|] MRS, J. C, FETTERLY, first | Mrs. J. L. Pegg, continuing vice-president of the WMS and Werry, incoming president of president, welcome Mrs. S. G. | the WA and Mrs. A. Woman MP Given! m= (Mrs. Douglas Henderson Gives Honor Of Replying Inspiring Talk On Leadership k opened member for Durham; Mrs. Walk Wists Seth Jie Aseltine, wife of the govern Receiving guests at the tea|ment leader in the Senate, and with the prime minister's wife Mrs. Martial Asselin of La Mal- were Mrs. Percy Vivian of Port baie, Que., wife of the Conserva- Hope, wife of the Conservative'tive MP for Charlevoix. Casselman, the seat. To Throne Speech = "You can't get by in life with- stressed the importance of a out working at something and|quiet time before a meeting. The nothing is more gratifying than creation of the right atmosphere work in the Canadian Girls in is the most important part of any Training movements." These meeting, the speaker concluded. |were the words of Mrs. Douglas| The meeting was presided over |Henderson of Toronto, formerly py Mrs. A. H. Dancey, who call- of Oshawa. Mrs. Henderson re- |e for the following reports: lead- llated that in her travels she has orchip, Mrs. J. A. Penfound; very often come upon women infecamp Mrs. Laurence Horne; fi- {positions of Jeadersiup Who Were nance, Mrs. S. G. Saywell. § [former members of s nation-| wide, church-centred group. She Tid Secretary ' MS Le nd was speaking to the annual meet- Mrs iy Ww ee Li ling of the Oshawa and Disha comed and conducted a service |g Doard meeting at the or dedication for the 1060 officers The + ties. of Tine Yeadersht who are: chairman, Mrs. A. H. portfolio in the cabinet of the late he qualities 4 Line Jeu ors P| Dancey; vice-chairman, Mrs.|R B, Bennett and a member of | {don't change, Mrs. Henderson yayrence Horne; secretary, Mrs./the Commons for 34 years. | said; they are the same as in|; M. McMurtry; finance chair-| Mr. Rowe is the dean of the| jJesus' time. What does change is| man, Mrs. S. G. Saywell; camp Commons in years of service. He |our understanding of leadership. committee chairman, Miss Mar-| and Mrs. Casselman are the first {Some, she said, lead by sheer in-|garet Pellow; leadership, Mrs, J. father - daughter combination (tuition: others have to study 'he A. penfound; publicity, Mrs. D.|ever to sit in the Canadian Par-| |techniques but both improve with H. Rice. |liament. | knowledge. The Speaker Nasal The financial report revealed a| After the adjournment of Fri-| [five attributes of a good leader:| 4 o Gition and the board was day's brief sitting, Mrs. Cassel- [conviction about her Job, enthusi-| 04, "y0te 2 sum to the building| man received the compliments of (asm, energy; an attractive cause |p of Camp Pretoria where two Wives of members from all par-| and a sense of timing. cabins must be replaced. Leader-| ties at a tea given hv Mrs. John| = She recommended the we oi\suin training, four girls' camps Diefenbaker and the Conservative ngh dh vn. Ag and the sale of chocolates to aug-| Parliamentary Wives' Associa-| OTTAWA (CP) Mrs. Earl Rowe, wife of one of Canada's |best = known Parliamentarians, | jwas a proud parliamentary| mother Friday. She heard her daughter, Mrs, Jean Casselman, Progressive] Conservative Commons member | for Grenville - Dundas, second the reply the speech from the] throne. Mrs. Casselman is one of | the few women in British parlia-| mentary history to receive this] honor. | Mrs. Rowe is the wife of Hon. | Earl Rowe, a minister without | H | strong, past president. --Oshawa Times Photo W. Arm- St. Andrew's WA, WMS Groups Hold First Joint Installation Dr. George Telford said in his)WMS OFFICERS remarks prior to the servi Officers in the WMS afternoo: conducted t Honorary pre ecutive; n lex Herd and Mrs. WA and WMS afte ; president, Mrs. J. LL this $ ar s Pp: n install the i the S are: ; second vice and ) I x. S. Telford; re Diemer Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 ; i A00| ment funds were some of the) tion. {stressed the wisdom of involving PROTECT YOUR FAMILY WARDROBE Good Grooming Wins His Favor! LADIES: to make the most of your Leop Year opportunities you must . look your best. For superior clean- ing and that "like new" look, send your clothes to us. If you have your man, keep him happy. by sending your clothes here too. GOLD MEDAL CLEANERS (Pick Up end Delivery) 21 BOND ST. EAST RA 3.7332 | Mrs. Casselman was elected in high d. | Ai ih |many people which serves as an MiEHIIghts reporte ously | @ byelection in the fall of 1958 to |attendance builder. Her third] Mrs. Robert Moon graciously |word of advice was "to relax" -- presented a gift to Mrs. A H,|Scceed her hushsnd, A, Clair come to the to onderson/ man for three years. corr to th t p. Mrs. Henderson ¥ 1 i; FREE PARKI NG ! [the cream, she said, will usually Dancey who has served as chair- [A N pl 2 secret C. A y, M correspond Harold Brant; s of the WA and of the }ir Secretary 8 THE- OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, January 18, 1960 Christian Russel afternoon a assembled in the first joint installs Si Bg AS. Morley Wyman; of offic wardship, Mrs. John lod the and Mrs. John Hipkins; a tha members, Mrs. John R M GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES sed federation of the bot h rice Kirkland; literature of the church with the total pro- 5 Norman Deck- gram of the church as the one er' " aim. rp Dr. Telford read the constitu- din tion of each organization which ypc" w revealed many similarities and citizenship secretary, Mrs. G. S two main essential aims -- the Telford; community friendship cultivation of a high Christian secretary, Mrs. A. N. Whitelaw; character and to interest every baby band secretary, Mrs woman in the total program of Reginald Burr; Mrs. Wil- the church Weir; pianist, Mrs, John « WA OFFICERS l 1 auditol s, Mrs. J ohn The officers were installed as Russell and Mrs Alfred Haver follows: In the Woman's Associa- SOT tion: Honorary , I'S. wA REPORTS Murray Miller; t Mrs. A. W det, M George Werry; vice-president, Mrs. Lloyd Pegg; second vice president, MrS. neg period. In her own mess James Warnica; third vice-presi- a5 retiring president she said dent, Mrs. Irvine MacLeod: re-|yas pleased that during her two cording S. years' tenure of office she found wi that each member seemed happy her service to the WA 'willing to take the respons °€, necessary to carry on the v 3 of the Church. x | Mrs. Werry preside after the installation of officer "she said she hoped she would be able to carrv on in Mrs. Arm- strong's path but that she felt onary md n "the beginning by Mrs. A. .W Arm- { strong who called for the WA an- nual reports after a short busi- club iford; fl r convene Mark; pianists, Mrs Pegg and Mrs. Murray Miller; nominating committee, . - i ! r Mrs. A. W. Armsirong. tive group with which to work sy gi WMS REPORTS Mrs. J. L. Pegg conducted the part of the meeting in which business and reports wese heard connection with the WMS, both monthly and annual. After the installation of officers Mrs. Pegg the continui dent of the WMS, announ GI Mrs. Glenn Howell Assumes Office Fellowship Group Mrs. Glenn Howell was instal ed as president of the Fe Group for the } Mrs Th © Tepo © regular meeting of the WMS, Feb- ruary 24, the WMS Presb} in Simcoe Street id the World at! Church. 3¢ Members of two WA driving the Tweed and the T tions pr ling, the entire ternoon, served re tive present but h Mrs. A W. Armstr fice for the com.|in8 tea. Those assis past ted room were Mrs Big. lenna, Mrs. Percy ) ld Sproule, Mrs. John Irvine MacLeod, Mrs Germond, Mrs. H. D. Wil A. Woods announced that tee wi ows ymour Mrs Mrs. Glenn H A year d the con r would be held succ St lv, 1 Doubles Club held its regular teresting : Christian meeting on Sat at the Parish H There w + th The meeting was conducted at Mr > a cyclamen plant in token of the guests \ membe: that she had a very good execu- Childs Th elaide Local Guides Guide J. Bo February 11 would be the next Loag res | the ALL DOUBLE'S CLUB 6.30 p.m. in Christ Memorial 's Anglican Church Church, parish hall when an in- evening is planned The next meeting will be held on February 10. 14TH CUB MOTHER'S AUX. The monthly meeting was held Mrs.|at Holy Trinity Church with Mrs s William Sargent presiding. The minutes were read by M Frank Taylor, followed by roll call show- ing 12 members present. The treasurer's report was read by Mrs. William Baynton, Plans were discussed for a bakeless bake sale to be held in February and a spring tea to be held : in 'April. Present at this meeting were members of the group committee ard the leaders of the and Scout 'Groups. This enabled the complete group to f ize plans for the banquets wi will be held on Januar for the Scout Trogp and on F 1ary 6 for the the Cub Pack Ar € boy will earn the y t for his father's dinner Georg USE YOUR CREDIT ! urday, January 16, as a large attendance ng and it was also a and Mrs, The Best Va (OME IN BESURETOC DOORS OPEN 9 AM. ng of square dancing al Dr. and Mrs, Alan t the groups through in- res and step dances. ve expressed the lub to Dr. and Mrs. d presented them with a All Children's p Coats, Coat sets, Snow suits, Car. Coats greatly reduced for clearance. eciation. ents were served by ners, after which a meeting was } § ap REE PARKING ! F read the corre- the treasurer's re- were reminded of ol ance on Ja ry 29 # MID-WINTER SALE With Greater Bargains To Give You i ONIDIdVd 3344 NTINUES lues Oshawa Has Ever Seen! | SEE FOR YOURSELF! OME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION ! LADIES' CAR COATS -- Quality poplins water repellent, well-made, red or 2 G4 tan shades Size 12 to 20 Special. . fan ¢ { 1 LADIES" COATS Jalues to 55.98 -- Special. £9+90 39.98 i 11332 INOA_3ISN Values to 79.98 Special ) dd | x gin, nt introduced the evening and the new CALVARY BAPTIST WMS The WMS of Calvary a Ba + A 4. rs, Mr. and Mrs, William MR AND MRS BRIAN FINDLAY Oshawa will be the home of | Van Munster, is the daughter | Mr. and Mrs. Brian Findlay, | of Mr 1 Mrs. Joseph Van | whose marriage was solem- | Munster of Whitby and the | nized recently at St. John The | bridegroom is the son of Mr. | Svangelist Roman Catholic | and Mrs, George Findlay of , Whitby. The bride, the | Oshawa former Miss Maria Martina Church met on Thursday after. noon, Januart 14 Mrs. Harry McGhee led song service, Mrs. A. R. way led in prayer. Mrs. John Dugan message, some thoug John 14, 15 and 16, § says, "Occupy until I Come", He says as I have loved you so ought ye to love one another. Let not your hegrt be troubled ' RL GUIDE ASSOCIATION LADIES ADELAIDE L.A. e annual meeting of the Ad. Association of Girl held recently at the commissioner iener presiding. and treasurer's >nted by Mrs. Mrs. L. G. | | " | a | brought a was hts from : : Hoo Sanforized in po W. E e recret: rts 3 : also --Photo by Mary's Studio | ues to 3.98 Special HOUSE DRESSES prints, broken sizes. Val- < LADIES' BLOUSES In broken sizes and colors, most sizes in the lot. Values 1 00 LJ pular { to 4.98 -- Special . . .. LADIES' SHOES -- Clearance of DIdvd 3334 1.00 PERSONALS -- believe. He says my peace I will give G ner gave her dis- or casual and dress shoes in broken sizes and ranges. All good val- nd stated that Ad- as 21 Guides, 167 d 101 Guides. It was hat the ary at is to be replenished enience of all packs and that Mrs, h offered at etings to discuss al instruction to vou, also my joy. Thanks be unto God who giveth us i Mrs. Bruce N prayer, Mrs. W m brought a message on the ian walk The Christiar first, then walks. In Ephe 4. All are told to walk also walk in love and children of light, to w fully and also to walk Mrs. Robert Northey prayer Mrs Grace Mc DRAPERIES and Mrs, G. X, Drynan BROADLOOM 3 "INTERIOR DECORATING SER- attending the wedding . -- Ask to have a quali- of Mrs.. Drynan's brother, Mr. ve call with a °| Thomas Br to Miss Diana E ESTIMATES, Simon's Anglican Howard's DRAPERIES 926 SIMCOE ST. NORTH bath size, good FRE yellow, old rose, also all screened Size approx. Reg. sold at each. Special each vn to floral 22 David Farewell » presented by the north, received ie representatives street "BATH TOWELS -- Large weight, green, pink, mint, white 1.69 ues up to 7.98 Special, pair heavy powder with design. x 42, 99° "LADIES" GALOSHES -- Repeat special, discontinued styles. Val- ues up to 6.98. 59 RA 5-3144 brought a message 'Our ness in Christ Jesus", We 17 Group Committee ps have had a busy lations yesterday, their irst wedding anniversary. His presence every hour everv day unto you who believe in 1960 He is precious. e annual Appreciation dinner, We are nothing in our selves be held February 11, at'only as Christ dwells in us." grouj great progress and n were red them continued K ING I USE_YOUR CREDIT! [gE | ess terns. All normally to 1.00 per 8) pair »ngth blouses, ! C l. Treas- es are part of a r's re t was given by Mrs ing Glynn Pearse Mrs. Pearse was in charge of the devotional period taking ** inning A } ripture re was Mur Howel id Mrs. Souch led in prayer. Mrs. Morrison presided at the for the hymns After ta Howell paid of the reti ticularly o by Mrs, and Y being displ at the tome high fashion shox They are in fact sewn on to he skirt somewhere below the waist. But the principle is carried to piano n extreme in the case of a 3 seven-eighths worsted tunic suit, whose silk blouse is sewn to the below the knee. current ngs Ivan Mrs. > to the work cutive and par- ip, given How To Hold FALSE TEETH More Firmly in Place Do your false teeth annoy and em barrass by slipping, dropping or wob- bling when you eat, laugh or talk? Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH on your plates This alkaline (non-aeid) powder holds false teeth more firmly and more comfortably. No gummy, RONCY, prsty taste or feeling. Noes not sour Checks "plate odor' (denture breath) Get ASTEETH today at any drug counter. ge' being on Tues 11 an- tional for the * held in Centennia day, January 19. Mrs nounced that the c dinner would be he Wednes- day evening, January 27 and vol- unteers were asked to assist with preparations and servin Meeting closed Benediction and the cutive served refreshm $5.00 $5.00 | $5.00 $5.00 Coup get a > get a get buy © e it with our friends on on Cold Waves real i would ilke We feature Francis Bartley, Ben Abramoff and Arthur Huyck HUYCK'S HAIRSTYLING Please bring coupon with you FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE RA 3-2912 84 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA (over Joknston's Men's Wear) $5.00 i $5. $5.00 5.00 pair Special FREE PAR MEN'S SOCKS Clearance of many pat- Special, pair MEN'S CAR COATS Crease resistant, water repel- lant, mercerized poplin -- Beige shade, knitted collar, zipper front. Regularly sold for, 11.98 -- Special .. 4.99 sold up 1.00 193d) JNOA 3SN Shirts. Broken siz ranges. All sizes lot Values to 4.98. Special. . STARTED MEN'S SHIRTS White--Striped and Sport i BOYS' AND GIRLS' CAR COATS Broken sizes and ranges but most sizes in the lot. Values to 12.98. Special es dnd in the 1.99 RITSON S. PARKING MARKET q dictobl A pred e stains we get ons used at home Some of the strangest, most are made by those cold wave at MEN'S Open Daily To 10 P.M. SPECIALS FOR TUES. & WED. SIDE PORK. "Goons w 39° PORK BACK FAT ***" , 15° PIG'S HEADS My WHOLE Ib. 15¢ Still, the problem isn't as bad as it is in some places. A wag who was in the store the other day told us that "I guess those women political prisoners in Russia get treated to a brain wave." Well, the problem isn't as bad as the joke, either. blue. Sizes 30 to 4 to 9.98 pairs pair. But oll the time we get clothes coming into the store on which wave solutions have coused bleaching, a change in color or strange purple spots. hat makes a lot of women mad is that often t | A DRESS PANTS Mostly with self-belt. brown, grey, charcoal or 10.00 < 2.98 BOYS' AND GIRLS' GALOSHES Discontinued styles and broken sizes. Values to 4.50. Special .. ) In 4 i ONDINVd 33yd 4. Reg. the next gly spot. the wave s n, > > CASH YOU VEAL PATTIES **=" w. 49° SIDE i t . time the dress is ironed--out comes a great big ug This is called oxidation. The same thing happens when a spot is left uncleaned and the oir gets a chance to work at it. Surely nswer is elf a wave at home. [ y stuff off your cl the o t a * when giving itt j to always keep the MINCED BEEF (LEAN-FRESH) -y BUTTER (FIRST-GRADE) BREAD (FRESH-SLICED) 16¢ ) Loaf wa i be sur € 15 W # (FRESH) HALF GAL. ven if r Il invisible, t MILK Carton 39¢ in t solution is just as dangerou CIGARETTES *' ** ,... 3.09 CITY-WIDE DELIVERY On shopped in store orders of 10.00 and over If the garment is washable, sponge out the solution with clear water and be sure it is all out before you iron. ». 89° leaning right n is. Tell us ach and acid v k s if you could see it. FREE PARKING! BSE USE YOUR CREDITT [Gm flan PHONE 5-350 Fiaky 24 HR. ITS WE WRIST OLB OPPOS SERVICE CLEANIT "rover FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUES HERE MORE BARGAINS ON DISPLAY OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY--FRIDAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. 458 SIMCOE SOUTH 1925 SINCE iLIG3¥D ANOA _3SN RA 5-3411 ITE SOUTH SIMCOE ST. SCHOOL FREE PARKIN a ! f