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The Oshawa Times, 19 Jan 1960, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY Our system grants citizens more freedom of speech than anyone but the most foolhardy would dare to use. WEATHER REPORT Windy with considerable drift- ing snow and occasional snow flurries, remaining cloudy through Wednesday. Cooler. fie Oshawa Sines Authorized os Second Class Mail 89--No. 14 Maritimes Blanketed With TORONTO (CP) -- A wind- whipped snowstorm hit most of southern Ontario Monday, cover- ig the region with a fall of three to six inches, one of the heaviest this winter. The siorm left the area after midnight, swirling through souta- ern Quebec and on towards the Maritimes. The snow belt stretched through Windsor, Lon- don, Toronto, Ottawa and Mont- real. Scattered snowflurries and cor siderable drifting was forecast for Southern Ontario today. In most little but storms, bydro ) and palr work was hing fered. The Bell Telephone Company moved emergency radio - tele- phone vehicles into some isolated communities Monday night for| use when communication was considered urgent. Communities where normal telephone com- munication broke down included Elora, Fergus, Listowel - Ayr, Drayton, Erin and Mono Mills MORE TROUBLE Telephone wires took a beating in the Shelburne - Orangeville area northeast of Guelph where the: crushing ice storms had taken a heavy toll of power and communication facilities About 6,000 subscribers in(@ southwestern Ontario were still |across broad areas eastward. Snow |cent of its 4,000 rural customers in the Orangeville area by to- day. The snowstorm slowed down repair work and caused some new breaks. Vishility at the height of the storm was poor on most high- ways and roads, but lower speeds and cautious driving down any substantial increase in the number of traffic accidents. CHICAGO (AP)--A far-reach ing snowstorm that developed over Texas during the weekend hammerd the northeast Unitec States today, dumping heavy falls in many areas. It wa blamed for at least 18 deaths mostly in highway accidents. ortherly winds, trailing the storm, brought cold Canadian air southward from the Rockies It was far below zero in sections of| the Rockies. | The weather bureau in Boston warned of heavy snow in south- ern New Hampshire and southern| and central Maine, with falls up to eight inches in most areas and up to 10 inches along the Maine| coast. Fairly heavy snow also| was reported in eastern New York state, The snow belt extended from western New York state into lower Michigan, but westward the snow diminished consider- ably The storm earlier left snowfalls| without phone service as a result/of more than a foot in some areas of breaks 5. Ontario Hydro said it expected Ww have Powe r © restored to 90 per caused by previous the Midwest Highway crews worked to clear. huge drifts from many roads. Schools were- forced to close in Canadian Control Of A-Warheads OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis- i ' in Canada re: with the Canadian government. | This was the prime minister' s| statement that the United States should have no special custody or ment control over any special category ant defence questions "and meets ry jy 'there would be dian control of their use in ada--a reference to the nuclear|of anot her infant, the Bomarc anti. |tim Commons reply Monday night to|aircraft missile and possibly to| Aside from the weather there Opposition Leader Pearson's atomic depth charges warheads for from the U.S. with whom owner-| says operational/ship would continue to rest. Can-| Mr. is ignoring vitally import- | of weapons in the possession of the anxiety of the people with Canadian forces Mr. Diefenbaker's assertion that Canada will retain full free- appendage of the us dom of choice and decision in the continental use of nuclear warheads in this global strategy which is increas- country came just before the 10|ingly even in its own country?" 1 p.m. adjournment SPEECH UNFINISHED The Commons had listened to; the prime minister for 1% hours after a speech of more than 2% | hours by Mr. Pearson. Mr. Diefenbalker didn't finish his speech--he probably won't until| later this week--and CCF House| Leader Hazen Argue didn't get| on at all as the 10-day speech debate was launched Mr. Pearson off start because of the introduction of 29 bills, two of them govern- ment measures which would give the franchise to Indians living on reservations without them having to forfeit their exemption from income tax Today the Commons interrupts the throne speech debate to take op emergency legislation provid- ing cash advances to prairie farmers for snowed-in grain. OPPOSITION MOTION Mr. Pe oved fidence mx ainst ernmen The motion said the "failure" of the government to form cledr and consistent policies is a ma-| Jor cause of "confusion and un-| certainty" about defence, public finance, agriculture, ms arket Ss, employment and other areas of government responsibility In his uncompleted speech, Mr Diefenbaker denied any such fail- ure. He also announced the govern- ment will establish a royal com- mission to recommend means of tfunning government more ef- ficiently and economically. He said the commission will be set up along the lines of the United States Hoover commis sion, but did not say when it will be set up or give any other de- tails except to say that the ter will receive consideration the Commons 'later on.' TALKING WITH U.S. Mr, Diefenbaker said tions are under way w on arming Canadian forces with American nuclear weapons The government felt should be no increase ® go a non-con on he gov- in negotia- there clear arms. Therefore, would obtain nuclear warheads CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 meaningless cliches." cloud, kind," year-old Bowmanville grocer who mat-| ~ P aome here day with the U.S Montreal and eventually to Hali- ax the ed number of countries making pu-|SPonsibility Canada business. Montreal hotel, I can't remember re later 10 where 1 was trying to close couple of real estate deals, then one afternoon I returned to the {Cornw |realized [knew I had to get back to Mon-| treal and to my relatives. "Are to be an we conte . , tied to its and, indeed, coming under criticism throne I WILLIAM TATE AND MRS. TATE Grocer D Weird Experience BOWMANVILLE "It was a weird _ exp went through ®r a blackout said William H. (Staff) --| nce 1 g in a of some Tate, 51- as missing since Christmas Eve hen he left here on the late R train for Montreal Mr. Tate returned to his farm about four miles west Monday morning after a 24- absence which took him to 0 "After 1 'plioned my wife in Montreal Christmas Day, I seem- to lose all my sense of re- to my family and rented a room in I a the name of it, then about a week Halifax I can Halifax a remember hotel whe re 1 was staying -- when 1 sudden something was wrong the allis nl 1 I the move |46 passengers and a crew of four. shortly before the crash. |as to exactly how many Ganka jy Dons wise was no immediate hint as to why Pearson said the govern-|/the plane crashed aboard. flight folk, Va plunged to earth its {10:30 p. m. due in Norfolk I boarded a train and went Whe SIXTEEN PAGES Price Not Over Post Office Department, Ottawa 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1960 ATOM CENTRE NEAR WINNIPEG 11,000-Acre Site Project To Start Next Summer - OTTAWA (CP)--Canada's sec-| The research centre is close te {ond nuclear research centre will Whiteshell forest reserve. [ta phi £ ES SMASHED SCHOOL BUS bama freight train after the | injured eight tragic collision at a crossing | school bus driver which killed four children and | Alabama, Monday. to pry one school ! ont 'of this Ala- trea iis chief | of a executive U.S. diplomats knew of no out- problems between the and Japan that Kishi might | to take up with Eis a] L S. | want {hower. Under the new becomes a full-fledged 21y and | us a voice in any U.S. activi- ties that might involve her in the Far East. MUTUAL DEF The U Japan age treaty, Japan| 0 near > a The airline resolved a question| There were no Canadians 525 was teuters today paratroop Gen, eves as escribes The talk was general, Williams aid, 'When 1 arrived in Mc ntreal Sunday afternoon I called 3 wife's niece, Mrs. William (Rbse) Quirk and she and her husband came to the station to meet me. "That night she joined me on the train to Bow manville to make sure I would have a re-occur- rence of the same thing "I don't what or even what ended it that really puzzles me now is that packed nea all my clothes lo go to Montreal for a three- even plod suit' need to take wi "Another peculiar J S ] [be built on the east bank of the; The new centre will start as a {Winnipeg River about 60 miles;small unit but will expand as ew reat of the Manitoba sap nuclear research expands. It tomic Energy of Canada ay : imited announced today h that of the Chalk River pro- The Crown - owned company ject, which has grown steadily 1 in 1944 Premier Nobusuke Kishi ar-|said whe senhiow lithe Whiteshell nuclear research and now employs 2.500 persons. (ranged to visit the Ww hite House |travel to the Far East this year. establishment and will be located] The Winnipeg River plant may today to sign an historic treaty|The president plans to 20 te|on an 11,000-acre site. Some work be the site of the mext major between Japan and the United South America next month and will start next summer, but the/project to be undertaken by thers and the (States, to Russia in June. |building of research facilitief is Atomic Energy of Canada. This Workmen labor o - Fackler, | The treaty would raise Japan, i» oowmawos THURSDAY |not expected to begin before! may be a power %reactor fuelled Rear ra * once an enemy pow to they i 4 Thy sie 91, |with natural uranium and con. bus from status of equal partner ix U.S wad Ties 0 morn. The Winni peg River site |trolled by heavy water but ------ Japanese relations and officiall, x scheduled with|chosen after a survey by engi- cooled with an organic material ; place her in the free world's x The arrangements| neers from the Chalk River,| "It is expected that work on POSSIBLY 50 KILLED camp. for lunch at the White atomie project, is midway be- such 2 plant will begin early im An invitation for an Eisen- to be followed by the|tWeen Seven Sisters Falls and 1961," the company's announce. hower visit to Japan also was igning in the east room the town of Lac du Bonnet. | ment said. carried by Kishi from mansion. | Shawinigan Engineering Com. of state, Emperor Hirohito. {pany of Montreal has been ranted a contract for over-all iu oenas site planning and development |with the assistance of Winnipeg um er {engineering firms as required. ® » Set Aside |EXPAND RESEARCH | Trade Minister Churchill an 1 11 ] 0 ess nounced last October that a new nN >. omy 8, Nia. (OP) fub nuclear research centre would be Ba nas, ordering Prime Minister built in Manitoba to make pos- is ia lara} 3 i . Diefenbaker and a high-ranking gible further expansion of nu- HOLDCROFT, Va. (AP) -- A|from under her," said Robert H. outside, my whole yard was fuli Goin U CE PACT . member of the Progressive Con- |elear research EXpanE) country. Capital Airlines plane, frantically Tenc whose farmhouse is only of smoke fron the engines. ih = help defend servative party to appear as wit-| = Mr. Churchill said then that circling at housetop height in alabout 300 yards from the crash| «J went back in the house, and| nst attack, and prom- nesses in a civil suit involving " ae ; Pisialenhivmiine wo . ia i consult Tokvo before! : the Chalk River plant is eonsid- blinding fog, crashed on a marsh-|scene near the Chickahominy|al] of a sudden I didn't hear any-| OTTAWA (CP)--Canada's u . i [election funds, were set aside to-|ored to be near maximum size land hilltop here Monday River. "She came straight thing. I didn't hear an explosion employment picture near the nad any major changes Miday by the Newfoundland Su- for efficient operation might, ye 50 persons toldown." land I didn't feel a jar. {close of 1959 was better than a M€R Or weapons based in Japan. | ome Court. 1 Decision sidential + | i Japan pledges to help defend sti i i i ™ on a residentia area eath. Tench said the plane, which| "All of a sudden, everything Year earlier but the number of) Jap 2 ; Pp | Mr. Justice Sir Brian Dunfield, ron" omilovees of the Whiteshell ry ing rescuers still had not/had left Washington for Norfolk|was quiet." |jobless was moving up at about {he us, at this Pledge Is an obviously angry, said he could oii blichment will be made been able to get close enough t0|at 9:48 p. m., was perilously low the same rate as usual, the gov- : ed to Japanese territory {only suppose the subpoenas were| ithin eight to 10 weeks white-hot wreckage to Tre- and circling, apparently lost in {SUMMONED HELP ernment reported today. cause Japan's constitutional Te- issued "to create a political --__ A the bodies of the victims-- the heavy fog and light rain,| Tench went upstairs then, saw| Jobless were estimated at 370,. PUnC iation of war is inter preted| sensation." | [the beginning of the fire that(000 near mid-December, 74,000(28 bauning the Sending of Japan "I should like to make it quite! » . "It came pretty near hitting subsequently swept the plane and{more than November, and those|6S€ forces outside Japan. clear that people who attempt to| its 1Cer Tench said. summoned police. |employed totalleg 5,861,000 for a| The treaty is to last at least|use the processes of the court in od} "Th ll ELL aml: TA ons flo} decrease of.90,000 in & month. fio, ve years and indefinitely there-|this way do so.at thei: personal] confirmed as presence! it 'was. 30 a that when I went) assembiy and apart td a wing] Almost 90 per cent of the em: peril. | the 50th vie- ltorn off by the crash, burned for|ployment drop came in Quebee i al, hours |and the Atlantic provinces. Ag: CHILD PLACES The charred trunks of trees/culture accounted for most 2 i) |protruded upward through the with most of the remainder oc ets a ki {flaming fuselage as the plane lay|curring in other outdoor activi-| { TELEPHONE CAL lin a pit it had dug in its fall. [es, mainly SONS ruction, - .. wa : ! {Police kept hundreds of curious e seasonal decline was errence ahoney, The jet-prop Viscount, Capital SHELBURNE, N.S. (CP)-- [siontsoe or a safe distance and checked in Ontario by increased Satellite City Near Hamilton {Fernhill Blvd. driver Pp a We 20 from Chicago to Nor-| Telephone operator Madeline |). oq roads leading to the|activity in plants that had been | TORONTO (CP) Construction will start within two |that injured a police constable via Washington, Allen asked the routine ques- |$cene. affected earlier by steel short-| months on the first' stage. of $100,000.000 lite ito. at Christmas eve -- was found shortly after| tion, "Number please?" | It was the second commercial/ages caused by the United States) g 5 stage BPI saietliie city Bt | guilty of driving while his ability the time she was| She received an answer |... icocter of the New Year|strike. Mild weather helped on| was impaired and sentenced to | that was something other |and Virginia's second in less than| the Prairies L. Alan Wayne of Flamboro Park Developments Limited [14 days in the county jail Mon- "She seemed to come down| than routine. ia vasa three months. | The 370,000 estimate of those| said plans already drawn call for a $50,000,000 expenditure |&= by Magistrate ¥. S. Ebbs ike somebody pulled a rug out| A child's voice said Math- | Thirty-four persons died in the| Without jobs and seeking work) op acres. Tde firm holds more than 1,000 acres in the Police Constable Brent Snow. er's in the back yard burn- {mysterious erash of a National Was 70,000 better than the 440,000 den was directing traffic at the 3 bid corner of Queen and King streets Shortly after, the child's i th adian" capital, the project features superblocks of about 150 |y q it ; Sel Y Jan. 6. Last Oct. 30, a Piedmont |high for the month. ; when he was hit by Mahoney's mother came to fe Joe Airlines plane crashed on a| The post-war peak for any| homes, planned arteries, provision for shopping centres and |car. He suffered a leg injury and phone and was horrifi to |mountainside near Waynesboro,(Month was 587,000 in March,| other community facilities and areas for light, showcase in- |Was off duty for two weeks learn that Deb ella ad |Va., with the death of 26 of the|1958. dustry | The accused testified he saw mace a L lon The December employ Ef 1th lie but hi i 127 persons aboard. he Jecember employmen ie policeman but his attention The four - engined plane, flying|ure compared with 5,680,000 . . was diverted because of a crack to Nova Scotia. by instrument Zed was piloted |the previous December, or 181,- 'Belleville Coach Fired {in his windshield and the. traffic by Capt. James B. Fornasero, 50,/000 in the previous December, or BELLEVILLE (CP)--lke Hildebrand, playing coach of (signals. He said that when he bette: the world champion Belleville McFarlands hockey club, today |2POlogized to the constable he The rise in employment over or vy of tlie: Year was shared by: all ve: fired and replaced by former goaltender Gordie Bell Worry I guess it is just an gions and most industries. Lars : occupational hazard." * ; est gains were in Ontario and the| Was asked to resign a few days ago but refused. | Dr. R. O. King, called to the Prairies, and in the services and police station to examine the ae- . . Besides the cetimate of outrien: E Y€NCh General Called To Paris Seated that he did't seem nn inc Tia jobless, the government 'indicated| PARIS The French government sum- servation. The only indication of 35,000 persons on temporary lay-| moned Jacques Massu to Paris from Algeria alcohol was "nystagmus of the g tha eel A ; ~ T 5 4 according "tor LOS ANGELES (AP) off--iest than a musthagt D in connection with a West German newspaper article which blood psgpis Bi 22 pai Bi childhood playmate of pretty reasons did not appear. ..|vember and 26,000 in December, | |thousand. An accepted standard Carole Tregoff says he intro-| Williams, a law student, said|qo; | Algerian policy, French defence ministry sources said. duced her to a "shady charac-{Miss Tregoff came to stay at hi a SP AR al Ll : fe his capabilities, from murder or|lasi May and June, any activity like that." | Williams said Finch visited the With this testimony by Donald house and she explained he was 8. Williams, 21, the prosecution|getting a divorce. Then, one day, opened its attempt Monday to tie| Williams added: {haired mistress into an alleged criminal activities or people in- plot to kill Finch's estranged|volved in criminal activities. The wife. {closest thing I knew was a boy 3 reportedly was connected with is ck fo death lat Jus 18 th "rackets in faneapolis. 9 pens; : Subsequently, Williams said, he suburban West 'Covina. The rich] Re an ex-model and once his re- 0ff's request in a restaurant ceptionist, are accused of mur- {with a man named John Patric dering her to clear the way for be b give her a share of the "She asked if he was a mur Ie] 'esuale. derer . or a thief. He made 8 Miss Tregoff's lawyers lost a|eonversation which pointed to the mony--given the country grand individual." jury earlier--about an 'asserted deal to kill Mrs. Finch for $1,400 {northeast reach a size comparable WASHINGTON ( AP) Japanese, The Wh ie House Jot Yet said the cenire will be known as since it was established section of an A ] 1 C I the north-eastern outskirts of Hamilton. Planning consultant : 1 . Shai . area near Waterdown. Financed by private but '"'fotally Can- ing trash.' {Airlines plane near Bolivia, N.C.,|0f December, 1938, the post - wa y priva U otally Can their home in Alliance, Va, 181,000 better. | was told by P.C. Snowden "Don't [1] New Testimony Club officials said Hildebrand, in his third season as coach, | trade industries. |to be intoxicated when under ob- -- Altify Monday but for unexplained 12 compared th 21,000 in No- " ns 0 quoted him criticizing Presidents Charles de Gaulle's is 1.5 to indicate intoxication. ter," and 'she wanted to know| grandparents' Las Vegas home| ' |Dr. R. Bernard Finch's red-| "She asked did T know of any Mrs. Barbara Jean Finch, 36,|10 college whe liad & friend who surgeon, 42, and Miss Tregoff, 23, {Teg nted @ Meeting Ai Mis their own marriage without hav- spirited fight to prevent testi-/fact that he was a pretty rugged offered by Miss Tregoff. 'Bow'ville Mayor Gets High Position TORONTO (CP) -- Mayor Wil- Soh Jl fred Carruthers of Bowmanville « »d president of the On- tario Fruit apd Vegetable Grow-|? lers' Association at the annual § |econvention here Monday. Other officers: Vice - president, |G. Ross Bruner, Ruthven; secs retary - treasurer, Dr. John F Brown, Milton started it, One thing SHARED APARTMENT In other developments: Three apartment house man- lay lagers said Finch and Miss Treg- new off shared apartments dn't even suburban Monterey one in Las Vegas, Nev thing about! Television detective Mark] stay in the hotels is that 1|Stevens was quoted as saying he| under the name oflhad offered Mrs. Finch a re- don't know volver shortly before her death from. He told the Los Angeles Mirror- News knov bougl a rich was el 1 me red Ta n: I came t it on, or finish it, I don't know, unless it was, "I was so shocked at what she, Chairmen of other divisions: business pressure told me about her husband's at-| Arthur Kemp, Burlington, Apple| "One thing I do know though|tacks that I felt she should have|section; Don Wright, Harrow, is that I'm going to have a rest|some protection. When she re-lyegetable; Arthur Shantz, Ridge- and see a doctor before I go/fused to take the gun, 1 got' ajyille, tender fruit; Earl Sergeant, back to the store, Tt feels good!jackhandle out of the car and Leamington, greenhouse; Leon to be back home, and it was a made her take it. I fold her to/Van Neck, Blenheim, Onion;| real weird experience I've beg] wal op him with it." Paul Klie, Harrow, potato; we throrgh,". said Mr, Tate. Stevens was scheduled to tes- Nickerson, commodity, PAKISTAN PROJECT VISITED istan's minister of public works |- was visiting the multi i-purpose Canadian money Colombo Plan, 0. H. Moran, right, Canadian | High Commissioner in Pakistan [ le Ye rides with Lieutenant - General | Mohammad Azam Khan, Pak- or trolley from a 3%:-mile. " long tunnel, part of the Warsak project near Peshawar. Moran | built with 80 million dollars of | a roject hich is being -~AP Wirephote

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