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The Oshawa Times, 19 Jan 1960, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, January 19, 1960 TROPHY WINNERS AND EIGHT-ENDERS BOTH HAPPY St. John's And Bolahood's | Score Important Wins | Saturday morning's action in Adair 1, Frank Le Blanc 2. Coach SPORT SNAPSHOT the Y's Men's Minor Basketball Ernie Derry. hd league saw the league's leading] FIREFIGHTERS -- Pete Me- |St. John's Cadets overwhelm the witt 5, Walt Rudy 9, Murray . |cellar dwelling Firefighters 40-24.|Hobbs 2, Wayne Clarke, Dave The second game saw a close Anderson 7. Ben King 1, Terry 27-22 decision go to Bolahood's Le Blane, Bob Corey. Coach -- over the C.K.L.B. squad. Lively John Matthews. action in both games highlighted BOLAHOOD'S WIN ¢ By JACK SULLIVAN a "black eye" to Canada, a were looking for reinforcements Canadian Press Staff Writer "catastrophe," a 'national cal-|people started making noises. In 1954, George Dudley invited|amity" and a "resounding slap) One of these was Clarence yn. noning's action. The first quarter of the sec- J hockey experts to "come up with|in Canada's face." Up to this Campbell, National Hockey| gi jonn's win gave them a 6-1/ond game saw C.K.L.B. having 3 some concrete suggestions' point, the world tournament, won League president. He charged ouorg and put them in the lea-|trouble hitting the basket. The : about the method of choosing|by Canadian teams with little that the CAHA was not equipped gue lead once again with a game Bolahoods led at this point 8-1. i Canadian teams that would be trouble for years, was practically|to assemble or administer a team; hang over the Jaycee's Whites. This 7-point lead stood up until the sure-fire. bets to knock Russian|ignored in this eountry. {which would properly represent myece {wo team s meet next Sat-|third quarter, when Oley Skotcho and other European teams silly] The championships were con-the country. |urday at 10.15 and it should prove|started rebounding for six quick | Now, with the Winter Olympic chosen players, Toronto Lynd-| 2 . Firefighters game saw, The top scorers in this game 4 [Games only a month away, the hursts changed all that and|up With this dandy: i very little scoring and ended with were Oley Skotcho and Ken Hic- {hockey wolves are out on sched-|things really became serious in| Ihe real point of the "matlerithe Firefighter squad leading 7-5/key for the losers with eight § | (ule. They are howling for the 195 when Russia again beat|is that the CAHA or any of iis at this point. |points each and Brian Tunn- i {| [Canadian Amateur Hockey As- Canada -- Kitchener - Waterloo| clubs is not in a position to handle| The St. John's team caught fire|icliffe and Don Calder for the 1 |sociation and its hoss, lawyer Dutchmen--to take the title. hese players properly. Whyland kept right on scoring until winners netting 10 and 9 points, | George Dudley of Midland, Ont.,! "Now is the time to begin should the pros trust their Dest late in the game and the Fire-) CK.L.B." -- Oley Skotcho 8, to move aside and let someone preparations for the 1960 Games > ° "8 talent to, not incompetent fighters put on a drive but too Ken Hickey. 8, Jerry Bourdage 8 # |else handle things in Squaw Valley, Calif.," the Ca.|¢03Ching and management, but|late for the losers. : (27 Bruce Woods 4, Harry Rasce- 3 {This has been happening every nadian Olympic Association" bul certainly not the best 4 Stan Dalidowicz and Keith Hoo- (luski, Rainer Stimming, Tony ] : lvear since Toronto Lyndhursts, a ein said a month after the, Maybe Mr. Campbell doesn't/ey scored 13 and 12 points in a|Askusizeik; Coach -- Walt Bathe, H |senior B team, went to Stock-|Dutchmen's 20 loss. "G ood NOW that many CAHA clubs are winning. cause while Walt Rudy] BOLAHOODS -- Brian Tunni- 3 [holm in 1954. They took a 7-2/teams will no longer suffice, In| HL farm teams with NHL-ap- led his team hooping 9 points in a|cliffe 10, John Buzminski 5, Mike {lacing from the Russians who the future they must be made up pointed coaches in many cases, losing cause. : ; _ |Bombino, Don Calder 9, Daryl 1 were making their debut in world of the best possible amateur ex |The pros put the finger on these ST. JOHN'S -- Stan Dalidowicz Davies, Glen Lee, Ron Myles, |amateur competition and panic|perts thai can be found, and they youngsters at an early age and 13, Keith Hooey 12, Marcis Es-/Bob Babe 3, Rick Salway, Frank |buttons were pushed from one|must have long periods of inten- Hust them to CAHA clubs for/ mits 8, Jim Campbell 4 Don LeBlanc; Coach--Bill Horton. i end of Canada to the other: sive training." the bulletin added Mr. Campbell didn't come up . ] PLAINTIVE HOWLS The Duichmen will represent with any '*'concrete suggestion' . ] The defeat was described by Canada at Squaw Valley. Last and, as Dudley says, "I'm still als ar 1C1Pa e ships. He's st politicians and other experts as a NHL SCORING RACE in world and Olympic champion sidered a simple, inexpensive| In defence of NHL clubs wholyery" interesting. E 5 ; r The first way of seeing the world for hockey players, Campbell came] gore © S the|had taken prospective Olympic week, when the Dutchmen still|open to offers Beliveau D || Close To Leaders MONTREAL (CP) -- The la full swing today with j aQws {coast over icy European roads. One [fatality curred. Dutch driver J. {Nieuwenhuyzen was killed and his co-driver, Adrian Moggre, se- verely injured when their car and a truck collided in Denmark. The rally started Monday night in Oslo and was fully unde way st|points away from team mate| Stasiuk had one goal and one ipoints to put C.K.L.B. within two quarter of the St.!points of the Bolahood cagers. In Monte Carlo Rally MONTE CARLO (AP) -- The|Chambery giant Monte Carlo rally was in|for the final stage, a gruelling 297 cars |10-hour \converging on the Mediterranean roads into Monte Carlo. in southern France drive over mountain Friday there will be a final 391- already has oc-|mile mountain driving test along Van the coast. The over-all winner-- Sugar Ray time Jean Believeau remained Dickie Moore. The season before, assist. Stasiuk's goal was cred-| oy when ire last of '40 cats WINNERS OF The Oshawa | the day's top award, The Car- , was. turned in by the above | Vickers, territory representa- hale and hearty for the full 70-lhe missed 15 games but placed|ited to him by the official scorer pulled out of Paris. Of 345 en-| or ut Curling Club's annual Vice- | ling's Trophy. The popular event | curlers, left-to-right, "Rudy" | tive presenting -his company's game schedule he won the Na- eighth. In the 1956-57 season he subsequent to Sunday's game in tries, 298 finally got started Si Bonspiel Y I y y y i - ; 3 d Bi " tional Hockey League scoring missed one game and finished Boston, won by Montreal 3-1. The hy [A N kK i kips Bonspiel, are shown | drew a full entry of 32 rinks Andrews, Lorne Goodman, trophy to skip Dean McLaughlin Ry h ) ok Some cars apparently ran into . above, smiling as they receive | and best three-game win total | Vern McLaughlin and Archie . Pp aki championship third, but was only three points scorer established that the puck "e \" eather they couldn't] his is just by way of warn- behind title-winning Gordie Howe went into the net off Stasiuk. The get to starting points in nine Eu-| n in ow ing Bronco Horvath of Boston of Detroit Red Wings. goal originally was credited to ropean cities. General easing of| Bruins and Bobby Hull of Chi Beliveau played the full 1955-56 defenceman Bob Armstrong, who i; o wether: was reported but! BOSTON (AP) -- Sugar Ray cago Black Hawks. They have season and wound up with 88 now gets an assist. there was still more than enough| Robinson worked out in a been so busy swapping the lead- points on 47 goals and 41 assists Gordie Howe moved up a notch snow and ice to make roads| downtown department store en Skips Bonspiel at the local club | Broadbent, Bert Nell, Alf. Higgs CALENDAR ership in the Furrent face and Howe, in second Jace Hat sea- on his hefty six-point production-- dangerous | window Monday in aid of the pow are dead ockes hey = son, was nine points back. four goals and two assists. Howe| In Yugoslavia, where 14 start-| March of Dimes and, of course, .;be overlooking ontrea ana = » is Don McKenney of Boston with ers from Greece were proceed-| the gate for his Fri " ; wy HGATE pg . A I the gate for his Friday night TODAY'S GAMES dius giant gg I BAT GATE DROPS games. this now has 46 points ; Behind am ing oder some Toads, were re-| Boston Garden fight with local ¥ Y u uied evel V n orva : eo - wd § | K o R . al < SS 1 4 HOCEEY Minor Hocke, A . (In a eis play, racking "up season Beliveau has scored 25 py DO Me ee a i Wg p= a at 1 1 (Juvenil 1 Bo! 0) og S63 H: Sone: five points on twa goals and three goals and 27 assists. His five-point with 42 and Moore with 41 tours. 4 | 000 isk) d ---- 4 a nie League) -- Hayden sists, Bronco had to settle for|Splurge last week moved him . on The weather and mechanical Jerse crowded Wosuin Macdonalds vs Oshawa Dairy at oo goal apd We & A Fach ahead of Andy Bathgate of New Among the goaltenders Mont tailors ah expected to take 2) ton Street for a glimpse of the v frou) 2 v ssists. KE: 1) ; ailures were e 830 pm. and Tony's Refresh. O00 Bo oe bointe. with Beliveau York Rangers who failed to get reals Jacques Plante whittled his isi Rodel Te ON es ar atte veteran performer. ments vs Beaton's Dairy, at 9.30 only three points away at 52 a point and now is in fourth|goals-against average down 10|.ive here Thursday " eanwhile a corps of volun- Dn, Both games at The Chil In the NHL offic statistics. [place with a total of 48 2.36 from 2.43. Next best is Tor-| i] teer workers passed through rene Arena: released today, Horvath is ranked Henri Richard of Montrealjonto's Johnny Bower, whose aver- LARGE ENTRY | fhe srowd and among a couple J 0 Junior Atom League on top because he has 28 goals-- Scored two goals and one assist/age remained 2.63. Boston's Don| Eighty-nine cars -- the biggest on red Hore inside He ore, Black Hawks vs Rangers, at most for any player in the league last week to ease into a fifth- Simmons recorded the week's single group--rolled away from| Col ec! ie donations the 4.00 p.m.; Canadiens vs Bruins," . "ph Soc po Cath has place tie with Vie Stasiuk of Bos-|only shutout, doubling' his sea- Oslo at one minute intervals to a 0 grip. 1 d a at 4.40 p.m. and Red Wings vs pn" cic one pon 29 ton at 47 points. son's total. start the tour | obinson who will defend his Maple Leafs, at 5.20 pm. All" A ] as on eer mat-------------------------- - MA fig S share of the world middle- ) The Oslo starters faced rugged ; i > weight championship Friday games at The Children's Arena BIG WEEK FOR HABS |going in southern Sweden and night, will work out in similar Lakeshore Juvenile League Beliveau and his Canadien hd Denmark. The 72 from Glasgow x Bowmanville at Uxbridge, at 8.00| mates had a big week, They won 1 ze | } erge { also faced ice and snow fasion loday and take it easy m three games--the only undefeated However the 24 starters from, Un TOY. ow ™ BASKETBALL team--and Big Jean duplicated Warsaw were told the weather He explained: As' you get older you can't beat up your Oshawa Industrial League - Hull's collection of a pair of goal was mild and roads were good. body so much. That's one of Coca Colas vs Oshawa Grads, at'and three assists hd hd Today other cars left Lisbon, be uch. That 3 9.00 p.m. at Simcoe Hall. Barring accidents or illnes Tl 1CA Frankfurt, The Hague, and| ! . wany things T've learn {Beliveau may . be the man to Rome: The last group started| I? years. WEDNESDAY'S GAMES HOCKEY Oshawa Minor Hockey Assoc (Midget League)--Lions vs Local break out in front and stay there He is known to get rolling in hig along about mid-season Last season he missed six| winger from Paris at dawn, The average h! CHICAGO (CP)--Eddie Litzen-, Litzenberger, whom the Hawks route is about 2,187.5 miles. an outstanding righ t/bought from Montreal Canadiens with Chicago Black/in 1954 for $15,000, was in less JOIN FOR LAST STAGE berger, He and Pender will fight 15 rounds for the New York and Massachusetts version of the world middleweight ehampion- ship. FOUR-X-TWO equals eight, | 222, at 6.30 p.m.; Kinsmen Club|games and finished second, five Hawks of the National Hockav|serious condition than at first) The different routes join at and an '"eight-ender" is the ul- | Saturday night. Indicating that | and Don Storie, skip. They man- |V8 Canadian Legion at 7.30 p.m.|-- -- -- |League, was in serious--but not feared. Liver function tests indi-| mpd timate of perfection in the sport | each put his own two stones aged to win thi ne 1 land Kiwanis Club vs Rotary Club critical--condition in hospital to-|cated no rupture, although there] . of curling, is what the above | on the rings and that they Be i ny $ gan only fat 8.30 p.m. All games at The day with injuries suffered in a/was evidence of kidney damage. C t St C bs A ain rink accomplished in their | stayed there, the proud per- | 98 Children's Arena. gen a car accident Monday. His wife His pelvis bones, at first be-| en Ie . u g third-round game of the Vice- | formers are, left-to-right, Bob | --Photos by Campbell's Studoi BASKETBALL was killed in the crash lieved broken, were not fra -- -- mCam---- ---- | Lakeshore District COSA The 27.vear-old forward was tured, x-rays showed . . {Southern Conference -- O'Neill at Of S orls taken off the critical list Monday.| Coach Rudy Pilous of the u set in Monster 5-Pin Whitby, 3.00 pm. and Pickering D It is not known when he Will be Hawks said Litzenberger "un-| sliowes) out-of hospital ur whendoublediy Will be out for #e ses Saturday morning in the Simcoe|team eould hit the basket during SPORTS MENU By Geo. 1. Campbell Singles Tourney at Ajax, 3.30 pm Zora Folley Oddities were no he will return to the team. There son." He said there ent | Hall gymnasium eems little doubt he will be out plans to call up a replacem of the lineup: for the rest of the for Wednesday's night's game 70-game schedule, more here against Boston Bruins the Y's close games into the records current Centre St Cubs made it two scored four more Men|the first half as the score at hall Biddy Basketball League ran two time was 0-0. The Cubs moved te a 2-0 lead in the third quarter anc in the final Ww NEW YORK (AP) _The vear |than half over Litzenberger has heen working a a SPORTS EDITOR Under ay Here - 1959 was the one.in which Titzenberger was kept under on a line with rookie Stan Mikita (W1DS n a Tow > they upended pi A Sr8) Shier Lis The BPAO All-Star (5 pin) Win Vv r { The Yankees lost the Ameri- |, avy sedation. unaware that his|and veteran Ted Lindsay, and first place Parts and § © AE iy WL Pa hs x * Eastern Canada Championship S ean League pennant wife Doreen, 26, was fatally hurt.|also as point man on the power' " nF Everything From Soup To Nuts sponsored and conducted by ii Harvey Haddix of Pittsburgh . IN play This is the first time this sea Pais and Service 2 3 15 ling Proprietors' Association of Pirates pitched a perfect game THROWN FROM CAR copberger "This was a shock to all of son that Centre St. have had back Southninster 56100 ---- 3 ; olice said Mrs. e 5 » In . > % dietor : g 3 - caviibibanabiiindn Bak Rau ie onnbegh ny ACRICI | "oc Girdon 10st and then re. [was thrown from the car when |e; at's TORY, (ian, Hawker ic Back HOON: be able to pull Centre St Cubs 3 8 6 ton - " ' " in full swing in Oshawa, Whitby, " x0 S the a anag 'e 80 short 1 1 -- ---- We've had enough winter since our "Green Christmas Ajax and Bowmanvills CAN Sl gained his job as manager of |if skidded 80 feet into a viaduct; pee that we haven't made any themselves out of the cellar which to make up for almost everything and the latest out- With 25 per cent of the entry SAN FRAN( ISCO (AP) Ari | Cleveland Indian on an icy expressway. Her hus |plans." they have occupied since the REMEMBER WIEN ? 4 zonan Zora Folley jabbed his > wi a band was found in the rear seat 3 4 Ad "se burst may have been great news for the Oshawa Ski [in each establishment qualifying t i Pitcher Hovt Wilheim of Bal. | able fo give an ac-|CALDER WINNER early part of the season By THE CANADIAN PRESS ira . : v ' vo ® way to an unanimous verdict! fimore Orioles was chased from |Puf was unable to giv 4 NE } a 4 heals. 4 y ; A) Club members but it's not exactly a bonanza for the |fr the Zone EXminations during over Fadie Machen Monday| the mound by a swarm of (COUN Of fhe accident. They were| Lilzenberger, 'a six foothree| pyri" und Sesvice Inthe final Patty Berg, then the United rest of the tribe. Winter-wise, we enjoyed the Vice- night in a 12-round fight where returning to their home in subur-|195-pounder won the Calder Tro-|_° Na i Stat w J If ch i : . 4 should be considerable activity in 8 gnats in Chicago and Bill Veeck | * ' Yo . f quarter as they chalked up this States womens golf champion, Skips Bonspiel at The Oshawa Curling Club on Satur- |g "eo pin game the lack a actin by the two! claimed he had them trained to ban Glenview anil ine Hanke phy a3 the best ei Thy {he win by outscoring their oppon. Wo her third straight Augusta day. Tt was a fine successful event, with 32 rinks, a Motor City Lanes management pening Peavy aEs brought attack opposing pitchers aan night j222ue a. " » De hd ne Hi ents 7-1 as Gary Slute scored three omen i foiaitent 21 year: re Lihat to Tir eg? . 4 ir : +. | frequen os from a erowd of A spectator pal unaa | seasons 8 . N ago today by two strokes over \ Stin s 1 y firs spect ; t 8 y b) A ie a Pe awke "Ty sion wih pom to, COMeEuive baskets BB rophy and those electric shoe-polishers, which wi 3 >aturcay a 7 , + < - i 8 ' tal Md, 6 77 {OTT TER NG role Rivire 3 ph 4 : MeL Be t local bowlers tried their luck with Folley, 194, from Chandler,| made several laps beforé being - "Tne gy a I yecently dis SOUTHMINSTER WINS Dorothy Kirby. Miss Berg had enable neighbor Dean cLaughlin to put on more |, "creat deal of success riz., used his jarring left jai: ousted by officials ana 1ens Ml it Sorgen Hyd Tn the second contest of the been six strokes lower than Miss polish than ever, when next he competes in the Can- Se to keep the 199-pound Machen, of| Which one was the outstand C OS plans to take up perman-|n,grning Southminster Cubs got Kirby when they started the final HARRY GILLARD LEADS 'al D, ent residence here as naturalized Ll adian horseshoe championships, were good prizes. But Soll pe EAD Redding, Calif, and Portland,| ing oddity in the United States: i as naturalized hack on the win wagon 'as they round »f the 72-hole tourney but Harry Gillard who is a mem-|Ore,, continually off balance ; j i . United States citizens. Litzen- edged Mundinger 6-3 the latter c th h with th the big highlight was the publicity obtained by the [pe the Motor City entry i 4 > . The question was put to sports ray athe : (eds undinger he latter came through w € g higr y y : ver of the Motor City entry in| Folley was immediately offered| writers and sportscasters in the 1 en berger is a native of Neudorf,| This was a very close-checking best round of the event, a one. Russ Humphreys--Eric Henry combo. Eric won the [the Toronto Men's Major league Feb, 19 bout in Madison| annual Associated Press poll. Sask. His wife came from Re-|game plus the fact that neither over-par 76. ; first game, by a small margin, but by agreement, Russ |finished his five game block with Square Garden against Billy| The majority voted for the per- gina, | skipped the second game and was beaten 18-0, That a 1487 total which should assure Hunter but manager Bill Swift fect losing game . In addition to her husband, | tore. it! Rizht ray. 1 d R as d ted to. via Gil" of a spot in the Zone Elim-|tyrned it down saying his boxer Forty-eight of 9 participants unior ar Mrs. Litzenberger is survived by Fe it: Mg away, Tien fuss 'Was gemalec. 0 vice ination round must undergo a tonsillectomy. east their ballots 3 Kinanis their son, Dean, 2%, her father skip and Eric took over as skip-only to suffer the chag- Second spot in the standing is Machen will probably get the he vy. Kees" denise Was on 10 es _ (George Dean, and brother, rin of having an 8-end scored against him. That was held by J. Reid, who incidently|pout ae ance il was or MONTREAL (CP) Manag- Harvey Dean, of Regina. Litzen- = " hoy is a handicap bowler. His score ; ballots. The Gordon Frank ling director Frank Selke of Mon-|herger's parents M i bad enough--but in the fact that Don Storie skipped a handicap bow score| Neither fighter came near a [ane fuss received n vol : derger's parents, Mr. and Mrs of 1313 should inspire many local | knockdown ane fus ine "eS. Itreal Canadiens announced Mon-|A. H. Litzenberger of Ottawa, It was reminiscent of the rink that pulled off the perfect end, it made for |; die to place their entry dur Te Ir mS i Haddix retired 36 Milwaukee |day his readiness to lend a jun-|/flew to Chicago great laughs and "needles". This trio have 2 picnic all ing the second week of play. |g 1958 APTU! hitters in succession in his [ior star to Kitchener - Waterloo! summer long on the golf eourse but when Don "gave Third spot is held by the very| golly may he s small stoh brie hia in aed ett Dutchmen, Canada's Olympic| » riRIVES 3 ' = av 26. Then, in the last of the " > pe n | it" to Eric with the 8-ender on Saturday night, he set Popular al round spo SIAR, am closer to a heavyweight title 131, Felix . Mantilla became h okey Fea] Vas Moidavl HOCKEY SCORES himself up for next summer's golf season. There was xreen who turned in a 12/8 tree shit. Champion Ingemar: JOhans- the first batter to. roach hase os Ne AB ! Green whe har In a a a and the announcement was made| AND STAND ' one catch, however, Eric and Russ "set up" Donald just Other good scores were toulio8 held the only PTEVIOUS VIC-| against the southpaw when he [through the headquarters of the 1 £11W ¥ \ t like 2 hole-in-one victim, to the point that the fun he Trattner 1247. Matt Bell 1245: Ory yer Be year od was safe on third baseman Don National Hockey League Cana-| i , y ocko had, might nof have been worth the fun he had Al Zweig, 1245; Orest Pidwer. |g tt" "Joly nd fnorkont] Hoak's throwing error diens' organization By THE CANADIAN PRESS i : : of 2 3 Fd Mathews sacrificed Man Se . ! ibecki, 1241; Joe Kastner, 1234 ¥ollev who now has 2.5033 ie elke said Canadiens are ready OHA Junior A | ] : Don Henning. 1212: D. Tavior who bi h Yo 7 tilla to second. Hank Aaron [to lend star Bobby Rousseau of WL TPF APis.| : Sad news for hockey fans in general and the |, ic a handicap bowler had an record, was. an B8-to-5 underdog.| ye intentionally 'walked and (the Brockville Canadiens junior Marlboros 19 11 1 142 104 i Chicago Black Hawks in particular, was the report [even 1200 for his five Joisree Yeu Bybee who sev-| yoo Adcock followed with a [team "if the Canadian Amateur| Barrie 1710 3 115 9 i 1 . t) 4 CE 4 4 : C . 3) . o > 3 o 2 = x yesterday that Eddie Litzenberger's wife, Doreen, had There will be three shifts on ral I an fore 2° drive over the centrefield fence. [Hockey Association guarantees|St, Michael's 15 12 5 97 ; i 2) s, 2 lock 1 y : 8 . OC assed Aaron on the fur i , , q . been fatally injured in a car accident and that Eddie, Saturcal at i. Jclock; $ Deluek Judge Matt Zidich scored it 117 Adcask pas a ator credited his Jou to his team by play Pete ; 14 i iH 120 14 with head and internal injuries, will be out of hockey [307 al 3 oclock when ihe Tinall is and judge Fred Bottaro saw! i off tin ; Guelph 13 4133 129 i y day of qualifying will he eon 1g with a double. It went into the The olympics are next month|St. Cath 10 14 3 101 111 i for this season--and perhaps for good. It could mean |gueted : it 119-114. The Associated Press| po, as a 1.0 defeat for Had- |in Squaw Valley, Calif Hamilton 619 2 87 139 i the end of his hockey career, a serious blow to the | A heavy - entry is expected sie iad Folley hohe Zt iy Selke said Senator Hartland Monday's Result : Black Hawks of course, but much more serious to Litz from the well-organized Duplate et ia oe 2 ] Rant a vi Harvey had pitched the first 'Molson, president of Canadiens"|St. Michael's 4 Marlboros 4 : enberger himself, who has lost his life's partner and a iM Bg Te a ee him about $270 to box is lost too Burdette 12's 1 Fi ve ight Lan Hamilt Tons aes SE i rat % | 2 re: ontende: ee i . nistory ar 0 £W t ada enresentatives a . amilton a atharines -z2 ~ or = may be physically impaired for the rest of his life as there are many good shooters os mauager, Se laherty, of Milwaukee had yielded 12 possible' Barrie at Guelph all : in this league signed a contract for per cent! nits and won He said also it is hoped the Cape Breton Senior BRIGHT BITS:--Bil McKissock, local CKLB Radio. | "Teens sovtrs are strong of hI gehen Sunratoe ci can' sive the Dues Glace Bon Norm Seine 2 STOPS. WATER + DECORATES | sportscaster, is leaving Oshawa shortly, to take over a |'r2ed 'to participate in this tour yey Will, 'ote Or yrav GLOVER HURT ther player help, along with $1, Saskatchewan Junior { Sports Director and' Sales Manager post with a radio ||. iin 1s Spex to all ment tions. twentvi { of thel CLEVELAND (AP) X-rays "0 financial aid contributed last Prince Aes} 1 Regia 3 J + Ly < Falls H yl any ag owling a ms renty-five per cent o he Vee Junier | station in Smiths Falls, Bill has made a fine impression Motor City Lanes or any estab- number of bowlers competing in Monday showed Fred Glover, 32 We're awaiting word now Chatham 1 Detroit 4 i with | fair-minded operations here and the best wishes lishment affiliated with = the the Zone will qualify for the eas-lof Cleveland Baron ha a from the CAHA and if they guar OHA Senior B $ of Oshawa sports fans, elubs, athletes, etc., will go with BRAO / tern Canadian Championship cracked rib. How long the injury antee his return to his team by Stratford 0 Wallaceburg 4 him . . . BOWMANVILLES Juvenile All-Stars are |, Fries wil be acceped duripe| The preliminary ron, consists il keep him out of acton is un. DAY, time 'we will instruct] inerprovincial Junio 14 Ri: 3h 1 4 A ' : this w ? n A. A s while he lone | | i Sue ry lobby fo join ee team, said Pembroke 3 Metcalfe 4 piay 8 an ex ibition game tomorrow night in Bow- rous of competing are requested round will consist of ten games, Certain. The one-time Gall junior go. Exhibition } manvi le, against the Toronto DeLaSalle Juveniles . . . to 'contact the management atlall singles competition. Oshawa|and all-time scoring leader in the, Roussean one of five hockey- Edmonton (central Alberta) 3 : WHITBY DUNLOPS take on the Moscow Selects to- Motor City Lanes for full par bowlers rate with the best in the AHL with 32 d 438 a ng Montreal brothers. He Estevan (SJHL) 4 { § night at Maple Leaf Gardens, I Pars | Evavime and should come up sists during was in- regarded as one of the NHL|Japan 4 Lethbridge (Intermedi- | PHONE DIAL 5.0122 H ollowing the Zone Klimina-|with some real eontenders. {jured Saturday. lelub's finest junior prospects, | ate) 4

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