chicken pox have been reported. Guests at the home of Mr Mrs. Stanley Allen, Riverside idrive, over the holidays were {Mrs. Allen's sister and brother |inlaw, Dr. and Mrs. McCirick of the Solomon Islands, New Guinea who are on their way back home after a six month vacation tour- ing in Europe. and reeve supporting Mr. McPherson, and Miss Swan not voting for her- self. The new council voted for Mr. MacPherson to the tune of {four members, including the |reeve. Opposing the motion were Harvey Spang, Ross Deakin and Harry Ashton. WARBLE-FLY INSPECTOR Orville Cox, an employee of Pickering Township road depart- ment, was appointed Warble-Fly he W.A. of St. George's An- {men out of the forty eight play- ers got over 200. These were Ken | Davidson Ken Beeby Ron Moft 263; Tom Clarkson 251, KENNETH MacINNES 215; and Don Kemp 233 | Administrator The ladies were: Chris Ed- wards 245, 214; Gert Lindsey 235, 223; Gwen Campbell 228; Ena . Edwards 216; Helen De Hetre Hopes are Supleised doc, She PERSONALS 216; Agnes Bell 211: Win Me. (recovery of Baby Hubers bor Combe 210; Jean Rudkin 203; and |*0 MT. and Mrs. th AS Hos. Rae Brock 202. Goes to show the RR ] With, in og Fig ® the By GRACE MILLS gals recovered from the holidays Rita! a $4 a ital in To- PICKERING -- Guests at the Quicker than the men. J aly wor home of Canon and Mrs. H S 4 "lthe first one to be borm in this Shepherd on New Year's Day hospital in the new year. were Mr, and Mrs. Ron Latham Fast Work Neil and Paula of Toronto, and Little Donnie Boden, Tudor Dr. John Shepherd, of the West. . street, is also a patient in the ern Hospital, Toronto On Times Ad Hospital for Sick Children. ban | A number from here attended RANT! ARDO the Service of Consecreation wi] BROUGHAM An advertise- . G ED P. N Rev. Canon H. R. Hunt, MA, DD,| ment was published in The Times COLOMBO, Ceylon (AP)--One as Suffragan Bishop of this Dio. (last Wednesday by Fred Rozema, |of seven persons accused x pot. cese. on Wednesday, Jan' 6, in|0f Brougham, for the rental of a ting the murder last Sept. 35 o St. James Cathedral, Toronto. house here. By six o'clock that | Prime Minister Solomon Bandar- | day, the house was rented. Fast|anaike was granted a conditional Mrs. H. Cronk, Church street|work! |pardon today after agreeing to north, was at home to her friends| A family from Havelock will [turn Queen's evidence. The de- on Saturday, Jan. 9, from 3.00 soon move fo this house in|fendant, C. Amarasinghe, was to 5.00 on the occasion of her 90th Brougham. They are happy with|warned by the court, however, {birthday. Every good wish is ex-|their selection, and Mr. Rozema|that he would be tried again if {tended to this grand lady for con-|is happy about The Oshawa |he did not tell the whole truth tinned good health and happiness. | Times |about the case. Pick C itt For T hi BROUGHAM -- At a special The 1st Pickering Boy Scouts council meeting Pickering Town- and Cub Mothers Association will|ship Council appointed, bv by- meet on January 13th at 8 p.m.|law. some of the committees in the Christian Education Cen-|Which function in various town- tre. All mothers of the 1st Com ship ; i Comittee. wis Xe ~ n , -} m Scouts and Cubs welcome. thought to have had many of the meetings unattended in 1959, and glican Church will hold its meei. new members were carefully ing on January 18 at 8 p.m. Fol. selected, each representing vari- lowing the installation of officers OUs. par of the township. They in the church, the business ses-{2r¢: F. Vern Baker, E. Head, sion will be held ifn the rectory. A: P. Anderson, Donald A. Beer|Inspector for 1960. This is Mr. "*land Kalman Vizely. Mr. Head|Cox's second year on this job. Sincere sympathy is expressed|has been responsible for recrea-| w, C. Willson was appointed to the family of the late Mr, Ed.|tion in East York Valuer of Livestock worried by ward W. Sleep, who passed away| Council members appointed 10|dogs, which position he has held in the Ajax Hospital, on Tuesday |the committee are: _ Rossifor the past few years. January 5. He had been in ki :tHawthorne and Clifford W. Lay- Councillor Edgar James was pital since suffering a stroke dur-|°% inted il' t ing the holiday toss Deakin elicited smiles SOF to the pote TR I ie from council when he offered to| ) : . Conserv. thoi 1960. Mr. and Mrs. Elliolt and fam.|trade his position on the Ceme-| ation Authority for ily, Riverside drive, have gone|tery Committee for one on then gp FINALIZED to Australia, where Mr. Elliott) Recreation Committee Councillor Harry Ashton ques- has an important pest with a giGH SCHOOL MEMBER tioned council on whether there chemical company | A controversy over a member|Was any limit on weed cutting in Mr. and Mrs Join Mowatt to be appointed to the Pickering the township, and said that there Christina crescent. have. moved | Pistrict High School Board at the Was a ceiling in the County of To Calgary this "ouk Mr Mow. last meeting of 1959 was settled|' -ario, under statutory provi- v i - . on Wednesday night when Donald Sions, att, who has been with the Monl-| nr, pherson was appointed to al George E. Holtbhy was again real Trust Company, at their To- three-year term to expire in 1962. named as Weed Inspector in two ronio office, has been transferred] zcPherson's name had been readings of the bylaw, which will to their office in Calgary, where submitted at the previous meet- be completed when information ve will be manager of the Mor! 1s Miss Violet Swan's.|can be secured about statutory Dept were defeated, the'limits, ing, a gage Both motions w.|are available it is difficult to make ia firm appraisul of the 1,|gram. has long been aware of an in- were made to the Dominion gov- '! the statistics supplied by hos- creasing need for more space, ernment and it was preserved Pilal administrator Kenneth Mac- coupled with plans in Pickering|pending some positive plans to|innes. Medical and surgical occu- and Ajax for more sub-divisions| put it to use in the newly formed Pancy is 95 per cent, maternity which could cause an explosive community. 80 per cent. This is 'a high usage growth in the very near future,| At a public meeting of the resi-|20d shows up clearly in the regu- the board has been doing some|dents of Pickering and Ajax it|\@F monthly reports. In Decem- long range thinking. |was voted to form a corpora-|Per for instance the total num- The need for a larger hospital |tion to govern the hospital as a ber of in-patients was 226. has brought forth plans to build|general hospital, to seek a new| Earlier in this review, mention a new hospital adjoining the pres-|site and to make plans to modern-|was made of the many persons ent building and the plans have|ize the building to conform tolthat assist the hospital. Promin- been approved by the board of hospital standards ent among these are the members directors at ils December meef- iad of the Ajax Lion's Club Walking ing. FUND RAISING Blood Bank. This service inaugur- 1t is hoped that part of the new Months and years of planning ated by the Lion's Club has en hospital will be ready for occu-|{and fund raising were culminated iisted persons far beyond its own pancy by 1962, but the complete|Vhen Premier Leslie Frost open: membership and there are mow an is based on long range pro- ed the re-built hospital on it8200 donors tion of population growth and Present site in Februay: 1954. and night. likel he board o directors, ap- i" N t ap bs usiinely 0 be fully developed poh, a leet Tea ah Administrator, Ke nneth Mac- Based on a report prepared by |the municipalities were constantly |10nes is loud in his priase of this the well known hospital consui- harassed by a shortage of money, service, "We have never had any tants Agnew, Peckham and Asso. Grants were received from both shortage of blood. When transfu- clates, He via has fale almost the Dominion and provineial B0V-lcjons are needed, the "next of a year to develop. Firstly a whole (®T S as well as Ontario coun-|,. _. , i ? oye chassis ye a to|ty and each of the municipalities. thal blood type on the roster are provide essential services, such|Other monies were raised by pub- called and they are here in a lit- listed and on call day KLM [#8 X-ray, operating rooms, la-|lic donations from residents and tle while. In close co-operation is Joathries kitchen 3 serve Hejindusiries. vs Aug ; : the Red Cross blood supply ser. Cf e program of expansion, > women § Auxiliary nas al- gi... There : ways been a tremendous tower of Vice; Thare 'is "no "problenpiiere MANY SERVICES strength. This group had raised|at any time with the blood bank. Maternity, pediatrics, medical enough money by its many proj- The Lion's Club recently donated and surgical beds can be added ects to completely furnish as required until the final phase nurses' residence, of the. program is reached. ' |a lar ite y . | ge lounge, kitchenette, lobby to store a larger supply of blood." Board chairman, Kenneth Mor-|and a suite for the superintendent | Br ly, said today, 'It has been re- hy the time the hospital was EMERGENCY SERVICE commended that the area willlopened, Indicating the increase in ser- need a 112 bed hospital by 1964| Since then the women have con-|vice to the area, in 1958, 782 op- and 135 by 1970, with a total of 230 tinued to give unstintingly of their erations were performed, 112 of in 1980. 8 : {time and talents, in any and every these were major operations. In Until final architectural plans project that has been attempted.|1959, 1043 operations were per- ; A volunteer staff has operated formed, 183 major ) ne ital Cosk. ia library cart and gift tray ser-| Greatest demands on the emet- The Ontario Hospital Services vice. Otl or rk in- y ice i Commission has agreed that they i a aha i i By hv Ry hgh Xn will support the re-building pro-|records, assisting at admittance during the summer, averaged 137 if needed, working in central sup- each month, while in the winter The brief history of the present " ¥ ; A $ | " ply room when nurses on holi- months this figure decreased te hospital and the service it hasidays, Tuesday afternoons are 70 : reudered is 30 enviable one, It sl spent in the linen supply room Ajax, Pickering Village pr Pick. iy Sewing Loom to kesp mend and 1 ng up to date, i Digg began) in an| Two of the main projects of the lo provide alayuxiliary has been the pu local hospital service: for resi-|chase of a midget bus for Ss dents of the area, of the hospital and providing i. £2 3ls0 3 Sony of many peo-|transportation for the Using |p.o og ee municipalitiesiand housekeeping staff and tak-| : working harmoniously together |ing over the purchase and repair] At the present lime there is no to provide those extra services|of all linen. Keeping the supply|Staff shortages. The total staff, which are needed in every hos-|at minimum requirements at all|nurses and housekeeping num- pital program. times, bers 71, with 20 part time as re- The present hospital was built] ®Eyery new baby is presented | quired. in 1941 to serve the needs of the|with a pair of hand-made wool| It should be noted that the former Defence Industries muni-hootees a few hours after birth. Ajax and Pickering Hospital di. tion plant here and was first Jo- Gift wrapped and card enclosed rector of nursing is a man, Maun. cated on what is now King's|from the auxiliary, this is prov- sell Gerrow. This is the only ho. Crescent North, opposite the pres-|ing a good public relations proj-|pital in Ontario that employs a ent library building. | man in this capacity, though it is With the closing of the plant| common in USA. ; thea large refrigerator for the lab. (12 bedrooms), oratory. This enables the hospital Assisting greatly in providing emergency service is the employ- ment of an interne during the |summer months. It is during this "period that the incidence of traf {fic accidents on the two provincial highways through the district is ect. Present capacity of the hospital 40TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY A surprise reception was can Church by Rev. T. H. Hall. | held for Mr, and Mrs. John T. | They made their home in Woods of Durham street, Ajax, | Madoc for 16 yéars. They at the home of Mrs. Bonnetta, {moved to Ajax in 1942, where (daughter Arlene), 52 King's | Mr. Woods was employed as a Crescent, Ajax, in honor of the | carpenter by Defence Indus- couple's 40th wedding anniver- | tries Ltd. and after the war by sary. Mr. and Mrs. Woods | the University Ajax daughters blessed the union, Mrs. Verna Allen, Peterbor. | ough, Arlene, Mrs. Bonetta, Ajax, Raburne, Oshawa and Selburne also of Oshawa. There are 14 grandchildren, The couple are shown cating of Toronto, their anniversary cake were married at. Madoc Angli- | Division. Two sons and two ~Photo by Johr

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