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The Oshawa Times, 15 Jan 1960, p. 7

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. He Is 3 member of Camera Club and slides on "Making th Nature". These pic- many that need to travel a to enjoy the beauty country. Mr. Laird read tary while Mrs. Laird after the projector, : ! was héld on Tuesday afternoon! Prayers for prayer pariners|ant at which the Reverend and January 12. {Miss Connie Colpus and Miss| Mrs. Carl Kartechner were guests The program for the afternoon! Mabel Jones were read by Mrs.| Mrs. Victor Hartwig presided was under the direction of the Charles Gibbs. Scripture lesson|with the pastor conducting the de- Home League secretary, Mre.|was read by Mrs. William Col-|votional period. Several hymns William James, with the local hes Res. of Yint - mectlia. we were sung, i sist u ast m were |Couples' Club of St. Paul's Pres-| The treasurer, Mrs. Perc y/gave the treasurer's report. Dilicers SSistIDg ilu Lit the reat oes E. a5 iia By tre Ro WE. Josh hall gave tt |byterian Church was held recent- Canning, reported how the] The room prize was won by singing of a few choruses. Mrs, |treasurer's report. Miss C. E.|showed a oh ly. For this New Year's meeting group's funds had been raised Mr. Gordon McLean's room. William Allison led in srayer, Wesson read correspondence. . Birthda; ee "were exten. |) 'the Club 'met in the Manse, and during the year. A discussion was held concern. yy. "in oon 10g pr the Mrs. Thomas Keast reported onlgoq y al s bers and ts were served by | was opened with prayer by the| The flower convener, Mrs. Leo|ing the marking of report cards| ot = en yoo Bar wo fealls and visits made to-the sick. to Jevera mem 2! Mrs. Roland Fleming and mothers i [Reverend D. A. P. Allen, honor-|Gray, reported that flowers had|for Grades 4, 5 and 6. There| 2 Eo ln the Scripture read.| Mrs. S. W. Wotton read the visitor was welcomed. of grade 4 pupils. 'lary president. The Scripture les-|been sent fo shut-in members at/was a unanimous agreement for} or cs e ¥ {United Thank Offering - praver. After a short business meeting Ison vias introduced by Mr. Mer-| Christmas, and letters were read the preference of actual marks !"%: Charles Cathmoir read the The annual reports were given gifts were presented to the four ST. PETERS WA vin Cairns with some appropriate|from members expressing thamks over the present letter system. op = 5 = osg mol Rankin by all officers. retiring officers. St. Peters Anglican Church WA {thoughts on the theme of the chap-|for gifts of flowers received. - |This decision will be given to aj ign gs = yo RD Sve ictures | Mrs. Augustus Stevens donated HARMONY Has held its first meeting of the New ter, St. John Chapter 10, especial-| When the business was. com-|special report card committee a il oD ind Pic ares. a Union Jack to the Branch 0| rye Japuary meeting of Har- Year recently. Mrs. Charles Tem- {ly upon verse 16 which empha-|pleted, Mrs. Jones showed color-/which has been set up. : TS I U . Y gave |be sent to Miss Connie Colpus at H prirh TR SOCiation plar, vice-president, presided. {sises the need for continuous mis-|ed slides, taken on her trip in i {08,2 Upto. yout. {Montreal Lake. The meeting was| 2007, soe Was" The meeting was opened with s | It was decided that the annual| Mrs, Major Rankine read a brought | I with held in the school auditorium re-iprayer, followed by the secre- lice carnival will be held Ofipcem, "Our Father's Hands," rought to a close with prayer cently with Mrs. Ronald Ogden tary's and treasurer's reports. : i i Holden, president of the Woman's Sargant read the secretary's minutes and Mrs. William Watts COUPLES' CLUB The monthly meeting of the|Assoclation. I GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES shagiis 8 i sionary effort on the part of the mpurope last June and July. whole church, Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. H. M.'Thursday, January 14, weather|y K "Light" and the 20d the blessing by the Reverend| © iq, After this the Minister, install-|Black and Mrs, Gray assisted permitting, from 2-4 p.m. IER SP0ce OB anv' 2 |C. D. Cross. presuing. Arrangements were made for ed in a religious ceremony the|the hostess in serving refresh' 5 p {seaman's version of the 23rd|™'por Coie were served by| The secretary and treasurer a bale of heavy clothing B | office-holders for 1960. These are: os 5 Mr. John Pratt, Grade 7 teach-|psalm, and closed the meeting inlny "por Morgan assisted = by |TEPOFts were given by Mrs. Law-lt5 Anglican Missions in Northern |Presidents, Mr. and Mrs, Mer-| The next meeting will be on|F showed slides and gave aprayer. [Mrs. S. W. Wotton, Miss C. E.|Tence Crowe. Canada lvin Cairns; vice-presidents, Mr. Friday afternoon, February 5, at| hort talk on the benefits off Tea was served by the Fellow-| yo N r Mrs. Ogden reported on the ice land Mrs. Earl McMillan; secre-|the home of Mrs. W. A. Dewland,| Audio Visual Aids." He said ship group. Next week, Mrs, Wesson avd Mrs. J. D. Ward. [carnival which was held on Jan. Yer Aga I ) f y g ies, Mr. #4 i a {people remember 10 per cent of/Jack Ludlow will show some MARGARET HAMILTON GUILD 8, and also reminded mem- b - hath Bgl y Nn [Westtste Court. {what they hear, 40 per cent of|pictures of her trip to Europe. | The Margaret Hamilton Guild Yue Shou, tie Kune trip phy To be held Joes | Kenneth Rose. | COME DOUBLE CLUB {pictures and perhaps 90 per cent OY. G . of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church | ing course eid every n h . | 3 i FAITHFUL GROUP | "Inesday from Jan. 15. to 17 at| It was decided to purchase the The ireasurer's report or 18] Mr. and Mrs lain MacDonalglo seal sgh of 8 sce 07) rye mesking was opened by the It, Ty "a5 Somme wf Mw (OCVE y Plies Jor ie we was receiv an ratification] | i | i A Cole- | av ~ 4 make veils for the xpressed at the oF ids which |charge of the January meeting of| Some of the school's past presi- pow President, Mrs. John Cole Harry Bays, Colbourne street whe Rag § siesgunce sie Ten 10 mak class. ad attended the efforts of the|the Northminster Come - Double dents were introduced. They The minutes were read by Mrs, 83st: 1 ; willegar's room for having the] Miss Phyllis Napier, Diocesan ub for the church, Mr. Douglas! Club. Due to the inclement weath-|expressed their happiness of be-| George Twiddy and Mrs, William hide i A presiaed, highest per centage in the month|WA field secretary, has accepted Sener reported on Je sale of the er, the skating party Planned was Mg able & ceishrale Ly Bite Mitchell gave her financial re- nk g of . The parents atten-|an invitation to the regular meet- - vas da Assoclal . Mrs ) rall 1 i y 4 | [Chr otmas oes aN Te opps See ene Vas David Sy ase por 343 satel, ne Tol "¢| A discussion was held and it |dance Prize for January went to ing on February 9. 85 'were 12 present. Mrs, was decided to start future meet- Miss Eleanor Hughes' room. The next meeting will be held m to him for his work in this effort. church. . of council, cut the birthday cake. |nitchell read the 6th chapter of; 3 " " . : : g : J § ings at 2 p.m, instead of 2.30. The speaker was Mr. William January 26 at 8 p.m. at the |"Talent Money" was also re-| Mr. Robert Richardson and Mr.| Refreshments were served by Galatians, It was also decided to hold a|Laird who is an enthusiastic/ Church, | ceived from Mr. and Mrs. Donald K, Wells assisted in the worship|the mothers of Miss Helen Mrs. James Frost thanked all| joni auction every month and a| | Munroe. |service. 'The Reverend H. A.|Boddy's pupils. {the members for their co-opera- rummage sale on March 22 A report was made on the Mellow led in the Bible study| |tion during her two years as pres- Mrs. Derek Allen and Mrs. | Christmas visit to the Ontario and spoke on the Book 'of Daniel PILOT CLUB {ident |Alex Brady assisted the hostess Hospital, Whitby, and ways and| Four mew couples were wel.| The regular meeting of the npg Jack Perry, President of with refreshments. [ means of extending this work comed, Mr. and Mrs. J ose p h Pilot Club was held at Simcoe wa installed all the new officers.| : | |were considered. {Pegg, Dr. and Mrs. Murra y|Hall. | A "Thank You" ecard was re- DORCAS GROUP Further arrangements were| Whelan, Mr. and Mrs. William| It was a project of the club to|ceived from Mrs. Sidney Hentig,| The Dorcas Group of First Bap- made concerning 'the annual Barnard and Mr, and Mrs. Rob-|adopt an orphan from India|thanking the group for cards of tist Church met in the parsonage |strawbernv supper to be held this|ert Jones. i Pictured after their wedding | Mrs George M. Ewen and the recently at Knox Presbyterian | bridegroom is the son of Mr. Church are Mr. and Mrs. David | and Mrs. Robert R. Johnson, Reed Johnson, Formerly Miss all of Oshawa. Joan Kathryn Ewen, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and | --Photo by R. L. Johnson {through the Unitarian Services,|sympathy on the passing of her!|as guests of Mrs. Frank Swack- vear on Wednesday, February ag {but was unsuccessful as all avail-| husband. hammer for its anniversary din-| Alice Jackson Evening uxl lary The' presidents, Dn. and Mrs. able children at the present time| The dues for the coming year ner on Tuesday, January 12. 10, at 4 p.m., in the Church base-| Gordon Adai : rer th {ment and tickets were distribut- a Ae x were cared for. It was decided were collected, also copper and| Mrs, Fred Crome and Mrs. moneys. Names were Charles Prosser led the group in 4 ed to the members for sale. ro . to give the money for the further- flower Installs New Officers For 1960 | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell, ge [0h te alu gh mr ing of education among the Kor- drawn for group pal lists.|devotions assisted at the piano land Mrs, Cairns, and the Rever-|apd maintenance fund. The baby. ¢a0 Orphans | Twenty-four calls had been made by Mrs, Ronald McGregor. _|end and Mrs. Allen were respon- sitting service for the Sunday| Miss Lorraine Ostle was wel ig Siew: swationgl ting is| Due to the inclement weather | sible for refreshments after which| morning services was reviewed comed to membership in the © % FOREIEESUOTA, MEE Ng 18! ausing the absence of a num- {games were enjoyed. land the club will to! club. Olt was decidea To nave a sale [per of the members, the indue.| SIMCOE STREET WA carry it on, | The program meeting is to belof work in February tion of the officers for 1960 and (Group 3) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richard: held January 21 at 6.45 p.m. as & |'61 was postponed until next| Group 3 of the Woman's Asso. | 500 showed their colored pictures|a dinner meeting at Adelaide ST. GEORGE'S WA : {month. | ciaion of Sincos Sites United of the trip they took to the West House. Miss Margaret Pellow will| The business and devotional| Reports from the various com- [Church met recently at the home last summer. A vote of thanks|show pictures she took on her visit| meeting of St. George's Afternoon mittegs of the past year's activi. of Mrs, * Uriah Jones, was expressed by Mr. Morris/to Jamaica. Members were ask- Branch WA was held recently ties followed. {Street North, {proper arrangements might be ver, opened the meeting with a The Women's Guild of Grace Bradley presided. There was a Simcoe Home and School Associ | : SA HOME LEAGUE |departed, specift mention being MacKenzie, Mohawk street. The 4 ) | MISS MARY Mac LEAN | 7) Simcoe |v, led to contact Miss Mary Me- with 31 members present {meeting, SOUTH SIMCOE H-S8 iymn followed by the members' |Lutheran Church held its regular large attendance and included/ation opened with Mrs: Robert | The regular meeting of the made of the sad passing of Mrs. meeting was preceded by a sup- President Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 The January meeting of the Alice Jackson Evening Auxiliary of King Street United Church was held recently with the President, Mrs. Bryce Brown, presiding Mrs. Brown opened the meet- ing with a poem and prayer. The minutes were read by the assis- tant secretary, Mrs, William Bickle. The treasurer, Mrs, P. A. Tresise, reported allocation of $850 was raised and remitted to the Presbyterial treasurer Mrs. Brown announced several appointments, Mrs. Fred Ayers, pianist; Mrs, G, C. Pirie and Mrs. Anthony Scott, auditors; Mrs. C. A, Powell, Mrs. H. Keyes, | Mrs. Frank Hunter, nominating committee; and Mrs, B. Brown, hostess; Mrs. Douglas Redpath, card convener. Annual reports were given by various officers of the Auxiliary; Mrs. G. C. Pirie reported for the auditors, recording ry Mrs. William Bickle; corresp ing secretary, Mrs. E. Randa associate helpers secretary, Mrs. A. Hatfield; community friend-| ship, Mrs. W. Bradbury, report-'oe the meeting. All members| ing 118 home calls and 392 hos- ware named on one of three com- pital calls were made; literature mittees. A ements. were secretary, Miss Muriel W ison, made for a Valentine Tea. on reporting on increase in Mission-|pehryary 17 at 3 p.m.; Oshawa ary Monthly subscriptions; i presterial February 24; World apd 20h vard-{Day of Prayer, March 4 at 2.30] ship, Miss Isla Barker; system-'apng 7 pm: WMS Thank Offer- atic givings, Miss Beth Millerijnos April 5 press reporter, Mrs. D. Redpath. The wor The president thanked the offi- ihe char cers and members for the help|nfre A} received during her two years as potj continue THE LIVING ROOM IS NO PLACE FOR THIS! Instead of having those Christmas toys scattered all over the house . . . put them in an attractive base- ment playroom . . . the kind of room the folks at BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES can help you plan! We'll give you FREE estimates, right in your home, on all the top-quality materials you'll need to re- mode! your basement , , . and we'll arrange Easy Budget Terms for you. for the January {Lean as soon as possible so that! The president, Mrs. John Saw-| GRACE LUTHERAN GUILD Group Leader Mrs. Edgar| The January meeting of South made for the dinner. | : | |prayer and prayer for the dear meeting at the home of Mrs. Ross| pecial guest, Mrs, Robert Lewis presiding. Mrs. Arthur i {Salvation Army Home League!W. F. Mercer. Iper at the Sandalwood restaur- secrete For Basement Remodelling Materials Nothing Down, First Payment May - Cy What to do about time-worn > ils walls? Cover them with rich- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, January 15, 1960 7 Vincent Massey H&S Association Hears Address On Citizenship The emphasis was on *'Citizen-|was won by Miss Mary Holu- 2 ship" at tke January meeting of benko's Grade 4 class. Members! president, Mrs. Murton W alters, Refr ts were served by the Vincent Massey Home and|were asked to give their opinions! on behalf of the Auxiliary, thank- the members of the executive. School Association, with the Rev-lon the present methods of mark- ed Mrs. Brown for her excellent - --|erend Mr, H. A, Mellow, gue sti ing report cards as requested by work during her two Year tom T h «i P spesker, a a ih " iss: 3 Marshall, Home and FOV sented the slate Mr. Mellow, who chose as his School Council representativ Mrs. Brown prese echnician erfects o neil representative to of officers for 1960; Mrs, Norman g D Jopie ow 13 Help Our Children the report card committee, : Wirsching, president of the After- pringy entures | ecome Citizens", was in-| The principal, Mr. K. E. © ; i 8 2 ii inh Our service is prompt, efficient and friend! KITCHE R (CP) -- A claim|%o™ "We must first realize that matters and amused the audience | / 4 PR ¥ r Py ii and our estimates are FREE! noon Auxiliary, installed the new troduced hv Mrs, Gordon Garri- James, gave his report on school officers. Mrs, Wirsching opened n : with a reading "They went on by an Au born dentist that children are influenced by thier by reading excerpts from an tozether", followed by a poem on!she has per ed a new method Parents, therefore, we should be essay entitled "What is an Ele- | Li BROWN"S LUMBER & SUPPLIES LTD. New Years. inst ling " jentures On guard at all times. We must mentary School Principle." 436 RITSON.ROAD.NORTH The officers installed were: help our children to develop a| Miss Carol McGirr, Grade 5 DIAL RA .5-4704 OSHAWA, ONTARIO service was in 2 of Mrs. Bryce Brown, rt Hat{leld and Miss looking, maintenance- free prefinished Paneling! T sel cans lst a1 ounty | Sympathetic understanding of | teacher, has been participating in Jrecuent, Yim LR, Den eiety here as *'z ; of Other children's feelings, so that'a practice teaching iy where- | second vice Miss Muriel Wilson; ho they may be above prejudice by two student teachers from | : ident for younger] Mrs. Adele Boehm Galt and intolerance. Children should Toronto Teachers' College have| i in Rae Howell: record-|claims th . of Brow 3p wih he Jesive © make been able to observe and take an g , Miss A ily | SOFinys at y t< a contribution to enrich life and active part in teaching the class. ing secretmsy, Mrs. Spent Hal oe | teeth. by have a feeling of responsibility Mrs, Twining i resigna- A STUDY IN EXPRESSION fia; as giant Jesopiisg, seve " I life and humanly; we should tion from Mrs, Anthony Fetchi-| These two lively youngsters | Court. One-year-old Linda and | Mrs. John Ritchie, Ey ] I Jd about have a sense o vitizenship not son social convener. This vacan-| are Linda Marie and Larry | Larry are the grandchildren of Scotland. DO (oer, Mrs tat society Just to our. community, but to|cy was filled by Mrs. B. A. Mc-| John, twin children of Mr. and | Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Hep Elmer Randall; reasure » Mrs. esman, "I lez i about it|extend to the limits of the world, Carl and Mrs. W. D. Major Mrs. George Ritchie, Garden | burn, Oshawa, and Mr. and | E. D. Shreve; associate helpers at least 10 yea and the and in turn reflect these feelings| Mrs. Jack Stone, membership] ---- ) 4 : i secretary, Mrs. Leslie Booth; and on to our children." convener, announced that the As-| y {technique was 1 ars Ted a: J fs 1 community friendship secretary,lyaars hefore In closing, Mr. Mellow said, sociation now has 66 members. | GUIDES TO CELEBRATE | appli- "If we, as parents, maintain an| Members were invited to at- Mrs, William Bradbury; temper-\" ge said st . | ance and Christian citizenship ances are in com com- atmosphere of good citizenship tend the six - week leadership _ TORONTO (CP)--Thousands of secretary, Miss Isla Barker; lit-'mon use, but are not necded in around the home and In our|training course, sponsored by the birthday cakes, all made from everyday way of life, then we Oshawa and District Home and the same recipe next week, will erature and Missionary Monthly every - case v tl RIADY.TO.HANG retary, Mr Bryce Brown; -- . ----_|will have made good citizens of School Council, being held at the : nly A od Y our children." O'Neill Collegiate. mark the 50th year of girl guid-| FABRIC DEPT. Christian stewardship, systematic | marl giving and supply secretary, Miss| 1 p NG | Mr. Mellow was thanked by| The next meeting which will be|ing in Canada. | DRAPERIES COATINGS --,SUITINGS Beth Miller; press secretary, n Pe a ears Mrs. Gerald Hudson, Citizenship hei on Feb. 8 will be arranged] The Canadian movement, which | NE ---------------------- : "'l+ . . huge "andknitted full-length| convener. by Mrs. Michael Kashul, parer A : , I Mss. G.G. Pirle, style, pushed right down to the| The business meeting was pre. education convene iPM {began in St. Catharines half a The incoming president, Miss enrs an? to the eyebrows. (Mag- sided over by the president, Mrs. Kashul's tentative plans are to century ago, will hold a national| Mary MacLean then took charge gy 'Rouff). C. E. Twining, and Mrs. Law-|invite a pediatrician to 'be guest golden jubilee party here Jan. 20 Rigs - : rence McConkey, secretarv, and speaker at this meeting. Canada' hietf Tesionas ~|Mrs. John Wheeler, treasurer,| Refreshments were served hy vo oc:S chlel commissioner, . gave their respective reports. {Mrs. John Cameron and mothers; Mrs. Rankine Nesbitt, will cut a The room attendance banner 'of pupils in Grade 4. huge birthday cake. | Special ! CLEARANCE WINTER COATS Regularly up to 99.50 TOMORROW 000 Aberdeen, --Photo by Ireland | BATH TOWELS PARIS CALLING | aris, the A grand collection of fabrics token from our regular stocks and marked to clear. All lined and with hooks, Width Reg. to Sale Single 20.95 12.98 Double 44.95 29.89 Triple 59.95 44.89 DRESS FABRICS A foctory clearance of big eb- -------------- sorbent towels =» many patterns Some sets. Reg. values to 1.98. All our stock of broken lines ---- discontinued patterns, end-of- season items . . .. hundreds of yards to shop from, 33%2% OFF WARD'S CLEARANCE SALE At 31 SIMCOE ST. S. "Just Look at the Bargains Yet to be Moved" end colors. CHILDREN'S SLEEPERS-- PYJAMAS A final clearance of broken lines and discontinued styles bought for this sole. 1-pe., 2-pc. ond some with extra lowers. Styles for girls and boys. Sizes 1 yr. to 6x. Reg. 2.98. DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS Lustrous 2-ply mercerized Cot- ton ond Rayon Cloths. Pretty damask patterns and soft pastel colors of pink, blue, green, maize, ivory or white, Bs 133 Each: .. 2.80 60" x 90" 3 60 "ee . Reg. 4.50. Each ER RE Nn ER Sa EE SEE a Sale Will Continue Till "NU-BACK"" FIBREGLAS 1DAY ONLY . . . . a iS "MARRIED AT NORTHMINSTER Married recently at North- minster United Church were Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Woods The bride, the former Miss | Oshawa. Jacqueline Lucienne Thieband, f is the daughter of Mr. and --Photo by Aldsworth | Mrs. Rene Thiebaud bridegroom is the and Mrs, C.. T. and the | son of Mr. | Woods, all. of HERE EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION Fashion Village 26 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 5-2722 Open Friday Evening Until 9 p.m CORSETS A full front-lace fort, high waist controls and 5.32 style "Action Back" for odded coms Brocoded foille shaped for with non-roll top. Sizes 27 to 36. Reg. 7.00. Wed. Noon Next. Week Shop Often As New Items Will Be Added Daily Store Open Till 9 p.m. Tonight DRAPERIES The newest of the easy-to-care for fabrics, lovely potters and colors, Width Reg. to Sale Single 16.95 1298 Double 33.95 25.98 Triple 51.95. 38.98

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