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The Oshawa Times, 19 Jan 1960, p. 9

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aie The Oshawa Times In Car Theft |SECOND SECTION Ee C 1 ty Flying Club Raps Assessment Assessment On Buildings Too High, Counsel Says | were being tried Monday for the theft of an automobile Jan. 10 last. Charles Donusz, of Quebec City, was acquitted of the charge after he told the court he understood the car was borrowed. He said that he had gone to sleep in the back of the car and only rea- lized that something was wrong when he saw the other two ac- cused trying to wipe their finger- prints from the car. Both Sandor Dalanois and Frank Herceg, who had pleaded | guilty, testified that Donusz had been instigator. Dr. E. J. C. Otvas, translating at the time would not translate the names) Delanios was calling Donusz.| The pair were sentenced to six months in jail. | on said that the Department of Magistrate F. S. Ebbs refused | evidence before Judge J. C. An-|the value of the building, less de-| Transport would not permit such derson in County Court at Whitby, | preciation. He said that the only|a building to be used for any pur- Monday in an appeal against|access to the building is via a|pose other than aviation. He said what he described as "disas-|road built on Crown land. He said|that it would be necessary to trous" tax assessment on build-|that the building is useless for any |lease part of such a hanger, if it ings owned by the Ontario Coun-| purpose other than aviation, and | were to be operated on a financi- ty Flying Club. {that in the event that it were pur-|ally sound basis. Mr. Creighton explained to the|chased for any other purpose, it| John Knox Hawkshaw, an aero- court that a hanger at the Osh-/would have to be removed from |nautical engineer, testified that awa Airport, together with some|the land on which it stands. |he has been employed by Field other smaller buildings, situated] Under cross-examination by Aviation Ltd., for more than on Crown property, was purchas. Oshawa City Solicitor E. G. Mc-|nine years. He said that the part ed by the flying club in 1955 for Neely, Mr. Slocombe said that|Of the hanger leased by his comp- $25,000. | Field Aviation Ltd., pays business|any is used for aircraft mainten- At that time, he pointed out,/tax. He said that a recreation ance and modification. He said the club obtained a 15-year lease|hall, another of the buildings in-|that the building is too small for on the land on which the buildings| volved in the appeal, is frequent. many of the modern civil air- are situated, for the nominal rently rented by the flying club to|craft, and said that his company lof $1 per annum. The lease, he|Various organizations. He said is at present building a large | said, provides for a five- year ex-|that little profit is realized by|hanger at Malton to handle larger tension at the end of the 15-year such rentals. | craft. to accept Delanio's and Herceg's| testimony after hearing Steve Bonfort, another interpreter, | relate a conversation between the| ~ sin : jens] P. N. McDaniel, a real estate GM Pro sal u £085 jpemio. : ALMOST OBSOLETE broker, who explained to the court | In previous years, he said, the, John Lundy, property manager! that he is a specialist in appraisal | |flying club has paid $1,100 to the|for the Department of Tran<port. of property, took the witness stand | Is Advanced Beauty Spot | Mayor Lyman Gifford intro- "> duced tice of motion Monday wring Of Hawaii would have a disastrous effect on pe------ mittee be set up to investigate | the club, which is a non-profit {and reort on the setting up of a| Members of the Rotary Club of| organization," he said. pair overheard in a Belleville jail. just before the case was adjourn- night to the effect that a com- city manager form of government, Oshawa, at their Monday lunch-| 'The assessment is wholly out OSHAWA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1960 PAGE NINE AR AE FASE ' T. K. Creighton, QC, presented|lease at any time, on payment of| STUDY PLANS FOR CONFERENCE ON NURSING week's conference of nursing | and civic leaders, will be held | Ontario Hospital, Whitby, and with Dr. Matthew Dymond, On- | at the University of Toronto W. D. Johns, superintendent, tario Minister of Health. The | School of Nursing, Friday and Home for the Aged. Oshay | ; 4 y ya, Saturdav, Jan. 22 and 23. Dr. lied conference, to be attended by aturda wiltite attending. the: conlers prominent nursing officials, hos- | J. 0. Ruddy, Whitby; Miss H. Whitman, director of nursing, ! ence. No Seal Money | To Aid Refugees you * Miss Mary Parks, a student nurse at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, and Miss Brenda Hobbs, a student nurse at the Toronto Women's College Hospital, study plans for this Buffer Zone Plan Advances City council Monday night ap- proved a motion put forward by the planning board concerning Block "K" lying between ed study of buffer lands. The motion was contained in the form of an amendment to be added to Block "K' restrictions The motion: "remainder of Block "K'" lying between he creek and Harmony road north meets all conditions except those regarding a trunk sewer and bridges. If these conditions are met, the planning board recom- Bonfort was taken to Belleville by Oshawa detectives when the three accused were apprehended there Jan. 10. | He told the court that Herceg had threatened to kill Donusz |when he got out. Mr. Bonfort| also indicated that the pair had planned their testimony so as to put the blame on Donusz. The pair said they thought Donusz "1 had been taken to a motel and| given beer by the police. T. KELSO CREIGHTON The Ontario County Tubercul-lis provided by you, when the osis Association disclosed today buy Christmas seals. and , farm that contributions to the Ontario] Mrs. Collins said that the books county Christmas Seal sale are will not be closed for this year's not being used 'in any way for the| Christmas seal campaign until refugee program. This is not our the end of February. Any dona- business, but that of the federal tions to the Christmas seal cam- government, said Mrs, E, A. Col- paign should be sent to the On. lins, executive secretary of the tario County Tuberculosis and Ontario County Tuberculosis As-| Health Association, care of the sociation. Bank of Nova Scotia, Oshawa. Some persons have the mis- taken belief that because we ad- City of Oshawa in lieu of taxes. Civil Aviation Branch, said that This year, he said, the buildings the type of hanger in question is|ed for the day. have been assessed at $79,090, almost obsolete, since it is too| His Honor set the date for the which would result in a tax bill of small to house many of the com-| remainder of the hearing for Jan. $6,200 for the club in 1960. *"This| mercial aircraft now in use. He'uary 28, at Whitby. mends that the area be rezoned as residential with the exception mit refugee cases of Tuberculosis that not much more help is need- ed for Tuberculosis control here Film Library or some alternative government, eon meeting in Hotel Genosha,| which would be an improvement were privileged to enjoy the oyer our present administration. screening of a color film, of line," Mr. Creighton said. Traces History He said that his client is not en-| asking that the property should of the northerly 500 feet, which will remain as 'buffer resi- dential'. Muttered the mayor as he fin- titled, "These Are Our Islands", not be taxed, but that the assess- ished his presentation, "Perhaps which took them on a tour of ment should be 20 to 25 per cent I didn't go far enough, I don't the Islands of Hawaii. of the figure named, because of ' The film was introduced by Er-/the nature of the buildings in- | know." : 1 -- : Sehr ail The average Russian used only |Ed Jones, and thanked by Bill jnest W. Wakefield, of Moutreal volved. about one-third of the amount of| Edward. 7 a as introduced to the club by PILOTS GRADUATED Sopher utilized by the average Rotarian James Allen, The appre-| The first witness for the appel- North American, said Mr. R. ciation of the members was voic-|1ant was George 8. Slocombe, sec- Wardell, Manager of the Cana: ed by president Dr. D. E. Stur-|retary-manager of the Ontario dian Copper and Brass Develop- gis : County Flying Club. He pr i A 1S. iviti 3 g C! : Mr. Wakefield espiaived that Be A he a ann at the Genosha Hotel last night. |S: adian Pacific Airlines, now from the club flying school an-| - in Canada. Is Discussed -- [UNKNOWN CASES MENACE The need for a film library for | One of the chief difficulties in {yo Oshawa Board of Education the control of Tuberculosis, are ys discussed at a meeting Mon- the unknown, or lost cases, ac-|4ay night. tive in the community and spread-| pr CM. Elliott, superinten- ing infection. dent of public schools, said that Every year in this country the demand was so great for the there are thousands of Canadians films provided by the Depart- civil, Who refuse to attend either mass ment of Education that teachers defence will remain a do-it-your- Chest X-ray surveys or tubercu-|were rarely able to get the ones self job for individual communi- lin testing surve: It has been they requested. REV. WES Local Church Near Top In EY DE MILLE C-D Policy Explained In spite of army plans, The executive announced the |streamlining, strengthening and e-organizating of the various committees. The new committee structure Internal vice-president, Mr. Wardell traced the history George Murless. Program com- Resolution Is Endorsed Board of Works Chairman Wal- Cc ter Branch asked for and got'"an | Missions ties, Lieut. Col. F. S. Wotton, Proved over and over again that| "I hope sometime they could from en- the seventh ranking airline in civil defence co-ordinator for On- the people who stay away from set up a library here so that y|surveys have tuberculosis rates|f tario County, reported Monda after a weekend army exercise in many times higher than among here when we want them," he those who attend. These un-s Toronto. : who go on their The exercise was arranged by known cases the army to standardize pro-/Way until they are so ceedings throughout the 2 to go to a doctor, present|a and explain the army's plans for far more danger than patients a mobile rescue column to civil-|coming into the country willing Dr. Elliott and his assistants pro- $24 ian members of the organization. to accept treatment. v Col. Wotton said his main observation was that the army who refuse to respect their own © could not get a mobile column health or those with whom they|V into any community that had|come in contact runs into thou- li been hit in time to do the im. sands. It seems to be more prac- mediate, essential rescue work. [tical to get worried about them "Communities will still have to than about strangers. provide refuge, first aid and transportation," Col. Wotton ASSISTS IN SURVEY said. Money from the Christmas Seal These operations should be campaign pays for 'the mass done between the time of the ex- tuberculin surveys and chest plosion and the dropping of radio-| X-ray surveys. Money active fall-out, he explained. the seals Col. Wotton pointed out that the families who are deprived of ( because of the position of On- the provider of income during t tario County to Toronto, large his period of treatment t scale army rescue work would| There are still many not be directed to the county. in the Ontario county He said he was drawing up a financial help, while the bread- list of standard operational pro- winner is in the Sanitarium, or cedures detailing responsibilities during the period of convalesance which he would present to the This help is provided by the On- families 1 f C Letter Wins from be sent to J. is also spent to help business for Members of the Free Methodist Church are the freest givers ac- cording to a survey, of 49 pro- testant and orthodox Churches} ilms frequently used would be aid. Films were not cheap, he said ill they Each one would cost between $50 carried out by the National Cham- bers. Their average giving in that 1958 (latest figures available) was 95, per member. The Oshawa church reports It nd $100, George Fletcher moved ide the board with information on The number of these Canadians the number, type and frequency was second from the top in per f the films they required, with a capita giving to foreign missions iew to making a start on a that year, at $60.15. It was ex- brary. ceeded its goal for missions each year and expects to do it again this week at the fourth annual missionary convention. The goal, for this year, has been set, by . the church board, at $4000. Commendation | rev ana vs wesiey pe wine of Africa have been invited as A letter of commendation will guest speakers for the five days, R. Backus, deputy Wednesday through Sunday. The administrator of the pe Milles attended the Free Met. )shawa Board of Education, by nodist College at Lorne Park, he Board. Mr. Backus con-ipear Toronto, and have spent ributed an article on Accounting 20 years in Africa. 5 lover pub This year the Free Methodist ished by the Ontario Association Church is aiming at 'A MILLION or. School Business Officials, |FOR MISSIONS' to support their which the Board wishes to 201 missionaries on 22 fields in congratulate him the world and Payrolls to the 'Manual for who need School Business Officials", city council, municipalities, and townships in the county. Blood Of Refused By Court Magistrate F. S. Ebbs refused to ser a precedent and accept a blood sample taken from a "free- ly flowing wound" as admissable evidence to corroborate a drunk driving charge. A charge of drunk driving against Stanley Tokarowsky, 37, of 165 Gibb St., was reduced to care and control of an auto while impaired, by the magistrate in Oshawa court Monday. The magistrate told the court that "If 1 convicted this man of drunk driving I would have to rely to a great extent on the re- sults of the blood sample. It would be a dangerous prece- dent." He continued that it was the first time to his knowledge that Will Meet Windsor Mayor In a report of the city property committee to council Monday night, chairman John Brady said that Mayor Gifford and other members of council would ar- range a meeting soon with Mayor Patrick of Windsor to discuss the importing of small cars and car parts into Canada, Windsor's mayor suggested the! idea of a meeting to talk over the situation in a letter to the Oshawa mayor some time ago. Mayor Gifford told the coun. cil that a Toronto Star reporter had informed him that a rumor circulating in Windsor that Osh awa's mayor was in favor of a Royal Commission to investigate Ontario Flue importing of cars and parts into Growers Canada. The mayor denied being favor of a Royal in Commission, saying that he had never felt are 59,541,563 pounds at an aver- 20. In anotheX |age price of 54.82, that way at all days in the county jail and sus- one year. accident, QC, charged that court in a "ridiculous position". convicted on two previous occa- sions for drunk driving this was Sale, president his first conviction on the lesser Company charge of driving while impaired. predicted Monday Canada's gen This would normally call for a eral ported sales Monday of 1,491,044 pounds at an average tario County Tuberculosis and Health Association. The money Wound I Publi The school system of Oshawa requires the services of a quali- bleod had been taken for analysis fied psychologist and psychiatrist, from a surface wound. Dr. C. M. Elliott, superintendent He sentenced the accused to 14 of Public Schools, told the Board of Education Monday night. f A Among the 8800 pupils in the pended him from driving on any ity there were a few every year roads in Canada for a period of who had teachers and public school officials completely at a: The charge arose after the ac- loss to understand why they be- cused was involved in a collision have in the way they do, Dr. early Nov. 8, 1959. He had been Elliott said knocked unconscious when his! These pupils did not learn, did car ran into a tree on Simcoe Not conform to normal standards St. S. after he had been hit from ©f behaviour and were beyond behind by another car. the resources of auxiliary teach- ers. Dr. A, the, Dr.. Elliott said that larger Oshawa General Hospital had school boards employed full-time taken a blood sample from a child psychologists. He did not forehead wound while treating forsee the Oshawa Board doing him for other injuries. However, this, but it would be a step in he had testified at an earlier date the right direction, he said, if Halam-Andres of that the sample may have been there was a qualified person to contaminated. Both the doctor Whom children could be referred and police officers testified that G- L. Roberts, principal of the accused had smelled of an OCVI, said the situation was sim- intoxicating beverage after the = wu. 1960 Predicted Good Auto Year WINNIPEG (CP) Rhys M of Ford Motor Canada Limited, 3 Crown Attorney Alex C the law, regard to sentencing, placed the Although Tokarowski had been of prosperity would continue through 1960 with another good year for Canadian automakers. He told a press conference "For 1960 we ight sentence. | have estimated conservatively that the increase n total sales for our entire in- dustry\should run between five and seden per cent above 1959." (CP) The, So far\ Ford has had about cured Tobacco 2,500 . co paet - cars delivered Marketing Board re-|across the country. "It looks \good, but it is a little price of too soon to \make any statement 53.25 cents a pound. Sales to datelon how saled of these cars will 60 to 90 days we |should have th answer." Tobacco Sales 1,491,044 Pounds TILLSONBURG Ask Psychiatrist Schools ilar in secondary schools. They had been experimenting with 'a plan of the Department of Health and sending students to the On- tario Hospital in Whitby. The facilities were ited, he pointed out. Dr. Elliott said that the Medi- cal Officer of Health was in favor of having a consultant psycholo- gist and psychiatrist for the; schools, He explained that a mental. health clinic could be set up staffed by a psychologist, psy- chiatrist and social worker, and asked the board to think carefully about the idea. George Fletcher moved that the matter be explored by secondary and elementary school officials with the medical officer of health and the public health department, very lim- Inquiry On Mi - Fi ~ ning Firm OTTAWA (CP) Opposition Leader Pearson suggested Mon- day that the Crown owned Eldorado Mining 'and Refining Limited competing with pri vate companies during the indus- try's.current problems He asked in the Commons whether Eldorado -- a uranium producer and sole buyer of ura- nium from other firms--will con- tinue fo compete wi private companies . When Trade Minister Churchill replied that he is unaware of any complaints concerning Eldorado, Mr. Pearson asked whether the crown company is competing in the purchase of contracts from small private companies unable to carry on under a delivery stretch-cut plan Mr. Churchill said he will i quire into the situation. is h n- decreased he said. demonstrated. The instruction is|Felix Moryskin, council Monday night : y dorsation of a resolution by the the world, was formed in 1942 City Engineers' Association to the with the amgalation of 10 bush effect that: |lines then operating im north "The government of the prov-| Western Canada. ince of Ontario be urged to under-| CPA airliners now fly more take, without delay, the deter-|than 43,000 miles in regular ser- mination of ways and means to vice, serving Canada and linking provide the necessary funds to five continents. The speed of the complete the work envisaged in airplane, Mr. Wakefield said, now the needs study report (by the makes it possible to leave Toronto CEA on a Friday afternoon and be in| The report stated that the esti- Honolulu Saturday morning. In| mated expenditures on Ontario 1961 the airline expects to re- municipal roads for the next 20jceive delivery of DC8B's which) vears would be in excess of $4.7| will operate on international] billion. The report then claimed routes | that these estimated expenditures were greatly in excess of the federation in Canada -- Cana- revenues available for such dian Pacific is now the world's| works. most complete transportation sys. | Alderman E. F. Bastedo, fi- tem with service on land, sea and| nance committee chairman,jair -- a total route pattern off argued that without figures {o/some 85,000 miles, Mr. Wakefield! substantiate the CEA's statement told the ciub. that "expenditures were greatlv| The film showed some of the in excess of revenues," he could points of interest on the various not "intelligently" support the ,ciands of the Hawaiian archi- requesied endorsation pelago. Council supported the endorsa- & Land Appeal Withdrawn BRANTFORD (CP)--The here-| |ditary chiefs of the Six Nations | {Indian reserve near here are withdrawing an appeal before] the Supreme Court of Canada |challenging the right of the re- serve's elected council to sell 3% acres of land. The chiefs will then be able to |appear before the joint Parlia- mentady committee on Indian affairs to present their case on| why they, rather than the elected| council, should govern the re- serve | Spokesman Irvin Logan said {Monday that the chiefs appeared {before the committee last spring but they weren't heard because the committee said their case still was before the courts. | nually. Mr. Slocombe said that the No. 1 hanger--the property in question --was purchased as a th 18 Conceived in 1880 to save con-| Larry Henderson, nationally known commentator, who will present his new color film "The New Russia" at the OCVI audi- torium, Jan. 22, under the auspices of the Come Double Club of Northminster United Church. With the film Mr. Henderson gives a highly per- sonal comment on the future of Russia which he believes will effect the lives of every Can- adian, gk permitted to kiss the girl. It is 'TO LECTURE HERE and use of copper from the late mittee: Director G. Reeve, chair- stone age period about 13,000 BC|man, Doug Smith, Joe LaRocca through to our present uses of and Vie Howarth. Membership copper. committee: Director, B. Stovin; surplus| yn 1886 the first'v t statis- chairman, B. Girling, C. Diede- Crown asset in 1955. He said that 11,1853 the first year that statis | part of the hanger is sub-leased by the flying club to Field Avia- tion Ltd., which uses approxi-\\was only 1752 tons. In 1958 Cana- mately 60 per cent of the hanger dian m y | space for servicing and repairing|347.000 tons. | aircraft. He said that a clause in| the lease of the property on which dian Copper and Brass Develop-|tee: the hanger stands provides that ment Association was formed in|chairman V. Pr e Crown may terminate the|November 1958 to | {tics on the production of Cana-|richson, D. Knowler, F. Whalley, |dian Copper were kept, the total|-W Schmidt. Leadership training amount recorded for that year|committee: Chairman T. Huzar, B. Dewland, J. Rutherford, C. Hewitt, D. Brown. External -- Vice-president, B. Mr. Wardell said that the Cana- Edwards. Fund raising commit. Director H. Whitbread; att, F. Ball, D. | promote, stim- Welsh, A. Nichols. Public affairs |ulate, and develop the use of cop-/committee: Director J. MacDon- |per, its alloys and compounds. ald; chairman F. Upshaw, L. {Beginning with six member com- Urch, C. Barton, D. Down, D. | panies, the association now num-|Olynyk. Publicity and publica. |bers 27 member companies in|tions committee: secretary, J. the copper and brass industries.|Piatti; chairman A. Lockard, R. The speaker was introduced by Found, L. Gardner, B. Neal. mine production totalled § TV-RADIO COLUMN Sitting Out Commercials Can Raise Thoughts . By CYNTHIA LOWRY mercial the other evening show- NEW YORK (AP) -- Random |ing how explosives are used to {thoughts while sitting out the blast rivets into place, and an- |commercials: other was a demonstration of | The real test of an adult west- new equipment now being de- |ern is not, contrary to a widely veloped to give an airplane pilot held theory, whether the hero is|a "road in the sky" to fly on. Does any other woman viewer whether the hero's horse has a worry about the casual way name and personality. Most of demonstrators leave refrigerator us can identify Trigger, Butter- doors open indefinitely when they milk, Champion, Silver, even are showing the well-stocked in- Tony, if we're old enough. Butlteriors? who can tell the name of Marshal | tcaala +5. Why do lather and razor Dillon's (PUsLy Steed or Paladin's demonstrators feel they must act It's a lucky thing TV. was not|®S if shaving were a delightful s Fei episode to be savored like sip- invented before psychiatry. How, ing 100 Id brandy? on earth could most of these P"8 hYear-o randy; crime shows find villains if it| What I'd really like to know now is what the commercials. weren't for the emotionally dis- 2 turbed killers, the schizophrenic/ makers use for brand X in those sink cleaner ads. burglars, the frustrated bomb- ers. Commercials don't have to be repetitious bores sometimes Recommended tonight: Startime, NBC, 9:30-10:30 p.m, MAGISTRATE EBBS Stoney Creek | | | Car Clinic Urges Shrine STONEY CREEK (CP) A To Be Held aT council committee an-| Oshawa citizens were strongly nounced Monday night that it. will| urged to take advantage of the Make an appeal to Prime Minis- Oshawa Traffic Clinics by Mag- ter Diefenbaker and Premier istrate F. S. Ebbs today. The Frost for aid in the development first clinic of 1960 .is to be held of the Stoney Creek Battlefield in the Oshawa Police Building Park into a national shrine. tonight at 7.30. The council wants to buy a 17- "I'm very anxious to have a acre cherry orchard to the west good attendance for the start of ©f the battlefield site to enlarge the new year -- Because of the|the park. success in the past it is well] "It would be a shame if this worth while", he said great historic site is lost," said| "I 'would like to see the third Councillor Norman Curry. "The year even more successful than Battle of Stoney Creek was one the last," he added. He stated|®f the crucial battles of the 1812-| that very few if anv of the war. If the British had not clinic's graduates have appeared Won this battle, Southern Ontario in Oshawa traffic.court. The num-| Would have been open to inva- ber 'of repeat offenders who have 50 taken the course has also been MAN HANGED BY CHAIN The. course given by the clinic, NEW YORK (AP)--The body] consists of two evenings of in- of 45-year-old Merwin Elwell was| struction. This includes talks, |found in his home Friday night, movies and charts, The various hanging from a bannister with a highway. rules are discussed and|{dog chain wound about his neck. a cousin who given the last two Tuesday even-|lived with Elwell, said the latter ings of each month. was a former college professor,| Sgt. Ernest Barker, of the Osh-|but gave no further details. The| awa Police, is in charge of the in- chain was one of several belong-| struction, ling to a pet terrier. | CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birth- days today: Dini VanDerToolen, 1175 Simcoe street south; Bill Cor- nelius, 282 Baldwin street; Donald Gibson, 306 Kent street, Whitby; Mervin Thursby, 541 Grierson street; Ricky Eyre, Powell road, RR 3, Oshawa; Jimmy Garrow, 129 Huron street; Cliff Me- Knight, 538 Cubert street; Mrs. John Medland, Brook- lin; Bernard Ryan, 239 Rox- borough; Barbara McSween- ey, 711 Glenforest street; Cynthia Potter, RR 3, Osh- awa: Mrs. Rov Balsam, 131 Fasthaven; Glen Lee, 162 Elliott avenue; Mrs. Betty Massey, RR 1, Hampton; N. Lesnick, 348 Verdun road. The first five persons to in- form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four - week period. The cur- rent attraction is 'It Started With a Kiss". Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of 8 am. and 10 a.m. {the ones that accompanv the Sunday afternoon and evening shows are more interesting than| Garry Moore Show, CBS, 10-11 the shows themselves. There was!--John Payne and Roberta a fascinating, educational com-'Sherwood, guests. --Crime, Inc., a documentary type look at organized crime. WEATHER FORECAST Blustery Winds, Drifting Snow TORONTO (CP) issued at 5 a.m.: Synopsis: After causing three to six inches of snowfalls through Southern Ontario Monday, a low- pressure centre is moving to- wards the Maritimes. Blusferly northerly winds will buffet much of the province today and con- siderable drifting from Monday's snow is anticipated. However, the major part of the snowfall from this storm has ended al- though flurries may persist well into tonight, / | Regional forecasts valid until midnight Wednesday. Lake Erie, Lake Huron, .Lake Ontario, Niagara, Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Kirkland Lake re- gions, Windsor, London, Toronto, Hamilton, North Bay. Sudbury: Windy with considerable drifting - Forecasts!snow today and occasional snow- flurries. Diminishing winds to- night but remaining cloudy with a few snowflurries through Wed- nesday. A little cooler. Northerly winds 20 fo 35 today, northwest 115 to 25 Wednesday. Timmins-Kapuskasing: - Cloudy with occasional light snowflurries and little change in temperature today and Wednesday. Northerly winds 10 to 20 throughout. Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Wednesday Windsor Ye 28 St. Thomas London Wingham .. Toronto . {Trenton ...... St.. Catharines . Hamilton Muskoka

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