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The Oshawa Times, 19 Jan 1960, p. 5

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WHITBY COUNCIL KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS | pate in the forthcoming cere- consist of members of the order residing in the town of Whitby and vicinity. Second and third degrees will be held terborough Sunday next where members from various points in Ontario will partici- The first for the Council | Damage Is $450 | In 2 Accidents | : Damage totalled an estimated, . |$450 in two week end accidents) |in Whitby. No one was injured. | | On Jan, 15, at 8:50 p.m., a car| |driven by Daniel J. Gould, 29, of| 11030 Centre St. N., Whitby, yas lin collision with a car driven by 4 Frank Lambert, 43, of 211 Rose- By CLIFF GORDON |dale .Drive, Whitby. Police said| whitby Hillcrest Dairy Jrs. {that Gould was driving north onleame up with a terrific perform- {Brock St. S., and Lambert wasiance here last night as they {making a left turn onto the street|trounced the Newmarket Smoke- |from 208 Brock St. S. rings 7-3 in a regular league | Damage to the Gould car was fix: {set at $125 and damage to the Lambert car at $25. | points over the Newmarket 'eam | PC James Hooker, of the Whit-|and the Whitby team have one by Police Department, investi-lgame in hand. gated. CHARGE LAID {by scoring attack with two goals A charge of failing to remain|-yith single counters going to at the scene of an accident was|Ken Roberts, Ernie Mills, Bill laid by Whithy police following|Lundmark, Terry Tavis and Mike investigation into an accident at|Morrison. the entrance to Fairview Lodge, | For the losers it was Maxiner Dundas St. W., on Saturday after-| wiih two and Cullen with one. noon. Charged is Arthur Boucher,| wayne Daniels played in goal 27, of RR 1, Raglan. !for the Hillcrests and played a | Police reported t a car driv-| standout game. {en by Harry Hinkson, 62, of 101} The Hillerests drew first blood {Mary St. W., Whitby, was pro-|in the opening period as they| {ceeding west on Dundas St., and|capitalized on a penalty to New-| [slowed to make a right turn intoimarket. Roberts was the trigger) the lodge driveway. It was struck| man with Elmer (Daddy) Tran from the rear, said police. getting the helper, The Hillcrests Damage to the two cars was/came right back and took a 2-0 estimated at $300. |lead as Nicholishen literally bull- | PC Morley Nicholson, of Whithy led his way through the Newmar- |PD, investigated. i ket defence and went right in WHITBY SPORTS SPOTLIGHT Smoker and scored. Whitby drew three penalties to one by the visitors in. the first period. WIDE OPEN PERIOD re. The win increases the member- | to right: R. Boyle, Y. Paquet, Smyth, | R. Norris, A. Cafik, J. Kapus- chairman: J. Bawks, District | cinski, L. Steffler, G. Steffler, Deputy; Rev. Leo J. Austin; | D. O'Connor, A. W, O'Connor, H. Walters, membership com- | A. Van Hezewyk, J. McCarrol, mittee; and L. Reeves, finan- | Ed. Finan and Victor Scott. cial secretary. Back row, left | --0Oshawa Times Photo Ed Samanski, ship committee; J. tee; Posing for the Oshawa | are the new | | members and officialy of the | Whitby Council Knights of Col- monies. Times camera umbus. Seated left to right: M. 0'Connor, membership commit- WHITBY And DISTRICT | By WREN A. BLAIR Motors Midgets WITH GERRY BLAIR PINCH-HITTING The game between the Whitby Dunlops and the Annual Meeting House Of Windsor The anr Y e; Whitby District High School. The House J students were Miss Elaine Spen was held a cer, and George Hiemstra. An ad- Hugh T. Nicho ditional sum of $125 was given as drive the second installment of a $500 The Regent bursary presented in 1958 to presided Geoffry George. Fifty dollars A was donated to the Ajax Whitby fashion s Pickering Association for Retard- Davies. T' ed Children, to help equip their will be he school. District During 1960 the Chapter will will be adopt an orphan in Korea, Mrs. H. Wright, services convener, will make the necessary arrange- ments. of Hillcrest Vickery report wa by the Mrs ion show 9'at Whitby The tickets will be two hats and for nittee was ap- penditures for] Mrs. D. Wells, the assistant ; are mem- secretary, will henceforth be the tee: Mrs C.|corresponding secretary, and] Freek, Mrs. J. Vickery, Mrs. J./Mrs. D. Hill, the recording secre: | Davies, and Mrs, S. Roblin. |tary. | Annual reports were read by] The meeting was adjourned the standard bearer, the secre-|and refreshments were served by tary, the treasurer, and the edu- Mrs. D., McQuay and Mrs. D. eation secreta Wells. The executive for 1960 is as fol- the lows: regent, Mrs. J. Vickery;| on 1st vice-regent, Mrs. M., Detlor; j2nd vice-regent, Mrs. J. Harvie; recording secretary, Mrs, D, Hill; present at each mee oughout year, and show and YEAR'S ACTIVITIES Kitchener-Waterleo Dutchmen, originally scheduled for Whitby tonight has been switched to tomorrow evening in Kitchener. There is not enough time left before the Dutchies depart for Squaw Valley to en- able them to play it in Whitby, so they had to ar- range for the home game in Kitchener, and the only night available was Wednesday. This game is of the utmost importance to both clubs, being a four-point- er, otherwise they could have probably just let it pass. Whoever emerges victorious tomorrow even- ing will have a four point lead over the other and a lenghty lead on the balance of the OHA Senior "A" group. Near League Lead | In a spirited, fast-moving game Cook's Esso team downed the Mrs. W. Pellow - in the Whitby Midget League, the Pickering team 7-1. Goalie Jon | ntertains {boys of coach Ted Keenan down-|Cuddy held the opposition to a bo oe ed Elgin Luke's big Redmen'3-2.|single goal for a second time in a The regular meeting of the The win moved the motors men row and his play is nothing short Whitby WI was held on Friday ality within two points of the lea-/of sensational. Young Skip Toy ie home of the president I'S.|gue-leading Bandsmen. and sturdy Pete Lawson J oe. ellow, with a delicious Suzriied bv. a. 8b effort by scored twice while Marchant, ee ™ aiater and, al he {winger Bobvie Campbell, the Auteep and Moove comected ff There 'were 14 members and one| Brock Motors team displayed > Bie Pete Boask was afforded visitor who may join the institute|their early season form and it idle rolection in the. Jatter later. proved Top Juch Jop Ve Jeague Stages = the Pickering boys ap- Tk ting opel ith Mary: PS. ' 1 are reak ' Dre: Stewart Colgr folowed by" a DAF #1 hard working Gary Mi eared lo weaken under pressure yayer by Mrs. Frank Roberts. Cae) .scored..10r..coach an| 2°' ens of making P It was decided to send another While big Ron Bremner and Ted sh one bi gl maling 2 Sen donation to Mrs. Wheeler for the TUOFIZYKS Jnllioq =n = loshg = form. 2 handicapped children he > 3 00k' i rw | The a Mrs. Alma Dewey shine (in Doug Harvey fashiont| For Cooks, Suip a is leaving for Florida next week/on defence for the Brock Street oD strong and effective game and all members wished her a team while up front Gary Mitchell HWEOR of Z fence was very of. good trip and safe return. and Bob Campbell gave out with fective and has become a very A vote of thanks was given to 2 Ste Ea fine player. Mrs. Pellow and Mrs. McLean >* 9 of standing: for the lovely dinner and it was|Puck they are hard to beat. |g ague Standing: Eandomen: suggested the WI make the din-| For coach Luke, defencemen |p...) 19. Pickering g ner an annual affair, {George Ashby made some strong| mon "goal scorers, Moore, 14; Business being completed meet. end to end rushing and a heads up| metcher, 8; Bremner, 7; Camp- ing adjourned and a social half/game was played by centreman bell, 7; Marchant, 7; Ashby, 6; hour was enjoyed. Bryan Fletcher. Dave Maundrell T horndyke 6; McLean, 5: Chris- The next meeting will be under continues to show steady improve- tie, 4: "Dair. 4: Toy, 4; Tran, 4; the convener of Mrs, Frank Ro- ment on defence and is becoming waltham 3 ' terts on Friday, Feb. 19 and the one of the league's standouts. ' meeting will be in the Council Chambers, Tonight at Maple Leaf Gardens the Whitby Dun- lops host the Russian, Moscow Selects starting at 8:30 p.m. We would suggest to those of you who will be attending to leave real early due to the adverse weather conditions plus the huge crowd expected. The parking facilities will be hampered somewhat by the heavy snowfall, causing more delay. The game itself should be a real treat. We had a preview of the Soviets on Sunday afternoon in Kitchener, and were really impressed with what we saw. Whitby will have a few additions for tonight's affair, Moe Ben- oit, defenceman with the Belleville MacFarlands will probably be playing. Others that could possibly be in action, are Jim Connely and Gary Sharpe of Chat- ham, and Bob Rousseau from the Jr. Canadiens, We are guessing on the latter, having seen where Mon- treal have offered him to the Dutchies. for the tour- COOK'S SCORE WIN nament, If this is so, it would give them a chance to | - In the second game Gord Prats OBITUARY see how he would measure up against International n _|corresponding secretary, Mrs. D. |{Wells; treasurer, Mrs. C. Freek; |citizenship, Mrs. J. Davies; serv- |ices, Mrs. H.. Wright; education secretary, Mrs. S. Roblin; Echoes, Mrs. J. Gartshore; stand. ard bearer, Mrs. J. Wall Unity Club The secret ported there meetings and one executive meet- tng during 1959. In March, a fashion held at the Whitby I i School. In M a pot-luck supper was attended by members and guests, At the September and Oc- tober meet hite elephant auctions were held to raise extra funds for Ci er activities. - On Oct. 23, the Autumn Dance El ts Off was held at the Club Bayview. ec 1Cers Because of the large turnout last| The annual meeting of the Unity fall, it will be held annually from Club (Rebekah) of Whitby met at| now on the home of Mrs. William Pellow| During December, there was no/and was preceded by a dinner| regular g stead the|of turkey and all the trimmings members | ner at the Fly-/which was enjoyed by 15 mem-| ing Dutch 18, a|bers who braved the icy condi-| citizensh given for tions to attend nearly ho had just] At 8 p.m, Mrs. James Brough, i enship papers. president, opened the meeting | ts mee Dec as were with the Lord's prayer. Thank you| and dis- cards were read. Mrs. Smith orly resi-| Wilkinson, vice-president, gave ige. A ham- the annual report of visiting com- ifts was given mittee. Mrs. Wm. Pellow pre- sented the treasurer's report for » member-/the preceding year. paid up The elections were next in or- der. The slate of officers for the Freek, ensuing term is: President Miss sipts for Sally Jones, vice-president Mrs. ; the total Wm. Hewis, secretary-treasurer| $1226.30. Close Mrs. Wm. Pellow, press corres- t in the town of pondent Mrs. James Brough. Thanks were extended to Mrs. y, Mrs. Pellow for her hospitality. The rsaries of meeting was adjourned and a so- led to two|cial evening of cards was then from the enjoyed with an exchange of gifts, to $1100 Whitby The e 8. Robl $100 each students gradua WHITBY BREOC Phone MO 8-3618 Now Playing EVENING SHOWS AT 7 & 8:20 LAST COMPLETE SHOW at 8:20 H PARADE! DAVID TOMLINSON PEGGY CUMMINS RICHARD CLAIRE MARY BURTON BLOOM URE The stage sensation is on the screen! ADULT ENTERTAINMENT | competition. One thing for sure, he certainly has the |Kemp, of Dundas St. E. A chick-| PETER RUSSELL WORFOLK skating ability required for such an event. en supper was served and then) Funeral services were conduct- [the cutting of the birthday cake.|ed in Bradford on Monday for Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Peter Russell Worfolk, a native of liam Roach, Mr. and Mrs. (Bud) Whitby. Mr. Worfolk died in New- Cooke, Miss Irma Haskins, Mr. market Hospital on Friday, Jan. William Vaughan, Mr. and Mrs.|15. He was in his 72nd year. Charles Kemp. Miss Gail Cooke, He is survived by his widow, and Mr. Grant Edwards called the former Edna Webb, two later to express birthday wishes daughters and two sons, Julia to Mr. Smith. (Mrs. R. Noble), James and John Mr. and Mrs, Charles Kemp,|all of Toronto, and Marion at Dundas St. E., were guests at home. the home of Mr. and Mrs. John| Also surviving are three sis- Morissett, Mary St., and Mr. and ters, Bertha (Mrs. J. Parker) and Mrs. Albert Macintyre, Eulailie Iiazel, both of Whitby, and Char- | Avenue, lotte (Mrs. G. McBride) of St. been arranged Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hunter and Thomas A birthday party was held for family, of Gravenhurst, were, The funeral service was held Mr, W. Burton Smith, 301 Col-|guests at the home of Mr. and|on Monday afternoon at Bradford, borne St. E., arranged by Mrs. Mrs. Harold Stacey, of Ferguson with interment at St. Paul's Cem. Smith and daughter Eleanor|Avenue. etery, Coulson's Hill. WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs. E. A. MacMillan, of Whit- by, and Mrs. Clarence Penfound, of Courtice, represented the Osh- awa CGIT Board at the annual luncheon and conference of the Ontario Girls' Work Board held at Yorkminster Baptist Church, Tor- onto, last Saturday. Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson, of 306 Kent St., is celebrating his 6th birthday to- day. For the occasion a party has Kitchener-Waterloo Dutchmen, Canada's repre- sentatives in the Olympics gave a good account of their abilities against the Moscow Selects on Sunday afternoon in Kitchener before a capacity crowd. Rus- sia, as they have done in the past, started off fast, beating the Dutchies to the puck, and doing a master- ful job of forechecking, also handing out some stiff checks. Their ability to break from their own end together, had the Dutchmen baffled for the first half of the game. There is also the tension that ac- companies a game of this nature which played its role in the first half, but as was the case with the "Dunnies" in Oslo, once the Dutchies found them- selves they really turned it on, scoring six goals without a reply from the Selects. Players from the immediate Kitchener-Waterloo club who played stel- lar games were, Don Rope, Butch Martin, Darryl Sly, Ralph Hosking and Cesare Maniago, who had very few shots to stop in the last half of the game, but what action he had was handled most capably. Hurley, who played the first half was the victim of all four goals, but it wasn't necessarily his fault. There were five players from other OHA Senior "A" clubs performing who will probably bolster the club in Squaw Valley. They were, Bobby Attersley, George Samolenko and Harry Sinden from Whitby, and Gary Sharp: and Jack Douglas from Chatham. Of these five players, Gary Sharpe and Harry Sinden were the best, with Bobby Attersley and Jack Douglas also showing well. Attersley didn't start to skate until near the end of th second period, but from then until the end of the game he made some fine plays. George Samolenko unfortunately never did get un- tracked all afternoon. Last Saturday night here in Whitby, the "Dun- nies" kept pace with their co-holders of first place (Kitchener) by beating the Windsor Bulldogs, 5-2. Bobby Attersley led the locals with two goals. Other week-end action 'saw the Belleville MacFarlands ab- sorb two shellackings. On Saturday night the K-W Dutchies swamped them 8-1, and on Sunday after- noon the Windsor Bulldogs whipped them 9-1. Un- doubtedly they are not receiving first rated goaltend- ing as a result of Gordie Bell calling it quits, Bob Senior, who was acquired from Springfield will not be available until Wednesday of this week (Tomor- row). Turk Barclay has been filling in, and probably is giving his all but it just isn't enough for this tough league TOWN AND COUNTRY .... Windsor Bulldogs | are right back here this Saturday night, and having picked up a big win on Sunday afternoon to halt | their seven game losing streak will be flying. We were talking to playing-coach Jean-Paul Lamirande prior to last Saturday's contest and he said his leg was not healed completely, so another week's rest should see him in tip-top shape on Saturday night . . . We would like at this time to express our deepest sympathy to Arnold Etcher, the score keeper for | Whitby, and his family on the passing of his mother ure. Hillcrests' league lead to fourji Dave Nicholishen led the Whit-|V! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Jonuery 19, 1960 3 Hillcrests Scorch ings 7-3 Here road conditions. , . . Elmer Tran was one of the happiest fellows on the team as his wife present- ed him with a bouncing son earl- _, ler in the day. Manager Ashton The second period was a wide caus that his team made a rec- open affair with the Hillcrests ong gag he signed the youngest g plenty of fight and scor-iniaver ever to sign with the ; power. The Whitby team ran Whithy's Jrs., just 13 hours old. their total to seven, on goals by gave he can not realize the Nicholishen, Lundmark, Mills, name yet. D and Morrison before the SUMMARY isitors managed to break 1st Period through the armour of Daniels in| 4 Whitby: Roberts, E. Tran 5.18 Whitby cage. The visitors 2. Whitby: Nicholishen, clicked for a pair as they capi-| Middleton . : 8.39 talized on a penalty to Middle-| Penalties -- Tripp 1.37, Cullen ton of the Whitby team for the 400, Lundmark, two minors, first one and then scored an-|y304. Middleton 17.09. other as the Whitby team ap- : 2nd Period peared to relax with 12 seconds| s wnithy: Nicholishen, to go in the middle stanza. F. Tran, Mills ST There was only one goal in the| 4 white. Lundmark final period and it came off the] Nict fishen. Mills stick of Maxiner who took a con-| g whithe: Mills, siderable bit of riding from the| Lundmark, Nicholishen 12.11 Whitby. fans; | 6. Whitby: Davis, Roberts 14.17 The next home game for the 7. Whithy:. Morrison, Hillerests will be one week from Luke, Rowland last night when they will host Newmarket: Cullen, the Orillia Bulldozers. | Clifford 4 | ICE CHIPS . . . Whitby took| 9. Newmarket: Maxiner- almost two in one in penalties] Hills-Shannon ..... . 19.48 last night as they had an 8-5 edge! Penalties -- Mills 4.07, Luke in that depart . Referee 7.47, Bone 12.21, Middleton 16.08. Simcoe got a lot of riding from 3rd Period the Whithy fans for some infrac- 10. Newmarket: Maxiner, i they thought he missed by| Hills . 12.20 wmarkei team. . . , There, Penal'ies -- Maxiner 4.11, Rob- sood crowd on hand erts 5.40, Clifford 9.05, Middleton night despite the horrible 16.11, Bone 19.51. ees 1118 8. Russian Press Terribly Dull By PRESTON GROVER | Pravda appears most of the The Soviet time with four to six pages. There virtually no advertising in the oscow press. But even so these o. four to six pages have a scanty t chance of publishing as much §. Khrushchev, news as big North American its, has said a dailies. ; lot of the 1 dull. He has| Into those four to six pages can {said it is nec y to' read for be poured very often more bore leign papers to know what is go- dom than is likely to be found ing on in the world -- but for the in any other press in the world. ordinary Russian even listening| The newspapers rarely erit- Ito foreign broadcasts is pre-|icize the central government. (vented. : | Nevertheless, a paper some- | The Soviet peoples have an en. times will criticize some regional {ormous press to read in 67 lan-|Or republican government and hit |guages. Many are avid readers, |its officials with fury. The law of |The reported circulation of news-|libel does not seem to protect of- |papers and magazines is so large|ficials or others who come under |that virtually every family must Press fire. Frequently the press [have access to one or more pub-|attacks are' followed quickly by {lications. local governmental shakeups. Of- The newspapers are getting ac-|ten the changes come so fast that cess to a bigger body of news|there can be no doubt that the distributed by the growing powers that be directed the press agency, Tass. Except for the big|attack in preparation for a shake- central papers in Moscow and |out. the Moscow radio, Tass is the . sole supplier of foreign and big SUAREUPS FOLLOW tack th Iscale national news. It is a state e papers rarely attack the eer rns 2s A So oes The Soviet Union has 7,686 'ore the hice o | newspapers. Add to this farm and|morality police who took it upon [factory newspapers, cinema themselves to beat up students |groups and the like and the total Whose conduct they didn't like. | swells to 10,088. | A few months ago there was an "By far the biggest is the Com-|exposure of black marketing and munist newspaper Pravda Price rigging in stores, with the (Truth) with a circulation given Press treating the whole affair by its editor as 6.000,000. It is the With he deadly scrivusess o s only big Moscow paper pub-|major heresv. ere is rarely a |Tishing seven days a week. {heht touch although the humor mete -- -- | magazine Krokodil takes gay pas. |ses at many subjects and many jemme -- not too high up the gov. (AP) - | Moscow } lly is uniform (© |Union's press usu lin tone, but fr {among the new rging improvem Police Seek | Well-Shaven Burelar Joe aces Whitby police are searching for records in tonnage and yields in a tidy, clean-shaven burglar, who|1959, the Canada and Dominion ransacked a Whitby home and|Sugar Co. said Monday. made off with an electric shaver., The 1959 crop year saw more It was one of two housebreakinsthan, 503,000 tons of sugar beets reported over the week end. [harvested from 34,000 acres, a The family of Gordon Miller, 308 record yield of 14.7 tons per Cochrane St., returned home on|acre. Average sugar content, Sunday morning and discovered however, was the lowest since their home had- been entered but{1921 -- 13.81 per cent. ernmental ladder. Set Record In 1959 CHATHAM (CP) -- Despite ad- {nothing appeared missing, Police| |investigation indicated that the| dow, then broke a pane of glass] in the rear door to release the RUMMAGE SALE Another home entered while the HOMEBAKE SALE occupants were absent Saturday lor, 123 Palace St. Her son arriv- ed home about 2 a.m. Sunday 2d) 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. A search of the. house indicated] d that two of the bedrooms had been Saturday, Jan, 23r shaver: was missing. Police investigation by PC Mor-|| 3rd Whitby Scout end Cub Ladies' Auxiliory {burglar had removed a storm win-| catch. | night was that of Mrs. John Tay-| COUNCIL CHAMBERS found the front door unlocked searched but only an electric Auipicss. of ley Nicholson, indicated that the burglar had broken a basement window to gain entry. | Painting and Decorating--W inter Rates pe GEHL { Dodd & Souter AN % Paint & Wallpaper a EAS He ; 107 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY ONT. 'Estimates Phone MO 8-5231 SPRING IS ON THE WAY If winter comes, spring will | spring does roll around, he has surely follo says Steve Pele- | s ed to keep track of ti shok, service station operator on | t Bro: St. S.--and just to show | 1 that ne will be ready when IN Mrs. Fred Stire. Also to Whitby Dunlop player, Fred of Etcher, a grandson of Mrs. Stire . . . Hockey fans of Eddie Litzenberger of Chicago were stunned by | the news of his wife's death and he being seriously | injured as a result of their car hitting a viaduct , .. | trout schedule in the background and no doubt wishing that were il trout season op py J P a fly rod, not a snow shove Above, Steve clears londay's near blizzard, with his ' Oshawa Times Photo Painting and Decorating--W inter Rates "1 (NEXT TO SPORTSMANS CORNER) nam on >ainting and Decorating--W inter Rates $a30y 423uip\--bu3niodsq pup Buiuing Sugar Beet Growers

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