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The Oshawa Times, 15 Jan 1960, p. 3

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WEATHER FORECAST THE OSHAWA WMES, Pridey, January Why 1960 § Drizzle, Snow Clearing Sunday TORONTO (CP) Forecasts mins-Kapuskasing regions, North issued at 11 a.m. EST: Bay, Sudbury: Cloudy and colder Synopsis: Southern Ontario's with a few snowflurries today third jce storm in as many clearing tonight. Mainly clear weeks will move eastward out of and cold tonight and Saturday the province today to be followed Winds northwesterly 15 to 20 be- by snowflurries and noticeably coming light Saturday. colder weather. Saturday will see trong northetly winds, at least partially clearing skies and near normal January temperatures, Windsor The colder air already dominates St. Northern Ontario today with London snowflurries reported from scat- Wingham localities. - Saturday prom. Toronto be another cold day in Trenton tea lv St. Catharines Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, High Saturday the north country with genera sunny skies and decreasing Hamilton Muskoka Killaloe B wind Regional forecasts valid until Saturday Erie, western Lake On 1, southern ke fiuron regions, Windsor, London Iton, Toronto: Cloudy with = urries today Saturday Electricity Export y with a few snowrluzt es - during the afternoon Licences Extended Winds ihaast to 2 a 1°20 Saturday "> OTTAWA (CP) -- The governs hern Lake Huron, southern Ment proposes to extend tempor rgian Bay regions: Cloudy? licences for the export of ONE OF THE HIGHLIGHTS i . h snowflurries -and some ! etricit 81 ng. the new Na- of the meeting of Branch 43 here is Charles Wilcox ; qualls today and Saturda iona i i B yard Juore time OBITUARIES Canadian Legion Thursday making the presentation £ om- Winds northerly 15 to 2 ) handle the "urgent business rade Hodgson was also presen Saturday natura ras export applica : night, was the presentation of ted with a life membership: by Lake Ontario efore it FUNERAL OF the Smith-Wilcox Trophy to Len Mitchell, past president " y ge. 1 ons: Cloudy { i s throne speech said SANDOR NEMETH Jack Hodgson, who had been of the branch Ao % i gis' 8 roazit ail changing A ther an amendment to High requiem mass for Sandor picked as the outstanding mem \ --Oshawa Times Photo ¥ to noon. Sa tional Energy Board Act, Nemeth, who died at the Oshawa go "ICE CARNIVAL IS OUTSTANDING SUCCESS | owly with 3 fom soowtloisto tat elect ecg Legion Branch ¥ easterly . ' ne standards of pa on h competition = freshments. Se ) 20 this afternoon becoming north cences automatically expire next Roman Catholic, Church on Mary Street P Shoo A full program of sk: 1 ll classes. Following of the competito 1 y 20 tonight and Saturday March 31 and public hearings Thursday Jan. 14 at id a.m ; Sree! C00' and classes for fanc wd cob t nts the Home and thern Georgian Bay, Kirk- ordinar vould have to be held The mass was sung by Rev Thursday afternoon, lived up 10 | costumes was run off during | sociation served re oto land Lake, White River, Tim them L. T. McGough. Inter ment was at H - - - : -- St. Gregory's cemeter Ol 10T'S &1 | ) er Pallbearers were F Bellack J. Bellack, J. Toms, J. Polya, B re s Fhe highlight of the annual Bathe. N. Hercock, B. Skeleton Plan Workshop In Design i a 3 5 : Es v a" a : Sagplaki y Degh meeting of Branch 43, the Cana- C. Oake, A. Warrell and W. Rob- annual ice carnival, at FUNERAL OF dian 'Legion as the presenta- inson CONRAD KIEZEBRINK tion of the new Smith - Wilcox Commander Hill in his general The funeral service for Baby Trophy to Jack Hodgson Thurs-remarks. complimented the PY ° 2 i A & % ? A . Fo 4 p----- Conrad Kiezebrink. who died in day evening branch on their past year's ac- V 1 a 1011 4 # 7 # pT the Toronto Sick Children's Hos The trophy was recently don- tivities and wished them success a 2 : pital, Monday. Jan. 14. was held ,ia4 for presentation to the mem. for 1960 ; : hs by 3 : Armstrong Funeral Home, par who in keepin A Hig BOW MANVILLE workshog vin away [ror eague MINOR HOCKEY LEAGUE A ; . Thursday, Jan. 14, at 11 a.m bility. Inakes: the. great on. COMMIT REPORT In Design for ir s and Championship STANDING ? 4 I'he service was conducted by ... ; 5 A I'he annual reports of eight ¢ z re 1 Y ; tribution to the welfare F potential leaders in both oil paint- MIDGET*JUVENILE LEAGUE ATOM LEAGUY¥ i f 4 i 4 Rev John Van Harmelon, of branch duri the. vei committees were heard and ac- ing and crafts is to be held a r 16 S Midget-Juvenile . "TS. IT 59 . Whitby. Interment was at Osh- Smith and CW lCO% a replied. Mr. Hercock, chairman Cobourg District High School on game 1¢ Raiders and Orphans } kL A awa Union Cemetery embers of the branch of the poppy sales committee, re- Wednesday, Januar 20 atiplayed to t ymbe 2 1 f i Pallbearers were: B y : ' i Michel Mr. Wil ported the biggest year in the 8:00 p.m In the s iget-. er z 2 - . and J. Kiezebrink Jr. r. Wilcox, who made the pre-lhranch's history. A fotal of Tlie workshop Ww wious game the " lefeated ti y 9 7 i - sentation, was warm In his praise $3958 57 was raised through the approach to the ba.ic problems of sh for the winner. The winner, he gaje of poppies us Lac by he ctamer Twist . Dav " p ; ; k said, had been active in poppy The funds raised in thi ; 3 : al cata ' he fi r S man- and the craftsman an Ne § KE L A 5 . ) or S a and tic ket sales and other proj-ner are used to carry out varie Leader of the course will be for the Maroons. 1 y ! ES. a . ects of the branch. ous welfare programs of the Me ou Bennet!, he new Ar ; Br ¥ 4 Be : oy : 5 Is Praised OFFICERS INSTALLED branch The poppies and wreaths and { Ta . id With . am or 4 IY. Toa 2 3 ® 3 5 ' 4 District Zone Commander F. R, 2'¢ made by veterans miei Toss Ja f s 3-3 5 3 ; : \ AJAX (Staff). -- Chairman. of Hill, of Port Hope, installed Don, Morris Procter, reporting for Department of dues "ifs , hi : ; " i the public works committee gave jyerson as president of Branch he sick committee, said that Registration will be r ( BANTAM LEA i 2 : high praise to the works staff 43 for the vear 1960. He suc- "c2ular-visits were made through. vance Tegistration with $1.00. 7:00 a m Fl 8 VS Braves Ty g 1 9 ey Br / in his report to council on the! .eeds Len Mitchell, the outgoing out the year to the Sunnybrook fee ma be sent be € nday 7:45 a.m $ s epe 5 5 0 7 J : recent difficulties experienced in " president. Hospital in Toronto on Sundays January 18th, to Mr. John Tho I AGU 7 % maintaining water pressure du : and to the Oshawa General Hos- sen, Director of Recreation, Town, 8:35 a.m.--Pirates vs Lions hbk - ; to ice clogging the water Pn Other officers of the branch in- pita] Friday evenings. Hall, Cobourg, Ontario, or you 9:20 a.m.--Cubs vs Tigers % id it ho at the lake. stalled by Commander Hill and Reports were also heard from may contact os Rigg at the, PEE WEE LEAGUE = RFS 1 Counc. Henshaw said, 'It was his assistants are: Harry Brown, ihe ways and means, death bene- Community Centre i .xoul. 10:20 iuani-TRangers. vs. Hawks ions x a desperate situation, the men first vice-president; Morris Proce, further information. 10:15 alm Giants vs Bruins had been working around the ter, second vice-president; Bark-!,. a publicity committe Leafs vs Bears clock. The town foreman, Chas ley Law, sergeant-al-arms: Alec, your MINOR HOCKEY ; . : Arg Ge ' ay Reed had gone almost without Hill, secretary, and Paul Smith Most of the Minor cke ATOM 11 AGUE for 3 LE ; 2a rd : i #5 sleep for several days. The treasurer, teams swung back int ion P.M Jarons vs Bombel 1SKi 5 # allv Fy oi fi last Biv after a two week 40 p.m.--Hornets vs Bisions LIONS Dg et m 4 4 Ef : yo Hvally uihorived ae exe Wise eommities for James, Victor Marsh and Fred practice session. The two weeks [JONS MIDGET-JUVENILE JUVENILE I WI r PTS. | 4 J » 4 Te {the intake. The diver had difficul . --~ 1a. 5 OU; H. i Ver sol. of rest didn't seem to bot any LEAGUE 2 Hi 8 i ih 7 ty in finding the intake through of the teams as they took to the 2.30 p.m Genera Rock x Sia 7 A i the ice, but when he did he 4 a » = jee in preparation for the coming 3:10 pm Raiders vs Comet 7 A . ? ¢ Si i 5 go Joon got 8 {he job and freed We Prediction Of Economic playoffs. All league playoffs w Pn sa = Ep " aie ~ [mouth of ice." " GIRLS BROOMBALL-- Viaroo n : . illiz pig start on Saturday, January 30th v : 1 | Mayor William Parish added Start on Saturday, MON. JAN. 18 loon iil REALTORS WELCOME PROVINCIAL OFFICIAL be mplments lo i work : . I the first Pee Wee zame.o 5:15 p Bo 's Pre daid z he members of the Oshawa | son, registrar of the real estate | McFeeter, president of the commitiee and Mr. Reed and his e S S S es the day the Leafs broke a 040 6:00 p.m. --Avalons rans BETS and District Real Estate Board, | branch of the Ontario Depart- = board; Mr. Richardson and staff for their unstinted efforts to I n 1 u in deadlock late in the final period at their meet Hotel Gen- | ment of Insurance, as their | John A. J. Bolahood, immedi- keep the town supplied with . . Wednesday night, were pri- | guest speaker. Caught by the ate past president of the board. water. W. Norman Smith, treasurer of written on this subject in recent io defeat the Hawks 1-0 ] A g v ) A y 5 : In the second Pee ee ame ee 1 ; 1€1 ) £2 vileged to ha Richard- | camera, from left, are William Photo by S. Macko the International Harvester Co., Vears, the main problem is to -- . Ad. ul ¥ : decide what objective to aim for the Bears: defeated the ees. new members were in- ducted into the anch. They are: Wilfred Conroy Albert Flvers Pirates Ltd., outlined methods of using 31 to move into fourth pace | . sxe CITY AND statistical data to predict econo. 20d how best to achieve it. Bnet hers Fund | Tantast tilities Hea eS ee ote ar it Jacksor (Larry iii Lop an as 1C 1 1 1 | DISTRICT tions to benefit business, when all the economists were laid end A he spoke to members of the Lake- to end. they would still point in the Bruins from being blarke: . when they scored during the lasi Local 2784 of the United Steel ONE AND ALI land Chapter of the National every direction." This is in no de- two minutes of the game ork c America has con Smith sajd today that dona a ons o£ io) 1 erl | | DUPLICATE BRIDGE Office Management gree of criticism of economists In the third Pee Wee game of { $200 t e Jack Meagt on he welcomed from a High scores for games played I'hursday night at heir * or their fields of endeavor. It the day the Giants and Wings, |er Fund. it was announced today both and outside the trade of the people of Oshawa. by members of the Oshawa Dup- Management night. merely points out that each as- the two top teams in the league,/hy President Malcolm Smith ef union movemen - y licate Bridge, at Adelaide House! On Top Management Night Sumplion is made on personal in- played to a 1-1 tie Local 222, UAW-CIO "Several salaried personnel at ir @ a e gr" ' "i SET FREE LIST Tuesday night, were: Mrs, E. members bring their bosses as lerprelation What might be the In the fourth and final Pes Local 2784 has 400 members in 1 ne told me they would like | 4 : In view of the many enquires Wadsworth and Mrs. M. R. guests, There were a number of proper interpretation under one Wee game of the day the Cana ( F V r Canada ) 4 he Meagher By STANLEY JOHNSON ® 2 received the commission decided Clarke, 70%. points; Mrs. Ted guests present af Thursday set of circumstances may be en dians defeated the Range 2 ast uminum an ¢ ! hought it wa MOSCOW (AP) -W p i 2 A ' t the only persons to whom Stone and Mrs. W. Salter, 64 night's meeting. y opposite under other con- to hand the Rangers t fifth 450 or. men ie trade Khrushchev looking d | i free »s for the use of the points; J. Buchanan and J. Mc-|, Mr. Smith has been ns straight loss ' i 1 I wou N > Mth €ON- them, the 1,300 dep 4 buses wil ued are blind Lachlan, 63% points; Mrs, E. company for 30 years. He start "However, in assessing econe- k helped to ge "Th Dona viet Parliament moved inexor : res t the district when ac-/ Culp and Mrs. G., A. Rundle, ed as a junior mail boy. He call- mic factors, we can consider BANTAM LEAGUE t fun a good start by r arge and small, w iL De ably today toward mou g 3 4 el lied hy another person; 11, points; Miss R. Higgins and ed his talk, Economics and there are two broad eclassifica- In the first Bantam game of coptributio?s big : small.' comed from one and all for aqoption of his armed forces re- 4 3 i the bus superintendent and bus Mps. N. Daniel, 60% points. The Business." tions of data which are of use in the dav the Braves led by Brian «a \ i: 8 ort ile project Three 4.ction plan operators when in uniform. lucky draw was won by Mrs. E Portions of his speech are economic forecasting. The first Forsey defeated the Tee Pees » still have a climb to reach cit firms have' already ty There was spec tion in dip J The commission agreed that Stewart, quoted below: may be called general or news $5000 objective, but the tributed 0 anonymously, €llomatic galleries among the : bus service employees, who have . ely ide SNe fh CR type of data. The second may In the second Bantam game sponse has been most encourag-! Reliable Furniture po. iano the mselves about the § been co the AMS med 4 AMBULANCE CALLS BANC X ih ERTS y be. termed specific or statistical the Huskies picked up their first|ing. In this respect. I would like STAGING BINGO "fantastic new weapon" Khrush-|g h 3 Pl IL the CNR, will in The Oisva Fine Deparimen Be, To Oh amduta point of the season when they 10 pol le sieeiworkers =o A chev spoke about t 1 e covere by he PSI reported four ambulance calls basic concepts of economics Were Mr. Smith outlined several ex bu e M her Fund committee : gio i 3 ari ; Ii her t x been most generous to the ag ud tha SN f v ¥ lan { d the since 1 yV There tied the Tigers 1-1 lave be genero ) Ihe here were no ] pias ed the bus since Thursday morning left to the so-called ivory tower amples of using economic data wa hie r boys. The responsibility of calling to aid and direct management in Ey Meagher Fund to date Local staging a gala bingo tomorrow Interest | { 4 vorke \ yo covered under was one fire on Stevenson's Rd a - thire and an Bantam 2784 has only about 400 members, Nighi, Saturday Jan 16, in the lan Vasilevieh Spirdonc 1 the provisions of the Workman's'S. he busi 3 as left, 1a making decisions Ol Ae G8 lhe S de ccording fo Mr. Keith Ross. | UAW 3ond street, to help ha ! * ] Compensation Act, the business tune was le arge g isi feated Pirates 6-1 to move into 5 th r will' o ecretary of the Communist party ly, to the sales management of a first place tie with the. idle Also. this is the second donation the drive and p ay Will COM: nd a rising star, called for| lf hu An effort will be made by the ; . the company i : Th Gaver ; Li ; of $200. or more, from one of mence 7 pm. It is hoped this adoption of Khrushchev's pro ; ff commission to secure permission The following streets will be ad ARTISTIC LANDLORD ons. Mr. Ross' affilia ' bingo e the fund dri i . : closed for construction today "However, sign posts and sig Jan Haviek Steen. the Dutch In the first Atom League game! yr. Goin said { or) 18 towards - its object ! ; t "1° Stevenson Road north, closed nals along the way were not too artist who died in 1679, was the 3 : nt ) u 3 forces by 1,200,000 men 5 to park their aulos in the park- * ord t the Indians scored twice in the i a0. ressed Of € H 1 4 \ n Wt the corner of Athol from King street west to Creigh- clearly evident from a salesman's Keeper of a tavern at Delft ny period to defeat he Lasans again tha 1 hz Donati an be sent to Osh waake hii : a : rh ; } and ; Q This 'lot is being ton enue: Trick avenue, from Rain! of view As business hits . i gig Trin Pou Tom portant principle of : the tradeawa banxs, the nusmess pif =~ © ion's striking power since ' acquired by the city Hillcroft 'to south end of street us po tea stretches ian Pa S m- ' allt h Times { oi ba S 1 gr ¢ 1 Us . i v ageme as aliernate; o 8 Bue | For By 1S ;|union movement: "One for all the Oshawa Times all to Mi), ne achieved by maders WILLIAM BODDY Adeline avenue, from Hillcroft to a8¢ment was aliernately building my Jones (Robert orbes) and and all for one." Smith at the UAW office on Bond 1 ac! ¥ ll I DELIVERIES DELAYED outh end of street Whenever 2 fire or putting one out BEST a1 o t nay by ee ¢ weapons . ah . " 3 Bobby o Ellis Setom ed for the siree i lliam Boddy. dean of the Osh The commission received word nogsible these streets will be par- A natural question in front of 1s. SL ONE DEPUTY ABSENT wa Public Utilities Commission: from Ge neral Motors that the {jay opened to permit move all management is 'where are we For Less At In the second Atom Leagt Nav Veterans The entire srapsidiul p vas returned to the office of SIX New buses ordered by the ent of local traffic going This requires an even me the Hornets defealed the 0 ontro present © XC I! i chairman for another vear al the commission. cannot be delivered tual answer, or new management ombers 42 to move into sole Sart bro: ommission's "inaugural meeting Until August or September. The FIRST CLASS HONORS The procedure is one of many Pervukhin as absen augu meeting | facets, made up of sales, finan possession of #irst place and only T B H d whe sh Vv sooke hore. Thursday night. le tter also stated that because of '} versity ' : , 0 e onore Officer Named ae n: Kirushchey spoke Tia Vi Roddy 47 was chairman hii iy a rr A A aietine has cial, manufacturing, distributing UPHOLSTERING posal to cut Russia's armec 3 7 from tv for bus operators COMING EVENTS AJAX v Khrushchev' learmament" Of the commission last year, will future deliveries must be placed of Oshawa, attained first class and. in this new era of available JAD Staff "ollowing y th \ he serving hic fifth this vear . i p statistics, that of economig fore AJAX (Staff) en. J. Severs plan w beir trumpeted his year be serving his fifth 'thi A honors in his engineering exam- ' £ , tev establis tw av y af Ben. J, plan was b I : : 8 d 1 policy established two years ago, |, n appointed dog control "new great ice move," Tass '€'M as chairman, He previou It was explained the commis inations. casting 92612 SIMCOE ST. N. A - o pet name : n ; ne Re ib- for the town of Ajax. Mr. new AZODCY ¥ erved in that capacity in 1939 ) i planned to take delivery "Let me say at the outse OSHAWA VALENTIN ea at Harmony Unitedidivision will be those of officer h . oe ne aut eSB ¥ 1940 and 1942 { x new I a var a RTI RN " there is no cut and dried met hod 5 Church, Onward Group, Apron booth, and men who served on the light S i as .Jieen.. snarm this \iroughout the : In his inaugural address he b uses is Year ang $300,000 NORTHERN FIRE by which means of .e RA 8.6451 or RA 3.4131 Wednesday, February 10, 230 pm... i... HMS Aja after Thie h 1 George Gerigs Pick i the same r hn ns g 2 2 ¥ the four ne buses in each of the EDMONTON (CP) Fir a means of economic ruiser jax ick ng sntraet sinated y ag airman stressed that since it succee g veal aT > 3 oem this ¢ named Erg lis contract terminated jt "caught the 1 tes Ulin 'hoon ertrusted by city coun three succeeding years. Thursday. destroyed a aearly- tim e at i Det 1he 3 195¢ ac en ent . eit my i . XEEP B. wind ya, BI Hal M the follc ne ai id awares and placed it ; vith the operation of the Osl The commission will approach completed nurses' and. ward " TMU ty a an ollowing names ne { ( A chloe \ 1 oi si f Ho's Core on M A y i on ro Sie : ' city council and its finance com- aides' residence at Inuvik, Saturday, Januar iy Montgome are those amen and officers ommendir e appointment said ' system, the commission H gr ' x orchestra, Lunch served 2a, vho were d in action r ga Care | OPIBION Wh com I ould do its level best to run Miftee -to see if arrangements N.W.T., 1.200 miles north of Ed- w Hed ir ) on 1 r bh Ir. Severs . " y 3 can be made for the purchase of monton. The two-storey structure -- al the Batt! th iver Plate last ar had been the best the!™°™ I Aceh ! the service lo the salisfaction Hiri ee +} . . y BIN Sl a a ve) yea ool t i the | I the additional buses this year. was valued at $300,000. : FOOD GO Forles { ¥ t Court Dog pounded in 1959 totalled TO ORBIT H-BOMBS TERM INCREASED { 2 85 ¢ compared th 90 in 1958 I here re TORONTO (CP rp CLUB AT ST. JOHN'S HALL Clements Road, Burrells Road in. Lambard Cr c t. Gammon Mr. Seve had placed 20 of * the ! that um, 26, of Hamilton, cor Lorner oor and Simcoe posi 1 0 p z v Hone He had 4 ' : ret : . bir hi : . 65 UNDERWRITERS RD. -- . - port Yo re eT a Wht oS th i Sud 8) F, RICHARD BLACK, O.D. OX. 91188 ad a summer Five $40 Jackpot t Pre : al n 1 t he id in. W \ \é » R a here she was enor 124 © - TONIGHT -- 8 PM, [smn 3 Melo to in Washington that the Rus. amp where she "wis seni 136 SIMCOE N. AT COLBORNE STAN BRYNING forecasting can be established In fact, there has been so much barrassing m bel . Oi ) cased Thursday to six month I 3 - 5 he Examination of eyes in t Estate subd WALTER BOWLES INJURED i veapon by Ontario Court of Appeal ination y OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVE BINGO sion a new street will he named TORONTO (CP)--News broad- |} | be rained down on Fitting of Contact Lenses 420 ELIZABETH RA 8.5358 Frankcom aster Walte Bowles, 72. suf-ithe 'enemy at v Khrushchev to back up the mili CORONATION : recogni I the town's fered a woken pelvis Thursday Lapp sa 1 r ary cuts by joining in an inter And Glasses ORANGE TEMPLE ich if owen Si car while be dt Xt guring 1 lecade| national pact for controlled d Children's Visual Training 7 J ero mid " H since t 1 armament I'he Soviet agen Saturday, January 16 f f { y ir it p I ) 1 the statement 'attempt f Appointment Please Call RA 3-419] arious polemic 8 p.m. sharp : "OBC studio wher a 1: tha e Sy Sk EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT n make reciprocal (department note : ) I : armament steps,"

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