13 47 --Automobiles for Sale | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Januery 19, 1960 59 WILLMAN husky station oron,) A a a | 50----Articles for Sale |50--Articles For Sale ments. R. Curl, Raglan, Ontario. L. ifRaRY: Order fish and chips, ham- | oF FICE 1 furniture, chairs, desks e ww. i 5.4650. 154 DurSs We deliver. 25c extra, Town Bradley's Fruniture Drive- ver 5 "52 GMC 2% ton van, good Tunning con-| inch: 322 Ritson South, RA 5.0978. | pGoND CAR? Plenty of a dition. Bradley's Furniture Drive-In, USED parts and repairs for 'all makes| cars offered today in Oshawa Times i of wringer type washers, % HP motors | Classified Ads. to CELINA - Ash, five-room mn bungalow, |NEW six-room three-piece bath, garage, private drive, |double garage on 3 acre lot, 45 Reel Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sake |45--Real Estate For Sale [45--Real Es Estate. For Sale CARD OF THANKS := brick, finished attic, oll brick "bungalow with cated ential Reasonable cash offer $7900, low down payment. Tindall Real north of Greenbank on No. e | Estate, 43 Bond Street West, RA 0135 highway. Phone YUkon. 5-2762. or situated accepted. Phone RA 5-0437 after 6 IN the midst of our sorrow, we wish -- 15 | bridge 2-9920, 7 and 12 p.m 126 UX- / avobin dy . | ee BH hanks and Poi} WANT TO SELL N.H.A. BUILT TWELVE - | 00m, boarding house, 431 3850 DOY IN, delightfully different three YOUR HOME? 6% MORTGAGIMG bungalow, neighbors, for the kindness and sym brick, split level Be shown to us in the loss of a be Illness reason for selling, no agents. separate dining room, recreation room, [RA 3-3101 DO YOU WANT a realistic : valuation backed by 30 years Aluminum storms agd screens. Please Note Deadlines now in effect this column: Births, Memoriams, Thonks -- 9 AM DEATHS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 for Cards of ashe: "clearance of odds and a and gras. ends; two piece sofa bed suites, reg Hampton, CO 321. ewe ular $239, store samples $99. Spring WE pay highest prices in the city for filled mattresses regular $29.95, clear- used furniture, Pretty's Used Furni- ont $14.88. Floor coverings, many pat- ture Store, RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South. | terns and colors, 25c¢ per foot. Wilson WE like to clean our stock of used Fumiture, 20 Church Street. of TV', Many bargains, three months w) guarantee, Trio television, 171 Bond glia Street East. | ware wr oLDs 9 1 sedan, one owner, Paddy's aries, W equipped. Like new. Will take oy Private. Can finance. RA 5-2803. complete with aerial and models from $49.95. Terms $5 down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511. '53 CHEVROLET, 1 sharp and depend. SAME DAY " |oUSTOM built car radios, § 1 $67 loved husband and fathef, . Alexander 12d (laundry room, workshop area, Christie. Our sincere thanks to Rev. me ~ | monthly, $11,550 full' price, Joseph 8. C. MH. Atkinson, Dr. J. G 5% PER CENT. NHA resale, three Bosco, Realtor RA 5-9870. years old, modern bungalow, three bed ere and the <iployces of 55 Stock, pio vi experience in real estate rooms, colored ceramic bath, carport, section, General otors, for cir gi ] in hejping the Canadian Heart Fund in dealings | , =~ Ma t ti n [ls Memory fargaret Christie an! DO YOU WANT concentrat- * cider barrels, lowest prices. Osh Church. RA 3-7624. |Maroosis, the Armstrong Funeral 1"ame | oil heat, Fernhill Blvd. Private, terms, LLOYD REALTY No agents please RA heavy "duty OSHAWA'S BUSIEST garage, no FOUR-ROOM frame house, wiring, basement and Walk-out basement BIRTHS while their son, Scott Gregory, on Saturday, Jan. 16, 1960. A brother for Kevin HOWE -- Mr. and Mrs. Donald H Mowe are pleased to announce the birth January 15, 45--Real Estate For Sale of their son on Fri 1980, at the Oshawa General Hospital. KENNELLY -- Bob and Beth (nee Courtney) are happy to announce the. arrival of their daughter, ary 14, 1060. A sister for Kevin. to Dr. Kimmerly Catherine | Baptist Ladies' RGESS -- Jack and Shirley (nee neighbors for the wish to announce the birth of cards grateful to Mrs, kindly her home and gave her such excellent care. -- room and kitchen, 1 wish to thank Doctors Lindsay and in the hospital, lovely flowers me, I Allen Hewis daughter sent took my small James Dafoe, NEW six-room bungalow in Whitby hardwood and tile floors, tiled bath: | completely modern. | Ruddy and nurses of 3A for their ex cellent care and kindness shown me also Whitby Aid and Friends and and am particularly who so into Whitby For further information call MO 8-4155 Ann, 8 Ibs. 7 ozs., on Thursday, Janu.| after § p.m. I storey DEATHS GILBANK -- Passed away Haven Nursing Home in Newcastle Monday, January 18, 1960, Harvey E Gilbank, in his 83rd year. in South ing father of Leonard of Oshawa, Earl Clifford, and Wes, of Pontypool, Arlone (Mrs. Kenneth of Burketon and Ray of Nes tleton, Resting at Clifford Beloved hus-} hand of the late Alvina Wright and lov- | Wilfred Lunn) of Peterborough, Gilbank's home in Pontypool, Service in Ballyduff Church Thursday, January 21, p.m. Interment Ballyduff Cemetery GRIGG -- Al Oshawa General Hos pital Monday, January 18, 1960, Lillian Mae Gifford, of 112 in her Bist year, beloved widow Francais Grigg and loving mother Mrs, Helen Mitchell of Oshawa, Allan of Oshawa, Kenneth of Oshawa and Thomas of Georgetown: loving sister of Ettie Hastings of Oshawa. Mrs Grigg is resting at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 390 King Street West for sery ice in the chapel! on Wednesday, Janu ary 20, at 2 pm. The cremated mains will be interred in Bowmanville Cemetery 15b of HINKSON -- Al the fanuly residence 18 Bruce Street, on Monday, January 8, 1960, Claretta Elizabeth Dearborn, heloved wife of the late Burnham W Hinkson, loving mother of Mrs. Gladys Lawson, and sister Mrs. A G. Storie and the late Warren Dearborn, in her 95th year. The late Mrs. Hinkson esting at McIntosh Funeral Home Service in the chapel on Thursda January 21 at 2 Entombment Union Cemetery Mausoleum 15b is HIRCOCK At the family residence Chorntan Road South, on Monday, Jan \ary 18, 1960, John W. Hircock in his Alst year, beloved husband of the late Ellen Rowe and dear father of John Albert and Violet Hircock, all of Osh awa. Grandfather of Douglas, Lloyd, and Robert Hircock. The late Mr. Hir cock is resting at McIntosh Funeral Home. Service in the Chapel Wednes- day, January 20, 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery 14b Entered Hospital Elwyn Mar. McMANNIS, Elwyn 1 nto rest at Oshawa General on Monday, January 18, 1960, McMann beloved husband of jorie White, of Dshawa, dear father of Maureen. Mr McMannis will rest at McEachnie Fu asral Home, Pickering. after 10 a.m Tuesday, loving son of Mr. and Mrs Samuel J. McMannis of Melbourne Quebec: and dear brother of Urban of Toronto; Jake of Melbourne, Quebec; Beatrice (Mrs. Arsenault) of Toronto: | and Hazel of Melbourne, Quebec. Fu neral service in the chapel on Wednes day, January 20, at 2 p.m. Interment Erskine Cemetery 15 MOORHOUSE, Hubert Suddenly at Port Carling, Muskoka, on Sunday, Jan uary 17, 1960, Hubert Moorhouse, be loved husband of Minnie Moorhouse, dear father of Mrs. B. Baisdon (Doreen) of Pickering, Gifford and Hubert of Victoria, B.C., and William of Whitby, n his 72nd year. Resting at the Rey nold's Funeral Home, Bracebridge, un-| til Monday, then at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the Chapel on Thursday, Jan. 21, 2 p.m interment Erskine Cemetery, Dunbar. ton. Minister Rev. J. Smith GERROW FUNERAL | CHAPEL Kindness beyond price, vet within reach of all RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST LOCKE'S FLORISTS for and arrangements all occasions Flowers Oshawa Shopping Centre West Side PHONE RA 8-6555 FLOWERS for all occasion Wedding and Fune Arrangements tinctive Designs-- Especially for You MO 8-5672 131 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY at 2 Brock Street East.| of | 158 Highland Avenue,| coe oil OVER 'A QUARTER Insurance Associates RA 3-2265 or RA 8-1624 | PRICED TO SELL QUICKLY heating, garage. Possession RA 5-2363 REALTORS FINUCANE ST. Five-room brick, four year old ond well located for all ond transportation Attractive terms with im mediate possession. Worth investigating. Call Hilda Ri tow ot RA 5-6165 or RA 5-3605 evenings HIGHLAND AVE Just what the doctor grdered for. a retired couple. This bungalow has a large kitchen with lots of room for a din ng area ond with ao dining room - for company dinners The living room is a good size as are the two bedrooms The bath is i and the home is oil heated. It is a pleasure tc im maculate home. C Hilda Ristow at RA 5-6165 or RA 5-3605 evening: WHITBY 8 ROOMED HOME $3,500 down solid bric two-storey home, centrally lo cated in Whitby bed rooms on the second floor Yiving room, dining room kitchen and den with fire place on the main floor. This home is in excellent condi tion and has a beautiful gar den. Call Don Hill at MO 8-5823 or OL 5-447] even- ngs schools how thi Four RA 5-6165 RA 5-3412 19 ATHOL ST. W, OSHAWA OF SCHOFIELD SERVICE Ltd 6-room bark stone front 3 with heated ot tached garage. Paved drive, tastefully decorated through- out, nicely landscaped, hedged lot, shrubs and flower gardens. Living room 18 x 15, large divided kitchen- dinette, overhead cupboards Lozy susan. Planter, double ink, exhaust fan. Bedrooms 12 x 12, 12 x 10, and 10 x 10, large sliding door closets Tiled partitioned bath, col ored fixtures. Natural wood trim throughout, modern fold Handy to all schools, hopping ond churches. Bu at door, Call Jay Goyne, evenings RA 5.5378 BARGAIN well-built 4-room frame bungalow, 2: bedrooms, liv ing room, kitchen and 3-pt bath. Full basement, oil heat ing. Porch back and front Hedaged and fenced private Storm windows and Garage, a complete compact home. Price $8,500, $1,500 down, balance one mortgage at $68.00 monthly Please call. Bill McFeeters, RA 5.1726 through this of - Oshawa Real Estate Custom built brick with years old joors A evening ist Co-of Member District office and Board [+] CENTURY Thanks 51000 DOWN, excellent seven-room two- brick, north section near Sim. Hardwood floors and broadloom, two weeks. Ernie Holmes Realtor, 204 King Street East, 1 RISTOW & OLSEN WILSON Realtor WHITBY CLASSIFIED FRESH water service. Phone any- time. MO 7 Jan, LOST dye set Y.D.S. in metal box. Return 10 Public Utility Commission, Whithy Reward 15¢ FOR RENT Box and cabin trailers, power saws, drills, grinders, sprayers ots. Wilde Rental Service MOhawk 8 3228 During ice storm FOR RENT -- New 29 ment, also one Burndy 8:3762 FOR RENT~3.room apartment, floor or apply FOR SALE doors tobacco kilns and rebuilding job at 201 Dundas East very central, three-room apartment Apply 1137 Brock South, 117 Fuelid Street windows suitable Appl Whitby Lumber plumbing, bric} FOR SALE -- Full length "Muton fur Wrecking roat, 12-14; MO ¥OR RENT--Two-bedroom size 4298. with fireplace, decorated to suit your 3731 HOUSE and bungalow wanted. Good down payments MO 8-3231 [FOR | RENT - one-bedroom |outlet, private entrance, in Port Whit RA liking, plenty of parking space, central Phone MOhawk 38-2786 13¢ - "and 2 bedroom apart ment and 3-bedroom house, all electri. cally equipped. Vacant now. Phone MO 9 13 (NISHED rooms for rent, h privileges, central Phone excellent eondition; NEW office cooking |b MO 85176 |5-3090. or apartment Whitby Professional space in Whitby. parking lot facilities Building, MO 83-4003 less, MO evenings, Feb W McAuley Osha RA 3-2512 apartment, heated, Available Immediately Call four-room apart parking provided; MO 15 ground upstairs | ba and for | on| Howe 12d) 800 »q. ft | Call | 8 12 Realtor Large newly finished, TV ed sincere effort, advertising and courteous service? LIST NOW! CALL RA 8-6228 R. VICKERY Real Estate Exclusive or CO-OP BROKER Satisfied customers are our best boosters. agents please South or RA 3.9701 ED. DISNEY Insurance $12,800 is the full price for this solid brick bungalow with six bright rooms. Fagaily size kitchen, ond really big living .and dining room Yvith scenic panoramic view. Large lot with basement opening into garden. Yes, comglete aluminum storms and scdens too, WHY RENT? RA 5-8831 W. T. LAMSON rs "REAL ESTATE LTD.| SHERWOOD at MOHAWK 13d N.H.A. RESALE 5% CUSTOM-BUILT We ore proud to show this é-room bungalow situated on FIRST TIME OFFERED TO SUIT cipal interest and "taxes a beautifully landscaped lot 55 ft. 6 in. by 135 ft., com- YOUR POCKET E:OOK DOWN PAYMENTS. FROM Ye Tor 49 YX school Don't miss seeing jecorated. Owner carry GENUINE €_LAY pletely fenced. Quality built $1,000 ' 4 this home. Call Lucos Pea ot $80 @ month principal FORCED AJR OIL HEAT Realtor 82 Simcoe RA 3-2333 SPLIT LEVEL FOR ONLY $12,200 ultra home with { ¥ St..S. Nearly new, moaer 3-bedroom brick living room plus large family room walk-out basement, A home on beautiful ground with its own beach, city sewer and water. In and always on vacation and easy term down pay ment and $85.00 monthly, which includes prin towr low nly Soe 7 ROOM BRICK FOR ONLY $12,750 come home, 2/2-storey, Ritson * not far from with modern spacious garage An excellent money-maker ond in excellent condit Moderate down ment wanted C Weinberger RA mw n toc will evenings and attractively decorated. Fireplace, built-in china cab- inet in L-shoped dining area. 4.pc, tiled bathroom Fin- ished recreation room. Com- plete with aluminum storms, ond T.V. aerial. se to public and separate FULL PRICES FROM ock, RA 5-4330 $12 000 NEAR NORTH GM 7 ONE 10 YEAR MORTGAGE | NO SECOND M{DRTGAGE 6-room 1V2-storey brick, with garage. Forced hot air PRICE INCLUDES: oil heating. One of the older RANCH STYLE OR homes, but well maintained 2 Immaculately clean. Nicely CONVENTIONAL OVER 100 'SQUARE FEET and interest Vacant and BRICK ready to move Te call Roy Flintoff, 5.3454, or RA 5.4330 STEVENSON'S RD. N 2% N.H.A. MORTGAGE This in in RA JOHN BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE $ RA 5-6544 $10,800 DUPLEX units VALANCE" BOX IN A LIVING F1O0M STIPPLED CEILING 4 PC. CHRAMI( TILED BATH DIVIDED BASEMENT --PREFORAAED ARBORITE COUNTHR TOP ~--ALUMINIUM FRONT STORM: DOOR MANY OTHER ITEMS -- CHOICE -- 2 LOCATIONS 2 complete private ENQUIRE NOW entrance, 2 complete kit chens, 2 bathrooms, nice RA 5-6544 living rooms, 2 good bed- oil heating, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS JOIN A. J BOLAHOOD 6-room brick bungalow home has many extros luding natural fireplace 4.pc. tiled bathroom. Ther- mopane picture window Completely finished recrea- tion room, with bar. Alum- inum storms and screens, At tractively decorated in pastel colors. Priced at only $13, 900. To inspect call Roy Flintoff, RA 5-3454, or RA 5-4330 For RENT on Arlington month LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR RA 5-4330 Oshawa Estate 6-raom Ave brick, L] Call RA 5-6544, $500 DOWN $500 IF YOU QUALIFY New large brick bungalows with finished rec - rooms, Loaded with extras, fully dec orated, sodded lawn, front ond back; aluminum storms ond screens, 2 aluminum MUST BE SOLD - OWNER MOVING storm doors, exhaust' fon ored hrooms n Oshawa! Solid naasonry struction, ibid ens room in basement Mgnted. Only 6 years 5.6544 ecorated and londscaped, extras % nclude large garage, TV aerial, st all qiround, 4 piece tiled bath up, extra washroom in basement, Cloa: to General Motors and Shpoping Centre, Asking $12,500. Bddlance one mortgage and Board 15a! of down payment Member Real LIMITED} REALTORS Distriet The warmest b con: fully insulated, Finishe Id end neat os a mar many i ' o d ow, RA pin. Fully « rms Open Evenings of Oshawa ond Estate Board nh i i enly. dy DON'T BUY 5 room bungalow $900 DOWN Until you've seen this ng a treed setting structed of brick and completely equipped with aluminum and screens. Newly decorated and beautifully landscaped y seconds to schools, tronsportation. Yes, Rt also hos a goroge Priced at $11,500. Call now -- you'll be glad you did ONLY $11,900 FUL). PRICE ideal for boarders for excellent income Situated on few mr Full price Coll Ozz 3-2254 COMMERCIAL 75 x Seven room home Leo cated about 3 minutes walk from G.M. rmorth plant good-sized lot with private drive and garqg je. Owner to sell. Inspect this one and make us on < ffer Simcoe St. N L 124 +f with 6-room house ating bath W \ tile RA 5-6588 floors, g I e only $13,900.00 )00.00 RA 5-8522 | jown S - RA 5.9144 RA brick 3-pce OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Bill Norris -- RA $.7983 Jack Sheriff -- RA 3-377% RA 3-9810 VALUE IN PROPERTY BUSINBSS Large solid brick building, older but sound, ond 4 apartments above, town watery. 3 bathre tanks, 8 electric meters, corner pr perty lccated in qo beside fire hall, curling rink, fog ground churche etc bargain price to close an estate at ($12,000 with $4,000 down and easy terms. Call Sid Martyn, 3RA 3-9810 6 ROOM BRICK SEMI RANCH BUNGALOW good size modern kitchen, dining room, 3 bedrooms, fully dedorated and landscape list price $13,200 with $2,100 down. Call Keith RA 5-8761 or RA 5-4162 evenings. $800 DCANN Modernized 10-room country horme, floors, forced air with oil heatimg, water softener, extremely good well in basement, V4 acre. lot with small barn, located in village, corner of 2 paved roads. Full list price $7,800, easy term Co-op No. 459. Call Sikl Martyn, RA 3-9810 WEST SUBURBAN RA.NCH BUNGALOW 6 large built of and and dining rooms, beautiful :lone fireplace, 4-piece colored bath with vanity, attached heaped garage, high scenic view to south, aluminum storms and scMzens, large fully landscaped lot 70 x 204 ft. Co-op list price, $15,800 with substantial cash. Coll Keith Peters, RA 5-8761 or RA 5-4162 evenings LOW DOWNI PAYMENT stone bungal w, exceptionally modern kitchen, living room or dining room area 4-piece colored bath with vanilliy, full size high walkout ment, ravine lot, central location, excellent opportunity te your own home. Call Sid Martyn, RA 3-9810 Dawe Donald Jae Pichora - WANTED RAI | Sa with garage to On to trode a om home Ikihg Or J=room Z acres G.M listance Steel OR nsisting of willing INVESTMENT brick } stores store of land 3 hot water LLOYD AYERS REALTOR RA 3.2254 bungalow on near South oms, town Resale of model home, Peters, A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVIC SCHOFIELD Ac OVER large modern kitchen, tile Insurance ociates Limited RA 3-2265 or RA 8-1624 McLAUGHLIN BLVD decorated 4 - room bungalow located in a residential area close bus and shopping furnace, low taxes. purchased a larger further informa- coll Don 2 odes, evenings, RA 8-8 TOP VALUE FOR YOUR room brick stone, L-shaped living room Newly brick quiet to .school New oil Owner has home. For tion well finished, 3 bedrooms base lew brick end 245 Oshawa Boulevard 13f | OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS REAL ESTATE FIRM INCOME HOME re Thi Three-room apartment at $65.00 per month bedrooms, living room kitchen for yourself. Close school, bus service. Priv jriveway aluminum a wood storm N.HA. me jage at 512° f formatior call borne, RA 8-5123 NORTH-WEST AR $14,900 FULL PRICE new brick more Gerry neor live nts ree and to ate nd rt i Os- EA | home with Brook- in per mortgage by cal RA 8.5123. CARNEGIE AVE ling rre leaving ¥ hc Onl qu 8-512 me A RA able, Robinson Ritson Road South. PONTIAC KB 6 cylinder cylinder automatic 8 cylinder: {tons | winch; |new, car or truck, $5 each. Ackerman Auto Wreckers, MA 3-5756. automatic car son Motors (Oshawa) Ltd., 574 Ritson] -- Road South 108 '56 | neater and condition. 56 owner, mission, Oshawa) Lid., tires RA 8.5968 WRECKING -- for sale clutch, windows ton radio 5% OLDSMOBILE, dition BUILDER'S SACRIFICE BRAND NEW ) THREE LEFT with IST WITH LL CALL YOU k YD THEN MOVER 1. 15a 5-4170 ard Sedan well euipped. See this one!| Motors (Oshawa) Ltd, 574 B. ¥. GOODRICH Stores -- \ -- tires, b teries, Kelvinator 10f| vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. R, refrigerator, '5 an 8(B '51 Mercury sedan '54 Ford ton; "51 Ford half tow truck with 30 sedan 6 cylinder; '55 Fi '46 G USED res. most a i 1, h Sto sizes, a 5. RA 5.4543. ton | best USED a ranges, wp. premiums with purchases. | meats, fruits, groceries. washers, | VENETIAN blinds, various izes, ¢ televisions, radios and record players, cellent conditi R | FINE foods for less at Glecoif Super Frid market, Ritson South, open daily to 10 m. Free parking and delivery. Frees Self-serve offer. Guaranteed | Repairs to all §;GHEST pri 49 Chev. half ton, 75 several to choose from, transmissions. We have to suit you. All like new. Robi PONTIAC "sedan, \ V8, 45 45 np, radio, other Accessories. Phone RA 8-638 oo one DODGE Regent, four Fg very clean. Automatic _trans- 2-tone paint, Robinson Motors 574 Ritson Road South. 11s All tubes and parts av 'atlable. Barons {Radio and Electric Ltd. RA 32263. GUNS, es, new and used, terms 10 per eent down Dominion. Tire Store, 48 Bon R . A 5-6511 selection _ of 1 at Parkway Television, 918 Sim reet North. BOY'S CCM skates, vice 13, worn | twice. nue. RA 3-4250, finder, 16° 6" ) HOUSE Gallet, aglih h Bluebird Path-|frigerators, TV's, washers, 6' 6" wide. Propane |gtov stove, oven py fr os a price. [tact 19 Prince Street, Phone RA 8-1131, Phone Toronto CL 1-7302 "Mayflower, new motor, Best offer. 1 TRIUMPH, and body excellent. '50 FORD, All parts very good re-built motor, new transmission, rear end radiator, wheels, etc. Perfect push-but- RA 3.9066 1 good "con sell. RA in very fully equipped. Must A bargain in luxury driving, narvelously kept, 1951 Pack- Chauffeur driven By eppointment, $675 PHONE RA 8-6516 FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W. 48--A utomobiles LAKESHORE Au reckers cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. | RA 5-1161 or r RA 5-182. 45A--Real Estate for Sale Or Exchange SELL or exchange ness, large living quarters tached, large lot for } district, W Restaurant busi Sarage at awa Times 46--Real Est Estate Wanted {PHONE RA | your property | Prudential ALL kinds clients, some jequity. Call Mec Prince Street, Osh Whitby MO 8-3231 58762 1f at a fair marke Trust Company Lid of property with all "cash ley Rea RA w "wanted of t price fo) you Itor, 26 3-2512 or you wish to sell SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean ears. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. §. RA 3-9421 BUYING OR SELLING SEE RR. 4 We weekly dealer RA 5-5743 KING $T. E. urgently need 10 eors for out ef town 14 |Let's help you save on your times MAACKIE MOTORS) | 47--Automobiles For Sale | 1954 CHEV one owner Bel '88 DODGE Crusader tomatic. Phone YU 5-7470 after 51 PONTIAC coach, excellent body, radio washers, new tires, 3-9870 heater seat CHEVROLET tires and pair 13 pane RA 5 CHEVROLET delux da conditio fio and whit to! a 7488 snow in, custom ra 6 Summe y 1 and 5 y WW DODGE be financed. Apply 71 Thomas 39 DKW t ed. «¢ 8 \ P ' n ALLSTATE Auto | ( S 2 per cent. Six montt personal service at § 2002 3 METEOR, very good tire ellent take over 59 CHEVROLF T Ir radio, turbo glide ded dash, white body and motor 8-8822 '52 METEOR, good con ition, be |aceepted. Phone RA 3-26 Jer { good bod ca payment sports r brake wheel perfect, $28: BUYING OR SELLING Alr power glide, 128 Connaught Street covers condition wagon, 15. 6 pm radio, « sedan tutone, au ! clean car, | windshield | RA n, ne 15 n e walls 2 between Ww { %ood | '49 Automobile Repairs SIMCOE NORTH in Ford Service ond parts, Wheel alignment, wheel balance with latest type equipment. Newest type electronie tune-up equipment, BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD. PHONE RA 3-4675 1271 Specialists | FREE STORAGE TILL SPRING f.. | Toronto Avenue. RA 5-28 PHILCO radio, §: records 25 cents each dition. Phone RA FOR quality us 102 William Street 4 furniture. record Fo hing, come ast, R.C.A. Victor, The and Electrohome, Admiral, Westinghouse, finest in T.V. Hi-Fi service. PARKWAY T.V. 918 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3- 3043 1960 OPENING | BOATING NEEDS 171 BOND ST. EAST Brand New 40 H.P. electric Seott generator bail-o-matic, key start, choice of eolors, power end dependability. While they last only $596.50 7a. HP ear shift 209.95 40 H.P. manual, lots of pow- ar for ski or eruiser tank end bail-o-matie, $385.95 60 H.P, Brand new pound for pound the most power- ful outboard yet. 20 emp generator, bail-o-matie, key start enly, $699.95. 60 H.P. used, $699.93 18 ft. Weymouth Cruiser ful ly equipped 40 H.P. Electric motor, $2,695.00. 16 Ft. moulded mahogany equipped hardware, runnning lights, steering, speed meter, spot-light, rearview mirrors, remote controls, with 40 H.P, Electric motor end trail- ear. One only et this price $1,499.00. new, bail-o-matic end ges tonk 24 MONTHS TO PAY OPEN 9 AM. TILL 9 P.M. TUES TO SAT. 'AJAX MARINE Ne. 2 Highway At Ajax PHONE 1266 bc 50-- Articles For Sale car Street 15h { wallpaper, show fully ec Tom, ve up to pay. For 3 e call RA VACUUM cleaner repairs, all parts, teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser. vice. RA 8-1081 anytime [LEAVING for Austr {ter vacuum cleaner, | model motor hand | Rentals 5-4693 coupe, s, pad dis 25 st offer 21 | PIANO mahogany A SEE | TED CAMPIN MOTORS | © 607 KING $1 3.4494 Res. 5-5 SABYAN MOT SALES LTD. STUDEBAK VOLKSWA SALES ERVICE 334 RIT OSHAWA Tel! RAndolph "ONT MERCEDES BENZ DKW. FIAT ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King © RA 3- CASH FOR YOUR CAR SOUTH OSHAWA Just E f n Ro ad 574 OR EN 3461 VAN HEUSEN MOTORS n WINTER sale of "room at J RA | cu. {or {KNITTING machine, {than half price, King West, AWNINGS, 6 p.m.| Prompt service now for early delivery. rentals n lots of | 10-roll bundles at $2.95, $3.95, Paint opposite Dominion Store. plain colors or gay stripes. Free estimates. Edgar's Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. attachments, brushe: Westinghouse refrigerator, ft., perfect $135. = |awa 15¢ "beautiful tone. $240 13¢ Phone RA 5-604. ne , nearly n MO best offer. $50. CE the spectacular new | to 35 hp with two starting models. |Come in and chonse yours mow, Trade and terms. Cy Preece Garage, Gliddon at SUNBEAM cutting | makes of electric King Street RUG, size 9 x 6 8"; kitchen chairs and small table. Apply {170 Simcoe 110. tion)- Verdun Road. electric razor parts, cords ete. razors. Meagher's RA 3.3425. heads, West, reversible, cabinet radio; Street South, FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 a week per family of includes approximately 90 cent groceries and freezer. No down payment. For appointment (no obliga- ~phone RA 5-3709. four per JANUARY SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed Double hung windows enly $18 Call now Lymer Aluminum Ce A 8-5 5385 SEE HOME APPLIANCES | [ OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Order | Chair and table a, new Vacmas- half price $50, late 8% 1951 Packard car, 12f | like new $675. 271 Simcoe North, Osh- also for other two shades of green, two Apartment 14c | | |= | 1959 and Wallpaper, 34/ GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SELLING AT COST Three piece double dresser bedroom suite, regular $199. CLEARING AT $119 Gold Seal e€ongoleum, regu lor $1 square yard, CLEAR- ING AT 69c SQ. YD. Coffee and step tables, arbor ite tops, regular $11.95, CLEARING AT $7.77. Two piece chesterfield and davenport suites, regular $199, CLEARING AT $99 TV Swivel and rocker chairs, regular $59.50. CLEARING AT $39.25 Duncan Phyfe tables, walnut mahogany 36 x 72, regular $89.50. CLEARING AT $57.50. * Cooey bridge sets, regular $29.95. CLEARING AT $19.90. Room divider, popular Roxe tone finish, regular $49.50, CLEARING AT $27.50. Serta mattresses, regular $59.50, CLEARING AT $39.95. Steel bed springs, all sizes, regular $12.75. CLEARING AT $8.88 Record eabinets, walnut mahogany, regular to $32.50 CLEARING AT $17.60 Refrigerator, 9 cubic foot deluxe model, regular $319. CLEARING AT $254 Airfoam foot stools, regular $9.95, CLEARING AT $6.88 Walnut finish beds, regular $29.95. CLEARING AT $18.88. Chrome or brass smokers regular $11.50, CLEARING AT $5.49 Hostess chairs, regular $1495 CLEARING AT $9.99 or Osh - -- | dresser, 5 ture, also sell and exchange. Contact Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. §, ammunition and hunting #up- Gk ATES, new and used, , largest selee- gq ton in town. Most reasonable prices. Apply Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street | East, Te- conditioned 5 PAINT, | All interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss wa Hardware and Electric, # reef, RA 3.7624. ING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- pianos, y, elec. For top cash offer, con. LADY'S coat, grey, size 16-18, suitable 53-2261. USED furniture, bought ar and sold. ! 5 for older woman. Phone RA Bi CREATES] Jan tinental beds, An good con $49.95 complete $26. Baby cribs, full ~~ |panel, to $18.88. Broadloom scatter Also used quality, made from ends of broadloom, y sale ever, con: single size, values to large size '4 price mats, high roxatone, very special $1. Bedroom suites, double chest and bookcase bed, reg- lular $189. January smash bargain $99. Wilson Furniture, 2 Church Street 10 UNPAINTED bookcases ony 99c with a purchase of any piece of unfinished furniture. Chest of drawers $17. Desks $14. Bookcases $5.99. Vanity dressers HA Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Str PORTABLE typewriter, electric : IBM 5 Jowiiter, adding machine with eredit balance, McKaskey eash register, . RA 3- HM. FURNITURE Clearance Sale!! 10% TO 50% OFF FLOOR SAMPLES CHESTERFIELDS BEDROOM SUITES DINING ROOM SUITES CHROME & DINETTE SETS OCCASIONAL CHAIRS CEDAR CHESTS COFFEE & STEP TABLES TRILITE & TABLE LAMPS Many Other Terrific Values ot Giveaway Prices! BARONS' | HOME FURNISHINGS { 424 Simeoe St. 8. SALE We don't promise eny bonus we promise only number one self-storing aluminum doors installed, guaranteed, only $44.95. Aluminum double- hung storm windows. Only $18.50 installed. Now try the best in town. €al| us for quick services. RA 3-9851 Alex Vojda, 481 Drew St. |51--S$wap and Barter PRESSURE systems, sump pumps, I sets, sink: { | | { | piece colored bath * Figiag and fittings of al! kinds, Free ts and maps. (Season's Gree!- His ) Chinn's, dillside and Park Rd. 8. PM Assures | Indians Of Rights | OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis. {ter Diefenbaker said Monday night the government's proposed |bill to give all Indians the vote in federal elections will in no |way effect their treaty rights. Speaking in the Commons throne speech debate, he sald the {bill will have an effect "'every- |where in the world." | During trips to other countries, {he said, it had been pointed out {to him that Canada did not al- {low many of her Indians to vote Passage of the bill would end any criticism of racial inequality |that could be levelled at Canada. | Amendments to the Indian Act |and the Canada Elections Act te give all Indians the franchise {were given first reading earlier in the day | Present law allows four eate- gories of Indians the vole when |they reach 21. They are war vet: [erans and their wives, Indians [living off reservations, Indians in the Yukon and Northwest Terri {tories where there are no reser vations, and reservation Indians who agree to pay income taxes on _money earned on the reserve. Road Scheme Proposed In Quebec QUEBEC (CP) The Quebee {province Chambre de Commerce today urged the provincial gov |ernment fo start a huge road- |building program, taking advan- tage of federal highways |schemes where practical. In a brief submitted to Pre mier Antonio Barrette, the {chambre proposed a 10-year pro [gram of road improvements and fresh highway construction cost- ing $700,000,000 to $800,000,000. About half the amount, fo be charged to governments at all General Contractor, tions, Cement, Carpen-| rn mm i------ te 126 51EX DHE SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary Repairs, Altera way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, try. RA 54548 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 82563. SEPTIC LIVE way, Highest Ward, Pa 8-256 no' our furnace cause soot smoke and odor? Learn oause, see Demon strator at Albert Randall & Sons Lid | i] Byron Street South, Whithy wo! 14 Domestic and Commercial \ 5-5332 NEW STEREO HI-FI SETS RADIO RECORD PLAYERS TAPE RECORDERS THE DUTCH MERCHANT levels within the province, would be used to improve existing ma- jor through highways, The rest would be used mainly for build- ing and improving roads provid- ing easy access among the prov- ince"s major economic areas The chambre urged the prov- ince to. participate in the federal roads-to-resources program. It also urged Quebec to take advan- tage of the Trans-Canada High- way program where possible and to seek unconditional grants from the federal government equal to what Quebec would have re. ceived had the province partici- pated im the program from the | outset. 1960 STUDEBAKER LARK $500 DOWN | acre lot with 4-room 'home, ¥¥e floors, heavy wiring, attached Zr garage unfinished, located att Courtice, easy payments. Call Keith Peters, RA 5.8761 or RA 5-4162 evening farm, 7-room solid stone house barn, spring creek, sd Sdivision possibilitie Approximately: 1,528 ft. rood frontage DOLLARS brick, 2-storey home located on Oshe large kit on cup Bed outfits, complete with springfilled mattresses, regu lor $59.50. CLEARING AT $39.95 Three piece sectional chest erfield suite by Restonic, air foam cushions, regular $29Y CLEARING AT $192 Bookcases all at «ost to $52.80 BRADLEY'S Furniture Drive-In 299 SIMCOE ST. S om with garage awo Blvd chen with emphasi board Home tanks cleaned new tanks installed, Waiter wanted 204 Chestnut West. Phone Jake feathers paid poultry also market prices MO 38-3644 collect t xtra A. FOSKETT & SONS 540 DUNDAS ST. E. MO 8-234] WHITBY | Sheet Metal Work, Flash, J-piece bath located near Further 42-acre with furnace, Bowmanville particulars by calling RA 3%'810 or RA 5-8761 LS SNELCROVE = MOTOR SALES - LTD. bist oC LIMITED Member i of 'Oshaws: ond OSHAWA Distriet Reol Estote Board 4 RITSON RD ibe! ise! Diel RA 23-3461 pace 4 bedrooms newly decorated New furnace, purchased a new anxious to dig throughout owner ha home and i pose Low and balance For further R $9.99 $2485.00 SABYAN down cheap as rent Is, call Rus RA 5.4840 payment ror CJL. coll DODD & SOUTER PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE MV Byron Strest South MO 8-529) PAINT det evenings Roofing, Chimney Eavestroughing, Painting, Decorating AM Werk Guaromiesd. thi ffice 43 PARK a