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The Oshawa Times, 19 Jan 1960, p. 3

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THIS in Oshawa tod: bou § bu 1 1 0 Vere ppled in Orang e area I'his pic e poles snow scene blinding snow casionally dwind gave many Ont ties their heaviest fall of winter Monday, Many tel Town Council 'Writes Board BOWMANVILLE Tov to w ad ne South oad th ommun e by council voted the public the and a ne li lo apologize for not answering the board's correspondence November 18 The f§ section of board letter adv its last meeting the lo assume of extending th Hig street watermain. It understood the ap proximate $ This section of ceived and S.R eorrespondence € mstructed by the board E: e stat do coun s attent 1eque was forw would appreciate a > many requests mg the past vears for side in the areas near Vincent Massey and Ontario Street Schools. NO ACTION TAKEN | Ax you know, we have asked for sidewalks in these ferent times it has been taken board had a reply ter," the letter read Mayor W. D. Carruthers stated be did not recall any discussion Im council about the request for sidewalks at the two sc When asked whet was ever discussed by advisory board, Police Chief Ber nard R. Kitney said the board tried to include in the budget last year, provision for the tion of one block of sidev Church street at Vincent Massey and one block of sidewalk on On tario street at Ontario Street School. Council decided eave sidewalks to the roads and streets commitiee for f the Fu study to bring a rep to next meeti of counc Another suggestion board, that expected the ne Lord Elgin Public School on Higl COMING EVENTS As Seven $4¢ board velopment since Viayo lann ed counc board a re of cost would be he letie 0 filed James told co to nd and see 1s of that land 18s valks Sche having ad proble CITY AND DISTRICT SIX CALLS wa Fire SIX routine since - Monda vere no fire alarn nage areas dif n this ma Osha ported s Department re ambulance morning < ca hools There JRS AT at ng of the ar ed Harold David farold Baker William Rot Dr. J. Wilkinson and Rota f. Bea Herbert Cole, of Whitby Elliott, of Peterbor VISIT( ROTARY Visitors hé Monda I eon lo ( Oshaw: neet 1b of ne son, Ll con Mike ert Osha ton and ough bh k on an a ans Gif and Norman fo the ) SPOONS PRESENTEI ur members of the Ro 0 a Spoons ort b celebrat Those Geor Stew Two Suffer Minor Hurts rece € 1 a th S St FERNHILI pm. 20 games jackpots. Door KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY, JANUARY 19 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUS Nos. 56 and Bingo, tonight alon $6 and S10 prizes people ved minor ee S e collision Av vehic neoe at Lloyd e 7.05 am ariver 531 sed toda one « Albert St nose Beatt Ihe of Lyman received al J 54 Jackpot passenge NIGHT OF C Adelaide and S Bridge sive Euct Tues, Jan Admi Refreshment ed at O ta There was 30 damage to Hosy $4 Genera ated ARDS gt Beat car was driver 294 Olive car was est at $3 I'he third vehicle oF Public Utilities bus. it driv by William P. Smith Corbetts Rd. There w » bus second car B ge io Robi Ave re thi d 0 26 a was 134 no dam en as OSHAWA KICKERS St oday Milton Roxborough Ave driven by 146 Glad extensive Albert 35 am Invites oll of Oshawa to t tume boll, Saturday 23 8 PM. ot Hall, corner Bloor ar Streets. Meal ments. Please tume dr by a people + ven car rnefl, 1 was 54 e great co January was aAWI0r 're was Lawlo vehicle Dam was ca the HEAR! LARRY HENDERSON ter other Nationally Known Radio and T.V. Newsca See his color motion picture of THE NEW RUSSIA "JOURNEY TO SAMARKAND" REVEALING THE Rf ( VIVA A O'Neill Collegiate and Voc FRIDAY, JANUARY 22 8 PM. ADMISSION $1.00 SIGHT GREETED - THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Jonuery 19, 1960 3 SCHOOL BOARD BRIEFS Foul Language - - or Brings Fine 8. G. Saywell, former chairman of the danger to children of the of the Oshawa Board of Educa-|old barn on the Wilson Senior PICKERING (Staff) -- James tion, G. Fletcher, former vice-|/School site, the Board has de-| Nickerson, 17, of Georgina street, chairman, and the principals of cided that the maintenance staff Pickering village, charged with of Cap. De three high schools in Oshawa, should remove the hazard. creating a disturbance in a vil- L. Roberts, H, E. Murphy, lage restaurant on Jan. 1, plead- and N. A. Sisco, will meet with) A meeting, in camera, will be ed guilty. the Durham County and District| held Wednesday evening to dis-| Mrs. Gerda Neddlekoff, a wait- High School Board regarding the cuss requiremenis for the pro- ress, said the accused came into admission of Durbam pupils fo/posed 8. McLaughlin Col- the restaurant about 2 a.m. He {Oshawa high schools m 1960-61, legiate. pushed against the booth seat Monday night. and was disturbing other patrons. The City Solicitor has advised When she objected, accused used A letter from the Federation of the Board that the Ontario Muni-|filthy language Women Teachers of Ontario has|cipal Board has approved the : . ak been received by the Board stat. |debenture issue to the amount of as. Nedaickort £1 she 2A ling that the Association is spon-|$131,600 for the purchase of thrown out of one restaurant and isoring an Education for Leader- school sites as previously ap- could leave this one if he didn't ship conference in Westbury proved bv the Council. like it 4 Hotel, Toronto, February 12 to : The Adelaide McLaughlin The language used was repeat- Home and School Association will|®d in court by Assistant Crown A school orchestra will be en- be allowec to use the school for Attorney Bruce Affleck. he explained, that teachers in On-| zcked tered in the Toronto Kiwanis|a night of eards, January 26. | "Is this the kind of language tario had carried the burden of He said he would never have Music Festival with the best : vou use when vou are sober ?The the. Week for the rest of Canada voted for it if he had been aware wishes, and fee of $6.50 paid by Wilson, fine will be $35 and costs er ten for too long and this year had de- hat so revolutionary a move was| He Board. the Board i itor - cided to let the rest of the coun- argo, He moved that "this board le 30a1¢ 10 rei tne auditorium The Board will heed the ve- at the E. A. Lovell School, Mon- St t Pl graphs will be replaced each year Backus, deputy business admin q try go ahead in March withoul participat ' Sy : participate ip. Ugnadisa Educa quest of Dr. C. M. Elliott that day, January 25, for a recital, for at 'least three vears, thejistrator, will represent the Board| ¥ndustrial Builders, Osha w a, them, tion Week', and that the matter , 9% George Drynan was almost be referred to the Education com 2500 pupils desks will have to be replaced during the next ten Board decided in answer fo alat the convention of the Ameri- 14 got successfully started at request. of the music supervisor,/can Association of School Ad-| je luncheon meeting in the Hotel speechless. "'Are we going to be mitiee to make arrangements for "" informed by the teachers that On- suitable broadcasts in March. years. and asked that a report on all|ministrators in Atlantic City,'Genosha. Monday pianos and phonographs Officers were elected. Bylaws | Draws Fine QIBL Plan $75 And Costs Explained pi 2 ph ph _ should)|February 13 to 17 PICKERING (Staff) William Associa-| The Finance Commitiee w John Cameron, solicitor for the Med : " oat Fe. ATT EYE EN 20 4th Concession, |. 1v-formed aly Ww RL strial fions willing to provide new meet with Miss Helen Pardon to DEX! meeling were arranged Pickering township, charged with!B ild ¥ ted a a red before phonographs should be allowed to|discuss public school teachers'| The officers for the new com 2 re uniding Limiied, appeared belore g, o, "ine Board ruled salaries and report back to the pany are: Lou Panteleo, presi careless driving was fined 75/ council Monday night to explain Board. dent: Wm Ridgely vice-presi and eosts 10 davs bv Mag. the organizations' plans 8 EDUCATION WEEK | Tie-In With U.S. Irks Drynan Ontario will remain part of tario is no longer part : Canada as far as the Oshawa ada? Were boards of education Board of Education is concerned. asked whether they would co- operate with the United States or Canada?" he wanted to know.| Mr. Roberts id he was op- posed to the ehange himself and would like to see a motion op- posing the move go oul from the board, But he went on to remind the Board members thal Oshawa was to be the centre of Educa- Roberts, principal of {ion Week for the province and #|OCVI, pointed out to the board that they had agreed to this that the Ontario committee for when the question first arose last Education Week had decided this|yeay, year to tie in with the United" "Dy you mean that the separa- 14. tes and celebrate Education tionist movement is going to start Week in the fall. The feeling was, iy Oshawa?" Trustee Drynan A committee, consisting of | Warned by the City Engineer The point was raised at a meel- of the board's committees onday night bv a notice from the Radio Station CKLB, that it would as in presenting in- formation to the public during Education Week, March ing An accordionist, W. F has been granted permission by days HM. B. Armstrong, chairman of the Building and Planning Com mittee, W. J. MacDonald, inspec Two pianos and ten phono- tor of public schools, and J R. | Rika Y storms MOTORISTS TODA towing com n Oshawa did greatly n during the Several panies contacted not report any creased activity storm telephone report any The repair continuing to re lines, and long ines, that were the recent ice and area does in service breaks service Rogers, of are lar distance toll Nn: i ng Os a Times P ™ 'aged during hawa Times Photo ot The question of a second op- dent and N. Goldman, secretary- 1A $1500 15 tunity class for senior girls in Letters have been received (reasurer of OIBL is prepared to pay istrate Crawford Guest in Pick $ pre] o for one acre of land on the east 1960 should be referred to the from the city solicitor, advising H The directors are as follows "Inte ering police court on Monday Picker the OBITUARIES GRIGG 'on Th died lingering i M McLeod 5, 1868 da M Donald N est nine children predeceased ago Constable Al Delaney, ing Village force told a that he observed the leave Pickering Village at a high 18 tion court anua 14, after accused dea is will by the eight MRS LILLIAN MAE I an -Mae Grigg a General Hospital on Mon- ness ol d of road south Api and compo builders, beca possible tenant chase across tory building have been approach five the 2nd, Concession and north on ed, The idea, in the words the Brock Road, Pickering, the [ou Pantel vice president officer said speeds 110 miles the OIBI to Kenneth an hour were reached. In one gst med on the stretched he clocked the accused, of on of Huron for 41/at 90 miles an hour and couldn't grected well known gain en him leasing 3 Rogers 1es speed December m eld p last of In the subsequent of 11 rate on ness no buyers uch a the se after it s ers as Board the her of whom nea ner Ezra oC Bow 81st man year and Liza Years Francais, On Janua and united in 1 43 McLeod. They tenth conce King vears, where she was for her kindness and 0 of 902. she was ol s to "help attract in manville to course be with to Oshawa for or ) : in defense ¢laimed Indust mn always ready to do the ; and he wasn't there at the time. He Mi Cameron the gracious act. She was a life long; 4 af Pickering at 11.30 and OIBL. was requesting an option daughter Mrs, member of the Presbyterian gone straight home. Rogers mot- 00 an additional six acres, at Oshawa. and Church and a faithful member of her testified 'that he had come $1500 per acre, be exercised Kenneth ofthe Women's Missionary Society. ; ... ai 11.30 and had gone out in three years. But, added Mr In 1943 they again in a station wagon. Cameron, the builders wanted a lage of Ripley. After the passing restriction in the deed stating that McLeod in 1952 she made Rogers said two other fellows the Jand could not be resold un with her daughter and|and a girl was with him in the tj) a building had been built on ember of ) ' proposed ( hospitali his G kind said that reorge George her 1957 ceased Gr mn by one year on July ell of to Allen and Thomas Grigg of she has one sister of Oshawa. Theiof Mi at the Gerrow her and retired to the vil of the 'eom- agree- ig. home A 1ape I'l asked (phe show said to we the is designed speculators 'Go-Cart Had No Licence be We ine ted sda by tree n Bowmanville cemetery be street East n was abeth Erie Joseph) DISTRIBUTE PILLS works em KARACHI (AP) Distribution (cP 28, a eily TORONTO 8 entire I'he side of Farewell, south of the eqycation and property eommit- that the Ontario Municipal Board Kassinger, A. W. Banfield, C CNR tracks, for the purpose of {eps for recommendations and ve- has approved issuing debentures Henderson. 8. Jackson: and. one erecting a 10.000-square-foot in- ports, the Board decided for the R. S. McLaughlin Col other. The other director will be dusirial binding ne legiate ($1 0.000) the two r00M | he newest member of the com- I'he t termed I'he Board pay an addi- addition to Cedardale School any The Share has been speculative ganiza- tional premium of $600 io their (850,000); the senior public school pay but the is not vet cer Oshawa present liability policy which willjon Wilson consisting Fk BI Ake Mame IS 20 x or protect the interests of the teach- of 10 classrooms, a general pur- employees of the School pose room, home economics room Tokai Cstoeron i he Hrms for a three-year term. ard general sho (313.400) the job of setting up the by laws that were discussed at the Monday meeting. Sid Hopkins is CITY COUNCIL BRIEFS the auditor for the company the aty It was decided that designs for the buildings will a possible factory should be the idea of selling' Council was informed by letter] Community Recreational Asso- shown at the next meeting in the new or expanding from A. L. Robertson, associa-| ciation that Edward Hotel Genosha, Tuesday, Jan. 26, Oshawa tion secretary, that the Canadian Bind Fletcher at 12 noon. Bands Association will hold its : The idea of having a factory znnual convention in Oshawa this Iofthouse and S. A. Cross be the ready-built in a city to help en 15-17 CRA's 1960 represeniatives on courage new industry, has been the Oshawa Recreational Com. compared to having a model The Honorable Robert Winters, mission home in a sub-division. It gives president of York University ; y the industrial com missioner board of governors, advised soun-| something to show potential Osh- cil that the board has decided H. Kassinger, president of the awa industries to defer consideration of specific/Oshawa Builders Association, All the members sites for location of the university said the association noted with pany seem in complele until a policy concerning size and some surprise that William ment this idea will go over bi basic program of the university Ridgely had not been reappoint- - has been developed. ed to the Planning Board. Feel- ing that the OBA should be rep- The city of Windsor requested resented on the city planning endorsation of the following reso- beard, Mr, Kassinger offered to lution: "that the Legislature submit a list of all builders'| (provincial) petitioned to names ¥ requested by eouncil. | {amend the Municipal Act fo pro- | PICKERING (Staff) -- Wayne vide that any proposal by a coun oy idren's Aid Society advised Kerr, Fairport Beach, was tv council to underiake extensive council of its 1960 program of charged with allowing another to alterations or additions fo a court maintenance and improvement perate a motor vehicle without house or jail shall be determined and requested approval of _ & licence. He pleaded not guilty, by arbitration, unless the coun- ques Pp] a a Pro- in pickering police eourt on Mon- : posed expenditure of $1119 for ; cils of the eounty and the eity| a) jiterations to provide gay. a agree io such alterations or addi- oc. ac P! Constable John Pugh said he sions:" space. investigated an occurrence in re- sponse to a complaint and saw a J. D. Marl, secreiary of the MH. E. Robinson, president eof "Go-cart'", a vehicle five feet in Kinsmen Club of Oshawa advised the Oshawa Chamber of Com- length and powered by an air council that George Russell and Merce, advised council that its cooled motor, being driven on Jack Menzie have been appointed representatives to the Industrial Fairport road He followed and member to the Kinsmen Memorial Stadi- Commission for 1960 are James I! was riven into a sideroad. " Skinner and Mr. Robinson. Accused admitted ownership Church um Commission. and that it was not registered. pa n 5 pM Q . ., Mr. William Xurelo was ap- Board of Works chairman Wal- cp2p state. Guest regisieied 4 pointed by the Oshawa Minor ier Branch read a bylaw suggesi- cis or ten days. Association as iis repre- ing the reappointment of Everett the Oshawa Chil- C. Warren for another five-year Commission, for term io the Oshawa Suburban Roads €ommission from She her vas Hockey senlative to dren's Arena 1960 WEAKLING NATION MONTREAL (CP dians are in danger of becoming a nation of weaklings, Professor tobert Wilkinson of McGill Uni versity told a service club Mon day. He said schools should de- vole a minimum of two hours a week to physical education TO PAY ECULPTORS HAMILTON (CP) Board of control Monday approved pay ment of $250 to each of six sculp- tors for models they made of pro- posed works for Hamillon's new hall. The city hall commit tee had rejecied all 15 paintings and a piece of sculpture chosen for the $10,000,000 city hall by an FUNERAL THOMAS CLAUDE Requiem Mass OF REYNARD for Thomas Claude Reynard, 401 Francis street, Whith who: died at the Toronto General Hospital last Thursday, was sung in St. Greg ory"s Roman Catholic Church, Oshawa, at 11 a.m. Monday, Jan. FAST CRUISIN WASHINGTON (AP) The government Monday awarded a contract for a hydrofoil ship de- signed carry 100 passengers at speeds of up to 90 miles an hour. The Maritime Administra- tion said the vessel will be able to travel between New York and Cana by - Gladys BRIEFS 'SENATORS WASHINGTON (AP) Allen W. Dulles, director of U.S. Cen- tral Intelligence gave senalors a Youth Fined secret briefing Monday en world M of to awa city of PC LEADER TO QUIT > Derby will Leo A the Eva Church, Wi Clergy in the pa of St Roman Cz hy sang sanctuary in Murphy of Quesnelle Mahoney of Osh- there sto p.m Rev on. KEntombment Cemetery elis the the Union his s at eep I'hornton's Interment was in Mount Lawn Monday Hircock in his 81s he were H. Rey G. Reynard, and D. Love- e service wil] son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Barrie! car Magistrate Guest land Jan, 20, at 2 p.m. MacKenzie in Ajax. Six years Where his witnesses were Rogers This Rev. Mervin Bury ag0 she had the misfortune to/replied, "They wouldn't come'. are not United Church (break her hip and has been in Mrs. Rogers paid the fine. solicitor ated ashes will be in- failing health since that time. She bore her suffering uncomplaining iy and had a smile to the very CAPSULE NEWS MRS. BURNHAM W. HINKSON end Member of one of the district's Mis. McLeod is survived by pioneer families, Mrs. Burnham {Wo daughters, Margaret, Mrs. hd W. Hinkson dies at the family Barrie MacKenzie of Ajax, Anne, M residerce, 39 Bruce +. Mrs. Norman Murray of Tim ur er Tl awa She was in and granddaughter Bonnie Born on Bloor west in Murray. A daughter Isobel Whitby township, her maid passed away Blancy i en name was Claretta Elizabeth! The funeral service whic or Im oO ee Dearborn, the daughter of Eliz- held from the McLennan Funeral | Henry and Edward Dear- Home in Ripley was conducied She married to Burn- by Rev. D. Neil McCombie on i on on Jan. 1. 1901. Friday. January 15 at one o'clock, McNeil, Whitby. and spent her With interment in Ripley ceme- ployee. went on trial Monday of contraceptive tablets as a fam fe in this community. tery. A large number of friends charged with murder in connec ilv planning measure started ate Mrs, Hinkson was a/@nd relatives aitended tion th the fatal stabbing of Monday throughout Pakistan, of Centre Street United! The pallbearers were six/fellow roomer Hugh Gillis, 38, of Five hundred thousand tablets javing taken am active nephews of her late husband, Toronto last September. Crown Were iver lv Eovermment hosp the life of the church|Alex and Ross McKenzie, Frankicounsel told the jury that theitals, dispensaries and maternity early' vears and Delmer Lindsay, and Orland stabbing followed a night - long and child health centres for dis- predeceased by her and Wilmer McLeod. drinking and card party. tribution, husband in January, 194], and by one brother, Warrep Dearborn September, 1954. She is sw ed one daughter, Mrs Lawson, and her sister G. Storie, both Osh Also surviving are a number nephews and nieces I'he body is resting at the Me h Funeral Home. The fun service be conducted in on Thursday Rey It will be con- John W. G. Dick-|tholic vill be in the/mass mausoleum. cluded Rev. W. J Grimshy, Rev. A. G JOHN W. HIRCOCK of Whitby, Rev. F. § The death occurred suddenly in and Rev. L. T. McGough the family residence, ®W& road south, early Jan. 18, of John Ww. Cemetery I'he deceased, who was The pallbearers had not been in nard. F. Reynard some months. M. Heffer, J. Heffer ate Mr. and lock Hircock, the de-' The members of St Gregory's born at Ripley, Council of the Knights of Colum shire, England, April 1, bus held prayers at the McIntosh 879 and was married in England Funeral Home on Saturday night n 1906 Corr year for the w. Was good h A son Vrs, Joi ceased of MRS FREDERICK STIRE of Mrs Frederick in her 73rd year, o Canada in 1905, Mi seltled at Cobourg where The operated a brick yard until Stire, when he came to Oshawa. at her home at 13 McLaughlin Since time he operated a sireet, was held from the Arm- market garden strong Funeral Home, Monday While a resident of Cobourg he Jan. 18 at 2 pm active me d Nass / a ' member of the Interment was in the Oshawa mgregations 1 I ' tong aliona ™ furen and yyion Cemetery Mauseleum, and ing Sunda chool at Hall's jatar in Welcome cemetery. The orners Y 3 Prey : Rev. N. F. Swackhammer econ redeceased by his wile, the ducted the services ormer Ellen Rowe, Dec. 19, 1958 1 : A Hircock leaves a daughter Pallbearers were: Fred Etcher Violet - Hircock and two Morley Fiche: I Eicher, S John and Bert, all o Donald Mastin, Arthur Eicher and Oshawa Arnold Etchey Also Mrs - Soldier Must Be of Cobourg; Thomas, Tried For Murder Nathan, of Osh- PEMBROKE (CP)--Pte. Don- Ephraim, of Nelson, ald 21, Monday was or- three grandchildren, dered to stand trial for murder Lloyd and Robert in the death of his four-months- old son Roger Ellis, a Canadian ng H he 1920 cock funeral who died al vas a Carlson Jr. surviving are two sisters homas Basinger (Annie) Oshawa and Mrs, William Nellie of London, Ont brothers Albert Benjamin of Smith and George, of Bowmanville and and as wa lis B.( H service will be VicIntosh Funeral Wednesday, Jan. tioned interment in Osh- wa Union Cemetery. Rev. John! Eve after the baby died in hos- Moffat, minister of Sime oe/pital of multiple skull fractures United Church, will eon- and brain hemorrhage he services Pathologist Dr. 8. T. Babra said at the preliminary hearing ISABELLA McLEOD Monday that Phe injuries w a oy township | flicted by repeated blows to the years, head Isabella McLeod, wife of the! Ellis, a native of Brantford Kenneth McLeod passed lived with his wife and their one at Fairview Lodge, Whitby, child outside the eamp. member Horse Artillery sta nearby Camp Peta as arrested Christmas of the Royal eat 2 al} ed by foilo awa K Huron for many e away $10 And Costs conditions which Senator Albert RED DEER, Alta. (CP W ( T "we . 3 icve (Dem. Tenn said could SEEK SPEEDUP J. C. (Cam) Kirby, leader of the PICKERING (Staff) Ross GCORC ar ; " . Adams, 19. of 33 K dv road, Mot be reconciled with "a policy TORONTO (CP)-City eouncil Progressive Conservative party dams, 8 : ennedy road. { defenc tbacks." lit "Sy spins . a 1 .Scarboro, pleaded guilty to al0! delence cutbac will ask. Meiropolitan Toronto in Alberta, said Monday will i el woh councilsto speed up east - west submit his resignation to the Charge of careless driving before subway construction, it was de- party's annual convention in Ed- Magistrate Guest in Pickering cided Monday. The program now monton next month. Party leader Police court on Monday. is scheduled for 10 years. for 18 months, Mr. Kirby said he was resignin because of the pressure expanding law busine obligations his family. art jury he REDS BACK DAM €AIRO, Egypt (Reuters)--Rus- sia has agreed to finance the sec- ond stage of the Aswan high dam in Egypt, the government an- nounced here Monday. Russia al- "The accused's father told ready is financing the first siage the court, "Anything I might say|with credits worth about $100,- would be detrimental to my son. | 000,000. He is not working, but has a! - When the accused was stopped . Sed he could give no reason for his . 1 NIONS SEEK $7,000,000 excessive speed, police said. TORONTO (CP)--City council was told Monday Toronto civic unions want a $7,000,000 wage in crease in 1960 which, if granted, will eost five mills on the tax here, and to U.K. DETECTION LONDON (Reu LINE Ne otia Bermuda in eight hours. Most cruise liners-take about two. days for the trip. TALLY-HO ROOM A RENDEZVOUS FOR DISCERNING PEOPLE HOTEL LANCASTER chance to work if he will stay ata between the Britain for the mis oe station, tions have staried United Stales and NEED BILINGUAL STAFF building of a TORONTO (CP) Bilingual early warning system applicants should be given spe- probably in Britain, a defence it will probably come out of your| cial consideration when the next ministry spokesman said Monday pocket." The father agreed. vacancies occur in York Town- nig The on would use' Fined $10 and costs and licence ship fire department, township high-powered radar. suspended six months SAVE ON QUALITY FURS! bill. Magistrate Guest asked the father, "If I impose a heavy fine, | ballistic cillor Walt Saunders said an Italian-Canadian would be use- checking homes for fire haazrds. Reeve Chris Tonks said a Duich-Canadian or a German Canadian might also be eon- sidered 12 KING E. WILDERNESS AREAS TORONTO (CP) About 30 parcels of crown land in various parts of the province, all under 640 acres, will soon be set aside under the Wilderness Areas Act, Lands and Forest Minister Spooner said Monday. 'Our aim is to preserve these lands for posterity as nearly as possible in their natural state." he said. SHOULDER : PORK CHOP MEATY PORK HOCKS BOLOGN SKINLESS FREEZE TO DEATH ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) A woman and her five children apparently died of exposure Sun- day night when their small home on the Alaska peninsula was blown down in a snowstorm. Au- thorities said the bodies of Mrs. George Wilson and her children were found by Wilson when he returned from visiting friends FAIRCLOUGH SUMMONSED OTTAWA (CP) A summons was served Monday en Immigra tion Minister Fairclough 'in con nection with a libel suit launched against her by Weldon Chan, Hong Kong-born Chinese sought for deportation. Mrs. Fairclough has 21 days in which to enter a REDUCTIONS 50% AND MORE! OSHAWA'S ONLY QUALITY FUR HOUSE! Compare the terrific values at Marten's where quality always eomes first! Now ot emazingly low prices ! MARTEN"S FURS 75 KING E. OPPOSITE GENOSHA HOTEL Buy One Pound ot Regular Price RA 3-3633 Meat Specials! Tues. & Wed. WIENERS 2 ..69° Wednesday Only! Breakfast BACON : Get One Pound Free! 2 LBS. 85° 9.1.00 END €UTS 25¢ BY-THE-PIECE LB 29: | defence.

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