Church Service Well Attended By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT PERSONALS BROOKLIN -- Services held at| Virginia Perry has returned | Brooklin United Church on Sun-|home after spending Christmas! day morning were well attended, and New Year's holidays at the| both Sunday School and morning {home of her parents, Mr. and| worship. Mrs. R. Perry at Nova Scotia. | Senior choir led the procession-| Sorry to report Arthur Boyes | al hymn "God Reveals His Pres-|is a patient at Sunnybrook Hos- ence". Responsive reading and) pital, Toronto. Pastoral Prayer, preceded the| Mr. George Avery, returned to| anthem by Semior Choir. "Th e Little Britain: on Thursday, after! Winter Snows" directed by organ-|three week's visit at the home z ist, Mrs. Fred Brown. Rev. S. J.|of his daughter and son- in-law, Hillier close for his message to|Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bradley. congregation * 'The Compassion of} | FAIRVIEW LODGE Christ". Following the recessional hymn| Rev. 8. J. Hillier was the re- The Choral! Amen, by choir, and| and Benediction by the minister| closed services. During the dispersal of congre-| gation organist Mrs, Fred Brown| rendered selections on organ. COUPLES CLUB |cipient of a letter from Mrs. D, | Coates, superintendent of Fair-| view Lodge, Whitby; extending | grateful thanks and appreciation on behalf of residents and staff to Young People's Union, mem-| {bers of Senior choir and congrega-| |tion of Brooklin United Church The United Links Couples Club| for evening's musical entertain- are, holding a skating party "The Winter Wonderland" Hi gh-|season and "'treats" THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, January 14, 1960 21 KINSMEN mm-- THE NEXT KINSMEN SUPER 2-CAR BINGO | FRIDAY, JAN. 15 at 8:30 p.m. sharp $8,500 IN PRIZES 12 Gomes for $50.00 cash each game 3 Games for $150.00 cosh each game 15 "Tendersweet Hams" as free door prizes $1,000 IN TOTAL SNOWBALL PRIZES NOT ONE BUT TWO (2) 1960 FORDS TWO-TONED WITH WHITEWALLS TWO 1960 FORDS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE, YOU BUY FOR ONE AND THE OTHER IS FREE SAVINGS GALORE! a PLASTIC PAILS gy PETERBOROUGH DOORS Reg. 1.49 Flexible Polythene Unbreakable, Light Weight OPEN A OPEN AT 7:00 A way 12, on Wednesday evening|the residents at the lodge. instead of the usual meeting. A cordial invitation and hopes| Members are requested to return|were expressed that another visit| to the Christian Education Build-|be made during the Easter season| ing at 10.15 p.m. for Refresh- to present the Easter message| ments. ino Easter chorals and hymns to those in residence at Fairview SESSION MEETING |Lodge. Members of the Session ofl -- { Brooklin United Church are re. quested to meet on Thur y | | evening, January 14. Senior C ho * HMA Meets members please meet for prac- A NEW BAND Hee at 8 p.m. in the United At Centre THIS FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY CONGREGATIONAL |" 25 #5. & x. BOOEY --FROM TORONTO-- MEETING BOWMANVILLE -- The Hock- The annual congregation Mothers Association meet on AND THE CHUCK WAGON BOYS meeting will be held on Thurs- ey day evening, January 21, at 8 Tuesday afternoon in the Lions FEATURING JIMMY AND JOHNNY "THE SHEY BROTHERS" p.m. in the Christian Education Centre with 13 present, Mrs. B. RED BARN "5a Hall, Nicholls presided. The treasurer $1.00 Officers are requested to pre-'reported a balance of $227 on COMING SOON - ABBIE ANDREWS MEMORIAL CENTRE | 7:00 P.M. KINSMEN Men's Heavy Flannel SHIRTS You had better come early for this bargain. A well tailored plaid designed shirt. On sale at V2 of its regular price. Size 1414 to 1514. Reg. 1.98 & Children's Fleece Sleepers A good weight sleeper, footed nylon reinforced, full cut size. Sizes 2, 3, 4. Reg. 1.00 ... & pare annual reports for presenta- hand. A discussion followed re tion at this meeting fic-| ways of making money and it ers for 1960 will be elected {was decided to sell tickets on a CHRISTMAS CARD {draw. Mrs. B. Colwell and Mrs. COLLECTION A. L. Hooey were appointed to Used Christmas cards, birth.|Purchase the draw prizes. The| day cards, etc., are urgently draw will be made at the little needed for compiling scrap books NHL playdowns. It is planned to for Sick Children's Hospitals in|Purchase socks if needed. The Canada and overseas. Pleas {committee to give out the draw leave parcels of same either jnjlickets will be Mrs. E. Shackle. the Sunday School Room of|ton, Mrs. Sleep, Mrs. G. Cawker| Brooklin United Church or at/81d Mrs. D. Gilhooley. home of collector, Mrs. A. I. Mc-| Brien, Winchester road, Brooklin. | SPLIT MONEY | These scrap books provide hours| In olden times the English MEN'S TACONDA MEN'S | Men's Heavy Weight DRESS PANTS ||Lined JEA ; ined JEANS || Denim n JEANS Built for rugged Miia 10 ERR B07 1 Wei pp Bi yarns, pleated front, . . i forced u on: @ Sw vider style, Jord wae. Ses penis of wear. Siz of Be These serep books provide hour 1n iden times the English 42, Reg. 7.95 .... 32-38. Reg. 4.95 .. g. 3.98 .. "Little Tots" in hospitals at home| eross 50 it could be split into ini =k y CHILD'S 2-Pce. Girls' 7.18 Pyi SR TP SHIRT and JEAN SET dn in o The Public of Oshawa: 1.90] |= This Is Your Invitation To Visit wa . The NEW "PARK LANE" APARTMENTS Located at r a EEE ADELAIDE | 8.00 MARY STS. MEN'S SUEDE WINDBREAKERS % ll : hi ; Genuine suede leather satin lining, knit cuff " j ba and collar, zipper front, Sizes 38 to 44, Re Oshawa"s 4 Newest and Fabulous Apartments" Lined pinwale corduroy jeans, boxer waist with matching shirt, easy to wash. Size 2, 3, 4. Reg. 3.98. Child's Leather Naugalite Car Coats (00 Men's Hydro PARKAS 2.00 jacket with hood, arctic or quilted insulation with clip- ped nylon insert on back. Saas M, L, XL. Reg, to COMPLETE CLEARANCE SAVINGS TO 75% ALL BETTER CAR COATS Boy's Neophrene Nylon Jackets Guaranteed washable, A beautifully tailor- ed t ith germen hd : light weight, insula- warm quilt lining, split hood. Reg. 1495 ..nsenvives tion, zipper ond bute ton front. Reg. 12.95. Sizes 8 to 14, Ladies Nylon and Cotton i bs Pd 100% ALL WOOL # mm tel || ARMY BLANKETS |, BLOUSES VISITING HOURS 277 fed 7g 2705pPM. ¢ 7109 PM. o NYLON WORK SOCKS 50c PAIR Girls' Lined Corduroy SLIM JIMS 2.22 Guaranteed washable, pinwale cord- uroy with attractive flannel lining. Boxer waist bock. Sizes 7 to 12. Reg. 3.98. CHILDREN'S VELVETEEN SUIT Fine washable velveteen pants with matchiog broadcloth blouse. Belted or suspender style, Size 2, 3, 4. Reg. 3.98 di 1 .66 INDIAN BLANKETS Size 54 x 72 REG. 3.98 NYLON BLEND BLANKETS 3.66 72" x 84" Polythene Twin Handled DISH PAN 13" diometer, easy to clean, dur- able, hygienic. Reg. 1.69 Ladies' Dusters Easy to wash, attractive to wear. 2 pockets, button front. 2 33 Il Size S-M-L. Reg. to 3.98 . GIRLS' Eskimo Coats Showerproof, warm quilt lining, attached hood, zipper front. Size 7 to 12. 6.55 { Reg. 895 ...coifisr. Oshawa's Newest and Finest Prestige Apartments are now open for Inspection . . . and Renting. Why not pay a visit tonight and inspect these ultra-modern apartments. All are equipped with the latest and most modern features for comfortable living. NOW RENTING HOWE and MILLEN, Rental Agents "PARK LANE" Apartments LIMITED ADELAIDE ST. A ------ - OSHAWA 22 King Street, West